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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1950)
• I . •i. 1 JiJ c;,l City Of College Station Official Newspaper 4 : ' : m Bat Volume 49: Number 93 L t PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Aggieland ’50 Con As Student Life Gr European Tour Entries Must File by March 1 The Student Life Commit tee yesterday set March 1 a« i the deadline for etudente to i apply for the annual commit- l tee-aponaored European tour. HurlUjr thin, yuiir the commltt#* net BMlilt' $400 to bo iflvatt l h« : ittudMnt M>l«>i‘t«Ml - to tuke thp ten | week, YMC_A planned tour. / Purpoee of the tciur m Uf give ah Aggie the opportunity to meet Euro|M>nn etudenU, underetand them atid their laterestM, and to coniilder economic political, edu cational, and religioUH Ishucm in the countries visited. 1 i- The committee was informed b„ M. L. Cashiop, director of the carn- . pus YMCA, ithat a tentative sche- i dole for the tour has been an nounced. Students who take the tour will vijsit England, Scotland, two of Ahe Low Countries or Italy, Germany, France and Switzerland. Approximately 20 days of the ten week period will be spent on ship board. Iv Live With Students X 1 Students will l be given an op portunity to live with and attend classes with European students. A three-week period will be spent in wojrk or study a seminars in Germany or France. Duripg the eighth week all . stu dents participating in the tour will attend the European-Conference of the World Student Christian Federation near Geneva, Switzer land.' , . ;V -\ '.vr K Several days will be spent in Paris, London, and New York. Definite sailing dates Were not yet available, Cushion said. How ever, 1 tentative schedules called for a two day orientation period in New York. All student groups will go aboard ship about June 19. I The tours' will be completed libout Sept. 16. - Total minimum cost foh the tour was estimated at between $750 and $850. The $400 grant from the Student Life Commit tee would reduce 'this cost for an A&M student to betwoen $350 and $460. ’ Qualifications for consideration to receive the $400 grant were out lined hy Cushion. Qualifications Given; 1. Must he underclassman who will return to A&M for two full semesters. Grades should he good enough to Indicate that the stu dent will he able to oomnlete his college work satisfactorily. 8. Winner of the k$400 must Write one article per week for The Battalion while In Europe. The following school year he must con tribute one feature article per month based 6n his travels, and be available to speak With student groups and organizations. 4. He must agree to take the European Work and Study Sem inar under the direction of the YMCA. 5. Ho must be able to \partici- pate in all phases of 1 the program. Submit Names Any student interested jin ap plying for the $400 Student Life Grant was asked by the Committee to contact Ca^hion in his YMCA office. Final selection of the student Will rest with the Welfare and Recreation Committee of the Stu dent Life Committee. icts Let ip Meets : ■fe! IMO ■AM m ♦ The selection of Who’* Who at A&M was postponed un til March 1 by the Student Life Committee yesterday at its regular monthly meeting. • i / On that date an enure meeting will be devoted to choos ing the winners of the annual Who’s Who Award. Postponment of the meeting was done for two reasons. All the background data and college history of the nominees has hot yet been accumulaited. Also, -the Student Life Com mittee submitted to the Academic Council a recommenda tion for allowing a relaxation of the grade point ratio re- quiramant for Who's Who In spec- ThU racornmemlation will bo paaaad upon at the Feb. 28 Aca demic Council meeting, j j \ The recommendation was the re sult of lengthy discussion at! yes terday's meeting. A proposal to lower the present 1.6 grade point ratio requirement to] 1.0 was dropped when the com mittee felt that such action would tend to lower the value of the award. However, the committee be lieved that occasionally there w^re cases which deserved special con sideration. Such a situation midht exist whenever an outstanding man, having a 1.5 GPR upon 4 n * tering his senior year, lost; that ratio because of extensive extra curricular activities during his last year. The committee stipulated that, if such a case were presented, a unanimous vote of the committee would be necessary before the 1.5 GPR requirement could be relaxed. The recommendation received a unanimous vote at the committee meeting. It must now be approved by the Academic Council before it can become effective. Request Turned Down A Senior Class request that it be allowed to sell photographic coupons in the dormitories 1 was refused. Reasons for refusal in cluded the value of the service being rendered, the possibility that such action might set ai pre cedent fop other businesses ip the area, and similar service is avail able at several North Gate photo graphic shops. A Student Senate request for permiaaion to have a benefit show ing of the movie “We’ve (Never The uafti of A. D. Martin Martin has been named Corps Sergeant Major J Military Department. He bega: his new duties this week liaison between the cadet col< of the corps and all corps n< commissioned cadet officers. § Mayo, Morgner To Discuss Capitalism T. F. Mayo, head of the Department, and Profes sor Aurelius Morgner, of the Economic Department will speak aspects of capitalism tonight at the Economics Club program, ac cording to Marvin Butler, club .sponsor. The program will be held in the YMCA Chapel tonight at 7:30 p. m. Mayo will speak an the “Non- Economy of the Capitalistic" and Morgner on the "Economics As pect of; the National Debt”. Both men are well qualified to speak on their respective sub* jects, Butler said. Business men of College Station and Bryan will find the program interesting, he added. This is the initial effort on the part of the economics club to start a series of programs in connection with the monthly meetings. There are ten tative'plans fo r other speakers at future meetings, Butler Hwnclud- West Pointer Challenge A Debating Te A&M has been challen; -ed to a return match with debat ers from West Point, accojrd- ing to a letter received from Lt. Cob Chester Johnson, of ficer in charge of debate at the United States Military Acadqi addressed to Harrison Heirth rector of the A&M debaters. A&M won a decision over Pointers when they visited last spring. A team of two cadets, pre ed $o debate the negative of question "Resolved That the V, 8. Should Nationalise the basie Non- Agricultural Industries’', wll able to visit here March 18, letter stated. Acceptance of the request a match haa been mailed, eiiltl. Though plans for the hove not been completed) taking place on the cam| day will necessitate an a debate, he added. The visiting cadets will I guests at the Military Ball, j' military department is coopiji ing with the English Departipdnt in entertaining the visitors, jbe the jest far . H4l*th te eVt)nt is rnnon A&M Debaters In Waco Mee A&M debaters Kirkham and Joe Fuller to Waco today to take in the monthly Baylor versity forum. They will' fiTUests of the Bavlor Sn*>e<*h i Jiiumg’- r an hour** <iis- linutes of wh ch t. is “How i jl ar guests of the Baylor Speech, . partment at a speech dinnet the Colonial Dining Room of Baylor Union Building. The subject for an hou cussion, thirty minutes will be broadcast Shall American Military Prepa tion Go?" Following the disc sion a debate will he held- ty A&M defending the affirmative the pro proposition “ResoH That the Basic American Phifayo- phy of “States Rights” is moded”. The debaters will travel by lege car and will Be accompai by H. E. Heirth, Director of bate. j!' * lt * Soph Class Meet Tonight At 7:15 Sophomore class President Richard A. Ingels announced Sophomore class meeting in Assembly Hall tonight, at p. ra. The main topic will be the Sophomore Ball, to bo held on Ingels said. Houaing for dates and whether or not corsages will be worn will be diecuned at the meeting. A treasury report will also be glfan, Ingela said. ~ of discuaeon >re Sweetheart m March 4, \ Been Licked” was approve committee authorized m Guion Hall for the picture.; Pro ceeds from the benefit will go to the Campus Chest. The Campus Chest funds will be used to finance a four !year, “Twelfth Man” Scholarship, pro vided a school donation to the World Student Service Fund; and set up a contingency fund, j A Senior Class request for use of Guion Hall to prudent an ■exhi bit of men’s clothing wax ap proved. The exhibit will he in conjunction with the etiquette course the class will sponsor! later this semester. A large department store In (See STUDENT LIFE, Page 4) Senior CIuhn Meeting Set % ji The Senior Class will hold a meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m., Bobby Byington, class president, said this morning. ....The meeting will be held in the chapel of the YMCA. M Act of Congress Aggie-TU Turkey . ! ! ■ m r-if 1 m : . i..: • M ' ! i M i - ■ • ? ■ -r - talion ; ‘ disrupts ►ay Date Thanksgiving Day wlU not be the same [next year! At least it won’t be for Texas A&M and the University oflTexas students. Due to an act of Congress, there will be no Turkey pay football battle be tween the Aggies and the Texas Longhorns In For 35 consecutive years, the tw last Thursday in November. This was and exes of the two schools, even during tl other parts of the country observed the holii Admlnl and 1951. t have tangled on the Ving Day to students Now Deal Era, When a week earlier. act In Administrative offlciala ignored the 194L congressional a< the mid 40’s, laat time November had five Thursdays. This year, how ever, the officials decided to go along with the national observance. Schools holidays In 1950 and 1951 begin on the fourth Thursday In November and run for three days. An additional holiday haa been declared at the two schools on Nov. 30, the dats of the game thla year. The game will be played on Saturday, Dec. 1 in 1951. In 1953 the Thanksgiving Day schedule will be resumed and followed until five Thursday Novsmbers come again. IH Collegiate Daily NAS 1949 Survey IBIS f \ ;_L Tito Heresy* Is World Hope for Peace-Harsch Price Five Cents Idwards, Bunjes Head llty Desk In New Set-up ' ' !> Curtis 'Edwards, junior range and forestry major from Houston, has been named city editor' of the Battalion aiuKa new department of City News was established to day, C. C. Munroe and BUI Bill ingsley, co-editoi*», announced. The new department headed by Edwards was established to more completely fulfill t>W\ Battalion’s responsibility as College Station’s official newspaper, the co-editors said. I \ 'Emil H/ Bunjes, Jr. juniert* jour nalism major, also from Houston, Pre-Meds Make] Annual Baylor ’ Inspection Trip “The Premedical-Predental Society rqade its annual in spection trip to Baylor Uni versity Medical College on Feb. 18”, announced Dr. Pot ter today. Thirty-six members of the so ciety went on the inspection trip. Society members that went on the trip were excused^ from classes for the day. Dr. Brown, assistant dearri of the medical school, welcomed the group and answered many ques tions they had pertaining to the school. After the welcoming address, Dr. Scofield of the Anatomy De partment escorted the group through the medical school pro per and showed them the features of the school. Former Aggies M^Ued In medi cal school are TSAy Davis, John Knapp, Ruben Koenig, James ' Mann. Charley Stephenson. Tom my Walker, ffashmen, Dick Har- rikon, Van Lawrence, B. C. Up- say, and Ed Miller, sophomores, aid Tom McKinley, Glenn Jones, W. Cogswell, C. C. Hooper, D. Hamilton, R. M. Wright, F. Watts, and Scott" Haggard, nlors. Those enrolled In the school of dentistry include! Charley Laine, Donald Lindsay, and Cecil Walt, fijeshmen, Bob i Holland, Karl Poorter, and Mit Sorrels, sopho- jres, and Harold Clifton, a jun- soc- Dr. Potter, spohsor W the ty, and Dr. Doak, head of the ology department, e group. will assist] Edwards on the new beat. Bunjes will handle all hews from Colli ge Station’s A&M Con solidated school. Complete Coverage Reporters will coyer all city offices, churches, and businesses in the Col ege Station area bring ing the latest city news to the Battalion offices, the co-editors explained. ~^i Residents of' 7 "' College Station will have ready access to The Battalion as soon as street sale and carrier route arrangements are completed, Roland Bing, man ager of Student Publications, said this afternoon. Ltreet Editions treet editions of. The Battalion a r ^ avi liable a t Aggieland Pharinacy, Nita’s News Stand and Made ey’s Pharmacy. Cost of the nev >s stand edition i s five cents, the same rate charged for other local and state dailies. The s treet edition is on the stands by 1:45 each afternoon, the co-editors Mid. Carrier routes being established will get ’’he Battalion to college employees living in\this area much earlier thin before.'Other College Station residents will be able to get the paper delivered to their door for the first time. Announce ments wi 1 be made as hoys axe employed and. routes estiblishsd, Bing ex; World News Besides complete city coverage, The Battalion will also feature the latest] state, national and world neWs as a result of new Associate^ Press wire schedules establlshe l the early part of this month. College Station residents having news Rems to submit or questions concetninir the new service were asked by the co-editors to call The Battalion office at 4-6444. Parking Prohibited Went of Dorm 12 Stnrtini there street running west of dormitory 12, Chief of Campus Security, Fred Hickman, announced. This restriction was necessary because of the mud holes the parked cirs were making, Hick man said! 1 Tickets! will be given starting accompanied ] today forj all men who park in this areaj he concluded. ■ rung yesterday, Feb. 20, wll| be no parking on the Sweetheart Deadline Near; Sports Day, Soph [Ball Meet By DEAN REED The I960 edition of the Sopho more Sweetheart Ball now has an other point in its favor to :make March 4 a big day for second- year men of A&M. Sports Day, according to ; Gene Schrickel, president of the! “T” Association, will also fall on that day. Offering a swimming meet, an intra-squad baseball game, a track meet, possibly a tennis match and perhaps other events, Ma^ch ;4 will be athletically topped by the fin al Maroon - -White football scrim mage that evening. Still another item of interest which has turned -®p since the last official communique oh the Ball is the class’ entry to the an nual Cotton Ball, slated for Fri day night, April 28. The Sweet heart of the Sophomore Ball, ac cording to the latest edict of Dick Ingela, soph president, will be of ficial representative of the Class of ’52 to A&M’s foremost agri cultural pageant Entries for sweetheart must bo tnrneil In to Student Activl ties office, second floor of Good win Hall, by 8 pun. thla Fob. 24. So Inaisl Rowe, high priest and rhal mlttee. Tickets are now on sale in each dormitory in the Corps area, ac cording to John Tapley, chief of siaff of the men who dish the ducats. Invitations, as Tapley pre- f<rs to call them, can be obtained at $2.50 per from any of the fol- fe'-: Among the earlier entry* In the contest for Sweetheart at the ifaphomore Ball la Anita Me- kmald, Dallasite currently at tending NTSC la Deaton, I! lowing crew members: H. O. Bragg, William Vaughn, F. M. Johnson,—Dorm 1; Bob Liacecum! G. C. Jackson—Dorm 2; B. D. Roneycutt, A. E. Reese— Dorm 3. ’ } (Representatives for Dorms 4, 6, and 6 have not been named as yet, but will published later in the week.) D. R. McCoy, J. B. Dixson, B. Neal—Dorm 7; D. E. Vandenberg, J. T. Tapley, L. Frazier—Dorm 8; Joe Miller, J. Clifford—Dorm 9; A. P. Kutzer, G. W. Broyles, E. B. Nauert—Dorm 10. T. Carlisle, W. D. Moore, David Smith, Eld Jones—Dorm 11; and J. B. Banowsky, Dorm 12. Non-Area Sales Arrangjements for ticket sales to sophomores living outside the Corps area and day students will be fat up later this week also, Tapley said Monday. The Aggieland Orchestra will play for the Ball, scheduled to be gin at 8:30 p. m. Dignitaries from the college and from over the state have been sent invitations and many are expected to attend, according to Harold Chandler, In vitation chairman. Further plans for the Ball will be discussed tonight at the Sopho more Class meeting at 7:15 In the Assembly Hall, noonosd early today. Ingela an- Curtis Edwards Edwards has been named city editor of The Battalion. He will direct the city news department established to give better Col lege Station coverage. Fleeless Jail Holds Figh tin Congressman Washington. Feb. 21—— Spry 61-year-old Rep. Fred L. Crawford (R-Mich) returned to a back-slapping ovation on Capitol Hill Monday after spending two bights in jail to uphold “the prin-| Ciple that congressmen should not have any special privileges.” Crawford pleaded guilty to as sault charges in Prince Georges County, Md., police court and paid a $28.50 fine far taking a poke at a, well-muscled, young prixefight- er-law student who works for him. "It tuid weeke; friends.” . , Back at his congressional chdres, he promptly lannounced: “I’m thinking seriously of su ing the authorities who kept me in jail. I’ve got them cold for un lawful detention.” Associates said Crawford was considering a possible $60,000 suit against Maryland State’s Attor ney A. Gwynn Bowie and officials of Prince Georges! County. Thu wealthy Michigan luwmak. er*! who owns a MO-acre Mary land farm, had Insisted on stay ing in the red-brlcki bastlle at up per Marlboro, Maryland., after his arrest Saturday for punching 23- year-old Fred flunbury In the eye, Hnnbury, who fought six pro- fesslonal fights us a lightweight, has been a tenant on Crawford's farm and an aide on the legisla tor’s congressional staff. | Neither would disclose details of the dispute that led to the one-punch episode on Craw ford’s farm, except that It was a “personal matter" involving a girl stenographer in the Con- Kressman’s office. 1 The peppery legislator engaged in a running dispute with Mary land authorities whether he should be let out on a personal cash bond When first arrested, he had of. fered to put up cash, or securities worth as much' at $50,000, But Maryland officials insisted at the outset that under the law he could only go free by putting up a real estate bond or by going through a professional bondsman. Lfaer, they made harrowing ef forts to backtrack and let him go on; his own recognizance, but he refused The Dublin, Texas-born Michi gan legislator appeared in court with a two-day stubble of beard and still wearing the rough farm clothes and knee-length rubber boots he had on when arrested. Pick Up ’49 Senior Favorite Pictures Pictures of Senior Favorites ap pearing in the Aggieland 1949 that have not yet been picked up are now in the Student Activities of fice and may be picked up there. Graduation announcements for Jan. 1950 are also available for those who would like to get extras for souvenirs. Churchill Paintings Bought by Hallmark New York — lipl — Winston Churchill’s paintings are going to appear on American Christmas cards next December. The Hallmark Greeting Card Co. said It hat arranged to uee 18 paintings by the former Brit ish prime mlniatefi By C. a MUNROE Tito-dominated Yugoslavia, a Communist country whicl dislikes Russia, may be the key to the prevention of work destruction from the H Bomb. With that theme, Joseph C Hkrsch—author, foreign correspondent, and CBS commen tator—described the people and political leanings of thi making up Awards & Merit Day Program Planned Here An Awards and Merit Day Program is being (ilanned by a special committee of the Aca demic Council to give recognl tion to the student wkh a higi 1* scholastic record, announced ~S. R. Wright, head of (he C. E. De partment. ' ; ; The purpose of ‘the program which is to be held fa Guion Hall at 7:30 p. m. on the Satur day evening preceding Mother’s Day is to provide a special occa sion each year to recognize stu dents in each department who have won awards or. who have been nominated farrecognition in the grade point field. The re cipients of these honors will be se lected by a committee which will canvass all departments for ' nom inations and the names of award winners. Additional - * nominations submit ted to Ray Perryman, secretary of the committee, in the Regis trar’s office wiR be studied by the committee and the students se lected will be presented at the Saturday evening program which will be a part of the Open House Activities each year. This program preceding the ac tivities Sunday at which military and other awards are presented will serve to seoarate the extra curricular and the military from the scholastic achievements of the student body. The awfatto will pot ... ot attainments made by Aggies of Harsch all classifications. The Awards and Merit Day Program will be an innovation I on the Open House Activities and tend to mqke it more Of a weekend affair. Besides this the Academic Council expects the program ' to coll closer attention to the h|gh scholastic standards held by A^M to the caliber of graduates |)ro- duced here, and to the extent of the educational system and facil ities available here. No definite plans father than the date have been settled, hut the programs will contain sonfe of the awards formally made) at com- mencemont and those which could not be made at another time.! In addition plans concerning a! ban quet to further emphasis the pro- gram are being discussed by the committee. Iron curtain to an unusually large audience in Chiton hall laat night, i Harsch advanced the theory, or actually mors of a hope, that tNfl spread of what, he called "Tito heresy" would eventually group of buffer oounirlee I Die p mm preeenl two ermed camps American and Russian allies abteUltoe. j While Yugoslavia actuaU> tlces more real, applied, Communism than any I other coun try, Including Russia, .Harsch seld, Tito openly defies Moscow. The Yugoetava cen afford this defiance, he continued, because they are "frontlerslly free" from Russia, surrounded by frlsndly, or partially sympathetic, countries. : Harsch described Yugoslavia as a “nation of peasants’’ and the most technically backward coun try in the iron curtain. Their in herent, intense dislike for foreign ers has prevented infiltration of their country by Moscow-implant ed Reds, however,, and their brand of Communism, while brutal and rugged, is strictly their own. Finland, Harsch continued, is as modern as the Yugoslavs are back ward, but the Finns share their Courage and desire for political in dependence. 1 Czechoslovakia was described by Harsch as more like the U.S. than any of the other curtain countries. He described the Poles as an ex tremely nationalistic race. Just awakening to the fact they are be ing exploited by their Russian masters. ! In his Introductory remarks, the European political authority de scribed the H bomb as a “strate gic, not a tactical weapon”. :He qualified this definition by aaylng' the bomb is a one-punch weapon for which there is no retaliation, since the opening shot ends the war,- J “Two properly placed H bombs in the East Coast area between i and Washington, D.; C. take the U. 8. out af a war" said flatly. Texas industry Is so widely dis persed, he went on, that the Hous ton ship channel Is probably the only spot In the state that would offer a target for a crippling mil itary blow. The principle of the H bomb Is far from being ’ new, Harsch ex plained, and Russia may have pne developed now, or may have efan hud one before we began work on a With this availability and the bomb's terrific, even Inconceivable, destructive power, he seld, this smell trend of free thought 4ml action In Yugoslavia may hs the only preventative to world de nt ruction, > ’ Harsch was speaking in Uuj under the sponsorship of the (>r Issues course, end was tntroqi by it’s instructor, Dr. B. R. mon. & ubsd Freshman Design Anniversary Plate A first-year student in archi tecture outstripped 260 compe titors, many of them advanced students of design to fashion the design of the Texas :A&M 75th Anniversary Commemorative Din ner Plate. The plate, which will be sold as a souvenir of the Gblden Jubilee Celebration next yeir, will I be available for sale in September. The winning design, drawn by John C. Truehardt of George town was selected yesterday by a committee composed of the Archi tecture Department staff and four invited judges. Students in arcKitectural design, 250 in all, entered a contest-project to pat tern the plate. Receives Prize For his winning project, True hardt will be awarded a complete set of twelve of the original edi tion of Commemorative A&M Din ner Plates made by Wedgewood in England. This original edition, priced at $35, consists of one dozen plates of finest china de picting buildings on the A&M campus. These plates, too, were designed by architectual students at A&M. Second place winner Leo M. J. Dielman, a fifth-year student in design, will receive one dozen of the anniversary plates. Both pri zes were awarded by R. Lli “Pinky” Downs, Jr., who heads the AAM Commemorative Plate As sociation and who MM chosen to underwrite th* anniversary plate. Also among th* first five de signs selwted by the committee were those by Emmitt A Ingram, r James H. Lemmon, and James A. Davis. ; i Maroon, Gold, and White Truehardt’s design calls' t: plate that will be white* chi trimmed fa maroon and gold, solid White center will be sur rounded' by a maroon border i dged and inscribed in gold/ The outer rim of the plate will be inscribed in gold with the names of ail of the presilents who held office during A&M's 76 year history, me words “76»h *— ! — " --fa the numeral* Iso appear near Ion of the bor- )e gold-inscribed College” and ic representative campus. Seleet- e Various gen- nts at the col- will be Gath- Anniversanr* 1 ail “1876-1961” wifi] the. outer rim. The timer poi der will bear word “Texas A! the names of n| buildings on tin ed to represent erations of $tu; lege, the buildii^,. u . v „. right Hall, Pfu*ffer IfaU. Sblsa Hall, Francis Hall, Guion Hall, Puryear Hall, Kyle Field. Moore (See FRESHMAN. Page 4) I l ■ L fB