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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1950)
f ! Col Offh City Of Station Newspaper J'- 1' (•> t ,i Volume 49: Number 124 i : ' \ f »• •>i,V ■ ■ ' f v • i ■ j ' ; I ■ I ! T 11 J V t A 1 i i ! T Nftti Daily 1949 Survey 'I; LV THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE T ~i • TZ ; ror I ■ t »y KEN WIGGINS Two of A&M’s four new water wells haVe been completed and cas ing was being set In the third one Tuesday, according to T. R. Spence, _ Director of ' Physical Plants. The first well was pumped to a maximum test of 700 gallons per minute, lAit has been fitted with t a 460 gallon per minute pump, and the second well will deliver 360 gallops per minutb, which is about one half million gallons per day. “The quality of the water from ’ bdth of these wells is of the same > excellent quality as the water from the City of Bryan and the Bryan Field wells,’* Spence said. “This water contains only 300 parts per million of total dissolved minerals, which is very pure.”, $20,000 Cost The wells are being drilled one mile northwest of Bryan Field by Layne Texas Company at a contract cost of $20,000 per well. All the wells are in sparta sand, which runs about 100 to 130 feet thick. The top of the sparta sand U from 300 to 400 feet below the surface o'f the ground, said Spence. The construction of these high production wells includes the drllU . ing of a 20 inch hole to the top ’ the sparta sand, and setting an 18 incH casing In this hole. This casing 4* cemented from top to bottom to seal off the shallow v water. V'. Undgmeath the casing the well Is drUled and rctyned to 30 inches i_ jik, . t|in | nc jj 18 Inch casing. 180 fret of this ( __ ji sparta sand) 4s made of very fine screen. Flno gravel Is placed around the screen to keep sand dut, Spence added. \ A six Inch flow pipe is then in serted, which lias it deep well pump at the bottom and an electric motor on the surface. Bids In May “The fourth well will be drilled as soon as the thin! one is com pleted, and within two weeks we will advertise for bids to be re ceived/ in May on eight miles of main water sbppiy line. The water will be collected in ' a reservoir near well number one, and this ijiain supply line will bring the prater from this reservoir to one at the pumping and breeding station. Here it will be pumped into the . rollege .distribution system,” said Spence. 'Spence said that completion of the “entire project wan expec sometime in the fall. i A ten year contract with tl City of Bryan expired March 28, but an interim contract has authorized by the Board of rectors and the City Cqmmissior ers, Spence said. This new conti provides for the continuance of water delivery to the college at ia base rate of ; thirteen cents per 1,000 gallons until the new col lege water supply system is com pleted. “Under the old contract wat*r was supplied at six cents Ijjor 1,000 gallons:-for five years, and at seven cents per 1,000 gallons for the last five,” added. Spence. “Both of the rates were bn a stepped pro duction basis beyond a maximum amount per year.” Zeiske Report!! German Press As Hindered The German press is bad:, bound by centuries of tradi tion, but there is good reason to hope they may shed these encumbering conven ti o n b, Frans Zeiske, publisher of ths Bellvillc Times, told an assembly of Journalism students last niglft. Zeiske, who spoke on “Gertini in " »rs and German Peopli last summer from » tour newspaper*. He WM the Press and Jourhi I* istic Project of Information Sir- vices Division of Offices for Mi 1- ttary Government for (Jermar y. “American newspapers shoe Id realize the problems of the G< r- mun press,” Zeiske told the qu- dience. “Credit should be given to the extensive campaign now being conducted through the Military Government to wipe out theee hindering customs.” Since the Hitler regime flfat came into power, German news papers have been in a virtual “blackout,” fearing the govern ment and allowing it to control the press, Zeiske said. It is he hope of our “visiting experts” tl tat the newspapers there will eveit- ually get away from these rrs- training influences which now per meate their every page, he add|ed. jstin lure Editor Dave Coslett bean s and a/certificate of Editorial Excellence presented The Battalion. Looking onto the scene are (1 to r) Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist; R. L. Hardaker, representing Lumberman’s Mutual Casualt Insurance Company; President F. C. Bolton; Governor Allan Shivers; and Dean M. T. Harrington. ! Gov. Shivers Lauds Bait Contest Effort By JOHN WHITMORE Governor Allan Shivers, Chan cellor Gibb Gilchrist, and Presi dent of j the College F. C. Bolton headed the list of honor guests at the fornial presentation of the cer tificate ! of Editorial Excellence, to the Battalion yesterday. This award, jiponsored by the Lumber mens Mutual Casualty Company, was for the Christmas Safety Sec tion. j ' Dave Coslettl feature editor of The Battalion, accepted the certi ficate and the cash award of $600 in behalf of the Battalian. Conlett edited tlie prize winning edition.'. R, U Hardaker, of Lumberman’* MuttiaUprwntcd the awar^ljd her Conditions existing in Gern an journalism only reflect conditions in the entire country, he said. e«.„. ' \ /' ' UfJteMtisa ■ v •,.' 'Ljr - v • • I • >•.. sM.; ■ .'.y$ .• 4 f ‘ ' I • Pointers Send ‘Thanks’ Letter Aftfer Weekend A letter of thanks to the Corps of Cadets from two West Point cadets was re ceived today by Col H. L. Boatmir, PMS&T. Cade'; Captain First Class Jared Schopp;r and Cablet Frank Wat son, members of the U. S. Military Academy’s Debate Team, wrote the comma! idant expressing their ap preciation for the hospitality shown them during their Visit on the cam pus at the time of the Military Ball. The letter received by the com mandant read as follows: “Dealr Colonel Boatner: ,f “Thaink you for the generous hospitality, friendliness and au dience {which you provided Cadet Watso'ij and me 'at A&M. We en joyed the debate even though the decision was adverse to the small er halfj of the Army. “Sir,j we were very much im pressed with your school. My know ledge of A&M has been mostly hearsay and because of our visit, though! brief, I think I learned a great deal of the objectives and goal of the embryo officer’s train ing, there. Especially did we admire the friendliness and geniality of the cadets: Hands, a little frayed on the! edges after the ball, test ify toj that. “But seriously, the parade, re ception, supper in the cadet din ing hail and the ball were terrific. I believed we received^ a fairly comprehensive introduction to life at A&M. “Please relay our thanks to Col. Lewis {(senior infantry branch of ficer) and cadets who took so much care in meeting our need. And If at all possible, please send a debate team to West Point. We’d like an other crack at the boys and an op portunity to show them the same kind of hospitality that we re ceived! “Sincerely yours, Jared Schop- per, C»det Captain First Class.” lalf of his company. He praised ’he Battalion for “ . . . the ex- illent way in which you handled (he job of selling safety to your eaders and for your splendid co pe ration in this campaign to re- luce the holiday accident toll.” t President Bolton remarked dur ing the presentation that “This { .■us the first time, in u long while hat there were no serious acci- dents which involved students on (heir way to and from school,” Governor Shivers came into the 'oom amist a burst of flash-bulbs. ,fter he was Introduced to the ip, by master of ceremonies, !. Munroe, he extended hla con- lations to the Battalion for a ib'Aull done; Following the formal presenta tion and numerous plcturss the roup hud an informal coffee. Dur- _ this time the Governor met the nembers of the Battalion Staff uid guests. Governor Shivers left for a par ade in Bryan at 3:30 p. m. He was escorted V^y Ross Volunteer guard of! honor, n. Among the honor guests present were Dr. M. TX Harrington, presi- ident elect; Dr, John Paul Abbott, dean of Arts and Science; R. L. Elkins, assistant to the president; E. E. Angel, assistant to the Chan cellor; and W. L. Penberthy, dean of men. Hardaker will present Oklahoma A&M’s newspaper with a third place award today. »f Flanked by a “good as gold” check for $500 is the Certificate pi Editorial Excellence presented The Battalion yesterday by Lu|n berman’s Mutual Casualty Insurance Company. Veteran Officials Will {Visit Thursday nnie Sutherland, Regional -ana Administration Insur- i Officer and a contact rep resentative from the Waco vet erans’ office will be in Room 260 Bizsell Thursday from 9:S0 a-m.: to 2:30 p.m. t purpose of their visit, ac cording to Taylor Wilkins local advisor, is to assist with their problems. Who’s Who Note The thirty-one students who were named Who’s Who at A&M are to check with the reception ist in the Student Activities Office to make arrangements for having pictures made for the annual, the editors have an nounced. Immediate action is required as the first pictures are to be made on Wednesday, April 12, the day after the end of the Easter holidays, the yearbook heads explained. , The four class presidents are to check with Howard Berry at the Visual Aid and Photo graphic Lab in the Administra- I lion Building to arrange for : Aggieland ’56 class officer pic tures, they added. Mayo, Stark, ' Three professors, a tactical officer, and the director of the Memorial Student Center were awarded the annual Bat talion achievement awards today, according to Co-editors C. C. Munroe and Bill Billingsley. Professor J. S. Mogfond of the Agronomy Department, Dr. John H. Hill of the History Department, Dr. T. f. Mayo, head of the English Department, Lt. Colonel Marion P. Bow den of the Commandant’s Office, and J. Wayne Stark, di rector of the Memorial Student Center were chosen for the honors by a selection board composed of all Battalion depart ment editors. Their selection was announced concurrently with the • mailing of certificates to the awardees the co-editors said. Fourth Annual Presentation > Now in their fourth year, the awards are made annually to members of the college staff and faculty who, in The Battalion staff’s estimation, have made outstanding contri butions to the growth and welfare of The A&M College of Texas. Eash award is an 8 x 10 certificate, headed by The Bat talion’s masthead, and inscribed with the citation to each recipient. They are signed by the co-editors in behalf of the The following are the inscriptions, in part, from each awad: ' 1 : . •if' J. S. Mogford “—to J.' S. Mogford, of the Agronomy Department,! for his work’ J in originating and building the Cotton Ball, Pageant, and Style Show.” J. Wayne Stark “—to J. Wayne Stark, for his consistently conscientious work and his visionary planning on the Memorial Student Center.” Lt. Col Marion P. Bowden "—to Lt Col. Marion !P. Bowden, for c his outstanding work as dormitory tactical officer, In which he has proved that discipline can bd tempered with understanding.” X Dr. John H. Hill "—to Dr. John H. Hill, scholar and tenrjher, who maintains the highest rlnss room standards and the highest class room rospeet and Interest ns well.” PHc® Five i Lt. CoL M. P. Bowden "—'to Dr. 1*. F. a broader education by inj of the arts and letters so W ro ting, in a variety, of ilssential to a well rounded Begun In 1947 of nuking A&M’s fferejit ^ways, much legun in 1947 by The) Battalion staff after a tiff meeting. The statement - was that It was The awards were be| chance remark at it stul _ . regrettable there was no visible recognition of college staff membera who put forth extra effort! in their day to day jobs, which made A&M a better and more pleasant college. That year the first awards were presented, and they have been awarded each succeeding year. . i Five File For Campus Posts, Deadline Set Next Weekend Five more applications for pos itions in the campus elections to be held April 18 were received in the Student Activities offices yes terday. Students who filed were Her man C. Gollob, English major from Houston, for editor of The Com mentator; Alfred R. Hardin, ag ricultural economics major from Amarillo, for editor of the Agri culturist; James E. Boyles, Mech anical engineering major ifrom El Paso, for Town Hall Manager; Sid B. Abernathy, agricultural journalism major from Rusk, and Ken Bernhardt, accounting major from Port Arthur, for veteran co editor of The Battalion. Positions included in the elec tions will be co-editor of The Bat talion, co-editor of The Aggieland, editor of The Engineer, editor of The Commentator, editor! of The Agriculturist, editor of The South western Veterinarian, veteran Tell Leader, corps junior and sen ior yell leaders. Town Hall Mana ger, and representatives to the Athletic Council. Qualification requirements for each of the editorahps is the same 1 . Men fijing must have a 1.5 grade point ratio and be classified as a junior. They must be taking at least 12 hours of their prescribed course and have passed 3/5 of their work the previous semester. Each candidate must have served at least one year on the publication’s editorial staff in a capacity that would qualify him for the editorship. All applicants must be- willing to serve for the entire school year and obtain approval of the-Mana ger of Student Publications before filing. Applications must be in to the Student Activities Office before 12 noon, Saturday, April 15. Jones Resi As Experiment Station Offic S. E. Jones, vice director of the Texas Agricultural Exper iment Station, has ann his resignation effective 15 to engage in large-scale) farming and seed production in the El Paso and Pecos Vplleyi areas with headquarters at Glint Dr. Jones had a good den] o:’ experience in farming under irri gation from 1933 through 194<l while on the staffs of the expert' mental substations at Winter Ha|- ven In the Winter Garden area! and at YsUta In ths El Paso Valley. An assistant director of the Tex* as Station from January jf94 and viesM;director front, An that year, Dr. Jopoa' much to tmxiarnlM ami’ -the agricultural research'pr at the 4$ fluid stations ar oratories. Ho led In thd develop, ment In Texas of on-the-farm! typq of research. With the exception of two I wlnV ter sessions In the middle liHMO's on graduate studies at Iowa iitutcl College, Dr. Jonas has been oh the v Texas Station staff since 11938. Soon after getting his bacnelpr degree in entomology at Cler Agricultural College in 1923, Jones came to the A&M De ment of Entomology us a uate assistant. A degree of master of scjieiice was granted to Dr. Jones by A&M College in 1929, and a doctorate. was conferred upon him in 1940 by Iowa State College. Most of Dr. Jones’ field research experience was acquired at the field statiions at Sonora, Winter Haven and Ysleta from- 1930 through 1946. He was the first sup erintendent and builder- of the Paso Valley Experiment Station at* Ysleta which was established by the State Legislature in 1941. ‘Smoker’! April eti A newly/ organized ired er” spor men of/the Department held its monthly meeting this in Goodwin Hall, and Air Force, per Included on the rolls / “Smoker,” W/Sgt. F. G. president, said today. Forty seven men now berahip in the “Smoker,” said. All EM's assigned college are eligible. The organization’s first gathering was held lastittioti the dining room of the Tri All members attended with wives and guests Meetings are held oncu a and social gatherings tjnke about every two months, 'continued. Officers Nam< Officers of the “Smokier’' dltion to Giraud, who infantry are M/Sgt R. transportation corps, i , r dent; and M/Sgt. D. S. Owens, em- ilfaud the onth dace raud n i -l >' i. ■m u Dr. J. H. Hill i J. Wayn« Stark Br " H-. J. S. Mogford Dr. T. F. Mayo secretary and first J- C ; Davis, [feller, Batt staffers deserted their typewriters Tuesday afternoon long enough to see Feantre Editor Dave Coolett receive for the paper a certificate of Editorial Excellence from Lumberman’s Mu tual Casualty ./7 presentation, which was witnessed by Governor Allan Shivers, they gathered around Co-Editors Billingsley and Munroe, Managing Editor Clayton Selpk and Coolett to view the certificate and the Company. After the check for $500 which accompanied it. / field artillery, treasurer. On the committee fair th social event were M/Sgt. Thomas, Inf.; M/Sgt. W. L. Inf.; and Sgt. Icl. T. R. field artillery. < I All officers of the “Srhoker” are elected from' the membership. Terms of office are one semester. Purpose of the “Smoker” is to help promote recreation, social Ac tivities, the welfare, and a spirit of comradeship among the ed men attached to the collage. A&M’s fame spread a !ltUe fur ther last week through tho med ium of Eddie Arnold's torOlsnud tonsils on the PUrena . amhorep, broadcast daily over thi Mutnnl Hroadeasting HysteM. The 16*mlhUtc show hud JniinoSt run ite course and the A U [majors were almost through u itn tnelr daily lab when the follow ng mono logue ensued: “For our request son ; today,” quoth Brother Eddie, "ue have a letter from two freshmen of Texas A&M College, ‘Flash’ and 'Bur/. Boy.’ "They want to hear ’Yo« Kno How Talk Opts Around,' the students of Texas A/ “Ah’d be proud to, boys,” con tinued the hillbilly crocnpr. And so, while steel moaned souliluUy in S ound, the pride renaded A&M. Have some more hoh chitlins, ‘Flash’ and ‘Buzz Boy.’* 4 the ie of Nashville