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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1950)
\ I <* 1 j 4 J- * # i • A Athletics Cop Intramural Track Crow n, Top Record By MCt MAMTZAS a AtMetka MNI five first pi* c»* U> WsJk off with tl># .armus intrsnwikl trsok me#t Frmy sf t#r*v«or an th# Kyi# Fi#W trsck AltisHtfh th# sthlrt#* of H*rt Hsll anlrrtd only nin# of Mm im, rvrnts, th#y still manaV^I conn out o« top aa th#y hav# <k>iw for th# last f#w years. Ftoal t#af> rssalta art not yet complrt# but will be released Only in th# MO-yard relay war a record sal Billy TWw#ll of A Athletics aped across the finish line to break last year's rectint (which was alsa s«t by A Ath letics) with s fast time of l 34 4. four seconds under last season's mark Ralph Qpy of A Ordnance won the 440 yard dash in a Uk of W 4 with Uancer of A Coast, Hu k of B Quartermaster, and Webb of ASA finishing in order behind Gay Trailing A Athletics in the Mao- yard relay were B Kngmeer*, A toaat, and l» Infantry KB*arda (ops sn# K-iwanls of B Infantry < rosaed the finish It'if' in the Hgi*-ya*d i on w th a lime of 2 nd 4 white i iMshttll of C Infantry, Griffin of C A si Karas, snd of the i Whit* Band filU>d up the follow ing thrte (daces Jum- (laA of A Quirt#rmasW. j s ho ran the century dash in 10:1 • for th« htM ttigc m the prelumn-! aides, fsikr*l to place l^hiiid win- j n< r i 'iuirh< Royalty "f A Ath-I v*H». rished across in 10:1 j seesmds. Kuok of C (*s',dr> croaO* It ejl cln»e iMhmd Rayalty with A QMt"« llav d Y0n#et takmf third | and Tnantay Butler of K Air -Kwne fourth \ K Flights IgO-yan) hunller Robertson won that event in a Uinrwtf 14 " with Hurst of A Kn- | Flight ami last* r trsii- * ^&fdaf. I k Mhletica thm A AUiietica' thud victory in th#l race* was in the 44<> yart ’ciayi with a Hj<>< #f 44:0 while K Air] Foite, C Infantry, ami A Quar- 1 termast* r took tha following pla- j eea. In the shot ,p|B contest George Rush of A kthhaics tosssid th* 12- i pound shot IS* If" for ftrst pia*e rumors with lawm Scott of the' Maroon Band is *Mond piag# with At' I” Kwi j Sommers af ABAj finished third will 44* I**, and Loansrd Met gnn at B Kngibeers tossed the sUli 42* 11V* fw fourth. Two tics wh*v featured in the high jump witfedi’ Iff*' taking find place Aiuier»<* «f A Quartermas ter and 7.iubdr fmirnhed in first plswre snd Jim Cupit of K Flight tied Lincoln Uinsch of A QMC at &’ r* for third place Itidi Repeat- A Field Antiiery s CKft Pfiel polcvaulted 11' 0 W to win the pole vault event wjth Feet of A CW S and Connie Magounk tying for secoi.d place at 10' 4” Pfigi was defending chainp and record-hold er A three place »i# between Lnry of A Athleding Jones of B 'k-ripo site a rut 1-awiur of th# Whttg Band at the ten fgot mark completed the pul* vault event Ray Graves, another member of A Athletics, to.A the bmaBjump w i#h a hop uf 2!' S\ M and was fol lowed up By Yeager, wh*i Waa an inch and three fourths short ot* c idle victor. Royalty was third with 2ii’ 4”, and in a three way tie for fourth ■dace wriW James Waldhp of A Quart* rmaster, Gus Fox of K Air Force, and Owens of Dorm 14. • Son-Military Softball Champs Itorm 17 droppe*) Tf’VV, H-2, for th# championship of the non- mtfttary diet, mn with Bill Turn- bow pitching for the winners Turnhow h«id the TCW nine scoreless for thr first four frame* and allowed the loaers only two Hits. L E Blinder wss on the mound for TCVV mad gave uo th* eight run* oa fiUe hits in the seven inn ings of play. Reoouitchng in an another i ham pionship jpiayoff gan*e Wimier gwve up paly tw« hits as the Phy sical Education mayors detested the ASAK club, iMt, Tor the title The winrwrs colieeted th* thane runs off sn hits fnun ASAK S itoher H<Miggs with Ih.yle ll.Hire. lax Sutton, snd Dan Frwdv svor mg the trio of runs Dglta* May 22 -t-T' The wont CoUferance c*n bob f to taking th# bad in its tracA fbld tunl- with th# Big Srv«(|Co4* fstwara on the bagu of G distances in tha Wapactlve TH# two ronfeamrea will |*bMl far thr fourth tigse hem* J\ Th, Boutnwyst hap won on# tha B% Sev#n on# and therg haoa on# tie. The Rig Seven baid ita week end wad show penoritf over the South* shot pig. mil# nai. Why two-mil# run snd pob vw a slight edg# in the javgife despite adverse wfathor rondftiooa Auatkweal fWpa HfWiatl But the Southwest could i iMaot leadership I# the dsshea lf<l. 2$H and 4411: the high and low hfrdlds the bnMd jump kigh jump, |iis«'#s iht iu and mile iwlay The gouth west bw- the 44(1 yard rainy ait th* Big f#ven do*s not, thug event u not run In the dual meat ib its madt bft »ed nbHtfi W* .<*utnwefl|ffta oil ii. i Named All-Conference four player* who raeaived the was f of all romehm. Th# other two makarat Three outstanding members of the the 1MB ABM Baseball taMi- vou Wallace Moms, Guy Wang##, and were Ka) Begnst, Texas second rreaUWt Pat Hubert wer# given places nasemsa. and Murray WaU, ac# ly bAaui oa tha AII-8outhwaat CaaMunce IjM.ghurn hurler ditma. wlwlwfld bT'thTAsawatadTvwM N<MT ‘* <R«ohhyf Oravas, TCU In gaining His second *11-confir- , I h - h—• «.»i.* *^sr«zsiNi WS * -S M l' renterfieUfer, each »ec#m-d batters wuh a pvacaataga maib baseball coaches. fiv«* vot*** well over <IUU • / / Moon and Wallace were two of <iu> HaHat* Mallace repeated so ail-canfer- epee shortstop dragile a bad early season injurf. ui«e-*»i it i witn nuisi oi gineers. Zmbar of 1 FH| Hinsch of A kibarterniiut* ing at the fftnaa, in. that or The three top men in eadl event .(Ualify for the meet here A sweep in the shot pi|t agii ml# n|r is uuinatHl fbt tBr Big Se<v**r auh the Sputhwept liwely G> take all place* In the 1041 h>gh hunllev and 2Jtl nn<l »»ir thg mil* reb'. tn which only two tcaigp will ne entgred. Sh*dpaiiers String Jim Allek of < <>lui *».u, ; Uoljin Prather of Ka'-w* Slut# Hill tA *1 Iv Tena**r of < ' bit»*l*> till r|m (ar tha shot farth#r Mai the i»«Jt man in the ftouthwcat uhil* B*>1> garess. Bill McGuire of Mi««<>un uiil Put Bow*rs of Kan-at ul! sppe4> iwt ter than any Southwest mger Mural rhampioiiM l , irtun*M TtMlav Intramural iHrart**c Ibrnev Belrb snnouiucd t|at the f*d lowing mlrsmunil ami**! *ui Ben* -h.iuld .iM»e*u gl the intra mural office toda* at 3 p m to ha*e their pi< fure- tst en for the "»(l AggtslaM 1‘irturr* to he .aken invlade ihe following ww»i|rr» *-f,ms country .hi* minor — \ Infan- Irv nun military tapni**—Ih'tm lu; i.aiuiiwli J#wejl M* ib* H a.ul lack Rahiers-i h*-kethsll Vfrrkctine s >d Fin a me cluh foathail—Uu-ioeM * lub. »«fl- balt 11 ('amp **ilr l>**cm 17. a'd PK < tub votteythall— K V.r Force, (Tah. aod Mitehell: ImB*idaaK track sin **er-. weighl litlirg champions ipen g*df. t**nuis single- a*id d* uhien chsmp>of)»; snd open haaminlon, -ingles and double- But in th** siodrt* 100 aful JKh j champs. - -Charley Parker <»f Teng- ha. 1 „ , | B d*me F.d and 21 <1 with ( arl \laye-i ,and F«rry ftamurl- of 1e*k* utpi Vlj.. It V\ a (harlot [Arthur Hr#**, of Ki*e cipe to *■*->«•** ff MB m v nmrllNi th«*«<- times Hsriv 'd<-< I t»a o* of Nahragka won th* loo in !*) d slid the I'Jf> m 2Mi in the B g << v***n me**t -kstopper, and Gerald Jenson, season at th*> head ot th# d l' r*r five votes. Texas D*.an sates Hgaad Others select* d wer# Bill Lswm- Moun Oatstaadiag Defaaaivsly Mooa was cited for his {troll- Mr. TCU catcher; Adrian Burk, d#f#nsive coverage of itb Baylor first ha-onmn; Bea Tomp- center pasture and hh ftoavy sQck- IcinaJ Texas M.ird baseman, Frank w<,r b of the plate. Womack, Texas *M.tfbber. ( har. H# u ^ 1 ^ ! ‘Mttod in and has a coXwne# ty I.WI Baylor mfVaMnr who Utu ^ of _ m In th# was selected a. ths utility player SWf Moon was th« tergal el moat Texas placed five performers on * cuu< * **» the team. Baylor and AhM. thr**# Th# pitching staff consisted of Bach. TCU two, and SMI’ one. i Grave#, ffill, Hwlort, and Gorfo Rice was not repreaent*>d f-foor Mn* named instead of I iH-apite a ensebed ankle that | f or kept himt out of the linrur* until the conference opanar, Wallace Hub* three this year bMMioae of a U< spud Imtween Hu. Kaiph nils Art Adamson ( aorh V«d#r**»n i- shown presenting Kill- Ihe jimm) Kiel Traphj at I Sal we«A’« spring -port- barbecue haaguel. Fhe traphy goes lo the -wiauiwtr who ha* the heat all around record in hu -port, .todies, sod -lauding with the military department and l ram male*. Paul Lem mg of Texas A AM ran th# high hurdle* in 14 J* own l-ared t" I5<i hy Bol. B* rk hue of Nebiwako In ’tw miie retgy Ivice did 3 14 3 while kat.-a**, u win ning tli the Big Sevnv. tufm.i in 3 191* Parking MeturA Double S*n Antonio -<i4H There was in, (,**g] g*T* * ulh #*.; • fdomn** in 1!I5, A It . lh#»v h*re ta auh*- mohilsa, and \Vi||*e I„ Williams wasn’t around that V* ar So VA’Utanis *tke*i[ ti-lay thdt a com pis it t i hatging itm i«*g Itgw it c'iii:.«i.M, oa y * b 24, 1'Jo. A !>. U* 3>n< sae*i< Judge (’. J Matthew- gn ■'i-l a s re*jut*st Pot Hulort lltihcrl (.implied a A*1 confer* ence pitching record and tied with Gorm of Trisa for a -pot .*n the all league mound atsff. Spring T Banqurl- lit Id at I ranUin's More tlan lo# Aggie athlptc* their wives and lUte#, and the \AM com hex hihI wive* attended th. annual -pring dinner- dance! of the "T" AsoKiafton at Frank- !m'« Friday n gh!. lietn Schnckel, president *if the association and a form**! co-cap-i tain «*f ih* Marooti Im-ketball | team, »a« (rresented an award hy te.e mernhyrship of !h# cluh u- a token of the irroups npp’ocbGon tor tti. w ik during lihtfl-S# The pres* nlation was made hy Boh Mail among the landing pitcher of th# league, finiahuig with a 5-1 record. All throe Aggie* nave a yenr of ebgihility remaining and are «)*- perted hack in SoBtembcV aftlr 1 thrm* months nenu prgi play. Battalinm SPORTS MOV MAI 22. IB&4I Page J klL ra W»\\\ Moon Mo#n and teammate M allace were among lh# four unammou!. choice- for (he all-conference learn An outstanding hitler Moon al*o i» noted for hi- cen-* Id dcfeoM* e play. Thsrs# Wing# Offar You A CAREER (See Adverti-emenl on Pag# 4) .CCHAtTEPSi Can College Stftlt : Kejireiientative— 1AMPOTH TKAMNO |*OKT Consolidated'* Ktipple Sets Marti; Lamar Annex* Title Believe It or Not-It does 50 jobs! Cemplstt 1000 Gs-aus# ' I#» M Stspfm ■s pU*l< gdt baa. •«->aws non (M It staples! . . . tacks! .. . fits vest pocket or purse! *• many « hat *'*<**# ik* koom, cfRt* u iaol wka* a«#r y*- #a! Sh##dy camOudad af chraai* f i ,‘u«i wish dma#f* r *A f#s*t# tap Ha* Rka famad S#ii*yi>oa Ipht.sasa**# iaa# -f as# taci.a# itobnst. Til EXCHANGE STORE "8er\ing Text* Aggieu” (.ayh Kiippic *.f AAM t’l.n#..!- tdated «et one .*f thr#** record- ir the JTiih annual State High School, Swurumrur meet held Saturday evening in the natatorium 1 <»/ Houat#n and Highland l*krk of thiltas dominated the rm***t with th«‘ Indians edging th< S-Cot tie*, f>4 to 52, for first place hotr t or- while the young AAM ('on- 1 solidated Tiger- were third with 14 points Other teams which entered the meet finished in the follow ng or der' Auatin of Austin (1H|. Rea gan of Houaton (12 i. Auatin of How#ten and Pa**hal of Fort VMhrfh Hie Hi Austin *>f Bryan 14), Milhy of Houston i2i, and Stoi Jacmt** "f Houston < 11 Kit|»ple knocked two second* *>ff thy rwrunl set -ast year in the 1 jp-ysr*! individual medley t. gwin th# only first nla.e win for the Maroo*i« Dick Weick al*o of the '•eai high -<hoo! finished m the third syaP of the *am» event iic hind Boh Timmons of Highland Patk, and »a* aecand ui th. H*o vxrd htnasetiok* Karos ftec( th. In the diving section of meet, Jfobhy Karow wh*> w a- tw nreaeOfing Stepheii F Au«tin High af Bryan, look aacond ( iac. h' tmt* behind Bill Sc*At of Lamar Hobby Bat low held th seventh place tfi th* itki-yard for AAM t uusoli'lated while t haritor* Hatld m of Ltniar set a new i'#'-.,td in the r,**w!y recognized event with a time of 2: !l " do Tbts time wm* five -e-ofid* letter than the m-or*i set iti 1**1 yeai » meet. In the lOeyarl hark*tmi*e Tom Bat iow and Kafow fltitsh(*<i f fth ami sixth, revpectively, with !.es- h* B'd'les *.f Highland P#: k vlin ning #h*- event , Th.* (]on.olMi*t*d's l-tVybi ! nyedle* relay learn <om0n*#d <*f Tnm Bxrlow, hBi>t*le and B< h Bar luw fir.-Hid fifth in tip extent which waa won hy Highlali*t !’#>k Latgar'a Ifiu-yard fpeeftyle re lay t#»m -lashed one ae#*>i.<t off the old reco#d act in 3 *41 by Highiind Park for a time <*f 1 b 1 fim-hHut way ahead of :b sc'i>r<l piac* Scott le- Rewult- Hy Kven#. *1#* yard fr.-e-ttle 1 KdiBarrtett. Highland Park, 2 1 «rry Giahatn, laimaf, 1. George Hn.k-’gf’. lAin- ar. t. VYainef M. rritt, Lafait 5. Kugetie K*dK'. Sun .li#-itU*'l 1 Dick rneR'iig Highland Park| 7 Edward Hamm, Mdly Tint** 25 4 1 Ml-yard brea-trcAe! 1. Bvkkly Hoyt. PafM'hal, 2 lack >k#*fk \AM < onwwbdnled 3 \A gluey t,1 Inn, Highland Para. 4 Jafnca H**n- detaoa. Auatin of H<u#ti>»; 5 K*. hat : Bla< k, l.amai b '4 ri ' Sfhniau.iset laiwar. * Cali ( ; fM ner, fa-chal Time Idt’qOO. 2W>*y»rd frc#*tvle 1, Charfv.n Hadd#n l,ama-, 2 B*>#hy fini- i»<>n.s, Higkbtai Park 3 Ted B haljey. Au«tk* *.f Agstki. I BU • Begga. laiivn* J 5. Fla.# tiah'< sky, |ximaf: 4t Thu IS Fard, Uanr ar, 7, Ibh Baglpw. AA R (o#-»d idat'Q 1 i'atKi PTeffp ll’gh latwl I'ark 1^0)* '.'ll'Tjt.i. (new rv.s *# *l.i raeprd set bvf TimOiu*,* last keai*. tim# 2 12,001 loO-vard tvack-trobr 1 l*j-!i« B* c b- Hlfhbtld Park,*2 I4hlph JarngMi, Au-t|n of H.aist*tt>c 3 Kch'-fin Hu hi# Pa-r-hair 4 Dav* JRH #mh, I anmc 5, Tagi K*rh>» .A H < <uta«l»4>l'd 1 B* hhv Ha rna.r\i»#Mn of Brvaa. I Jutimu Ha*% San Itetnto fiime- l (Op 2 IPb-vard freest*. 1# 1 J* hrt S'aff**rd, Iligiil>t»Mi Bark, 2. Je.• e* \U* n. Ke<.*Mt , 3 Jack I : i l>a* .i| h iT*nek*>hi. Ixita- »t: 5. B tl Begf#, urnar: t. I'at Patrick, II ghlatid f»:k. T H> b* htacher, Austin r|f Austin; - Bill Rat«< n, Austin of Austin Tim* »- I meter diving! i] Bd! Scott, l.amai ‘>0,73: 2. Bobby Har.***, Vusitn o| Hrvan t^-l; 3 Fm k IWlvos*. Highlaral rftrk 47 l i Richard Iu**»ler, H*t*gar 47.3ti{ ’> Jack Bather, ,AiA ,in ''f H'.u— (S. VI It ! Pag- 4 i W\ FRIEND! 11*14 U I-ON. Loll . . . IX)U—for . l W'< mere on your tuunl book with a b*M>k certificate entitling you to cash purt haaei* the following i^mogU-r. IX)U—for Bpoks Military 8U|»| liej4. School «U|»- pliea, and everything. So trade at Loif* He^H riuht uilh >011 ■ _ » ■v> L, » S'»t»n.»r.t oi Unitor to* »n mHEBBmmzt ?z.:lsmb.’ ;. proems*, loulh Tssaa, oa •!* at Hurabl* Oil to n*fio*a| Coanpaag, H> ****W W tui Humble sure rang the bell with tsso 8xtra motor oil" —4- SELL THOSE BOOKS 1 RIDA*. KATI KIMY, NOM.VY — MAV to. «. I* THE EXCHANGE STORE A b»y« In* -M UifM. Vm* dts-ns **««• *»-•-•*• -w* » oil ktod# of coffoyt teofowok* WILCOX A FOllETT CO. CHICAGO TAook you, tir; other «»#ri of Esio fifro mof#r oil cotHrm that itatemoHt. Thousands of Texas motorists have changed to th# oxtrt protection of Esso Extra motor oil Their demand for Esso Extra's unique cleaning, cooling and lubricating qualities recommend Esso Extra to you. tact, tha boat motor oil you non buy—the only motor oti that comi mes detrigent dupersive action with superior wetting ibiHty, anti-oxiduing quality and htgheot viscosity index. Use aa oil that users recommend. Dram and roAU with the out-standing new motor oil of tho po#t-war years.... Humble Oil It R. ftmng Ox \ j» £sso Extra MOTOR OIL Componion in quolky to Esto Extra gatotine ■