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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1951)
Official Paper Of Texas A&M College And College Station Number 23: Volume 51 ihe Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1951 Published by The Students Of Texas A&M For 73 Years Price Five Cents Songstress Stevens ‘Wows ? Audience In Town Hall Show By WILLIAM DICKENS Battalion FnATURL Editor Rise Stevens, world renown star of Metropolitan .Opera, proved her rating as one of the most out standing concert singers of all times before a capacity crowd in Guion Hall last night. After the concert, which mark ed her second appearance at A&M, Miss Stevens said it was one of the warmest and most wonderful audiences she had ever sang for. The audience’s appreciation for Miss Stevens’ performance could easily be seen last night when she was called upon for four encores and over a dozen curtain calls. Starts Classical Assisted by Brooks Smith at the piano, Miss Stevens opened her performance with two classical numbers, “He Shall Feed H i s Rise Stevens Ag Engineering Students Visit Fair Thursday Graduating seniors in ag ricultural engineering will visit the State Fair at Dal las on their first stop, Thurs day, to inspect farm machin ery and automotive exhibits. Friday, the students will in spect the flood control work of the Soil Conservation near McKinney. The students will be in charge of F. R. Jones, head of the agricul tural engineering department and $. T. Russell, instructor. Seniors to make the trip include E. L. Brown, San Antonio; J. W. Carper, Uvalde, W. T. Clark, Abil ene; M. E. Courtney, Hamilton; 0. R. Davis, Boerne; G. V/. Findley, Dallas; A. L. Furnace, Manvel; J. L. Hall, Rice; D. B. Harrell, Dallas; Hayes, A. A., San Saba; J. M. Holland, Port Arthur; L. A. Holmes, Donna; J. C. Horton, Bangs; J. W. Hudnall, Lewisville. G. P. Johnson, Jr., Terrdll; M. D. Kay, Stephenville; C. W. Keese, Bandera; Joe Kemp, Fort Worth; L. S. King, Primera; B. R. Kraus- kopf, Fredericksburg; G. W. Laing; Earth; R. F. Langford, Waco; P. F. Law, Georgetown; D. Lester, Brad- well, Kentucky; V. E. Linnstaedter, Brenham; C. H. Miller, Dawn; J. G. Miller, San Antonio; E. L. Mog- lit, laredo; L. D. Morton, Graham. D. N. Pittman, El Paso; E. C. Rodaiguez, Harlingen; C. E. Sch- luter, Rhome; G. H. Smith, De Leon; M. A. Sol, San Salvador, El Salvador; J. P. Thomas, Cotton Center; K. D. Timmons, Sweet water; H. W. Vicari, Montague; E. D. Wade, LaVilla; C. M. Wann, Paluxy; F. F. Wolcik, Baytown E. E. Wood, Houston. Shepardson At Land Grant Meet Dean C. N. Shepardson, dean of the A&M School of Agriculture, is in Lafayette, Ind., to attend a meeting of an Association of Land Grant Colleges sub-committee, of which he is chairman. The sub-committee deals with standards for institutional training of vocational agriculture teachers and acceptance of transfer credits in agriculture by land grant col leges. While in Indiana, he will address the annual banquet of the State Poultry Association of Indiana, Inc., at Purdue University Friday night on “Some Trends in Modern Agriculture.” Flock” from “The Messiah” and “II est doux, il est bon” from “Her- odiade.” Changing the tempo, and the musical mood of the audience as well, Miss Stevens sang three well- known Negro spirituals: “Oh, What a Beautiful City,” “My Good Lord Done Been Here,” and “Were You There.” In singing the latter, she held complete control over an ap preciative audience, which is ap operatic achievement she has es tablished while singing spirituals. Putting herself in the mood of each song, and appearing to sing with emotional feeling, Miss Stev ens displayed her operatic ability with ease in singing Schuberts ‘G r e t c h e n am S p i n n r a d e,” Strauss’s “Heimkehr” and “0 lieb- liche Wangen” by Brahms. Playing three piano solos, Smith captured the audience’s praise with “Variations in A Major” by Mo zart, “Romanze in F Sharp Major” by Schumann and Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in B Flat Major.” Classical Folk Songs Truly an outstanding artist in the classical field, Miss Stevens re ceived high praise from the aud ience for her folk-song renditions as well. She showed great con trast in mood and tempo when she sang the American folk-song, “The Lonesome Grove” and “A Bally- nure Ballad,” an Irish folk-song. Singing excerpts from “C a r- men”, Miss Stevens concluded her program with “Gypsy Song”, only to be called back by the pleased audience for four encores, which included “Look Edwin,” “I’m Fall ing in Love With Someone.” “Be cause,” and “My Hero,” which was the request of a member of t h e audience. After a concert at Oxford College, Jackson, Miss., Miss Stev ens will return to New York for a visit with her family before con tinuing her tour. Dr. French Aids | Telephone Change GraduateGroup Fellowships All TCU Tickets Go Off Sale at 6 p.m. Howard Nelson ticket manager of the athletic department, an nounced Tuesday that tickets for the TCU game will go off sale at 6 p. m. today. Nelson also said ID cards, as well as tickets, will be required at the game. So far 2,000 student tickets and 700 guest tickets have been sold. Dr. C. C. French, Dean of the College, has been named to work with the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis in in augurating a series of gradu ate fellowships for seniors and recent graduates who are planning a teaching career for themselves at the college or high school level. The Fellowships are appointments made by President M. T. Harring ton are available to persons who plan to enter graduate school in September, 1952, for their first year of graduate study. The awards will be granted on the basis of need in amounts vary ing from $500 to $2400. Students without financial need are also in vited to apply. If accepted they will participate in the annual Danforth conference on teaching and the other activities of the pro gram. The qualifications of the candi date are: • Evidence of superior intellect ual ability in college record. • Good record of health and em otional stability. • Outgoing personality and the concern for people, essential for successful teaching. • Choice of vocation of teaching as a form of Christian service. • Deep religious convictions and growing religious perspectives. The Foundation is looking for candi dates who are seriously examin ing their own religious life. In Suez Canal Zone Former division manager of the Southwestern States Telephone Co., E. H. Utzman, left, points out a few numbers in the Bryan- College telephone book to G. M. Brennan, who has been named to replace him. Utzman has been transferred to the company’s gen eral offices as the commercial superintendent. Brennam was form erly associated with the Iowa State Telephone Company at Newton, Iowa. Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 17—CP)—Brit ish troops mobilized yesterday to combat rioting in the Suez Canal area, from which Egypt seeks to oust them, and 17 persons were re ported killed. Britain announced that reinforce ments are on the way. Egypt too was reported sending in troops and police—to preserve order by account of the pro-govern ment newspaper A1 Balagh. Unconfirmed advices said six Egyptian troop .trains have headed for Ismailia, the British headquar ters city at the center of the canal 70 miles northeast of Cairo, where looting of British canteen set off widespread disorders. The British commander, Lt. Gen. George Erskine, told his detach ments in a broadcast, “We are not going to be turned out, forced out or knocked out” of the canal area. “We are not looking for trouble,” he said, “but we shall deal with it quite firmly if we meet it.” In London, the British Foreign Office announced the fresh troops are being sent “as a necessary precaution” to the Suez garrison— estimated to total 40,000 men and 400 planes. It was not disclosed what units are involved, but the Kith Inde pendent Airborne Brigade of 4,000 men is less than 300 miles away on the Mediterranean island of Cypress. Band Salutes TCU, TSCW Saturday The Texas Aggie Band will be gin the halftime ceremonies at the TCU-A&M football game in Fort Worth Saturday afternoon with its 170-piece marching band, executing another of its military drills. The military drill by the band this weekend will be its second time to drill before an audience of North Texans this fall. This drill will honor A&M’s sister school, TSCW, and will also honor A&M’s first Southwest Conference foot ball opponent this year, TCU. The A&M Band, under the di rection of Lt. Col. E. V. Adams, will be led on the field by the con solidated band drum major, Cadet Major, J. W. Rogers of Texar kana; Maroon Band drum major, Cadet Captain R. L. Robinson of Gladewater; and White Band drum major, Cadet Captain G. C. Elli- sor Jr. of Dallas. Arkansas Governor Orders Porkers To Defeat TU Little rock, Ark., Oct. 17—CP)— Gov. Sid McMath and the president of the University of Arkansas yesterday issued proclamations or dering Arkansas to perform a foot ball trick it hasn’t done in 13 years —beat the Texas Longhorns. The Razorbacks will be hosts to Texas, the nation’s fourth ranking team, at Fayetteville Saturday. Taking cognizance of Arkansas’ long victory drouth in this South west Conference series, the gov ernor and University President Lewis Webster Jones proclaimed this as “Beat Texas Week.” Governor McMath—an Arkansas Alumnus—went on to “order, bid, enjoin, direct, charge and command the Arkansas Razorbacks to fill themselves on wild acorns—of which we have a fine crop—and proceed to de-horn the Texas Long horns, individually and collectively, and to tie each of their tails in a running bowline.” The governor observed that 13 is an unlucky number—“for Long horns.” Dr. Jones, proclamation, his first in the five years he has headed Arkansas, declared that “the Long horns are in danger and other foot ball teams and for the good of their souls should taste defeat now and then.” Dr. Jones, a staunch football en thusiast who leaves soon to be come president of Rutgers, called upon the student body and fans throughout the state for full sup port of the twice-victorious, twice beaten Razorbacks against the un defeated, untied Steers. Some of the largest pep rallies in Arkansas history are planned on the Fayetteville campus, and civic clubs of Little Rock, Fort Smith and other cities are wiring messages of encouragement to Raz- orback captains Dave Hanners and Pat Summerall. However, all this pre-game pep is not expected to be productive. The experts, almost to a man, are picking the Longhorns to make their 1951 conference opening a successful one. • Austin, Tex., Oct. 17—ffl*)—Gov. Allan Shivers, a loyal Texas alum nus, was unperturbed yesterday when Arkansas Gov. Sid McMath ordered the University of Arkansas to defeat the Texas Longhom foot ballers this coming Saturday. “I am referring the entire mat ter to (coach) Ed Price and the Texas Longhorns for appropriate action,” the Texas governor said, adding: “I am confident they will handle this transaction with the same ef ficiency that marked their recent dealings with the states of Ken tucky, Indiana, North Carolina, and Oklahoma.” Texas has beaten Kentucky, 7-6; Purdue, 14-0; North Carolina, 45- 20; and Oklahoma, 9-7. The drill, which will be the fourth done by the Aggie Band this fall, will begin with the band forming a single rank consisting of 170 men on the east side of the playing field in the TCU Stadium. By executing a single rank, min strel turn and a catch up type of countermarch, the Band will as sume a reversed formation, march ing south down the field playing the Aggie War Hymn. To move into the normal forma tion, the band will then do a “lost time’ countermarch followed by a “fold-in” type of countermarch. From regular formation the band will honor TCU by forming FROGS and playing TCU’s fight song. Then the band will salute the A&M Cadet Corps by forming AG GIES to the tune of “Wildcat.” The formation of TESSIE will fol low and the Band will play TSCW’s Alma Mater in a salute to A&M’s sister school. Next a salute to the 1951-52 Aggie Sweetheart, Wanda Harris, will be done by forming WANDA to the tune of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” While the Band is playing, Cadet Colonel of the Corps Eric Carlson will escort Miss Harris on the field and bestow the customary kiss annually given the Aggie Sweetheart at half time of the TSCW Corps Trip football game. The band will conclude their half time performance by march ing off the field holding intact the letters WANDA. Tessies Ready For Annual Corps Trip YMCA Distributes Songs The YMCA today began distri buting 5,000 copies of the TSCW Alma Mater which will be sung at half-time in the A&M-TCU foot ball game Saturday, C. L. Ray, president of the YMCA Cabinet, said. The Welcoming Committee of the Student Senate returned Mon day night from Denton after map ping out final plans for the Fort Worth Corps Trip with TSCW student leaders. The Aggie welcoming group con sisted of Tom Poynor, welcoming committee chairman; Hansel Ken nedy, Baxter Honeycutt, Frank Morris, Grady Smallwood, and Don Young. The group talked to Dean Mary Hufford, dean of women at TSCW, and Mary Beard, student government president. Monday af ternoon a meeting was held with the entire TSCW student council. Dance at Tessie The Corps Trip weekend will officially start at TSCW Friday night with an all-college dance from 9 to 12. All Aggies are in vited to this dance, Poynor said. Hostess gi’oups at the dance and in each dormitory will obtain dates for students desiring them. Approximately 400 Aggies can be accomodated in the TSCW hous ing facilities on Friday and Sat urday night. Those students wish ing to have places to stay for these nights at TSCW may go to Sayers Hall on the TSCW campus and will receive room assignments there, Poynor explained. Bus to Fort Worth Bus transportation will be avail able Saturday morning from Den ton to take Aggies and their dates to Fort Worth in time for the parade. These buses will leave Denton between 7 and 8 Saturday morning and will arrive in Fort Worth by 9. The Tessies will maintain head quarters in Fort Worth at the Texas Hotel in Parlor A on the mezzanine floor. Aggies who wish to get dates after they arrive in Fort Worth should check there, Poynor urged. Guest rooms at Denton will cost $1 per night and an early Satur day morning breakfast from 6-7 a. m. will be served in Hubbard Hall for 40 cents a person. Buses will leave following breakfast. Bus tickets from Denton to Fort Worth cost $1 and will be' sold at the all-college dance on Friday night. Plenty of Dates Girls who stay at TSCW Sat urday night will be allowed to stay out until 2 a. m. so that they may attend late parties in Fort Worth. “The TSCW student leaders urg ed all Aggies to come to the Fii- day night dance and promised plen ty of dates would be available for students who come there stag,” Poynor said. Egyptian officials announced that decrees to remove the British from the Suez Canal and the Ang- lo-Egyptian Sudan will be distri buted in The Official Gazette Wed nesday under date of Oct. 16. The decrees become law when printed in the Gazette. A wildly cheering parliament un animously approved last night leg islation abrogating the 1936 treaty of alliance under which Britain garrisons the canal and the 1899 pact providing for joint British and Egyptian rule of the cotton growing Sudan. Air Mail Arrives Day After Mailing Letters sent by air mail fi*om College Station to other Texas points now arrive at their destina tion the day after mailing, accord ing to F. L. Ethridge, district sup erintendent of the Postal Trans portation Service. Air mail postage is six cent an ounce. Letters must be mailed from College Station before noon to ar rive in time to make regular house deliveries. Pioneer Air lines now has six mail-carrying flights a day through A&M’s Easterwood airport. Most of the flights are to North and West Texas. Towns around Houston, Dallas, El Paso, Austin, San Angelo, Am arillo, San Antonio, and the Valley area are especially benefitted by this service, Bthridge said. However, a town does not have to have a scheduled air service to get next day air mail delivery. Good connection with surface car riers is made in almost all cases, Ethridge said. Tonight parliament unanimous ly indorsed a decree changing King Farouk’s title to “King of Egypt and Sudan” and stating that pro visions of the Egyptian constitu tion apply henceforth to Sudan also. Britain has announced that she will stand on her full rights under the treaties and will not recognize a one-sided cancellation. The Egyptian actions, linked to official rejection of an invitation to Egypt from the United States, Britain, France and Turkey to join them in a Middle East defense com mand, drew demonstrations of pop ular approval in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities, despite a govern ment ban on such demonstrations. Steel-helmeted police guarded western embassies. Outbreak Along Canal Dispatches to Cairo newspapers told of the outbreaks of rioting and looting at British-occupied areas on the canal, a 100-mile long wat erway linking the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Five persons were reported kill ed and 20 injured in rioting; at Port Said, on the Mediterranean. The newspaper A1 Balagh said 10 Egyptians and two Britons were killed and 80 Egyptians and one Briton wounded in the rioting at Ismailia. General Erskine did not refer to bloodshed in his broadcast, but said “We shall resist most strong* ly” if the Egyptians try to drive out the British. “1 have planned to meet the sit uation,” he told hisi, troops. “You must be ready to protect yourself and to go to the help of your comrades if you are attacked. “I have sent a message to the (Egyptian) governors of Suez, Port Said, and the Shakia telling them that I do not regard the ab rogation of the (1936) treaty as relieving them in any way of their duty to mantain law and or der. $13,590 Grants Given To Experiment Station A total of $13,590 has been made available to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station of the A&M System, through grants and mon eys made available, R. D. Lewis, director of the TAES announced. Dr. E. H. Hereford, president of Arlington State College, a part of the System, announced the gift of two Hampshire sows to the college. The gifts were from H. T. Bibb, president of the H. T. Bibb Feed Mills of Fort Worth Clark Nealon Speaks At Quarterback Club Clark Nealon, sports editor of the Houston Post, and a former Aggie is scheduled to address the A&M Quarterback Club tonight. Nealon was a member of the class of ’31, majoring in history and economics. “Tintype,” as he was known then, was a first It. in the Ross Volunteers. He served in World War II as a lieutenant in the Air Corps. A double-header football film will be shown at the meeting tonight. Movies of both the Oklahoma-A&M Announces Plans at Press Conference Taft To Run For President Washington, Oct. 16—(A*)—A in the GOP-run 80th congress, this • Taft doesn’t believe there is Earl Warren, broadly smiling and apparently was the third all-out bid for his any immediate occasion for Guy The Senator announced that Da- confident Robert A. Taft formally party’s presidential nomination. Gabrielson to resign as Republi- vid S. Ingalls of Cleveland, John threw his hat into the presidential He lost out to Wendell L. Wilk- can national chairman, but he D. M. Hamilton of Philadelphia ring today. ie in 1940 and to New York’s Gov. thinks contacts such as Gabrielson and Thomas E. Coleman of Wis- The Ohio senator made the long- Thomas E. Dewey in 1948. made with the Reconstruction Fi- consin will make up a committee expected announcement of his can- Today Taft declared: nance Corporation “might become to recommend a campaign organi- didacy at a news conference. He “I am going to run because I an embarrassment to the party.” zational setup, predicted the Republicans would believe I can conduct the only In all, Taft issued three mimeo- Despite the outspoken opposi- nominate him and the votei’S would kind of campaign which will elect graphed statements announcing his tional setup. elect him to the White House on a a Republican to office.” • candidacy and a fourth one denying Despite the outspoken opposition platform pledging: He lashed out at what he called he told President Truman he was of many union leaders to his can- • Restoration of progress “with- “the New Deal philosophy of con- not “particularly disappointed” in didacy—based on his sponsorship in the principles of liberty rather stant increase in federal govern- the President’s 1948 victory over of the Taft-Hartley labor law — than the principles of Socialism.” ment power and federal govern- Dewey. the Senator said he sees no reason € Restoration of “honesty and ment spending.” Such a statement appeared re- why he shouldn’t receive a substan- integrity in government, with an In a question-and-answer ex- cently in the published diaries of tial amount of labor support at the end to corruption and influence- change with reporters Taft said: the late Secretary of Defense For- polls. peddling. • He will welcome the support restal. He said he received a least an • A restudy of U. S. foreign of Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) or The Senator said he would make even break from union members in policy to halt the spread of com- any other Republican senator. no comment on other possible can- last Fall’s Ohio senatorial election, munism, “including the establish- • He believes his candidacy “re- didates for the Republican nomi- which he won by more than 400,000 ment of Korea as a free country ceived encouragement” from Gen. nation. votes. and the completion of the arming MacArthur in a recent Cleveland Taft said he was firmly against Taft indicated that the first test of Western Europe to enable it to speech. MacArthur said in that what he called the “smearing tac- of his strength at the polls will defend itself against Russian ag- speech that Ohio had contributed tics” of “irresponsible organiza- come in the Wisconsin primary gression.” abundantly to American leadership, tions” such as the “partisan Repub- election next April 7. For Taft, son of President Wil- “Indications multiply,” the general Means of California,” which, he He said also that he has agreed liam Howard Taft and regarded added, “that this leadership may said, has been making “wholly un- to the use of his name as first by many as the Senate’s “Mr. Re- even increase in the not too dis- justified attacks” on General Eis- choice of Ohio’s delegation to the publican” since his dominant role tant future.” enhower and California Governor GOP nominating convention. game and the Trinity-A&M contest will be shown. Among the merchants of Bryan and College Station who sponsot the Battalion’s QB Club are Cade Motor Co., Lack’s Associate Store, Kelley’s Coffee Shop, J. C. Pen ney Co., Tom McCall’s Phillips 66 Service Station, The A&M Grill* Sanitary Farm Dairies, American Laundry-Dry Cleaners, and Parker- Astin Hardware Co. Theodore R. Pfrimer, dept, of entomology, will be awarded two tickets to the TCU-A&M game. Pfrimmer won last week’s QB con test. J. D. Hinton, runner-up last week, will be presented two car tons of cigarettes donated by the campus Chesterfield representa tive. The meeting gets underway at 7:45 p.m. in the Assembly Hall. Dames Slate Bridge Party, Informal Tea The Dames Club will hold a bridge and Canasta party in the Cabinet Room of the YMCA at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. All student wives are invited, ac cording to Marge Dolan, president. Other officers for the year are Laura Holt, vice president; Myra Burke, secretary; Joanne Strickler, treasurer; Jean Thomas, social chairman; Virginia Mullinix, re porter; and Betty Gouge, year book chairman. Sponsors of the club, Mrs. R. D. Lewis, Mrs. Ide P. Trotter, and Mrs. A. D. Folweiler, have arrang ed an informal tea. for club mem bers Sunday, Oct. 21, from 4 un til 5 p. m. The tea will be in Mrs. Lewis’s home, 412 Throckmorton. All student wives interested in joining the organization are invit ed . by the sponsors and officers to attend both the bridge party and the tea. and E. O. Gillam, president of the Gillam Soap Works, Ft. Worth. Dr. E. B. Evans, president of Prairie View A&M. has announced a grant of $400 from the Humble Oil and Refining Co., to assist in financing the facultys costs for the summer school for negro extension workers to be held in June. The American Cancer Society has also made $1,500 available to Prairie View. Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the animal husbandry department, re ported the gilt of a purbred Hamp, shire gift from Leo Potishraan, president of Vit-A-Way Inc., Foil Worth. Another of $290 grant to thu Texas Agricultural Experiment Station was from Frank Goldwaithe of the Goldwaithe’s Texas Toro Company of Ft. Worth. The money will be used in support of the turf assistantship which is administered by the Forage and Pasture Section of the department of agronomy. E. I. du Pont de Nemours of New Jersey has given $2500 to be used in support of research on amino acid requirements of grow ing chicks and poults. American Cynamid Company, New York gave $300 for use at Substation No. 13, Weslaco. It is to be used for weed control studies. American Dehydrators Associa tion, Kansas City, Mo., $1,500, to be used in support of studies on the value of dehydrated alfalfa meal in improving digestion and growth rates of beef steers fed poor quality roughages. Chipman Chemical Company, $100, to Substation No. four Beau mont, in support of livestock feed ing tests with rice straw. Wildlifge Management Institute, Washington, D. C., $500, first in stallment of the 1951-52 contri bution of $1,000 under the agree ment covering the operations of the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Unit. Dow Chemical Company, Mid land, Michigan, $3,000. Reneway of grant, for investigations concern ing crystalline amino acids (meth ionine) as a supplement in turkey feed. Merck and Company, Inc., New Jersey, equipment and material valued at $2,000, to be used in the care of turkeys during the course of experiments on the control of the disease known as blackhead. Central Power and Light Com pany, Corpus Christi, $2,000 to be used in research and demonstra tions on grasses and legumes in the winter garden area of Texas. This grant is to the Texas Agricul tural Extension Service as well as the TAES. Chipman Chemical Company $1,400 in support of a research as sistant to work on fundamentals of cotton defoliation.