Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1950)
<-i I r n CHy Of i Official Number 8: Volume 50 _ Nation’* Top y Safety Section IvUmbcrmaiT* 1!H9 ( on teat i i i 18. I960 Prtta: Fret Out* By A Perspiring Student Y» study ’t» sweat n get sll wet. But what good does it do ys’ Ys bust ysr qu»»--sUfhtJy fisi. e Md thing* Summer sekoo,. Ke^i Xhree’50-’51Town Hall Performers Selected i W&r- . I I/' llrtkr smI Mardtr ia actiSe! TW Sim b mShI atar «aria«)r. rW fraa iK# knfcaarS* e#rfarai allra«1 Mm far tSr Glare (Mr Sane# raaliar, and fiauh af Ike art un ikr al«<S a* tile fir.i fiarial till* .yaimer. Nt(lil> aerialmeS by aiai>« rntir*. Ike rwupie furaiak mu.K <4 ike rlaaaMral anS a**P i vary a. FiM S|HTial Summer Attraftion . . . Piano and Dancp Duo Give Tliey do some W things to ya! School is rough ia Spring and Fall Mt Stunm# gee whis brother Vi'an made to swim a set ii sleep. First one n then the other. The breesei that yer profs blow up, As they lecture lustily Serve only to stir memories Of moonlight on the set The pages of yo«r new textbooks, j Instead of holding knowledge ilske you bonder why on earth. There's summer school in College T By Chester Critohfield A&M Cadets Begin Summer Camp Duty To ‘Hobo Dance’ Sll hundmi sn«1 farty AkM ca-' Farthrat a»ay frsm ASM ai> deta will Iw vAtennc Roft and tkr Sirnal ( orpt ilutlrnU. »ta Air HOT* «umia^r camp* uk*r th# tionail in Fort Mofinioutk, N J |rd SlatvK within ramp ka» alraail _ ^ ^ _ . _ _ . opositions Uw Air Fore# Ad> ar» «Utiorw4 la *«snt .Ut«. A 'aprl» for pr«« an tiw wont (irw» <•* • full-timr fryamwion wnn r: 1 Cl. a.s If^v^aa/^w. I iECmtKH,, g^i. ^ | liiJ/T ^ man "and woman A trio «>f j • kudgat of about W99P®®- The ## s'/ f wmi()tj^ yntntuiv iK * n * d •' Kr,, » s * nvirfim *: ptnn ' ^ tw, k Mid^7* M* t* 6 *** h »* ^ ,o ,,r • r ' wrm h * , ‘ ‘ ,,u " k1 m6 * t ° f th? I ttm kJIlU IX/ 1 fM If f I ft Antamo That ramp can .Im .ylv.n.a and N*w irnwy T^L*. ^ cldT th« winnar. i l w i Ma A i > 11 By LOriKK JONES Symphony, and Andra’ Segovia | in« lady Other awards for her ruitan»t 1 performance n ‘‘BrlMdeon" In* ; IV* Town Hall Selerpon Com MU, Bell, who »aa the atar .ludad the Donalibofi Award, the N mittee bar annourwad three of, 0 f Bmrsdoan on the concert ! Ward Morehouae Award from the the artiata to appear on the Town iUft , w ,« r on tl^* (Moon 1 Maw York Sen dram* errtic. heat Hail aenea neat fall. C. G. Hall *Ure In No%«mher The muaiod theatre ‘aasst" award j Spike” Wkite. director of a»u- voting woman ha. aung froh» Dorothy IkilfaUen, and the dent artmtlea. aaid yeWerday with the San Fiwnciaco itpera heat mueical theatre teed award .i' Arrangement* are being made Opera Nath>nal in Meuro. and frr»ih George Jean Nathan 1 for three other artiata to appaai the St Louie Municipal tip* ra a Sew York Tim« eritic .aid on the aenea New York cntM-a awarded «• t K -t M *. Bell'a oictlen cornea 1 Scheduled ao far are Marion the Iirama CHtica Cirrh* Awanl ino4i rlaarly to the Hakeser, an • Beil, aoprano. The San Antonio for the teat muaical thealie lead unuauai phenomenon. A pretty, petite hniestte. Miae Bel! fulfllla all expettatwne aa a anger m addition to diaplay- Uig chain) and *Uge preaorxe Heal i.uilarhH Andre Segovia haa been book* ed to appear on Town Hal! in Kelnwary Hr ia nniferwitly knodii a* “the wi-rld'a i<eat gul- tanat ■* , * Appearing on Marrh 5 Jwill he . the San Antonio SymphSny. < on* genial, jovial Max Reiter ;a 'he ,/ conductor of thi» prodigy aj)»ong / major V S. orrkeaArai The San Antonio on heatrw 1 playni a Town Hall convert In I.MH and "delighted” It* audi ence Reiter orgained kia San Ah* rrhool atudenta and all Symphony a. a aemi-pri>. wearing clothe* fe**M>nal group He is now the Hrape” will rom muaical director and conducUir * full-time .irganhmtion with Tl Hen Asked As Honor Guests Hy H F. ROLANII Uaiveraity of Texaa geology student* currently attending ASM will be gueaU of honor Saturday at the firat "Hobi. Dane" of l#bt» at the Grove Thin imprwwlented invitation - £nT,/ u 5u*u*7! a.iy twgvn F.,rt Hood, near temple The €•• I th.^mT^ who came wdh ’tL H^h, '‘orce Ad- del* are utalioned la eight aUtea . ’Y**" 1 tneaa men wh came a apeeial .oiaho • ill offer maair Saturday aigkt in that "Make* You Want to travel. Hot (J*trk. Styie ” AH arrangeMent* were *pertailv prepared fur the Ho hu I la me," Hake and Mupror reported from their dance head Quarter* in l.oodwm Hrfll That camp Haim another “firat’- Hl men, A. in the tmat. The Batuhon »< ^ *** *' r * l IrtT-l.r—.. .uMkor >t an v camii will resolve newa from each of Bn V *11 wr want rhe comm Ilia# win oe vapory of Mu«>C for twelve year* When the war broke out. Drake . rr Y xiw » U mmer . amsa ami publish u ’ ,K ’ e * t *bliah their idevi-j ck i, ,f -n) 0 f the dancer* can cide the winner* The Hamr committee will de- Hi HtKIt U U KKK .... .. w.. ^ ii anticipation af beewmanf-a «»*«• *ww action is the Philippine, *•” . t Truly ih, y are two andUMTau L.^ piBlllll( ( Wfagt , k,* next while his wife wa« .tarml aa! . ^ **V,*V!. r of the enteitkinmefit World]” »ay* tUlf) M h< wtl|lt , n of a the premiere ballerina for the '*'*« ^t""*** B maa the « imago Triune of Drake ( j -g< ., nr ggrtnef San AnUmm Opera < ompanv P«>rm c»mp. ~ “■‘"‘•"•J* ^ v '•r""- !?“ r m Z *’"! ■ r.0. Tie ^04 w. »ta. l72n <•** ■ im. * 4 "' *!>*■** » for (h.1, ,n.n..m.nt I ‘" ,w • 1‘ ,u D *a> here dial he found Miyt ari( | were rehearemg them on dif- Nevt'V Ka« a piano aftyartion ^• rc he •tadymir under the cap* f rrrn t *ide« of the l»een aw.'rded *uch an ent|iu*iM« ! •*’!* Imllet ma«ter NmkoU* wia* atill in le recti-t ion hy college H r|d u,.,-I T*oukaia» of (ireece So impre*. venuty amitence* publish possible of the paper are being X an«1 n a* rnt* worUi while t ike Pacific urservmen s ed ww, he with Her natural grace 'Z'"'?' ^ - V. P^r- “'id^r^rJreh'p t*'ker K ' ‘ ,r '' ^ T ^ ,r SHoft (iOlirSf rr^nL^sz Scheduled Here Drake »n»i Marche havy per forme.! over fifty comet* thi* a few iweaitlw later Drake and w ™" year fgotw . to cad. and Marche defeated VWV other ams- w ithout exception have hegn pn. tr||J .. fMtdgf^pia in a CMrafW noMnce l vupvnor to Kr*o aad i dam* conipsi. The famous Irene Braggiotu gii.l Yeiox an*) Y o , oeft* ri '••“Yn tjueen of fhe A i anadian hy birth Drake that the OuupU fell in love and *tudied at the Toronto (onaer- Were marrtevi ( orreapondenta tor the camp* are a* follow Mprvtn Matuaek I bngineer*) Ft EMtoir. Va.; Bill: B<Midvkrr (ASA) (arliale Bar rack*. Pa, Ray K.t«iae (Tranapor- tatmn i Ft Euati^ Va.; Homer Finch (Ordnancel Abenieen Prov ing Ground*. Md ; fohn Bhitmore (i^xartermasteri ('amp l^e. Va.;i ('barUa Stiefsl and Bryan Itni- mernua (fhemicsl < urpsl Rdge itty Other (tudenta will le re- ha* l»eeti arranged quired to .how their .tudent ac j .. Thlt m , Wll , u glVBn u tivitie* fee »Jip* or sinMlar iden ttfiration. the *ponaor *aul Tattered remaanta *if the Af- gioiand Orcboatra formed into Southweat. Rank* The National Music Ton noil l ilm Projecl Bv Mother’s 1-rMkc and Marche h#v« ckreen m • -w wu|m] Areauai. Md -T-- i tlieif repertoire iitj) pr«at care . f, Lr the Mur Rnlpdi Gorman fCavairy) Ft r net It was tbeo ifwi u , mWr „ t ArT%n^meBU for lh< Nur- Ht ^ T M p m Wa« lUmat Ar both flamieal and popular liaUn serymifn 8 Short UAIf*! sch#* UIWrT , Ft Bliea. T.X ; l>avid, era Kem, Grieg, Moiart, Khat dultd to be hdld on the Csw* Hamo* and Bob Biadleyt Field chatarian, Youmai ( hopia. tar j | >U g from June 21 to Jane 23 ArtUWryi Ft SiU. Okla . Jimmy mu-haei AddinMlI and K.wter r.*el are ^ made, according tO P»nU (Infantry) Ft Hood ri.y^ from the two keyboard* and their i „ „ _• . , . ton SHph ami Davo ( oalett (AF I talented feet The pattern .* com P* rK * ,r "“" of ,K# Adm.niatretios. |4ly Field. Te*.J pletnd by a renewal of the dance f«»rae. ^ ^ ( a| ln*ullatlon*l, motif for an eiHtteg finish At 1:00 p m. on June {I, the Wnghi Field, OBio; and Rohert Rm-hmamuff . “Ireond Piano |' lu, ^ r y n, *‘" ^ ," ldr "*T < 1 b * CnmpbeU i .AF Maintenance) ’Aided Club Cunuerto” i. . g,Hul example u f I £ ^ Shepardaim Ib*«n of Ag- ( hmnuU . F »eUl. III. Drake and MareheV rtvle Both U ‘* r ^ m the .ftermwSi No r . mp ewitraMdent •tart the number from the piano* J h * ^ f,>r *" S '* n * 1 f orp * 1 ?->.•'-*ew.~i- ^r;::*!!Lrr^ ZZ ^ r -* Uguinc ! mir - *lu*Ung. ami furnigatmn will Ranked according to nunibi-r of be conducted i cadJt* attending, the hranche* The following day (all* will ar > AF Administration (IFI); l>e heard on *uch *ubjecU •- lamb p’leW Artillery (T7); Infantry ha* Hv DKAS KKKD Ihe San Antonio ASM 1 Mmh- pri ,p 0 ^ ^„ v ,a |„ hamlled **>''»* lewltir in*i et * < luh ha* voted t*. r ». tliHi by th4 . cw4lmt9 receiving the pro- ‘•'"'F* Jhe .*mple n..w leave, the toward* the filming of Pa-** m ,) ir ti ( ,„ ), l( | teybosrag ta peodme choreography Review, a Miu depHtirtg *tu a* the l>ackgr<>ond aiumr i* Kami dent lif.- t Dm i am (ms aceonl ^ ^ "cHpt ••II t*e required to k*,j by their able accompanist, mg 1.. I,ad Hrtin.lrett, CO-, hair man meet with the appreival of a Mi«s Hddur Neliaifi ,of Ihe r.ioimitte* plannltig the '.wnmittee app*mted by the pre* ! uienl of Ihe Splk-ge Duphcile Huvemrnl. •S. fur a* I know," Hrurvlrett IHrtribuium IMaimed A* the emptiamal ywak ia reach ! - _ _ *ani ‘D.e San Aalonio (Tdhei * t^l tlb*/ return to the piano for At 7 th> p m there wtl he a non (ISi; Enginewr* (SI). Gcmst Uul i- the first to reapodd imre. Th *‘ f,lrt ' "'I 1 di»tnbaU*d to g rwRtraatipg piano interlude of Urbmue on the lawn in (rent of Artdiery <24>;_ Gbemical < orp, Ihe film ...mmiltee iiieae*ge*l the ‘"J XrtM# or t.’ganisatMNi who ( oncerto * fir«t mekrement ! the Adminiatrwtlon Buildmk. Fred (*41, Surna ^- . * .. e* . A A a k.. —. ■ k - - f /^aall^. Me*ll Iv. f ir 11+iMt mawa. u Va* •* i | || | •rape construction, pn»miamg new (SI), AF MplStaSaiW* (hk); Field fruit*. *oil heating plait prer Artillery (77): Infantry ( A1 );j ce*ae*. and research or .rwamevit AF Maintenance (MD; AF In al* A demonstration of lUainten- •tallation* (5li; favalry (4Ai;j ance equipment will alao he made (duaiHermaater (40); Transporta- Th«- film Wi|! L- distributed ^ ^ ^ the Administration HuildmE- Fred (f4); plan S ", State Affiliation of '*»• ^ Tbe.r cfititf* »ay that they have ! r w ' 11 ^ ,h - **** •P^-b-r. | nanre ( ASM Vt (her * (luh* on May 14 M ,*** •tmlat>W ^ Twitatie* up,,,, t he mfimte store of Principle* of ln***t contfui. fun ('orp* (18); and ABA (14) Ord- Hrundrrl I Receive* t |eck plan* ha Ue made for one mattnat fhim (he ma*- damental* of plant diaeaAe con Yfotlf'Y Not tnd. what the kandacape arehl , WttUr oPt- Macon Coun maiitrr IjF*! _ t'"! auxlllaiy |^ r> j g ,re-i it expression l>e Bruiuiretl received (ho {ron 1 Mr* K F^ S(iaikin4i prwanlen( of the Hub Sipre the Several trm«* in the past »i»ch TtR* brilliant i-o«He have de- * r *‘ whedule*! fbr di»< u«*ian June monev wa« vote,). Mr* FdPaixi h , movie ha* keen diacuaned, t*at veluped a h« w <wmb«natto,i of ® H» hold* hundrwdp of Adlar* in Heu*mg< r w,.« elected pp *td, nl , t wa* uni ipetil Hob MHIure, tecbSn al dull at the piawax fwl- The short course 1* »ponMr«i check* (bat ntiSMW Ju*t haven't * IA. think >.>ur prop et m worthy catiet **l.»ne| of thg rorpa, |ow«d by Ul« surprise element of j by the [iepartSvent* of Horticvd- buiherod b» pick up Moat of them keck reel*, to V kept in (he Memorial w.^A ...mprehen.ion in .me hear tect expect* oil pl.nt material* rTTl',,, ,. nf . T,man^ dn**n1 P-^.' tonight under the t'burck. Harry Mack enlistment vice-president announced ye*ter- dsr The )>arty which get* uiuler qualify for * special pine which th, San Antonio Sym phony second among major t 1 . 8. pnxe win tw given to orrhe*'ra» in the perrentag,- of anyone who can manage U. dre*» .American work (M-rformed dur- wor*e than the beat-dreiaed mem- | M,g a concert season iwr of the orchestra." the »)*>n-1 Musu al style of thi orchestra sors said "This may sound easy," vane* from tune* like "Dixie” they continued, ' )*ut you don’t to original classical oamp-'iiDoa* know our orchestra" i by such music writer* a* Straisaa The “Hobo Dance" 1* the firrt and Toecanml In addition Reiter sponsored dame of the year ha* his own version of popular Grady Finis i» curientl) searehing waltxe* the .ampu* for ex-studert sera-, John Rosenfield, Danas New* tor* to prudvsre the S*tur,lay dar*i«H cHtw’. said that Baiter has ce* for the su nnier , l««en acknow Mge.) as a •‘con- Elms found the sponsugs of Sat-' ,,u ‘ t,,r '* f " iprdafN rtabre th Wafiwn •Hal! 1 trying to earn enough credit* to graduate They accepted respon- i sihility for production of the dance on the one oanditian that they ^ could have the Tniversity sludbnt* a* guest* of honor "These b«»)* from Austin msv fieid s hot softbsN team ’ ihe Iso «,id “hut ihev’ll learn that here in the Hraxos Hotlpm* w# ran pul mi a top-nfttrh shin dig.” A large turnout i* expected f.u-iWRH bamR swept away yes* the affair Facilities to properly trrday by a northeart trwd’e wind, handle any visiting foreign dig- The skia* were ).»u* over Ho**- mtane* have been arranged The ( ,| u | u a,,,) nM ,* t u f the Hawaii combo ha* l-een practicing “Ruf- 1 ,,lands. But on the west cart «* fie* and Flnunshe* ’ all week for the taland of Hawaii, near erupting any military guest* wh.. aught Ms U na law. Assiwiated Pres* cre tw attracted to the scene respondent R*.\ Kssoyaa said tha "We want everyone to wear hate presisted the oldest Holhea th^y have r | Meteorologist* ax read that tha producer* Duke aqd Munroe «aid June 1 eruption of Mauna liCoa, !'‘Rem*mb*r, thi* 1* a first Ha*« largest in modern record* pro- • t bahly (au*e,t the hate rloml Ash The music with the wamierlurt blown high stayed there bar a use arrangement* will Ugm *t H a .aim settle,! over the ofeao. All women de*inng date* were ! At its ipeak. fhe great hare urged the *pon*<vr* to check cloud rovgred posatbly ‘J.POO.OOO The Baptist Student Tenter will w ith them at the gate square mile* he the scene of s big "get ac- [ f+'i| Haze Fades In Hawaiian Skies Honolulu. June 16 -(API A haze fiall which shrouded Hawaii and a vast mid-Pacifid area for three days ami nifhts Fred K RHmwi Hrison ha* been named rhair man of the Naraerymea'* Short ( owrae ta he held here Jane SI U. He is a prafewmir in Ike HortieaHare Department BSl Party I»ni{;hl In Student (enter body is out to "make a fast buck " f i »na a.mi h-.|M you get i( "yer, preaentrel the ulea to th# Tlaaa danre routine- featunre n.u*ical , tore, Katousakigy. FlagtrwfluSi are far people who worked aa ^_,n r Mr* .Sparkmar wrote BrAimlrett 0 f *51 that any headway ha* comdkiy adagio and (•allr.Mrm and | and laindarape Architecture and fudge* or clerk* m eleCtiona The ••F •* P . m , , . *We are wi*htng for yogr rt»»* rtuidb )<al)et dancing Plant Physiology and Pathology .dArnt i* dated April, 1P32 ■ moat au. .■e*«fut achievlement." . —♦ - *-■* — ^ . — - - - - —- * * *■ * — i*\ i'' he plaaned fibi. ia a |H*»ject of Douhlp Ampuler for 15 Yean* ( la** of Til. voted im by ihe ■ a she '■si.! I the claar. a* junior* in Mart I Sine* that time. Dm . ia**' rotnmitte,- has Iwen working to raiae 1 (he re- required fd.tNMI 42,w4)o Fiwm b| adenl |afe The bigg, at financial ah. t ia the arm caaie from the Rtudenl Life ( ommittee, which •lhicai -,1 I2.IXW toward the filming in a ^*8 . . . „ meeting Ma, I.N • **.*?"*• 9^ smd a dui.hrr.U del )w comm,tW. ( wk,. JJj j^ftruity m ££!i ^ muaical numhera. abort devotional. Handicapped Counselor Helps Others mg, specia games, and _ _ Mack Mid "Everybody ta invited to attend fhe gathering an we may get sc qssaintetl and enjoy an evening of fun in the new Bapdrt T*n ter,” Mack stated ( Refresh men ta will he served at the aortal. he added By H ABOl.D (iANN oq're phyaicsBy hand- Memliet!. of t are now scatternri over thr mi awramer K<!|PC camp*. al> Brurtdrt tt a .d i prnoli Borelle, co- chairmen; Alvm Aaronsori ties- chairman; Martin OImS. Bib Brabham. Jim gadel, Bill mg* tad Ta Run M Minute# fell bewealk the grtndwag Now Abercramkie i* continu- Austin NurM*M S«*nd • keek Tbe dec lev* were fereed mg ki* educwtKUi. lacking a the- * • • S perpetual smile •• •mputate 8ix meelka later at. and a three hour couree m [) am # . IllYltatlOIlN ■to dufteere, often *e received Ms ayutbetM arm. hi* wmator* degree in wnmUrgy f spur of-tbe mom ***• mmfertgne, ewe ear aged Mm He ia also working on a master* Aa open mvitatMM ha* b bewgfiu af the Rehabilitatiov. Of ficu. H* employ* deliberate . a jub you re* handle anreaasfel Mr. Mi ent wittkiMM to comt call for «n appfoximato 80-min handicapped student at AAM ar Himr Jurnor (ollsge and your ^ h™" parent* rknt yadeqaately ksppatt eng Hans la either rgse you woakt re ceive notifc Ui drop by tbe B*i tell Hall oftpea of ^MSe M treble. +ie of yrjVeasMea Temporary pleyv* for tbe film IT 1 u mv.—.. i neercniregie u . al Rchebdimi.v I’mmselors from a train He had jaat fi-,«*e.. , fck. - » uto j-unnmg time. Since .pread througWui tbe ftaU by high erMoi at Use age ,>f tl. be ^ UrkW ta help Ibe kewdnapped ia Education needing lb hour* hame hia frkada “Bmauae of my kandwaf I He w a dirertor of the state After waUrtwag bim do the caa •>•*»»«• Abat R ^ ****• nimeral aonety a member of the toreary office chore*, after talk- / ot me to get sB the idur* National RehaMHtatn.r Asaona lag. With the am us hie rounaeW ' * «*«*d. In unier to teewaie X rl4 , and National Vn you forget hi* deficiency “I for- * P “ ,,, F' U ”’ 1 ^ ^ retsonai Aaoocistba, the Texa* got about M II year* ago” he *f rebsbiliUtioa Abet- for TnppMd Tbildren. the CA - creretoe say* Abereromhie. ert Teuaty ABM Hub and Ii ami In ISV when he U-i hi* ^ arrempB^meaM i* 4 etires ,h. president of tbe Bra*... Toua- a !L -T ' * ..-T* lant for oMtof baadtreppmt pat r4 , JS^j.1 band, and arm. after f.Htog r^fvdence m try- V-i 1 ;** " ( ^ f £ the Texaa E*eat»ua A. pany nf Ih-nton on 14-miM film Purpose of 'he film ia U* em phsaise the atugloa. I’*:, ft-' i At the Grove reuse he aarriftred gaud grade* j** gredsadad . far sporto and datin* ,M4 > tmeietog^ a I you Bee a |aMing. tt-yahr-sdd He purposefully failed a chem- ***• * man sitting a| a table t«w *ee i.try csreree hie eenioi ywar, re- ••••totoee • ■ ... .tub am' hapk* e x tend! W* from turning to erhuoi to play center •todgat , updprweetb hi« left eleeva. a rigbt oa tbe football team at Athena arm ahhtfviatbd fire iacbea from I^ouiaiaaa ht* home toava the shoslper. L { On waahi ad* he found time to , Yarn aentigivwta ra—mkli the vuit a girtfrvead in Otla 14 miiea aaftog. ”1 are withes* Mtore fre* CMi—kle He Mtob bihad aam l marm sfed until I met end Ubm be made the trtp a area without fast.” I ItagMs to re tab aa aateme If Abercnnibie wam t apply I bib an the way back to C i dgaa ore He ia aquippn* with a pair of hooba which are con- riled hy flexing hie shoulder* received from the Hrsrken- ridge Acheel ef Narebif at Aaetia to attend their Freak man Dance Aalerday night at • am The daace will hr held at the Brackenrtdge N arses Beet dewce Admsaeiew will he 2S Arrerdiag to the inviutinas. draw* rases Hy, and cares pre pared far fan’ throughout College. sup himooif by working for W L Naghes ia the Dvpariment ad Bdaretiaa awtil be rerebed re- hatolit a ties aW during be but 1^- m w rtwtii M, rfu. . oai w Vsvo 'asrJtz&rr** jrj£?Erai;x \zi£vr2\i;2 ■arbtom. “It’a earner ta aaaie the things I rea l da.” he eranby says “l get gnito p bit of fun out af rohert tag recks and a tarn pa . . . aba things like poetry and “And I did k aM with toy littb ,4d hooka My begret thrill how brain and hunks.” he pi indli eree. ia setting S Innbregped per- adds J*e receired his rPrltflcnto son a jo* eo he can becoree a self af eorbt work St IAV AS '44 af- ■uppeetm taxpayer aa tbe ere- Klkivttv Family Leave* ^a. 'and' (eke |0ll Tfip t© NfW York Mr ami Mrs R L Elkins and children left Friday for England Elkins, who haa lieen administra tive aaabtnnt to tbe president af tbe cotbpe. 'Won named re- •istoat chief of the Fond and Ag- HeuhuraJ Diviatoa of the RpociaJ tor aemag af ki« not re the Economic Crops rut tor Adimnto- tea Don to the Uaitod Kingdom Hr. and Mrs Elkin, will drtre first tb Washington D C.. whore oh will rvcvi▼! mm owwf!- J. M. AWrrrsmMs Abercrombie b aerxb eervtoff Agftoa and dbkbled brangk hi* paabion re Veraiiunsl _ fbr Ibe Tessa Edueatba Agency. Hb offlto b bested | Hall. • ; ‘ : ^ 1