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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1950)
THE BATTALION* FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1950 FRESHMAN STAFF Joel Austin Elwood Schmidt Allen Pengelly Pat LrBlitne Joe Blanchette ..Managing Feetnra ..Auiataht Sports I LoveliW, . .Ueaner VINITIAN BUNDS ILet^u* show you tht'sxtn beauty ijg?new'cleanability and lasting sarvice you get with our' sasaensw'gjdde'Venetian blinds Jly advertised. •uriJyHm KAsno TAPt CORONET FURNITURE CO. 203 N. Main ' irjnii T .f T|XAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY _ j SCHOOL OF FIME ARTS Dr. T. Smith McCorkle, Dean Announces A NEW RECORD ALBUM oi» JS *S8.° • ” don emis v - f , \ » - ■* -6 SIDES. 78 RPM. THE NEW LONDON SYMPHONY CONDUCTED BV-THE COMPOSER. MANUFAC TURED BY LONDON RECORDS, 7 FFRR. ISSUED UNDER TCU SCHOOL OF. FINE ARTS LABEL. $ 5— Per Album • : *' -v SEND YOU* OAOC* TO i SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS TEXAS CHRISTIAN / UNIVERSITY FORT WORTH, TEXAS TR Unit X-ray 1282 Persons ‘ . I ‘ - • . , , ! . I li At Bryan The Annex came through flying color* last week in the TB .Chest X-ray drive sponsored by the Brazos County TB Association with a total of 1282 x-rays taken during the two day stay at Brylin Field. 1 Six hundred eighty-two people wore registered the first day With the crew of ladies from Bryan and the Annex that took care of the paper chores in the outer office of the room in the Administration Building. . . ! Physical education classes were dismissed, during the two days in older for students to come by for the x-rays at regular intervals j in stead of between and after claves. A large portion of the people x-rayed came from the Vocational School located adjacent to Bryan 1 Air Field. Veterans wives afid college employees at the Annex w-i so helped round out the total amount. J Ten of the thirteen students at the Annex that Wgistered straight “A” grades last semester are left to right, standing, Fred K. Wautera of Con verse, Jarrell B. Muxg of Houaton, Ed. P. Rodri quez of Eagle Pass, Richard C. Faulkner of Port Arthur, Frank G. Nedbalek of Bryan, and Robert l>. Andrews of Terra„ Okla.; seated, John L. £ Goughj of Temple, Richard M. Zeek of Houston, Chaunce O. Thompson of Breckenridge and Ed ward William Hegmann of LaMarque. Not pic tured are Lyle A. Wolfsklll of Houston, Joe B. Mattel of San Antonio and Billy P. Jones of Bryan; Freshmen to Hear Talk on MSC Jobs ayn Meinroial Student Center, and Chris Gent, personnel director for the Center, will be at the Annex Thursday, Aril 20, to speak to freshmen interested in working in the Memorial Student Center next 'year. ^ Student labor applications will be passed out at the meeting to men interested in working in this spacious building scheduled to open next September. The meeting will be'at 6:30 p. m. in ithe Annex theater. Annex Sports . . . By JOEL AUSTIN Plans for the. annual Mother’s Day Program at the Annex pro gressed this week with .the nam ing of seven committees to take care of arrangements for the events scheduled Saturday and Sunday, May 13 an 14. Also completed was a rough draft of an invitation containing the program for the webk end and a letter to the parents asking them to attend the All-College Day ceremonies, W. G. Breazeale, dean of Annex students announced. Almost every phase of agri culture and engineering offered at the Annex will have displays for the visiting parents and friends to look over. Exhibits from science, mathematics, departments have also ed in the day’s events, according to Breazeale. Tentative Schedule The schedule for the two day program, although still somewhat tentative, gets underway Satur day afternoon with the numerous exhibits on display, followed by land Orchesra contrii musical background. Sunday’s big program will fea ture a flower-pinning ceremony early in the morning, followed by a regimental parade on the air strip. Religious services for the students, parents, and friends will be held shortly thereafter under the leadership of W. S. Thornton, freshman regimental chaplain, Dinner will be served in Ithe Mess Hall immediately after the church services. , { Afternoon Crowded The afternoon, will be crowded The Annex freshman .baseball team defeated the Allen Academy Ramblers Saturday, April 1, in a 13-10 error-studded game on the Allen diamond. The fish scored twice in the first inning, and five times in the third inning. Litton of Allen Aca demy found his fastbalj in the Bobbie Boydstun Miss Boydstun will be the Fresh man Class’ duchess to the Cot ton Pageant and Ball. Selected freshman sweetheart last Feb ruary, Miss Boydstun, a resident of Shreveport, Louisiana :w^ll | be escorted by Willard Scholar; Grant Made Available To Experiment Station The Hercules Powder Coijnpftny, Wilmington, Del., has made) avail able to the Texas Agricjultjurul Experiment Station of thej A&M College System a grant of $3,877. “SHRSTof j 1 ! r ■ ! 1 '**■ * I; Opinions And Attitudes j At The Annex By ALLEN PENGELLY ! . [The second edition of Opinions! and Attitudes begins with the quiestion, “Do you think a variety! show could be a success at the Annex? If so, do you thinly that! acta could be put or> a company! and flight basis?” This topic wasj chosen because numerous requests have been turned in to officials! concerning a variety show andj these officials in turn have Von- deired if a successful show might be produced. After questioning 100 Annex Freshmen we found that 66%j of the fish were highly in favor ofj such a show providing that it was! not scheduled for a week-end. |24% said that they did not think it would be successful because of the amount of extra time it wouldj require and also because they thought there was a scarcity of gpod talent at the Annex. I Upholding (he variety Show I z'. 7 7-: ; - idea is Milton Pace, an animal husbandry student from Valley View. Said Milton, “If everyone would cooperate it would be a lot of fun, and since a lot: of boys out here are talented, it should n’t be hard to put on a bang-up show.” Guy Warren, pre-law niajor from Corpus Christi, agreed with Pace in that “A variety show Iwould of fer Annexites a chance to see their friends display their talent and it would be a good source! of enter tainment.” £ Leading off for the negative side of the question is ftyron Black, a Bryan business major who says, “It sounds good until you stop to think about the source! of talent. I don’t think there is enough real talent on the Annex to warrant ^putting on a variety show." Bryan Spencer supports the first two opinions by asserting, "Sounds OK to me, and with a lot of work by the participants it should go over pretty good.” Approximately 10% (if the peo ple questioned had no cbmment to make in the matter or they pre ferred to remain silent! w J; S / VI 4 ’ 1 “In the spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of”... Renault! Because Renault makes with the piles and mooches with the moola! Renault’s ’master-minder’ carburetor hoards gas more avidly than your rich uncle hoards pennies. Ilenanlt travels 40-50 miles to the gallon. Four can go from Washington, D. C., to New Yc rk for 29 cents each... Tootle that tune on your licoricb stick! (Proof on request.J A penny postcard brings the 1 growing Renanlts to your classmates, prof* price of any four-door, four-p your future and mail an inquiry id details how yon, too, can join the t>f Renault campus sub-dealers and sell i and local merchants... at the lowest 1 sedan in America. Invest a penny in I today! It’s.Smart! It's Thrift; RENAULT SELLING BRANCH, INC ' It's Frenc s ■ .U; AD WAT It's Renault NEW TORK, N. T. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! The Table Lamp that ad comfort and reading pi sure to your living roo ds lea- >m. " ! : ) . m -a in a Beautiful designs that make setting the table an honor. aJSware - Large glasses that are the best for serving ice tea in the hot summer months. —AND MANY ! ; .> ■ • / ’ ■ ’ t Central Texas Hardware Co. 202 S. Bryan Ave. and other been enter- th 5 Pool Open The swimming pool gt Annex was opened this, week with swim hours for. Annek students scheduled from two uit- 2fl five-thirty o'clock during week-ends and three until five o’clock during the week, accord ing to an announcement from the Annex I».E. dep“~ — * 13-10 fojurth inning as the first three bajtters felt his fury. ' jRodriquez and McMahan scored in the fifth inning after getting on base on walks and going on to score on an infield error, j The sixth inning saw two more fish runs as Hagg and Bradley ored on a passed ball and arl erthrow to third base respective- Hawthorn made the final score after doubling into .center field apd coming into home on a passed ball. Rodriquez, Marlow, and Cook pitched for the fish. Eliminations in Tennis Tourney ! In the second round of the An- nex Open Tennis Tournament the niore experienced netters came out vjetors in every match. Veteran sivatters Bill Bristow, W. T. Sim- njions and Jimmie Willspn have looked very impressive in tourney pjlay. Both Bristow and Simmons ejxhibited smooth, steady game in blasting Pat LeBlanc and M. E. Beck respectively in love! games. Willson got off to a slow start in ; is match with B. H. Hudspeth, ut went ahead by winding six traight games. It was Willson’s orner-accurate serve that was the notent factor in his continuous Sally. J. J. Martin had a rough bat tle with J. P. Bell, but after tne hour and 16 minutes of fine ack-court and net play, Martin on out with a 9-7 count. T. E. eller swung out a short game in over S. T. Grissom, 8-1. Short, but speedy, L L H. Runge bowed all of his tennis prowess n slashing R. T, Childress, 8t3. unge is rapidly proving to be pn utstanding tourney netter by His tead incss in match wins over alton and Childress. Vardiman jplcyed a good net. game in his 8-1 contest over W. Alley. OTHER GIFTS— '7. ■ .4 -f Bryan i ? •/- r - • . . I . >■. L;.. ,1 ppartment. Other Committees O her committees named were publicity, Joel Austin, Pat. Le- BluOc, Elwood Schmidt, and Allen Pengelly; parade, T. E. Bailey, J. C. Wallas, W. G. Shown, and D. „ E. Kruger. ' ” T le refreshment* committee con* 1 sistu of John-M. Yantis, W, K. Zimtoorman, F. W. Trahan, and W. 2, Moses; while Wm. S. Thorn* ton, Don Olsen, Bob Baker, and Jack Thornton make up the religi ous services committee. The first: ian named on eAch committee-it — mni the . chairman. i ■ f BaTi'a -1 . / p. : . . . light up a PHILIP MORRIS then, just take a puff —don’t inhale—and s-l-o-w-l-y let the Amoke come through your nose. Easy, isn't it? Ip! •. light up your present brand Do exactly the same thing — DON T inhale. Notice that bite, that sting? Quite a difference « - iur MORR | S | Prom Thousands and thousands of smokers!—whe in signed statements that Philip Morris is del definitely milder than their own branc this test—report itely less irritating. See for yourself what a diff erence it makes, what a pleasure to. smoke America’s FINEST Cigarette. Try Philip Morris . ■i r to- j .v iSURE! - , . :*v j 'S4