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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1950)
\ fpt rtuurp hai *onu buMMMw to »(t«nd LMt Round-up SWC Nine* Finish ,but TV at NCAA B* PH# Awnrut.^ PrMN TU«- S«wtkw»»! Conf^refict ba*«- bull cam^ifn i« M an rmt and «U tram-, han stowHI a»»y the i|Mke« far the y«ar.«jice| tea 1- xm «hich ihU K( AA >Uy .if to Ttxaa wan th« title by a fly*- gam« nMrfm |«m rni^tk, putting un the rlinrhar with « RA) vtrWry over AAM. then wilding w C-| win over the Agate* for mewiura. 1 Baylor hrked South* in Meth odiat twice, M) and VI. to cloaa out in Ulird place in the itandinga, a game behind the Aggiew SMI’ in tura upael TCT', i»-n. to drop the PttHnriM into fourth plae* Tetaa wfll play Amona. chant plow o# the Border rnof. penee, at Auntin, June I. A. ami 7. to deter mine thie diatnet’* repreaentative in the MCA A tswwMMnt at Omoha. Neh, June 14X1 Te«a* hwa a Jl> 4 reronl for the Mfwaoa. Arigona ha» eon 27, Uwt *2 and tied one Heeauw Staadiag* T 11 7/ / 7 the ,r, Now bell cwtn eoncewi o' •r thaw fi what mot • fUB^PPlI (oilafr lia> M*r montlB f< lion. drf'V th thoir ap« h»ltv the hiaderBiic Nina act Arp inn*,-I* the • ■an| though .\fg» ■ win upua -p the gfewted patt of a re-iv-gaais .1 < olumlm* I . i»;|nah teum, lu^tH t ear Haiv gntoaio t adet hiAh r* g»*|. f to tl . rguniae i |») the tmaily Tr i 'king 11 mpany. aho ■ophr-fore* Sam Wanthn amt Rdh Tark* #*le., Th«aw t|niikiwg vpn> »»*• igaaly of jotWii # are J.w SavanAo an«l ’.Joe B> retta <«ei> ul «a. kera. I^e*- ler Larkyj utility i rtf (elder; Honk CardeUii, third t4ae nan; Tale Kill !•* aa- W L K UK Pci Tex a* 20 4 199 00 JM3 A A M id 11 202 174 !W3 T C V IS U) 10.3 01 56f, Baylor 11 10 111 136 524 Rice 9 IM HR* 122 473 S M L M 12 112 129 455 t* ■ afarwwce Htmdiiiga Teaak— W i. R UK Pet Texa* , W i 11!» 33 93.31 A A M H R 0.1 71 «ir, Bay lor , . ft 7 76 ion 333 T C V 1 9 fki R5 467 NMD *» 10 10 71 A167 Rbw ; 2 10 37 HI .167 Hob Hall of the Aggie* leodiag the way »*e» th* burdie* in the recent SWC track meet t lo*e behind are N al Joe Walker of SMC, and another Cadet hurdler. I'aal lewnng. Hall and lamina will repreoent the *Rf( m the dual Went »ttk tlw Mr Seifu c*.a terence in Dallaa, Juye 3. AP SW C Brirltt . . . Aggies to Open ^ iS(. Cage Season Vext ) ear ♦ fA’’ 1 ' Hgrdei •'•gore* a t* * « knel Ogietree Jo W«fm«r Catcher A1 ttgVetrdj i*l! cori- Idue forees with Ulr ttate chaw- ,>kin Welnar Unit, uh *»: lb mile* f0otii Colutwbw*. \ Ke«uia < ' ngat (Kl'iet Me Fheenon i* cutift!)} Ofitd^apiatirg negotiatn im with the AI pint- nine, | abd he is rape*ted gt juhi the Mum Waliy Moon, uuu'iit>o#x choice i fd Uu conference gtnicr field I btrtb i* fa«e«i wuh a thre* *ide«r dilemma. Two si*.ni-p*> team* in Arkan***, ne*i Wa fV*phgme town. | the A'p ne agg-egation. •»>«• many ', irta jot tengue scout- grg le-ckon-p tag for hi* services. The iKuttion of ubgihcr oi n<>t M<>on will turn pbo ta isnkpaodd to’ he decided June |. Jk| mmi time the tar renter fielder igiU invite- tb • 'ug Iragi)'* 'my* i it- ’hi* hom* to engage in a ruufuf-iatihr discus sion with him and nia fdmdy. H.IUre race* CfcMcr Denton, Ter, May 23—'-Tt—The Teaas Aggies wW provide the »p- (Mwition when the North lead* State baakettigll teum opens the 1951 season Ik* 1 at I teuton The occasion will ala*i mark th* dedicatjoa of NTt'S * nuNtem |4tH). 000 gymnasium roiw umler coW- it ruction. • Ix>* Aiifcle*. May 2d '7^ TV - Isis Angoloa Ram* of the Nation al Football Is-agu- seslerday an nouiwed th* signing South* rn Meth.alist l uiversity, fuilituck. t« a lP5n rowtrurt. Sox, Dodgers White Yankees, Tigers—^ in Baaed Oa Vf Kepods Chicago. May J3 ' T' Fthlie’s pinch yrngle scored /ter Bushy, a substitute taw run tier.., with the winning run last night as thr Chicago Mhite Sox defeated the Boston Red So* 10-9 in a 'h'e*- ^our and 31 minute. 10 inning fgITM Lefty Hai Newhuu*«r ahowed wt* of hi» *>M lime pitching form yesterday as he twirled the lle- trvit Tiger* to a ,V1 win over the. Mashing.on Senators, scattering eigh' hits along the way Newhouaei mak ng his second start of the lea arm. after coming ap with a acre shoulder m -.prine training, had a six hit shutout go ing into the ninth lh.ii Kryhosk and Johnny l.ipun led an ll hit attaek with Sena tor starting pitcher Ray Scar borough 'ahaorbirg most of the puniahment *. Kryhoaki g>d the Tig'r scaring *-St leans H undei uay with a thiee-iun bwnu-r Boston m the •ecuwd mnmg altei the game had been h*-!.! up 14 minutes by a rainuturm It was th* Tiger*' ■peond triumph over Scarborough wh<i now has a r*n or.l of thre* wins and four l>*a«e*. Still on the rampage. New York s t ank«e* drove uu* III **te tie* behind W Rascht's five-hit ptahmg last night to scalp the Cleveland Indians 7 2 a.*' make a clean sweep of their three game aencs Doa Newombe once agwm prov ed that His shoulder truuble is a thing of the past when be pitched the fhrook'yn iHuigeV* to an eight- hit. .VI triumph ovpr the Cimin- nati Reds in th* gnly National League game played la.-f night New Yolk. May S3 A* Pro- hahl*' pit< hers fw ttatays Major la-ague games < Won and loat i*w ord* in purei th*-»es) American Iwaguc Washington at Detroit Hudspi l4-t' \s Hutchinspn <1-21 Philadelphia at St [Louis (Nlghti Scheih (P -M or h mjet <0-1 vs W tdmar ^-1» ' '» (Only games »c|M«ilul*Hf)j National League St laruis at Ne* York (Nighti Iwmer t2-2i vs. Jones 12-4* or kenneily *2 IT Pittsburgh at Phllad**lfdkia l Night)- MwcDongki (0-0) Vs Meyer tfFJk ( hwaMpu At Rmbklyn —Schmitt (2-2) vx BtAn<a <1-0) — — *♦ Cmcnttbti at BmAM (N>gHt> Fox <1 ?< or frrkowskl <<Kh v*. sfl,.) (2-0) New York, Mgv 23— 11«mat league s’*p4fings. Hrixiklyn Phdaiiclphia Pittsburgh < hi. ago New Turk Ctm inonti New Yorwk, New York Detroit Washington ' leveJand Philadelphia St Icwiis Chicago uYt - Mu- Mekissaek was one of the sjwrk plug- of the stioug SMV team, and his key Mocking chares! the way. for man) of the sparkling run*^ of Ibiak Walker TV' 19b jhiuiJ Texan a«<ount« , d far 10"’> yanfs running hinmelf during his collage cares-r, an<( iHiast* exsep- tiodal -(leesl for his *lie he was all-8outhwest Conference full fwck in UWk • . Houaftm. May 23 •A’ 1 - Bill W hit- im'rx* Houston radio-newsman, yes- . terddy was named sports news di rector at RT. Institute The appointment was announced by Athletic Director Jess Neely Whitmore, a Cniversity of Tex as ftraduntc. the past five years hoe b*-<n with th* m-ws staff of radio statiijii kPR< here He is a graduate of Brei kenndge H gh Ss-bool • Haltimoie. May 2d -T* Th. Baltimoie Colt* pickdd up two Cniversity of \rkansits basks yes- b-rday to swnll their aat nbai foot bnll league roster to 11 The Raiorbm-ks ar« 19»i-pound Billy Bas*. 21 yearddd native of Columbia. M «s . who played at half, and (*eno Mazxanti of lake Village, Aak whti perfqrmfxt at full: T ary, fir*t Imseman. Mart.p Jli m- ’ (Iton, caterer, and H «H s BBker. . .. „ , . .. . . Another all conterefiea cmuce outnewer (] uy VNpll.ce will degide between One of th - r.a:.4is im tivruag .\l Rln e or Klk a*,/, ike latter be ,the Acruitiftlatipi of no mwiy Ag , h( pro h.Hle piac It to keep them together dur- i ^ mX Hubert, the tk rd Maroon i mg (hs- “ff season^, AtM yr.d r to nnil doxen ah ill con- f* renev slot, will hurl fop the Ply mouth Oilers in Sintpn Hondo Taylor and (ieorgo Btown, two mound mninitays, will play for ( uem and St#ph* nville ne»|s-ctively Pitcher Sit Ooodloe 1 leniay an- %||i’ i • rix rp Mckiswk >|J( ( 4o am | r ^ | 0 l-Aiversity, w yp J Mosc^OW* Pimlico mot* May 2d -'J^e nul yJ'x-key I lull is ip 'A v imolhei stall at . I< siplr • w|. rv th*: 14th Tr* JuliMfi Hrrnng Herring pr**»aed forward tu banelv edge team mate Hamplnn la the SWC mile Both of the Argie di»(an<T0 runner* will form part of (he Southwest’* sitting team which will meet Ike Big Nexen Champions in Dallas June .1. Hampton, ai- 4. Ik. lUraptvA though he was defeated in both ex* •on. la the only athlete ii the SWC to hold Si recugd* in two txentk—(:I7J in J*r 9:3M in the 1-miU. Haiti mug* Mai ylaiul make ano Pimlicxi w.*s nu jist Haturdpy , Hetuty A Pan 3*1 »bib Presi- <S-nt. aiuxoJitK >-d t.siat an "mm*p*-n d« id” *ur4rey is Istil g m*d# to *)mw w hA c*>ntinlMd opotation will mearg The stimy is askig ed t<* John Sloan. f.Amer pt**id*o * i<f th*' National Ass.^iati*.* of Slat* Rac* ('oninii«*idnerx fr<*n N'< w >..rk The Jo**oy (Tub want- t*» move "to tail.( if w 3‘-re a-,, can *AiT'l * teggn siit tipsierrt i Lmt'' The ciul. aDcrwni L.tuh 1 It tn.d to do -ha' itt I'.'lit Aft^i con* ktuMi (sditicai imaHeuveiMg <1 Aernoi ! I ane pfllsi -Mil aid a Mil aolh i onxing tlA 'imnsfet was ani(-mi* and evuniuiill) vetptd By the piovu, Pioultcu s Jo ta< mg daya and gm«r». thal Ta'f a t>< Hum dollars (■ Improxvm.nt fund* would hak< gone to I ant*-| I’arr l||>eatf*l tIS'a., tj>d Idt!' argutn- nti for rloxing •oi-yiar old P.mReo; loo amal', rundfgfi ats.l no pnom a<* etpaml t.. a g.isiem lacing plant Also “Kew JcrstJ t. adt-l ha\< *<> da\ a ! . an t (omp*-te »\ S Jea. h not W . • ipjnitc f-o *te kill thuip' P .)bf o.usi) ikl* hi d a it haul ha-i not centered kiy intentions.! but it will be a team di or near AbiUne. Biuce Monaae. gia<iuaDug -southpaw from Soldi- ihi. enU-red | tjit professional rauka kt-t night, (igning witti the Nuw Yoik (dant I <ih.iin. H* w ll join fih<- Lind, Ok Ibhooia . la** C team. Heochel Maltz, whlf cut* ring : iyusinea* this suinitpfl- Mith hi* | <*.'h. t. \r;ll pla\ for lb'»enl»uig \ Maltz missed th.- l*.| ekme series * 0) V* as M-< a use of k riiptui«**l |Io<hI v* -set ums. 111* rignl knee. Mali? was ufflMtHl m a prac i to i -l•^*t.>ll the Motidayf after the R..-. - cins H<- i* e*p*ited lo |. - .uly f " action whhih a m«>nt h if i *Tl ^ HI V i’ r ’ . C H | talk of this 4> a. •.•am. has iloti.lij) to c ter j. - *- and n.'t 'nkrvsted in /ting W on Ml Hut Mulch In licitish Meet St Vudrew-. -**otJai#1 M*y 2d V Bing Croshy ifchn everv tl ig hut h * natch if th, B 't Parker Topped Seven Teams Otmlified As Texas Uses', f V,r S'" 1 " " 1’ourney 7 By lYie V-Msonated Preaa Seven teams have ijualili«d fur the Ntatc (Yaaa A,A Schoolbov Baaehull Tournament, tine mure will l»e determined this week Already pointing toward Die state title in the tournament at Austin June 5, *v", are Amarillo, Odessa Abilene, Sherman, Maish- d burst of S|ieed • all, B- aumont and Waxaharhir Pk rker f 1 .r a close I aredo and K imburg oju-ti a s* i e* Wednesday to determine the ■iUic! leant l«r*do *n<i fc..i|nhiiig pia> at Kd nburg uga-n Thurvlay and if a thiixl game is nee.k-d will At Los Angeles Ange|<*9, May 23 i At’) T*-xa»l<*»t to Stanfoni FViday night m ihc 440»yard relay a* am hot mm ( ’-ay Bry an held off l-y (‘ha-ley dp. i mn S< uth- n * Ml' <* feui th fif-h ,i* tin iual T<>* Ik *' Tr< i» <t|Tae*-<i f* x;in-. aliforma was third, and Oklahoma A AM Indian* won in 40 !< h chlight the t- nth an Ang*-I<-* Coliseum K< led until the final lap, pa * slowing down the <! s’ai ford took over cla-h at luttydo Satatnlay. T)i. eitv cOnferencA alko ia nam ing it* iliatnct hattpipn* and t unit, is-tm for the atat. touipa* ment at flouatcn Juok 7, H, t. A iairpsoii and < roxier Tm tt trfll iepreseft Dallas at 3be ttniabiia. merit Jeff Ifcyvi« ha* won ] the Houttun title hut the rdnn*T-up m >e,t to i»t d*t< j mined Pus.-hid and A’ tinftoti Jt* ighta I .*i t. d*y to pet.-rpin*- the rort \Ai»ith r. pix-scntativid tn the if>ur* naiwnt. Antimiu <ioe* net have kiVh »<iv-*»i basehall. W i Pet IK HI ♦4.: 17 11 .407 lf» 13 iid . 15 13 LW li li ItMl 12 M AM 10 14 417 7 20 LRU y n 1 a -tand-iU' -. . 1 a L Pci ’ll s T-JK 17 9 R54 16 12 071 IR 14 A»7 10 19 16 'll* 7 » m Ba Italian SPORTS 4RI.. MAY 23. P*5d Page 3 i h A biiiteur < * t«-i <(;i v Ki..m tit, m |t nho-d "hto tl ht A mil ew - ol Jh, huge crov hioXe -ill r. i 1' Tot 'Manurt yv- lea ’ng th* otticr It 41 i-. he- li t. •ok a P*' i c . -f t., 1 | -k>\ .t ,.f tm- -1- 'tk ■ US', tl ift-r h. h », i ‘m - ix at' n ■) V • W W • O-i St '.l 111 wi, 'i an <1 2 it. . on« i itiat*d Op 3 g..'f. lia 1« ne.i carefully ti d 6 ‘ ! ii.tille a'l'l i<.> r.vtt • eil even Cie til .1 cm Inis 1M gt« . ,t t)ie sjvii % »ilk he M4‘ i \ e*l hi - ‘ehanci* tf ,\ -r. tbs Medesto. i al t May 22 1* Tiniftet to| star Dick Attle- s*-v ol Southern California, who hett r*d :h, world-’ 12(1 >ar<l high hwi.lies r<*<-»rd a week ago m Ties- rtn, w'on hi* s(a-ciaft> easily Satur- id.*y night in the romunl Califor- hio K lays.' IT*- ti-'L' 1|oi«n skimna-d th*s r... n . •** rk - in I ' '.* . rid* - ■ Souther i' ( aLf .rnia di-tan* e "tu-I nicd'ey t,*' won th, c\*iit in the w' i, h r*»lny s recOril LDaking time of j -t (b!, |" ii(. } h,* ; .1. a .is onv 1 4 s*-c j eo units slo - ci tha-i the world - rec-1 d mil s.,t n I;«* )•> North Tc»»i« atln r r. n. h- i - < o' rg, c. t Ii.ugi it A tirfor-a-r (if < ai- | iw won tlie ojten-unefxoUeg- imi-varrl dash m TR A-nwids. ting Charlei Tarkdi of Texa- carl> foui^ vard* Dirk StoljH- i- 11 kihI ' n a \jrgi<*s was thud- fro- out Howard Hug(>ee. un N'..,f atiach.-d. fanoiis comp*titinf atj the birth pla. - of golf While Bmg wa rntniiuing th galleries, th*- p-'tent[ Ameren for the ti'Je ttn ng!> a* wituu itself * round mat. he s't..- r oi.l wem the 440 yard re lay fi 11 -e. o-ds flat, with Tr xa« ( a toin g mid TCI.A placing in lh ’ 'phi The I'mveraifv of 'toiithc-rn < iilif—rnia ^teani actual ly liH.k seiopd hut was iiis<|ual- firit ami **• <-• i! ifi'-'i fo- an illegal f»a*» of the b.t-ori on th,- thml pass The Exchange Store 'Serving Texa* Aggiet” I mi,: Milk d sttile mi bi» fare, FW*p ( ,.l*um haigf.d to Jewell Hcl■•>»*11. all SIU ( ager. the D«c l.ipucwinh "t KitMatdMig Ha«ke*hall f’t jer” award while the donor stands by V nu lioifi llavi- lo In- A llorselrader... ... to ktT- the good ^ftl yt<u1l get fr*)m Ole I»u if you trade your h(K)kg »flaL«a*l of hdl them Don’t get u* wrong, Ole Lou, being al r-Apefiefrd btiwtitiwumum" inn t going to turn down tie book* you want to aeil. but the value of your book* wt| jump 50'« if you trade tho«e oki "study traps *. I ' Ote l <>« wouldn t offer thi* grgjd old ’ hornetmde" unlmui it w«*i* a good deal Chock Ok Uhi h hoad ... You won t find hair . . . But you wod’t find hoka either! A Thu Ad by Bam E. Dthmi s. Loupot's Trading Post North Gate Collage Station X Bryan Miin\ Bnd\ x • ^ Found in PaNturr Intramural Officers Feted \l \nnuul Spring Humpiet SPALDING Vi Bi v 4-L Tea tekly ptf Mm I i autu Hf hattic. (>xc| two huivdtijd athletic of ti.*rs, intratnurgl puaiagerx :*nd ms*.■ gt»xi aponanMa of intramural VUi 22 ff The! a- iitie* at- b^rh**li- «hick -n with J Rrowtl BryanVd*ll d 1 *'toomdugfi ti| tljfl Dnive laat da- fowJ in hi* V‘ght «* Intramural Director Kai far in an i»..i,,t**t ;.«-ta>a today TVi«-*«| wa* a laiiiet huh in hisi h<-ad aid a .22 rah)**-r t-ifie on hi* kn*-** Justktt- of P.-ai*- H L A.raham n-turmi 4 verdidt of spiiid*- H« -IkI Rr wk han hien ilea b Ihrt* ui four iaf* ■ f ■ . ■ , fyy VS * lch h< mapng* m as t .<dd w atchea tile f*pi aei.ior < lark. Spi-ar* ^ Fir for tfu wrf- prv-M-nted to inatmlrt m- bam I44t» Skidmnn. me. F l\ Fir hardijif* th« ath offidam f.* thr tki a-tic •wne pres** ntgd anunclip tie clasp* j In presenting tie awnrda. Welch thank*-*! all who h.»d participated* irt tin intraiafural a< tivitb-a, among w'h" wen- C K katen. Art "Ituck' Adamson. C(4oi**-l Frank Ambr •on. Spiki Whiti, Kmii Mamaliga., Nicky Ponthh-ux, Jim Hill, ami W L l‘« nb*-rthy. Closing th* f* te, Welch »dd*-d i that it had he* n an enjoyable year an4 that a brt’rr one wa* in ator* | kii*'U» unit* f-r intraniUr:*l* next a» akon. .»hg|. id tlw t.iove last ramura) Ipim tor Bh 1 on<>r»-4 hii f -Hr sen«it well aaotpiM* pr*s*nt r>vsT a uttainvMg OMaav# •u wa m aw **0UWO ■ - Bj ao lAimaiT •ir f 1 9 dH jhd V ^$90^ , 1h *1 lOVtlT OIIN Hum FOR USED t textbooks t-gr* v/hIIHIR Ui'O 0,4 C..MS05 o, N TFT' SELL THOSE BOOKSj I kll> \Y. $AT! EDAY, MONDAY - 3IAY 26, Tl, 2t \ THE EXCIUNCE STORE ! -se - Dm leryatf hMk TWinf Bmm will ha aw band H poftbrn* I caHgfa taxthaakt CHICAGO v;7 r <*E. TWIMt Cf CWk'APIORSHfP TfHNiS GTAMD UP TO L’CL A ftTkXDACiy* t-AN AJTV.R ram toovnut TRAN A*CTLDkL 'f^rt&tUcn 7-1 J+JJJT WILCOX A FOLLETT CO SPALDIN(j‘ g MAMPIONSMIP Maakk-T a - wa* cavw SPALtm M un m **ii m WWGHTil THIOWfi BALL or Tat u S.L,t - n N vPIONSH'.Cik siNCi 18® L. OFFICIAL,too in ivwc D A twonc C0F MATCH/ HG Ann , (. i TaYkJ L. tti A Aa* KB aw a? § w “ '^•w Vo# ,t