Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1952)
t Thur.^lay, November i?», 19H2 THE BATTALION Fashion Show Set Monday A showing- of winter fashions will be presented by Miller’s Fash ions and the Architectural Wives Society in the YMCA Chapel at 7:30 p. m. Monday. In a modem setting, clothing Buitable for the office girl at work and at holiday parties will be modeled by members of the society. Mrs. Homer Adams, manager of Miller’s Fashions, will direct the show and present the commentary. Models will be Mesdames Jean McMullen, Gail Eynes, Wanda Blackman, Jean Ross, Bobbie Shol- er, Jo Ann Rush, Virgie Sellars, Tucker Saxe, Joan Waldon, Faye Parsons. A social hour will be held fol lowing the style show with Mes- ftames Cathleen Piper, Helen Wingler, Flora Nickerson and Jan et Newman serving as hostesses. The show will be open to the public, said Mrs. Faye Parsons, publicity chairman. Temple Garden Clubber To Speak Here Friday Mrs. Adrain Mabry of Temple, authority on dried plants and grasses, will present the program at an open meeting of the A&M Garden Club 2:30 p. m. Friday in the MSC. Mrs. Mabry, who preserves flow- frs, ornamental grasses and plant leaves by an original baking pi-o- cess, will discuss the process to the organization, and to non-mem bers for a nominal fee. * Ai-rangement calendars ordered by members will be delivered at the meeting, said Mrs. A1 Nelson of the gai’den club. Safety Tape Put On Kids Bikes College Station’s boys and girls can now ride their bicycles more safely at night, thanks to Patrol man Curtis Bullock. As a part of the city’s bicycle safety campaign, Bullock put re flector tape on the bicycles of stu dents at A&M Consolidated School. The tap is adhesive, and is de signed to reflect the light from automobile headlights. It was put on the rear fender and the handle bars of each bicycle. Bullock also gave each student a sticker saying “I pledge to ride safely” for his bicycle. This campaign will last all year. Each student will be given a mem bership card, and at the end of the year every student who has less than three safe-riding viola tions will be given a safety' certi ficate. Violations of safe riding prac tices may be reported by teachers, parents, or policemen. For the last month, Bullock has been showing safety films and giv ing safe-riding talks in the school. Whats Cooking Thursday 6:30 p. m.—Architecture Depart ment Dinner, Assembly Room, MSC. 7:15 p. m.—Brazoria County Club, Room 2D, MSC, Discussion of Mother’s Club. . 7:30 p. m. — Quarterback Club, Ballroom, MSC. Brush Country Club, Room 2A, MSC, Plans for Christmas Party. Chest —TONITE & FRIDAY— “Don’t Bother to Knock” Marilyn Monroe — and “Golden Girl” Color — Mitzi Gaynor wmmm Bryan 2*8$79 TODAY thru SATURDAY “No matter what shamefui things you may think: \ of me. all I ever did was because of you." '■ t ■ .V , m fcsecGuse llfr£ XN,C0L ' mNCES D n with ALEXANDER SCOURBY THEATRE * FRIDAY PREVIEW 11:15 "THE QUIET MAN" ^ f jmnjayk' BAIW RTTgIrALD « andICHWM t TOO « aifiisi c °" *’ TtCHMlCOLbR A republic picture , ....WARD BOND VICTOR McLAGLEN MILDRED NATWICK • FRANCIS FORD --JOHN FORD Pn. w. FRANK S NUGENT f ic<* s*r Si«<r o« MAUPlCt WALSW P.oiuccd MtCiAN C -COOPtP AKCOS’' PKODuCUOW P-tli-'" I T*te» Prevdrt.* (Continued from Page 1) have not contributed the amount we expected,” Zinn said. Reports from the residential dis trict, which was not canvassed last year, have been showing good re sults, Zinn said. Business districts also have made a good showing al though some firms have made no contributions he said. “College students are not asked for contributions, since most of the money spent by the Chest is used for College Station residents, Zinn said. Any students who wish to contribute, should contact me,” Zinn said. Anyone who has not been ap proached by the Chest committee should send his contribution to Zinn’s office in Goodwin Hall. 4-1181 TODAY thru SATURDAY —Features Start— 1:25 - 3:08 - 4:51 - 6:34 8:17 - 10:00 ..ICHARO CONTE # VlVEeA LIKbFpRS; NEWS — CARTOON CIRCLE PHONE 4-1250 TONIGHT & FRIDAY Children Under 12 Admitted Free When Accompanied By An Adult. Loretta aula A COLUMBIA PICTUte Kent SMITH • Alexander KNOX —Also— ’^Deadly Enemies” Starring Rod and Broderick Cameron Crawford msr t TODAY & FRIDAY The battle of Texas, and the battle of the sexes! M-G-M’s LIONEL BARRYMORE-beuiah BONDI ScrtM nay ty BORDEN CHASE • Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN Produced fr Z. WAYNE GRIFFIN • «n M-9-M Pirtere Dallas Texans Orphaned Back To Nat’l League DALLAS, Nov. 13—GT>) Dallas was without profes sional football today just 11 months after it brought in a franchise with fanfare and ballyhoo that said the game could n’t miss in big, free-spending Tex as. The Dallas Texans, who lost sev en games out of seven and almost a quarter of a million dollars, were orphaned yesterday when the 16 stockholders turned the franchise back to the National Football League. The Texans become “road club” and play no more games in Dallas. Coupled with the announcement that the Texans were quitting with a little more than half the season completed was the statement that a bid would be made to buy the club back when it came up for disposal probably next month. Financial aid was obtained with a group of moneyed men willing to take over and operate on a three-year basis but John Coyle, one of the Texans trustees, said “interim financing” could not be obtained. He explained that the Texans didn’t have the money to operate during three weeks or more that would be required to effect legal transfer of the club to the new group. There were 40 bond-holders who held, in effect, a mortgage on the franchise. That created the legal technicalities. Corpus Christi Club, Room 2B, MHC, Discussion of Thanksgiving pai ty. Aggie Wives Bridge Club, Room 3B & 3C, MSC. Baytown-Passadena Club Meet ing,. Senate Chamber, MSC, Dis cuss plans for Thanksgiving party. Port Arthur Club, 108 Academic BldgL, Plans for party Friday night Sotn Angelo Club, Ag. Bldg., Se lect Duchess for Christmas Dance 8 p. im.—Bridge Club, Social Room, MSC. Cooike County Club, Room 2C, MSC. 8 a. itn.-5 p. m.—Electric Meter- men’s Short Course, Rooms 3B & 3C, MSC. Garden Club, Assembly Room, MSC. 7:15 p. m.—Hillel Foundation, YMCA. 7:30 p>. m.—BSU Vespers, Bapr- tist Student Center. Czech Club, Room 2A, MSC. Church Women To Hold Fun Fair Women of the College Station Presbyterian Church will hold a fun fair in the education building adjoining the church at 3 p. .m Friday. At the fair will be a w h i t e elephant booth, sewing den, cake booth and pastries booth. A com munity supper will be served in the dining room at 5:30 p. m. Tick ets for the supper will cost 75 cents for adults and 50 cents for children, and may be purchased at the door. AAUW Chapter Hears Speech by Librarian Michael V. Krenitsky, assistant librai-ian, spoke to the Bryan-Col- lege Station Chapter of the Am erican Association of University Women, Monday at the Woman’s Club in Bryan. The talk was given in conjunc tion with Children’s Book Week. He spoke on “The Place of the American Library in Our Social Structure.” SEE,he NEW "NO-DUNK” Pen! Brand new invention that fills pen ^ with siphon action—fills faster, easier, “T If cleaner, fuller. Sheaffer’s “SNORKEL” IHUJ IvloDEL ... will amaze you. COME IN TODAY! TEST "SMO&9CEGm” YOURSELF The Student Co-Op Store AGGIES . . . FOR GOOD TASTY FOOD, TRY Zarape’s Restaurant BEFORE AND AFTER THE GAME — O P E N — Saturday—10 A.M. to 1 A.M. Sunday—11 A.M. to 10 P.M. HOME OF THE TEXAS AGGIES 4 Blocks Off Highway 6 — Sulphur Springs Road Wh@n the gang gets together..• A No other drirsk picks you up like ®r. Pepper The special sparkle of Dr. Pepper adds to every body’s fun, everywhere you go. Enjoy it in the six-bottle carton or the 12-bottle carton; buy it by the case . . . and look for it at soda fountains and vending machines, too. u Specials Starting 4 P.M. Thursday Afternoon, Nov. 13th Through Sat. 15th • MARKET • SPECIALS Breakfast Bacon Hormel Dairy (1st Grade), Decker’s Tallkorn ,b * 57c ib. 4 7c Hormel Pure Pork Kolbase Sausage . lb. 59c Choice Veal Pot Roast . . . lb. 55c Choice Veal-r-Fqr Roast or Stew Brisket . . . . lb. 39c Tender Veal Round Steak . . lb. 88c Hormel All Meat Franks lb. 49c Hormel Pre-Cooked Whole or Shank End Hams lb. 59c Heart o’ Texas Fryers lb. 59c THE BEST COSTS LITTLE MORE. Be Sure. Place Your Order Now for Heart o’ Texas BROAD BREASTED TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING Old Time Hoop Cheese . . lb. 59c ALSO Fresh Oysters Fresh Shrimp Choice Heavy Beef ® GROCERIES ® Medium Size Guaranteed In Paper Bags Fresh Eg-gs . . doz. 57c 29c Value in Extract 39c Value in Cake Mix Gladiola White Cake Mix And 1 '/z -Oz. Adams Best Extract Both for 35C Made of Pure Sweet Cream Meadowgold Butter lb. 89c • FRESH FRUITS • & VEGETABLES Size 209 Juicy—New Crop Florida Oranges, doz. 45c Size 3 Pascal Celery . . Ig. stalk 19c Size 490 California Stmkist Lemons . doz. 31c Home Grown 2 large bunches Turnip Greens . . . 29c Red Tokay , * Grapes ... 2 lbs. 37c Colorado Sweet—Cello Bag Carrots ... 2 for 33c ® FROZEN FOODS © Pictsweet Values: Waffles . pkg. of 6 19c Fordhook Limas . . . . 8 oz. 19c Cut Green Beans . . . . 9 oz. 19c Leaf Spinach . . . 19c 6 Oz. Honor Orange Juice . 2 cans 35c Honor Brand Cut Broccoli . pkg. 19c 12-Oz. Donna Dean Strawberries . pkg. 31c • GROCERY SPECIALS * £ rery 6 d£L~ & 12-Oz. Can Hormcl Spam Luncheon Meat .... 49c Each package contains a 10c coupon good on next purchase Nucoa Oleo .... lb. 31c Goodhope Oleo lb. 19c Switch to Sanitary Vz Gallon Pasteurized Milk . 2 for 83c (Plus Bottle Deposits) Vi Gallon Lilly Mellorine each 59c Pet Milk .... 3 cans 44c Libby’s Cling—2'/z Cans Peaches ..... ea. 33c Philadelphia Cream—3 Oz. Pkgs. Cheese 2 pkgs. 35c 6'4 Oz.—Sunshine Graham Crackers . . .17c carton $1.99 3-lb. can 79c GET COUPON ON SPECIAL v PACKAGE ; SAVE 10c <bn Next Purchase mm m Popular Kinds Cigarettes . Crisco . . Factory Deal—No Limit Maxwell House Coffee, lb 79c Save 35c at no sacrifice in quality Extra Fancy—1-lb. Box McCormick’s Tea . each 92c FOR THE BAKING SEASON NEW CROP Nuts and Fresh Fruit Cake Ingredients HAVE ARRIVED Jteft) 29c New Crop New Ace Brand 7-Oz. Halves Shelled Pecans . pkg. 53c 150 Lovely Gifts Under $50? ON SALE NOW AT OUR CHECK OUT COUNTERS With 10c Coupon Large Tide . ,. pkg. 29c Pillsbury’s BEST £*rUc6ecC Flour Each 10 lb. sack contains 20c worth of valu able coupons, each 25 lb. sack 40c in coupons 10 lb. bag 25 lb,bag . 9?c $2.19 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET STORE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Each Weekday AT THE SOUTHSIDE CORNER OF THE CAMPUS Open 30 Minutes Earlier—Fridays and Saturdays—Closed Sundays A COMPLETE ONE-STOP MARKET