Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1949)
r • Fertilizer Men To Meet Jan. 4 Arrangements for the Fer* which in sponsored by the Acrc- i ^—-m - nomy Department, will m held in the YMCA lobby fi'om 8:30 to tilizer Conference here Janu ary 4*5 have been announced by Luctan M. Morgan, assis tant director of the placement / i , , , HoKlBtrntlon for the conference, Library Exhibits I St. Nick Display " Twfet thio Niifht Before Christ- tmts is the tUle of a poster ex- hibit on display in the lobby of Cushing Memorial Library. Work in the project was done- by Mrs. WH1 Dysart, a staff mem ber of the library, said Robert A. Houze, acting librarian. Clement A. Moore’s “A Visit From St. Nicholas” is portrayed in poster f form, with each; stanza illustrated i in color. ' ; 11:30 a. m. Wednesdgy, Jinuary 4, Morgan said. Meeting for the conference wi be held In the YMCA Cbja^l, r ; Rooms in Rampa I, J, end Walton Hall, will oe opened to a tendants desiring accomihodatlonja there, said Morgan. I A dinner for the conference ai tendants will be held in Sbisa Hu Wednesday, January 4, at d:30 d m. Dinner tickets will ndl at 92 a person. These tickets m^y bo se cured at the time of regjistrotion said Morgan. Approximately 160 are to attend the conference concluded. J. F. Fudge is geneijal chair man of the -conference, which s under the sponsorship of) the Ag ronomy Department. ■iv I ■ i Insure Tomorrow Today if EUGENE RUSH, General Agent American National Insurance Go. ~ ' - ' T1J Above Aggieland Pharmacy ■ North Gate j • , i i f j We pay the highest prices for Used Books— We maintain wholesale and retail lists the year 'round. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING THE EXCHANGE STORE "Serving Texas Aggies' ifSHHHiHHfllttl ! . What'B Cooking Committee Wants Spending Ideas: AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER. ING MEETING, Tuesday. Decern ber 20, 7:30 p. m., lecture room, Agricultural Engineering Build ing, all Faculty members invited. ELLIS COUNTY AftM CLUB, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p. m., room 307 Academic building, discuss Hill-Ellis Christmas dance. HILLj COUNTY A&M, Tuesday, Dec. 20. 7:30 p. in., Room 3()7 Academit building, discuss Hill Ellis Christmas dance. LAMA ft COUNTY A&M CLUB, Tuesday, Dec. 20 7:16 p. m., Room 106 Academic Building, discus sion of final Christmas dance plans. I REAGAN CHAPTER HOUS- TON AdlM CLUB, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7:15i p. m., room 303 Goodwin Hall. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB, Tuesday, December 20, 7:30 p. m. AI Lecture Room. Business Meet ing. , Colson, Kimbrough Head Brazos Exes W. N. ed president of the Brazos Coun ty A&M meeting cently. Other Wallace ident; I presiden retary; “Flop” Colson was elect- Club for 1950 at a regular of the organization re officers elected were Kimbrough, fist vice pres- omer Adams, second vice Homer Covington, sec Roger McGee, treasurer; P. L. Downs, Jr,, good Samaritan; and Marshall Spivey, sergeant-at- arms. • , , The group decided to sponsor its annual; Juhior College Basketball Tournament on March 1, 2, and 3 of next year. Bo McMillan, coach of the De troit Lions, was named tentative speaker for the Athletic Banquet, sponsored by the exes, on January 21 at 7 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. Mc Millan was captain of the Prayin Colonels; of Centre College that was undefeated until upset by the Aggies in 1921. f jnSriear 1-4S85 College Station Representative — Loupot’s Trading Post if*/ I'j ? rW: fthr. The Htudent Life Committee today requested suggestion* frum HtudentH on how to bent dlHtrlbute 914,600 recently al- located the committee from Ex change Store profit*. The money may be used, the committee said, In any manner so long aa It la for student ben efit. Several reconunendatloas have already been received by the committee, but Netting up of the Npendlng budget will he de layed until every student has had aa opportunity to offer sug gestions for use of the money. " Suggestions must be turned In to members of the welfare and recreation committee of Student Life before the com mittee’s meeting next month. Members of the committee to whom suggestions may be made Include M. L. Cushion, J. A. Orr, Chuck Caboniss, and C. C. Munroe. - ALL-STARS - (Continued from Page 3) alone in the end zone. Lou Groza, the dazzling former Ohio State star, converted a boomer out of the park to put the Browns in front, 7-6. 91-Yard Scoring March Final score of the first half and the game found the all-stars in a 91-yard march. Quarterback Al bert performed in the feature play, a quarterback sneak for 19 yards to his own 39. Young, leading ground gainer of the day, carried the ground attack burden, and Al bert connected a 12-yarder to end Alton Baldwin, one-time Arkansas star now with the Buffalo Bills. Baldwin wis standing in the corner of the end zone to score. The charity benefit game was arranged by multi-millionaire oil man Glenn McCarthy. Proceeds from the $15 tickets will be divided between the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, Houston’s new Holly Home for the Aged and the National Kids’ Foundation. Pre-game hi-jinx, a full hour of it, was provided by Hollywood talent, which McCarthy brought to Houston especially for the sports show. On hand were Jack Benny, Phil Harris, Dinar Shore and col umnist Jimmie Fiddler . Background music was hy Freddy Martin and his bund, cur rently nlaying an engagement at McCarthy’* plush Shamrock Hotel. McCarthy said 20,000 tickets were sold to the game, which would have two-thirds filled Rice Stadium. * THIS WAY TO wp* cm*-*#* WPY HQIW ' Your Christmas holiday trip will bo carefree and gay when you plan it the Southern Pacific way. No weather worries ... no highway hazards ... just complete relaxation as you speed to your destination over smooth steel rails. There’s plenty of room for comfort on SP trains. Room to eat, sleep, roam around or relax in a soft seat and watch the scenery go by. ’Treshening-up” facil ities are clean and convenient, too. This Christmas, try- the train and enjoy the best in travel comforts! L-r —h i 1 I - GIVE A TRIP THIS XMAS! Give a delightful Christmas gift to relatives or friends. Bring them to visit you, or send them someplace they’ve always dreamed of going. Ask any Southern Pacific Representative about a "Prepaid Order” to anywhere in the United States or Canada. We’ll hahdle all| the detaifs without charge for the service, and furnish the ticket to anyone jou specify. v Cqrpu« Dallas El Paso . . Ft, Worth Galveston . Harlingen Lake Charles Now Orleans 7.98 4.26 21.01 4.72 S.58 10.75 5.92 11.86 San Antonio i 4.84 Shreveport . 6.60 % $ 8.00 1 20.50 14.50 7.65 37.85 8.50 6.45 19.SS 10.70 21.35 8.75 11.90 - I I CMMrw WMhr S rWt fr*t; S-ll IiwImIm kaN-fm font good - , ‘ a ' • . « i i j | . The friendlyiSouthern Pacific ! College Station Depot at West Gate :-U A SUGGESTION: Whtn your trovol plant permit, pltato i City Ticket Offlco, opon Monday L in roachti, chair ton (Tixtxtrt) <; Phone A-1175 ^ • V • h. LET US PROVE . . . our exclusive SANITONE SERVICE i$ Best! Ph. 2-8665 PERFECTO CLEANERS irti nfF ■ . ’ 1 4,.. ia Art-Lovers °S*T% V ! 1 « i • ri mm qr-AN* crssEX WHUffSo' IjOOKS UKZ I’ii v:- v«;;V '' lii 8! VI idi ■" Ti! ■ iv: 1 ' i'jrBy SHE LOOKS AHiSmSi ^ -Am mas seen whut : IN REGULAR OjOTMW-AN it’s too nniMirnniin m* nr n i r . CONOjSHON.r AM OAVS SHE KEEPS TH’! ON—UNTIL. AFTER.TM' OVER—•AN THEM, HEWIN ■a -i; ■ LtXAK mctwr-Yit WAIT TILL TH' WEDGIN' WE SEES FABULOUS JONES RSAUY LOOKS LIKE.T. Miracle for the U : . c P „ LTL ABNER Gloomy Groom] \/>o P-SN6CK HIM MFA BOLT O'LXSHrW/# -SWUM MM UP MF A EARTHQUAKE!? SUMY HIM UNDER A LANDSLIDES /*-«• £3aSZS^Sfla^ssa — ■| • i ! ' r" • ■ 1! • . " ■ ••'i'll fi !• w — Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 ^MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1049 WITH A BATTALION CLAUIflBO Kttti . . . 35« * word per toMrtlon 25c minimum. Hptot iwtM la ciMtlfled Section ... Me per column Inch. Bend all claatlflcde with remit tance to Urn Student AeUvItlM Offloo. All ad* ihould be turned In hy 10:00 a m. of the day before publlcattoo. • FOR SALE • PORTABLE TYPEWRITKRa, »10.00 off on all make* and model*, Royals, Smlth- Coroian, Underwood*, and Remington*. Convenient term*. Gift wrapped. Late model rent machine*. Typewriter* and adding machine*. Bryan Builneaa Ma chine Company, SM North Mala, Dial 2-^328, Bryan. GOLp CLUBS—Walter Hagen iron*. Four wood with cover*. Leather bound bag. W W. Buck, 212 N. Munnerlyn Drive, Bryan. NPKCIAL NTtlDRNT MATES 1 year Life - $4.75 1 year Time—$4.75 1 year Fortune-$7.50 1 year Readera Dlieat—$3.75 1 year Coronet—$2.60 f JOHNSON’S MAGAZINE AGENCY BOS 284 , College Station, Texaa ; *. j! Official.! Student - Faculty DIRECTORY Texas A&M College i '' ijOcpercopy, ONE BENDIX, waahlng machlhe. Good Condition. $50.00. G. L. Fromm*. C-fOD, College VleW. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F.AA.M. Called meeting^ Tuesday. Dec. 20, at 6:30 P. ' M. Work In the M.M. Degree. Harry Boyer, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. — For Your Knight Before Christmas; And So to Bed /I in Cfcujsm PAJAMAS *2.50 . li Here's man-$oti$fying com* fort. Soft, smooth Jayson pa* (amas, stylishly cut of choice pre-shrunk broadcloth, in fast colors with smart piping. Blue, tan, bamboo, gray, groan. 1 Elastic inserts koap Jayson Pajamas from binding or pressing. They look good... fool good. See them today. WEST INDIES COLORS ’ -I I JHcCurraclij Discovered! A new world of color in “West Indies” ties by McCurrach. Caribbean Blue, Tortuga Red, Palm Green, Gin ger—woven into originally dif- Cerent designs on pure, rids silk. I 1 r !i li ChriAtntkA No man has too many socks •..few men have enough... Gin them the best...there’s no more acceptable Gift than 'Interwoven socks. LEON B. WEI Next to Campus Theater m i ) . . ■ C-.-m-W*:. si ,r i LA: 'J f ■ . College Station, Texas! i ■ ■ * j . t .,Nv iiU -4 J Phone 4-5444 or if. 1 ; r ' ;i j ■ •: H i » Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M Uollege College Station, Texas ! OsSJOEmO r* —On Sale at Annex— SNACK BAR * ’ f at home EXPERT REWEAVINO done Damaged' by burns, tear*, moth hole*. Work guaranteed. Agne* Tydlacka, 2007 S. College Road, 2-7120, • LOST AND FOUND • LOST:. Brown v Llne®De<J, 7-114, or Irown lenUier bag In n*, 11. Initial* W. H, r Box 54.17. W4 lace I In; Ft. Worth Jr. Dorm lluce Hooper. LOST: Li«ac leaf notebook: Left at Aggieland Inn on Friday, December 9th. Return to Room -tM. Porm 18, or no- 97, College tlfy C, Q. Wledenfcld,; Box Station. ! LOST: Slide rule, name 0. R. Robertion, on leather case. Jf found, please no tify abdve at 6-419, . ±. <1 ' I nante "Herbert tag; ,B*Heved I^OST: Overcoat bearing M. Tatum" on Inside v»*. oeneymi owner and AftM student exclmneb coat* accidentally pn sunbeam between Dalla* and College, December Jl; ‘Owner will re-exeba ige fltudnt^ nw coat for original Immediately.!. Call Fortner Students A»- aoclatlon, Ctunpuc Office. 8-6824, — 1EWXNG & ALTERATIONS Dresses — Skirts Blouses 4 Rtjasonatle Rotes — v MRS. MARY BROWN ilrti 4407 College Main -f 4 Your name engraved 5 >•! Gold - Silver - Copper - Black • iGroen . . . ON CHIUHTMAN <!AI 50 first 25 I MLoa ov.. T , - 2 Day Service . NIIAITKH'H l«H)K NTO! Consult ifl / 'll H Dr. Carlton OPTOMETR! With Your Visual Problemi i 203 S. MainBryan Phone 2-1662 1 1 ~ ! " ' - Tt SHAFFER’S Book Store , MAKES YOUR National Brands FOUNTAIN PENS $5.00 and less 3 . b □ PARKER 21 □ SHAFFER - N $1.50 - $1.95 r $3.75 □ EVERSHARP SETS ^7 Pen & Pencil $5.00 Shaffer and Parker Sets for Gifts DROP] tN TODAY SHAFFER*! BookStore 1 North Qate II a. k.. if i' ;r -J ISTHAS shopper: I - i: • - 'll i rder a Magazine Subscription for that difficult person to shop for II it! ■ i; 1 l ■ ■ .• h j T.‘| L^f a*sK>a»a fc' ; ||| ubscriptions to all Popular Magazines ■ J !■ t 1. v mi lih vlr 1 1 ■ ' 'r: r ■ : i' in • • ■ i ■ • ■ NTfA’S newsstand ji f i North Gate j College Station 1 1 li ill •'t, I f j | - jiH t./if V 1 ■ : { .u- i i; 4. • •••] .. 1 .; , I 1-wrfflU ‘*«>MW^lS«i0Mis0mSHMg RiHl I ft. t