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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
/J \ Battalion Editorials Page 2 THURSDAY. MAY 25 Snan Song of a Hftirinf Journalist ... Th» finul editorial should probably | be as nearly Uka a maatdrpmee aa It in ptnwible far a r'etirinu. amateur journal i iat to produce If the yJb were done cor rectly you render* might be expected to collapae frtmi emotional strain after read ing it but, »*i the contrary, it ahouM be relatively italnletw There are juat a few last words I d like to rap ojA on the type writer befora signiat; the newsman's tradi tional "Str. Find a word at ap|>reciation to those official of the college who have consis- 1 tently uphold <»ur right to print what we 1 saw fit, treating it in the manner we deem ed bent The final decision on the pre sentation of any news was Bill's and mine If it had not been thus, neither of us would have waited n«>r assumed the responsi bilitv of editorship Thanks also to the profs who accepted assignments that were late beyond rea son because we rhooae to put The Butt deadline ahead of the book deadline. From you readers we appreciated and enjoyed you# interest Wc welcomed your commenta written or sf*oken complimen tary and otherwise Without them wc would hive felt we were publishing an obituary report. Ami before going arty further I want td thank the d<*ena of hard working, grade |**nt sacnficigg men who worked _ through the year with Bill and me. They are the ones who. for little or no material reward worked long hours, took blame that waan't theirs ff> share, while Bill ami I took the credit Without them wed hare been doing well to produce a monthly injine<graphed news letter I am deeply indebted to Roland Bing, manager of student pubhcatione. ami Sid Wise our assistant manager, for their counsel, labors and encouragement. A word of thanks also to some per son* and agetKie® who, i**rhaf* unknow ingly helped The Ratt and me through the vear Among them are count teas oth- ef editors from whose editorial ideas we profited: a half-dosen coffee comftanies whose product made the night hour* eas ier; the loan agencies of the Student lai- , bor Office, Former Students Association. \ and the k*al bank, all of whom cooi«er»- j ted magnificently; innumerable students whose csrs I “borrtwred" to drive td town, for that midnight snack, Ted Cathy and his crew st the Housing Office for their cherry wordk during the esrly morning hour* the men of the AAM Press ff>r their toiefation of our continual disregard for h j nes; my roommate for his acceje tanee of my ty|>ing long ftast midnight and the dosena of otheril who cannot be mentioned here because of space limits- tlMl. j I want to express my deep gratitude to any and all people who had any |»art in my being able to art as co-editor Be cause of that opportumtv I have profited immensely, not *o much in a material sense but in knowledge- knowledge of AScM of ideas processes, and. most of all. of people. Finally. I Want to thank my "partner in crime," Bill Billingsley Even in this editorial I have used the "We' which rep. refwnts Bill and me being handier With words than 1 am, might be able to record un pajer the value of osr friendly association I can only say. after our term together that 1 wiaild never consider do- inf it again, even if it were possible un less he would pitch his tent with mine on the second floor of Goodwin Hall 1 think it has been a good year We've d«me the best job of which we were capa ble For any of our mistakes 1 sincerely afsiiogtte. * You are is a better josition than 1 am to judge our accomplishments So this is "30.^ It has been a privi lege to have been allowed to carry my name at the top of the msathead To Dave Toslett and Clayton Selph who will in herit Bill s and my job in the Fall the best of luck. I am confident they will apnrc- nate and ment your trust wh< ih has been mine to share C. C Munroe Co-Editor for ihc (V*rp* 1349-50 Swan Song. Sreoml Verse . . . Ais is liis custom when covering a top ic, C C hasn 1 leU much to he said • Without being; ref>etitiou* I would like to reaffirm, and double his thanks to thonr groufw and individuals who have h^l|»*u tm maktf the daily Battalion live up to its name this year ‘ ^There is no way you can measure the extra effort and interest tht'se staff mem ber* and friends have put into the |>a|«er, a|»d there is no way to measure the affec- tk«n we feel toward them for their sacri fices -and they have been just that • Since I'm legvtng not only the paper, but AAM as well my feelings are divided brtwten The Battalion and the school it serves If I could give <*ne bit of advice to the student* entepmg next Fall it would be “Go to work fof Student Publication*. ’ There is no other ntudent field of en deavor on the carnpu* that gives such an education in human nature, such rich re ward* in association with wonderful |x*>- |4c ami such genuine pleasure and a sense <»f accomplishment and service. New Arrests Expected Soon In Search for Atomic Spies x m zs . tnmrn Mw vitk ^Mmm Aowfa* -U offkialw jA dear htet - /V New armrtJ in the A r gkv Amenean he met Dr Klaua Kucha, the con the Furha rase is by ae mean* dm atomir agy rase were predicted or rirted British itomte ■rieatist, in ed with the arrest of liold. 1hill today as officiate Wa New Mexico five years ago. In London. FBI ageate so'ighl to , ( • * 1 ® 0 , ni** admitted he pawed o* l’. S^emx ^ J" ^ I'*' bout the arrest of Hsrry i»oid. nr FSo-Ka to WUt 'SP - national spjr nnf. TWO sgeWS, It wan also disrlo^ that s “tnck "V* ^ Dr FUfhi 10 quest.omd Dr l^urh. at oM Worm- •lueettaa” f" FBI a«enU trapped ll **" . , _ , u . * Wood Scrub* Frisoa for the third Gold and Mftn hie reported mofra • Officiate said the trail f»nm m. i)Ilrt Saturday I twhs is *erv- sion of nerving a* s go-between ** | »„!_ . m > ingn 14 year tertn. a Soviet eapionage ring. a Soviet eapionage ring. 1 told, M, a |4.«n> H year honpital hsi ehemist. te being Keki under heavy guard in Philadelphia in de fault of yimi.INMi bail. Of final* said the ouestion that broke down GoM'* stubborn denials of wrongdoing rame when FBI agents rasuHln asked him whether he had ever been in the western part of the I'nited State# When he replied no, they con- th rough a long, pal flatting < 1 u d* t ^hey refused to irxi teste, howrvsr in which perwons who might whether the stepped up qutumg hate been in rinse contact with British scientist were checked Eventually, the hunt narrowed down to a small group of ehemiaU in the New York Philadeiphis aroa. and finally to Gold’* arrest ( aae Nst ( Used ( u sm Hill. Iswmidierd ho are in Hope X matter* frndy krwak* raay Inlrrpeting the N&C* . . . \\ ashington Uoluctant Accept China Heiis i By J. VI KOflKKTs. JR A I* Fwrrtf* Affair* \nslysl British suppoil fo< th* iwmtisg of (Vmimunist (Tims in the United Y i onu ties in dirvctly pith S*v rdka 17 Ge-netal 1ryg'< Lie’s campaign • od the desdl’V'k in that orgaSitdtioa He wjinV t to get hark t»' Work on MI< h problems ns atofnif c«*n- 11o| a 1' N pmtcc forte and the l .N Truman plan* for develspmfnt of uodevek p*d shit*. The Betui announcement rSe. t* n<> very responsive altitude ih \ia»>hmgton. dh< r< th< pdlicy is to reluctantly accept the stating of (’• iping's repiA«< ntative jif a rSajOnty of l N member* doaire H. but J»t ence on the pf' M 'hilit> of new ar- Census Shows Decrease In Texas’ Rural Areas Nacogdoches. Te*. May 14—td* vilte, 7^1* and*. indicated A Mtronf trend of population ftRir; HuRk, and 7*911» drifting away from rural rountie* ; indicated LW2 gun showed up Tuesday in Ttwias' first ; AndecaSn t ttunty, |7,•M and tentative census figures for a* en- [ .1.1,1*1. indicated l.AdS Itm^: 1**1 tire congressional district. ewtine 12,144 ami I2.4M. Indies- Ten of twelve countiea in the! ted 254 sain seventh district which is in can | Henderson CoSnty, and tral East Te*a* lost population 24,tltst, ittdicated T.H22 loas, Athens, tsiina postrd by two counties were 4,7*f» and 1,902, indicated Mt gain 1 ” nity County, i:t.7(i5 and* »ted loss. Trinity, 2,217 . t l ier.‘ it . \> Ki«L. Hritam Jo , l.-COf III •d'r. HitiSK •oat ic < I tvit etf »i there ir if . f I'.'ipiSc >iw d«f>. VitmnaHtt- ]<■ -oi ■ >; tha' t<" pp" .. sod $i th i a d- i it k the h<ait agu.rokt diplomatic recngiiition raelf hae o hoo.-d rto gimt success through hf r dipio- if tla I’nnsTUptiiith They have gs'en Iwi fe ci>ld no doubt m th*- »('<*• rai KusSsan pattern of curbing ’iir* i le , a LaSt and Nk ' *t a* far as possible t tuo la**' intana|fied in i.ast- rn Europe in re»v-nlt dava i.iiHhti.,1 that Bitee a wants to *e« Western ivpntmmta how«\et, want tfi see I’etpin* represenUitiw# fi-piace ,n th« f \ an*i #- l*<i\cottint practically all U N. work c lae !ui.h b<. n »4* kiBK to remo\r this impaaps by com- doirtg s« ha.- b* #■»! accused of adopting a polity of ap shght. Despite this, almost every coun ty seat and city over f>,tXX> popu lation showed a gam over l#4<V •■The figure*, of course, are ihm final hut fsr the distriet a« a whale they'll he fairly Hwae." ■aid Dialrtet Cennua Supervtaor J. H. Koquemore Hs added the population loan was sarpnain* e»en to me." "It's clear what's happsnmg Tenant farmers are leaving the rural area* It’s not only Tabor saving farm me< haniaation and the fact small farms have been rom bmed into big one*. Many are leaving for employment in auch p litres as Dalian and Houaton. Tnmty Count tedtewH and 1.(122, indicated S9f> I" Gmveton, !Mo and MW. indicated 37 San Jacinto County, •.OMi and !l,(S*i. indicated ‘d> loss; Coldspring, 4iK' and (KS*. indicated 200 l"S* l*olk founty,'t r > and Dt,M2. mdsated H.filv.H loan Dvingston UM1 and 2.M22, indicated xn may lead to more arresta. >ew Breaks But on Capitol of b.»th houses who Uiuch with atomic predicted that new come swob ' Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D^ ' Colo) and Rep Linton (R-tlhio), both mem her* of the jedat Sepatg- > House Atomic Comniittso, kaid they behevt there muat have been other* * involved In the Fuchs Cktld roiwpir- acy and that additional artist* will be forthcoming Among other thing*, K »* known the KBi would like to find out whether Gold was ongianlly Lncd up for hia couner job by Ja« iifc Go loa. alleged top Russian agent who died of a heart attack in tni* coun try m Ith'f Other tbmments Other members of the important j 1 Atomic Mru rgy fommittea- had re- ' Actions ajnnlar to J"hnaon and El- aton. Senator Millikm i R-Coloj aaidi "I am deligh'tiHi that Un FBI is pursuing all the loads made a'pli able from the Euche cane. Furha undoubtedly was assisted b) 'con spirators in t^l» country «rwl- ,,f course, they should be searched Nut and imprisoned.” / ' . ■ Senator Rusaeli (D-Gai/sind he fi i K gain hopes Forks will h. able u> tupplv I 10, • other leads From theta, he said, (Xri, ndi.atcd IJttl loss, Madison he hopes they can apprvhei^ and ville 2.W. and 3,(*24 indhated arrest every person in the United gain States who has been guilty of ^ (.rimes l sunt) 2l.*Mi and 17,. treasonable act." , Mil indicated 4.7%* loss \a*a R. p IVice (D llll said ■ola, 4,12k and i.Sfl. indicated “| would not he sorprtoeil if Ihfre •» km*. ^ trior* arreats in this' il*»r. II where they ran mak. gmwi money " ( i d.wsn't seem likelv that Gold and mm a 1t—. ( w ||,.,, Fyphjl w#rf . th ^ ((nw imrdved. The LHJ I* working d»Lg-s\ly ui| Government curtailnvnt of farm in< ^'I'*. * , , planting*, especially cotton, is aim. *** ^ '"I™'* *** **>" sob with r doKtrr Li k-arn nu«v nsvtvc a jftsxl |ire|»ar»tion f«»r h jirodmlive life, reganih*** of |M>liticxl kaninge tnui.nii- «C statu*, or *i* i*l bBckRnHiiKl Anyone tnnni utteti in any wav with AjffDdand will alway* be of interest to me If any of the great horde of conaniertite jieople who have h«i|>ed me at one time or anothw during my otetriy-lonfi nojourn hen* read thi*. and I have faile«l for some reason to extend to them a |s»rs< n«l invi tation. I urge them to "wlij in and see tie", whenever and where ever they ru near my place of labor 10 our journey through this vale of tears. . My journey ih beginning*-*Mh the Sen Angeko Standard-Times in the West T xa* city of the name name. If I ever have cause to leave them I hope Ml have time before my departure to inform the world of my deatination It ha* been a terrific fogr 'plus' years and l leave with equal amount* of hapj.i- netw and regret Ml wee you ht next year’s TT game but until that.time, I ask you to ‘remember <eie thing Always try to un derstand the problems of th** guy rwxt to you -nine times out of, ten he’s working pc.umn* nt tcA.nd Russia En- th *k- th. I V and '♦six (euld admit Communist <lLna to th. I N .* t4 gi.Hin<te ’h» govpnios-ai iI.h*. control the oamtfy, and t > i) ntr*? r:l ) i \t4oding 4Ukli>iW‘U< ocoi^uuwn diO'ctly frpm the individual ntipnn* f Letters To The Tdilor (All I-1 «n I.. Mw wavs »r. l»t S «adss( or la^Sl/W of 'So r.Si^a* onO wl iSO Wo no' o»i«J« o*». # • at iSmsuo isoiorlai will puSO^oS r»r- sons *.ohla« t*. u>-» I . . 00 o"rS • mao ouancauas m*| roouoSI ouMi oeUos ■od n*o» OAM-I Will »«• wktuv' u» nOOoool of u» Wfltoo ho 4iv«»*oS to oof bwoooo athtr >1.00 Un oStt no I )V rut. i.u \ nv \ N "f hr llsl.i'ion II. I' e l In *• I O'l* to * ' t't I hr Huipis- ;• it|W i I'l \N I *#M B..» i»i«n « s*^h v t iker. fI >l| on i f i.p Lai wfr Lr.t. ' A' f IV Uking W * A" »l aL it in hi- I* m I pay for ,i. , |. Ht<^1 If’ . O'l'n 1 i- qi |"| u- who iir. WiilAg t.iil a' f R-tru, ti|i la'H* ths' a<jval)ei 4'.r c*«■->■ m this |«nd, i.f mjs' (,e '•o ut'’ thru Ri -p«-i tf ntlv , Frank K OrsHst Jr MH'fiVKI. IVI'RiiX E!4 I door, 1 hg Ital(sl'o* I kn+w dvervnm da- happy U* hi a- ^lii'ut little Mm'Iwi'I Kilpat »I. k'« imprnvpnM'nt As lyoii will it all. hr hod the mast 'hnigvrou- t)l I pulin. bultvar. \ fitchd went to -srpt him over th. wiTk.itd and cv.-a thiough -he \va^ very happy wnth hit tirtpo vc- tadt -hr w i- dept (•■foo! gflcr she 'net talked to him iirtausi hi* mo- im.c v*» very low Tk>» fnend, Vi* .)<*■ Stowart of ('filltg** View, h*« * tatted s tampaagi to ap- |iH^>tiatc enough inf»a< j| t« buy V k' a palomino p*my for hi* h ithda\ which was yesurdav May 24 I *m suit if the public only knew .if this campaign they would N more than willing |e fontnbute a *nall amount toward *Wh a wor thy cags*' If anyone fuel* that th«'y c»nt donate anything in money. Mike would he very oplightened v sth a birthday card M|» addm** i* Michael Kilpat rick r n (rippled ( hildrfn* Home U a* o, Tesa* Thanking you in ad. a*o for the puhitcation of thi* leitef I am kineereiy yhUra, Mr* Fat Bark ( ollegr 1 M|V. factor. Raqpemore said Largesl cit > in the dial net t« I’a lest we which had I LI 44 pes- ple IS 144* and was given s ten- lalive population uf I2.4PO for ltf>*—a 2 >* gain. Here aie results, Wting 1P40 population first, tentative IPftU fig ures second Nacogdoche* founty, t5,.IP2 and 32,1(11, indicated 3,291 l<«w, < - ity of Naangdoches, 7..'»3X and 12.113. indo ated 4Jt7fi gaui Ixenuke** County, 4djl7(» and 9t»,- ikki, iadirated f3*<i lose. Jackson- ftib/e Verse For tlhosoever shall do the will of God, the *ame is my brother, and my sister, and mother Mark I 35 Walker founty, IP.Mfi* and 21, (••H mdicat<<d 1,132 gain; Hunts ullr, 5,10K and H..>03, mdicattHi 3,3f4 gam Montgomery founty, 23,045 and 2. r ..iMX1, indicated 1,945 gain, fon- rs«. 4,424 and 4,(101, indicated 1,377 thi* < a*e and has lawn all along, PALACE Brqan 2 , fiti79 THURSDAY A FRIDAY Tht Host TarzM Thriller ef Them All! mnm twr nai- TNS WHO TOO* C\ -JtPf ampiL ,NOU SHOEING dU-PaS*’ Goiotam JftTf ft ' yAiti N" X* t **^***' T mmmm mmm RFECIAI* PREVI K FRIDAY 11 P.!H. A TODAY thru 8AT1RDAY FIRST KI N reatuie Starts T»day 2 (si - 4 (Ml 6:00 F:0*1 lt):»(' — Friday Feature Start# 1 4C - 3 id - 6 4n - 7:40 9 4* mo in ir mw m MttJ “ awn wit UWR Msm M-ait m fNMR w ‘aww- w* ^ fREVtr SAT. II P.M LEX BARKED -.mmm •rntmmm lausassn awwa i WM ..atafln Maiassus eAur.HRffa • 11 SONG HITS — Plun Thrcf . , . BIGS RUNNY CARTOONS tfcw* . . TOM l JERRY (*ART<H>NS »S»h 4M Ja-5 «M •at*''?/ Both A AM and The Battalion hav h^n trfgnvniiiUfc tetchcrH to me Am thu g I ever am or hope to be, in life I ’for the Hame thing you are will owe directly to that training I hope SiiWemJy the 50 I ahall never *e* AAM as anything other r K L. "Bill" Billingsley than an educational center, where a per- Non-Military Co-editor 49*50 The Battalion - 9h* - Member ot * The Associated Fran aa AM if OI sail * aasak a taw BILL BIUJNGSLEY, C. C. MUNROE. ^ I . H SaykM L Mpk - ^ ...j - Dhvw Onslst: .. I— , ♦>_ C>i< k nalwfilsa ^ -r _ - - T - . Jahn WhKmora. L 0. Tisdt, Daaa ('••#4. Otto Kuna* This Is the Laal Rdltiaa fse Th—e Gradvattof Vntors •Rill Bill'ngaley, C. C Runr— .. J J *fH»rk fahaaias . .1 •CW4e* kirk ham .... ... .4— 4 - -k I'Otto Kanae iyHard) IUaa . aw mis—I M—St bt NMhWSl AS sastotoi *■>■<»■ at n— twa o— On—11. L— a—. —s a— rt—iHti ■ - - (x>-Kditon t - Managing Editor - ytoitara Editor - - - , rinasto Editor Nswa Editors fn-Ldi'nra .Spr.'i'. Editor Chief M'tnnallM News Editor -. Chief Fhoto Engraxer . ea» Y(M C \N HFAT THE HEAT | BIT NOT THF F O O I) AT nsiasr as* tor a. Uagaspa Ussva h H-ra , nsssst Me—a 1 tsA —wMr—. asrwwHL—SSI a w*|»s» , Tsa—nm into Task top" fdto, ■s—sih w— .. Jsr< f—sa. fW—ne rig I—to. WagW Psfto , ato —iwisw Has wransws..1 tnar.*“ a *" ts .0—1'— ASS—I toaswrw I.* .AaMtoanato RaiW Oanasn —t swns aun aufi —11—apast HHtoato. Jaetr Ms— > a—1— toast HI*— HOTAKII'S CafrtiTia TiNe f 0 o d $ No Parking ProMetn* IVt Tarry Ydur TT«# AIK l CONDITh '.Nhl> 141. ARNF.R When Good Ffdona Get Together By « W aofTT % J AM $*EN- WAO miss - e»-(jM «.p w4Ai., rWAMKLV Am DON'T KNOW MCR NAME —JT AH % gsPCC’-tD e-DtoAP to AW M*W m % r >-lAA mA's/T ■ 9 111 ■ta ■■I HI ■■1 »■ LIT. They’re Camtag Tbur tile Wtedewx r- fZS-, VmB B > f ^ mem 1 . 'i". * ’ i, I f//\ A