Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
trj i.j -'1 / . V V‘. i ] fyS? J w f-'l ■ L ! . I / ^ 1 DlxtrU't 0(1-B fbumplon*, the AIM CoiMolldatisI Tlai'nit will cumpvti- In Hit* K<jrlon 5 toiiriiuin<<nt In ItyntHvllta tomorrow. The TlRorN dofmtod Mi lano in two Htralaht Kani«*« to outer the rt'irlonal l.mirnevi Milano n»<l l<mt only one of 9% kuiiiom l»etore ^meetlnK (he A AM team. Kront row (I. to r.) are Manager I Ilium. Jake Magi e, tlif buck row, loaial order, Uiiyd (lay, Bill < .Hu h Othel Chi fln. _ - - . \ Sports Day Ducats Now on Sale With Full Day of Attractions Set , Ticket* for the March 4 Sportjk| Day festivities go on sale today., "T” Assoeiatioti President Gene Schrickel has announced. The pros giam this year is'expected to be . the best one ever arranged by the athletes" organization, Schrickel said. !•' - 1 Tickets will sell for $1.00 and the purchase of a ticket will adj- mit the spectator! to all the ath letic events during the day. All members of the “T” Association have tickets to sell, Schrickel add ed. Perhaps of equal spectator-valule will be the halftime entertainment arranged by! the “T” group. Fea tured during the intermission ac tivities will be the highly public ized Kilgore Junior College Rart- gerettes. The Kilgore band will ac company the drill team. . The Kungerettes arc becoming increasingly well known through out the country. In 1040 they per formed at the halftime of the Cot ton Bowl extravaganza and this year the girls were featureil in the Sugar Bowl intermission show. Tops on the athletic schedule for March 4 is the Maroon-White game which will climax spring training for the football squad. The complete program includes: 1:30—SMU vs. A&M Swimming meet. 2:00—A&M vs. unnamed oppon ent in tennis. 2:80—North Texas vs. A&M dual track meet. 4:00—Intra-squad baseball game. ■7:30—-Intra-squad football game. Floyd Mr land BUI Bobby WU- v. Standing In James Dudley, KlrhnrdN, Dick Dowell, and Dattalion SPORTS IURN., Fiqn. I9M Page » Favorites advanced in yeste day’s intramtiral wrestling mate )- es with foijr defaults splitting Up the bouts. Bobby Carlson qf Infantry advanced on default thi 149-pound division over Da^ Terry of B Field Artillery, B Hollow-ell pf B Engineers follow ed suit over June Clark of A Quar termaster. I Lewis Fraser! of K Flight topk his default \yin in the same clajss over F. Thurmond of A Air Force while Kenneth Lewis of the Wh '' 1 r T TigersAdvance rip t> • 131 1 o Region Flay; Playoffs Begin A&M Consolidated! district champion baskctballers will com pete this weekend in the Region 5 cage tournament at Huntsville. The winner of the eleven-team meet Vill enter the state playoffs at Austin. The Tigers won the District 66-B title by taking two straight contests from fhe v South Zone com 12 wins and eight loss- season. from the winner of the mpetition In the dis trict, Milano. The local five’s rec ord shows es for the Consolidated opponents in the regional tourney are Tomball, Warren, Crosby, Missouri City, Anahucc, Lovelady, East Bernard, New Caney, Lejona, add Sweeney. The Tigers play Anahuec in the third contest Friday morning. The first game between Tomball and Warren is set for 9:30. Coach Othel Chnfin will place a quintet composed of Bohhv Wil liams^ Lloyd Gay, Jake Megce, Bill Coonor, and Dick Dowell oh the court. Dowell is the . team’s top scorer witl|i 202 points in 17 games The Bengal* of 584 points f have scored a total Jl' a 29-polnt aver age per tilt. Tile Consolidated op ponent* could tally only 601 mark ers In the same games, averaging only 25 |N!i- contest. Intramural Wrestlers Continue Eliminations Based, On AP jRe ports Pairings for sixteen Class and B regional basketball tour, naments have been announced with the competition slated for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Class A, Region 1, offers play by Abernathy, Memphis, Canyon, Levclland, Shamrock, Floydnda, Sudan, and Dumas. Only four quintets will compete in the Rei- gion 2 skirmishes. Crane, Ballin ger, Hamilton, and Merkel. Region 3 shows Burkburnet, Bowie, Pleasant Grove, and Bini- ville, while the Region 4 program covers tilts among Gaston, Hooks, Mount Vernon, and Commerce. Teague, McGregor, Plano, and Wills Point will tangle to decide the Region 5 title-winner. Region fi pits Lnmpnssas, Cant- eron, Lockhart, and Bfenham ip contests to determine a champ ion. and West Columbia, Beau mont, French, Alyin T aniil Boo- ville meet In Region 7. ITu 1 flnhl Class A tourney will he for the Region 8 diadem with game* In volving Smith San Antonio, Eagle Pass. Sinton, anil Mercedes. (’lass II Hchcdalrs Class B region* hit the hard road towards the state playofljs in Region 1 with 13 teams sjatejd for action. Squads iir the tourney are Quitaque, Point TVcck, Cana dian, Shallowater, Roaring Springs, Dimmitt, Ropi-sville, Spade, Knox City, Gruvcr,. Daw son. Samnorwood. and Adrain. Fifteen moi-e fives will meet qn the hardwoods to decide a Region 2 winner. Early, Desdemonia, GiiS- tine, Clyde, Linan, Evant, Carjl- ton, Avoca, Coahoma. Hico, Herm- letgh, Eden, Burkdtt, Eldorado, apd Bronte are the combines rhie for play. Region 3 schedules include Fort Wild Man of the Ozarks Puts Hustle Into Maroon Athletics By SKIP SIMMEX , walk,” says the slow talker w r ith i the fast break. There s a charge, of about $20(0 Moon attended high school at for all out of state students enter-: Bay unljl he came t o Farmer’s ing A&M College. But studehtis and cage fans alike would gladly refund the entrance fee, plus in 1 - terest, in the case of Wallace Wade Moon, A&M’s Arkansas Traveler. ' ’’ ^ Wally, a Bay, Arkansas native has been playing both basketball 1 and baseball for as long as he ca|n remember. “Probably starteid when I first found out I could L.-C- J, ■ i 1 SENIORS J ■y. ; j Have you had that . . . FULL LENQTH PICTURE made yet? Do It Now! ? “30 Years Serving Aggies” ACGIELAND STUDIOS ! North Gate Heaven on the Brazos. . Having no basketball and little baseball facilities at home. Wally shot for a home-made hoop, and played the diamond game oh a vacant Jot with the neighborhood kids. - Went to Finals While Moon was competing on Bay High School’s, quintet, his group advanced to the state meet in Little Rock where they lost out to the home couriers in a thrilling contest, Hi* first season in organized baseball Moon clubbed the old ap- m- ? Wally Moon ' ' ( pie at a .343 rate. That year his Jonesboro American Legion team won the district crown. Although coming to A&M pri marily to compete in America's most popular pastime. Moon has been just as big a help as far as the hardwood game is concerned. Since entering Aggieland as a i freshman in '47 Moon has worked :i up to the starting lineup in every sport he participated in. - He held down a starting cage berth most of last season and in a majority of this years contests. Patrols the Gardens Moon also held down regular! center field duties for A&M’s.sec ond place baseballers. Moon lied the conference in doubles and b;.t- ted cleanup Averaging .296. Moon, after working up to a starting berth at the conclusion of the last cage: season, scored 38 points, 34 of Which were meshed in conference play. The 19-year-old out-of-stal er missed starting only two this season, cine of which was pli y- ed against the j Razorbacks in . lis home state. "Sjiure wanted to v-in that one,” c^mmentdti Moon. Moon is ; exceptionally well known for his! fancy and tricky shots. Ohcq In the SMU ga ne when surrounded by three Mus tangs under thq hoopi Moon sprang around, fukipg all tihree invad ng cagers off guard, throwing the hall (See WALLY MOQN, Page 4 i Band took a vjin by default over ,D. W. Davis hf B Flight in the 139-pound division. Other bountg in the 149-pound class centered around Alton White’s win for A Ordnance over Jolly Johnson of K Air Force,: „ Bobby French of B Field laid out j «or th K 080 " Heights, Forrestoh, John Wallace of C Field for the | Sprmgtown, Community (Nevada), needed count, H. D. Thompson of I 2F,v® son ' Dum-armlle, K r u in, D Field defated G Sears of A ; ” hitewneht, Richland. Penelope, Field on a Hip of a coin, and i Midway, Prairie Vjkllev, Johnny Harrison of t) Infantry j ’ a e J r ’ ,e y- Calvert, and Byeijs. dropped Charley Wyatt of the Ma- Cayuga, Waelder Play roon Baud. Sixteen quintets will strive to T .v. . e D u eraSP the Re ^ ion 4 croWn ’ lnclud - In the 139-hound division Boh injr pj t . kt on. Troup. Maud, Quin- Lincecum of A Cavalry lost to . i atlj Q u it ma n, Dodd Citv. -Mould GayW Jones of A Transportation. Enterprise, Buda. Central Heights, and Diek Batten of F Air Force Blaamhurg, White Oak. Blossom, outpointed of R. D. Westcott of I , New Diana, Malakoff, Yantis, Air Force. | ' I an(i Cayuga. The 169-pound class furnished Region pits Tomball, Warrqn, X! / •ft. I I '• ^4 m 0D(- & : : > s : ■ ■ IP R. r- ittlng the water at a vigorous row, this week’s “Star" honor seems to have a very bright fiitur iner and with such talented | Is Bill Ka- Karow swlm- Coarh Adamson can be exported to force “Tex” Rob- >n’s lainghorn splashers right down to the for the loop championship. ertsoa’i wire fo I Biillerfly-stroker Cracks Record i Karow Takes SU For the second straight week Bill Kurowt one of Art Adum- son’s more proficient sidnshcrs, has iwon the nod of Tlic Battalion sport* staff for the top norform- unca of the past week (Fob, 13- 18), ! 'nu* award for the week of Feb. Ii-l| was shared by Khrow, Van Adiimson, and Bill Sargent, for the triois fine record settiiig time in the; 300-yd. medley relay. This past week's honors go: to young Knifow for his 100-yd, breast stroke victory which also set a new pool mark Week Kiirow’s time in Ids win 1, a tenth qf ai {second than the previous standard posted h.y Johnny Crawford! of Woodniw Vfllson High Sihool of Dullus In The College Ktatlon bittt,*q*fiy stroke artist didn't Ktop wltk^Just nj single win, howryer. Ilq' took the 50-yd. freestyle! wilhr *| 25.1 thne and participated in two first place relays. ! v. ! He and his teamhittes Adiimson atid Sat gent overwhelmed the vis. ifing Memphis naval airmen in the 300-yd. Medley, and then Karow No Onej Likely to Attempt Two Post Seasonal Tournaments ie<l the best matches of the day with four matters ninning their opnon- ents in record, time. Ralph Gay Crosby, Missouri City, Anahuec, A&M Consolidated, Lovelady, East Bernard, New Caney, Sweeney, New York, Feb. 23—(AP) —Right now it doesn’t appear that any of our leading Col lege basketball teams will seek double trouble this year by trying to win both-tjie NationalTn- vitation Tournament ' r and the NCAA. . j It’s . probably just qs well, a* ’taqit ensly, as they say. In fact, such a double triumph! never has been accomplished, although , it’s bei)n tried by some of the better teams oVer the last dozen years. Kentucky, with ail all-star cast anj.i a fine record, tried it last yehr, and was only h^If success ful. Adolpli Rupp’s teiam got it- und tommy Butler to oquali the cdnfti’ewo record of 400-yd, freestyle rela, ‘ Only a sophomore this season Adsnmim Joined Ralph Fdll* “ ‘ ) equal; the !,l44.(l in the i ; Khiovv, a* well us dome of hi* talented ftiermen teammatM, can axpaitt to becomu widely recog- Hired as an outstanding swimmer if he maintain* III* current show ings- - Ag-Horned Frog Cage Box Score A&M DeWitt, F Martin, F Turnbow, F Gartia, F Daviis, C . Farmer, O McDowell, G FG FT 1»F TP •-•f of A Ordnance pinned Charles and Leonard. Region 6 offers Beft- j sejf knocked off in the quarter- Winter of AJInfantry and Dick ram, Bartlett, Florence, Waelder. finals of the invitation affair, los- Round Top—Carmine, . Coirfoit, inijr to Loyola of Chiqaco by the Kg Wells, San Antonio Sam lloqs- | convincing margin, of 67-56. tom Yancey, and San Felipe. Wildcats Dropped Ags Eight teams tangle for the. Re- L gion 7 title, Pettus, Santa Ro.ta. I Vehon of A Cavalry matted Ken neth Baker of A Transportation 1 . Pete Golla of A Field downed Sam Rice of C Cavalry with a quick arm lock, and Bob Schubert of A Quartermaster ninned Hampton Oliver of Chenh. Warfare. Holmes Wins Match Pat Holmes of A Infantry pin ned Howard Kruse of B QMO af ter tossing him around in the 179- pound division! while Ken Timmons of A Infantry defeated W. R, Green of ASA in the l&U-pound class. ★ All. Iioxing and volleyball en- The Wildcats then went on to Pleasanton, Industrial High (Vqn- derbilt), Rockfort, Bishop. Louijie, Benavides, and Agua Dulce> The final tournament in Region 8 liifts con) petition between Clint, Pyojte, Marfa, Balharhen, Grandfalls, Van Horn, Iraan, and Alpine., Volleyball-Softball Entry Blank Any rocogfiizied campus organisation is eligible to participate In the softball and volleyball prqgrams, according to director Barney Welch. Rntrifa must be turned In by March 6 to tho Jntramural Dept, or s!tu(ient jjvctivitie* Office, Welch said, j Please enter the poftball (yes or no)). i , (yes or no*l Club in Intramural {(Signature of offic V -WE GIVE YOU ALL THIS AND MORE— Cleaning —^ Alterations — 1 Patches — - • L ~ v; Mending — CAMPUS CLEANERS Above the Exchange Store i * RJ . N . w|;:'! -7. •< and Intramural vplleyball tries are due Motidav, February 27, Barney Welch Intramural di rector announced. Boxing finals wfll be held in tjhe gym at the Annex beginning at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon. win (he NCAA crown biy defeating the Okkvhdma Aggies, 46-36. jUtah tried it in 19jl4, without mqlice aforethought. The Utes had Helen eliminated from tifie invitation tournament-- by the qigni-present Kentucky quintet when they were called upon to substitute for Ar kansas in the Western {NCAA pjay- oljfs. Two Arkansas players had btjeh injured seriously in an auto- mjobile, accideat. ;T7ie Utah lads made the most o? the opportunity, winning the riigionals and then (Idging out Student Flbral Concession ' "See Your Dormitory Rcpi Freshmen: / -• I L. Make her the Belle of the Ball... r M r ' I ! I'- V Let lis help combine the flowers most flattering to her personality. (I l‘. v ,T Br The Picture Of C.0MFOI1T In Your Arrow "Gabanaro” m Wa \ ; : c ’ '> * • The finest GABARDINE sports shirt vclue a man could ask for! • Completely WASHABLE! A smooth, rugged, washable gabardine sports shirt in solid maroon, navjy bide, forest green, fireman red and oilier colors -L that’s “Gabaharq’'. Good looking and long wearing, “Gabanaro” Is an Arrow sports shirt you’ll be proud to own. See your Arrow dealer today! N ®5.95 ARROWshirts & TIES UNOIIWIAR • HANDKHdHMM • *FO«T* WWTS l - . i . ■ ' ! ^ Hy Duquesne in the invitation af fair. although it took consola tion honors with a victory over DePauj. Immediately after the latter game the squkd flew to Oklahoma City whqr^ it lost to Kansas, with which It had split in two previous games, i in the/ NCAA district playoffs. ’ Houser,’Jp ... Suttdfi, G .... Partmouth, the Eiaqtern chaqipibn, for the national crown. ] To give another indication pf r their .class the Utes then Came Wrillc ^ back here to whip ,St. Johns, the ihvitatibn tournament chaijipions, ill a Red Cross game. In 1940 the Oklahoma AKiries, who had run up a string! of 25 straight victories during the sea son, also were overly ambitious, With the result they didn’t have qny luck in either of the two tour naments. Hank Iba’s team was defeated ..L, Totals TCU Fromme, F Ethridge, F Reynolds, F Knox, F .... McLeod, C Schmidt, G Taylor, G . Campbell, G ....:. . ..24 * 12 H5 60 . | FG FT PF TP 7 3 5 17 I •••>• Uf W v , 4. Totals ; 22 14 ’It) 58 Flree throws missed: Fromme 1, j Konx 1, McLeod. 2, Schmidt 2, Tay- ; dtir 2, Tjurnbow 3, Davis 1, Me- j IDowell 2, Moon 1, Houser 1. - Score at Half: A&M 35, TCU.sL 'Officials: Baccus and Rossi. rifi Wm AXwwXivfev; UX-XyX-XvXvX V.V.V.V.ViV.V.V mi .*» m 1111% \' M. I v : M YMr’l •apply 4 o>. J‘» 1 ' SIN only Sap2AjcAnoim-9ri^ FOR TUI PACKER **51 »* ON|.Y Su^-B/uKin^bCfc • Think of tropic birds in flight.. .of sunlii Caribbean Seas—and you get an idea of itw Cofere up to 60« more brii- ^' r jui tnce of new Parker Supcrchrome Ink lion! than thoie of other Ink*. ' . . „ ' Created to a wholly new formula seventeen years of scientific research, r this i ' (he finest writing fluid ever known!^Un^ ■ il averooe, D «»mes ant to fading than st«ni4ardt require. **4 This inC actually dries writes! Dries up to 3 Jailer than ordinary inks. CHOOSE FRO 111 matched for brightness, it also j marvelous fastness. / ' - Re among the first to fill your pea with this sensational new Super-Blue, Super-Rod, Super-Green, Blue-Black, Super-Black. Look for the smai ly-styled protective metal package., It SUPER-BRILLIANT COLONS i' THE EXCHANGE STORE A&M Annex -TWO STORES^— 7^ ~ Mam Campus / ' • . ;/f