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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1950)
-MURAL- • V (Continued from Page 5) and Miller. Juckflon of C Cav. won out over Ditto of A TC und Modi- *® n _ 0 f B TC tied up Mobley of A FA Bornkahl of tWS matted Briftcoe of- D AF to complete the day e heavyweight matches. In the 170-pound class, Plarhe of Maroon Band scored against Hou- ser of E Air Force, followed hy Holmes of A Infantry who dropped Hulon of A CAC. Kruse of B QMG and ; Wilhelm of A ASA prpved! t themselves superior matmen to Garza of C Cavalry and Kadel of A Ordnance, -Brand of A Air Force topped Brailas of B CAC, and Bice of C Cavalry downed Moore of G Air Force to round out the 169 pound class. Forfeits High . If ' -i* ’ ' ' V ! • ' ' ; I The 159-pound class contained the highest percentage of forfeits of the day’s matches. Gardner of G Air Force failed to show up against Little John of A Air Force, while Coleman of D Field scored over Bowden of D Fielid by. a de fault. Green of A ASA and Schroeder of B Cavalry tossed Reasoner of G Air Force and Martin of C Air Force for losses. To complete the d CHAP- 1, 7 p.Jm. oom. Mr. n the ag[ri- What 9 b Cooking AGGIE SQUARES, Friday. 8 p.m., Pariah House. Election of Officer*. Beginners come at 7:30. BASTROP - I.l: E COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:30 p. m. Room 224 Aca demic Building. INSTITUTE Of AERONAUTI CAL SCIENCES, AAM TER, Tuesday, ;Feb. 21 Petroleum Lecture Room Fred Welck will [speak on cultural airplane^ Latin American Club, Friday, February 17, 7dT5 p. m., YMCA Assembly Room: Pictures will he made at this time. ‘! RODEO CLUB, Monday, Feb. 20 8 p. m. Lecture Room, A&I “Building Everyoine is invited SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB. Tuesdayj, Feb 21, 7:16 p. m., A&I Lecture Room. SAN ANTONIO CLUB, Tues day, Feb. 23, 5:20 p. m. West side, Agriculture Building Picture to be taken. Uniform number and suit coats will he" \Vom. cA- B APTISTS - (Continued from Page 4) for local people; was started with a class of only four local child ren. The preaching service was conducted in the auditorium of the EE Building and the classes and Batta lion CLASSIFIEiD ADS ciass Hulse of B^ Engineers de- unions we re held in the class feated.-Carter of A Signal.,. Only contest in thej 149-pound class featured Terry of B Field Artillery, who concluded the days wrestling by defeating Slatter of B Cavalry. FOR MUSIC THAT! CAN’T BE BEAT . \ It’s really a treat! \ 1 Buy that “AGGIE WAR HYMN” Ve all know that it's the- \ best in the land . . ^ ' So buy ’em} now while Lou has then! on hand LOUPOT’S "Trade with Lou ~ , Ho> right with you" . Cl^gS ’32 T rooms. _ In April 1923; the first Baptist Church of College Station was or-i ganized with 91 charter members, It is the only Baptist Church in the United Staties which has, been an outgrowth of Baptist Student Union work. L 5% ? 5% New Automobiles New & Used AUTOMOBILES FINANCED New and Used Phone 4-1232 Flop Colson Travis Nelson FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1950 MU£ wm 1 A BATTS LION CXABBin*D AO. KatM . . . SSe s word por tnaortios with a 2 Sc minimum. ; Spaoc rmua 1$ «t sortioa . . . eoc per ooluma a«»d au cluotfloda with rmmo tho Btudont Actlvliiw Offico. imould bo tursad la bj 10:0* tho day before publication. FOB SALE • SEE US to buy or oell used furnitL . , I et,™,. Wood Furnituro " Cotie \ BUY YOUR ' | Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY __ _____ NEW CAR (mny kind > through F. R. Hyson, Box 4761 (South StAlion? College S;ation or see in bach of Aust:h Hal) Texas A&.YI College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 v ', yt . Mail 50c to agton, Feb i7_oet_Ed | STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Yen Airline Route CAA Signal Washing aminer Ifernpn Radcliffe record mended yesterday that the Civil Aeronautics Board. | give Trans- Texas Airways a temporary route from Mission-McAllen-Edinburg to San Antonio and vicinity. The report was made in the South Ttxas Service case. The route would go by way Of Alice, Corpus Christi and BeC- ville. j _. | Radlifl also recommended that the board order an investigation to determine whether it should^ sus pend the authority of either East ern Airlines or Braniff Airways fo serve Corpus Christi and Brownsville. The recommendations are sub ject to approval by the board. Spring E Figures I nrollment Released figures released from the jjr’s Office reveal a total ent of 6.701 students for the Spring Semester, according to R. man, assistant registrar. Texas A & M College College Station, Texas —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND • FOB RENT • COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern three room apt.—utilities & phone paid—pri vate tile bath—garage. . 2107 South Col lege Avenue. Consult I>r. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Tour Visual Problem* 203 S. Main -p Bryan Phone 2-|662 FURNISHED APVRTMENT — 3 blocks from N. Gate—Electric refrigerator, prl- ! vate bath and garage. Available this | weekend. Call 4-47C4. MISCELLANEOUS Typewriters for Rent LATEST MODELS BKYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. 209 X. Main Dial 2-1328 WANTED: Ride to and from work at Athletic Office. College. Leave 7:4U a m. -get off 5 p m. Betty Reed, 413 S. , Nall street, Bryan. ♦ SERVICES • COMPLETE Beauty Service and Merle Norman CoameOcn. Pb. 2-MS55 Located in block of Palace Theater. City limits of College Station On Highway 6, South — NEW — STATE MO TEL UljTRA-MODERN The Perfect Place for that Friend to Stay At G0NZAGA and Colleges and Universities throughout the country CHESTERFIELD is the largest-selling cigarette. BING CROSBY v. •' : •- V Famous Gonzaga alumnus, says: “Smoke MY cigarette. MILDER Chesterfields.’* HOUTWOOD srAjfs Hear CHESTERFIELD'S Great New BING CROSBY SHOW Every Wednesday over the entire CBS Net work—9:30 P.M. E. S.T.— 8:30 P-MkC.S.T—7:30P.M. M.S.T.—6:30 P.M. P.S.T. Copyright 1M0. Uxmtt a Mnn Towcce Ca } . i • • !•'. . ;i 4 1 ■- : v‘* - > So. 2—Le Grand White W K CORN ...... 1 10c aool ’•' / 1 / HUNT PEARS .... 15c No. 1—Tall—Sen Konger PINK SALMON. . . . 35c Mr*. Tucker’s / SHORTENING . 3 lbs. 48c 80 Cotnit—Good Housekeeping NAPKINS, .j. .... . l«c HEINZ KETCHUP . . 25c Kntrt CARAMELS Chase & Sanborne COFFEE,.. No. 2—Kim bell WAX BEANS Medium Size . lib.29c . . 1 lb. 68c . 2 cans 25c / CAMAY SOAP . 3 bars 20c SUGAR CRISP . 2 for 25c / ' r : Diamond " / I . - ' SWEET PICKLES . pt. 25c Noi 2—Stokefy's ■ PIE CHERRIES . . 25c No, 390—Franco American SPAGHETTI. . 2 cans 25c ; i Ashley’s Green CHILE PEPPERS , 2 - 29c No, 2—Diamond Standard TOMATOES... ... 10c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP . 2 for 19c ROYAL GELATIN . . 5c + PRODUCE * CABBAGE . . . Ib. 1c LETTUCE . . . 2 heads 15c GREEN ONIONS 2 bn. 15c SQUASH . . . . lb. 10c CARROTS . . 3 bunchs 10c BEETS . bunch 5c No. 300 Uncle William PORK & BEAS . . 3 for 25c 2 Oz. McCormick / VANILLA EXTRACT 37c Swans Down Instant CAKE MIX ... 2 for 55c No. 2—Libby's PINEAPPLE CHUNKS 27c I .urge Box Nabisco VANILLA WAFFERS 19c Gludlola . FLOUR ....... 5 lbs. 38c W O*. Llbby'a TOMATO JUICE ... 23c 20” x *8’’ Cannon 1 TOWELS 1 pr. 75c WASTE BASKETS . 39c 98c White Miile—leather Palm GLOVES.. Fresh—GradC A EGGS doz. 35c 300 Kimbell—Fresh Green Shelled BLACK-EYE PEAS . . 10c . . 5c . 3 cans 20c Big Ben LAUNDRY SOAP Top Kick DOG FOOD. 12 Oz.—Log Cabin SYRUP.... '4 Lb.—McCormick TEA ... . Armour - Dexter 27c 27c BACON Ib. 33c Annearbi ' j • j FRYERS ..... lb.' 49c Kreah Ground j j fOUND HAMBURGER MEAT. 33c Kay Kraft H ' ' fy NATURAL CHEESE . 4*. Highway 6 and • j . r- :• ; . ' ' ,| ... ' 1 ; t I- Coulter