The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1950, Image 1

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    , »
Nat ton'* Top
Ktfrty Htctkm
Lambrnnin’a 1949 ( oot^at
. J
m rm mum or a
South Korean; Annt
Strikes Back With
American Weapons
•^vrHU't Man> H»el) bmii* in TV* Gr»«e ImI
MflM <’—■»*<> retl. 4lre<ie4. mmI pr*-
•>«! ' nur^TWMi. .... . . . irs. n
"!lXiA‘Ur ZST 1 ,’. ^ ho ,h< Heck • • •
>>kyo, Jan* 1# *f pr falftrn mniOI Rr,
The battle of Korea today »M | rean capital to the HMr.
•totoiitorit on tbo rntu al eantral J In the a«»a. tho rafariitiMr
(font jiiet -oulh of fallen Seoul toutKern afr^y New all Hfn
« m1 • ‘ " tenUtark hurWd ho H va» t n.tfO* to rhork the north
Re.l« fn.*i tha *U|r 1 s Jimpo Air- Kortan tanM •hash broke tha
a® Tt „ . L * i, * dofahae liaet north of Saaid.
. Mia t S haakhln blasted the Mh. Anhur hit.xeir frwn kit
Reds ft<«n the alfpart. C M ! fraitl line HekeMinl WlalM 1 6»
••r»hip» **r% -ppuiwtiog f'oia- oortiemer* shell ami them Mai*
muniet lea hheada on both the u<m4 in an at tern p< to takd «n«
MM ami *ra| cahau. last r*.ln*.t tkndre It then »a«
• The*e <te ailaaMitta ware re- ulaatfoyed on hie atpiafa. | *
porte.1 by Gmum Max Arthur x i | ..
■haadquarkrrs shartlv after the i*ai*«aa MM
Ttte itafeitite Im4 follow** the
Hanh ns»eth iw i fu.m the atein
<.ewer*I MarArthar haa ardered '’T °f 844a I northeaatIMni
l’. H sit em to attark la the throrfh Kapyti'g and ('hanphon.
north Kureaa air far re w
The hareaa front aaw tppeara * bo '*
la haie tw-an aUMItendL head * k *« h ** v ' < *“
qaarter* in Tahjrn nay a It ha» “ „ Kofea.
reeeuest iwr repartp that hirrth r rbm ( hiftahoti the lint MM
h area a* hav# brearhed the Haa “* n, °4* due MM ahnont to tile
Miter line *«••* ‘h Kanvnnnp area, t» .nd Mriti.k ... J • UMth '***• »»rdar
.h.aTsri. nat ^da'S. i br.ile jh * t*” • Narh
fa) H«u?r hieo 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • I " U, » «<*• •«9*nl
-rv . . t«f frvia Kan^tana aanth to
The Ka«4aaa haap reyerted a Sa-vA*^ «) n,,te. ..uih ./ »k.
I* n note taking Maaroo ta aa# , * *' ** 91 **
* ir* '• — ">• r II 0.M >m~i. umut
. ._4_J „_J. .Ml e** it. U.I. hirt-
general »am .*tf MtUrned to Tsdtyo »V. kaidanaWMf i
after a itarmf fl^hf U. the fVont a» “Mdlr a
Once *t eseortwg l'. S fighter f * w ""'ea dbep Narth Ko*eon
drove iff a North Korean itlam "• v » l u " ,f » atUch#4 hy 1
whu h irieil to attark Mac Ar* U ' hut no Mail*
thui's utiairnsnl ptsrsonal ppne. W,,T * 8'' r **
the famuue 'Hainan " ! Tnd CoaaaiMMM aa»d they nlao
Th* t iimmuninte here repnrtnl •‘•de * landing ua the Mat
to have Ifiven aMout n mile* ^ the hoc
aouth ,f the H*n Hirer soatk ..f der. hut offieef* %»ld MacAr^hur
Seoul vea .r.lav, but MarArtMur ' ,f, h '» '*" M, ^ ‘d* »»C"*
on hi. v*nt la that aaetor of the he** «•*»* in that'
fnmt **a no avWMkre of It and . .i
hnefinp nfficora s«id the terl*
had not 11nosed the Han in this
ap the Iwa-night run af Hie Rila , thf
•f the prod art taa giveo forth with aae af tha
dared, the weatera air ted ram a
(ouwda ta balk pre«*enlattena. In
are Leonard rerkina at the ptaa# a ad
Hi Taraef.
A&M Elected Sponsor
Of Oak Ridge Institute
Tha Council of tha Oak Ridge Esiuipnagnt which ta too cwatly available through the inaOUite t*
Inatituta of Nuclear Stuhtoa thia to be maThtainad by a single ia- students of thoae schaala. with
araek elected the (< Itega to the sUtutioo, or is unavailable on the stipends ranging from $1,500 to
aponaorahtp of that Inatitute at campus for seomtv reaaons. will j $2,7M, Dr HarnnglM aard
a meeting in Oak Hulga. Tenn be made available to the College . ~
Dr. M. T. Harrington, irreanter t Richard A Enckaon, Claaa of _ . l V** t £**'
af the < ollege attended the meet- ’80. is already conducting re- * . , ** ^eagrum of
S [ and was aeatad on the In- search work at Oak Ridge Me will r T*** rr * nd nu "
tute t'auncil as the schools lake hit Ph D. in physics frfnu ^ f * r ^ lences tnrougn a jrunteact
representative after the election A4M
Privilege. U-h* iSTeeTSEH ^ ^ ''*"*'*
include fft colleges and uatvarmties
Being choeen a sponsor means in the South and Southeast Spun-
that A*M trill be givun th* prtv- s©rs # now have tin staff member*
liege ef sending graduate stu doing research m nuclear science technic
dents and staff members to the and atomic energy at the institute, to the
With the Atomic Energy CaaMuls-
sion It was incorporated in 1*44
Dr. C. < lemant Krrnck, who b*-
comea i lean of tha College on
Auguet I, was Virginia Poly*
ichnic Institules repruserttaUe*
Institute Ouufil white
inatitute to use ita facilities for Fellowships for study toward serving eg vice premdant of that
irrh. Ite Harrington said > master s or doctor's degrees are school
'Rio Rita* Ends Successful
Run Before Capacity Crowd
By DKkN BKKI) t this • smooth-playing >irchastra
' . ■ • * . , several dosen voices, plus teell
kmtkm capacity crowd fteched ^ ^ run|MM
, iTJS 'T l n '‘ K , for 5 Hy cast saw ite effart* apprdriat
teak at the final presentation of I ^
“Bio Rita." the ndorful operetta
of the border country. leads Pteaaiwg
Completely filling every seat
on the slab, many of the audience Itean "Buddy”
bought their own chairs to as I r«tea. ‘be cast performeil capably . 1 1 , ^ . i
s5» them of a comfortable even- Barron and Boyd were part ' * ) ^
in the top
- Late Wire Briefs -
| «
Washington. June MV— '-Pi President Truman was told by Secre
tary of Agriculture Urannan yesterday that the nation's food situation
ia "in good shape" and that the international crisis does not warrant 1
changes in farm programs.
This was reported by Bran nan after the chief esecutive railed him
to the White House for a report on food supplies and production pn«a
Berlin. June M—East Berlin ( omaiuni.U marched about
M.MW tired looking people tela the Euwlgarten sguarr Iasi aighl la
dramnalralr againal "American aggrrmaon in Korea" It turned out
lo be a tame and lialleM affair.
The square wa* only about three quartera full and hundred,
si reamed away before the last speaker bad flaished. tpplaum* for
speakers attarkins ben. Iteucla* MacArthur and "Angte-American
ImpenaUals” * as sparse.
. J Lake Success. June The l nited Nations shoved aaide Rua
ful. often loaded. |*e>qtt American stan uhtectioiis yesterday and wenf ahead lining up armed force against
■Mine. ! the Bm invaders in South Korea
haps we were ,us| eg peeling more
comic *ongs as $ feault of hia
arene steeling lings ami actions
r DwH
Others mstrumgntgl
the audience la«g$>ng were Dolly
M<>aa cast opposite pcNew aa hia
l*d by BiUte Jean Barn.n and ?* ? bly,h J n ' Hirr y
ho po - tr h y
ling, w
ed the boaat
Governor Gives
Reason for Bell
Placement Site
Th* replica of the liberty
bell thgt wan used in the Tex-
ta bond drive will be officially
pregented to Air M on Wedneg-
lay afternoon, Wovernor Shiv
ers will be here to make the
presenlatioa «
In speaking of the Liberty Bell,
I Governor Shivers said. "Texga
A*M is rapenally lenemng of
this ronaideration In addition to
the interest that has been shown
i* People were standing in msnv icwlaHy pteqateg te their duet- _ «• ^ M rotes. Mrs Ruaa.a in a protert note .‘.mtetHted the force illegal The note was there by ei-atudente and officials,
aa * * . I I -*- — . L.. .1.1 HawWHsm'm «#*stas A 1 ^ . _ . k_ _ I 111 VWteatl - fktfeM*dl * . m . a .a. a * * ....
parts of the foare enctoaesi at.a
Bpaniab costumes gay music,
and an enthusiastic cast combined
10 please the audience. Add to
IS *«r
Ms* Arthur’s
V S. warnlanea
made 1*1 mdm
tentey, inflicting
age on ( onimuntet
The nq«»rt «a*d
Vnmial Rural Chun-h
Conference Completed
r wigeapcead item- It ; . !* | *
By KB4^t DAVIS | importance of stronger run
, _ . . icharehae through improved (fcnl
□sweewd^ bv^lhs I stewardship. ^
, 'nd.Mie moetiag Rev, A J Mohr, fees and^re wn Umger ae^l
Wtenes sh«*t down ly the Houth dent of the 1>*aa Rural rhggeh l T' ****'
KorH^n* Th# claiin ( affifarwnt#, ov#r th# I ^ W#Hh##a®)f w##nirif •#••
teat Dr J C. Cherry of the
xtA. k l ' HNwiB Baptiat Church of Dur-
MacArthor's own Mrty place,! AHfcoagh tte fonfervac. Wga N <
the battle lire this pray . ^ •Hdmte.i as wa* etpsr
From the vicinity) of the Fort l ®®' H w **
nf In, h"» *tl mile* 1 southwest of P"* **, u
Keoui northward to the town and T> * M
12 North Ko- The Fifth A
sitne the out
break of fighting Sunday Fre
aumahU this does
OM shot dsiwn ly the South dent ,7f the T>*m Rural Chgrvh
nreon* Tha Seutfcvmers claim < or fere rue preside,! over , the
at least three. [ jkgglllM-
TV hew iMuartei* pummany and
singing of the title song, “Rio Barron * voice Is^t much u> the P'grim holed
Rit*" sucres* of the prggrsm Boyd.
— , . an old favonte git!) AdM vocal
TV produettan ». d,m. any mm-1 f . n , performed „ g,, u , u ,| ( ., p .
professional plWiwntatiiori. had it* B ble
shottoaglings, but these were bal ] J
anepd by ami portrayed scenes Htor thg A$llaia
•fH ••■-‘teltriCvsl Mmgs Although q,,, of t y,e be«g cipirHcter parts
lawdapsmkwr system was not 0 f (be evening wgs portrayed by
functioning M well a. tV night (fWrr R.^n, Jit as Eate
Vfwrs lacky^enough U, get fcan tV Vrder toubtrv's answer
dose seat, found Rte Rita .forth- | ^ Simon I egree Vijlamous Eate
**** fgtof$g#MaaA i bat will prohablf $e long-hated
As Fee I seal i»y tV kiddies fqr bttempting to
steal heroine Ritg ffom hero Jim
the Ranger
New support came forth for the Allied fight to bring peace
ftefkm* of the audience near
the h^tM had to contend, as gaual.
amah , bddrpa [ Tote««iteh
cwmaranie$tiwfi mkwsca)
Grove's stag* ! ran't be overhnAwi if\ handing out
ddqgnt clfer every conv*nief*e to 'be pteudite for |he presentotion
a production af “Ru> RiU" aise, Bill Tumar, diraftod. assisted hy
the cast uevnrthele** adapted its Jeanne Ostnei, Are the two top
action* to the crowded cnmlttinn* people respnnsibip. |
Aaatte, June M—‘-AT'—Wartime realrictiea* were placed an Berg
strom Air Fercc Base reaierday.
( al Kaymawd F. Kudell. deputy commander of the 27th lighter
Karert Wing, said that naitar* .ould not he alloaed unless they have
specific huniness
AAM will celebrate it* 75th an
niversary next year with a record
of having contributed some 14,000
men and ^finals in the last
world war. thousands of other*
in earlier conflict* and many
thousand* of fine rttfcens ami
lender* in civilian life. 1 *
The hell ia a !>r»nac replica
that weighs about 1,500 pound*
ward a possible sweeping appinval today of President Truman’s pn
|T»m to arm free nations threatened by Communist aggression TV with its stand It is mounted on
f i.m. (EDT) on the one and a quarter billion * heavy oak beam
dollar authomatmn hill far foreign arm* aid
NT* *nns aid. TV trophy will be brought to
The measure includes It million dollar.’ worth of arms help for ('ollsg* Sutton hy tmek and will
tier*le,I a* wa* eggac- ttpHe of an evangeh.tic approa< h
ctedceteful in it* par- prvachufg to the unconverted .
tV rqrwl churrheo id .m! H i,churched a* a key ill the
Our personal choice for th*
moat promising <aat membsr of |
spoke on the impor- evening goes to Iwmar Me- |
sophomore AAM student
to*»e<! him sell into tV char-
, . . acter of romteal Chiek He a a and
rural church program remained 'here
"Many other thing, ought to j
be added to a program in tV
rural community,' l»i Cherry bi addition to displaying stage
said, "but preaching the won! of "know-how" arid handling fiever
Upd must lie the key approach “ repartee in a oonvfnrmg manner
> l aattrartneae*, Frev.tea. h ** t" ,i.' ,r ‘‘ llent iZHZ,
4 TV pteaaant-te ths-ear yosaHwa of
il„ U*. m *A n- — Q ir* >r J, " , Aikens of tV National Mr New seemed to fit tV aong*
^ J**”. i_ , ^ome Mission Boaid of tV Pres he Wfidere,!, but not his |>art. Per
diaeussion - *— —- — —s-
spees V* wa*
pyAn bf Joe Mwtharal.
lirofwuug of agryiiftur
nuke, southeast .miUtetam. age atemiger in aVas ",“r' r*'' °
bank af tV wllrr , th , f », lly fam “Tenan ( hurvh te a
‘'Ton many
plant, said )
>f our churrVa are
their problem,
.airport Sf himp<i ;1* air miles ‘ mssnlwr sg
northwest of Sewtllj Natewarthy Apeerhe*
hspeff,wt Mlaateaa Notable aAteng
It was st Kimpo that the au- tV talk g<v
,rf' rt* their .first mi*»ion asaockst* profspoog of agrb i
te»i Red tefeadsk. af tV air y esqmomira gt BAM.
pbrt liefure the Aaupiern rouater- ,1^,! .taalirS made which dhow
attack * thaf fami . r „.
'TV tide ’hen msike-s southeast inatitatmns age »kr»nger
Van! along tV sski
Han k \«r is tV vi
, TV Haa flow* atfc>ut two miles f ar n^
aauth of v,h«1 peeper but the MofVral |tei> t^ out. however mere Vie* anting by tV s.,le
that tv income from tV family «f the road They should be at-
«19# furnn m|iM$ Aufftrt+vtt for tr»#tivte pUuv of wnmhip. whttuUl
a high standard of livtaf. hav,- a<les|uate auditorium space
t He said. "TV |nmil\ stae farm on tV ground flour so aged ami
ia not the lagne as tV *uhsi* tipple,! temple will have no dlf-
tence farm " jBteiity entering. a,let|uate reli*
I C H Bate. 4 the Extension «iiKeti,m space, *de,,u«t.
Herege cm(4ta*itodl tV impor *tor*ge apace am! facilities for
tance of part-tote farming and rwrreatKmal amt general ernmun-
garddning f,» people who mphe H|r graframa
tVir'living In Jme otVr Met- 1 T> "‘ "*‘"' f ""g an important ad
yen j , T dre*» was given by Dr K M
The food Miami is better than Ihrector Farm Foundation,
ran he obtained igherwiae," Rata. Chicago. Illinois on “A Health
•aid. “and Vs (rtivitf is gtsml f ® f 8“™' People", ac
recreation .mi ha* good psyshul f^rdnte W Iteniel Russell pro
logical value 4 feasor of rural sociology at AdM
Dr, John! BBcbanan. iMral $H 1 hatnaan of tV ronfereme
ehundiriran with IV Texas BAR-1 '
Mat Board In Dallas, gave an
adiirVa ia wdiirh he stressed
McN*w Shiae*
South Korea and tV Philippines and one billion dollars for Western ^ acimpemed by mititery es-
Eurn W cert
Aastraka -bV-AartralU'. Prims Mwialer Robert MeaMaa teM An^ vtvij < 55Ste‘
neeuaen Ute.i tka. V .. caavtgalag hi. cabin rt hy letephaae mi s.vme Frame They were mount-
w net he r t. send ft*hier planes ta Korea A squadron af Rayal Ass- , , n j
I rails. Air Farce Maslanx fighter* i. based la Japan kualrahan 7/,,^ w! rl,. , -
newamcn nmy McArthur ha. reqwewted tV plane.. tympany *****
HouaBm. June ."RI 'Ah Recauar of tV “National Situation," Port
nf Houston police and employes were placed on a 24 hour alert today
by lien W F Heaeey, p«irt director
(ieneral Heavey ordered naugation district police to check all sus
picious person* and to "approach tVm with piatols drawn"
Further, he warned that at a moment's notice, instructions may he
itaued to bar raaual visiter, from tV port
Korean Battle
Outcome Seen
€drN t el< k d
For PreMfitation
(la sees will Rt diamiisd
free. I MS — m te I p m Wed
a*»da>, Jali i. ip seder that
rtadents faceRr and staff
member- mar attend the cere
mony at TV (Jikrt* f«r (he
prrwentalien »f the lAerty
Bell replica to tV f allege.
Ite M T Harrhigtea, press -
deaf of the ( sUeRe, mad* th#
a swoon feme s I this morning He
•BI receive the hell ia heRaV
of (V (ollege from Cwv. A Has
Bfehtow j I
(irovf Dance
Tontorron Mt;hl
A iuke-bsx ilam-e wiB be
Vld in the (•rovr tnmMni^r
night. Grady Kim,. **w»tant,
dipertoi of student activities,
announced It will last from
h until II p m
Nu sps-cial arrongi-nients
have lieen made for tV dance
Iwcause of peoplr leaving town,
V said
MSC Staff Moves to
Mew ‘Center' Offices
7 '• kt
Memonal Student ('miter of
fices will move into tV (enter
today ami tomorrow, J Wayne
Stark director of the Student
('enter, announced yesterday At
Hint the office* are m Btxiell
Georg* H Unuui
Wtllatan. vrterag after from the
Aggie Players, rested bis lot with
l be rommoaity cert for The
Grose presentatipo S' Ri« Kits."
He played the fart af < srporal
Wilburs. a rout h aifd tougb Tex
as Ranger.
About 15 staff member* will V
located in tV new buildmg They
j Waxhington June 30--
PnwKient Truman declared
last night that the nation* ral
lying -gamut the "unprovoked
attack on Korea will be hu< •
partmei t. am! M E Thomas <w«*ful in tVir effort* to mam-
warehouse purchasing agent and tem "peace and freedoar"
building superintendent ^ The (ircaident made tV stato-
‘ All office, except Thom.. *A\ X
be IS the west end of tV balld.tlg . R * f% r L I^Jf Ml ‘‘ M ° f ^ \
v-n ,kl ihimlnican Republic who congrat-
Al EngiiK^erV (lamp . . .
•- India Supports
Korean Policies
B% M A.
( amp
Bagir WS
TV first West of training at
Pert Bel voir ka* been one ,«f an
S, iMma? Uapd ,
form, to nmtom
marter ROTt
trooaer* aad I’m a i
New Dal hi June 30—(AP)
—India, the biggeat non-Com
ntumat power in Asia, ewitch
ad laat nifht from neutrality minduct ion to real work sad en-
to aupport of the I'nited Na- nymeai of sunal aetivitias
(tons poliry for stopping the Ko- (>» Tuesday, "CT TompaAf as
roan conflict with allied armed *ombted and dismantled a M> foot
Rtrce Bailey Bndgs. TV bridge had two
TVrt was no ladirotten aa to main conatitoente a PO foot
wfcetVr India would offer mot I'Wor span and a *» foot launrh-
I wW aid ia Korea | Ni fmt All work performed on u w
Prim* Minister Jswahariol Nsh tV aroyect wa* by manual labor. ^ * ,
Ml long had tried to steer his conn- Total time nsouire,! for the en-
try a aoutMl Ha* m the cohl 'irv operation was aUiut «■!*”*" v
4% HBiHi #P rommumat world hdBrt. ^ T
and the wtwtom powers A loctura and actual flights '•*'* r * 4 ' rni d‘
ha «ad Egypt woes the two wore riven to th* mombers of tV J**
Tusoda v night at Lake socond battoliosi hv officor, of
tV air shasrvaUon and kwoaa-1 •* wo$#aw»
naiaancs brum h of the engineer Friday evening
cwmbwi battalion on Thpraday **** wor 's I
raaioa During t$e
•tod. the AggiW
things With a ypil practice
fBghto on the L-17 obsofvmtioci
Vlicoptor thgt was
Student Center .. completely h |? ™ X >
opene,! thaa* office, may bo * ^ >-•*•«« Cni-
rva, he,l through tV front door, j ^ SutM ™
imlude Wayne Surk. C F (ient., tl , tl | ,hat time the smith door on T * r Dominican president , tel- •
assistant dlre,-tnr and i.usines.! t V west end ,.f tV building “f™"' WM "'•de public at tV
manage), W A Hill and Mrs , ,»*,*]Id be used Surk said This Wh,u ' Hou *«' • l " n g •‘O' "thya
Motelle Holland, managerial *Uff u ,1^. ,tadium side of the build- the president* of Costs Ri£n,
for tV gueat moms; Price Smith, , n j Nicaragua and Colombia support
manager of tV games depart- #ffkt V|U ^ ((| mg the Tmted $U»|m^ .tend
irwnt Mrs Ann H,Hurd, director (>ff ^ l’n- 1 ‘***• , ( »" ^
of tV social and clwwtmn V- ^ nm , tnM . tj0fl rfm ^ u jt «•*.
can be lemhe,! from the ramp ^
down to the basement at th* cea-J «• l a
ter .ear of tv building , J J* tK#nk ** *
lencp fnf your expiwsalon of sal-
The Student Mem<inal ( enter idartty in connection with the IP-
i staff waa started in < tetoVr, | tion taken hy the government of
HM7, when Stark opened his of- the Tnited States in roformMy
fi«* in (Windwin Hall. Ten month* with tV decision of tV security
later his staff had increased to j council of the I’nited Nations con-
four people and became too larg' owning the unprovfltod attai|»
for the one-room office on tV Republic of Korea With
After moving to BimHI Hall enogertic action I know tV fnr-
in August, 19411. the office ef the cos devoted to maintenance nf
rt 1 1 J pweebasing agent wa* estahlished. peace and freedom in the world
short ritles TaHor was givga a { Fifteen Aggies took advantage tV director reported I will V successful "
flight on one of 1% Armv’s t#t- of tV first all-daf Army tour 1 — (- —V—* ——— ■»■»*» > ' «—
est hrtwpter, ■KFwgUWS. ry of Parts pf Washington and vi- ^ . r . .
frtved a trip oM tie L-17 pteaWi nnity TV majority of (V morn- j
Climax Of tv -web's trainingUl »*•' ^torving pmnU . V- ^ . ' *• - ' '
waa a aeven add wae half mile ^ interest at Mouat Vsman laii. .. T ■* '
Id pack* andi^ aftenmoa tV convoy motor U.
ad to Washington to viait tV .
Lincoln Monument, tV Capitol, —
Fort Belvoir R0TC Cadets
Partake of Labor, Activities
library of
me C our
y—wte Twsaaay aigfit at Lake
Bwmoaa When the Hscwnty ( oun
ml. hv • 7-1 eate, approved and
sammittad tV Umteii Nations to
the fight-
at V P common
C. B Fergu-
matrh with ful)
nflos TV distafico was covered
in the short per**"! «>f two hours,.
however st tV termination af | imithapaian Institute,
the hilas. t V dffmt was quits; Congeaa*. and Aup
not tree hie on th^ AfRto* fura building ,
T— 1 *J»VS!"-ST fS
Tmmm. Vrni- t** Pwrwos* of attending various
. plain J-- " “‘‘X ‘ Krt 1 '*"
aiversity. Is f l "* Tatraixt Bivwr.
, m i«. n d.r K*ck lay two momhers of “(T
rtto manner Company hav. tha misfortune of
donros rthe- g p (hitoVn pottos >
8o“ duty TV following Aggies have
(luh on Vd tV arduous dsQ|: R H
W of tV! pHaggH, j r , w H Munaoa. |.
•*- B 0*NoiU W R HardL J M.
mtermw Hurst J ft 11 r I wmr w l. Pear*
I to
I 'its
‘', 4<
TV A|fi» M
taking tha Te|ga
danrs, howsesgj I
laat y*«’‘* i
Texas flag
rswc* qf th
« B Omm, W R HsrdL J
to 1 *. Hurst. J. D Me leer, wTlb I
■* son. ami J. T. Brnwa.
ivajry hotwoon
With the
to ha taa-
Itself Tecs*
example af "the house af toms
w art raadattog atadtea to Ao
lag shapes aa aaeiroamawtal factors sack
TV rowf Is adjaataMo, and the huiMtag
Afferent oxpoaursa.
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