Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1950)
v vs T City Of Collegf HUtion Official N'ewapapcr tf 1 < V ■ V h M ■ Nation’s Top Collegiate Dally NA8 liH9 Survey >1 / nHJSHKD tv THE IKTUfST Number 154 Volume 49 STATION Of A GtKATEM COLLEGE Press (Huh Banquet Honors Journalists •III aitUSGSlEY luitma )>< staff roltatv staff |« a *1 at th|M) Hbt*a annvv Jy i f /mrr ■••tnbvrs r^v uni hi fnday -4 W« also a««-^t*-4 th« National E? . . Safaty ( oum tl« PubJia Intrraal ?7* »tu*hnt put.- Award fur Ittiir, *aa iwanl rrlH-r' and fu*-*t ^ iv Htettalnm in th* sain* «4i KU «t»aks, I t.o«. had fun »ok a \A Ktwd*>r*<li*, advortiatan '4rht in thfr rrprr-at'ntativa for Th* Hattaliun, *•» ITivwt. a prn a|td pwanl art %y •Hranon way th«* annual th* pap*r f»»r uul^aruiinir work in ( luk Baaquwt. which ha!> a* it* »*Uinf t&.UOO **.rt#\ of advcytiatic pntwary purfunc the iamafc* <rf fw the t-auer durinff the adMad awards ta student* whi have work vear •d an the various papers, maffa * JowraaluMa A»arda tinaw. and year book produced by _ . ... . j the cottefe, amt the .eru,i,t*ry aim .. erwaeatatiasi of the JiaWtiPki «f everyone havin* a rans.n f rood | » awards in the tfro tiHM frtahnien who ph«*w the most p»o miae in work on sttident puidtda* tienn wa. als<> ir«sde at the ban Kdltors of The Battalion, the Afiieland 1K»1, the Commenta tor the RhffWeer the Ayru-ultur tst, and the Southwestern VVter- tnanan all reierved watches, anil the various member* of their staff, were ftven key. |tw 1>UI „ U U B(lr uf their tiase spent on the publics- ipiet Hamkl Garfi, sports wnker for The Battaljort. and Joel Aga tin, editor of Ttie Battalion freah- man pare rereivetf the tyro award arndls from head of the Journal chard Ptwn*• itatton of the various staff ' awards was made by President Frank f Bolton. wh.i praiseil the i p«hlnation men far th«'ir contnMu- ttoils to the rollefe this vear |tr Bolton, aloar w, th nsoat of the other col ley. offnial prvseait was the tareet of the hanqttet “prof rawi" w hu h jllied the vidt- ! inf dtffiitanas Few tare of th* pnifram was s sjnle f»lm entithnJ “Inside t’ollefe Statien.,’ which was hilled by it| producer H** talioa staffer [bwo Hee.1 as re veahnf Some uf tie ctamtestine a« tivities mdulyed |n hy «o||efe of | finals Fake Kiln The films were nmde by supfr- uwposinf the fai»s of the durm j lane* on those of other |»eople j 4 I I ' jin varmaa rompramisirtf positions /Innounced ■ or ^ ^ * (of ptvaident-elect.Tom llarntifton. tiona Joel Auatm, Frewhman edi tor of The Bpttalipti, was alao pre aented a watch Tirat year work ers received brwnse kAys. twteyeor | men silver keys, aad three year staffers pot fold awards Npeeial Aw silt* Two vpei tal awards were made! to outstanding staff members of: The Battal ion t arrent feature | editor and co-editor elect fbr Ikht) fcl. Jkave ( oslett was given a suit uf riot he* for his work in editing the national pnse wmning < hhst mas safety edition which brought The Battalion fStm in rash. < oa- Storage Plans 1960 'f % + >, \t j ' 1 ■ , • , A[\ ‘ m | j " Price FtvtO^II fV ’ Seniors Climax College With Biggest Weekend The Clan* of 1954 Saturday pot quet by C C "Spike” White, di- dets. the Mrlrvnopea aang thiwa, thr wrappiags on four years af rector of student activities Gold,; »r)ectnais after dinner, college with it* Senior Banquet engraved keys were awarded each Who's Who Awardf and Ring Dance Dodging heavy of the men as a token of hi* rain* whk-h threalenad to ruin leetion their plana, an eatimated 1.000 Bobby BymgUm. da*s preawi couples took part m some or all of wt , master of ceremonies After the weekend sctivitie* }*, invocation by Kgper, forpe One complete wing of Duncan chaplain, Hyingtun wwcomsd the Hall was filled to overflowing setuois and tlieir itates and pUeste for the banquet. The l.lfOtJ persons | to the banquet who attended heard President F ; The menu for the evening in- (’. Bolton and ife-an M T. Mar- | eluded tomato r<M-kUi Jf *alad. T- npgton make the principal a<1- bone steak, french frwd potstoes, ditvases f '.-sb bma beans, iced tea am: Thirty one winners of Who's i baked Alaska \yho wen- presented at the ban- A quaitet from the Singmy < a Tau Beta Pi OH leers Elected for 50-51 pno The The hip day finally arrived, (.lew Kothmsit l«M»k* at his dale Janie H«Mdhe hetor* they po I4<» I he Senior Ruik Dance I he hackurVouid «k* d* sifned hy senbir* in the Archil eel uic Department. riimn^h I niman . Fa-nad Koine* I* translated Sensor Kins Dance, (ih*t I’holo engraver *ul esrited while tnakini! Ihm riiKravinx.) Eight Ex-Presidents Endorse Texan's Mason (Credentials Summer Peritnl sniiliiifly (-lunhipf a bottle of Four Koae* moved thrdugh a stiff pose of Dean J I* Abbott doing ! an adagio dancsl with a slinky Pkn* for Htorinf | brunette, six I ctmcludH with a durfng th** summer wert* r4* 'y* 0 "** ••fy k-usl by Brnru. " ‘ jiy Other narti I*»y by Benrut* A Zlnn, aMMtant drtn of men (Khrr part.* of the program in- (V1«U living in odd num-t eluded “Ajcttooing off the sen heead dornutoriea m the Near i vu>e f ,lf W J ,rr » J th *' Area may *ore .11 itarns, „ rpp> , | arthrtties r^fwe. and seue. limps, in th* fun rooms of Dor- mi tones 5 snJ 1 These «t<>rsge : riHims will tie open on Friday May 2« fmm 3 until 5 p m.. Tuesday, u .1 May MJ from 2 to 5 p m and H “ ,U| Thursday. June 1 from 2 to 5 p al fake telegram* delivered to the various diners , Banquet master uf rerejnoriics was f t Munroe. co-editor of ion is, Ti VH 1 - ' i*' - \ I’nco* ma't ha* a slip of impel sigmd b> eight consecutive fnitsidont* nt th* I ni tesl State* The paper i* * apt M I Swuie hart - Wild degree Mu-m.ii cp.leo itiai Theodore Ki..*evelt *igtie.l it * first, in Ilk is llaiiv tiunian -ign- ’ tsl it in DMf> The m-lictween piev- I idetii* signsnl whin- tb.-s weig id I office . The 73-yesr old l'-co* m*n is a promoter railroad and | religious director a* well ** *n army veteran Sw iru-hart is -i forim t engifie* r of Gosban. Ind , wd • r. •.I ainl Iniitl tie '. ■! ..uet us! paring t. engim-er of the fern. • ispn V in K'v. r* nle Innli on* of I h» lai g' xysteiii* *n> the «<kir,ti tiecapie |. n. rai noioag fn- 'h Cngims'd of 1 he M. Jo \ ulley faill I* KooaeVelt's <agn*I wny ('oiapaijy and built asd ofmkwt-. i alleit the captain In, hi e<l the Bk 1 hnl* bit* f. r . timk talked f<>r about id mlr ( a.let* living in even number nd dormitories and in Hart Hall . may stare all items^ egpept lamp* in thr gun rooms hf Dortnitorve* 4 ami C The time* during which the atorage nsima will he open are the same as those for th* odd i nntnbened dwrmitwnes Student* living in no^military dormitone* may storv kll items > mclieling lamp* pi the ^un r*Mim s of Dormitory Ifi. This storage room will be o|«en on Friday May 5f6 from 1 to 5 p m ami on Tuewiay May hi from 2 until 5 p m l. S. Iron Measurt‘s KtMluro Hrrlin ( adets tnav *tere lam|*s in the gun nsun of IK.rnub.rv 2 The room will b* open from 3 to 5 an Frida> Ma ay Ml: Tburs.tsv Friday, June 2 *vs»s*er Hewsion Hi D4NIKI DR l.l’C K Berlin My 22F iA** A Commun ist Free (ierman Youth (KDJi uf f ficial who descgilieil himself as s leaerter, said vaatedlay iron nsea sure* of the wept have wared off many from the broposed match on Berlin next wmateml He said (tnljl 25tt.(»4t>- imU the MW,1k the leaders have tsiasted would iiarttobate in the - will show up II of tfo ilemanxtiat.i ile* *tnrt discipline ■ •a their q aid*- <■ eor Isuisdst y Most of i hose H- Irate into the w “will stand on the Soviet-A I! led boundky. cheei pi**mg eolun *te V , All students who wish to at tend the around summer semester hut not the first »*t»***t#*c may Store alt item* in the gun rv>m of Dormitory Ifi /.inn said This stnr sge ns>« will In* open on Tbiir* day. June 1 from 2 to 5 p m Student* from the Annei may aU*r* all items in either of the sing song- and . 1 i mioibei* a* pv* id vn-ti er ," he nssert*-*) »« T 4 | — it Barite I bate in th* *TU chi.f ... t J *n 1 T l * y | l ril|v * * h,,w u »» darv is planmrd t June J ami |!| Hn y E*«t Zone parents disturb Tt.e main |*.i. u e*l hy western goui.ter-propogarsls 1 G,vt< - won’t Jet their children atUoul. i UM | he SAW. ami only abou. Th , f g rtlVr Mid th „ Fw ( ; young pnqmgaml,sts mtsally have ■ mai Y „„ th (F „ J( liumtier of it- young ai'itat n on 'It* Umn 'a.-t ’n nnmitc* t* BramU-idiurg ami Pot-dpuiei I’lalr “ lu- Ireen hssignHl V' the task of fil tering into Wegt Bcrtia The anti-comltvunmt nesrspapi r lelegraf, gave full cnjden.e ti* his story though Vh* (pMsihility reinsmerl his afieunt was intrml e«l to plant a false feeling of se curity among w**temrrt. The of ('oiling- to lb* •» ir. I .kih h« Ua* promoter a’ <1 loiibb 1 of th* Pp-o- YalUv S. ithe'D Kailvav and *eive*t a' • lesiocnt of thr radioad for a /»*' Fron tb* radio-J b'i« nn ts. tin cnpi.'is’- * \»- tuftiad to n 1 g|oo- s ok, amt be *peii' 2». vein< H- liu-o rs- managi r of the K.^e iii Pre*by*. na'i nnsubns li hi* “‘pare** time i>c Ini lit a 2.’>P \*.kignn college Kona tr« veled aifniHil thi vkoil.l th*-ee *ime* di-tribufing Gil icon l! hi** am) r. rniiteil ft mi *ion»it*e> for seihice o erm-as Tbotua* K Mefvh ill »ho w»* later tp h** \ ice-|'r.*ident. jWe -ented ( agtain Bit inehart's erf> dential to Teildv Kie>*rv*-|i Be i-inmag the »erie* M>irfch»ll *a« the man » ho look captain Swme- h*rt throuth Mauwnrv S.W i-ndiiirl th* n I'ersiaiallv saw the in*<t f'«ur pre* i.b-ot* and got (rfrmans Sa\ Reds Mistreat in j; P^s Berlin F < d *'H'ihv * Sip ial i«t* allgt'. that tl* Kii-a-.hii* rv\e adopt***! n ncy. ttbi to keep t«-n* tb«-ii autograph* He William II Taft in !'*1M Windrow Wilaon It'lt, Waiqg' G Harding in 1 yj I, jikI < alvm ( isdekfe in 1924 1 h. captain was So| present in r.t.’t* when Herts-rt llhover signed thi i re*lcntial. but h» Us* lack in W i-hitigton in 19T4 fio Franklin lure FDR ml the two utk* nbunt thi* ami that '' ( aptais >*»ine|y*rt wa* n**t present when l’ieidd4Ht Truman signed hi* do* tisuml Federal District Judge Kwiug lh*>m**on t*«h the d*Hument id Thia wa* while Judge Thoms Whi was in the I S. < ongrew*. I’rewtdcnt Truman called is rw».men to Thomas Falward Flukinger, F.K cataloger for th* 19f>0 M a.h. major from llouston. was elected | ywar president of the lexa* Ghapter of tke Tau Beta PI Nat ions I honm society for engineering student* Howard W Harlow, dean of engi neertng, announced Jam** Plants Fan Antonio was named vice president, and Wallace Hooper, Ft Worth, waa elected re tording seervtar) Albert W Rol lifis, Dallas, was elei teii correspond mg sec Hyinfton then n troduced Whijh and Grady Rims, aMtstant Bobby ByingUm, class president, u f student* aeMtttKm. who resented the Who's Who key*, awards were made to Doyle Avant, Lytle Blankenship Bobby Kyington, k L. “Bill" BillingsUnf, William I) Barnes, (buck I) Ga|l- amss, (tavid l. ( oslett. Tom C. • aihous II, frank A. Gleland, j T Ihitaon, James H. ‘'Red" Duke, Joe Fuller, J D Hampton, Floyd Henk, (e«l H Huey II, Gkorge Ksders, ( harles I) Kirfcham, !»ave Krvager, (Tiarlie Mialtsett Lloyd Mlineot A D Martin Jr , C. C. Munroe, Harry Haney, Hal Btriof- er. Joha L. Taylor, W, F •‘Bruce” Thompson, Jimmy Ksiy WcMMiall, add W alter W Zimmenaan lieaii Harrington was introduced bv H \ington He congratulated the / seniors on tbeir a. complisbment, urging them t.. continue their ed ucation, Flukinger whf wav elec ted pres I Kduratiwa'. ( h.racteristtrs ident is the first sergeant of K Kn- j Hr Iwted the character!stirs of giiieei* He has l>een a distm- •" edurated man as “having a gushed student ttnee 1947 lie is certain amount of factual tliow also s niemlier of the A IFF and the ledpe neither too much nor too Pin Kta Sigma honor fiaternity j liDsr,’ the ability to write and James Pianta. who is also an j "I’rak correc tly. mathematical F.F major, has l*een a distinguished * skill; g» , od behavior, taantierw or student for the iwst four semes- i taste m daily living; the ability to think clearly; and character ter* Hr was recently elected set rretary, Jes II Mc|vee'fr>m lor 'ell leader a ml served as fresh man yell leader during his fresh I man year. Pianta is the holder of a four year Opportunity Award Fel lowship and is an active member of the 3 M* A cabinet Wallace Hooper the new record mg secretary, is a chemical engi neering student and is also a f.*ur semester distinguished student Albert Kolltns. tlie corresponding secretary, is a civil engineering major He is also a member of the Phi Kta Sigma the ASGF and the be ^aie history Honey Grove, was named treasur er for the coming year Hubert Kanaom from Houston was named Re|'islrars Sd Houston Meet The American Aaaociation of Col- r mi r,.ii .-.lari.a. ...e r mio mei —— - - - - ■ -—**■— legiate Kegistrars and Adnuaaion YM< A cabinet He has been a di*-| ,n H*ll after repeated show- () if leers will hold its annual con- 1 tinguvshed student for the past five threatened to interrupt the trg* vention in Houston in ItM, H. L. semesters in, registrar, haa announced tVon haa been named chairman |e k4M)l cowvwntioiy, which Will the first time for the organi sation to meet in Teiag since it was established in 1910 Two AAM President Bolton waa mtroducmf hy Harrington He flgviewed tka accomplishments of #»e college, riting tlie chances on the campus since hist arrival here in DkW *"T>ie good old day* were often not quite a* good as we Would like to think," id as he reviewed some of the y ronaerted with the ohl4r buihiinf* on the campus Grwve Kuled Out The Ring Dance which had Maa scheduled for The <irove. was held Je* D Mclv.*r, treasurer, is also a mawtber of the K*>ss Volunteers tra lit tonal Ceremonies Benny Strong and hi* furnished the music orches-■V for the He was ■a man thousands uf roaplM who jaiummi into the bailding Long lines formed <|uickly befum aach of Up* huge replicas <»f the Aggie King as couples waited their tuni to go through the ring catvsnony «h<>w them the rare document versity now is prewident. Th* captain takes ||o..d care of I The choice of next year’* meet hi* credential*, takiag them out of, iug place was made in Fan Fran- m bank vault (Hvaifienhliv to show riaro at the organ nation’s ronven- te hi* fi lend* li*e wntinng is j turn, which Heaton attended well preserved. c*en|iderinif its I The convention will be in the Rice ig* H* had to get a silk cloth Hotel the week of April J5, Heaton put m the ha. k of I* 1 credential said He predicted that 600 to 700 whd*- in koeea H* plan* some registrars and admitting officers dav after getting several more who are members of the 1300 mem- Pje-id* nt«' sign$Utit si to turn hi* her organiaxtion would attend j credential over to Ifaiionio mu-! Heaton is in charge of all pro j *eum gram arrangements for the meet ’ —’ ♦ - * ng and the Phi Kta Blgtna. recently appointed busim ager of the Engineer Robetd Kansom, cgfSloger for registrar!, however, the next yegr is a member of the have served as president of the as ! A IKE and the Phi Kta Sigma sonation They am Charles E. Fir- f — * ley, now president of Uwa State # # * ^thT/aHeL'sirr'^ET Dvatlw Listed In Final w*»od C. Kaatner of New A oA I ni-1 maw m\ • rgv f f South Amboy Disaster loll would he arreste*! ami thi* would <«f thoigand* *>f ih rmsn p'i*4ners pl^« indicate*! above, prefer.My f**,, wtH , MM | ^ , wr-|b€r in the area where they export u live next year Zlnn explained 1 Agronomy Hwciety The storag*- will W handled by the Agronomy Society and all revenues Will !» placed in thg treasurv of that so* ie<v Zinn slat ed The baggage will lie store*! at the student * own nsk but all poeetbie precaution* will be taken te safeguard it lomp* may be stored at 40 cents each and bicycle* at a dol lar each other baggage will be stored at 4ti cent* uer piece for containers «**t exceeding two ruble feet in volume Zinn conchuled of the centeral committee of the communist youth, was not named Acrording to the fUfMwe, most der make good pmnagnn-la agam-t western "polnV terror " AGait H.tski hII led troops haw carried out three month* of aril - nut ditlls and have onler* to *ho<d If necessary AlwAit 11 (Xm We»t B. tdin |edice including inar ga- squads, will be in the front line to maintain or- 'iif.-d f.«.*d kih* c mn five year* after i j t i; 41 , ■ . Senior Calendar Mat 2* Krtda* Last day of ciaeaes for senior* net failing amsnaa. May 27 >alurday Kinala he- «*• MisceBgbeoa* — Hentar bvita- tatmaa new being dmtribsKed ia Agrwwhariel office, svrend floor Goodwin Haft. Thaae w It heal dawn payment will he aeM after Friday aftemana. Jane 1 -laeraiaareate aad cam- didgadxaeat exrerlaea* eaat aWW^^mW ■ Is ^ F ® Wa aai Ball. Jane k—Final Re view. x'\n M-* cw ^ 9 # I i I lo..! ti These M ha s M he award winners fetviag gaM keys al BatardaySi they are CharMe Kirkhai Detsma. (edi Haey, AM ( alkeua. (.hack f a hams, erder la whirk th# mew that la wkkii (key etee4 refuee la he slavea ta af the II men re Left te right yd He«k J. T. Dave ( oslett. Tom m IMill llj. The are standing b not exactly the same at the banquet, hat anr pketao agravers of wat if prol oi the 'A ' i* t, T' the waf Th* 1 Focifi)ist* 4*-iot the Soviet process ' *(| cnnvA* t ih* |»n«ener* a* "<iFttmnls" idle (ttimpe^ up chargeis and sentegc- them to labor I ramp* for at- l< og a* 2$ veal! in- steiel of sendmi” them home (Yften thev aw- said to !»*• taken off re- pa trial no ?rsn*|e>ft« to face courts "At flr«t th*- rhgri'e *if f.*od theft hel.l fie*t plnt’e iq thi* operation “ *ats tH* Bocrd'S* “t'a npl-int ’*j “I ater p ••t add*if nsultine Jh-vet i instituttor**', *shq*ave att.-mpted I escap*' :ind refusal to «<ok vrv i th****- i-rv**i*'<l» tie! m»t omv 1 * fruitful • ne’ -'h ‘e*t*i<wiage for Ansro-i' «a- ndde! an<l finaT IW, the charge of ’t res^mming on 1 Soviet terrtlorv ’ On the Ins' chdrge it wooM be mmi'hl# tn sentence every PR to j foree*! labor" Staff Gives Bolton Honoring Dinner Dr Frank C B**Pan. retiring prwsidmit of AAtl. will he nkefi a t teaHradnial dim gr on Sattg-day, | l^r ft. in Bhoa lUP | pm; dimer is ! being spor# ore-1 i toiifDv by the (ViHege stenl and the Fi* iter Ftudqr t* Aumociaftitn Onlv 1 200 ticket* will he tvail- I kftif- V^e will <he s*dd at !||.7| I each T u ket* at f'nlbre Stating ! may ba purehansuf at the Aggh land Intv the Aggieladd Pharmacy, and ‘ Offn e T mav be mir irst State Staff I’nMilions (on Ball Staff m<mher* f,>r the *um- m. r Kattaliun see hting select ed now arrordiag to Koland King manager <if »tudewt pub lies t ions. tnv «tudenl whp i« interest ed m writin** fog thr Battalion, sod who will be enrolled in *< howl for cither s*te or hwtli *«miner term* are reoue-ted to runt act Bing in Room 249 of Goodwin Hall There art *till a few jobs open that will e*rfv financial rerwmeration " Bigg said Plan* are befog made foe pubiicstion of the Battalion f< or da vs s week, he said-- Tueadav through Friday. ■' ■■ 1 V" '■ " •' Kxcs of Oklahoma \&M Fried liv Ivys By LEONARD I KDDINt.TON S*»uth Amboy, N J , May 22 - '■4b The death toll in the Sooth Amboy munition* disaster Friday; was nxe«l officially a: 27. ami bandaged survivor* gathered out * side patched-up churches to give thanks there were no more deaths The bodies of only four of the 27 have been recovered The re*t disappeared in the funnel of flame and Mack smoke which roared into, the sky a* *‘>0d ton* of munitions blew up at South Amboy last Fri day night » hurche* he I* I special Sunday | services to m*»urn the dead and to give thanks the toll was not high- | Munitions Meanwhile ( For Pakistan Guard Mr and Mr* Ed Ivy were host* to the local alumni of Oklahoma AIM ( ollege, ITiursiiay night in their home at Grtive and Kim in j College Station Movies of last fall's Oklahoma Aggie Tulsa University football game were shown The also planned a picnic dinner to lie held at the home of Mr and Mr* K (’ Potts on July 14 | I>ecal members of the alumni present were Mr and Mr* Floyd j trying to incite new war hyateria ed up churchea Reds Accuse l S Of lncitin« War Jfeoacow. May 21— accused Preaident Truman Unlay of quarters in Washington thsftuagd that the munitions whu h etplad- e«l were ilestmed for Pakiatan from Newark Ohio. Vice Admiral Marlin O’Neill, Commandant of the U. S. Goaat Guard. Mid in # statemeM thgl the Coaat (.uaril decided to let on* la at shipment of igore than 500 Ooiinda of mumtiond clear through South Amla*y Arrangament* had been completed* before a May • Coast Guard order limiting Urn amount to he shipped from tha congested area to 500 pounds Admiral O’Neill aaid. “the Coaat Guard considered it- aafer to per mit the movement «f this one ad ditional shipmrtd of explosivea through South Amboy rather than have it remain in boxcars in con- head-1 lt'‘«t Eaat Coaat rail yards pend ing rerouting to another explosiva loading fticility " < hurrh Service* Moat of yesterday'* churrh/aer- vice* in this waterfront ciCf (tf lO.tXk) persons. 21 mile* south west of New York City, were held an lawns outakie the battered, board* (’ Bean blossom, Dr aad Mrs E E Vexey, Dr and Mr*. R C Potta, Mr and Mrs Marvin White- head. Captain and Mr* Scale, and Mr* James D Simpwon w-4- f- Costa Ricans Recover Virgin .J _ Of I,os Angeles after 9 Days San Jose. Cost* Riga May 21 - '■4*< Itevout ( «thahc| rcjolcad to day for the re<'d*ln^«l virgin of la>s AngeUa, a Idadl rock atatue l•eVl•r^*^l at the pafcfi'heii* uf t osta Rita, which diaappOwfed nine days ago and my*teriqu*l) reappaared yesterday liecame one for pilgnhtageea I'n- derneath the spot i* a subterran ean stream to which miraculoa* healing powers are attnbuteil By recent estimates it t* worth approximately flMiJHM, it waa atoton May 12 from the Basilica by thieves who muftiemi the he j the Farmer-Btu.ifni aa j In Bryan DckK* r* J chased at lESD a|td the Fi had Tniat Company • hun k bell* rang *-ut the new* ; « |»unrh walrhmaa and eacape-l with <f ihe r apparai.qe gtid the faith ful thronged the glheet* in cele bration ArrhbMhqp ficto! Manuel Sa»ubria a ml uthef rMurrh and guv etnment officials kid’ned pi Gar* 'ago. 2ti iiules *aatkca»i of Ban Jo*.-, t« view thd image - about seven me hew high’—iRhirh firwt ap- uea'ed to an Indian woman named iVrcyra deep in tkq kingle, accord ing to legend 1 h# f .mah took it home with her, toft daring the night it vaniqh*d to ke found the next morning place of or- the the statue and money aad jewels from the church aim* box The sacrilege aroused a wave of indignation throughout Coata Rica President Otilm ( late Blan co proclaimed three tfoya of na tional mourning and ( esta Ricans raised more than IKO.iMKI reward for th* return uf the image. Police searched hotel* rooms, homes and pedestrians on the streets, including pnesta. but paid C rttrular attention to fereigners iviag the mmwttj. Details of the recovery have not nPVamwm mwmw aa^a to i ex t a RFRkRI HO all**V in the V S celebration yesterday of Armed Forres Day "The military' clioue tried to use the day as a new cause for in citing war hysteria in the arm* race. 7, aaid Pravda. organ of the < omaiunist party “The signal wa* given by President Truman" ‘O|)viou*ly," said Pravda. “it ia n«t enough that the’ budget ear mark* ?fi |>er cent in preparatioa for aggre-tsive war" Pravda» editorial writer gave no hint as to how he arrived at the 7fi per cent figure The hodget sub mitted by President Truman on Jan 9 called for military expen-! ditures of about 413^00,000,600 in a total budget of |42.4<Mi.u<ift(KM) Russia's most recent budget called f*»r military expenditure of about flh.dOQJMIO.OOi far military purpose* in a total expenditure 6f about tTH.mMVtMNUNMt It wa* warm and ninny.'the first *l»nng*like day since the dnsst- ing rams uf Friday night's dia* aster gin A church waa bOilt osrer Statue, dedicated as the Virgin of I whether the miae mg maney vh» Angela''Hk4 aRc a Cartage jewel* had Wen recovered Town Hall Mfrlinj! Will Be Tonight The citiien* of College Station will meet in the Petroleum Build ing Lecture Room tonight at 7:00 for a Town Hail meeting aeeovd- uif to Mayor Ergaat Ungfurd The plaaa, problaaM* aid fa tare ef the city of Cuttofa St#Don wiU W discussed. All dirnana #re urged to attend, Langfofo said ill) Russian Boats Srrn Off England Falmouth, Kngland, May 22 — « 49 Thirty Kussiana fishing traw lers aad a mother atop left here hot anchurvsl a few hoars later around a rape in Moant’s Hay near th** tip of Cornwall. TV unexpected visit, a few daya, before the Hrusaela Pact naviev viigage m maneuver* in thr BW ef ftia#ay, has rained question* #s to its purpoaa, AU movements afl the ahipa were bring reported to the Naval commander at Plymoath The Brit- iah aircraft came m frdm the channel t*>day on a etoiMa which took It rioaa la the 2.900 too mother ahip' j , The captain of the mother ship, the TRiiifcai, told British ruetoeaa off tear# yesterday tha reaarik ar« •ne the way from Up Bahk Ml' . to ratafarce tha Beetol fishing fVqt in thaBUek Im. A British admiralt; •aid that there waa tha channel.