Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1950)
I ■: ■ ■ ' \ 4 ; Ti g-- . I . i . . ■ I . 4 j I ■' .V Consolidated Band Goes to Huntsville ■ i: ’ * " : The A&M Consolidated Band 1«t-t for Huntsville . today to-observe class B bands in the <ftn test being held on that campus ■Mf ' i .'T 1 - Colonel Richard Dunn, director of ths band, laid that the consol idated band would not compete In the contest but will observe tech niques employed by other similar hands. ‘ The junior high school mixed chorus, under the direction of Mrs, Jamie Dawson, is making plans Ifb.lilng in competition in Hunts ville April 22. Further plans are to be announced. Delicious. I M I • , FOOD • ■ * * ; i \ 7 MANY WONDERFUL -VARIETIES of Fine Foods To Chopse From NO PARKING PROBLEMS Lots of Hi-Chairs n We Carry Your Tray Cafeteria /:' •, T 1949 BONFIRE PICTURE! Eight pictures of the 1049 Bonfire activities In one oompoelte picture. ■■ Showing: 1. Bonfire Building, 2. Walkie Talkie Guards 8. Veteran Guards . 4. Corps Guards on drill field 5. Hoisting Logs 6. Freshmen Guards be- [ fore lighting ceremony r 7. T^rch-light parade 1 13- fefre lighting bonfire Fire Bur 8. The Burning !U:; —ALL FOR 50c— See MARTIN HOWARD Puryear, Room 6-F Or CARROL LITTLE Room 120, Dorm I The Night Owl Uncle Willie-Novel Nightery Showman t—^ A few words of prs night-club entertainer who makes his home touring t|ia country . By Herman C. GoIIob tertaining goes Unde ig goes. A bom laxed soft-shoe shuffling are delightfully droll. Let’s take a look now at what’s going on in ies— Houston Empire Room—Rice Hotel. Dinner all day at the lush and sophis to the World.” Currently fi Donahue and his orchestra, ever $3.60 dinner is served. A urday, $1 during the week. Southern Dinner Club—81 pet and his orchestra play for a coyer charge is happily af Emerald Room—Sham Shamrock’s Varsity Matinee Night tarriff $1.60 per person eluding tax), admits you to t! snazziest and most fabulous night spot in the land, where you dance to the music of Henry King, liften to the songs of Marguerite Phelan, and the hurmonichords of Boprah Minnevitch' and his Hnrnioiiica Rascals, the present entertuii|m at the Rock. i, J 11 Plantation—#101 South W| q 1 Let it be known that the one jat only Ciena Krupa, whose merciif flaying of the drum haa biici him world-wide acclaim, ivlll Plantation tonight Cover is $: iiuiron, appearing fora television, or Jng stage mm acreen with his healthy tal ents. In tlmea when the avenge fleer e hew consist! of e atrip-teas- ar who eould have caused even Casanova to take vows of celi bacy, an adagio-dance duo of the type vT the male member the female over head and twirls round and round, and a song stress-comedienne and master of ceremonies both of whom must get their material off rest room walls, the versa tile and ebullient Uncle Willie ia novel and 're freshing as a cold wat er fountain in the mid dle of the Sahara. Although young in years. Uncle Willie is a veteran as far as en pantomimes, mimicry, and re- other Texas nighter- ; uiiurcr uegins at 6:80 p.m., dancing ted Empire Room, “Houston’s Welcome is/the “Whispering Music” of A1 cov^r charge before 9 p.m. or when- r 9/cbver is $1.60 on Friday and Sat- Gray Avenue. Benny Belie, his trum- ancing couples at the Southern, where Hotel. We’re still hysterical over the eld every Sunday from 1 till 4. A in TH* BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 14, Dean D. B. charactature of tha Ti mads in service ef srd IT’S ’rocram. •id’* retiremei the program, seated, * liartmrnt •miles happily at a . A. Adams, present director The prcNcntation was rement from fourteen bbins, looks on. years makes Aggie April Calendars Of Events Available Aggie calendar of events for Exjchj April are ni Student Acti formation ai Store, and the Aggie- according to Sid Wise, as- vities Office, the In- sistant manager of. Student Pub- Housing Office, the lications. ipnge ow available! at the land Inn, i T THE TALK OF THE TOWN THE ONE AND ONLY For Good Food and Popular PrL Falk of the town nent in at the Plot a one-nlihtery eluding tux. i. Dallas l/ou-Ann*—Greenville i and erV Lane. 1/ou-Anna pipes! box music to Its habitues, who paid a 76c cover to dance and drink ufnld the pine-knotted tytills^ The Chalet—6400 Gaston Aye. Cozy and Swank with its Ski-iss mating lodge atmosphere, the eHa- tet goes easy oh the pocketbook. Guests may dance to the rythms of the Leonard Olson trio for a $1.60 cover charge ($1 on week days), which 'is deductible 1 ftom steak dinners. Burch’s—Corner of North Carroll. Jungle atmosphere; Burch’s: walls adorned Y'ith j, gle murals, everything 1 elae gulfed in leopard skin covers, colored gent plays an ardent boog ie piano ana philosophizes atyout the Kinsey report. r \ Waco Casa Blanca — 33rd apd Park Lake Drive. Baylorville’s center of night-life.attraction, the Caso sus tains six^nights a week of “1 music. During the week, music furnished by a combo, an orchestra inhabiting the I (See NIGHT OWL, Page 6 e« v ' ve” ♦ha puna 'n p at ttaplar that deal a man-dzad iobl ^ Goes everywhere! You’ll bo eslonishcd et how meny uses it hesl Sturdily constructed of chrome-finished steel with durable red Tenite top. The hiodi**f you’ve,ever seenl ... SO" FOR OFFICE. SCHOOL. HOME; WHEREVER YOU GOi; LJmo AIsa ^winnlinm — —• ^ -, i iR• Tm® toitiwO ^winuiin® vD®® -l 1 —foe tplit-saconc fadtinq, flip bata '• 1' £ EXCHANGE & “Serving Texas Aggies’ i ready! L-/ ' fow Five Year Vete ST CaUs O By W. H. MOBLEY Washington, I. Trunr te 7 April 14——• S. Truman atartad his sixth as preaidant yesterday, a Uy more confidant man than shaken substitute called by to taka command in 1 the t nation and the biggest He ia eaptain and quarterback op the first team now, confirmed by the people’s vote. And aa such he la calling hia own Risya Wtaad of trying to baas decisions on what Franklin D. Roosevelt would have It was iuat flva.yaars ago Wod- that Prssfdent Roosevelt Warm Springs, Ga., Truman was I to the White HeuSa to sworn in aa his 1 Today friends dascr bad the as a Man full of confi- _lit for his erica's prob- The day found pim in the middle of plans to do just that, In a ^whistle ■top” speechmaking drive across enttic scribed ,tne views tb a. re| “Ha is frame of tions good, are fight demo- Senata, de attitude ami and in a happy He thinka condif the country i woifld problems is ready to FOR MUSIC THAT CANT BE BEAT . . Xt'a really a treat I Buy libit “AGGIE WAR HYMN” Wo all know that It’s the bast In the land ... So buy ’am now while Lou has them on hand ' LOUPOT’S “Trad# with Lou — Ha’a rlght^with you" / T A&M METHI CHUR) v ; , ■ iK) , | 11 You are cordially invited to at tend all the church services. Sunday: 9:50 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.—Evening Worship Wednesda; 6:00 P, Rev. James Jackson Pastor Dinner' for program jj- i SILVER SALE FOR THE BEST IN SILVER Handaomcly Designed STERLING SILVER Ci Classic Patterned SALT and PEPPPER SHAKERS j ? - . —and— MANY OTHER BEAUTIFUL GIFTS SANKEY PARK JEWELER XU N. Main Bryan P BANKING SERVICE COLLEGE STATION’S OWN College Station State Bank North Gate The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” With Two Stores Main Campus A & M Annex American Laundry — and — Dry Cleaners Bryan, Texas Serving the College Station and Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Bank & Trust Co. '' 1 it. .. : hC. i BRYAN TEXAS Federal Dopoolt Insurance Corporation Henry A Miller & Co. J • j ' ’ j, , ' North Gate Phone 4-1145 Hardware . , Furniture |j Gifts ; ai: — # a# FOfHMATr Vi 'S 110 u 1 Serving The Texas Aggies Since 1942 pfofth Pate iCol^ge ptatloo ^ „I t y Thoughtful people ore becoming increasingly aware that what is commonly called an education is not enough. Of course we need the training that sharpens our wits and develops our skills. But real educa tion must go deeper than thatl Somehow, somewhere, we must find direction to life, so that wit and skills will be employed not only for self but for the common good. For some fortunate persons this emphasis is made in the home. Where this takes place, under Christian guidance, there is a last ing quality to the training that time can seldom efface. Sometimes the college or university offers this valued guidance and the student, as he sits before a Christian profes sor, learns more than books and les sons. He catches here some of the deeper overtones of life's 1 true meaning. special), way this extremely ant instruction is imparted by In a _ important instruction is imparted by the Christian Church, the mother of education. Through worship, study, fellowship, activity, we learn that noble purposes are infinitely su- perior to mere things, and through fellowship with God we are made strong for every test that life can throw against us.' Member City National Bank Federal Deposit Insurance Corporal lor Bryan, Texas v r Calendar of Church ServiceH j A&M Christian Church 9:45 A M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 5:00 P.M.—Supper Group j I A&M Church of Christ 9:45 A.M.—Bible Classes 10:45 AAL—Morning Worship 7:15 AAL—Tooth meeting A&M Methodist Church 9:30 A AC.—Cadet Coffe Hour 10:00 A AC.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.—Evening Worship Christian Science Society 11:00 AAC.—Morning Worship St. Mary’s Chapel 8:30 A.M.—Sunday Mass 10:00 AAC.—Sunday Maas if College Station 9:45 A At.—Sunday Sc Chapel Club - 10:60 A.M. _ 6:15 P.M.—Baptist ___ 7:15 P.M.—Evening W St. 8:00 ■„, 9:30 A.M.f-Aggie 9:80 A.M.—C»5roh 11:00 AAC.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Evening Service 6:30 P.M.—Student League 7:30 P.M.—Fellowship Service American Lutheran Church 9:80 A.M —Bible Class 10:45 AAC.—Worship Service A&M 9:45 u*.oo Church School Worship S. - LAUNDR0MAT HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY ■ j & CLEANERS Authorized Deader Hamilton (Home) Dryer O^e Block East of College View Apts. College Station, Texas :rt_ &M Grill North Gate BEST SUNDAY DINNER LLEGE STATION AFTER . ! 1 IN ; ‘ i ! if, < I j i** T : PUCK’S 1 1 , Repair Shop NortkGste ; '17,