Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1953)
THE BATTALION Page 3 Three Games Slated For SWC Grid Teams v By Jerry Wizi.i> Battalion Sports Writer Southwest conference football fans face a meager selection of games this weekend, with only three tilts scheduled. Arkansas opens its season against Oklahoma A&M in Little Rock. University of Texas, upset by LSU last Saturday, opens its home schedule against Villanova. V*«RS-TmE-BtST-WCUJRSS-PUW ATRE CHILDREN UNDER 12.YEARS* VKCC •SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO” “TOO MANY GIRLS” — SATURDAY ONLY — “BRANDED” — Color “CASA MANANA” TODAY and SATURDAY NEW FUN! WITH 6 SOCK SONGS! JERR/ MARTIN MS Caddy Donna REED * Barbara BATES TONIGHT — 11 P.M. A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE NOW SHOWING m NOW SHOWING Tliey’rc a Riot in Ruffles» Bowery Boys HUHTZ KALI 'islgyL an ALLIED ARTISTS production A&M takes on revengeminded Uni versity of Houston in what promises to be the best game in the state. The Longhorn - Wildcat contest could erupt into the wide - open, high scoring game so common in the SWC. The presence on the same field of two great running backs, Texas’ Billy Quinn and Villanova’s Gene Filipski, adds to this prospect. Quinn, held to a minus four yards rushing by LSU, was All-SW C as a soph in ’52 and set new con ference rushing and scoring marks for sophomores. “Billy the Kid” gained 535 yards in league play and scored 14 touch downs. He rushed for 696 yards over the entire season, despite the fact he did not break into the starting backfield until the sixth game. Filipski, former West Point player, made Look magazine’s 1952 All - America team. He ranked eighth in the nation in rushing with 889 yards. His 6.4 yard per carry average ranked fourth in the country. Flanking Filipski Flanking Filipski at the other halfback will be Ben Addiego, a ’51 member of the All-Catholic team. Slowed by injuries last year, he still gained 254 yards for a 4. 1 yai-d average. Both are fine punters and have shown well on defense. Bob Volonino, 210 pound All- East guard, bulwarks a starting line that averages 216.5 pounds per CIRCLE , 4-1250 LAST DAY “POWDER RIVER” Starring RORY CALHOUN CORINNE CALVET — ALSO — “RED SKIES OE MONTANA” Starring RICHARD WIDMARK ALEXIS SMITH SATURDAY ONLY Howard KEEL Jane GREER Patricia MEDINA — ALSO — “Devil’s Doorway” Starring ROBERT TAYLOR SATURDAY ONLY libbott tostello fleet Captain Kidd SONGS and SUPER-SAUCV _ ” |aushton mix HILLARY BROOKE • BILL SHIRLEY • LElf ERICKSON AP*D INTRODUCING VVRITTCN BY FRAN WARREN • Howard oimsoale ana john grant OlRECTCD BY CHARLES Songs fey BoO Rulxil »-nwww».*wo» and Lester lee * ALEX GOTTLIEB CHARLE-S LAMONT DISTRIBUTED BY WARNER BR0$ A WOODLEY PRODUCTK PREY. SAT. — 10:30 P.M. RICKARD CONTE -ARLENE DAHL will, AKIM TAMIROFF « IWVERS' Also NEWS — CARTOON man. It is one of the biggest in the country. Mystery Team The mystery team of the SWC, Arkansas, unveils it new single wing offense installed by Coach Bowden Wyatt against a Cowboy team rated the best of recent years. Wyatt starts his first year in the league with a team lacking depth, weight and experience. Neverthe less, some sports writers regard the Razorbacks as the dark-horse of the conference. Wyatt, a former All-American end at Tennessee, compiled a bril liant coaching record at Mississippi State and Wyoming. Lamar McHan, all - conference soph in 1951, leads the Hog back- field forces. He was the leading ground gainer for Arkansas last year with 905 yards and had a 36 yard punting average. Don Babers and Bill Bredde spark the Oklahoma Aggie offense. Dale Meinert, Bud Godsoe and John Payne are veteran linemen. Babers chalked up 493 yards through the air. Bredde had a 3.9 yard per carry average. Weight Advantage The Cowboys will have a weight advantage of 11 pounds per man in the line. Leland Kendall, A&M’s starting left tackle, is the heaviest man on either starting -lineup. He tips the scales at 230 pounds. The starting lineups: Arkansas - Ends Floyd Sagely, 180, and Jerry Bogard, 174; tackles, Eddie Bradford, 198, and Jim Roth, 194; guards, Harold Spain, 196, and Bud Brooks, 199;, centei - , Jimm Cauthron, 196; backs,' Preston Carpenter, 186; McHan, 190; Phil Reginelli, 162; and Henry Moore, 182. Oklahoma A&M - Ends, John Weigle, 190, and Bob LaRue, 190; tackles, Kendall and Meinert, 205; guards, Godsoe, 210, and Payne, 200; center, Pat Fitter, 185; backs, Bob Andrew, 185; Bredde, 190; Dorsey Gibson, 178 and Earl Luns ford, 190. Bail Mistake In Fish List Is Explained The Battalion several days ago asked Freshman Coach While Zapalac for a roster of the fish squad. He was also asked to mark the boys who showed up well in the first couple of scrimmages. He mailed a roster with some names marked and with the notation, “indicates the best boys” in those scrim mages. A mix-up between The Bat talion sports department and the press room caused the notation to appear in Thurs day’s paper along with the roster. “There are no ‘best boys’ on the squad,” Zapalac said to- dafcr, “and we won’t know much about any of them until they have played a game or two.” SEOUL-—CP)—Nearly eight mil lion dollars worth of equipment and materials has been salvaged since the July 27 truce from form er Allied battle positions now in the demilitarized zone of Korea, the 8th Army said today. The salvaged equipment is being stockpiled or used to construct new Allied battle positions. 22nd ANNUAL PRISON R 0 ' SPECIALTY ACTS- D E f Vy-;- a and * v FEATURE ATTRACTIONS 0 RESERVEDfl* 4A TAX SE ATS Inc. SEND’ CHECK Of*. Mci^EY ORDER To Prison Rooro Ticket office OCTOBER 4-11-18-25 PRISON STADIUM HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS Friday, September 25, 1953 BOB CHUOKE — An All - conference offensive guard in 1952, Chuoke was moved to tackle and is expected to be out standing - on defense and offense. He is a senior from Gal veston, stand 6 feet, 1 inch and weighs 205 pounds. News Briefs (Continued from Page 2) HANDKERCHIEFS are least of one Aggie’s worries. One of the laundry stations reported that a student had turned in 51 hand kerchiefs at one time. The highest amount ever charged for late and extra laundry is $2.35. sj: * :js APPEARING WITH the Naval Aviation Cadet drill team this year is Cadet Boyd L. Hamilton of Wichita Falls. Hamilton is a form er student of A&M, now in train ing at the navy’s Pensacola, Fla., base. * * # FIRST LT. James F. Quip ’51, recently received the army’s Bronze Star medal for valor. He is a platoon leader in company B, 27th regiment, 25th infantry divi sion. His home is San Antonio. STOCK CAR RACES Sunday - 2:30 Adults $1.00 Aggies in Uniform . . . .50 Children .50 Two Miles North On Caldwell Highway Hot Rod Hill Unscored On Cats Tackle A A Rattlers By Clifton Bates —. CHS Sports Correspondent .... A&M Consolidated high school’s Tigers will travel to Navasota to night for their third game of the season. Both teams will be seeking their third straight win this year. CHS defeated Bremond 65-0 and Mad- isonville 59-0, while the Rattlers won from Rosenberg 20-6 and from Hcarne 20-0. Good senior leadership is the key to CHS football prospects this year and Coach Jim Bevans is relying on the 14 seniors, including 10 starters, to carry the Tigers through a successful season. Be cause of increased enrollment this year, CHS moved from class B to class A competition. Navasota is a class AA team. The Tigers have one man on the injured list. He is Pete Hick man, who received a broken hand in last week’s clash. Probable starting offensive line men and ther weights are ends Bobby Carter, 165, and Bobby Jackson, 170; tackles Charles John son, 160, and Melvin Free, 215; guards George Sousares, 145, and Jimmy Bond, 150; center Pinky Cooner, 175. The offensive backfield will be Fred Anderson, quarterback, 130; William Arnold, left half, 155; Bobby Joe Wade, right half, 140; David Bonnen, fullback, 160. Defensively, in the Tigers’ line will be Carter and Jackson, ends; Douglas Norcross and Free, tack les; Johnson and George Litton, guards. In the backfield on defense will be Roland Beasley, Robert Cle- land, Wade Bonnen and Anderson. The starting offensive lineup for the Rattlers will be Ernest Gayle and Henry Hair, ends; Charles Spane and Billy Weaver, tackles; Joe Phillips and Milton Boenker, Guards; Ed Rayburn, center. Back- field starters on offense will be Billy Webb, Richard Stone, Antony Licce and IJulon Finke. The first officially recorded game A&M ever played was against Ball High School in 1894. Although winning 14-6, the Aggies later the same season were smash ed 38-0 by the University of Texas. Good Luck . . . AGGIES! Visit Us After the Gaines and Enjoy A Real Treat with B -K ROOT BEER — Also Try Our — • HOT DOGS • CHILI DOGS • CHEESE DOGS Bil - Bera Drive - In 2704 College • Across From Country Club Lake You’re “sitting pretty” behind the wheel Take this Bel Air model. First thing you’ll notice is the qual ity of the interior. Rich-looking appointments. Roomy seats with foam rubber cushions. Turn the key to start the en gine and you’re ready to go. You can see all around You look out and down through a wide, curved, one- piece windshield. The pano ramic rear window and big side windows provide a clear view in all directions. And it’s the lowest-priced line A demonstration will show you that Chevrolet offers just about everything you could want. Yet it’s the lowest-priced line in the low-price field. Biggest brakes for smoother, easier stops An easy nudge on the pedal brings smooth, positive response —right now! Chevrolet’s im proved brakes are the largest in the low-price field. I figure this demonstration saved me many hundreds of dollars! I expected to pay that much more for a new car until I discovered I was better off in every way with this new Chevrolet! Let us demonstrate all the advantages of buying a Chevrolet now! MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVR0LE1S THAN ANY OTHER CAR! You get greater getaway with the new Powerglide* A lot finer performance on a lot less gas. That’s what you get with the new Powerglide automatic transmission. There’s no more advanced automatic transmission at any price. > You get more power on less gas That’s because Chevrolet’s two great valve-in-head engines are high-compression engines. In Powerglide* models, you get the most powerful engine in Chevrolet’s field — the new 115-h.p. “Blue-Flame.” Gear shift models offer the advanced 108-h.p “Thrift-King” engine. It’s heavier for better roadability You’re in for a pleasant sur prise at the smooth, steady, big-car ride of this new Chev rolet. One reason is that, model for model, Chevrolet will weigh up to 200 pounds more than the other low-priced cars. ^Combination of Powerglide auto matic transmission and 115-h.p. “Blue-Flame’’ engine optional on "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models at extra cost. SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! ** Conveniently listed under "Automobiles” in your local classified telephone directory