Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1950)
; \ —- 1 ■ ' ' ■ f it?! . - t ■ ’ . . *t 1;' j ■’ i ' . i, : j: 1 ■. : J; ! ' i • V■; - I - -J i / *■ ■■■■iiiaaiagaTiwn—n——f— THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1950 THE BATTALION 1 i Page 3 ■ : , ! m The t'ity of C'olleKe Htallon U here ehown In ani> atatlon aa orittlnally ewnceived anti aketrhed by (he fourth^arade art atudenla of AAM Conaolf* dated Mchorfl. The map waa drawn by the rlaita Instructed by 1 Mrs. J. V. Perry. Included In the picture In major landmarks of the colleire and of the city. In the upper left can be seen the city hall, the PMA^buildlnp, and the Campus theater. The sinftle church at the North Gate represents the church district. Below the North Gate Prexy’s fountain I er si III Is American drlllliiir oi In Kyle PI the Consol the mtlp hlkluK*] i hibit at t drawn pluc thi “te Acad hown I hr. flax, four A the main drill Id and In the dated school. |s complete, sh e map has r< ie Colleire Htat LI’L ABNER Calling All Carsons s tC,H.'. r - EV'RY TIME AH GITS ANOTHER PIECE O' TH' PITCHER O' TH' GAI_ WHOSE KNEECAP AH LOVES p. LI’L ABNER c stater tower, and low> lemlc ItulldinK with the I kM Cadets are depicted field, tn the, lower left lonter rlxht Is pictured Also, at the Kast Gate, wFnit'Xh AkkI*' hitch* ently been put on ex* ion .State Bank. 5,500 Strong .... ies Now CS Citizens (For Census) College Station’s official popu lation will receive about a 5,600 boost in the 1950 census. The boost will come from the A&M campus | student body, a group not allowed | to be counted a decade ago. Students can’t vote, pay taxe$, or run for office, but they now seem to be official citizens of Col lege Station. Three students have been ap pointed to make the official count for the college, according to Hom er B. Adams, Brazos county cen sus captain. Bryan Field freshmen will go Into the county total, since their geographical location makes it impossible for them to lie includ ed in either the College Station or Bryan count. They numbflr about 1,100, according to college officials. The freshmen census will be con* ducted by a student’s wife living' at the Bryan Field Village. Building Products Market Men Meet Students taking the Building Product* Marketing curriculum In the Business ami Accounting De partment have been asked by Kalph Hook, H A A professor to contact him If they Intend to find a summer Job In line with the re quirements of their course. Hook will aid those who need help In securing such jobs. He would like to see all Interested students, though, so he can deter mine How many will be taking the summer jobs. By AI Capp The Wail at the .Lonesome FOLKS KEEPS TELLIN' ME, WHY SHOULD AH EAT MAH HEART < OUT FO' LI'L ABNER. FOLKS KEEPS TELLIN' , ME THAR'S r -'; I ' A WLENT-y O' 1. BOVS IN TH' THE Nt ,s 'THl -FAT Cl ( 4AME ON THE LIST ‘GUN’CARSON ff CE, WYOMING. ire THEY >)<EEPS SAVIN A GAL ME Ki _ CHOOSI ’ ANY BOY SHE WANTS.*? LI’L ABNER The Fat Chance of a Lifetime • Sj i . on*_tjckct, tsshw rf tS^£sNrr1V ANOTHER V PAT CHANCEbs. wise » wyominCT.^—./;? L yOO KNOW THAT , YEARS AGO, THIS RAILROAD SAVE UP AT TAT CHANCE WYOMING’- INSTEAD OF CROSSING T> “ CONTINENTAS LI’L ABNER ii, f WONDER HOW HE HANDLES THIRD GUN ?- < By Ai Capp WAL—SOgf-AH CHOOSES LI’L ABNER. CHOSE HIM HIM TH' FUST TIME. AH SEEN HIM, WHEN WE WAS LI'L , 'CHILLUNI.'T-SO-'HERE AH IS—STUCK W/F A BOV AH HAIN'T . yN-*. SO THEM FAT CHANCERS IS ) SO TOUGH TWET NO SANE A HOOMIN SEAN WILL GO THAR. _ IN .-mET CASE — JWr J< HERE AH OOME." Little Yokum, What Now? II OMLp*> NONE O' TH' REG'LAR AIRLINES WILL TAKE ME 4 WHAR AH WANTS * r'fv-irr LIT. ABNER I heard that son.*/ DON'T WORRY .T— I'LL .VOO.T' 'DARE-DEVIL IS THE NAME. ANO ~ IS MY GAME.*:'' The Right Man for the Job •UiPff-AU. THESE plane*-—but NOBODY'LL TAKE ME r FAT chaniCe .re’ u’ - v -FLYIN'_ you and Jl 5T PA pf-F FANNY-??- MUSt AH NEMAN SEEN ONE O'TMOM* MV PILOT'S r By AI Capp I'VE CARRIED PASSENGERS , OVER ACTIVE VOLCANOS ED 'EM THROUGH IIC CLOUDS.'T-I'LL . TAKE SLNYappY.^ , 1 THEN, WILL VO'TAKE ME TO FAT CHANCE ? WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM ? C-CRAXY ? 4/0 J: By AI Capp -OUST BECAUSE I FLEW IN ONE WINDOW OF THE old r ‘ SbimN VYC. WIIYDLHV tn- LADIES' HOME iDE E bowrf>T-~ IN ONE HOUR- |YOl I WON'T BE * PILOT ANY i --DON'T V, iFt-.' 'f % J/' ¥ W Fight Can cor Boyle’s Column • • • Daush ters Start ed pro New York——The two young daughters of Maribel Vinson have made an even earlier start in life than did their famous mother. “Both my girls took up ice skat ing at the age of 2,” she laughed. “I was 3 myself when I began.’’ That was 35 years a^jo. Her father strapped a pair of double runners to her feet, 1 she took a few tentative steps—-and was off on a career that was to make her on^ of the best known figures in American sports. Skating was pure joy and pas sion to her. Maribel won her first women’s national figure skating at 16, and she captured it eight more Texas Cattlemen Set Fall Meeting The Texas and Southwestern Cattleraisers Association will hold its quarterly directors meeting at A&M Sept. 29 and 30, it was !an- nounced today to Dr* J. C. Mijler, head of the Animal Husbandry Department. A part of the meeting will! be devoted to dedication of the hew beef catle center of ^the Animal Husbandry Department, Dr. Mil ler said. The date of the meeting and pro gram arrangements have been con firmed by Ray Willoughby of San Angelo, new president of the! or ganization. The Texas and Southwestern Cattleraisers Association has more than 10,000 members in Texas, Ok- laEdma and New Mexico. i The meeting will be one of| the events of the year-long observance of the 75th anniversary of A&M. Senate Loses Voice, Takes Early Recess Washington, April 6—(A*)—The Senate ran out of speeches Tues day and had to recess about two hours before its usual quitting time. Vice President Barkley told senators “It ought to be regarded us a notable historical event that the Senate has fun out of some- thing to say/ Is The Senate was debating a dis placed persons hill, oil oers hava agreed to whl'fh vote. mem- times before she turned profes sional in 1938. Only one woman consistently beat her in world competition—Sonja Henic. Today, at 38, she still spends eight to ten hours a day on the St. Moriz Club rink at Berke ley, Calif., teaching her skill to RS Club Sponsors Opportunity Talk Paul C. Stevens, visiting teacher for Galena Park High School, will be the Rural Sociology Club’s Job Opportunity speaker Tuesday night, April 11, at 7:30 in Room 208 of the Agriculture Building. Stevens, an A&M graduate of the claHK’ of 1942, majored in rural sociology with u minor in educa tion. In his present work he has thaTlual role of social wurker and educator, He'^worked for several years with the Harris County Probation Department. Recently he has done graduate work at A&M. t In addition to the duties, of and the qualifications for hjs present job. Stevens will outline; the work, ami the training of a probation officer, j*Un want But J do 'sometime* what 1 might have done if n't turned professional." VN FREE! Babie Brownie SPECIAL CAMERA Yours with any of these .. SUPER ftrfeble Especially designed to get far away stations. 3-way! AGDC— batteries. Lightweight, maroon plastic case. Simulated leather handle. Big buy! Model 16S. Other Beautiful Models Priced At $19.95 $29.95 $44.95 ACT NOW! 203 N. Main T Sq/oy* DiHofous Dinner with th*9* turn r ry SEA FOAM NUT SQUARES \ Congratulations To Mrs. Eddit R. Wagontr Bryan, . Ttxms ■ | Onr ./ the 100 winners.' Alt recipes won with Pillsbury’s Best- they require Pillsbury’s Best in your kitchen sm Bake of 325° F for 25 lo 30 minutes. Makes about 4 do.-rn tquarm. cu^tA, H "•***.. * K cup .......2 cup* sifted Pilltbwry's Bast In- t tur*. Blend well, px richad FIbmt Spraerf..... in kreused jund floured IfixJO in. 1 teaspoon double-acting baking pan or in two 9x9i2*inriMilM^ w p #w * #r i«o*. •... .2 ••• wbit«t until ptiff, but not H teiwpoon tab dry. Add H teaspoon soda ‘ IH cup« firmly'packad brawn tuft or Croam .. • H cup tharffnlng; add gradually « little atla Nine, beating wall M Cup »»gan , . after each addition. h cu»> firml^'packed a brawn •wgar Spraad,..., over cookiti dough; sprinkle with •«»a fluffy. 1 cup chopped nidi. ... 11 .. Mke in alow oven ClUft* P.) for 2ft water. Mil well; add to 3u mlndlea. Cut into bart or mtuerea while ettll warm. , „.jnly'packed b» and crenm until light •Ir&rfoiL.*, h teaspoon venilld. Pillsbury's BEST Hoar I 5 LB. BAG. 43c The 3 Grand Prize-winning recipes in the FILLSBURY 1100,000 H iking Contest FREE TO OUR CUSTOMERS tiff- THtM At muBvn movr oisriAW 8 Pound Can CRISCO 73c ; ] ■ ! ’ I 1 Pound Can CALC ME T Baking Powder 19 c Fresh Infertile EGGS From Mitchell 33c doz. h of iful enthusiasts, m rather at, another < ross- roads in my life now.’C^^e si d. “I never want to give up skat ng— aftek- all my mother still ska in at 70 and my father skated until he was 76—but 1 don’t want to •my whole time at it.” Maribel feels that many sljjaters today spend entirely too mu their lives on the ice. .1 “We used to skate onlji' winter months. Now they 11 months of the year. That ijiak the 1 competition more dog-ea and takes the zest out'of it. “Most of this high-nressu|re i unnecessary. A great skater n’t have to skate all year to keep great—but if your c titor does it, you do it. It’i a rtierry-go-round.” Mis* Vinson has no regret^ over the big role skulling has pin her own life. , * i ‘il don’t know whether 1 to take my own children thfoukh the same routine- -It’* a long i oa she shUI. "But I got n trome id it mount of fun out of skul||ini rmfre than I do now, I'm sun I hitw u 1 lot of the world I'i hulily never seen. juet- >: / 3 Cans Heinz Baked Bean| and one Oval (ilasshake Casserole .. . only- 83c T W RIG LEY’S Chewing Gui^i 3 Pkgs. Cartoij ifc i i W / ,M/V\\vi:m, mu si: COFFEE Pound Can 7<ic Market Black Rind—One Year Old Wisconsin Cheese . lb. 55c Armour’s Star—Half or Whole flams . . j. . '. L . lb. 51c Tender Veal „ • i Loin Steak . . . . . Ib. 71c Tender Veal—Square Cut Shoulder Roast. , lb. 63c Home Dressed HENS and FRYERS ★ Produce ★ Large Crisp ; t. Celery....... Each 10c 200 Size s . / Florida Oranges . Doz. 35c Fresh Corn . . 6 ears 37c Red DeliciouN-*^8K Size Apples... : lb. Ik 16-oz. Can Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup .... 2 — No. 2 Cans Diamond f Cut Green Beans , . . . 2—17-oz. Can I .t- Green Giant Peas . . . 2 — 303 Cans Dole’s Fruit Cocktail . . . .,j. 2 — No. 2 Cans Tomatoes .. r .... T. 21c 2—12-o/. Cans Delmonte Vacuum Packed Whole Kernel Corn . . 3lc 16-oz. Jar Monarch / i Spieled Crab Apples . . 25c / Green Label Star Kist Tuna ;llc 2 — No. 2V6 Cans Libbys [ Peach Halves . .... 49c ^ 1 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY ft SATURDAY k APRIL 7TH ft 8TH Charlie’s Food Marke4 North Gate College Station /! V <s;.