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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1951)
r COLLtGL ARCHIVjS'p STUDENT MORTAL CENTER F E 3*COPIES Official Paper Of Texas A&M College And College Station The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Published by The Students Of Texas A&M For 73 Years Number 24: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 Price Five Cents New Building Construction Starts Soon Date Ducats Gone Hy ALLEN PENGELLY Battalion News Writer Bids have been let and construc tion should begin the latter part of this month for five new college buildings, said W. D. Locke, chief clerk of the Physical Plant depart ment. Largest of the proposed build ings will be the Engineering Build ing, to be located adjacent to Fran cis Hall. This structure, three floors high and costing approximately $432,- 000, will house most of the Engin eering Schools offices. Within the building will be ten classrooms, ten laboratories, 25 separate offices, five shops and two darkrooms. Shructure Lengthened Designed by Adams and Adams, Dallas architects, and to be built by the Fisher Construction Com pany of Houston, the building will be 285 feet long. When the original bid was let, the structure was to have been 213 feet in length but the addition of six more units ac counted for the increased size. A new Texas Engineer’s Li brary building will be located di rectly behind and across the street from the Cushing Memorial Li brary. Herbert Voeekler, Houston architect who designed the new Administration Building, is archi tect and the Fisher Construction Company will build the structure. They expect to have it completed within 300 working days from the time construction begins. At a cost of $178,000, the two story plus a basement building will house all volumes of the li- brarv now located in the Mechani cal Engineering Shops. The Architecture will be similar the new Administration Build ing. It will be 90 feet long, fifty- one feet wide, and contain 14,000 fquare feet of usable floor space. It will be built of masonry tile and veneered with face brick and stone. Agronomy Laboratory The R. B. Butler, Construction Company of Bryan will build a $140,000 laboratory for the Depart ment of Agronomy. It was estimat ed that it will take approximately 150 working days to complete. Col lege Architect Arch C. Baker has no information concerning the building at this time. The Physical Plant department also announced that a classroom and greenhouse will be built for the Horticulture department. The $47,000 structure will take 100 working days to complete. It also was designed by Baker and will be built by Butler Construction Com pany. “The new Administration Build ing should be ready for occupancy by the end of this year,” said Locks concerning the opening of (See CONSTRUCTION, Page 3 1,000 TCU Tickets Left Approximately 1,000 student tickets for the A&M-TCU football game Saturday afternoon in Fort Worth will be on sale today until they, are gone, Howard Nelson, ticket sales manager, said late Wednesday afternoon. All student guest tickets for the game are sold, Nelson said, and there is no possibility of re ceiving any more from Fort Worth. Advanced ticket sales for A&M’s first Southwest Conference foot ball game of the year indicate a sell out crowd of approximately 34,OOP will be on hand for the tilt. A&MCadetCorpsEmbarks On Fort Worth Trip Friday Red Chinese Drop Series of Key Hills U. S. 8th Army Headquarters, Korea, Oct. 18—'fPl—Chinese sud denly abandoned a series of key hills in Western Korea to attack ing Americans today. But they stiffened against allies crunching forward toward their Kumsong stronghold in the center. Troops of the U. S. First Cavalry Division overran four hills north west of Yonchon almost unopposed. The Americans had been fighting for the ridge line for two weeks in one of the bloodiest small ac tions of the entire United Nations autumn offensive. Chinese desert ed the Western hills during the night after beating off a series of flame-throwing attacks Wednes day. In the center of the Korean front allied troops ran into stiff fight ing before capturing two key hills south and southwest of Kumsong. American and South Korean troops advancing along a 22 mile front toward Kumsong were within three miles of the town. In rugged mountains to the east allied infantrymen attacked a tow ering, craggy peak. Their morn ing assault was unsuccessful. South Korean troops on the East coast beat off two brief Red coun terattacks south of Kosong with the help of the U. S. Destroyer Waller. A&S Council Sets Meeting Monday Night Three talks arranged by the ad visory committee of the School of Arts and Sciences will be heard at the regular fall meeting of the school’s faculty Tuesday night at 7:30. The meeting will be held in the Biological Sciences Lecture Room. In addition to the talks, new fac ulty and a subcommittee of the ad visory committee will make a re port. The 10 minute talks will be giv en by Howard Berry, F. W. Hensel, and Bishop Clements. Berry will speak on the Photo graphic and Visual Aids Labora tory. Hensel will discuss the Place ment Office, and the College Infor mation Office will be discussed by Clements. RV Seniors Must Submit Names Friday Ross Volunteer seniors who wish to remain active in the Company this year must turn their names in to RV Com mander Dick Ingels by Fri day noon to be considered for non commissioned officer rank, Ingels said this morning. “Non-commissioned officers will be selected within the next few days,” Ingels said, “and all seniors who were RV’s last year must get their names in to me if they wish to remain active and be considered for promotion.” The drill unit’s leader said ap plications for juniors who wish to join the RVs are now being consid ered and a competitive drill will be announced next week for those whose grades and 201 files meet the requirements for membership in the Ross Volunteers. An Initiation Banquet for new members will be held in the MSC j shortly after new members are ac-! cepted, Ingels added. The Navy reported the Battle ship New Jersey, flagship of the Seventh Fleet, killed more than 500 Reds Wednesday while sup porting allied troops. The battle ship sent 150 tons of high explo sives hurtling from its big guns against Red concentrations 18 miles inland. Red Guns Silenced | | A belated naval report told of a brief battle Tuesday between Red shore guns- at the East coast port of Wonsan and besieging warships. Before the Red artillery was si lenced, six large caliber salvoes straddled the U. S. Destroyer Stormes. The navy made no men tion of damage to the destroyer. Twenty-two B-2 9 superforts rained their big bomb loads on three Red air fields and two other North Korean targets Thursday. The air force said Red jets made no attempt to challenge them. Wounded Transported A big C-124 Globemaster carried 1G5 wounded men of eight nation- j alities from Japan to Korea today. It was the largest number of! wounded ever carried on a single flight. W'ith the 35 crew members, nurses, and medical technician's the plane had a total of 200 aboard, another record for Korea,-Japan flights. The wounded were American, French, Belgian, Turkish, Cana dian, British, Greek, Colombian and Puerto Rican. The air forces reported 1,040 sorties were flown Wednesday, “with fight-bombers continuing a relentless campaign against main Red supply routes in northern Ko rea.” The Fifth Air Force sent Mus tangs and marine corsairs on 110 flights in support of front line troops. They rocketed, fire-bomb ed and strafed the Reds. No Lights In Bizzell Hall The Bizzell Hall regiment couldn’t believe it. The world stopped for them—and at the same time passed them by. It seems that the electricity went off in the dormitory for one hour and a half. One foreign student got up at “7 a.m.” to go to his “8 a.m.” class. From the Dormitory he went to the MSC for coffee— all of the clocks there said it was 9:30 a.m. All of the men who “cut” their 8 and 9 a.m. classes were gath ering in the halls saying “Wha hoppin.” Wanda Harris Eric Carlson Russ Morgan Show Featured After Baylor Game Oct. 27 By WILLIAM DICKENS Battalion Feature Editor Russ Morgan and his “Music in the Morgan Manner” will highlight the weekend activities of the Bay- lor-A&M game, when the nation ally-known orchestra leader will give a concert in Guion Hall and play for a dance in Sbisa on Oct. 27. Following the Saturday after noon game, the Russ Morgan Or chestra will then move to Sbisa Hall to play for an all-college dance from 9 to 12. Tickets to the two events, which are now on sale in the Of fice of Student Activities, are 70 cents for all seats to the con cert and $2.50, stag or drag, for the dance. Included in the “Music in the Morgan Manner” theme, the even ing concert will feature individual performers, such as “Manon,” “The Morganaires,” A1 Jennings, Eduar do Aguilar, a Spanish cancionero; the “Satin -String Sextette”, and the Pete Fylling, known as the “Puppet Trumpeteer.” Born in the coal fields of Penn Newspaper Clinic Set for Feb, 23 The third annual Texas News paper Clinic will be held at A&M on Feb. 23, according to Prof. Donald D. Burchard, head of the Journalism Department. “The meeting was moved to late winter to fit in more conveniently with business obligations of the weekly and small daily publishers,” Burchard said. “Tentative plans call for a program similar to other years, with emphasis on practical help, including a mechanical con ference.” Discussion topics and personnel of panel groups are being worked out through the Clinic advisory committee, set up this year. Rep resentative publishers from the various sections of the state serve on this committee to help make it as valuable as possible to the news paper men of Texas. sylvania, Morgan’s rise to stardom first took shape when he saved enough money to buy a trombone when he was 12 years old. As a side line to being a coal miner, he began playing the piano in a movie house when he was 14. For four years ne studied musi cal instruments as much as he could, and when he had mastered the piano, trombone, vibraphone, celeste, marimba, and organ, he left the coal mines to arrange music for John Sousa and Victor Herbert in Philadelphia. Desiring to play the trombone, Morgan went abroad on a suc cessful musical tour. Upon his re turn to the states, he arranged and directed the Goldkette Swing Band, which consisted of such well-known stars as Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Joe Venuti, and Fuzzy Fairer. While directing and arranging the swing band, he was also ar ranging the music for the Deti’oit Symphony Orchestra of 102 pieces. Continuing his musical career, Morgan began to feature his own songs when arranging music and playing for the George White Scan dals, the Cotton Club, Biltmore Hotel Phillip Morris programs, and the Capitol Theater. His talent as a composer has been shown in some of the na tion’s hit tunes, such as “So Tired,” “Sombody Else Is Taking My Place,” “So Long,” and “You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You.” As a recording artist, Morgan’s songs sold over 10 million rec ords from 1949 to 1950. Such songs as “Forever and Ever,” “Bye Bye Blackbird,” and “So Tired” sold over a million records last year. Marines Have Openings For More Officers The Marine Corps recently announced immediate open ings for 1,000 college grad uates in its greatly expanded officer training program. College graduates 20 to 27 years of age are sought to meet the in creased requirements for junior officers caused by expansion of the Marine Corps, together with the release of Reservists to civilian life. Selected applicants will receive 10 weeks of intensive training as officer candidates at Quantico, Va. Those successfully completing the course will be commissioned sec ond lieutenants and will then re ceive an additional five months of specialized military schooling. In Houston the Marine Corps office is located at 316, Federal Office Building, Franklin and Fan nin Streets. Texas Engineers Meet Here Today By JOEL AUSTIN Battalion Managing 1-ditor Corps trip number one for the 1951 football season is on ! tap for this weekend, and 4,600 members of the A&M cadet corps will embark for Fort Worth Friday for the bi-annual parade and grid contest with TCU. It will be the big weekend for A&M’s “sister school” TSCW also, as the Tessies get a holiday Saturday to join the Aggies in Fort Worth for the parade, football game, and other corps trip activities. The cadet corps will parade down the streets of Fort Worth Saturday morning at 10 a. m. In its second public appearance of the year, and the first outside of College Sta tion, the units will be reviewed' and graded at a special re viewing stand set up in front of the Texas Hotel on Main Street. Members of the Corps will meet to form the parade at +9 a. m. at the Texas and Pacific Railroad Reservation on Main Street which is adjacent to the Pittsburg Glass Company build ing. Guidon bearers, color bearers, and color guards have been di rected to meet at 8:30 a. m. to check out equipment and get in place so members of the various unith will know where to fall in, said Billy Turner, Corps operations officer. Parade Commences At 10 The parade will commence and move down Main Street promptly at 10 a, m. Passing the Texas Hotel onj Main, the line of march will turn west on block north of the review ing stand and then turn back again north on Houston Street to the Court House where it will turn east and advance to the dismissal area at Grove Street. Color bearers and members of the Maroon and White and Fresh* man bands will fall out beside the court house where vans will be waiting for them to load their in struments! and equipment. On the entertainment side, in addition to the football game Sat urday afternoon at 2 p. m. in Amon Carter Stadium, two sets of activities will be provided. Prob ably receiving the largest atten dance of A&M students will be the program planned on the TSCW campus. An all-college dance in the Union Building from 9-12 p. m. will be held there Friday night. Informal Dance at TCU At TCU Friday, a small, infor mal dance will be held on their campus for Aggies as well as TCU students. Saturday night Russ Mor gan and his orchestra will play for a dance at Lake Worth Casino. A&M students were cordially in vited to attend both events by Dick Ramsey, president qf tjie TCU Student Association. Halftime activities at the foot ball game will feature a salute to TCU and TSCW, and the presenta tion of Aggie Sweetheart Wanda Harris by Cadet Colonel of the Corps Eric Carlson. Carlson will present Miss Harris with a bouquet of flowers and the traditional kiss from the corps commander. Housing facilities for A&M stu dents staying on the TSCW cam pus Friday night are capable of taking care of the anticipated num ber of students from here who wish to stay there. A rough count in the corps area last night indicated 375 Aggies wanted rooms in the special dormitories opened for guests. These facilities can house 400 visitors. Special Buses One hundred seventy-five Ag gies also indicated they wished to ride in special buses from Denton to Fort Worth Saturday morning. In the reviewing stand Satur day morning in front of the Texas Leland Returns From Atlantic City Meet Dr. T. W. Leland, head of the business administration depart ment, has returned from a meeting of the American Institute of Ac countants which he attended in At lantic City, N. J. This afternoon mechanical en gineers from all over the state will meet on the campus when the South Texas Section of the Ameri can Society of Mechanical Engi neers hold their monthly meeting. Scheduled to start at 4:30 p.m. the engineers will register and then student members of the association will take them on a tour of the engineering facilities of the cam pus. The meat of the meeting will be in technical session to be held after the banquet in the Assembly Hall. Members will meet in small groups and hold an informal forum, led by an outstanding engineer in var ious phases of mechanical engineer- ing. Prof. H. G. Kylander of the Uni versity of Texas will lead a dis cussion on the effects of solid inclusions in the oil supply to sleeve bearings. In the same meet ing, R. C. Brooks, of Cameron AF Rifle Team Receives Medals for National Meet Col. E. W. Napier, left, PAS&T, pins medals on members of the Air Force rifle team. Team members placed sixth in the National ROTC Intercollegiate Rifle Match. Team members are, left to right, Colonel Napier, James Blackaller, Russel G. Durrill, Bob N. Dobbins, Guy Shown, L. O. Hill, D. W. Benson. Earl Bryant and John G. Rowe are not pictured. Members of the Air Force rifle team were presented medals Tues day by Col. E. W. Napier, PAS&T, for placing sixth in the National ROTC Intercollegiate Rifle Match last March. James A. Blackaller, Douglas W. Benson, Earl W. Bryant, Russel G. Durrill, Bob N. Dobbins, Lester Owen Hill, John G. Rowe, and Guy W. Shown ace members of the team. Medals were awarded to mem bers of the ten highest scoring teams in the match, which includ ed all eligible teams from ROTC units of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, a total of 36 entries. A&M’s squad was eligible to compete because of winning first place in the 14 Air Force match, held here last year. All but three members of last year’s Air Force team are back this term. The Army ROTC team won the Fourth Army match, but was un able to compete in the national competition because of a lack of personnel at the time. The varsity team, composed of both Army and Air Force cadets, will fire their first match of the year here against Baylor the morn ing of the Baylor-A&M game Oct. 27. Iron Works in Houston will talk j Hotel will be officials from A&M, on the Mechanical development of ' TSCW, and TCU, as well as city the “Cameron Lift-Plug Valve.” Members of the ASME who are interested in the process industries will hear Bert N. Haas, assistant engineering manager of the Texas Division of D'ow Chemical Co. talk on “A View of Process Industries Problems.” Charles F. Lewis, metallurgical engineer of Cook Heat Treating Company of Houston will talk on “Hardenability, a Basic Tool.” Formal discussion will be conduct ed by Lloyd G. Berryman, A&M’s ME department. The meeting is open to the pub lic, Charles E. Jones, professor Mechanical Engineering Depart ment, announced. Ten students from Rice, Texas University and A&M has been invited. The stu- At the banquet to be held at 7 p.m., Dr. M. T. Harrington, presi dent of the college. Dr. Howard H. Barlow, dean of the school of en gineering, Dr. A. VV. Melloh, vice director of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station and Dr. A. A. Jakkula, director of the A&M Re search Foundation will be honored guests. leaders of Fort Worth. Military personnel from A&M and the Fourth Army headquarters have also indicated they will be present for the review. Sweetheart Wanda Harris will (See CORPS, Page 3) A&S Committee Advisors Meet • Election of officers and con sideration of possible projects will highlight the year’s first meeting of the Arts and Sci ences Council Monday night at 7:30. The meeting will be held in the Senate Chamber of the MSC. Officers to be elected are pres ident, vice president, and secretary- treasurer. Departmental clubs within the School of Arts and Sciences will elect junior representatives to the council, Dr. J. P. Abbott, dean of the school, said.