Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1950)
, » CHyOf Nat ton'* Top Ktfrty Htctkm Lambrnnin’a 1949 ( oot^at . J Vi ri NUMBKH It: VOU'MK rx) m rm mum or a COLLEGE STATION (A«»l.iidS7TK\AS. nUDAT. Hi-1860 Prior PWtCtat* South Korean; Annt Strikes Back With American Weapons CT> HCIJa •^vrHU't Man> H»el) bmii* in TV* Gr»«e ImI MflM <’—■»*<> retl. 4lre<ie4. mmI pr*- •>«! ' nur^TWMi. .... . . . irs. n "!lXiA‘Ur ZST 1 ,’. ^ ho ,h< Heck • • • >>kyo, Jan* 1# *f pr falftrn mniOI Rr, The battle of Korea today »M | rean capital to the HMr. •totoiitorit on tbo rntu al eantral J In the a«»a. tho rafariitiMr (font jiiet -oulh of fallen Seoul toutKern afr^y New all Hfn « m1 • ‘ " tenUtark hurWd ho H va» t n.tfO* to rhork the north Re.l« fn.*i tha *U|r 1 s Jimpo Air- Kortan tanM •hash broke tha a® Tt „ . L * i, * dofahae liaet north of Saaid. . Mia t S haakhln blasted the Mh. Anhur hit.xeir frwn kit Reds ft<«n the alfpart. C M ! fraitl line HekeMinl WlalM 1 6» ••r»hip» **r% -ppuiwtiog f'oia- oortiemer* shell ami them Mai* muniet lea hheada on both the u<m4 in an at tern p< to takd «n« MM ami *ra| cahau. last r*.ln*.t tkndre It then »a« • The*e <te ailaaMitta ware re- ulaatfoyed on hie atpiafa. | * porte.1 by Gmum Max Arthur x i | .. ■haadquarkrrs shartlv after the i*ai*«aa MM Ttte itafeitite Im4 follow** the Hanh ns»eth iw i fu.m the atein <.ewer*I MarArthar haa ardered '’T °f 844a I northeaatIMni l’. H sit em to attark la the throrfh Kapyti'g and ('hanphon. north Kureaa air far re w it The hareaa front aaw tppeara * bo '* la haie tw-an aUMItendL head * k *« h ** v ' < *“ qaarter* in Tahjrn nay a It ha» “ „ Kofea. reeeuest iwr repartp that hirrth r rbm ( hiftahoti the lint MM h area a* hav# brearhed the Haa “* n, °4* due MM ahnont to tile Miter line *«••* ‘h Kanvnnnp area, t» .nd Mriti.k ... J • UMth '***• »»rdar .h.aTsri. nat ^da'S. i br.ile jh * t*” • Narh fa) H«u?r hieo 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • I " U, » «<*• •«9*nl -rv . . t«f frvia Kan^tana aanth to The Ka«4aaa haap reyerted a Sa-vA*^ «) n,,te. ..uih ./ »k. I* n note taking Maaroo ta aa# , * *' ** 91 ** * ir* '• — ">• r II 0.M >m~i. umut . ._4_J „_J. .Ml e** it. U.I. hirt- general »am .*tf MtUrned to Tsdtyo »V. kaidanaWMf i after a itarmf fl^hf U. the fVont a» “Mdlr a Once *t eseortwg l'. S fighter f * w ""'ea dbep Narth Ko*eon drove iff a North Korean itlam "• v » l u " ,f » atUch#4 hy 1 whu h irieil to attark Mac Ar* U ' hut no Mail* thui's utiairnsnl ptsrsonal ppne. W,,T * 8'' r ** the famuue 'Hainan " ! Tnd CoaaaiMMM aa»d they nlao Th* t iimmuninte here repnrtnl •‘•de * landing ua the Mat to have Ifiven aMout n mile* ^ the hoc aouth ,f the H*n Hirer soatk ..f der. hut offieef* %»ld MacAr^hur Seoul vea .r.lav, but MarArtMur ' ,f, h '» '*" M, ^ ‘d* »»C"* on hi. v*nt la that aaetor of the he** «•*»* in that' fnmt **a no avWMkre of It and . .i hnefinp nfficora s«id the terl* had not 11nosed the Han in this area k iindteg ap the Iwa-night run af Hie Rila , thf •f the prod art taa giveo forth with aae af tha dared, the weatera air ted ram a (ouwda ta balk pre«*enlattena. In are Leonard rerkina at the ptaa# a ad Hi Taraef. £1. rapacity A&M Elected Sponsor Of Oak Ridge Institute Tha Council of tha Oak Ridge Esiuipnagnt which ta too cwatly available through the inaOUite t* Inatituta of Nuclear Stuhtoa thia to be maThtainad by a single ia- students of thoae schaala. with araek elected the (< Itega to the sUtutioo, or is unavailable on the stipends ranging from $1,500 to aponaorahtp of that Inatitute at campus for seomtv reaaons. will j $2,7M, Dr HarnnglM aard a meeting in Oak Hulga. Tenn be made available to the College . ~ Dr. M. T. Harrington, irreanter t Richard A Enckaon, Claaa of _ . l V** t £**' af the < ollege attended the meet- ’80. is already conducting re- * . , ** ^eagrum of S [ and was aeatad on the In- search work at Oak Ridge Me will r T*** rr * nd nu " tute t'auncil as the schools lake hit Ph D. in physics frfnu ^ f * r ^ lences tnrougn a jrunteact representative after the election A4M Privilege. U-h* iSTeeTSEH ^ ^ ''*"*'* include fft colleges and uatvarmties Being choeen a sponsor means in the South and Southeast Spun- that A*M trill be givun th* prtv- s©rs # now have tin staff member* liege ef sending graduate stu doing research m nuclear science technic dents and staff members to the and atomic energy at the institute, to the With the Atomic Energy CaaMuls- sion It was incorporated in 1*44 Dr. C. < lemant Krrnck, who b*- comea i lean of tha College on Auguet I, was Virginia Poly* ichnic Institules repruserttaUe* Institute Ouufil white inatitute to use ita facilities for Fellowships for study toward serving eg vice premdant of that irrh. Ite Harrington said > master s or doctor's degrees are school 'Rio Rita* Ends Successful Run Before Capacity Crowd By DKkN BKKI) t this • smooth-playing >irchastra ' . ■ • * . , several dosen voices, plus teell kmtkm capacity crowd fteched ^ ^ run|MM , iTJS 'T l n '‘ K , for 5 Hy cast saw ite effart* apprdriat teak at the final presentation of I ^ “Bio Rita." the ndorful operetta of the border country. leads Pteaaiwg Completely filling every seat on the slab, many of the audience Itean "Buddy” Boyd bought their own chairs to as I r«tea. ‘be cast performeil capably . 1 1 , ^ . i s5» them of a comfortable even- Barron and Boyd were part ' * ) ^ in the top - Late Wire Briefs - | « Washington. June MV— '-Pi President Truman was told by Secre tary of Agriculture Urannan yesterday that the nation's food situation ia "in good shape" and that the international crisis does not warrant 1 changes in farm programs. This was reported by Bran nan after the chief esecutive railed him to the White House for a report on food supplies and production pn«a pects Berlin. June M—East Berlin ( omaiuni.U marched about M.MW tired looking people tela the Euwlgarten sguarr Iasi aighl la dramnalralr againal "American aggrrmaon in Korea" It turned out lo be a tame and lialleM affair. The square wa* only about three quartera full and hundred, si reamed away before the last speaker bad flaished. tpplaum* for speakers attarkins ben. Iteucla* MacArthur and "Angte-American ImpenaUals” * as sparse. . J Lake Success. June The l nited Nations shoved aaide Rua ful. often loaded. |*e>qtt American stan uhtectioiis yesterday and wenf ahead lining up armed force against ■Mine. ! the Bm invaders in South Korea haps we were ,us| eg peeling more comic *ongs as $ feault of hia arene steeling lings ami actions leeptn r DwH Others mstrumgntgl the audience la«g$>ng were Dolly M<>aa cast opposite pcNew aa hia l*d by BiUte Jean Barn.n and ?* ? bly,h J n ' Hirr y ho po - tr h y ling, w ed the boaat Governor Gives Reason for Bell i Placement Site Th* replica of the liberty bell thgt wan used in the Tex- ta bond drive will be officially pregented to Air M on Wedneg- lay afternoon, Wovernor Shiv ers will be here to make the presenlatioa « In speaking of the Liberty Bell, I Governor Shivers said. "Texga A*M is rapenally lenemng of this ronaideration In addition to the interest that has been shown i* People were standing in msnv icwlaHy pteqateg te their duet- _ «• ^ M rotes. Mrs Ruaa.a in a protert note .‘.mtetHted the force illegal The note was there by ei-atudente and officials, aa * * . I I -*- — . L.. .1.1 HawWHsm'm «#*stas A 1 ^ . _ . k_ _ I 111 VWteatl - fktfeM*dl * . m . a .a. a * * .... parts of the foare enctoaesi at.a Bpaniab costumes gay music, and an enthusiastic cast combined 10 please the audience. Add to IS *«r Ms* Arthur’s V S. warnlanea made 1*1 mdm tentey, inflicting age on ( onimuntet gets The nq«»rt «a*d Rive Vnmial Rural Chun-h Conference Completed r wigeapcead item- It ; . !* | * By KB4^t DAVIS | importance of stronger run rural , _ . . icharehae through improved (fcnl □sweewd^ bv^lhs I stewardship. ^ , 'nd.Mie moetiag Rev, A J Mohr, fees and^re wn Umger ae^l Wtenes sh«*t down ly the Houth dent of the 1>*aa Rural rhggeh l T' ****' KorH^n* Th# claiin ( affifarwnt#, ov#r th# I ^ W#Hh##a®)f w##nirif •#•• teat Dr J C. Cherry of the xtA. k l ' HNwiB Baptiat Church of Dur- MacArthor's own Mrty place,! AHfcoagh tte fonfervac. Wga N < the battle lire this pray . ^ •Hdmte.i as wa* etpsr From the vicinity) of the Fort l ®®' H w ** nf In, h"» *tl mile* 1 southwest of P"* **, u Keoui northward to the town and T> * M 12 North Ko- The Fifth A sitne the out break of fighting Sunday Fre aumahU this does OM shot dsiwn ly the South dent ,7f the T>*m Rural Chgrvh nreon* Tha Seutfcvmers claim < or fere rue preside,! over , the at least three. [ jkgglllM- TV hew iMuartei* pummany and place,! singing of the title song, “Rio Barron * voice Is^t much u> the P'grim holed Rit*" sucres* of the prggrsm Boyd. — , . an old favonte git!) AdM vocal TV produettan ». d,m. any mm-1 f . n , performed „ g,, u , u ,| ( ., p . professional plWiwntatiiori. had it* B ble shottoaglings, but these were bal ] J anepd by ami portrayed scenes Htor thg A$llaia •fH ••■-‘teltriCvsl Mmgs Although q,,, of t y,e be«g cipirHcter parts lawdapsmkwr system was not 0 f (be evening wgs portrayed by functioning M well a. tV night (fWrr R.^n, Jit as Eate Vfwrs lacky^enough U, get fcan tV Vrder toubtrv's answer dose seat, found Rte Rita .forth- | ^ Simon I egree Vijlamous Eate **** fgtof$g#MaaA i bat will prohablf $e long-hated As Fee I seal i»y tV kiddies fqr bttempting to steal heroine Ritg ffom hero Jim the Ranger New support came forth for the Allied fight to bring peace ftefkm* of the audience near the h^tM had to contend, as gaual. amah , bddrpa [ Tote««iteh cwmaranie$tiwfi mkwsca) Grove's stag* ! ran't be overhnAwi if\ handing out ddqgnt clfer every conv*nief*e to 'be pteudite for |he presentotion a production af “Ru> RiU" aise, Bill Tumar, diraftod. assisted hy the cast uevnrthele** adapted its Jeanne Ostnei, Are the two top action* to the crowded cnmlttinn* people respnnsibip. | Aaatte, June M—‘-AT'—Wartime realrictiea* were placed an Berg strom Air Fercc Base reaierday. ( al Kaymawd F. Kudell. deputy commander of the 27th lighter Karert Wing, said that naitar* .ould not he alloaed unless they have specific huniness AAM will celebrate it* 75th an niversary next year with a record of having contributed some 14,000 men and ^finals in the last world war. thousands of other* in earlier conflict* and many thousand* of fine rttfcens ami lender* in civilian life. 1 * The hell ia a !>r»nac replica that weighs about 1,500 pound* ward a possible sweeping appinval today of President Truman’s pn |T»m to arm free nations threatened by Communist aggression TV with its stand It is mounted on f i.m. (EDT) on the one and a quarter billion * heavy oak beam < dollar authomatmn hill far foreign arm* aid NT* *nns aid. TV trophy will be brought to The measure includes It million dollar.’ worth of arms help for ('ollsg* Sutton hy tmek and will Bridge tier*le,I a* wa* eggac- ttpHe of an evangeh.tic approa< h ctedceteful in it* par- prvachufg to the unconverted . tV rqrwl churrheo id .m! H i,churched a* a key ill the .perfo blast. Our personal choice for th* moat promising <aat membsr of | spoke on the impor- evening goes to Iwmar Me- | sophomore AAM student to*»e<! him sell into tV char- , . . acter of romteal Chiek He a a and rural church program remained 'here "Many other thing, ought to j be added to a program in tV rural community,' l»i Cherry bi addition to displaying stage said, "but preaching the won! of "know-how" arid handling fiever Upd must lie the key approach “ repartee in a oonvfnrmg manner > l aattrartneae*, Frev.tea. h ** t" ,i.' ,r ‘‘ llent iZHZ, 4 TV pteaaant-te ths-ear yosaHwa of il„ U*. m *A n- — Q ir* >r J, " , Aikens of tV National Mr New seemed to fit tV aong* ^ J**”. i_ , ^ome Mission Boaid of tV Pres he Wfidere,!, but not his |>art. Per diaeussion - *— —- — —s- spees V* wa* pyAn bf Joe Mwtharal. lirofwuug of agryiiftur nuke, southeast .miUtetam. age atemiger in aVas ",“r' r*'' ° bank af tV wllrr , th , f », lly fam “Tenan ( hurvh te a 2. ‘'Ton many arehilecture plant, said ) >f our churrVa are their problem, .airport Sf himp<i ;1* air miles ‘ mssnlwr sg northwest of Sewtllj Natewarthy Apeerhe* hspeff,wt Mlaateaa Notable aAteng It was st Kimpo that the au- tV talk g<v ,rf' rt* their .first mi*»ion asaockst* profspoog of agrb i te»i Red tefeadsk. af tV air y esqmomira gt BAM. pbrt liefure the Aaupiern rouater- ,1^,! .taalirS made which dhow attack * thaf fami . r „. 'TV tide ’hen msike-s southeast inatitatmns age »kr»nger Van! along tV sski Han k \«r is tV vi , TV Haa flow* atfc>ut two miles f ar n^ aauth of v,h«1 peeper but the MofVral |tei> t^ out. however mere Vie* anting by tV s.,le that tv income from tV family «f the road They should be at- «19# furnn m|iM$ Aufftrt+vtt for tr»#tivte pUuv of wnmhip. whttuUl a high standard of livtaf. hav,- a<les|uate auditorium space t He said. "TV |nmil\ stae farm on tV ground flour so aged ami ia not the lagne as tV *uhsi* tipple,! temple will have no dlf- tence farm " jBteiity entering. a,let|uate reli* I C H Bate. 4 the Extension «iiKeti,m space, *de,,u«t. Herege cm(4ta*itodl tV impor *tor*ge apace am! facilities for tance of part-tote farming and rwrreatKmal amt general ernmun- garddning f,» people who mphe H|r graframa tVir'living In Jme otVr Met- 1 T> "‘ "*‘"' f ""g an important ad yen j , T dre*» was given by Dr K M The food Miami is better than Ihrector Farm Foundation, ran he obtained igherwiae," Rata. Chicago. Illinois on “A Health •aid. “and Vs (rtivitf is gtsml f ® f 8“™' People", ac recreation .mi ha* good psyshul f^rdnte W Iteniel Russell pro logical value 4 feasor of rural sociology at AdM Dr, John! BBcbanan. iMral $H 1 hatnaan of tV ronfereme ehundiriran with IV Texas BAR-1 ' Mat Board In Dallas, gave an adiirVa ia wdiirh he stressed McN*w Shiae* South Korea and tV Philippines and one billion dollars for Western ^ acimpemed by mititery es- Eurn W cert Aastraka -bV-AartralU'. Prims Mwialer Robert MeaMaa teM An^ vtvij < 55Ste‘ neeuaen Ute.i tka. V .. caavtgalag hi. cabin rt hy letephaae mi s.vme Frame They were mount- w net he r t. send ft*hier planes ta Korea A squadron af Rayal Ass- , , n j I rails. Air Farce Maslanx fighter* i. based la Japan kualrahan 7/,,^ w! rl,. , - newamcn nmy McArthur ha. reqwewted tV plane.. tympany ***** HouaBm. June ."RI 'Ah Recauar of tV “National Situation," Port nf Houston police and employes were placed on a 24 hour alert today by lien W F Heaeey, p«irt director (ieneral Heavey ordered naugation district police to check all sus picious person* and to "approach tVm with piatols drawn" Further, he warned that at a moment's notice, instructions may he itaued to bar raaual visiter, from tV port Korean Battle Outcome Seen €drN t el< k d For PreMfitation (la sees will Rt diamiisd free. I MS — m te I p m Wed a*»da>, Jali i. ip seder that rtadents faceRr and staff member- mar attend the cere mony at TV (Jikrt* f«r (he prrwentalien »f the lAerty Bell replica to tV f allege. Ite M T Harrhigtea, press - deaf of the ( sUeRe, mad* th# a swoon feme s I this morning He •BI receive the hell ia heRaV of (V (ollege from Cwv. A Has Bfehtow j I (irovf Dance Tontorron Mt;hl A iuke-bsx ilam-e wiB be Vld in the (•rovr tnmMni^r night. Grady Kim,. **w»tant, dipertoi of student activities, announced It will last from h until II p m Nu sps-cial arrongi-nients have lieen made for tV dance Iwcause of peoplr leaving town, V said MSC Staff Moves to Mew ‘Center' Offices 7 '• kt Memonal Student ('miter of fices will move into tV (enter today ami tomorrow, J Wayne Stark director of the Student ('enter, announced yesterday At Hint the office* are m Btxiell Georg* H Unuui Wtllatan. vrterag after from the Aggie Players, rested bis lot with l be rommoaity cert for The Grose presentatipo S' Ri« Kits." He played the fart af < srporal Wilburs. a rout h aifd tougb Tex as Ranger. About 15 staff member* will V located in tV new buildmg They j Waxhington June 30-- PnwKient Truman declared last night that the nation* ral lying -gamut the "unprovoked attack on Korea will be hu< • partmei t. am! M E Thomas <w«*ful in tVir effort* to mam- warehouse purchasing agent and tem "peace and freedoar" building superintendent ^ The (ircaident made tV stato- ‘ All office, except Thom.. *A\ X be IS the west end of tV balld.tlg . R * f% r L I^Jf Ml ‘‘ M ° f ^ \ v-n ,kl ihimlnican Republic who congrat- Al EngiiK^erV (lamp . . . •- India Supports Korean Policies M ATI MEK I si B% M A. ( amp Bagir WS TV first West of training at Pert Bel voir ka* been one ,«f an S, iMma? Uapd , form, to nmtom marter ROTt trooaer* aad I’m a i New Dal hi June 30—(AP) —India, the biggeat non-Com ntumat power in Asia, ewitch ad laat nifht from neutrality minduct ion to real work sad en- to aupport of the I'nited Na- nymeai of sunal aetivitias (tons poliry for stopping the Ko- (>» Tuesday, "CT TompaAf as roan conflict with allied armed *ombted and dismantled a M> foot Rtrce Bailey Bndgs. TV bridge had two TVrt was no ladirotten aa to main conatitoente a PO foot wfcetVr India would offer mot I'Wor span and a *» foot launrh- I wW aid ia Korea | Ni fmt All work performed on u w Prim* Minister Jswahariol Nsh tV aroyect wa* by manual labor. ^ * , Ml long had tried to steer his conn- Total time nsouire,! for the en- try a aoutMl Ha* m the cohl 'irv operation was aUiut «■!*”*" v 4% HBiHi #P rommumat world hdBrt. ^ T and the wtwtom powers A loctura and actual flights '•*'* r * 4 ' rni d‘ ha «ad Egypt woes the two wore riven to th* mombers of tV J** Tusoda v night at Lake socond battoliosi hv officor, of tV air shasrvaUon and kwoaa-1 •* wo$#aw» naiaancs brum h of the engineer Friday evening cwmbwi battalion on Thpraday **** wor 's I raaioa During t$e •tod. the AggiW things With a ypil practice fBghto on the L-17 obsofvmtioci Vlicoptor thgt was Student Center .. completely h |? ™ X > opene,! thaa* office, may bo * ^ >-•*•«« Cni- rva, he,l through tV front door, j ^ SutM ™ imlude Wayne Surk. C F (ient., tl , tl | ,hat time the smith door on T * r Dominican president , tel- • assistant dlre,-tnr and i.usines.! t V west end ,.f tV building “f™"' WM "'•de public at tV manage), W A Hill and Mrs , ,»*,*]Id be used Surk said This Wh,u ' Hou *«' • l " n g •‘O' "thya Motelle Holland, managerial *Uff u ,1^. ,tadium side of the build- the president* of Costs Ri£n, for tV gueat moms; Price Smith, , n j Nicaragua and Colombia support manager of tV games depart- #ffkt V|U ^ ((| mg the Tmted $U»|m^ .tend irwnt Mrs Ann H,Hurd, director (>ff ^ l’n- 1 ‘***• , ( »" ^ of tV social and clwwtmn V- ^ nm , tnM . tj0fl rfm ^ u jt «•*. can be lemhe,! from the ramp ^ down to the basement at th* cea-J «• l a ter .ear of tv building , J J* tK#nk ** * lencp fnf your expiwsalon of sal- The Student Mem<inal ( enter idartty in connection with the IP- i staff waa started in < tetoVr, | tion taken hy the government of HM7, when Stark opened his of- the Tnited States in roformMy fi«* in (Windwin Hall. Ten month* with tV decision of tV security later his staff had increased to j council of the I’nited Nations con- four people and became too larg' owning the unprovfltod attai|» for the one-room office on tV Republic of Korea With After moving to BimHI Hall enogertic action I know tV fnr- in August, 19411. the office ef the cos devoted to maintenance nf rt 1 1 J pweebasing agent wa* estahlished. peace and freedom in the world short ritles TaHor was givga a { Fifteen Aggies took advantage tV director reported I will V successful " flight on one of 1% Armv’s t#t- of tV first all-daf Army tour 1 — (- —V—* ——— ■»■»*» > ' «— est hrtwpter, ■KFwgUWS. ry of Parts pf Washington and vi- ^ . r . . frtved a trip oM tie L-17 pteaWi nnity TV majority of (V morn- j Climax Of tv -web's trainingUl »*•' ^torving pmnU . V- ^ . ' *• - ' ' waa a aeven add wae half mile ^ interest at Mouat Vsman laii. .. T ■* ' Id pack* andi^ aftenmoa tV convoy motor U. ad to Washington to viait tV . Lincoln Monument, tV Capitol, — Fort Belvoir R0TC Cadets Partake of Labor, Activities library of me C our y—wte Twsaaay aigfit at Lake Bwmoaa When the Hscwnty ( oun ml. hv • 7-1 eate, approved and sammittad tV Umteii Nations to afforts the fight- at V P common C. B Fergu- matrh with ful) nflos TV distafico was covered in the short per**"! «>f two hours,. however st tV termination af | imithapaian Institute, the hilas. t V dffmt was quits; Congeaa*. and Aup not tree hie on th^ AfRto* fura building , T— 1 *J»VS!"-ST fS Tmmm. Vrni- t** Pwrwos* of attending various . plain J-- " “‘‘X ‘ Krt 1 '*" aiversity. Is f l "* Tatraixt Bivwr. , m i«. n d.r K*ck lay two momhers of “(T rtto manner Company hav. tha misfortune of donros rthe- g p (hitoVn pottos > 8o“ duty TV following Aggies have (luh on Vd tV arduous dsQ|: R H W of tV! pHaggH, j r , w H Munaoa. |. •*- B 0*NoiU W R HardL J M. mtermw Hurst J ft 11 r I wmr w l. Pear* cm I to I 'its ‘', 4< TV A|fi» M taking tha Te|ga danrs, howsesgj I laat y*«’‘* i Texas flag rswc* qf th « B Omm, W R HsrdL J to 1 *. Hurst. J. D Me leer, wTlb I ■* son. ami J. T. Brnwa. ivajry hotwoon s. With the AAM to ha taa- Itself Tecs* *ts.' War 'Y example af "the house af toms w art raadattog atadtea to Ao lag shapes aa aaeiroamawtal factors sack TV rowf Is adjaataMo, and the huiMtag Afferent oxpoaursa. t f A