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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
CHyOf College Station Official Newspaper 1 J . \ , Nation's Top CoHegiale Daily NAS IMS Survey Number 137: Volume 4S M BUSHED m THE COLLEGE STATION* Of A CBKA'i AtM COLLEGE ‘ ) \l r n / i. m I). TEXAS. MAY 25. 1960 Pnce n« Ont. Itolton To Receive I ribute At Dinner MaIVIN a\TI SKk Will mak* » taiK reprM»ati«f in dustry Th# Purmar StudetiU As- Former Student Council Meet In *V ’ Saturday i wriatK* wHl W rafwwMinteti 4* W •SM A spaciat 4mi%tr honoring F s«tur«ay M V n, nerwnMnff u, fc ( oun «l <* tht of th - th' HutUiAn, Will uik m Uhnlf Amoctstsm of Former Stu- roIMn and prraiO-rit nirrt of tU g i a 4 ent ^ SwAkinf for Will be held in the ih» dinnar ia u-inf innmowd tK* s»n4>r CUmm will b» tkeir YMCA Saturday, May 27, iuiatly bp Ibn Koinaet Studm.t* And • • ~ I- - ’ -* *orinown and the roller tuff and 1 acuity Former <it»«ir4tv fn»mi: and aaacrtatH wh« liav* knr>wn Pr*-*i 'Vnt a>hnii during hts tong tan ui» h«*r* at ACM will ha** an op portunity to pay th*ir r.«p*-<-t« to "th* grand old man of th* rol- Harrington naid Hi nr* IMP Fmaident Bolton gam* to ASM tn 1 in 41 an h«*ad of th* KUrtncal Krigin**rntf l>*partm*nt H* Own pieridrrit, Bobby By.ngton Tirkrt* (.trailed Only tirk*u wtU be avail able U» tBr general publtf far th* dinner and '!*•«*■ are eafert**! t* , accorrl aerretary to* in great iWma .d D*an Har ! H*r**y added front 1 until 5 do p. mg to Dick Hervey '42 of the AaraMiation Sunday mottling from M to until 11 tb* nwating will t* Continued In th* Sbna Hall bamiu*t rwim advanced to the poaitum of dean of ma y th«i eiifttwwnng and in till wan made r*«pecti** ,i. n* dran of the roUcfe , Hamilirt#(| Jj ton Ha id Fi rmer itud*nu and employ*** of th* coiagb othej than mem bers of th# fnrulty and ataff, may obtain Uckela ftom Jame* B Her vey, exmijuv* MK-ralary af the Former Htudanti Aaaociatian Member* of the faculty anc ataff their uckela at their rtmerHai office*. In 19X7 h* became executive vice pieiident and for the pant two year* ha* **rvad a* pre«idatit of the college Tw-ket* ace |1 75 and are on «al* at th# Aggialand Inn. WSD rluthier* af Bryan. Aggieland Pharmacy FI rat State Bank of Sevaral *paaher* will be preMn«| l rygll the Former StudenU for the uccnmon repreamting'dif- Aaam latmn (Mflc* in tllC Admin ferent organisation* «ith i hahcel-l tatration Building lor l.ihb Gllehnat speaking o* be , T t half of i he A A M System J B Thtuna*. pre«nlent of the Te*a* Klei trii Serxiie I umpany, Summer IMans Set liv (louneil w The ('idlege Station Sum- ■w lUCTWtio.; rrufrtwhMi;^; Mnitoi. And "ob- bnw, rrlnm^ by th, Cofcn ' „ th, rifht word, for SUUon lUetmUo. 0«««ll.| M , kt w id tbr CMppird CkU- liutmg aomc form of recrea tion or for young ami old every lay in th* **vk Swimming, nofthali, tgnni* tumbling, *b«ry h*»ur .ontmoaity pirnica. hanUniaft. diving. txarUe- and <M|uar* dam-ug at* achedul**! for on* or more day* of every week throughout the *umiu*r pm ehaldwn n hand the wad mg tan act v tie*, repreaenting i his paralgseil throat Saturday , ( oum il ioeml<er* a'll hear report* from officer*. ami from committee* and the varmu* fund* L M l^ocke. 22, assistant aecre tary of the AMoriatton, will give th# Finnncnil Report*, prereeding tlte Progrea- Repot; of the 196n Development Fund by Hervey Club Program ( ommitta* report will be presented by lout* Blood worth, *312, committee chairman,' followed by the report from the Nominating Committee fm ( iran- cilmeti, by J S Farmer, '12 Texas A4M Dev*l«pmeni Fun.1 report will be 11resented h v K F Mct^uillen. fund dirartor Follow mg repo lit* from the Student laran Fund by A. F Mitchell. liH ami the report of the NommatHin < om m it tee for Officer* by Ch* irman J M William* 'lh. election of of- fVaars will lie held At Sunday * meeting K J How- all, T2 will report for th* Hist»r ical and Archive* ('omaMttee fol lowed by the 75th Anniversary report from Penroae Metcalfe Iti. chairman of the ( ommittee After ureaentation of a acn.ll by (>#org* Smith. "tU ami a talk no the Aggie Clut. by \N T I tough tery tti, the meeting will tie ad journed wine m m in«* v nupiea rs* fg* ii ■*■ ■ dren's Hospital at Waco suffering ■ HO I lillkN I ItllltlfMI from the Worat type of polio the as gv all bulbar type Urail Graduation Activities Begin Friday at 10 a.m. By HID ABKKV4THY l addre** ^ A second baccalaureate service Commence meat activities far w ,|| in A*»*i«bly Hall this year* graduate* will begin! f or engmeenag and veterinary with BaccalaurMte aerviciw Fnday gagm candidate* with morning, wjth Coramiasisaiag Ei- j ^ w Boyd Hunt p „ tm of th . irrisss. President’. H#«^ptk»ri. | g.p,,,, ( hurch of Houston, the College staff, t ommencement Lxemsa. and Final d.u* wlnr t h* » t R|re** Bali Fnday aftoraaon and night Th# (Wu MnnoM t» mr held T1»e Fine! * s«let Review will end accommlate families and fneml* the program Saturday morning wf ^ p^duate. and to avoid a Highiigbling Fnday'x prog ran limited attendaMr, Dr. C W will be the Final Ball scheduled S< hle«»elm#n, chairman of the for the grove, weather permitUng commencement romraWttae *»id miaaions Presidenf and Mrs. F c Bolton will hold an open house rwreptpiti m their horn* from t:S(F4 M p ra. Friday for t.raduataa. their fan!- • lie* and frienda, and member* #f The Aggieland Orrhealra will pro vide niuair for the laat ball of the college career for most senior* ' Grady lima, aaautanf director af student actieitksa said today Friday'* program will begin at i 10 am with two baccalaureate service* to be held comurr*nUy Hare a laureate Service* One baccalaurvst* sei-vice will be held in (iuian Hall for agricul turw. arts and ancnce*. ami all advanced degree candidate, with the Rt Rev John F. Hiuea, bf* hop (o-adjut«c of th* Kpncopal Dioceaae* of Texas, delivering the Commencement exercise* will be keld at 5 p in on Kyle Field Ffl’ day night (If :nckiwent weather, in Guion Hall and Aesenthly Hall) t hairman of the Joint < incf* <>f Staff, Omeral Omar Bradley, aril deliver the main addrua. All candidate* for degree, are required to attend the baeap! ’ aureate and commencement exdr- ciaex unles* officially excused by th# Fxecutiv* Committee. Dr Schleaseiman empha-ixeil ( ora mi-mi on Fxerriae Presentation of reserve commis sion* to advanced ROTC student* will be in tiuion Hall at 1 p m Fnday Ma^or (,eneral Aides R Final Ball artivitiea ( lima* mg t ndav'* will be the Final Ball in I Music for the Ball will, b* furnish ed |fi th* Aggieland Orcheatra. unddr the direction of BUI Turndf. In can# of bad Weather the Fingi Ball will be moved to Sbjaa Hall. Klm« said Ticket* for th* Bali have not gone on sale as yet but according Kiivnnis Asks Financial Aid Far Polio Hoy Bv a A. Bt Rl H ABD Yeateriay Irttlg MUhaei Kilpatruk observed hi* aev- Jhhn K Bertrand Ag Honor Society Officials Elected Pratfooor H< tirand ha* barn named In-an «,f (he new Basic Dumum whlrk • ill go mlw operation ia 'September H* rtf and i* rxpecled la receive hi* Ph.ll dearer f|o« 4 or net I thin atimmer The Agricultural Honor S«>ciety liverttock judging team and elected officer* for next year at a meeting held in Hbtaa Hail Tues day evening. May 23 Of* fi * y* 1C 1 1 -' l *v n war* selected are Jack Shin rrcuucrc l.rowd Sees W Mc< arley, president, Waiter Tanamachi, vice president, Jim 1st Land Grant School Trilmk C renta. Mr itnrh, but Mike has courage and tbr will tv win W hen he became ill a week ago Monday physicians didn't ax pert him U» live Yesterday be was icT. { Dr J P Abbott, dean <>f the School of Arts ami Science^, vm!I go to Brownsville, 'Texav this weekend ta> give two cammence- ment addr#*ne* H> DO K t OM FTf looking M'-mb-r* of th< mlleg. Hncultv attg >1 .J ' arwl * aoiHeimg of exain tra. rtUd. •nts aiv unf-'ki'-di >n the (kdon tBsll sci>-«4i last n xhl a po • flnt mnireaai I’lepnrhig for i Irihqtc ta the Lnn^ Grant a lamg Life,'' will n# to the grad | Cifbf'W of M|. nation and rl *“ rarv already know# what he will do * •" mornmg 29 Moralay night Dr wsll give the commencement aitiiie** I rluba, churches and other civic ! forward to organisation* in ( vllege Station Sponsored by the ( ollage Stalnm “First thing I want 1* a pony, flevelo;/«aeni Association and and thsm when I grow up I'm go- t hamber of ( ommene, the ( am- mg to be a doctor *o little bay* . , u munitv ('he«t amt the City of Otd- 1 IA* me don't have to ba airk With r * ege ntatinn, tki* year’, program tllia old patiu.'' Michael tells his ' 1 ‘ promise* tv be one of the largest parents and nurae*. , j The College Stativn Recreation * Col leg# BtaMoa fblk. have inter- I'ouncil i* romponed of < G White,' ested themselves m the Kilpatn<-k*. rha irman. J G (,ay. vice chair- and parttculariy in Michael Their nan. Tent Moaes secretary and Mr* O t Hmith, treasurer Othel I'hafm, A4M ConselidaBM ath- lettc coa> h, he* lieen choaen Sum mer Kecrratpm Director All activitie* begin Tuemlay June *» A samph of the * beduie will be run thi* a.-ek In the Battalion The entire aentor at heilule will be cypapteted at a later date ’It-rusalt in (iroWH JerusaU n 'A’l The Jewish part of the city of Jerusalem ex next-door neighbors, the Jo* Stew art*, are raring for Mike's 5-year old brotller, Mark At the last Kiwani* Club meet mg D R Cofer was named chair man of a ipecial committee tv do what can lie done for the boy and family Nearly waa raised in ten minutes tv help with hospital bills, and more is expected to lie turned in tv Mr Osfer, br the othes members of bis rommiUre Dan Ru«ael| and Wilham Potts , Michael's father is a graduate student m range and forestry, and pects tv have a population of more baa nearly completed work for hit than 2tHi.tlU«i by the end of 1952 master« degree He is * Navy A recent censu* showed there veteran, going tv school under the now are llti.'M* Jew* here No, rehabilitatran art a* a rvault of 1 eatimate wa» made of the number service incurred illneaa Only fam of Arab* living in the Arab held ily reaourr#* are funds received Senior Calendar Jaac 3- Baccalaureate and com ^ mencemenl exercieew. com “ miaaiunin. reremonv. and Fi aal Ball June 1- Final Review. Mo M Friday- (4i*i day of aoe* for seniors not tailing rla May l gin. M beetle if Texas Southweet Th*- mgasion on* th* T.-to* pr*- May J miars df “Waveauf t.reen'fa tech nnxdor preeentiWmn by thd r.i*-*i bom Motors t'or|»orhlion <*f pulrsit Tb. 4<i minute film did .x < tvdd able tub >'f telling ti<o* XjicMme i can farni' r h i*, through tl< titili xati.m ul th*- »< lentifu and lu'chari mill ad1iihc<a ,ii agticulturq f<ytei -d by l.tod Grant <'ollew**| ,tdve» <ed b' In* present world statue Judked hi HoIIi*<mm1 stand ard*. I be picture could not be ra ted iff) highly Hut jud|ed on the he*l* of •bai M U*. S •emi edoraliooal film priMtuc-d b) I be maker* of the 1-Old b actor "tlsve* of (.reen'' indeed de*er ve* pfai*e F*pd> lallv n> dew ..( thy is the fact (hat. tk«uigb th- filth wic arodured by a tni'ate i >rpciMl «ui. n makes no attempt tn sell ’^ tt i im iianv * pnaiort F>«rd tiuiton. anil |h-ni bunt fgrm equipment uiv fercl lib er»ll> in th< film, but only hs b;w k g t* Kind L* al scene* and peraonakoth an poar sa the film Th* effoAn h> F. S M T iddeti tliat led to hi* del el tbei | opine>4 of the Hope vnrietiof rust their rviuat..iit wK*‘Ht receive A>nsid»-r lHe Agriculture Kxpenment Sta tion here for 29 years. He and one of the other local stars’' of Wav*** Of Green" presented on the Guivn Siw** ■ edmg the showing QeorgeRi an 'natmrtor tn the pertinent awuat walk, alav to* Ki\ers and C. W Manning, a former »**<>< i.*te pW'feaaor here, te th anpesi tn tra nos in the pic ture, Manning is presently doing • ink toward a dm bn s degree at l"W .i State rnd was unable to be at the showing Also in the picture are shots of th* V4M < .onput and A i M ag st'irb nta at wort. Tom House secretary; Kunie. treasurer. and Wytke, chronicler MrCartey is a junior dairy hu»- l>andi> major from Deniaon Dur mg the past year be was a mem- ^b*r of the ARM National Dairy were Judging Team and won firat place pre ! in the senior division of < been* i v er*, judging in the local dairy pro m tbr A|r'mi»i|> Dr durta jurgmg coniewt He m haidar tana* ad a student making a rtihg Mdr adden in hit 0 f a Deep Dairy Scholarship, the record whil# In college H« i ’* # ® >,r ‘ _ Dxnforth Summer Fellowship, and that He wa* moat happy to • Soch Igmg ! the ( *. selected a* tile winner of the Jeitse H Jones Reward for Achieve ment Prior to the election of officer* the student* approved the consti- Kaymom! tution and by-law. which had been IkHiglaa prepared for the Agricultural Hon- 1 or Society Karlyrr in the evening the group had a banquet in the West W ing of Sbiaa Hail E J Kyle, far mer dean af the School of Agri culture at AdM wa* the princi pal speaker , llean Kyle stressed, the impor- fuud ■tol ad Fellowship, the Vit-A Way Incorporate*! Re ward for Acvhievement Tanamachi i» a junior agronomy majof from San Benito He ha. been a member of The Battalion new* staff and the Agriculturist staff for the peat year In hit freshman year he ntaced second oa the fish crop* judging team and Crawford, commanding 12th Air to Sima they will anil for II. Force, will present the Air Force , larg* crowd ia expected since UlM Com mission a, Lt General 1 eroy will be the text colbgf ball Lute*. ( omaianding officer 4th n*oad of the aemor*. Army, will present the Army com- Thi. ia an all collage dance- and — \ will last from k p. m until l | m Final Review Saturday morning, June -Y th* Fmd Review of th# t'erto will he hebl on the Mam Drill Field, at k SO a m At the review, gradual mg senior* will torn over their organisations to the Junior* who will command them next fall I Final review will be th* official end of the activitiqp for the spring l semester of 19541 1959 ( ammenceraewt Program 1 The lk5tl ( oaMtofmament Pra* gram ia 'entativaljr acheduleil k* follow*! Friday. June 2, Itfdi 1(1:04) a m Baccalao" ate (jgion Hall Assembly Hall 4 1 dO p m - CofnmiMioring Cs- ereix* ' Guion Hall 2 .10 4 341 p. m - Preaiibwit'a Reception Pre*i(lent‘f Home A 00 p m —Commencemant K teniae , Kyle flald Of imlement weather, ta be held In Guion Hall and A**«m- bly Hall) 9 (Rl p m -Final Ball Grove • Saturday, June 3, Uf54i 9 :ui a m -FinW Review; General Omar Bradley is to he ( ommencement Spaakei other part* of the picture deal lietame a member of Phi Eta Sig- W|th aimdar advance* tn agricul | ma Ihirmg the past year he was luiv that stem bark to the day in the reporter for the agronomy IHCci when ^’'•l*>wdent Abe Lincoln, j vWiety Saturday—FmaU be Graduating aea- iara wbtt want their Aggie lead mailed ta (hem seat Fall ahaelit <Uoa by the Htedeat Artivitiea Office, second flaur (•aadwin Hall, befprr leave school and Icbvi ished a l^ml Grant ('"liege for each state tn the Utuen. Waie* o4 (.reen'' na* nation ally premiered >1 Nashville. Norik ( arolmlA Manday nigbl. weeretan of Agrirulture (harlea F Mrannan and otlw-r W ashing- ton dignitaries * (Fended that •hawing Several part* of the picture were «hot near i\i» small North ( arolma Iowa. Last night s showing wa* the fust state pre mirk* bf the picture Agnc«Itural Htior R*^i#ty start ed on the A AM rarapu* He ha* been a member of the National Agricultural Honor So ciety, Alpha TVta, xince hi* in j itiation at Cornell Vrttverxit) in 19< K) ('harlea N SKepardaon. <l«an id the School of Agriculture, intro duced hire Prior to the intrxxtue- ■ as ix* »x a tjp^ Dean Shepardaon gave a llUllinS W HIS brief outline af the actions taken in getting the Agricultural Ifhn ’ or S*H-iety started in AAM ( IT Scholarship i)f lloiiHton S\Hlem f Jackie W iH»d wax elected chan cellor of the Houxton Club ayx- The new secretary, Jim Tom House, is an agricultural educatioa major from Goldthwaite In the if’ J g’I II past year he was on the staff of H (MM! \ llUIKClhir the Agriculturist ami ha* been named editor for next year Kunxe, a junior agronomy major from 1st Grange, is presently • sergeant major in the ( orpa For the past (wo years he has been tern in a meeting held last night General Fducatmn Board Scltol a member of the King's Court in j in Goodwin Hall arxhip. granted from ABM the Cotton Pageant Kunxe is one Russell "Dopey'' Hagan* was an Opportunity Award# a of the few janior* who have won | elected Vice-Chancellor of th# »y*- S *hi I ie Hill Mullina, giadnating phy«ic» major fram Car rid Springs, will enroll at the Cali^ ma Institute of T*elm<dogy m adena, in Septembar-4o work oa his Ph D He" will attend CfT (Aider / a It Will he shown d every Ulul alternate position on the Cot- teM* % n a diatinguiahed *1ud t M<l City sector in the monthly government check, address and 25 rents to rover amiling charges Chance Sent Four to Paper, £ E I Awa Seven Finish In This Issue iftbib mention IfiT ,id*k-n'a earlier work in the Mtd \A--at andbna sub sHijuent work With w h*-at| mat in the Smthweat at* both pictured Tbit Department af A|r|-iiRure igrwiiomisi who laat yeir wan UN DA fhatinguisbed Service rd has been workiaW with (.rant collegv m the tuition v t»n Tour which ia sponsored by! Rhtirmg Chancellor C, P Monk*' an honor military student. Th.- Stewart Comtiany, Dallax Vhe Agronmny Society gave a short talk before the elec-. lieutenant in ‘•A*’ Army Sec representative* it f Dearborn iboigla* Wythe, junior animal j tion* about the good the rlub ha* ^ He ia winner of an achi* Corporation, sponmwed the pre hushandry major from Grenbory. done arut the advance* made in award given mtere and a banquet br Sbiaa Hall is noW president of the Saddle apd the past year w hirh preceded it. Rarl D. Hot tarn, me pAtoMent and general aianager af that company presealed President F 0. Bolton wHk lb# print* of (See PKEMfHKK. Page 4) Sirioin Club During the past year Other offices will he decided he was a member of the junior the fall, Monks anmmnred Fox Fur and Shark Skin . . . in riven to graduating the School of Art* Science* for “an oats (and mg ord of scholarship and leader A By K F BOl AND Chance play* a big rule in deter mining everyone, art ion a And four of the aeven **niora, all v*4 era ns who nrltaquish editorial pwe ition* on The Battalion with Una »#•»•* Witt be the first to confirm that fast The twe c» editor- l>egai) their •at i a lien career, a. a result wf rxeoqdH'n* ta English The sport# .dstot found himself assigned (b the ataff after he h*«l madk raga- lar trip* to the office ta read ex change college paper* The fourth, chairman of The Battalieoa editorial b»anl. hihad the «Mff when the editor* turned to him for hia knowledge af Ad M's •Indent government Not one i»f the foar had ever con sad* red jouralism ae a vocation or abaratbrn before Bill iUHngaley, noa-military ca- edito* waa aa eiartnew! enginoer- irqr mayor back in IN7. Being heady with words, h# managed to exempt an English row me C C. Manrae ala* won an exemption He am* an economic* major who had never seen the maide of a aewapaper offico Both men beiauoe of their ex emption* and a particularly praw- tnf need for wntore on Tne Mat talioft. were invited to Jnia the ataff Munro# a full time job at WT A af Bbttaltoa work and along the lino he switched hia major to besiro-aa Billingaloy found journalism more to hia liking than RK and to laat yea' mode the change in the middle of tb* stream when the new Journalism Iieparlmmit wa# opened Chuck Caban ms waa another who had never thought of sewspoper woik But lie was interested in reading other OkIleges' paper* Be cauoe of that he made regular trips ta The Batt office where cop ra* af such paper* were always on band Owe day, after becomtng acquam ted vttk pome Battalion writers, t abaniaa waa aaked to make aa or raslonSi isatnkpPtoa. la tiwo years this grew to the position of Sport* ley who goe* to work in June for the Han Angelo .Standard Times Munroe move, over U> Walton Hail where he, will Hr up lt*o«e end* on hia education ami oc casionally contribute an e*i.tor“ tal Kiikham has a job lined uy with Gulf Publishing Company and Cadumia* i* Headed for law school The only other writer on the I staff who ia signing “.'40" with thta isaur la Otto Kuna* senior j agriculture edmdtion mator fiom t'-hhlbir* He aDpeare.1 in th# of-j fine three year* ag<>. sat down at J a typewriter and quietly started to work. Thta year. ju»t aa quietly and ef- flckMrtly, He w’ll pick up hm ba- longings, fold his News Editor sign, and stand ready to accept hi* ill- ACC 15 L\ Aggieland '50 Cover Hack, Majority of Copy Finish By BILL BILLINiiHLKY A sample cover haa been re- [ ceived for appn>val from the pnnt- 1 1 er, over 75 f 4 of the engraving and printing is in the hand* of the ea ; gravers ami printer*, ami the ea tire Aggieland 1950 is as fa' alone aa, or a little ahead of, its last (Vmirany of Dallas i of th* page*, this ytoka annual Within three week*, fabenia* will b* the same site as laat year's *aid.\pi*- remaining 25’, of the Aggieland. and ia l>*t|ig printed copy add engraving will go off and ; and engraved by tile same two Dai- Lhe - it N- book will be m the laa companies that priMkiced th# handa of tV compositors earlier yeai book. Bulk of the copy and ph ture* yet A. most readers will remel i u> be sent off hf* in the sports and laat year's Aggiakaad also ‘‘Aggieland' (the general abuts of tenkor ring on the covf|g, and Editor which he hoida along the poaiuan of co-edito. oa Th$ Photo engraver Hardy Boa* ta I Aggieland ' one of tw* non-writer* bidding f aarlie Kirkfiam a politician guodby pi The Battalion A three j from tb* bewindnag «f hi* dava at year veteran of student publu-a* AdM probably knew moiw about Dana, Rom ha* speiialiaed in prw- atodent govemmenf that, anyone liflc produrtHm of engravings and I on the campus It w** only natiaral. drawing bagger pay check* than then, that the editors turned to 1 the editors He, to*, will take hia him far Help ia taattora Uraal i ahaepakia in hand in June, turn One responsibility and rvqtiaat hi* hark on stu' plate*, and with to another and Kirk ham, a hia family on hia arm, head out into Mm world L. K. Carter, a one semester Bat talion staffer, will chrae out hia aerUon of tht circulation depart ment ia hum aad watch hit name can* tit tht masthead along with ica counterpart according to it* campus life! sections, which had it* rvappvaranc* this year, **2S/**” ,, *5 Ctkanlta. I ^ wait until the end of the school ce lent aeems to haw Lean mt The cover of * maroon leather y *» r to be paated up. ( abaniaa aaid Gabama* expressed aatiafl 1M 1 . iorvT* 1 n ’ I**’ <’ontributKMi* ta th# Aggieland sec will all work opt the book »<t ' tion will to accepted for a few , but grimaced xrhen meididianc more day*, he added that he must spend moak blitod Remainder of the work to to, summer vacation time dbyng the dona here anil be handled entirely poitahing-up work, by the co-editors, ( ahamae a*id. Whan pressed far a tine* the ataff was dismissed this'on th* appearance date week ishad book, ( abaniaa wa* e • First proofs from th# printers “Ifa achoduiad to be ahoiAd arrive track here about June the napie “AGGIELAND" m dta | fonal, white parapective block lot- I tars across the top, with a raised Mtd replica af the *50 Banter Ring JI just under it and to the right A g j w k i t e bar runa through t h e ring, honaontally acrxraa the cover, with th* avarda TEXAS AdM aunk in the strip in htack Below th* har is the same maroon shade but with a shark skin grain fto- atid conveniently and happily into the poet of edifcaneJ hoard t heft aMa far tb* paper. All tot «« #f th* faar Mg9 their last "10" in prams thta pear Tb# holdout ra Bdii anil Hera ia a (deal Ici term a aa the left ia •f th* Ag is the hark 4 g gietand ItSd'a af Ik* caver, '.27'n The back of th# cover (narrow dimension) haa the same "AGGIE- LAND" printed vortkaMy, with “Ibid" aunk ia th* ewattauatian of th* whit# bar, ia th* same black type a* the “TEXAS AAM". a atar, and the wards "VOL 41 Work oa the cover ia Wing dene by tb* American Baauty Corar Ik, Cabanis* continued, and from that time until July II will be .pent Mummying up" the proof* into their placva on the pagos. A new title, “Past ta Ravtaxr”, will be given to the Aggieland ear* t»ou. and It will contain fT'Mfaa this year as compared with 19 bat year. The club aad clasa sac tion* ariU al*o be larger this year than laat, Os ban tea aaid Other than the re-diatrlbution registration tima," h* aaid, inf th# reportm aye a, “but/, never know how th* printer'* ami engraver*’ schedules will rad.f* "Thar#’* really na bag rush ah.'my w, J rw »Y" MrtkihK* “lV be aver at the < airaxraito «f‘ Taira* la taw achwal aa# xnaft be abie to road H in public." And h* wrat back mto bit of i slap h •fi ft i A ’