Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1950)
T' . i- . u. . ; ?f •'>!! " ■ ? ^ ' ' ■■ Sheep Population To Crow in 1950 Th# dcrllne In Texas sheep mimtM>rs will probably be halted in 1080, with the possibility of some I recovery according, to a sur vey recently released by Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the Animal Hus bandry ^Department. The survey was in the form ot a graduate study, “What's Hap pening to Texas Sheep ?“, made bv JSb t ?K~- ■ sen Wid . fits of proper range management practice, (t is very unlikely that Jacob T. Dameron, Van Horn; and Archie Jr. McDaniel, Lordsburg. )j . ever again reach the 1040-43 level,’ the report said. The study shows that sheep pop ulation of the state climbed steads ily until 1940 and then, due to drouth^ uncertain wool prices, and high feed prices coupled with in experienced labor, the number dropped 31 per cent in 10 years. Made by a survey through coun ty agents in 1949, the study com pares figures with answers to a questionnaire sent to the members of the Texas Shefp and Goat Rais ers Association ih 1940. The halt in the decline of the sheep numbers, now 26 per cent of the nation's total, is due partly to Texas sheep men practicing more crossbreeding, V \ the sheep population in Texas will x - : “ ' • ■ ’> -C-W Wii%' keadtuumms^ ■' KVrtSa D@BBS Dobbs brings you hats of finer quality, bettif oon-j Wuction, higher atyle than you’d ever belitva poaalbla 'from the $10 tag.’ These Dobbs live up to their label in every reaped, And that same label identifies the world’s finest hat*.j Before you invest in any hst~«4 any price-look ij (iratLqtyr eelecilon of 110 Dbbbe. It will pay you wei(i Oihtt Dobbi.Hait tU'SO to tSO. 103 N. Main Conway & Co. — A Finagle . r* % * TUlie Now Cooks, Sews for Aggies TUlie’s f Ireamland is now under the management and ownership of Mrs. Tillib Halos, or as she pj-e- fers to called, just Tillie. February 7 Tillie bought out er partner and started in on her wn, with this basic policy “Home ted food at the lowest possible es”. In addition to owning ihe amland, Tillie also owns the l&M Alteration shop, which She ill continue to manage. The cafe will seat 67 people ^ at La Fiesta REGULAR PLATE 65c ina TamaleH FrIJoleu Rice Tea or Coffee Compueata Rnchiladan Chili TortUllnH Pralinen Bryan’s Original Mexican Restaurant 303 N, College Avenue Bryan booths and stools, Tillie said. The staff includes two cooks, five wait resses and four students. She has had previous experi ence in the cafe business home town * ' cafe business in her of Weimer, Texas. Tillie’s Creamland is open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. daily and on the nights there are dances on the campus they will be open all night. - FIGHTS - (Continued from Page 3) Morales was state flyweight king in both 1948 and 1949 Amarillo is the only region with a chance of overtaking Fort Worth i in the jj team race. Fort Worth has 15 points and four fighters left. Amarillo has 11 points and fiv|e fighters left. Hemlflnals Pairings Bantamweights: Alfred Flor*a, 1 126, Bryan, vs. Billy Dickerson, 127. Brownwood; Lloyd Densinnn, 126, Waco, vs, Roy Pacheco, 127, Fort W^Mh. Light-HcavySvelghtii: J. Ray Henry. 10.'!, Amarillo, vs, Johnny Wllllngnam, 175, Urnwn- wood! Michael Wooiaey, 172, Fort Worth, vs. Campbell Woodman, 175, Bryan. Heavyweights; James Hoff, 190, Houston, vs. Dick Scott, 100, Bryan; Andy Fair- leson, 184, Fort Worth, vs, Tin Adams, 1H0, Abilene. Whai*8 Cooking AGRONOMY SOCIETY, picture change from Tuesday, Feb. 21 to Wednesday, Feb. 22, 5:15 p.m.. West side of Ag Building. BUSINESS SOCIETY, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.j Ex-Student Lounge, YMCA. Election of officers. COTTON BALL AND PAG EANT COMMITTEES, Wednes day, 7 p. m., Room 209, Ag Experi ment Statioh Building. DISCUSSION AND DEBATE SOCIETY, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 325 Academic Building. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CLUB, Tuesday, 7:15 p. m., Rohm 108, ME Shops. Plans for second conference to be discussed. j | INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTI CAL SCIENCES, A&M CHAPv TER, Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7 p. rn. Petroleum Lecture Room. Mr. Fred Weick will speak on the Agri- cultural airplane. / JMEWCOMERS CLUB, Wednes day, 7:30 p.j m., YMCAj/Washing- ton Birthday party. _/ PRE-LAW SOCIETY, Feb. 21 Tuesday, about 7 R.m., Dorm 2 lounge. Talk on preparation for law school by RoV R, Roy. RODEO CLUB. Monday, Feb. 20 8 p. m. Lecture Room, A&I Building Everyone is invited ANTONIO CLUB, Tues- HAN West side of. Ag- rii'tiltuiyt Bonding, Club picture will Ik* tukifn. No. 1 uniform w sult eoats Mill be worn, SADDLE AND SIRLOIN OLUH, Tuerilay, Feb 21, 7;15 p. in., A«I Ia<eture Room. YMCA CABINET MEETING, Feb, 20, Monday, 7:15 p.m., Cabi net room of the YM('!A, Picture will be taken. 'H ' ' | : ' ■ / . " / actual money used through stirring phases ^rmiT op 'is Memorable events of history and drama in the lives of our predecessors in Ameri- ca are recalled as we view the display of currency, used in various periods, and now being shown in this Bank’s lobby. well be titled: “The Romance of Money.” This educational and interesting presentation is offered as a service to the community by College Staton State Bank. It is hoped that among the resultant emotions produced in viewing this display will be an appreciation on YOUR part of the im portance of the proper handling of YOUR funds, today! We feel that making College Station State Bank YOUR Bank is an important step iri the proper regulation of your financial affolro. ' ; vv 'j - - -' .J <.v- ’ t ' History is replete with deed's of daring, valor, in trigue, and in nearly all of these, somewhere or * * SHOWING FOR THE PERIOD FEB. 20 TO FEB. 27 * * * Come in and see the currency display any day this w The^e is, of course, no o e e k. t>liga- tioh on your part, ar}d no charge. College Station “T ■ W : i iTr I Safety • Courtesy State Bank Promptness V UCADETS - (Continued from Pug** 1) orlaiul, Jimmy Rolllha, McKInnoy: Gooriri* HchwarU, Marcodva; Bill Aloxahilci', Soydor. | Bnrllunt9< arc Drun L. (Hud- dy) Boyd, FI. Wurlh; Jarry Ward, mm Anlunlu; Huh Tala, CryHlal ('By, 'IVxaN; John Tar- vvr, DnllaMi luMiiuird N. IVrk- Ihn, FI, Worth; Jvrry Byrd, Vprnoit: David Kiroagfr, Wan AngVlo; Dirk HluMowyr, ijlnM AukiimIIiu*; Boh Hardy, ILiua- lon; Jim BoylvN, El I’hmo; I lick AdumH, VlncruncN, lnd,;- Bill lllrkrr, CorpiiH Chrlatl; Jimmy Dalton, l.ullng: Larry Hard- wlckv, CbrpuH Chrlatl; Goorgr Rodgpra, College Hint ion; Allen Sliger, Waco; Bob StinHon, Dal- !»«: Bob Terrell, Denton; Lamar McNew, College Statbm; Alton Murphy, Mineral Well*. Basse? include Jbrldan Strong, Velasco; Jack Shell^ Corpus Chris- ti; Gborge Thomas, ;FL Worth; H. W. Van Cleave, Mission; Thomas Sayage, Port Arthur: Jack''Nor man, Galveston: Edmund Munford, Eagle Lake; Kenneth Hill, San Benito; Jack Cresset; Ft. Worth; John Derry, Corpus Christi; Ca rol Cato, Thalia; Conrad Cone, College Station; Pavid Haines, College Station^ K^ith Haines, College Station Burton Lambert, Sweetwater; Bill Lewis, College Station; Thurmond: Munson, An- gleton. In the Aggie Square* Club man ami wife have equal Jurisdiction when It cornea to lawmaking. Newly elected nrealdcitU of the group are Tom (with tie) and Jerry (eyes elooed)i Buckner.- New Vlee-prealdenta are Mterllng and Francla l.lndaay, on (he left. Handling the financial ami secretarial matters will Ite Tom and' Nell King, left, newly elected secretary-treasurers. * • Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS PllRO 4 MONDAY, FKBRUARY 20, 1000; rstM la ■MhMU aau. WITH A BATTALION Ol At). Rsim . , , M« a word ‘ with * IBo minimum, M Olutlflml SmUoo ,,,«<« Inoh. Rond oil rluilflodi tnnoo to tho Rtudont AotlvIUw uim—. All «da ohould bo tumod In by loioo a.m. or tho day Doforo puhlloahoa, o VoR BENT • ml* Offlao, C’OMPLETBLY KURNISIIKD modfro thr»« rooiti apt,—utilltlni A j,I,on» piiiU-pri vate tile bath—garage. 2107! South Col lege Avenue. ♦ SERVICES • ’ ORT EASTER SEWING dJnIS early. Mary Brown, 203 W. Caraon, Bryan. Profs Attend Meeting Carl Tishler and W. bf. Powell of the Physical Education Depart ment tand L. Richardson, sup erintendent of A&M Consolidated, returned Saturday from a two-day meeting in Austin. j The meetihe was sponsored'’ hy .the State Denjtrtment of Hpalth. Its purpose was to plan better methods of teaching health edu cation. • FOB SALE • REE US lo buy tjr nail uood fiirnOurT Phono 2-7UI17, Wund rurnlturo Odm. '' ' iirWItAL MTIinkNT NATWl r j "" t.U»—s mo; . Tl(n* ,R mo. i.oo EtirtunV H mo . 0.0# Ra»i'.li*ifa nigagt—N mo. ............ 1.00 1 , 30)1 NSON'S MAIIARINE AOKNCVl I Kuti 2R4, tullrgr statu,u Chum, 4-HOOt + Official The NOW 1H AVAILABLE AT THE FOLIiOWINO NEWSSTANDS; t " .. r NITA’S NEVV8STAND—North Gate MADELKY’8 PHARMACY—South Gate AGGIELAND PHARMACY—North Gate ■ i j ; ' \ "• n ' BLACK’S PHARMACY—East Gate i ? THE BATTALION is available every day at 1:45 p.m. at the above newsstands. f 1 1 Student - Faculty DIRECTORY ’ 01 Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 or Mail 50c to t STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas —On Hole at Annex— SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND 4* -4- MoliWI.-A yoni)—Maioil lianma, rlr, — loHt ovarliHiilatl nmipleialy oil liar ; «all to Aggla, <!Hll 8-nan 1 ~~' 1 ' . i—— Typewriters for K##nt >, LATENT MODKI.M S BRYAN BUSINESS j MACHINE CO. 2A0 N. Main » Dlnl 0-ISjlM -.i_. T ‘ ConaUlt Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETHIST With Tour Visual Problems 808 B. Main — Bryan | . ■ Phone 8-1662 City Limits OrfHli It* ot College St tlghway 6, South STATE MO-TEL ULTRA-MODERN The Perfect Piece for that Friend tp Stay i ? jnoi? Fican ;