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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1950)
f Editorials Page 2 MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1950 S W ITH THIS, the last student edition of The Battalion before we leave for the holidays, we lead off this column once more with the annual well-wishes from the mem bers of our staff. There’s not a very original way to ex tend those wishes—they’ve been extended by much wiser folks than us in too many ways for too many years. We’re not going to try to become elaborate, therefore, in this edi torial. But we do want to mention a few pecul iarities of this particular Christmas. The season has a very special import to us this year. Consider, for instance, the fact that the man who last year wrote the words “Peace on earth, good will toward men” in an edi torial very similar to this one, is right now in Kprea leading a detachment of American tanks. Several of the students who, like him, headed home for the holidays last year, won’t make it this year—they’d have a little too far to travel. We can’t use the terminology, “a Christ mas that finds us once more at war.” There’s been no formal declaration, of that condition. Mr. Marvin Twenhafel Texas A&M College Dear Mr. Twenhafel, We want to start this letter with sincere thanks for the letter we received from you and printed in our Letters to The Editor column last Thursday. There are two main reasons why we thank you for the letter: ® By writing the letter, you proved that you read our editorials and are sincerely in terested in what we have to say—even if you disagree with us. ® Many of the ideas you advanced are doubtless shared by many other students and this gives us a chance to explain our side of the question. (We hope the invitation to write for Pravda or Red Star was not meant too seriously.) In your letter you said, “I do believe that our present administration knows just a lit tle more about foreign and domestic issues than you do.” So do we! After all, that’s their job and they were elected from the en tire United States. If they don’t know more about these issues than anyone else in this country, wc are in pretty bad shape. But think about the contrast in meaning between these two words: knowledge and wisdom. Our criticism is directed toward the wisdom of their actions, not toward their knowledge of affairs of state. Again you said, “In my opinion, this is not the time for you to criticize every action of our elected president.” Dear to the heart of most Americans are the rights of free speech and freedom of the press. Right now we are engaged in a war with an ideology which prohibits the exercise of these free doms. It would be ironic and sad indeed if to defeat Communism we had to adopt the maxims of that belief. Blind following of leaders in Germany and Italy made it possible for Hitler and Musso lini to become dictators. Read what the people of those countries . were saying in 1930-35 . They knew then that they were giving up many of their personal freedoms but this was not the time to criticize; Hitler and Mussolini were leading their countries out of the worst economic depression in his tory. Even American history books pub lished at that time praised the dictators. Conditions “excused” the undemocratic pol- Well-wishes... It is a Christmas, though, that finds our men fighting and dying on foreign soil. It might be ironic for us to wish them a Merry Christmas. It would certainly be appropriate that we wish them a Happy New Year. The thoughts symbolized by Christmas mean a lot to them this year. Those thoughts should mean a lot to us. “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” Are we to lose faith in these thoughts? Our experiences of the last ten years or so could well lead us to do so. But we would rather take these thoughts of Christmas time as the only solution to world strife. At no time has faith in these thoughts been so necessary—faith in these and all the other concepts of a world built on love and understanding. It is with this in mind, therefore, that we extend our wishes. We said they would not be original. We think, though, that we offset the lack of originality with another quality— sincerity. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. The Battalion Staff Letters to The Editor Legislated Security Pointed Out to Bait Columnist Editor, The Battalion: May I take exception to the edi torial that appeared in the Decem ber 13 issue of the Battalion? The article is too illogical to criticize in a logical manner. It was such a confused hodge-podge scatter shot at rotten potatoes, compulsory health insurance and legislated se curity that it failed to hit any of the three widely separated targets. Over specialization in education often leads to over simplification. I’m afraid that my fellow student is a victim of both. May I touch briefly upon only one statement—“You can’t legis late security.” Perhaps you can’t legislate absolute security but the writer was distorted in not being able to recognize that legislation can help to bring about more se curity. ®The following list is intended for the writer of the editorial. It is by no means an exhaustive list. ^Compulsory education laws give more security in employment and bargaining power on the labor market. ^Legislative acts created our All letters to the editor must be sisned with the Batt’s policy of COlisistcnt- l.y the writer and free from obscene l v nnnnsino- anv o-overnmentoI nm- and libelous references. Letter writers v opposing any governmental pio- wanting their name withheld must make a gram which would be beneficial personal request to the co-editors. No to mo3t 0 f the people ill this na tion. ' unsigned letters will be published. ress icies of Fascism and Nazism. Now let us explain what to us is the most important reason for writing editorials. If we can arouse our readers’ interest in the reasons behind the news, if we can get them into the habit of examining with a critical mind the news of current affairs, then we feel that we are accomplishing our purpose. College students of today will be the community leaders of tomorrow. If these students develop the habit of thinking about political ideas, instead of being ruled by outworn prejudices, then the American of the future will more successfully fulfill his obligations as a citizen in a democracy. Facts arc very often stubborn things and well concealed. New Strategy R epresentative Poage (D-Tex) advo cated two major changes in opr national strategy in his recent speech to a convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Manpower and unity, according to Poage, should be supplemented for the impending showdown with Russia. The first step in such a program would be the acceptance of Germans and Japanese in our armed forces. We would in effect help them to help themselves by adding to the collective security of free nations. The second step, Poage continued, would be the modification of the “hand out” aid program. Collective security will have value to each nation in proportion to its individual contribution. In other words, we should ask for and get something in return for our monetary aid. He cited mercury from Spain, and bamboo from India as examples of this reciprocity. The Chinese Reds have given us an ex ample of the vast manpower potential of the Communists, and the military effect of pure numerical superiority. We are glad to see this plan voiced before the independent thinkers of this country. Full mobilization of every resource will large ly depend on full political support from an informed and alert public. The Battalion The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms, The Battalion is published four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms, and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscription rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. DAVE COSLETT, CLAYTON L. SELPH Co-Editors John Whitmore, L. O. Tiedt Managing Editors I>ank N. Manitzas Sports Editor Bob Hughson, Jerry Zuber Campus Editors Joel Austin City Editor Today's Issue L. O. Tiedt' Managing Editor Sid Abernathy .'. Campus News Editor Frank Manitzas Sports News Editor Joel Austin City News Editor T. M. Fontaine, Carter Phillips '. Editorialists Bob Hughson, Andy Anderson, George Charlton, Tom Rountree, Allen Pengelley. Leon McClellan, Wayne Llayts, Bob Venable, Bill Streich, Norman Blahuta, John Hildebrand, Bryan Spencer, Ray Williams, Herb O'Connell, Jim Anderson, Ori Jamej, J. P. atern, Ptaymon Swan. Robert Ball. Bert Hardaway, Edward Holder, Richard Ewing News hnd Feature Writers Sid Abernathy..., Campus News Editor Sam Molinary Chief Photographci Herman C. Gollob. Amusements Editor Ralph Gorman, Ray Holbrook, Harold Gann, Joe Blanchette, Pat LeBlanc, Dale Dowell, Jimmy Curtis, Chuck Neighbors. Fred Walker ......— Sports Writes Bob Hancock, John Hollicgshead, Tommy Fontaine, James Lancaster Photo Engravers By EDGAR GUEST Who lost the important game? The coach. Who has to shoulder all the blame ? The coach. Who to teach boys to play is hired, And yet if one of them grows tired And fails to score is promptly fired ? The coach. Who character is asked too build? The coach. With customers keep the stadium filled ? The coach. Who plans formations, old and new, And tells the youngsters what to do. But if they can’t is told: “You’re through?” The coach. Who is by thousands second- guessed ? The coach. Is jeered for plays he thought were best ? The coach. Who has my deepest sympathy ? Who is it I’d not care to be Regardless of his salary? The coach. (Continued from Page 1) plump blonde. “But tell me, could you answer a question?” “Be glad to.” “Well, arc you a soldier?” “No mam, I’m a Aggie.” “Aha,” shouted a red-head, “I told' you the emergency wasn’t that serious.’ McSnort was still trying to figure that one out when he was deposited at Midlothian. The sun was just sinking in the West. « * .Willoughby sat. clown his coffee cup. “Looks like a nice town you have here.” He was addressing the waitress. “We like it,” she answered. “When did you move in.” “Oh, I’m just hitch-hiking through.” “Making pretty good time?” “Not bad, I expect to get out as soon as the sun comes up in fifteen or twenty- minutes.” “Be sure you take the right highway out of town,” the waitress advised. “They go three different ways.” “Thanks,” said Willoughby as be plunked down his nickel.. @ 9 The afternoon sun was dazz ling McSncrt’s eyes as he climbed into the ambulance. He wasn’t hurt. That just happened to be the first vehicle that slowed down on the trip through Mid lothian. “Headin’ toward North Zulch?” “I think I pass through there. Just climb in the back. More room. And don’t worry about him. He won’t bother you.” McSnort took one look at the sheet-draped form on the stretch er, mumbled something about for getting a tooth-brush and backed out. The ambulance roared off. 9 « McSnort was getting drowsy. He’d noticed it. creeping on him since ajjout 7:30 that night. He hardly even recognized the wait ress as she passed him on her way to work. “How about that midnight cup,” she greeted him. McSnort’s answer was cut short by a six-wheel truck that ground to a stop in front of him. He grabbed his suitcase, hopped in and mumbled, “Headin’ toward North Zulch?” “Is it this direction?” returned the truck driver. “Think so,’ Willoughby slumped down in the seat sound asleep as he muttered the words. • • And did our hero finally arrive at North Zulch? At last report he was hunting up a ticket to the Rose Bowl game. “Don’t see no sense in startin’ back until after New Year’s,” writes McSnort from Los Angeles. “I can always hitch-hike back in time to make the first day of classes.” armed forces for purposes of se curity. ©Legislation in cities create fire and police departments for security of property and the family. ©Legislation provides traffic rules, traffic lights, and drivers licenses for greater security of the pedestrian and the automobile driver. ©The pure food and drug act gives security to the customer. The elimination of embalming fluid and oatmeal from a sack of poi’k sau sage gives security of value on your purchase. ©Legislation guarantees the de positor on possible losses up to $10,000 on a deposit in a bank should that bank fail. ©Legislation gives security to the inventor by granting patent rights. ©Legislation gives security to ownership of a home and property when one holds proper title. ©Legislation gives security in that your medical doctor must,meet specific standards before he can practice his profession. ©City health legislation gives added security from disease by re quiring connections to adequate sewer lines, inspection of food handling establishments and by guarantee in such instances as ty phoid fever. ©Legislation requires school chil dren to bo vaccinated for certain of all children and the public diseases as a consequence the health of all children and the public is more secure. The above short list is enough— the object is too apparent. I do hope that this editorial writer will read the above list twice—and “Let’s think together.” Seriously, my neighbors and I feel more secure because of the above legislation. John Wynot ‘Keep It Up, Pegler Will be Proud’ Editor, The Battalion: This is in reference to an edi torial which appeared in the Bat talion on December 13. This editorial was in keeping You oppose government health insurance, while doctors charge outrageous fees and many people are forced to do without the medi cal attention they need. You cre ate the impression that you oppose government price support, and yet if it were not for government price support this nation would still be in the shape it was in 20 years ago. A&M is built on a government land grant. Do you oppose that too ? It is indeed unfortunate that in troubled times like these there is so much opposition to progress. But keen up the good work; Westbrook Pegler will be proud of you. Joe A. Riddle, ’53 Error Found; Three E<iitor, The Battalion: In your article concerning Max Reiter’s death, there seems to be an error. A sentence in the article read, “He started for the Lone Star state with a list of 18 towns,and $217 he had saved while working in New York in his pocket.” However, assuming the Battalion to he correct, and not meaning to be disrespectful, we have one ques tion to ask: Just exactly what type work did Mr. Reiter do in his pockets? W. R. Garrett W. R. Graham J. W. Ward (Editor’s Note: The error poin ted out by readers Garret, Graham, and Ward is a very ipisleading, dangling prepositional phrase. One of our editors should have correct ed it to read:, “When he started for the Lone Star state he had in his pocket a list of 18 towns and $217 he had saved while working in New York.” (Sirs, you are hereby offered jobs as Battalion copy readers. Stop by for an interview at your convenience.) Help Santa To Win This Tick-Tack-Toe ■ 'A'-' • p , 1 ■ V- .*.•/ V .‘v; ;<V, vmNmM n A&M System Christmas Party ( Honors 29 College Employees The annual Christmas Dinner sponsored by the A&M System and the College Employees Dinner Club Saturday evening honored 29 veteran employees of A&M. Honored guests were employees of the college for 25 years. To these, Gibb Gilchrist, chancellor of the A&M System, presented gold pins and citations. President M. T. Harrington signed the citations. The Singing Cadets, under the di rection of Bill Turner, presented a musical program.. After the dinner, the group at tended a dance in Sbisa Hall. The following were honored at the dinner: Eldred H. Gibbons, Arthur L. Williams, Nestor M. McGinnis, LIT, ABNER Going Going Robert P. Ward, Carl Birdwell, Dr Fred W. Jensen, Dr. Marion T. Harrington, and Dr. Samuel R. Gammon. fW Other honorees are Joseph J. Woolket, Thomas R. Nelson, Fred Hale, Kenneth L. Kirkland, Henry \ G. Wickes, Harry F. Morris, Dan- ’ iel Russell, Thomas L. Bcrdine, Edv ard H. Templin, Miss Viola, ■ McKenzie, M;ss Kate Adele Hill, Miss Nettie Smith, Mrs. Clara S. Hall. Edward L. Williams, Henry L. < Ai'smeyer, Dan D. Clinton, Parker D. Hanna, Charles M He aid, James F. Rosenborough, Vernon E. Hafner and Preston S. Goen will also be. presented awards. By A1 Capp GASP/AFLEAGLE'S U-IOID Evk IS FREEZIN' LIT ABNER'S BRAIN.?'-THEN YOUSE DRAGS HIM OVER TH'FINISH LINE,MARRIES HIM-AN'I y COLLECTS A MILLION A TH/S MIRROR HA/N'T PO' VAN/TV/f- /T'S t'SAVE TORE V HA!/' SAN/rzrr a vaAH-HA-HA-F' SOe/nr SANITY SHORE m-needs S-SAw/v'/yoW-e-Sur AH IS r-TOO j f NUMB T'GIT THIS N't mirror out-- LI’L ABNER Boomerang!! By A1 Capp IN! A FEW SECONDS, TH 1 THOJD EVE WILL OF DONE ITS EVIL * WOlK/r—HIS SANITY WILL © )ME—AN’ YOUSE DRAG HIM T ' T FINISH LINE? 17^ Va E HAN MOSE U ' SAID THIS MIRROR would ‘ S-SAVE Caah sanity.?' ! . -DAT MIRROR REVOISED DE CONCENTRATED POWER O'ALL TREE EVIL EYES—BACK T'FLEAGLE HISSELF.VC V WOTTA EXPLOSIONff — iT"S KOJTAINS FES? ^ ; FLEAGLE FT _ Cope W0tyU.;»»JF.«»ur. LIT, ABNER Birds of a Feather THE. REBOUNDING TRIPLE WHAMMY HITS FLEAGLE , AND— « TH'SUN'S BLOTTED OUT/ • ? SADIE HAWKINS DAV IS . OVER -AN'AH REFOOZES TO GO ON WIF THIS 11-CENT WEDDIN'.'Z'-YO'GOT lO-CENTS' WORTH—ANYWAY/ JT BUT-WE HAINT MARRIED/T/'jf AH'M AH DIDN'T GITA CHANCE T'MARRY YO; RUMBONE- WHICH WAS A FINE STROKE O'LUCK FO' BOTH O'US CEPT NOW, LIT ABNER WONT HAVE NO, NEW pAppy/.c WHAR ISYO r COMIW' FUM, YOKUM? By A1 Capp WHY AX? LOOK IT TH', CROWD HE'S WIF//. ^P'. IMOWUniLd Ft.lur* SynJictlt. I.c ^ V >«r U. i. r.t. Off,—All righti HL ABNER Moonbeam Writhes Again!! By A1 Capp kET PAPP Y , ALONS.VO'. LILDEVIL.T. 'S/J " w I AM NO MORE AN OUCH.?-DEVIL THAN YOU Tare, madam .7 s worked FOR DR, MEPHISTO, THE MEDICINE MAN,. SAME AS ^ HE Dip" HE GOT US ALL FIRED-AND AFTER WE SAVED HIM FROM THAT MOUNTAIN SLIDE, TOO .7~ r ) <1 V m AH MADE A Ll'L MISTAKE AN'PUT GASOLINE IN TH'MEDICINE BOTTLES.7 NATCHERLY, TH'WHOLE CARNIVAL BURNED DOWN WHEN TFT CUSTOMER WIF TH'CIGAR AN CELLULOID COLLAR DRANK SOME .7 2 ^THAR'S SOMETHIN'MSGHTY PEEKOOLVAR IN THESE CLOTHES O' LADY HOT- Fa0T %H6° TIT " X