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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1950)
m I * i r mW 1 I- F • f’; s •" / * 1 H r ! 1 r A K City Of . C'4»llrgr KUtion OffMal Newspaper NUMBER I}: VOLUME 90 « ns mam or a cbeatu am COLLEGE STATION (A W wl»nd), AO. ITUDAT.'jUNE 2t 1M0 „ , ii T - , r - t r * ■- - — ■ - Natloa’* Tap I- Vy, Safety Serttoa \ r i * ' A \1 Lumberman’* UH9 ( onteat \ 4 Y ' FMo*: Five For Saturday Night . . • Details Co* tKr of tW » urn tMr tym on4 TW wUI brat Uok inf | m •r not -Evan if ro« ur littW Aok^b,” bo ^ - - ! 7* nuhod toUf rd ir* for ■hip* roc WrrOflt iltj ,m—m .. f aoMt fallot)tly, 'romr OOltf you w*rr Y o< migM win • ^ns# JuM tntoryrvt to yourwlf wKot jroo'd br wronnt if you w*f» rndUitf «t mMnirbt oral jroor ■Kt» aonii '* Pofr ar«i Aliaup bovr • fin* party ptarttad at Mm Grov* Odd tfcoy bavr rhr*rfully lavitod all «htp»rM-k«d tunrivora baarK- combm. $nd an your rlar witb ima«iaatM>0. to b* thrrr H» H r. IKM.AND Hundmlr of damp, aaa woody looking • Laraetom woro «arn •traggt'iin into town tanifM rhartiny a roura* atrmfbt to tho Grooo TVy wop* oodattawad by onr at ib* lural iubiMor* of tfco law. Onr of Umma Bob Pafr. dad >a a loi of lily-aoda, *»piatnad la an oniioront tot** that thr rroup •a* dotrrannod to rolobratr with a gala party orauml n«bt tornor iow nirkt at tba Gvooo. Paiat Muror rod* Mgriala worr pwkrd up last niobt b« two ebil droa playing witb a Ih<k Tracy Monogropb. TV dmiMtrd imp »ar» rrvrolad that a imai baad of pooplr poling down tb# Bra •o* Kivrr ib Afriran kayak* bad mot doatrortMNi TV boata bad boon rruabod at Stool Kapbi*. an oapactally troarborou* point and wrrr amking fast Roport* *tatad that no oar bad boon hurt, in fact thr party had brld quick roaacit, changod thru plan* of runtmulbf to thr Uaif to di*r foi paart*, and rtn Bird to romr to ( olloft Station (.artdnl mstradtiono wrrr no- roivrd to aiik Btll Tumor and bia AfjrHdand < oaiUi to br on hand at th* (.nora Saturday night to fu» null nuwif fqr a Hhtpwrsrk I problom* nr mam Tiww tw« facta warr brought Although mam tan of ta* party l>U { ^ longrra* aa<i by tbr army wrrr wrn furtivoly rntoring town , yrotofda) tofugkt tiiry brtlugbt nrw« that | many many nuiro will hr mmiag “ in tomorrnw Whrn aakod why a | ahipwrrck party bbould laugh at. Ita own drotrw«non. rvon nolo bratr it. Aliaup flung thr lawny hair out of bit gyro and rrptiud, "It wa* ! ithmgi wr wrrr only Uf .7 DoU> N< tAaa Horn will play tbr part of bur aaaMuaka "Dully" in tbr eumtag prudwrtiua of "Rio ■ta " Tbr muitiral oprrrtla ia ■*badalod far Tbr firuvr on Juar t* aad It pioaxurc rruiaing 1 fagr rxprooa*4 poopbt at thr New Army Weapons Alter Defense Plans r N*w Amrnran Woapon*. which tho fiaid of- will make it Iona aoroaatry ta' fcaroil-irna woapon* , »ha(>rd" match an onanty task for tank, aaploaivr ebargo* that "giro groat Karo tnatonalW infUtonrod’* tho promiao again*! tank*”; non-mag piana for dof*mfing thr North totic mino*; now uao* of thr va AUantg brra But tbr wsapona ctuni tub* fuar aru *tUI Mi rarimia atagoa of dr ! ; (A "ahapod' rbargr ia an agnrr voiopmont and aaany production 0 f r ,ptp*iv* unit, within a trojoctila. giving grrat prnrtrat- I fc* P«^r without thr nrod for grant vrlority i (*#«. Ford mrntionrd thr rr- J coll Ira* wrapon* and nrw uara of tho ‘'ahapod” rhargr. alv. thr follotbing Tho “.ky.wroprr ” anti air craft gun TV “Loki" anti aircraft ruck- *t. Squiah Vad* artillrry ah*lla Special Summer Ag. Magazine Being Pre A special iasue of th# Af< hruitunat ia being prepared for publication thta MUfiiner This issue will be readb for < irrulation by pre ugioration for thu fall aomsstat, aadaHlwd to Bor Ubdruai Agnmltunat Editor UmdNai' aaid that that had enough material for If pagss ; far Util magakina. and that i ^dli cop*** will bo printed Thrro non wctn.n. will R* add ed to Una publication a Ibrrr M an page aoction about 4-ll Club and P. F A activitkra and pro* grama, a breeder* index, and * pomonality aurtMoi Thi* apocial i*aue ta featuring the •xpeneio* prograai of the Agncultufr Do* pertinent now underway TV editorial ataff of thil aiagantw ia made up of atudontl of the School of Agriculture. Aa many of theae ataff memt>*r* art away from school far th* sum* mer, *o»ne extra help will V need* making up. *olling atdxonp* and circulating this «di- Landrum aaid Agngultural atodrnta wit| apart time, and who are i a terra led ia helping, may leave their name* in the Agrieiiltunat office i* { \ Regular Session SI By Board of Directors buiMiag* for poultry r»u»iNin<iry, ftAd mtt i for tho Budogwar Vi Pat Niaa Brbribageu ■* a graduate of NT AC, where d^e r*r«iad a Ha< hekar ef Mash degrou. t ar- rently. ah* ia ala tad to play the port of Kity' In the me* •cal operetta Rio Rita '* Goodwin Hall, or drum in room Ilk, Irrtcu Hall, co a | dorm tact m if Morr than 4l»0 people are ex- pec tod to attend the Count) Sup- ermtandanta and Supervisor* A»- .ooatiuri Confaretfro, aiwl the Tex- a* School Admmplration Confer ence to be held Vi* Monday ami 1 ueaday ti B Wilcox, head of the t*l- ucatnMi and P.ythology Itepert- TV Board nf Director* for th* i protKMwd bodgel* for college* of farm building* for pabitry and ABM System will moot in ragular tV «y*t*m T* V acted open by awin* ••aaion on tV campus thia after th* Board are an apwroral ef the ment aeon and tomorrow morning reneed budget* for the fiscal y«*I building Meeting in tV hoard bowae next 1BAB4B, budgota for the IBM Aiwa on the agenda far th# to Sbiea Hall, th* director* mil ‘ummer arhool. approval of bud- BoaH • nctioa are Vda a« ftw* \ hold their regular informal e*e *«■* for 1»BB-II, and approval rood# and Bf cutive aeaaion this afumoan and of budget* for the athletic coon- bulMV f*T tB* .Aaoackatloo gf tonight Tomorrow morning at 9 for IBIS |1. ; ebgmar iMbM^gt i|R|MMlmb ( ) the regular meeting wiN get an- Alto under the budget wdJ cow ai—a IBMNNV | a discuaeion of funds to fiaanco 1 i Present at the meeting will V tV s v»t*rr * exhibit at the IMBl TV Board I# expeMed V epR* affinal* of tV collage and of tV StaU D»i r of T ”»»- U» V VM firm tV awardtafgrXwd^ft, . ayetem, who will paftkipato in!* OrtoVr contradto for IlfilMAI vanou* portion* of the meeting , <|hr , M Apprapn.tim. ( ^ / / A repreaentative of The Battalion ^ 1 “ ,other coMRMpon 4 will attend tV meeting, with a full TV only budget topic on the out tV Syetem. aa* of «bo adhtg report on tV Bcwrd** actiritie* »g«oda which affect* AAM alone threw ielHwaa will »utmV KWa wheduled for tV next edition of will V • diacuasion on an ap* far maiar WiMtagb. tV paper propnation for book* for tV col- Fred E Weirk. raaewrek engV* Probable main points of tV i library eer in aovoURuBci ■# thd MfPtBt ^ meeting will V tV .ubmtaaion of “f ^ **heduled Va- and ri*w working with tb* KdgUI* f me** only routine matter* tV eering 1 EipeHmcyit Station Board will act on over W millioa . report to th* board on bid* for System construction of th* ex pan menial agtigbfufbi ^ The bid* will V pre .rated for! airplane Board'* action by T R Spence, director of physical plant* for tV 1 The nther ap prove tV vanou* bid* or ask that they be opened again Junction Adianct School Superintendents, S: Supervisors to Confer l’p for action again is IV bid for building ami equipment at the Junctiton .untaier school adjunct • Low bidder i» now Robert L Guy-1 ler of ( ryatal City at $10.1.K7S. i Other bid* which will affect tV | college proper are for appropria tions for storm getantr* And fori I .aanate committee* Foiv RelaBana and Arwied Ser- - yoihoti in urging tV aen- U> approve U.K-i bOH 0M> worth of arms aid for Wo*tern Europe In *o doing they reported th* influence nt new weapon, on North Atlantic defense plana. Raid aany ,, . , ^ U (tbaa# have Wn V.r.bwt a. tV daatre u. tV North Atlantic trewty ^ ^ y, dance and other* roreiemg I 8 arm* -k l. .7c .k- ../ aid formidable Araaoal At about th* same time Mai FiniHho Itmurunce Course J ^ ^ ordnam-n, Wunie a speech bare He weeper)* will ' amor but John H U>Wgloy. Biaao* ( own-( t» Pepraaon . a. * of Use t entrn, Texaa Agency af tV AmorWw* igtgtWna.1 that they Hove not General Life Inabrane* ( ompant reached th* stole af ba, completed hN boaic and aen- fog quantity productien and ia* H>r caurae, at tb« Institute of In ru* to trgop* * the senate com aurante Msrketigg at SoutVm miltoe* Metbodiat Univofxity in DaUa, are to knock chunk, off the maide of; a Unk'a armor) New "basooka, " “Other item, not yet named The two annate committee Saul ' in their report: “We dare not lose western ku nap*. Rae ebn we eancowtrala the eolloaal task of again ItbelitfaR! it from aa aggressor " The committee said the develop ment of new arma will leaser the ao*»e of the weapon* dram on the economic and man- Motion and some » tV power resource, of both Europe. Umgley ha* retufne.1 to continue 1 development stage bis Work here | Cen Furd aaid this rnn’t an While at that Italia, o bod »rVo"tonU race, a* commonly un- I>ongl#v was elected arc ret* ry of | daF^aod. . hi* da**, and upon completion of | TV genaral'* apeech wa* before hi* senior course he wa* elected j th* Washington Branch of the! the fir*t jere*ideal of tb* Alumni AtWencan «>rdnwnce Asaoelbtion AaaociaUon of Ihe Institute of j oIRab is Wade up of civilwna Inaurauce MarbiMag. Ha nrceieed IV senate coaimittoe* and Gen a certificate at Mg ting his ability Ford mentioned a number of new to ttondle the lifd tnaumec # prot>- | weapon*, all of which have been lent* of individual# and bualneaae* publicly dViaaad before There are only two univeratUe, 1 m . . ^ . offering thw speejalrsed training - - j HoutVm Method Mi Umeeraity and, The *enate report mid the deve Punhie I'nivoral^r in Indiana. logmen! of new arm* ia mostly in Bribe" at " p From IVniiNvIvania and N irginia . . . and the I'ntted States vt/ the Grow ! Tonight Square Dancing at * p is . gee- reeded b> half hour inHtrurtiun SwrMlay Night Holier Skating at N p m Skate. Momlay Night ■Em J. Dbvtn Hill Hill will take an active part ia th* ('aunty Superintendent, and Super cisor* Aauoriatiea Confer encr here Menday and Igenday. He ie superintendent ef the Gal- rest on public •m-KooIr phasixed One hundred sixty are expected to be present Texas School Administrator, will have a meeting, anothet new feature thi, yeur on Tuenday even ing. Topic* Outlined Next week’* program w*, begut last fall when Wilcox met with ment at AAM and secretary of executive committee u/fioeia They , A - # ^ i the Texa, S«hoo| Administration outlineil S topic* of panimount im * •* n,Ur y "awrer, for mihor aJ t'onferanie. ha* t4en working with portanc* to achool supervisor* and • n ^ ' mpn J v *" , *5^ •“"I other executive committee offi- admimatratorx. A list of these r ° r «Vntonait*e and repairs, cent for the peat nine month* was then sent to about ItS sup- Action will be taken on egntractu I planning the prqgrom rrviaors and adminiatrutor* all f*«' vanou* conatnictioa at the! Planned I usurer emeu! | over Texas Memorial Student Centgf, for' A pruleaaional mipruvernent pro- The name* were tabulated from * gram has been planned in full. , persona moat faithful and moat — - m m Wilcox said that the objective of „ u t»tanding in attendance the meeting i, the "professional conference* in past year* improvement of school admim* School official* rate tV topi, trattoria and supervisors by wav of m onier of importance to them, diarusaing and arriving at »omei the executive committee then in volution eluded the ten mo*t checked It will lie the 26th annual meet- topic* on this year's conference mg foi County Superintendent* program and Supervisor* Association and i Speaker* all over Texa* that . the 14th annual meeting for the schoal administrator, and *uper- WnOgg COtBITUMIonfl CXplfT Texas School Admmiatratiaif The «,,«•« re.ommendad were asked thlg year Will be |lVdgl an Op- U> apeak o« thy program i povtugity to attok rfa^Mant Informal Pragram* rodflt (of five more VAlLFB. Ubl "Program* are all very mfor- onel Oarar ()a»ar B Abbot, Chief mal.” Wib-nx said, "and general of tV Texa* Military District, diacuasion is encouraged ” announced in Austin recently This year, topic include Teach Although current appointment* er Evaluation. Improving Super lh(1 (Vgaaixed Reaerve Cnrp* vision, Loy Participation in Pub Bn , valid for six month* after the lie Education, and many other* uff*.,*! termination of the war. Presiding officer over the joint th# Department of the Army has “"^ Reservists May > topics J Be Reappointed Army Reserve officer* meeting* are held bare every sum- i • Wtop. T Wilcox said that this year’s confer*nee will feature two new wdditinna to the program A Texas ( .Hiiity School Sujwt visors Asso ciation meeting will be held Tues day afternoon "Although many *rhoo| super\isor, have been pre sent at our previous conferences, they have never hail a distinct adopted the goiiry of renewing meeting of the,, own. " Wilcox em " ,U Hil1 * * U f -- e— — r - -, enntondent of the (,alve*t.m pub- th# appointmnnU of eligible re lie school* may be rente,! a movie, "The Turner an,I Singing Cadet, A E ( ; r() lie,el,,,, Good H ill Relaliam Al|( . n( | ion the name of W M verwity. C t Bill I Turner in musical cirri*, of Tiixa* and immediately he is identified a* the dirertof of Ul, Singing ( adets of AAM Turner, who came to AAM in 1H44 as direetor of mualr actiV verwity The men who make* the Hiag- ■ n| < adel* click hold* audition* at the beginning of each school rear AH studenu arf eligible tn compete foe place* In the or ftolr W Walnton ha* been licit» direetor far pr ad action al "Bia re«tor Bill TaM i juaker math atajwr fr 4dt(kfiiJi$Er (bC i t adeta, will alas he to far Ihe productie«, schcdul The Grave on Jane W it. Count Mancini Guest of A&M Count Paolo Mancini. mem ber of th« Italian Inlermtnua- •Ilg'W *erve officer* on the fifth anni versary of t^»ir current appoint- "*»•’(* Thia policy is in tender i tn , ' p’L'TtTZl gtl* . Jdiase,! program for re l ^ n y n, r t *L P ^ d AkucuKu ■penihu tu rti RfOOf- two dayg oo permit « pmased program lor re apfmmtment apd to’facilitate ad- tFIAl And miniatration fry. ia ( oioncl Abbott mid that hi* the rampa* aa guest of the Tt staff will commence mailing re- | Agricultural Experiment St* appointment application blanks to according to Dr. R ll. I^wia, F R Joiim. hMd of th« Ag- «».»*•,*»»- "> *' ,u y- • ‘J . _ , .. r l, »t L ■*«). and mjueau that re- , The < oont ownA and otieratef d ncuiturtl Engmwing DbbI. waH until they receive j farm at Siena, wferh i« aouih if J H Ard of the Rural Elec their applH-atian blanks before I Finrence. Italy. Rg is Taparlany tnfiCAtlon Divilion and W A any action toward having interested in forage i rop«, and Am* done considerable work Wwan# im- vi (■aiaatUa aad '7 are setorted aiu n 0 f rw. Fxtenaion Ser I tKr,r renewed In the sum me i Turner direct* I OI tfle KXXMIMOII JSWT _ * of big rittew, the smaller towna before civic chib, and A AW cluha First Reports Arrive From _ - mrougnoui a wr Halt La nip Correspondents ^ •ertloe of want* rice attended the 4.1rd annual Thr rTV>f nn *J or ' t y '‘ f OBCI Paving and itiea. wlao direct* the Aggieiand On , h#*tra. He ha, led the Sing- «how* and operetta* on the ram-I»"* **»ro annual _ i - ! L mg (adeta into the au<fitonui«a pu* of the col lege. Coming up """^tog of the Amenoar Society Wl1 ^ J!**" , " * f T summer "Rin H.U,” to ^ of Agncu.tural EngW. 1 ^l 1 Th^ b,e -- TTie meeting wa* heki from anenreraary of the big [ Me work to stoMIcInf the this pn>duce«i in The Grove June 2S throughout a large |»rt of the jp |^r a l talent will be used in ^ u,> * through 22 at the Hotel l M * l * w>r separation period Hi Kill. RODDER KH Haftaliwa (amp ( arraapnadrat Araay BeraRty Agewri Serf nice li Aggies reported toj Fort Beleoir. i* U*#ted on one of the main highways about 15 mile* out of Washington, D C. An Engineer Post since it was estobiished in IVIN, the fort Compaaad of the Engineer School, the Engineer Research and l>ev- eiopment laboratories, the Eagin aer Canter Regiment, and various ether unit* Hr M A. MAT1SKK Han alt.»n ( arnp ( erreap—diet I Engineer iggiea reported to C The RUffT Summer ( amp at (arlisic Barrack}. Pa , Jane 17 Furt Belvtur. V’a for advamed l) begin training at the Army contract tlorp* of Engineers stu Secatrty Agency *Mi.««l Sixteen .lent* startesi Saturday June 17 eut qf the seventeen made their with appraxirngtely SftO cadet* way to *Yank#tond" v$a th* registering for the six weeks hitch-hike roqte, extending th* training period territory that A^gie boot* have About 4* colleges and aniver- t rave led this summer from Mae-; sHlmi from vartoua aacttona at the sachuwett, to the tip of FUnda natem are represented The AAM Washington Alexandria and Camp um.fficmly opanml wMh a group eantoato *1 rnmmhar*. v>moo for th# cad^ta fn “t ig bev* iwge brawl th* night one of thdUrgent individual cd sight of the IS* in gtamahwrf, Pa la|» groan} an gam roT( aludenta will be held at which ended tn a; yell practice on The K(>T( regiment constats af Woodland Offuer*' Huh here the city's mam ageet -true to the five battalions af three companies u,, ^ l>owl other mean, of re k** 1 u l *Aadttio» , a. “Whie- each The AAM dalagatiaa cam- ereaUuu include twimming p«>l, aarine' Joa Wtlhdlm, Emil Huber prise* the mayor portion at < IM' Smith, Daw} Secheiskt, and (mapany 4f the Second Battel urn Set Ihck .4. y roeoer were the five Other schools repreaente.1 n the who found it awst difficult to eompany are liichigan School of “saw varsity'* herns off" — MBnng m. Technology with 18 (adpt officers for the first day 1 bop* and Ifiaaopri I'niveraity with wetw selected frgm tb# &U men 1 fadet who gre attending the camp ami true to truAttoh. Moat af Use vroggh teit^ Ernie Aggie* masie the trip by Way ef khiking Aggie* began arriv- In Whahington aa early ■ Tbgrsday night to take « the rlea are also leading the troope j ahrikts of itw Fred Sommers failed nine 1st 1 MAerx ter* out of the r Smgiag (a* with a r«Wn*- f row thoee al ISth rentary romponrr, le the modern Cole Porter and Gerah- • in song* “I think,” Turner point* <>u» ta “one of the big job* we have done so far was when we broadcast over a statewide network fmm the eenate iharntwr in Aimtin last April. Texaa The likeable Turner ia a nA tive of lieoiiard. Tex He i# i tb# cant of 36 and an orchestra of 26 The music department of the college ia housed in its own building on Ihe campus It ia (he realer of minor activities, and alive with artivity during the fall, winter and spring terms, the time when Ihe Sing •ng (adeta are in actios Soil and Wat* ( onaervation, and Rural Electri fication Wednesday, the four prn grama were discuaseri in Conner tion with college program* Three student repr*a#gative« accompanied the group They He work* at hia yob and get* were Ernest Jaaka. J W Baker . ■ , reaulta -atteut the popularity of and Bernie Parky, all agricultural penrag the cancer drive to J ,Ke Singing ( adet* engineenng majors StatJer in Washington, D ('. Monday and Tuesday were de voted to four concurrent pro . , _.. gram* Power and Machinery. ( hampw Klltf'f ID NC A A Farm Structure*. NTSC National <>olf I teuton. Tex, June ft—Affl— Nmth Texaa State’* National chamimin golfer* will leave Friday fur the Ui While here, tfca C«ub^ has bade visiting the various farm* of th* Experiment Stattnai *nd ha* ek- changad *ideaa With tba fgrMw crop invctigatots topeermuf RU procemung and poiaihle m^batrihl line* of au.h empa. ( mint Mancini will leqv* ^e<h( nesday for I^biioetit whef' *“ * spend two daya ohaef the IbbO NCAA meet Mated Uml jmg.ttoq f a twgin Sunday at the l n,verity ^ al the South of New Mexico at AIbuouerqur Coach Fred Cobb’* champ* Will leave by plane from Itollaw Fri day morning. •tat ion 4# AAM earn* thrm^gh with ! Illllat Bo HoakiiW, and Bill ty to ,“hqf wheer aioia In two It her ^pnrtnaanU losing Ar are also hulled fagg at the cump’a final mail cull. And Laitt Bath walked awar with the largaat “travel pay - hegk of anyone ia ■■■ ^ T Ti j Plans art bet a large scale inti which every "i man from AAM tripato in This war between t to ahoutd prm xie fraas this forner in tore ty Tt med fur travel trai • tru. t no rifle I,road ani alt^ In th* way of recreation here mi .11 fey »UK1«1 l~r. »(|gET, H, Md. lam North Texa* State Teacher, Col „ MaHMl d.~. (or ’«• *~ 1 N ” T* Three Dav Short rJH 1 ”! 1 Course Rods Here Better Than a Cirens ... if a baseball bawling alley lia courts. dmnKiodg Foi son hy Antidote Cambridge, Maas -NBk- Ptoaan ley to aa mean it would kill itself if R didn't manufacture its own antMtoto, aerarding to Dr Irwin W. Staar, Masaachaaett, Institute of Tedmotogy actontist In a ftve-yoar-study yaat compirtmi. he The Nuraurymen's Shri Course ended at noon today after a ahofi business session There were ll Campus Musem Houses Wa ny Eye- Open ing Relics Bv niKKTFJ rmniLo Would you like to jnrSM ar cutoiyat called tocraa* Tan torcaae keep* th* pamsn ivy vine ftounshi% by constantly changing tba imtanta before they caa kill the plant don't rush dawn to your netgbbvrhoud dniggut yet far a buttle of toceaae Just keep away t a ffcit-mw I mm f gnw( i m , a me • I Mm # ,, d • wWw xwBw^^w ■ ^rag pWee^toFa^wg Wl backyard and wayavde Medical naan sMI ar* flgonag bow to ap- ply Dr. Sisor'a dtaeovory men from many part# of Texaa tn my w bieh WM embnimed 2.000 yeora B C., or a genuine Hraao* • minty elephant, or any number of intoreating and eye-appealing oddities * Thia may sound like a build-up for a cirrus advertisement but in reality it ia juat a flitting glimpse of th* museum right here on the nee, according Ri mfor ■nation received from the Place ment Office During the Short Course, an ib- aect and dlvease conttoi clinic was set ep where >netlMMto of cor trolling peats to the nutoery aad greenhouse wore ahown, and a de manat ration of e«iuip«went tor spraying, dttating. and fumigot mg wa* mad* AAM men who participated fn th* Short four*# weed: C Dean af fl|» A. H r Hhepardaan. Lh » - it. . t tuM, and F. R Bn*« campus Indeed AAM ia Mossed with a* many interesting pieces that it is difftoult to ae* them all to the Srkoai f # «f of flw or all yeora that we student* spend here, but here ia on* place that should not be Bftaon ef the Horticoi. P*** »*• two Department Dr H G John •on of the EnUunoiogy Depart Th# museum to divided into see- meat. and A F DeWerBi and R turn#, each one being worthwhile B. White ef th* Imndarppe Arch enough to warrant the rather long itoctur* Department trek logwred to gat to the Httie brick building nestled between the Ag Engineering Building and the Administration B luikHag II-known 8 M Tracy herhar- m. and to its arjoining room to a very weinri collection ef facial j always consider In one section to a collection of T* 4 *!* Bving origin- wai fossil aniauila assembled by Dr it*" . **• j r * 1 Mark Francs when he was cura-ifc* 1 * ** ^»^i|mkg* nartton wkk the toral tor. The rollectKMi mrludea . I Theae masks wars mad* in th* j tonais iastruction The j An economica professor was (leap ia a diw-uMba of wage •«•- pie ment* One at then* sufgae* ment*. he pointod out. Ora* dp* pony sponsored recreation pro K im* As an example he College Station Recroat Council program aa typitai) company or coiantonity sf sporting activities. However.” he awd. “w# rennet — nMm C supplemented He then Se- has own experignee ja rdn- rU mammoth from Braaoa Count: example of the evolution 7 yoarx li7P-B hy Dr Otto Fiaech which ia the On* and aid A VH-HR H1CPJ mounto of It bimtelf mammal, and btrda. Some of them ever, mounted animals are rare, aad will probaMy b* sewn for your first Uase during this tear. Dr. F. W. Gould, present cura tor for th* moaaom. said that meat af th* vial toe* to the museum to free |inst| 4#t I. Another section rontelaa a col lect mn of faesil plants aaaemblad by Dr. 0. M Ball when he was curator for th* museum I'pon entering the front door of th* museum, you era greeted by # collection of rare 4ias iron toaUy guarded am either aid* collections at aid rtfiea. 0a the right of tho coin toBec Uon to a room which houeeo tho Thia fact atone should prove that our mu*tun» is •omc’tlMviff Ihi b# prmad ef apg to well worth seeing Tb* visitiag boors at proaont are from a 12 aad l*t each week day aad 1-12 oo lafrfBf. Kna been toecessary, for bim to bur a i ; for Ua ' pMNar?\ al though tennis ball, are nishod by the community, he peraaadad that it would Be pointed aot he hwl to bdf a hardly