Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1950)
t , I »' I ]\ V ntyOf ( Sutton Official Nruapaper Natk>n’» Top ( olle K iatc Ihtily NAS 1949 Survey m uj$$h> a Or A GtKATB Number 156 Volume 49 [iE STA| m ri (OLLU.f lY 28. 1960 Pnce: Two Baccalaureate Services !l , . ^ Set for (graduating Seniors H» RAYUONU Kl SHIN<. Two rwnruriwnt «aid TVw •rnmlturt, »rt» wixi I i« U* h#ld in SbiM H«U at irm*-** (Wfr*- fwndidaUn »n4 all! p m M-nrkw. and oM romnv«^^i.t T*.*',*!-rL l',',!,.! v^TlI' fW,',. iV" F T‘ **'*'' *”!! tvnr ^ With <hr mwiw a.ldrw.« to ^ , 7J?T" Si, ! tW ° ^ y * •‘ j U- hv Gwnwrwl Omar f ^ fi^ ^ ]**' *_?]"* ' All landidat*-' for ilarOw* »r»* Faculty and il$ft inarabeM of all rM»un**d U- attn«l th« ^♦•calaur• ! d^pai tmentt «il| f»4in in peyrt" rate and twmiwcBonwwt t^niava «ion ••ant <if tli# fytnnaslum ami north <*f tlw itadtum oaar th*- dnv** in ••ntramws. Hradlay art> imludad in tha Julia (uinmancwmant urufram, l»r ti Srhlaaaalwian hrad of tha t »ro- yraphy Itapartmaul, and rhainnan of tha Iwmwaiwwmant t’orninit taa, annoum-ad toda^ Una bdi-caiauiaaii narvica for affncvltura, arts ami arianrwa, aim all adaanraif <laf r«a cAndHtata* will ta* haid In tluiwn Had at » W a m with tha Rt Kav John K v More Authority By Student Life Group < at>» *ad <»«»n* Candida la* for tha Ph II. Ia|rra« Will waar cap* and tfoWna, <aikri> data* for tha Ra*tar’ii dttfiaa will by tha S«-hla*- Binhop t o adrotor of tha civilian «hnha». and i wwii H niai h|>i«< opal l»iiN a«-i< iif Trxa^ ila I livanriK tha addraa* Haa ond Hrrvwr A aacomi iiMacalauraata aarvicr for aniniiaari ns and vatannary maiimna d*sraa camtulata* will Iw h*4d tn tha AasamMy Hail l>r ^ Ho) d Hunt, pastor of tha Flint Ha|>t ist f'hurrh of Houston, will addra*s this group This aarviaa will ba at ‘tO a m also Twk» ba<valauiaata sartitoii* ara liaiiif hadd to airomuilat* tha fain llias and friand* of giaduatas amt to avsid limiting attandanca. Hr Sthiaaaadman axplamad Tha agm ultura and arts ami aci ancas faculty and staff will farm i want amt aouth of Roas Stalua, | ha said. Knginwanng and vatann ! ary madti iiu fai ulty and staff will form w*st ami north of Kmis ! Statua. Hradlei T« Hpaak < omnyrm-ami-nl axan isas will l»a ; ha Id on K.yla Fiald Friday avail- | Ulg Jua*' 2 With tha ptmamnons t man hing at ti p n f.ajiaral Hi lay will h# tha spaatt'T AH angirmanng airfl vatarinary madicmr dagiaa candidalas will forni a sat of tha gymnasium and north <if tha stadium iimula tha stadium fam •, Ur Hahiaswhnan latas fi»r tha Umhalor dagr*a will waar uniform numbrr on* axifpt for thosa who ara non-military, IP! Hr 'v hlasaalmwn said Now liili- 1 11 lary randwtatas will waar itvRian clothaw ubUss officially avrusasf Kaarutiv* Commit taa, Hi salinan ainphasitasi A total of l.If* ‘.afaraa* will ba pnasantad at this yaars rotnawnra- niant a**iri*ai>, Ha »aid Tha«« in* rla<ia l.MK hachalor dagraas. Maati-r of Art* ip-graa*. 21 Mu*- tar of Kdosatiofl dagrai s. 11 Mas tar of Kng nas ruig dagm** two i»al d»gra»*», and ft rufawaional dagrras, ami n i n a Mrtor of Hhiloaiiphy dagia*-* Senator Hints Barly Action In Dam Project WASHINGTON. May 23- l.V' An Anion* at nator wtui V lAtA/ y^ nll *y he will week early. ■ U lailrl N f If favorable action by the Sen* at Credit Problem« ttaimral Bradley will W tha spaakar in Uuiott Hall at I p. in Friday for tha presentation of ra sa rva com missions Tha piasident'* reception will follow »i*t M n m in tM horn* of I'reaident Ft C H< fur all graduata* and their relative* and falridina. Ih S<hln* aelmali addes) Artivitie* fur Friday will ba climaxed with the Final Ball which Tha Student Lift Committee ad It rertived St* votes which UI Seven hundred ami fifty dollan yesterday approved a (onatitutwn 5Vj lesa than tha required approval waa appn>pnated for con* true tain al amendment giving it authority of two thirds of tha cwinmittee of s pattnanen: backstop at the to review and make recur* mend a The second approved conatitii softball field The present backstop turns on Student Senate rulings | Uonal amendment, which was un is made up of parti af temporary The amendment, which larked | ammoosly oasacd defined the chan backstops The t impaiary hack* i Vfc a vote to make it unanimous, | nel through which student spon 1 stops will be needed next fall wtUi was one of three paused by the sored recommendations arw l« be the return of tha Freahmen to the committee in its last meeting of sent It reads. 'The Student l ife < atnpus the year Hiey will all b« sent to 1 CAmmittca snail serve a* the (la the Acskieinic Council for approval j ison unit Utween all other stu- A fourth amendment giving tha dent organisation* and the college committee powers of review and j administration and shall act on recommendation over all da»* or- and forward any matters which gamiations business wa* defeat- a**«l tha approval of higher auth- j .(fHy " A it) per cent iurrease in tha-^ number sf softhull teams la anti- cipatad with the expected mcreaead number of military Umta. C. 0 . •Spike" White director of studeM 1 activities, U.I.I the committeo Bradley l rges Action Program In Texas Talk Lubbock. Tex , May 23 <ifV On Onar N Braiilev Jiaimig < . Magruder m hemp pre»ent«-d tha I nited Uaulhtars of • hr t dhlederecy I'rophy hv Mr*. I »ka M. Tillery of fte I’lM. Maxrupar. who i* head of the air (troop in the corps, won the award for hatny (hr mgsianllina senior of the year. Final imeitdment Tha final amendment which wa* approved unanimously by tha coot- | mittea will, if approver) by the j Academic Council, be adite-d to an »ir«ady existing constitutional ar- I tk la Tha existing article says tha Stutienl Life Committee will "Sup ervise tha aitmtie# of the Stu dent Entertainment Manager, the yell leaders and tha editors-in chief of all student publication* declared here laat rugnt that The committee shall have the pow- America owed the world a *r ta rwrtnrt or remove these of Fort Morth, Tex.. May 23 B^AIM ♦ Over-extentuon of • milt and ‘two small” down iwymenta are the chief jirot^ lema facing; retaiien*. J. V4V >kad<iia of Hotsion. prasid. at of the Hi tail t rydif Kxecutivek of t hiiicators Believe Peace Presen able Texas said her* Sunday Waddle‘ft irranisgtion met on tin eve of Lh. I.palling of tha StuhAu nual ('lAivantidn of Retail |iei at* Interior (\imfmttee m the lUHl.INMi |M' Cutiadian Kim-I al*-r piojest in. the Texas Fa* hamlb Hetnorrat!<• Senator FnoKt Mr 1 Fiirl.tnd Is chairman of u aulsmo* miHis- ciiuaiilaring a bill in auth- oriae the prxip> t As ehiuin jvii of this group he broiiglit thi bill tn th*' ittentlon of the full CiOlllillttH A a cloaaii nasalon yestardp> H* wild later the group (wist I Boss Eled < ftrrXiil \ olunleers N<‘m Officers p\il :wnl Ken lamilnirw. phtwon lead- pom-d actnm b»*cau»» it is wading views of th»- Hu<kr-1 ilumau on thi dale and iu|oe«furt M Fariami amd his silticorr nifiei chant* Association of Texas About ug»*«*d l(> days ago p. appro\> u •thf* porauna had lagiatarwd for the houne pkaaait hill authorning thi three-duy session Lprogram, with *>nn- HWa must iftatp tha cx»n*um<f» m rt tee a w*#k ago haagea. ■ fuU i ml laovlee, May 2.1 'AA Sixty five from ta- miiing asar axtendeif in Amarwai edurntora from 41 states . lh ^ lr p urt ^ awKI m , uinn|( , \ Br nftug. g study of Furope ^"‘•"'Va rrr >fH j It(> | JrB|(t|r)|f that pnacr tan lie preserved that W astern Furope looks brighter Hid thut Marshall aid has been an wiveatwent of superlative value The educators, many of them su- C pnntendenta of »< hoola and col- ge profeasors, completed in. lam- don today the mission of tha "fly- mg classroom ” They made an air plane lour of II natkms for swift hut intensive studies of poLstical, economic ami educational trends'^" TV study trip was orgamied by the Michigan State College ami wa* financed by Industrie*, individuals ami education depart ment,- The vducaUWs will flv hack to the Tinted State* tomorrow pareil, said theiV teiuiar. Ca Horn of Mu higsh Stale* ( oflegi to relate then exphrwnee* ami op inions to "a mitftam Anterkan school teacher* " He strewm d ihm pi »«t in discus smg a statement Saturday h> Kr|i Hen tritiU. the Taidiandb > new Hepuhlican iwngr.amnan. that th. subtomuiitlee would ait today MrKurtaiki said his suhcommit tea hoa tdib d to amendment Tavdor junioi erigllHl'f kig mu go fi nl IlBHiis, ers will Iw liiptaii M Ui. tos-T\o|- i apt.on elect Taylor is a mam unteery hi xi yeaf | , „( hlnginaar* gin) s tech sar Taykorj ami file othef illAloi i geant on flic Kngfnegl liattallon w*re cl*ii-l by ih* cogipaA m staff Ha i* also a tw*l<er of Tau its last An* ting ef this ar lion- B* ta Ft, the Adof| frophy rifle da) nig if hx.iXiliv* off,,viVwil| learn amt nrvsidarrtoftha Stwmty h* S hi*| 1 Ihrk, Ikisin**** atinknis- ,,f Ainetican MilitUfy F.ngmaers trmU**n dtutient from Hufl.soi . • Khar Iff.ear* ftle. ted w.-.aUa* k was name,! mitst^ndmg jun- A TauBer, find ■ f Wlf * *w ** >b* Engmsm* kalUlo.n at tb* Tars* . Hpl K«t>ie, ari<t To*, K.kttcr, strong, tetivg program of ac- j tiort in return for our bieaaings. I "A program of atronf and vig o^*ua lewderahip with imreasad t production conducted with total di piontacy and backed up with ade- i|Uate forces is the least w* can do for freedom," he said lien Bradley spoke to some , 2JMN) parsons gatheretl for the con elusion of l.ubbiHk's observance of Armed Forces Hay. He received and immediately tlntmed s big white western hat ‘‘We are the acknowledged lead or of the free world," tha chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said He said that it was important to keep in, mind the national ob jectijf in which our people believe are filly endorsed He hated them faer* for Improper conduct or in corn paten* a In the rase of pub lication of ubsoeh. or libelous nta Oenal, this material shall he deemed improper conduct " The committee-approved addi tion reads, ' ‘The same rules of pefsonal conduct which apply to other student* apply to these of- fioer* in this section" In addition to approvng three onatitutional amendment* ihe An expendiUirr of tl.Ofei) was sppi s-ved by the committee fwr the C m base of aitdftiormi bench** and ear her* to be used Ot C-ofpa ff- " views and at the Ongve J j . , An additional tVT.IO was auth* onastt from the Student Actlv. ities F'und to repay expenditure* iitcurred by the student body All three money bills pawned uh- | aniniously Need For Fond* The committee approved and sent to the Aiademk t'ouncil a recommendation urging that t*art of the profit* of thr F'.xrJtange Store be earmarked for Htudent Life use All Fx<hange Store prof- i it* tentatively have been schevluled to be given the Memorial Student Center in the future. » The Student life Committee l>a*«^j its request <m it* need f>r funds to fulfill th# large nuniber of worthwhile mtufat* mad* on ! rt for money each year Money entrusted to the Student committee authonxed expendituic Life Committee i» used for pg-ujarts of $ Utter Hf) from it* share of F’.x chsnge Store piofit* bciwfitting students in every class anil school, the resolution said ■ U. S.’si Investments • Called Inlernationalisin ‘/m if M "liege. N 1 ‘hSuear _ . aw • ■ * *k • Texas Fmpti.vmeuf. ( Qiwraisston I t» I Me H llll t .hlilll*' office* will 1 aoperate fully with ~ college placement bureau* in k>- ation yob* for college grudtmtes too long let ms," M addle said. An Amarillo banker, R V (ireen assistant cashier ir •barge of consumer Credit at th* First National Hank there, called for ‘brakes on installment buying “to beep the ectmomy sound.” He suggested tha* s down pay ment of 2n to 2a percent he re quirwd un durable gv»«ls. with the exception pf automobile* when* the prewent required uae-thinl down shouhl tie rontmued Mia* Fltbei of Agiatin | was ele. te<i president of the l^ne M'ashinglon. May 2't 1 ^ Pres- Star Courunl of 1‘redit Wanirn. 'dent Truman niMiged th. Senate (flth district I thi* aflemo«>n tHher yrstenlay for a vide on hi* c<»*i officers named Include Mn> troverwai ci»i| right* program and RhiMla Thompson, <ialve*U»n, «-• symke for racial eipiality "ihi<>ugh retary ! out our entire national life " » Praiamfr a rsimmittee hi* up *’ i g * aff* pointed to increase the oppartun- »\ 1114*111 1 Ml Iff * dies of Negiue* m th* armed ser .. . | • I vk-es. Tniman said he bo|ie» th H III \nMIMI < > nMlM Senate vfdl “pemnt'‘ hi* Fan F'.m platssdi jpeader • Nitgi'lng <rffiyer« nr«* 14 F. "Ihgfgy ' Mr< luFe captain. j Fld- w in J Hpt'.cpbn-!it« i i-xsf >111m* nf* fleer Jbhn L, faytor, first] ser- gear I King F’vfii HeiAi Hlatcl, recent Parents Huy Carp# parade <tark l ed the Shell fHl Refinery on th# Houston Ship channel, had A bar- hecu# lunrheon at th* J. I> Hud gens ranch tn Wharton County, and inspected ♦*** huge Texas <Ailf Sulphur Company giant *t New- I ruinaii INishfis Scnali l or Civil Kifrlils Vole 1. I Vac# and aaeurlty "Twebni eally we have peace rkiw,’* he aaid, * Houston. May ll-V 'A* The “peace aa defined by the abaence of i prime minister of Pakistan last J armed conflict, but certainly we ; „ight said the world‘a profit mo- Ciark the new ata* utive officer, j don't have security." thre ahmild be • ombtn«d with in-1 is firat sergeant of H Cavalry, 2 Maintain our Doliticai way of | teniational aortal objectives •* Htiainea* Society life and our form of government ia Liaquat All Khan said President ,h * h, ' r ’ Wort " ( ,ub «»«• » wn country, , Truman‘a proposal that the Tnrted f“ lf Tanner, a Dallas business stu-> 3 Maintain- and to raiae, if pas ! States foster capital investments | His wife, Hegum laupiat All .lent, is sergeant-imamr of the Wble—«ir Ameriran standard of in areas needing development is! Khan, ranrellwd plans Ip make the (‘axairy Engineer ttgipirnt amt * l ,v >n| ! practical interniti.mallwm port tnp. I»ut Sttetadad the bar* V. member of A ( dxtalrb He i* a 4 Americana would like to hwve j The prune nunister, concluding lo ** rr d Hwualan a reshtea* m. mher of the Hus"#- Sxmety, pea<> and security for the entire ! the lone Texas stop of hi* Tinted u *’ “c** was henored wrth a the Ihtllas A AM t3uty ami AAM ‘ world and mom especially for the . State* tour, was honor guest at a home of Mayor Oscar ftball ti-am Vk e*. I pintail said Senate dill "permit* • pk'vmen| Prwctir*- i F ,n cdhie to* a vote." niaj.-r|t W of the .ft tin- mcnlswwhiy whkb Jfti.l.l I* Pee.|e.l t • Jt "ff •lelalc j Trunmr i st-tfament ••oninwnted on a ntkort fi"i|i n c"iiiniit»e If l lax aiqsnaiml two vyarx ago to Itud) ariuo'l lirvic.« |K)lirtm I"WhmIixiiis "ritin I "F.qumiti of tavatn. itl u igi op |N*rtuiuA' hi lb. atoieil 4*-n»es g right, if ih yo-p and it j wifi 4sl on. he added tfiiooghisit oir • r» Platoon Leaders I intent from sergeant battalion \ i-ivil engineertqg Auit* l-s. Okla.. PaFu* Is ■ ijor <>f the FlrgMnear t il s member •if rt f> nations that have ideals and cul dinn*r given by the Foreign Trade Holcombe tural backgrounds in common with j Camtaittee of the H.aiato«i C)mm i n * h L* c f 'noMed our own. tl y ( „mmerc* i ‘h* coupke * Texas viait They per* tv leave this morning for K#% i >? leans 27 Studvnt* Art* now v ice |jr--*id»-nt of the Honorary’ Texans f ,»1 and Was recently re Austin, Tex., May The right to *ay “I'm from Texa* will be given 27 University of | ba ■C sitlon for the! Kit i Hill "to strewgtljni the jh»l|is tru« Taipei Formosa. May 2d A* 1 1 Centr*) headquarti-rs merwherw of the (‘linear Nationalist party lthe kuomintango) look a solemn oath yesterxiay To die wrth Upneraliaa- imo ('hiang Kai Shek if need he m th* wai against the Tommun- ista They swore peraonaj) allegiance to rhiang and vowed tn go through “fire ana pruft dev uta mission of restonng of i bma " Southern Ih-miM-iais bitterly op tawonal lile pose the bill wkuh would set u|i; T '‘*' n-pofl pfd" t V. ,g,„i * federa! nimmisau|n to prevent i*** i ^*2' discrimination in the hiring and P , * r,,,,n ''P' *he firing "f Negroes and otie r mm- ontle* ted to I hat "Homing senior Ruble is a busipya* major from M<' amey arwl a tw h sergeant on the Artillery Re* mental staff IT i* s member of § Fa-id Artillery ami is in the Efihsied Reserve I "I p*. Koyd. r of T Field iArtillery, ia f Truman Hemorrats •ir; manage? f.# the local Texas Km ploy ment ' onwmaaiua off ke There are, sf Una I office- of the Texas Km ploy ment Twmndasum and they Will be in contact with Truman Heimx ist* in the Ser empT yers thnaighout May and , »*«• l *'“ week m an attempt June he added to shut off lb-bale on a motion (•> “If you are a graduate,* Me-1 bring the bill formally up for water to help him ‘safe- Kmiey -aid “you are mirouruged r ‘* ,n * M ^* r Fn , m Itemocrath leader rmosa ami aixiunphsh the to inquire at tacal TE< offk-ea! I^icaa (III i ia expected to make • he about >»b "ppurtunttiua “ another effert to do *o spam to "In many lUatances. where local morrow or M'edne«<iay ed* report pmf«t a Themical engfueeifng student li# eoiiahty Wr all from Aust'n He b> a memkier of aenu-il forx-es dwith IA,, Rt* Sigma. Tiu Reta Pi, and dy near faturw aial .« * tj^-h sergeant un Pi* Artillery in tiw reasitnaTiy near rai ftartl thjt when achieved it I “ will make fir a beftei, Army, Navy and Aia Forrc “ | Th* donmitti-U saki it hail been found tp*l aeg i qgsted Negrd mill Regimental staff. Rofder was in tranuiral (kiting i-hgmpion this yeat in the 14h peund division After iwiewing Pakistan's: struggle for induatriaiiution, the Asiatic leader, in s speech (we pared for delivery, said I « II ^?*ll ( apttal must take, in the Ifalf W (HMUI rlllS world * more enlightened | view of its responsibility and of II \1 *aL D II a rta potentiwlitiea for g akl than it | lOUSe M I Ml Dll I If LS hitherto been constrained to Texas students frmu foreign roan 4,, Orange Tex , May tt-'^-Aa trie* t.nlay , j 4,, n# , prvtc h that the pro-1 Orange woman waa in jail under (i«v Allan Shiver! will cordcr fit motive he abandtftiexl For the Cb.OOt) bo*d today after admitUAf honorary Texas ntixdnahip on the sake of world peac# and world ' *h* lost her temper ami fired a students in a cereartfiy In his of- equilibrium we only ‘ suggest that ioten pistol shota iato the hoaiu flee uie profit motive shsiuid be <-om- of a Louisiana night dub operatar. The stuibrnts. fn>mi nHintnea as bined with inte|-nati<«ial social •dv No one was hit by the Uillet* far away a* Flgyi* pill graduate ; jectiv** “ Mm Myrtle ( arpanter. 50 taat- from the UmvemHy this month F^arlicr yesterday Ah Khan saw .fied at her arraignment today The awards wet* arrange.) by j exampts* of Texas mduatnal on < barge* of aaatBrt'to murder plants, shipping facilities and that she sblit her Hd" and fired ranching industry twelve timea He toured Port Houston visit- the University of th* Internatsen al Service Tomnutte# of th* Ho tary Club boat this aftern.-on at • | jobs are mrt pvailahie, it'may be The rkancc that the Senate would tea far members of th* control possible for ffaduate* to lie placed reverse laat Friday's move wa* ci- Yuwn- th»- offbial “WWtihdog" of )n contact witji empbiyera m Mber reedingly dim The Truman l>#tn" the regime ( hiang reiterated his communities nf the state," he i r*ata and Republican- at that tim# recent dedaratmns that he would added !• 1 iMBkad 12 votes of the two thirds complete preps rations for an of- j —— -f~- - -*•' — 4- ■»— 1 fenaiv* on the mainland within one year ami would launch it within tm« thP and Only, II Igdney- A* A new establish ment ha* in*< >wea ope nett in Syd ney’* Tenlral Siiuare Ita name “The Hue ami duly Pic Wall Number Two Branch" I eXAFt « THB ^ » -iv • xf 1(1 | | . « rt « y g m <| ^ Bui Doiit HIoh lour Ion . . . which d’nla p* rform the complete | ^ | “I Rainmakers Say Possibility a in Prevention Seen L .. 1 MMge <■ fuiM-tobis of wdiite hsnite It wai.ljthis wait t»e<>.iiiw thF ma pority hf Ncgrtk-s in the armed serxteea do no! have a- high a level of! -kill and education |* the ma/rtilt of whiks* The i |H>rl . itM » repeat Army hat Negro sold fy for all ' Army A.r F’onp ha- open.'d jail its j*!.* and -chdol- to j Nogrpea aim N'Fgrbe» arc ♦rvng | in evx-ri naval bei'i-'wl latibg ( Th* Fomnirtt.4 also ledeJ that || on Maw-h f7 lip Army abdl»‘hed j it* mi* limitii-ir the number of it *.wm may »w (NsMlMe hot only | Neg -r s n th sei vn. i t, |il |vci to . *o — ram bi|t alto b> prevent 1 rent nf ita toUw enlistment j it A moAg othen things, the com*H taitT* faid that 71 (ier rent sif the | HagrtteA in the Air Fort-e hat* ann-v foment ths . mrs 11*1 Id qualify , p»b* ll »*id the open.'d jail its jel'i Hi ROHKRT A BtKNFH Albuquerque, N. M May tt P* Two rainmakinf pioneers say Senior Calendar Mar H—Frtday -Ual day of rlaMes for sen iocs aot falling MaT 1 >• SatkrAay Fhsala he ||{p*lteaaaMi — Hewiar in*ita tatkaws wow bring disiribwtad ta Agncultnrtat office. aaMrtd floor, t.oodwin Halt Tboa* witboul down payment will be jfaM after Friday afiernoaw. J*we ] Baccalaureate and ewa- mencemenl exeCciaew, com miaatawing ceretaoay. and ft nal Ball. Jaw* I Final Review. fMiio (pi and ia ana nei been ilishanded, B»e tw- ■t Ma firing Aeraub- nm nervdif with whRe air- in (iefraany and Japan They see a ptaMihlp new era if •rientisU are Abie to lontinae their past prog ta** in efforts to ha 1 ness the riouRl. They believe fatule control of the weather may make atomic ener gy take a hark atari in peacetime ef1 flood* ansi serious water problems j tensive in severnl years nf work ^n many localities. j on the problem Has research gpna so far that specialists roifd substantially in- ****** precipitation in—say the, rftn pro. I me a Tt-inrh snow over arid Southwest thia summer* , afl MrrM (tni mikes square about “I feel certain it has," Reynolds t he sue of Vermont But it must twelve tirade into the home Si ( laud* William- here last night WdHam "pdratea the “ehow- bost," ft barge-nt«»mri*d night ciuK on a canal just atraas the Sabina River from here in jCaU-aatoti Par iah. La Mrs. Carpenter said she argued with William* earlier and that be _ . knocked off her hat--her first wear hdt in ten yearn nf > rtkp| MP , broke nn umbrelta after bis head She said she then went after her X pistol. Sheriff Cheeter Molts saw! the fired six shots through the frvpt door of Willtama* home frightrtT > ing “six or rtght" fuesU ns «r*4( ' as Williams, and rwladdadiaMI y Workman says a piece of dry ic# —tofrd th# pistol through a ftidn fourth as big as a butter pat i •'••mOWf. 14. feels on the bAm^n race The** news at* hAid by Dr. E. J Workmaa. preableitt of th* New Meaira School *f Mines and S. K Reynold*, director of the school's thunderriorai laboratory Workman pal It AWl way: weather medifteSoa are fnlfiUed, he final aaaigpmedta J atomic energy >a ita proper TVAwdey night> in th* catmm weald aeatn to be a Commentator Staff Cali special Meet A -I»cial mewring ta dtarpaa th* B*pten4»et issue of The CoogwanU tor aifi J*b« Uvely unim; bl rt* u-ientifir period.** to eat >A A. triph rtb 1 ta U. Cal wbirh ta i* to rested in tarlUbg i arc nirdibBy in <; (> l lob said and i£kl Win jha FUed declares ‘‘W* have a tot to loam bat we’re making big stride* In a few months we may find uwt ” Man some day may h* able to avert some unwanted downpour* Reynolds and Workiwbn are just starting ta ineeaUwat# the preven tive angle Bat the* have found that by overdoinw their rain-pro ducing methods they creel* cloud conditions unfavermbk* riabic rainfall. for appre- New VtaU Hapa They sac a new nata ahead far mankind if rose Ha bear oat the peaaibiHtM* Th* wwrid would soon become a different place if aei- enc* could ^ithhaM unn*eded rain and direct M to arid ragtows The two art MI Lata aay enormoua amounta of water are carried arroaa the Sewthweet to the summer which arc trigge d to fan aa rai*. h ta the triggering proem* apes which they ar* working This summer's •Xpertmenu will b* thetr laoat ex he .lone by periums who know what they're doing The same effect can be derived from one ounce of silver i«*Jid# which has a chemical structure nearly identical to that of dry ire Cheap. Tae Both silver iodide and dry we ar* cheep and easy to get Reynolds doesn't think the time ia her* when just anybody caa go Anti-Sub Defense Bill Sent to Senate Washington. May 23- <*fA - * A fd2A.493.AA4 hill earryiag fund* to ■peed work on fantef warplanes and on anti submarine dwfeaae Was pe*m*d by the Howe* sad sent to th* Senate yesterday MStair ap proval was by voiaa veto. The MU alee include* fho tUMi mio for arofKHWtr aid to South Kor piano* The money to stmt work y* _ , 01,10 . „ . r y t "‘ ta the National* Advisory (owi- ml. 'Tr T.r'MM'tr f '" (NACAl Hverwreding tends to Kav* the opposite effect of cerrect seed mg If the awmber of ica cryataia ta toe great, the siwal ones denY have a chnnCv to grow When the M n\ r+ * if mm a* Mh^l SsY'jSS aL-wtSS Net Ne No ta rd to coft the “new at far* tod.Odf far it he t ranaferrad fraai I ly voted fur Navy < \ /