Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
L. I ' College students throughout the notion ore being offered oppor tunities for summer work and seminar programs in this nation and abroad. Information on at least five of these programrtik available at the YMCA on the campus. Covering an average period ojf A eight weeks, the project* are de signed to Include many phases «f social, religious and'-edueatlonul activities and to better acquaint . - the college student with the social and economic forces at work i{W our world today. i Included In the list of offer- Ings are European Work.Study Seminars, the St. Louis, Summer Service Project, the New York Sunmmcr Service Croup, the / Washington Student Citizen ship | Seminar, and the Geneva Leader ship Seminar. European Work-Study Tour The European Work-Study Se minars will be open to sik groups of eighteen students who ^vill sail together on a Student Ship about June 2(! for England. After spend ing a week together in London, -each of the groups will vipjit a dif ferent city 'in England aUd Scot land. Another two weeks, will be spent by each group in t\Vo of the following countries: Austria-, Btd- gium, Denmark, Holland, Italy, and, if arrangements can pe made, in Czechoslovakia and ^Yugoslavia. ^Students will spend the eighth week in the European-Americsn Conference-of the World’s Student Cbristian-Federation, near Geneva. Switzerland.: LApproximate dates for the-.seminars are from June 20 through September 15.1 Total minimum cost for. the pro ject, open to students of all rapes and creeds, will .be fr6m| $750 : to $850, and will include transpoijta- tion, meals, registration fee, and lodgings. _ J St. Louis Project For the St. Louis Summer Ser- ■ N. I* . v Student Summer Proje ■ i'" ■b Available Here and Abroad ■ r '- Used Car Headquarters FULLY MEHVK En FINK I1HKI) CAItS WK HAVE BUILT fTU A BKI inn K I) UAK ATVI) TttUCK H U H I N K H H IlY HELLING CAItS WHICH MAKE FRIENDS AND PERMANENT CUSTOMERS FOR US. ■ SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES HERE NOW . . .| HMP FOIU) Custom 2-door Me dan. Radio, Heater, Over- v drive, Plastic 'Meat Covers, Very Clean •>. $1080 1010 FORD Qus to m 4-dloor Medan. Rndip, Heater, Ray- view Blue arid like new |.„ $1808 lOlS FOlip Super Deluxe 2- door Sedan, Radio, Heater, Seat Covers. Very low j Mileage. $1150 1048 FORD Super Deluxe Club Coupe, Radio; Heater, : White Wall Tires Spotlight —,.J $1150 1947 FORD Super Deluxe 2- j door Sedan, Seat Covers ..., $1095 1947 PLYMOUTH, Special De luxe 2-door, Heater ... $995 1947 MERCURY Station Wag on, Radio, Heater, pverdrive. Clean .•... $]1095 1946 FORD Super-Deluxe Ch% Coupe, Radio, Heater, -Clean : ] K 1 $850 1946, FORD 2-door S u P er f De- luxp> Sedan, Seat Covers t 1 MM • POST WAR BARGAINS' 1911 PONTIAC Club Coupe, Radio, Heater, Very :' J- Clean ...L._..|...4.... $495 1941 MERCURY CLUB Coupe [L....I $485 1041 CHEVROLET 2rdoor :.... .....j........ 1940 MERCURY 4-dnor... 1040 DODOE Coupe r ;' $895 $450 . . $450 ALSO HAVE CLEAN STOCK OF LATE MODEL TRUCKS ON HAND. FROM •/, TON PICKUPS TO t-TON TRAC TORS. A L L GUARANTEED AND READY TO! GO TO WORK Bryan Motor Company ‘Your Friendly Ford Dealer’ iry 415 N. Main — Bryan & 25 Highway 6 — South -\ BRYAN, TEXAS JOIP 3 MARCH OF DIMES A -V vice Project, approximately 20 qualified students will be chosen for placement in agencies for 30 hours of work per week for eight weeks. They will study the social and economic background of work carried on by the YMCA and thii YWCA in the larger cities. Job* will include recreation and club leadership, coaching In sport.i, teaching handicraft and other In terest groups, and having an ap prentice. experience In the gen eral field of soeinl work. Time l will also be devoted to ir _■ ■ v -Tr - TAX RATE - (Continued from Page 2) ed thirty-one two hundred! for tieths of one cent per poundlwhdn the market value is 4 cents pet- pound. Revenue from carbon black tak es was figured at $2,480,000 for L the next 18 months. r T j Cement carries a levy of 2Ui cents op each 100 pounds produced jin or imported into Texas. Anti cipated revenue—$1,840,000. Cfgnretts bear a istate tax of $ cents per pack. The yield at that) rate In ISjnonths would be $32,-! 291.510. Motor cirfa-iors pay a tax of 2.2 per cent (^Ttross receipts frejm intrastate' business. Tax yieldM $106,000. Transfer of stock certificate^ or shares carries a 3-cent leyj on each certificate or share jo: $100 face value. Yield $227,0: erviews with social, ntervh nqmic and religicjus Oil and gas well servicing beriri a tax of 2.2 per cent of grosfe ref- ceints. Yield—$945,000. Insurance companies pay taxps varying from 1 to 3M. per cent ac cording to investments in defined Texas securities. Yield—-$l,43p ( 000. Now for the prospective increa. c es in tax rates: The legislature proposes to tikle cigarettes out of the omnibus tax bill and increase the tax rate | op that product one cent, making a total state tax’of 4 cents on epc package. The boost would bring in an e timated extra $11,714,444 in :tl next 18 months. However, (b particular tax increase would r main in effect until Sept. 1, 105 Total revenue from cigarettes the next 18 months woult be $4- 035,954. The money raised by jtl extra penny tax is the only pa of the total ear-marked to ja hospitals and special schools.j j forums and political, ec< leaders of the community and trips to places of soqial signifi cance in the city. Running fpohi June 1(1 to Aug ust! 14, the siH88|oh will cost a total registration fee of $40 plus per sonal expenses, A miniinjan amount for incidentals and room and hoard will he provided for tho students. it The New Yopk College Hum mer Service Group will he con ducted In much the same way Mud will cost the student a registration fee of $10. a tuition of $50 ijnd other incidental costs which KhOpId run about $50. 8<rholar^)ilp help will l4 available. Citizenship Seminar The Washington Student Cltlj- zenship Seminar will provide [!0|) students a chance to see thoilr government in action in the haj- tion’s capitol. During their f rst week in Washington, students vill spend full t me attending Congres sional hearing^ observing the Sen ate, the Hpuke and the Supreme Court in scasmnj and meeting with informed Washingtonians. During the remaining ejght weeks, stupeht* will hold time jobs at regular wages, devote eight ^ to twelve houijs week to $eminar meetings field -trips. Open to < creeds and will have $40. Other be met by On<» Slop Service t on KHAKI SHIRTS IN POPLIN AND MEDIUM; 1 WEIGHT CHINO .^. r and besides we can forbi fit and sew on your patches!. AH at a saving In price n|ni!l ttmc to__you. INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU BUY! ZUBIK & SONS North Gate all-students races, the of- all Sem nar a registration fee . of expenses will have to he student who may _ ' tj! count on sonje help from the jfull- t'me job, which through necessity will be routine work. The Geneva Leadership Sem inar will b|e onen only tojstudents employed ajt 60 college camps and iwho are actively identified with their studhnt YMCA’s, YWCA’s or SCA’s, j It is designed to sup plement th<» employment leadership (training, aqd will a registration fee $10. Students peed not be menlhers of the YMCA to be eligible any of thusp projects excep! Geneva Leadership Seminar, plete information on each o ’ the nroieets is available through M. L. Cashiotl in the YMCA. sup- witli cost Dillayou to Review Broadway Hit PJay , , . Economy Record Set by Fresnal Rep. James K. Presnal of Col lege Station has turned out to be the most ecpnomical member of the Texas Legislature during its special seasio: In recent days the legislative members have been spending their expense account so rapidly that House Speaker Durwood Manford had to caution the members not to exceed their $100 special sion expense account. T^iq expense izpd! under a the Kcsslon's nttl’d expendlt session have 1 account was author- resolution passed on •penlng day. Pres- ire thua far in the in $00.00. LTL AB? !' I -I ’ Shake Well Before BraMng '!• ' • 1 / HE. NEVER LOSES? v r uijsr be tbi • I M'NOODMIK? ) SIGHT O' HIM THAT I DO » THINK/K JOCKS'EM OUT- . BECAUSE HE POISONAi.LV GOT [ IN OUR J NO MORE PUNCH THAN A BETTIS zBi 'f-'TH'BOVS AK£ < i-Efjn’.rr—ru. m l WHAMm AH'l£AU ■.AMOC/L r 7H'SOVS‘LL\t, ’'AGA/HSr/ skr J r-7H£H- 7 -AH’ COME OUT FIQHTTN*^ ; ,nv :r What’a Cooking mLUB, Thursday 23, VMCA. Club picture Women’s Social hear George DijUavou Death of a jHalcs- Arthur Miller, Friday at 3 In Shisa Hall nc- Mr*. C. O, SpriggilL pro- The College Club will h< review ‘‘’(’he man” by. ufterpoon cording te gram ^chairman Dilluvoiji |s a professor |h the A AM Enkllsh department and as director rf the Aggie Players, Is partieulaily fitted to give [ such a program, Mrs. Spfiggs said. A nath e of Bozeman, Montana, Dilluvoti received a degree from the Universfty of Illinois and did graduate work at Oxford an 1 Col- utnhia Universities. At Columbia he took a :ourse that reqi ired his seeing ns many stage proiluctlons as possible. Dur ing this j erlocl he attended produc tions at j the Equity Library and New Yotjk plays almost nightly. A tea ^ilf be given followijng the review, Mrs. Spriggs concluded. - ABILENE 7:15 p. m., will be made, AGGIE SQ JARES, Friday, 8 p. m., Episcopal Parish House. Be ginners come at 7:30. AMARILLO A&M CLUB, Thursday, 7: 5 p. m.. Room 203, Academic Bt tiding. Club picture will be show i, Cotton Ball duch ess will be nlected. AMERICAN FOUNDRYMANS SOCIETY, Fqb. 23, Thursday, 7:30 p.rp. Room r303, M.E. Building. Business meeting, film to be shown. > ^ ! BASTROP - LEE COUNTY HOME TOWfN CLUB. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:30 p. m. Room 224 Aca demic Building. BEAUMOhfT A&M CLUB. Feb. 23, Thursday 7:30 p.m., 108 Aca demic Bldg. Plans for Aggieland ’50 picture to be discussed. COLLEGE WOMEN'S CLUB, Feb. 24, Friday, 3 p.m., Sbisa Hall. COOKE COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 23, 7:30 p. m., Room 125, Academic Building. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB. An important meeting of the Corpus Chripti Club will be held tonight in Room 227, Academic Building at 7 o’clock. Plans for the club pic ture: will be made. DALLAS A&M CLUB, Feb. 23. Thursday, 5:15 p.m. west side of Agricultural: Building. Pictures for Aggieland '50 to be made. FAYETTE COUNTY A & M CLljrB, Feb, 23, Thursday, 7:15 p.m. Room'12&r-Academic. FIVE O CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Bryan Country Club. Cov- eret| dish supper. HENDERSON COUNTY A&M CLUB, Feb. 23. Thursday. 7:30 p.m. Room 323, Academic. JOHNSON COUNTY A&M CLUB, Feb.' 23, Thursday. 8:15 p. m., YMCA lounge. Picture for Aggieland ’50 to be made. Northeast Texas To Organize Club th hold Tlrti r M ‘he Nortjheast Texas Club will hold an djrganizational meeting ursday night at 7:30 fn Room 18!C. K. Building. H. G. Pierce. Junior front Pittsburgh, announced today. All Htinlefnt* from T|tus, Frank lin, Red River, Bowie, Morris, CSss, Camp, Wood, and Upshur Counties nre asked to be present. Plans fop an Easter party and selection of Cotton Ball duchess will be tqe business Thursihsy night. Paper Adels ‘Phiddling’ [Athens, Tex.,—</Pt—A parade of Athens products starting with the letter “P”—peaches, peas, pota toes, peanuts, pigs, pottery ami petroleum-—is a fixture under the masthead of the Athens Re|view. Now it has added “Phiddling,” in honor qf the annual 01(1 Fid dle’s Reunion held here each year. Laredo Club, Thursday, Feb. 23, 7:30 p. m., Room 126, Academic Building. Cotton Balt duchess to be elected. I * ; J/, MAN E WIVES’ CLUB. Feb. 23, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. South Solar ium, YMCA. / _ NORTHEAST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.. Room 18 C. E. Building. Organizational meet ing. PALESTINE A&M CLUB, Thursday 23, 7:30, Puryear Lounge organizational meeting. REAGAN CHAPTER HOUS TON A&M CLUB. Important meeting tonight at 7 o’clock in the lounge of Dorm. 10. Cotton Rail Duchess will be chosen. RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB, Thursday 23, 7:30 p. m„ YMCA. Duchess for Cotton Ball will be elected. 1 SAN JACINTO CHAPTER OF HOUSTON CLUB, Thursday Feb ruary 23, 7:15 p. m., Room 123 Academic Building. Duchess to be selected. 1 SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 Feb. 23! Thursday, 7 p.m. Called meeting for work in Master Mason degree. TARLETON CLUB meeting Thursday, February 23, Goodwin Hall. Room 306, 7:15 p.m. TYLER CLUB. Friday 24, 5:30 p. m., YMCA. Club picture will be made. - WALLY MOON - (Continued from Page 3) around his back, for a badly need ed tally. Negro center Leroy White is Moon’s choice as the most out standing tall playef he has ever played against. The 6’ 7” LIU product sank 19'points the first half in a game against the Aggies and then rap up his total to 25 by the end , of the fray. “He could control both backboards and was extra good ort shooting,” said Moon. “Kame County. Too” For his choice as the most out standing little eager, he cnose a home state lad. All around, ball player and handler Leon Blevins of Arizona U. won priH$e from the local eager. ’’He’s right"from my home epunty, too”, remarked Moon. Taking PE. Moon expect* to re turn to his home state upon grad uation and do n little coaching. | "That IS,” said Wally, "U I don 7 t take one of several pre-contract offers I’ve received.” •Tt’n a great state” replied Moon, when'asked what he thought of Texas. "When I first came down here, I thought I’d be lost, but it didn’t take long before I was one of the gang”. And, as one baseball fan said last year after Wally rode a long one out of the park, "If they’vd got any more like him up in that thar hill country, we’ll fill out the adoption papers!” / • Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 THURS SHLI. WITH A BATTALION OLAOSIBIBO AO. JtatM . . . 15c l word per Inswtloo with • 28« minimum, apes* rsua la Clualflwl Section . . . 60o par oolumn Inch. Sand all alaaatflada with ramlt- tanca to tha student AotlrHIee Offtee. ahould be turned In bp 10:00 tha day bafora publication. DAY.^E BRUARY 23,1950 An oitniNANCB* , I'OBIJO HKARINf a ■ Mn All Ada a.m. or • FOR H : Pti 2-9W4 tynlry SKK UH to buy or sell used furniture. Phone 2-7067. Wood Furniture Com-- puny. Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY of Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 or Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas o=sa-s-t3*=o —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND • \ A. *• IH48 4*POON\ NASH • SO®—18,000 radio, haatbr,. whlla aMawalla, i ucceeeorlea, uMsInal owner. Joe Pal. Rn|. Dept. V • FOR I.XriiH BKDROOM A\bath qtilat homa naar colli for man IS 00« Jar»ar, -±-+4 HELP WANTED • jwANTRD—Teaeha'r who can firm grade part of day and i Write op eee W. E. ' Texan. <•’ m il or w>:aT rawk aiuiition oiiano* •, i INO ttljf GI.AlMliriCATION JT RO M UlSTRlirr NUMMKN Tlllizn TO PIS' TRIlT iMUMBKR rotiR; AND 0*,OIV KIINAt.r.r ZoNlNa t’KRTAIN TWO IiRSCRIRKD TKRRITORIZS AS I>l*- TRirrr NiiMBicn onw, and orukR* INO A rtlBl.lfl (IKAItlNO. WIIKRRAS. tha Bonlnc Commleelon, af- tar prellminarz conmd,r«tion and a public bearing, haa recommended I ha raaonlns of certain territory and the original eonlnc Of certain additional ifrrHory, b<sh of whioh lernlury bereinafiei* mor» fully dawirlbad. bow Iherefura j UK IT ORDAlkKD BT TIIW riTV COUNCIL or TUB CITT OT COLLBOK station, tkxasI 1 'Section 1. Thalia public hearing el be held at S:0p p.m. at Hie City Hall March U. 1000 on the qurellona of »or aa foil' a. To ORDER AND NOTICR OF CITY ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS ) l j COUNTY OF BRAZOS I ! I I CITY OF COLLEGE’STATION i j ELECTION OROErI I. Eracet Laacford. Mayor bf the City of Colle«e Station, Texan, bt- virtue of the power veated In me by la>f. do hereby order that' an election be held i in the City of Collere Statloa. on Apiil 4.; I960, being the first Tuesday thereof."xfor; the purpose of electing the following dffleers of 'ttaid city: shall —II OH questions of soning to cbailge the classlh- i Number Three (Apart- to District Number Kopr il all it: ' Prompt Radio Service —Call— ' .;•• Soslik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Ph. 2-1941 Bryan ...|- I' ^ - a ; ij,' "Oh, John, even fn the dark 1 can tell it's a PHILIP MORIHSr Anytime, aarwherB too aa d«ect d» the miouM you light up your first Philip Morris. That’s because hfs As ont cigarette prored definitely less irritating^ definitely mOdea than any other leading brand. Remember; there’s NO CIGARETTE HANGOVER When you smoke PHILIP Me v' rPHI L . - j .WfllsIP MORRIS* UP MORRIS P/ULhouo w grow*® PROVE Y0U (T) ke fhi. *-«»• Do0 ’’ - io ‘* pay ’ vly i°c.. cf >° u ^Xi>* b,ade ‘ ■ Pol u.uoi ipekknd* 44^98* '-''il r/^ium — pocking, doubl. -'«• ‘"-2. U ■ TypewHteni tor Rent LATENT MODELS BRYAN BUSINESS MAUIIINK CO. 206 N. Main Dial 2-1828 ‘Something Special” FOR RENT ICE BOXES Don’t do without one when our rates are so reasonable. HENRY A. MILLER North date PHONE 41-1145 I : . / i : . / Mayor / /I. ‘ ’i Councilman from Ward it, Councilman from Ward II Councilman from Ward Ilf Recorder of the Corporation Couff.. and. that said election shall be bald the Cfty Hal| in said city, and the foty in» named persons are managers thereof, to-wft: A. Mitchell; Judge (To be appointed). Cl| (To be appointed), ELECTION N( Tne City Marshal la herdby Instructed to post a properly ^ of this order and notice! of election at the City Hall, the place where tliip election will be held. Raid notice' shall b» posted thirty days before the date! of said election. Signed and executed this the i3th day of February 1950. j /a/ Ernest Langfora I ./< Mayor ATTEST: /•/ N. M. McGinnis City Secretary AN ORDINANCE PROMlBfcTiritl HALE, OFFERING FOR BALE. m: tson, no .1 >m Dlitrlc Aram) Dlatrtet) mil tbat crtmln prop- fully ararrlbmt emm follow, to- wlt: A|l of Lot, !> and « and. a il l foot ■trip of Lot 4 bojd,rir)K on aald Lot 0, ■auj Lou brills In Block « of tb, Addu ion. said addition bains 1*1 d.! and recordwl a, of January 20. Volum, 104. page 19S of th, Drad Of Brazo, County, T«xaa. b. 1 1 zone originally a. Number on, Araa| all that certain etc- of land more fully d«- to wit: . . 1 '! th* moat cazlerly cor- Hllta Eitate,. Thla corner .moit easterly point, on th* 12. Block 17 of aald 45® E alons an old e ot 2654.4 ft. to th* of Lot 16, Woodland dlrtctad and MocuUd copy ■ •Iso bound kddltii fence |Une • .dlstai most easterly cornjri Ipstatea; Thence N 45• Side of said Lot dong the nO&hei \d I stance of 263-7 PLfODINO. STORAGE ^ OF COMBUSTI B1*E FlfUDWO* PROVIDING A PENAI^TY TH* FOR C OR riREV »,j firm, aMocIglton or corporation that •hall b* foilnd JUIIty . . vr BE IT ORDAINED BT THE Cl CIL OF THE CITY .OF I STATION. TEXAS: Section t. It atiall, b* unli any i**raon. firm, aaaoriatloa or . lion to zall, offar for aa!*, *zplod«. gtoi or po*a**a rombuallbl* firework, within th, corporal, llmtta of th, Cltfjjsl lege Station. I Her I Ion 2. Any pat of vlolatlns any portion of thla prdlRanr, ehall be fined not Ira* than t*n UtlMkn dollar, nor mow than on* lttili|lr«l (FI0UIN)I dollsra. X Hertion 5. Thla ordlnanca ahAl| feeliva from and aflar pnaags* cation. i ■ / t'naeed and approved the .... January, IkltO, / / '! AFFROVED: /,/ Brnaat l.ans/ord • Mayor T ATTEST: // /s/ N. M. McGinnis / City Secretanr i / i ! I; ' most northerly corner of Th«nc, 8 45» |W alongXthe northwest aid* bf Lot 16. ajdlatanc* oX 845.7 ft. to a point for corner: *\ Thenc* In a northwesterly dlrcrilon and parallel to Mungph Avenue n distance (of approximately 1700.3 ft. to a point In thf aoutheaat aide of Lot 7. Woodland KetatM; IThla point also] being located N\45<>, E 310 ft. from the moat aoutherly cdther t)f Lot 7, Woodland Batataa): ‘ Thence 8 46e W along tha nouth aid* of aald Lot j7 a dlatanc* of 310 |ft\ to,tha moat aoutherly corner of aald Lot 7: Thanca N 45® W along th* northejaat right-of-way Hit*' of Munaon Avenue a dlKtatic* of 606:3 :ft. to the moat aouthirly Corner of Lot 4,, Woodland Batatea; Thenc* S 4»* (V a dlatanc* of apprdgl- lately tiyto ft. to the moat aoutherly cor. i*r of tort 4, Woodland Acres; Thenc* S 45* j B along the nortlxjnai' boundartr of Collkge Mina Eatalea to lthe point of beginning. I *■ Beginning, at th* nouth oi.rner! of Lot t Block t pf the Huutheaal College , Park Addition to: the City of College Hla- tlon. Texaa: Thane, N j 45* K along th, anulhaaat aid, of aald t.ol t a dlatanc, of 1W1 feat to th, aaat cornel 1 of aald, Lot 1 illock j | Thenra N 46« JV along.tha northaaal aidt ■ of aald Idil, 1 Illock I. a dalanca of (IHI frat to tha nor th cornar. of th, said Lot I Block III Thane, N 4#« 1C along th, aoulhaaat aid, of tha all*y between College Park Add tloa' and tha aald Soiilha«*l Coila«e fkrk a dlatanc, of a|>prcxlmately till I faetflo llie weal alda of Sotijh Hazier Drlvai I 1 Thanca In a aoblhaaalMly direction along th, waat aid, of laid South Drator tirlv*. a dlatanc# of dpproslmataly ItllS.t 'feel to Ih* aaat ebrnef of lad 12 Block A of th, aald Koulhaaal ftolUge Park Addllloni ' Thenc# h 4#« jW a dlalanc* of approx)- 1 hiataly 1 / L ili f DeLUXE CAFE SERVES THE BEST ■. FOOD I to the aoutli corner of td>t 12 Ifock 4 If the llreeay Helgtil* Ad dltlon to jth, Cllk of College station: j N 45 j W along tha norll Kairvlew Avenue, .a dlalanc, of -gs Thenc* aid* of I 312 feet to the. 4 ’ of aald llreeay Ifelghm Addition: Thetloe A 45®; W a distance of r,o feet IN f The Bryan Home of the Texas Aggies The Battalion of L'ollmft RtftllMl; I W Mlong (ha horlhsasl tnu*. a dlsianrs of •sl.rornsr of 1,0! 9 lllork iJ w a mstancs or no r#ai to tha southwffst sMs of Fslrvlsw Avsnus; Thtnos 45« W along the southwest slds of Fairvlsw Avsnui. a dlslanrs of approx* Imately M6o fskt to I hr soullirant slda Of Luthar StnNN; Thsni#~-N 45® K along thr southrast slda of Luthsr Htrrrt. a dlstanrr of 200 faat to tha northeast side of an allsy;. Thrncr S 45® | E nlong the noiihrnst side of said alley, a distance of approximately I 434 fa«t; ‘ ^ Thence N 45 Street : i Thence N 46® side of Herefond Lof 1 Block 1 Park. Section 2’. Notice ehall be given by pub- llcatlon In the jpfflclel paiier at least flf Thence N 454 E a distance of 40 fee! othe northern!! side of Koulh Hereford W along the northeast t6 the south corner of | of said Southeast College teen (15) days In order to inf cltlsens dealrlng Passed. appr< on this the 9th »rior to said public hearing >rm Interested parties and to be heard. ved, and ordered published day of January 1950. A D. ATTEST: /a/ N. M. McGinnis CHy Secretary ' APPROVED: /lI/* Ernest Langford Mayor Ilf vi "I City Limits of Collere Htatlon On Highway 6, South -r new — STAt’E Mi ultra-mod: The Perfect “ L, Friend ' ‘ . ... . .' NOW IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS; /k NITA’S NEWSSTAND—North Gate / MADELErS PHARMACY—South Gate AGGIELAND PHARMACY—North Gate BLACK’S PHARMACY—East Gate THE BATTALION is available every day at 1:45 p.m. at the above newsstands. \ Vi'. I- • V " - 5 AX# I COUMTitff I ^ UOHOHt!J You can relax ip one of our cabs, knowing you’ll get the kind of service you want. PHONE 2-1400 I 1 . ’ I.. \i\ii