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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1950)
tii 1 OtyOf Colkgr KUtioa Official I If, /•'» NttUm’n Top | Safety Section | Lumhcrmmn\ 1949 < on teat y NI MBER B: VOLUIIK 50 IN THE INTBtDT OF A A4tM COLLEGE tmiJC(;K STATIC* (AcfietedK TEXAS, TUEHUF, Jl’NE 27. 1990* frtat: Vive Cenu Pass Music South oftheBorder—Rio Rita' Council To S^t Yearly Budfe kill, t« II. HV L 0. TIKI»T A r.-Airtifu in ik» INMl of tl»*‘ • ‘•ll»|c Amm mtinf to 44S K/' [.:■ Amm.*#4 by tb> System H'.nrd of Dtiwtoi* in ita m»»Mnn «n th*- mtn|NM AnturAay TK* frt»u|> «1m> n« anb-d comAtufti.iil roMraHa toUlm* It, Mrf Mropnatad It, Wl tor u#r throughout the AAM dlvutfAn B'-i< "I nrmb^il* m«>t in an •*- knuai pxo4uti**i aoaaton I'nday 41th thr bbard moatinf tab If*’ inf pia4» Innrd <>f Dll Momb* martinf *»-rn ti Nrv*t i| Kufua Fott< «' C. I fbnat, *iut Ty moniwif in th* tom t\»n terror* umaont at thr L Whit#, John W fWpioa, Koy C. J#f«-r, (iibb (ill L Boll V* inbrra lb# Haaw fW vision and n# |nf fial lOMira to Utt 8rtK> 4>,«t ..t|M>r vifHMM inenr- I rx^u.innf morr nnndnd <4- i yarr. Ho,(MM is arh#4uM U ba] . for ronntmrtioii of f atortn j 'fro#, th# Kyi# FVI4 #«trant# dry rrvoh b#d F.aat «f tb# m U aitnhuit# tb# flooded »t that paunt Also inHwM contract is tb# constnartion I itary aM##r Un# from tb# I of lb# drill fWM to tb# ait# now Administration build ►rib of ffOndwm Hall .5* / f A / 1 AN rran L not pioacnt a#»r»lA. E. Oudlipp, E W HamiMin, itid Henry H##ar III. KudffSl Appro, rd A total of M4,7«7,I47 If worth of hudf. t4 was acncpted for th# #iitir» ayslpm, with A AM r#c#iviii§ |83*t2.4*S.'l 4A for educational and feiwral ptirpooea, and |ll,47H,a.VJ Ai foroih.-r purphacr AAM's be tMidp.t totMM f U Cf.I.M.t Ml. Am.rd njr to nfta-mation fiv#n th# Board by < oll#f4 ( ..mptmilcr W H RoltooHin, of tbr JV7C pernarM employ#d hy the cu4!#f#, 4<'l will r#c#i\» an overall salary inctvaar of |in whil# ‘td persons rm - eiv# a ■alary d. , tean# Qt cut in p#mon n#l a ill louat for the rrtnaind#i of thr budpet ct»t Tb. nthletw #b«tnril menved a igh ach««. p. ,ii fram try backfruufd bapa >r efficient^ #h Kto aled ta tb# apnropna- const rartion of an ad- •*tit>n buiMiag, daanpootn in#•# ball, latnn#. and B 1 ramps and fbw*m (1C X wl site of tb# Junction Adjunct completion, tb# Adjnftfi **11 a#r.# to prearat bifb uatoa tb# mate dal needed for tonnd tb# < »ll#f# Alyo In. 1 tided in AAM’a apprppmp tione la the <.metructam of a dry > U-anbif buildina for tb# Komier Stii.l.-fit- AaanciaiHin, and foft mil#* of farm rands Fund# wen alto aa>de for tb# purrhaaai af M.»"4 worth of f..lf conra# oqmp mrntj n< luding tractors, mowrra.! <nd idainten*nr# machinery, t Weicb Hake* Keporl Fr T E Weirk, a r.-aearch #nft neer !< aeronautics for the Texas Epfiaahdf K«p#nm*nt Suti H ^1 -1 in , _ Jeanne (Ktnrr Hiss Oataer. atog# faiarite tbs t tpi# Playeea. baa rnacbmp dramatic* far Kill lawahftr laoabae will play the pari of lit* alo» a bandit la A rMirada) sad fharadaf aifbt ■ prwdaelion of "Rio Kiln.’* Hob BtBiMia fitiacon ob# abut deaipned art> for tb# pradactian »ill ap- p#ar in 'Km Rita' a* t.oaral#*. a Mexiran raphiia. il* Jud> (Men Mia • Mm daafbt#r of Mr and Mrs. J. K Od#a of ('oll#f# Htation o'ill ainp in tb# rborua of Rio Rita ’ RY joel Anms Th# roll#f# Station city council ronvenca at 7 30 tonight in th# j City Hail to ddaad# on tb# city bud j«t for the 1PM»-5I fiscal year. The meeting, to be pubhe. will af- j ford citisama an opportunity to e«- preaa their "pinion# on tb# matter and bear council members deeidt | on the final draft of the nets bud get. A total of tl4b.lM4.ii.t is pro posed for expenditures for the new ; fiscal year uhirh begin* July 1 , The prop<Htod budget ia uppmxi- | j mately ffiiMNi more than the eatl ^ mated expendlturea for the fiwal year, a budget summary re leased by the city treasurer showed. Expenditure* Exceed Estimated expenditure* for the cl.wing year exceed the estimated revenuea for the lt*4th.S<i fiscal year slightly more than |.'tMai, the sum- i j mary reported However, proposed revenues for the new year were *et at$147,019.9b, nearly llti.SOO more than expected revenues from tb# year ending this month The summary showed th# g#n- Wai fund revenue* of ad vaivaein tol and other taxable ilem# ■H expenditures for ndminuitraUpU, uolic# deportment,^!re departiii. i t, health department, itroet * ment. and other general •.urea w ill have a total IM.S7 as tb# propnaad expenditure figure, while re\ rnueO to tb# gen eral fund will probably bo $4<t,- hA9«l>. I ropooed revenues fn*n> tb# #i#C- trir fund tiitol *dt»,440tii for th# new year Tbia reX enH# ebceed# the - expected expendlturea of tb# #♦##< tnr fund of A‘to,J90.1l! by .’MM*# An estimated profit of Il4,- Kh«41 was realixed from this fund during the 1949-.Ml fiaral year. W a ter-Sewer Fuad The city officials will decide on th# proposed expenditures of U».- »7M<i for the water apd sewer fund Tb*- summary shows that ■ $ * u.M.^1 IK) for th* I96»l rejM.rjpd on th# devtoopmenta 61 ' ^ vear A «tor\ nOllfernuvg ^ sAncuHural type ptam bssM rhanr>« n the athletic .-•mnril may b. found •« t-slajf * Sport# page. < onotrartiub t aotrart* jrontr»<»s amounting to 1419 I'ih m *#’■*> awarmsd for aOUipment and <<owtruction On th« college and grmiiMls The itccept.-d rentracts pro. id.- f«r the purchase at laleuti- tory .i|uipment brul lector-- iraim ##at« f..r the Hptlogu-al .S.ieni-es Huildi'rg c.nstrpction of farm buildingc for PrAiltry .ml Swin# Husbandly ami JunctutM Adlunct Huikbng*. « Dry ('lean iig build ivg for the AswvriaiKip of Komwr Stu dents. and of Tanti r>>ada. t ontsocto were also awarded for the enwotruettow of a AU9.H09 Ptoat sad Animal Indmrtrteo Hwiid 1 ing *t Prairie via* aam College. Accordm# to Dr E. B Evans, the college’s president, this is g large step rn the devHopm. nt of that •ch.wri, and with Jt the school will h» better than arg other of its type in the ouitry A rent raft was: also awarded to a Eort IA irth flhn for tb*- con struction of a new Agriculture Building at T.« lep.ri State College. hearlv 2 Million Appropriated Of th. nearly 2 million dollars appropriat'd for future use A AM received an appropriation of ShM.' •O Th*- imrchagr of bis.k« and perusiicals amount ng to VMr.MNl ha* been iuthoHbed for the Li brary An ><|oal amount will be spent for alte rat ipns and 1 m prose- merit* on the Aggo-tand Inn whirh will house the iidmin'xtnitir# sf- MPV Club tfee/s At (hihx Tonight The Kiyan and t olleg# Station Ho- >e»* and IpXifesaMMlwl W.v> men * t lot) will psevt at 7 p m Tu*-*dfty at the Oak* ia IHyan. Ihniver w|| lie served at this monthly me.-tintfi Heport* from neWgates who at* ten.lrd the n-radt stato ronsarr- tton held in Austin will make up the program Madame* Ida Mae Parr, Helen Arhds, Elorsnce Uiw, Prances A mold, llarY Both tiandy ami I ms liatdm bttondod th# cwn- sentnm. '*! IA i 4 JKr revenues from this fund sbnukl run t& ti Mudents - -»'«"»tOw.* Named Officers At AF (lam|) a J’C" A hf“ TSifS, been appointed cadet officer* „ ,#»#«**. neat year Estimated figvpea fnt the closing year set $4IAI8,(W as Uital r*-v#nue from the fund snd -H the .-xp.-ndltures for th# water and sewer fund. The summary of revenues and expenditures placed |7«* % a# tH# proposed sum for inewme and eg* petises from tb# cemetery fund TK# 1949 Mi estimate sbowexi a big loss rorist Airted Kasterwood Airppr Tb# WVil Aeronautics Rsweafth * I Adnugistratam, the Natumal An-f uaory| ( ..aimittoe of AerwnauticS. theVIbiiig Parnb-rs A mo# lat ion and the klip, nmentl Station are e*mt bminfl effkirts to perfect a plan# that a ill have an improved ay* letn Jf ngvigatuto and ndiabtlitt, and sjnplirit) «( operatMn. as wH' as tiwii ne<raaary handling lyualitin# of anil agricultural type pUn* Weich aa.4 At the present rate «ff the plane should be completed by this fall, the research dir»*< tnr bdd listening Board tnam Wra, I , ti jAim ■ L dunn the* k(>T( Kelly Air A nfao io thg first two Wgeka of P'mal deaignation* M to the prp- x wtwk*' Air Force p<*ed budget will be outlined, dfa- / summer encampment at ■ passed upon korce Ba*e. near San at tb# meeting tonight Th# Council is #x* pev-ted to break down each item and consider each figuixJiefore tbs new budget is adopAMl. r> Stex r«*i Mum Steves* daagkter «f Mr; and Mr* Albert Steven*. • ill afaw <mg ia tb# Rm Rita" Camp Reports Cadets Training (iordou Milne Miln* will portrav tb# rwW »( Pgdrwn# a Mexican mnbewpvr ia tb# Iwa-ati aparstta f -•yf* 'T-a 1 ^ laxmar MrNcx* McNew, a *ugbswore «ladent frsm ( aJI«g# Stag ion «ill pUy lb# cwtotr ride at t blck Itosn a —H- -—*-^*— laYrrn# Huat Mum Haul *ill be the iwche* tra’» pism*i (<w the operetta sad will aertHapanr 'be aatoiato. Bf JOHN WHTTMORF < atop * •rr#waaad#wt (Jus r tor toaster “Saji#, thi* uniform duean't fib” Ini* was tb# byword at tb# (MtrtAriMtotor ROTT Training capip Port lev, Va, a» tb# mhial juaiftK-m* were issued to the <to..p** By It p. to . most of tb# Aggie* bgd ajgn#d in at tb# base and had bgrn tonued their umforms. bbnk*. add fjpl.l park* Big John HtunU. a member of B Veto frX.m Edinburg, dreU 1 one of tlh Army's famous fatigue ca|w fiat “acwntuaUal bis painted Vi»d”*- at l#s«t that was th# re mark )»f Rill Mo*s from Bryan two pair of combat boots On tb# military side of thing*, IJsyd Manjeot from Hereford wa* Itamevi executive officer of A Company and TaH T Neal from Etiaian rVIda w*« appointed pla toon leader. M out platoon Ron- Cam* were n»me.1 from the Aggie delegation. Ring Dance PJx May Be R(‘turned Anyone sbo is di**4ti*fied with pirturau taken si the Sen- tor Kinr Dame may return the (torture* to the Htodent AcUv- itto* office and h#' rnmboroed (irndv Kinua aaoistont director of Stodent VrlivitMo. *ald tbu. Both of the picture* received *hoo Id be *|b i led or vent to bl» office at 194 t.oodwin Hall. *«id Pirn* ia regard to tho*» •b« arc diaaatiafied with their ptrture* Rio Rita' Booked For Tiro-Might Run: H> DEAN BP.ED tomorrow night to present the r»k ..rful operetta by Many Tierney and Jo* MK aitby leading the rrew h* fure the foot- liberally with a »p* orrheatr* ^'T, whatta y* babe’ L Rita' f Hu ‘*^ *!’*■ sing the female and male lends, Take two art* erf we#*#rn melo drains, add a h‘<>%. polished group of community t<i*ali»t% sprinkle Kliv INot IVy a Lifenayer? .... Aftor s*-veral Weeks of nightly reh*-amals a ml prp*' , “'c, Bil) Tur- rverfs annual *i*nti* r ;tgg legation take* to the '’wgv of Tn# Grove ' ’ *»4 frantotiou Kosv Itrsasitiop from civilian life fairly easy rvpit tn Ship Goes Down; Survivors Swim for Dance at Grove Th. to Afpny life lame fug tb* 4ti Aggie* repaitiag to Firt Le#, but for th# men from oih#r gvdirges It was a dismal -toy Many (wen a mu mod the "sod aork" htobs kith dugu.ting es*e At CO! « othing iasu«, man r#- rve a«U of istiguep and By |(ID ABERNATHY the un.tiirdf veMcl . A* i» the tuntoni arth all ship* 1 ' Ih.wn the mjgbty fog lad. ’ n - sailing the murky unpredu table Rrmxos steamed the go**! ship R.a k WBU . r , of th |, rlvrr , w „ I Aad Rge with a eorgA) of merry- ^ere the vessel making cadet* ami coed* < aptain Mv ( a plain But the festivities were rut ' short as th# turbulent, treacherous river unleashed its full fury upon 1 V7 „iu> I * -, Just t (tat Ml I cied to (at tbs »*ko) aad Keith AHaup 1 aa they did. Tb# Hroaae* were af tbem to wto And •toag low eta far these When the first tormitwmfewted h.varil of the ship’s hull gave way to the nvef* onslaught, captain Keith Alisup said to hi* enhort, “f say, oie iKif, I.Hik* like the old girl is up to her ole trn ki again " "Righto,’' wa« cn c*|>te 1 n B*ih Pag. * answer Old Kink ami Rye wasn’t lo*w for this world a* morn bon ids gam- way She wa* going last snd th# raniatns knew it Captain Pigs stepped *p to the total mm system and with tear* stvuanung down hi* chesAs. gave the unforgcttaMr onler fi'iw bet tor git while the giUen’l giHei <4# b*iy." iiiv* Ip The Skip Mirsculotidy. everyone sbaani manege.I to esesp* tb# faltot mg boat and mad# it safely sahare Aflfr two wrr.i-a or “Aal*l Itong Symr” ami * slunl yell pra. tic# it was unanimously agi*ed that everyone sb<>ul.i pr***#*! u< tb# Grove (dressed as the* w»r»« and roatinu.- th# interrupaed celebrs tton. The ‘ Jreussil as y*u ar*" (■laUse was ,Wery enbaritoamg to M I! BtoWne and wife so tb#y gutotiy slipped into the wood* and faabtoned tbrmaelvsa a trousseau of fig leaves lat# af tb# Grwva Bar v ivors st rag glad emto Tbs Grave between I and 9 P| at. flat Mday night Oh band 19 Anr idle pastu-isby wbi>s« th# b#tter of thcai After re •erfsnring themselves ,*ith otoes, 7-l'ps etc., the group began shaking the salt out of thair haii to tb# tune of 'The Johnson Hag " The scantily-clad new contin ued dancing to the tunes produced by the music maker* until »nme fatigued soul pleaded for an inter* mis* mii. After inter mission the entire «rew of the illrfated ship was assentMed on th* stage for the purpose If idoaamg the m<»t i epi esentativr skdp* wreck of the skip •re.-ke.l Ths survivor*, some clotbe*! in | fig leaves, other draped in b.wela, ami one even wxanng striped— uh unmentionoldcs. cauned much i discussion among the jutiges be fore the two winners were an nounced respe. lively Mrs Barron is fast as titlist "Rita." while H<jd will (no | tray ’'Jim,” a singing Texas Hang er local ( aal Th*- entire cast for the pniduc- tion has been selected from a group of AAM stiplents and Bryan Cor leg. Station n-sidetita 1\imer, who diiects the Singing Cadets and the Aggieland Orcnestra during the regular term, is directing the oper etta. Mrs Barron, who alpo sang the lead feminine ml# in last sum mer’s “Cboroiate Soldier,” la the wife of Bp rnm of Bryan A cunoaitv cot * ra< lu®to of TSCW, Mrs Barron y * bas partic.patH m tb# last three annual Lion’s Ovb Minstrels and other civic production#. •I#w sit M l.ightiaot ws« ap pointed a cadet lieutenant cokm#l and serve.I as wing executive Rickard H Kelly, also appointed lieutenant colonel, **rved as group | commanding officer First week appointee* were Ed-! f 1 ward 0 Abranamaon, captain, scpiadron executive; Bobby R Farrow, first sergeant; Jobr A Holland first hvutoni lewder; Tton git* D Hes squsdron commander, Pikts, captain, aquadron executive; Robert k. AA'imberly, captain. •quadrvn adjutant, Ihivid R*.b -.u.-y, _,jii -*- ertaon, first .ergeant, Thoma. E [ ,ri)Cea# Mrhich will chtnfr the Field. Roy »■ (ioldston, and number* of firtiuUy All rd H Westherall. first lieutea- houne* III Cfillefe Station it nu and Dight leader* nearing complft»o« and should ( adet second lieutenant# Alvin snnouaced sometime witbin fh# I) Aaronson. F.ddi# C Apel H D "•** three weeks, according to l obb, (Tiarie* H Fuller Rich- Raymond Roger*, ritjr manager, ard i (.raham D. T Higdon, The re numbering ®f the bouses Richard R Moms, Arnold F is only a part Af th# pmgram Schtoiti and (’ L. S«4ph are el#- m#nt leader*. ( hail#* R Cntten- deri, Roy >A’ l*»ng amt Bobby J l'*»#ry are flight guides Clar ence C Tatar h. i» a gukioa Ivearer House Numbers To Be Changed Soon bv City r w A systematic numberif\g Councils Slate Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the Col lege Station and Bryan city councils will be held Wednes day night in the City Hall council room in College Sta tion at 7 M) pm. according to 1 Mayor Kmeat Langford. Purpose of th# meeting will be to further di*ru«* th# prwpoaad raise of rat#* by the Southwestern State* Telephone Company which serve# Bryan and Cnllnge Station <»n the tame exchange Official* of the two citie* failed In supp.irtmg roles will be Jerry, b> reach a compromise with the Kuthledge, Ian* Thompson. Pst A#b-phone company leader* at an Srheihagen lAlly M<*ss. I’ete Car »s*Jier meeting held in Bryan Tb# son, George Wllman, Harry Good cities .i/feied arreptamd df a “res ng. Hill Ij*wshae, Bob Stinson, sonsbla" tale inciea*4 b»|t did not Gordon Milne. George Rodgers, meet th* demand* of the coiama- I^araar McNew. and Mack Knight. ni<-ation company Boyd, who will graduate in July, was baritone aoloist *gt year for the Singing Cadet* He played on# of th# pnnnpal roles in th* 1947 summer presentation of "The Mik ado.” cently put underway Rj U«s city council ia an effort to standardix# •Ueet name* ami number* A* smm a* th# *tre#t naming and numbering proceas Is complete/ entirely new xtreet marker* of Ui# latest design will b# erected, two st every comer, th# fl(y msnagar reported Although work on the street sign# will be slow and won't tofb uatil th# numhnrtnt system Is completed the new signs nsg/ts‘ tod to b# up all aver tb# city withia six to eight months after work is begun Roger* sad only two form# for casting th# con crete |»oat» were oa hand, hut work will be done s* «paadily a* pos sible Tb# signs will have the stsvat name* on all four side* snd wftJ he placed two to each intonaftRm Roger* added At the Grove Tonight/ H p m Movie ‘Take M» Out ta the Ball Game” (M(^l>, with Esther Williams, jOatib' KaRy. Frank ftiaatru Ala* ’’Uttl# Or*, i phaa,” cartoon. tv 4 Blown** Mia 1 ak ng fi st pRc# i* the unor- tho>i*a lieautv r+nt#*t were Mr, am! Mr* M H. Broxto*#, drv**#d ia 'he fig leaf dasstoMa. Hagnnd place 4<>n- i * were b#- slirwsd upon Mr and Mm Har old D Williams draped ia towel* < o-Ca,>toin* of th# crutae, Pag# and Ailaup, prsoepted th# winner* with gifts donated hy fttodeat Ac- Uvitia# □Qiaaa | ^'T , * ft r jr & As th# parly gs* breaking u •.•m# unidentified salt < von i-«al toil be waa a sglt by bis whit# ban snd ••agggnag gait I was hoard to remark “WoU, shiver toe timbers, if It h a ana * *| m aat-1 th# rtUttormtoet thing ever I did see krmMi<hi m# af th# aid i gra#t th# tacky aa- days, capt’a wa didn’t have wtm Bill Tamer and tbs m#.. aboard ” T&L ffh jWt / mm Taking a short hi tags at Saturday Syatam Haard af s prshteaM far tb# rvgaiar aa af (ht Halts, Kufu* K. Preptea. dawt af th# haard G. R. LTy (toft to right)1 Jobs W. R. WMA^ i Gitohrtot, Tyra# L Hell, aad C. C from the moot lag were dtrertor* E W. Harrtaaa, aad Henry K##sr f / /ivl