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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1952)
I B. B. COFF. COLLEGE AR; *LSC, FE 3 COPIES Circulated Daily To 90 Per Cent Of Local Readers The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Number 229: Volume 52 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1952 Price Five Cents ftjppK |gg 9- ^ m W4 BANDLEADER—Billy May will lead his “big- band” in a concert and all-college dance Saturday night. ■ VOCALIST—Carole Simpson will add vo cals to May’s “fresh approach” in dance music at Guion and Sbisa Hall. Rue Pina Me Starts ‘May 9 Weekend The “fresh approach” of Billy May and his orchestra will high light the football weekend start ing Friday night with songs by Cai'men Hines in the MSC’s Cafe day night. Friday night songs by Rue Pinalle start the weekend. May’s orchestra will demonstrate why it is one of the nation’s top dance bands at an all college dance in Sbisa Dining Hall following an ♦hour’s concert in Guion Hall. Chest Drive Short by More Than $6,000 “I don’t expect the Com munity Chest to make more than $7,500 when the com plete reports are turned in this week”, said Bennie Zinn, chairman of the Chest committee. Only $4,400.53 had been turned in through Thursday. The goal for this year was set at $11,019. The drive will be extended through Wednesday, according to Zinn. He plans to recanvass col lege departments and areas of the •city that have fallen below the tverage contribution per person <his year. The Chest Committee will meet Thursday, Nov. 20, to check the 'complete reports and vote on whether or not to continue the drive. “Extending the drive will be a big job,” Zinn said, “but it is the only thing we can do if we expect to reach our goal.” If the Chest doesn’t reach its set goal, appropriations of the or ganizations getting money from the Chest will have to be cut. The Chest drive was extended three weeks last year. The goal of $9,850 was reached after money left over from the previous year was added. Buffet Dinner Set ‘in MSC Saturday A buffet dinner will be held in the Assembly Room of the MSC Saturday from 11:30 a. m. *io 1:30 p. m., for anyone who is interested, said Miss Gladys Black. Tickets will cost $1.50 each. Weather Today PARTLY CLOUDY WEATHER TODAY: Clear to partly cloudy. The maximum ex pected today will be in the lower k 70’s and the minimum expected in the morning will be in the middle bO’s, The concert will start at 7:15 p. m. Tickets cost 75 cents and may be purchased at the Office of Student Activities in Goodwin Hall. May will take the band stand in Sbisa Hall at 9 p. m. and play until midnight. Tickets for the dance cost $2.50 stag or drag and may also be purchased in the Stu dent Activities Office. Carmen Hines, who has appeai’- ed on the Arthur Godfrey Talent Show, will ignite the candle light atmosphere of Cafe Rue Pinalle at 8:30 p. m. Friday with her rendi tion of “Birth of the Blues.” Later she will sing “I Wish I Had A Daddy in the White House” and “Be Anything, But Darling Be Mine.” Appears on Television Miss Hines who has graduated from Paschal High School in Fort Worth has sung with local bands in that area for several years. In addition to appearing on television, she is a dancing instructor in Fort Worth. Miss Hines has starred on the Rue Pinalle floor show sev eral times. The MSC Combo will supply the music for Miss Hine’s songs and play for the dancing at the French style cafe. B. Q. (Buck) Evans will emcee the entertainment. Reservations and ticket sales are being handled in the MSC Bowling Alley. Tickets cost 60 cents a person. Eleven Sign For Freshmen Posts Tuesday Eleven students filed yes terday for freshman class of fices bringing- the total num ber of filings to 30. Donald Joe Diersehke, Wil liam Leroy Campbell, and Weldon Walker filed for president and Herbert W. (Bud) Whitney, and Tom R. Turner are running for vice president. Robert C. Barlow filed for secretary. Students filing for treasurer were Dexter Lackland, and Charles L. Willis. Jerry L. Johnson filed for re porter and Richard Gene Tongate signed for social secretary. John D. Cunningham filed for yell fead- er. Others having filed for freshman president are W. H. (Bill) Wil liams, Richard Tindall, Edwin E. Churchill, Gus Mijales, Frank Mann, Wayne Slone, and Charles Davis. Ten students filed earlier for vice president. They are Truman Kerr, Jim Skipto, Dave Davidson, Condon Terry, Paul Holladay, Rob ert McClure, Don Emerson, Roger Whitley, Eddie Joe Dickerson, and Richard N. Kane. Phil McNemer filed earlier for secretary and David Bailey filed for fz'eshman yell leader. Filings will continue until noon Saturday. The election will be held 8 a. m.-6 p. m. Tuesday at the in tramural stand in front of Sbisa Hall, according to C. R. (Bubba) Blank, co-chairman of the election commission. Ballots will be distributed by company commanders in the Si-d Division area Monday night. Fresh man may cast their votes Tuesday in front of Sbisa, Ambassador From Korea Speaks Here Dr. You Chan Yang, am bassador to the United States from the Republic of Korea, will speak on the Korean crisis at 7:15 p.m. Monday in the MSC Ballroom. Dr. Yang is flying to Texas to deliver two speeches, direct from UN headquarters in New York City. His first speech will be here Monday night, the second will be in Houston, Tuesday evening. He has been at the General As sembly since that organization opened its new session and moved into their modern headquarters. The doctor has dedicated his life to driving aggressors from the last square foot of Korean soil, said Lamar McNew, MSC Council president. The speech is sponsored by the MSC council and drectorate. Dr. Yang believes the Korean conflict is an excellent test for the UN, there can be no compromise, and he does not mince words, Mc New added. The ambassador was a noted physician and surgeon until he be gan his diplomatic career. He is thoroughly Americanized; he went to school in Hawaii, and Boston University. He was in private practice in Honolulu when called into dipl- matic service by his country. The doctor was born in Pusan, Korea, but was taken to Hawaii when young, to escape Japanese domination. College Station Community Chest X Goal $11,019.00 Total now 4,400.53 Still needed 6,618.47 Extended deadline Nov. 19 # 9 Rice Plans Win No. 8 Seniors Table ‘Issue’ Will Meet Monday To Vole on ‘Board'' T?y JOEL AUSTIN Battalion Co-Editor The senior class tabled a motion last night to do away with the “board” as a means of physical hazing. They will vote again at a special called meeting Monday at 5 p.m. Class members agreed 94-65 to table the motion until all seniors could be notified of this vote to be taken. Those favoring to table the motion felt all seniors should have an opportunity to express their opinion on the matter. Physical hazing and use of a board is against college regulations and state laws, but has been evidenced through physical inspections held by college officials. The board has been used in defiance of existing laws and regulations. The seniors said if they stand as a group and eliminate use of the board, college authorities should be more consider ate in granting certain demands already presented through a grievance committee. Presented by O. C. (Putter) Jar-' vis, the motion read as follows: “We, the senior class, see the problems of the administration, es pecially hazing, which is deemed unlawful by the constitution of the state of Texas. We agree, as a body, to suspend the use of the board in the Coi-ps of Cadets be cause it is unlawful. And if this agreement is ever violated a com mittee composed of cadets in the corps, appointed by the president of the senior class, will make out positive and strict disciplinary measures immediately and justly to the violator. This program will function continuously through each succeeding class. “Now the class of 1953 has seen the problems of the Texas A&M College and has acted upon them. We respectfully submit a report of the problems of the Corps of Cadets and hope the board of di rectors and the college administra tors will follow the suggestions (See SENIORS, Page 3) Rice Tickets Go Off Sale At 5 Today A crowd of about 20,000 is expected for the Rice game Saturday, said C. D. Ownby, business manager of the ath letic office, yesterday. The sale of student guest tickets has been slow. Only about 600 guest tickets have been sold, he said. Student guest tickets go off sale at 5 p. m. today. No definite deadline has been set for the sale of stu dent tickets for the Univer sity of Texas game, but they will probably go off sale Thursday, Nov. 20, he said. All reserve tickets to the Texas game have been sold, but if all of the tickets allot ted to A&M are not sold, an other reserve seat section may be opened and those tickets used, he said. A capacity crowd is expected at the Thanksgiving Day game in Austin. Bonfire Construction Plans Now Underway Plans are underway for the building of the annual bonfire prior to the Turkey Day battle be tween A&M and Texas, according to Tom Collins, head yell leader and chairman of the bonfire com mittee. The actual construction of the mass of wood will start next Sun day. Wood will be cleared from land near here, located four miles east on highway 6. Route Marked “The route to the wood area will be marked so it will be easy to find,” said Collins. Collins estimated that they would need 36 axes, 78 extra hand les, 20 dozen wedges, four pounds staples, four cross-cut saws and two extra handles. All gasoline will be purchased from the service station that do nates crude oil to soak the wood before the fire is started. “This year’s wood will be most ly small, about six inches in diam eter, which willl make the fire pile tightlly packed,” said Collins. Tractor Available The Cade Motor Company will furnish a tractor for snaking logs. Also the Student Life Committee allocates $150 to be used in con struction of the bonfire. Col. Wilkins, assistant command ant, asked that organizations not steal road signs to use in the bon fire area. Plans are made to stop hauling wood in time to get all logs stack ed on the drill field. Enough tim ber will be cleared by Wednesday to start rotation hauling. “Names of the different bonfire committees will be announced as soon as possible,” concluded Col lins. Te ague E ntertains A&MAdministrators Twelve A&M administrators were entertained Tuesday at a re ception in Washington, D. C. giv en by Rep. Olin E. Teague of Col lege Station. The A&M leaders are attending the annual meeting of the Asso ciation of Land Grant Colleges and Universities. President of the College M. T. Harrington returned late last night. All Texas congressmen now in Washington attended. Dr. Milton E. Eisenhower, pres ident of Pennsylvania State Col lege and brother of President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, is presi dent of the national association. In his opening address to the associa tion Tuesday, he challenged the nation’s schools to aid in winning the free world’s fight against Com munism by “teaching principles of international understanding, poli tical and economic co-operation and maintenance of power prepar ed to meet aggression.” Reception At Capitol Teague held the reception for the A&M officials on Capitol Hill. Honored were President Har rington; D. H. Morgan, dean of the college; Ide P. Trotter, dean of the Graduate School; J. P. Ab bott, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences; Charles N. Shepard- son, dean of the School of Agri culture; F. P. Jaggi, acting dean of the School of Veterinary Medi cine; H. W. Barlow, dean of the School of Engineering and director of the Texas Engineering Experi- Civilian Dining Hall Gets 171 Paid Fees Only 171 students paid their fees for the civilian dining hall which opened yesterday in Sbisa Hall, the fiscal office said to day. This is 29 short of the 200 goal needed to keep the system going, the office added. Cost of meals paid for sep arately is breakfast 50 cents, lunch 75 cents, dinner 90 cents. Under the new system, meals for - Nov. 13-26 and Dec. 1-18 in clusive are 42.25, which averages slightly over 44 cents for meal. Langford Heads Building Group The Brazos County Commission ers Court met Thursday and vot ed to build a new county court house and jail, said today A. S. Ware, county judge. The court appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee to make rec ommendations for the court house and jail. The committee consists of 11 men. Emest Langford, head of the architecture department and may or of the city of College Station, has been named chairman of the committee. The first meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee will be held 7:30 p. m. Monday, Dec. 8, Ware said. Ags May Fight Without Graves By ED HOLDER Sports Editor Coach Ray George of the Aggies has often said he could hardly afford to lose Ray Graves, quarterback of the Cadets and total offensive leader in the SWC. It looks like George and his squad will have to do without the services of the speedy man-under when they play their last home game of the 1952 season tomorrow on Kyle Field against the Rice Owls. Rice has started a come-back after defeating Arkansas 35-33, and will be trying to take another big step up the SWC ladder with a win over the Farmers. The Owls will also be trying to defeat the Cadets for the eighth straight time, since A&M last win over the Houston club came in 1944. Halftime activity for the game will be the honoring of all Aggies who have made the trip to the Olympic games. Twenty-five thousand fans will watch Darrow Hooper, Bud dy Davis, Jack Mahan, and Art Harnden take their bows for ac complishments i n outstanding track performances. Roy Dollar, who has been doing the punting for the Maroon and White, will be the most likely man to take over if Graves can't go against Rice. Dollar ran quarter back last week against when the cadet’s first string quarterback received a hip injury early in the third period. Don Ellis is another possibility to fill in for the injured Graves. Ellis has been running halfback during the year, but Coach George might call on him to run the Split- T and Straight-T formation for the Aggies. Either May Go Both men have been working out this week at the position, and either may get the nod to jump in to the shoes of the SWC’s lead ing quarterback. Dollar will be playing his last home game for A&M, as will Graves if he gets into the game. Other graduating seniors who will step onto Kyle Field in the Maroon and White uniform for the last time will be All-Ameri ca Jack Little, defensive tackle, Raymond Haas, halfback, and A1 Langford, another tackle. Marshall Rush, who has turned in some of the finest defensive work of the year will join the group. Bobby Dixon, offensive tackle for the Cadets will also be out to win his last home tilt. Others who are graduating this year are Don Moore, W. G. (Ox) (See OLYMPIC, Page 3) ment Station. R. D. Lewis, director of the Tex as Agricultural Experiment Sta tion; Miss Jessie Whitacre, head of the Department of Rural Home Re search of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station; G. G. (Hoot) Gibson, director of the Agricultur al Extension Service; Miss Gladys Martin, state home demonstration agent of the extension seiwice, and D. W. Williams, vice chancellor for agriculture for the System. Barlow to Speak At ASEE Meeting Dr. H. W. Barlow, dean of en gineering, will be the main speak er to the American Society for Engineering Education Thursday in the civil engineering lecture room. His subject is “Why You Should Belond to ASEE.” Prof. A. R. Burgess, head of the industrial engineering depart ment, will discuss new ideas in in dustrial engineering. Professional ethics is the topic scheduled for R. L. Peurifoy, professor of civil engineering, and Dr. W. S. Street, head of the engineering drawing department, will speak on “The Place of Graphics in Modern En gineering.” These speakers and Professor Norman F. Rode of the electrical engineering department, who is the chairman of the local branch of ASEE, represented A&M at the national convention of the society last June and will present ideas noted at that meeting. Other officers of the local ASEE are Professor B. F. K. Mullins of the engineering drawing depart ment, vice-chairman; and Prof. E. S. Holdredge of the mechanical en gineering department, secretary- treasurer. New Buildings Now Get New Equipment Eight new desks and two new tables add new beauty to the seem ingly all new Administration Building, H. L. Heaton, registrar, said yesterday. The new equipment, which ar rived this Thursday is just a small amount of equipment that is arriv ing on the campus, most of which will go to furnish the new En gineering Building and the new Engineering Library, he said. College Seniors Eligible For Nat’l Essay Contest An essay contest on the sub ject of “The Meaning of Academic Freedom” is being sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women, said J. Gordon Gay, sec retary of the YMCA here. The contest is open to all sen iors in the. class of 1953 in all colleges and universities through out the country, he said. For the best 2500 word essay on this topic by a college senior the following cash awards are being offered: first prize—$2,500; second prize—$1,000; third, fourth, fifth prizese—$500 each. The closing date for the con test is Dec. 31, 1952. Judges will be: Supreme Court Justice Wil liam O. Douglas; Ralph Bunche, director, Trusteeship Division of United Nations and winner of No bel Peace Prize in 1950; Mrs. Douglas Horton, former president of Wellesley College; Abram L. Sachar, president of Brandeis Uni versity; and Thurman W. Arnold, former Associate Justice, U. S. Court of Appeals. Full details of the rules and regulations for this contest may be obtained at the YMCA, Gay added. ‘The Baker’s Wife’ Starts 8:15 Monday “The Baker’s Wife” movie of the A&M Film Society, will be shown at 8:15 p.m. Monday in the MSC Ballroom, Ed Holder, president, said today. “The change from 7:15 to a later hour was made to allow mem bers to hear the Korean Ambassa dor speak and also see the movie. The film society’s meeting will be held after his talk at 8:15,” Holder said.