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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1953)
Page 2 THE BATTALION Friday, September 25, 1953 News Flashes Marciano Retains Heavyweight Title By The Associated Press NEW YORK—Roland LaStarza had the heart but Rocky Marciano had the guns, and so the human block of granite from Brockton, Mass., still holds the heavyweight champion ship of the world today. Few fighters in the annals of the cruel sport have taken a more brutal beating than the ex collegian from the Bronx absorbed last night before Referee Ruby Goldstein stepped in midway of the 11th round at the Polo Grounds and cried enough. ★ ★ ★ WHITTIER, Calif.—The world’s champion milk produc ing cow is dead of old ajje. Pansco Hazel Excellent, who pro duced 275,000 pounds of milk before she was retired last winter, succumbed yesterday at the age of 18. Dairymen say that’s a bovine equal to more than 100 human years. The cow was the mother of 13 calves and leaves 100 purebred Holstein descend ants on the Pellissier dairy farm, near here, where she lived all her life. She won the world title August 5, 1952. it PARIS—The North Atlantic council, governing body of NATO, today announced plans to produce a billion dollars worth of ammunition in Western Europe. The United States will pay part of the bill, but U. S. officials asked the amount of the American share be kept secret. Britain’s Lord Ismay, NATO secretary general, called it the “biggest single pro gram ever presented to the Atlantic alliance.” Object of the plan is to get West European factories to manufacture am munition so the Allies can stop depending on U. S. output. NEW ORLEANS—The season’s sixth hurricane, gaining in both size and intensity, lashed through the Gulf of Mexico early today about 430 miles south of Pensacola, Fla. The day- old storm was moving in a northwesterly direction with winds estimated at 90 miles an hour near its center, and was expec ted to continue along this general course with a slow turn to the north. Vk' WASHINGTON—A Cabinet meeting was called for to day—the first since Martin P. Durkin resigned as secretary of labor in protest against administration handling of Taft- Hartley Act revision. Under Secretary Lloyd Mashburn was invited to represent the Labor department. ★ ★ ★ LAS VEGAS, Nev.—Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes are on the fourth honeymoon for each of them today following the brief flash-bulb-lit wedding in a gambling resort hotel. “I feel wonderfully happy,” the redhaired bride said after the three- minute ceremony. “I am married to the man I really love. It sounds so wonderful to be called Mrs. Haymes.” ★ ★ ★ WASHINGTON—A White House spokesman said today a “complete and thorough analysis” of segregation of Negro and white patients in veterans’“hospitals is underway to aid in bringing it to an end. Maxwell Rabb, White House race relations specialist, said the analysis is being made to work out a technique by which to carry out President Eisenhower’s order to eliminate segregation in Veterans’ Administration hospitals. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions “Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas, is published by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examination and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publications are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and vacation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. JERRY BENNETT, ED HOLDER Co-Editors Chuck Neighbors ! .. Managing Editor Harri Baker. Campus Editor Bob Boriskie Sports Editor Jon Kinslow... ; City Editor Jerry Estes .. Basic Division Editor Bob Hendry ....Feature Editor Barbara Rubin ...Society Editor Bill Turner... * Advertising Manager Special Student & Faculty Rates On TIME LIFE FORTUNE Subscribe Now — No Down Payment Pay When Billed by Publisher Reg. Student Faculty TIME .... . . $ 6 $3 $4.75 LIFE .... . .. $ 6.75 $4 $4 FORTUNE . . . . $12 $7.50 $7.50 PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY with The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Student Senate Sets Year’s Budget Room Changing Delays Publication of Directory Publication of the 1953-54 stu dent directory has been delayed be cause of the shifting of rooms by students, said C. G. (Spike) White, manager of student activities. The student senate budget for 1953-54 was announced recently. OpeiTition of the senate is expected to cost $760. Included in the budg et are funds for operation of A&M’s membership in the Texas Interscholastic Students associa tion, the Senate Welcoming com mittee, and the Senate Social com mittee. Additional funds are allocated for buying Senate membership keys, luncheons for visiting stu dent leaders, trips to TISA district meetings and a general (contin gency) fund. The Social committee has the largest share of the budget with $270. Senate Budget for 1953-54 TISA Ten delegates to Dallas ..$50 Expenses for 10 delegates 60 Membership dues 15 Welcome Aggies Fine American and Mexican dishes cooked to your perfec tion. . . . Visit us this weekend before or after the game and dine in air-conditioned com fort. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 11:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. Located in College Station 4 Blks. East of Hwy. 6 on Sulphur Springs Road ZARAPES What’s Cooking FRIDAY 8:00 p. m. — “T” Association meeting, C. E. Lecture room. Speci al meeting for organization of schedule. MONDAY 5:00 p. m. — Aggieland staff meeting, Aggieland office, Good win hall. All old members and those interested in joining the staff are requested to attend. TUESDAY 7:30 p. m. — AIEE meeting, room 109 of electrical engineering building. Organizational meeting. Pre-med and Pre-dent society meeting, room 107, Biology build ing. Organizational meeting. Building Products Marketing club meeting, room 3C, MSC. A&M Collegiate FFA chapter meeting, ballroom of the MSC. Organizational meeting. WEDNESDAY 5:00 p. m.—Handball club meet ing, gym. « COMING TO A&M! ' ★ ' Joni James / ★ IN CONCERT WITH Buddy Morrow’s Orchestra Tickets on Sale At Student Activities Students — $1 Non Students — $1.50 MONDAY NIGHT 8 P. M. Sales Limited to Capacity of Guion Hall $125 Welcoming Committee Dallas $21.60 Denton 25.20 Waco 12.00 Austin 12.00 Operating Fund 35.00 $105.80 Social Committee Cotton Bowl $20 Texas Round-Up 10 Rice Rondelet 10 Baylor University 10 Cotton Ball 15 (Student Senate duchess and Aggie Sweetheart) Operating fund 50 Senate banquet 130 Meeting refreshments 25 $270 Senate keys $100 Luncheons for visiting student leaders 60 Trips to TISA meetings 25 Contingency 74.20 Grand Total ..$760 News Briefs Gary December Is Fish Band LUL ABNER The Scraggs! By All Capp LI’L ABNER Way To A Baby’s Heart ... By All Capp LEMrr-VO' IS “THE. BABV O' THE SCR AGO FAMBLV, SO IT'S ONUS' FITTEN VO' SHOULD KILI.TH' BABV O'THI YOKUM FAMBLV. Drum Major GARY DECEMBER was named yesterday as freshman band drum major. From San Antonio, he was drum major of the Breckenridge high school band for two years. James Harwell of Dallas, will be assistant drum major. * * * M. V. BROWN administrative assistant of the Agriculture Ex tension service at Prairie View A&M, was here Thursday to con fer with state 4-H club leaders on 4-H club work at Prairie View. * * * “FAULTING off the Gulf Coast Ai’ea” will be discussed by Paul Weaver, geology department, at the first meeting of the Geology club Tuesday night in the geology lecture room. Weaver recently joined the staff here. (See NEWS BRIEFS, Page 3) CARDWELL Flight Academy • Flight Training ■jz Airplane Rental • Airplane Sales On Highway 21 East O G O _ ©H.HOWSAy/ f HAT YfSAe IN PRANCE WAS JUST AFO(?e THE BOTTOM F6U- OUT Of THE X WAS> WOf?KIN' IN T+US f=C>OP€?TUFFS EMR2fZlUM ON THE /PiAV/O&f .WHEN X ... By Walt Kelly YOU MEAN ON THE. p/y/teA, NO, M'SIEUf? , WEU., IF YOU MUST i /SIVE IT THE (PRONOUNCEMENT.'#*'. 1 ANYHOW, THESE I / WA* ON TH/S 3/G \P/i-£- OF CANA!£P e/y/£PA - WENT THE PU.E OF PVlEPA THE CAT, WHOM IT WAS MV \ **..*• ~ r,*-,... PUTT TO it CHASEP EY, CAME \ IN A AWFUL CEASH --"THEFLOqS ALONE SW££KrfN' IN THE MOTHEf? ) SAGGER puiVEEBP, bH j&OQAA: TONGUE.SO I HOLIEKS OUT'- J TMEBOTTOM PELL CWTOPTHE "CAMEMff£J?r. r "(mne* / M4J?A'£rS\NB ALL LANPsPINTHE - - U CELLAg GCggAMlN'gALLIClSMS WHICH ftZUNS FOG "COME OH. BEGC'".THE C/17'g> name BeiN'B£l?TX‘AM> WELLjSlS?, THAT CAT GUV A LEAP -WOW.L pousue AN'" HOW ‘Sout ” LIZA JAN'e'’' P O G O By Walt Kelly stopme if i'm SourL you but IT'S SUCH A CLEAg NIGHT FOg A GOOP TALK’... WELL, WHEN THAT MARKET ON THE (?UE PE LA CHAT COLLAFtSEP ITCAUSEPOUITEA ‘Sfll?" 1929 ~ IT WAS.. £3^- THE PAPERS WEPE FULL OF IT,. people ek\oFhwyx> THE BOTTOM PALL OL/T OF THE MA/?/T£r? HA'. I KNOW.'THEl CAT KNOCKEP OVEE THE CAN' < NEP QCODS. &/£> THE SWEETS] ASKM£? NO. THEY- TH£V M/S//7>OF I ■N TH/NN/N' ANOTHER MASNET 1 A Y’MeAN ANOTHER MARKET COLLAP&EP THAT YEAg? "A MASSET ON WALL. Sr/TFEr. A COiNClOgNOE.' WALL. STPEBT SToge, HUH? SMALL PLACE, NO POU&T-/.'EVES NEAeo oF/r . NO, IT HAP A LI‘L / S’iZE ON IT— Y'EVEP HEAP Of THIS V/Ati- WHAT POLITICIANS AN' f^eEVOLUTIONAKY PASCALS) IS ALLUS -HOLLeK'N'/a^A^VL THAT WAS A OL.' . MVTHOLOG/cFtL. 3E’AST-- vVODDYA Know/ well this 0JG MASKftT CaiLAPiu ./'(A'A'Sim \A!A<3 ux. COP*?. WAL.-T veeuf/