Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1949)
r Text Reservation System Due Again The textbook "lay away” plan,. The ttlh wrapping ! nervice ! U iiiauKuratejl in the fall by the I etnithaniKcd at ChriatmaH time, Kxchttnge Store, will be used again the manager said, but is available lor spring semester registration, throughout the year. t'm'l Birdwell, manager of the Exchange Store, said today. The plan will enable students to reserve any textbooks, they an ticipate needing this , spring and, after registration, pick then? up in a bundle without having |to wait in line. ^ Free gift wrapping service will also be offered for all giftiil wheth er bought at the Exchange Store or some other place. Birdwell said the book “lay away” plan was a complete suc cess when it was first used in September. More than 70G students reserved their books, Birdwell said, and all but ten called-for their bundles after registering. IMan’s Operation Here is how the plan works. A student goes to the Exchange Store anytime in January and presents to any cleidc a list of the courses he plans to take. He will receive a numbered ticket which is to be used as a claim check when he calls for his books. ; , _„The list of'fourse, with another ticket with a:corresponding num ber, is used by Exchange Store clerks to locate the books the stu dent will need. All the books and supplies are then bundled, marked with the ticket number, and stored. When a student has registered, he can go to the east window of the store, present his ticket a,nd the required money or government orders, and he will get his books. If there are any changes to be made in the order,> Birdwell said, they can be niade right at.the win dow. _ . There ; is no obligation connect ed with the “lay-away” plan, and no deposit is required. “This system helps us make the - most use of our 1 time,” Birdwell continued, "and it also helps the students save books. Students also get first choice on used books if they request it," he said. (lift Wrapping The gift wrapping service is available to any student or col lege employes, ft is not necessary for the gift to have been bought at the Exchange Store. We’ll oven be glad to gift home if the bring it down said. p items made at student will just Bridwell Santa, Floral Conces»ions Award Gifts BY B. F. ROLAND f Santa Claus paid an early pre holiday visit to A&M Wednesday with gifts for one hundred Ag- fies. The gifts, credit cards for floral merchandise at the Student Floral Concession, were placed in the rooms of the students who were selected at randum. The cards were valued at $1.50, f3, and $5, L. J. Tolle, manager of the Concessiqn said.' Tolle said that distribution of the cards “was left in Santa’s hands” So that selection would be impartial. - The cards can be used by any student until May 1950 and are good for the amount indicated on each card. Any student who doesn’t wish to use the card may sell it to another student since, the cards are transferable. Tolle said he expected the cards would probably be used at the major spring and winter dances, on Mother’s Day, and for the Cot ton Pageant. 1' > ■ The Student Floral Concession prepares i corsages for all the ma jor social events on the campus and any student wishing to make use of the service was asked by Tolle to contact his dorm representative. Orders are taken by these re presentatives and the flowers are “'delivered the day of the social evertt. i . Band Rained Out On Lufkin Trip The A&M Band'was rained out of the Lufkin parade Wednesday, December 14, as the parade hon oring-Ernest Lynn Kurt'h was can celled. The Lufkin festivities in honor of Kurth wre to begin with a parade led by the Aggie hand, hut the drippy skys forced the c cpncelation. \ ’ % • ■. -) H Wichita Falls Club Plans Holiday Dance The “Wichita Falls Club is hav ing their annual All-College Dance in Wichita Falls, Texaa, at the Country Club on ^December 24, MiguCl Morrison, president, said todur. ' \ ^ . The Aggieland Orchestra has been engaged to play at the Christ mas Eve dance. The dance, which will be formal, will last from 01,30 _ p. m. to 1 a. m. “If we can get paper around it, we’ll wrap it,” he concluded. Any student who has sugges tions for improving the .service of fered hy the 1 Exchange Store was asked by Birdwell to contact eith er him or members of the student senate Exchange Store committee. The members of the committee are Frank Cleland,. Tom Calhoun, Sam Fox, Lord Manjeot, Albert Pavey, and W. F. Thompson. “We are always glad to have students make recommendations concerning our operation,’* Bird- well concluded. . m . ■ Bill Turner, a roan of music in many fields, will direct the Sing ing Cadets in their Christmas Carol song fest in Guiqn Hall Sunday afternoon at 2. Entomologists Hear Curator H. B. Parks, retired curai tor of the college museum, was the guest speaker of the Entomology Society Tuesday, December 13, at 7:3() p. m. in Science Hall. Parks presented n resume of the personalities, esteemed botanists, zoologists, palaeontologists, and entomologists whoip he hdd known in the past fifty years. Each of these scientists contributed in hjs own manner some information that has advanced the knoWfedge of biological science. | By putting together bach bit of this information man has ex tended his knowledge of ; science manyfold from what it was at thp beginning of the century. For several years Parks was connected with the Alaska Experi ment Station. of the mod em methods of agriculture are re sults of the work donp at the Alaska Station, and thrqugh this medium Parks became acquainted with many of the modern contri butors to science and agriculture, ives Elected niton Pageant Social Officer At a meeting of the A&M Agronoimy Society Tuesday, David Rives, a senior Agroncj- my major from Paris, was elected social secretary for the Cojtton Pageant which is 1o be held April 28, 1950. Tommy Duffie was elected as sistant social secretary to assiit Rives in his duties. Rives’ duties as social sec re tar - include corfejf- ponding with the dutchesses of the pageant and various groups who help put it on. After a short business discus sion G, G. Gibson, director of the Extension Service at A&M, whs introduced. Gibson spoke on the Extension Service and its functions throughout the state. He showed slides that related to the Exten sion Service work in the differoht phases of production in agricul ture. These slides included crop, poultry, and livestock production. r4 Range Society Will Organize at A&M The organization of a Texas sec tion of the American Society of Range Management was recently announced by Professer H. ;F. Headyii in a letter to all Texas 'membej-s of the Society. An organizational pommittee con sisting of Harold F. Heady, Rob ert R. Rhodes, and A. H. Walker, of the Department of Range and Forestry has sponsored plans for the forthcoming meeting of the Texas! Section to be held in con junction with the national meeting of the American Society of Rarige Management in San Antonio, Tex as, on January 10-12, A nominations and elections com mitted headed by Robt>rt A- Dur- row (jf the Department of Range and Forestry will serve in pre paring a Imllot for the first sec tion of officers at that meeting. MembH-ship in the Texas Section in opjen to ail members of the American Society of Range Man agement, Heady said. Student mem berships in the society and section have been taken by a large number of undergraduate and graduate majors in the Department of Range and Forestry, according to A. H. Walker, state membership chair man for the national society. Mi ■ %«’•' v % mi wm , r* • 4 . : Rife Jerry Dais Merryman, freshman electrical engineering major from Hearne, grips both his awards from the freshman slide rule con test, and the hand of Dean of Engineering Howard W. Barlow. The plaque was a product of the college ME shops and the vester type, log slide rule was presented by the Eugene Dletzgen Com pany. | . \ / Knode Tells Story Of Gun Collection Baptists Choir Sets Christmas Cantata “The Child Of Bethlehem,” a Christmas cantata, wifi be present ed by the choir of the First Bap tist Church of College Station at 7:15 p. m. Sunday, December 18. The cantata tells the' the birth of Christ in termed a “stirring manner, not easily forgotten.” Thirty-seven choir members will present the cantata, act by both, piano and organ, gram will last approximately ope hour. Monday evening members of the church will hold theii Christmas party. Seven set as the time for the begin. annujai has been pajrty to BY C. C. M UN ROE “Carl Metzger was not only a collector of guns; he knew how to use them, too,” Harry iC. Knode, Houston collector and personal friend of the late Carl Metzger, said lust night. Speaking before a small group of students ami stuff members in the Chemistry lecture Room. Knode recounted the history of modern firearms and the story of Metzger and his collection. “It would be impossible to tell you the history of all the weapons in the collection tonight,” Knode said. “There a re Too many of them." He used specimens from the col lection to illustrate his talk. "Gtln powder was first used in the eleventh century," Knode ex plained. He reviewed the early development of firearms, begin- Walker reported that there; were ning with the hand camion, through about; 125 members of the society | the matchlocks, wheellocks, flint- in Tejxas, many of whom are for- , locks, and later weapons. mer A&M students. » | First Government Weapon I i Vi “The first U. S. Government ! pistol was the old Harper’s Ferry, "I developed in 1806,” Knode said. He explained the workings of the eleventh pistol of the Harper’s i Ferry model. It is one of the pieces i in the Metzger collection. More Christmas Reces Mext Year, Senate Aiks I 1 I Sperry Reports At AAUP Meeting Dr.[ John J. Sperry, of the Bio logy jDepartment, presented a re port iof the committee on “Pro pose^ Criteria for Granting Promo-1 ^cements in tions and Salary Increase at the history A&M! College of Texas” at the reg- Tht / 3tory behilld Sam Colt . s d e. ular meeting of the local chapter of velopment of the revolver was out- the American Association of Uni- lined in th<? talk . Rare S p ec i me ns versify Professors (AAUP) last —IL 1 < Thuriday evening, December 8 at ^ i the xmca. „ Bell County Club Th£ repoit is lengthy and in-j rw^ wj- |j volved many hours of investigation 1 () OOlOi UunCC The Bell County A&M Club will and deliberation. Only half of the report was taken up at the meeting | and the remainder will be dealt with j at the January meeting of the AAUP. Members of this committee con sisted of Professors Paul S. Bal ance,; Fred R. Brison, Walter H. Delaphane, M. C. Hughes, W. M. Potts, and John J. Sperry, chair man.; The nomination and election eom- mittqe reported that the officers of the A&M chapter which were elected for the coming calendar year were: Melvin S. Brocks, pres ident}; Otis H. Miller, vice-presi dent) and D. Ralph Lee, secretary- treaajurer. of the Colt Patterson and Walker pistols were exhibited to the audi ence. Both are represented in the Metzger collection. “About four or five thousand of the Patterson models were manu factured until 1842 when Colt tem porarily ceased manufacturing guns,” Knode said. "No more Colts were made then until 1847 when 1,000 Walkers were manufactured for the use of United States troops operating on the Mexican border. Each of these pintol* is marked with the letter of the com-' pany for whieh it was made,” he: stated. Only about 50 or 75 of these are now in existence. Knode reviewed later Colt mod- : els and recounted the development of rim-fire cartridges. Confederate Guns There are many fare models! of firearms manufactured in the Con federacy in the Metzger collec-! tion, Knode pointed out. Among these are some built in a small; arms plant which was located in Bastrop during the War Between the States. The collection also contains many presentation models. These, Knode said, are guns manufactured on The effeef of the development of | the order of some particular per- the percussion principle for fire- i son. Most of them are inlaid with ^rms was explained by Knode. He j valuable metals and almost all called it one of the greatest ad- 1 have highly carved grips, he said. gun development Knode showed the audience sev eral scale model pistols from his own collection!. One was no larger than a very small ladies’ watch, and still it contained all the work ing parts of a full-sized model. A request from the audience to relate some of his experiences while helping Metzger assemble his collection prompted Knode to tell of Metzger’s marksmanship. ‘Tve seen Carl toss a hickory nut into theair and bring it down with one shot, One time, ” he con tinued, “I saw him eject an empty cartridge from his rifle, wheel around, and hit the cartridge w’ith one shot before it struck the ground. And shooting wasn’t his only art. He was just as good at fishing or nearly; any other out door sport.” - Questions from the audience hold its annual Christmas Holidays Dance at the American Legion Hall in Temple Dec. 29. Dick Thomas and orchestra, a student orchestra from South western University, will play for the dance. Refreshments will be served by the Bell County A&M Mothers Club, and the Texas Aggiettes will serve as junior hostesses. Everyone:is welcome to this All, - . , College Holiday Dance, according | Knode busy] for more than to Chester Critchfield, Club Sec. j half an hour after his talk; Treas. Tickets may be; purchased The Houstpmai) was introduced from members of the Club. 11 County by Lt. Col. Frank R. Swoger, sen ior ordinance instructor. Shakespeare Still Charms an Audience Summer Camps Scheduled By Reserve Corps The schedule for the vari ous branches of the Organized Reserve Corps attending the 1950 summer camp has been received from higher head quarters, Col. Oscar B. Abbott, Chief of the Texas Military Dis- trist, announced today. Following a recommendation by Texas Military District after the summer Camp of 1949, higher head quarters have initiated plans for the 1950 summer camp this far in adance to allow all reservists to make plans with their employ ers j to obtain military leave to attend the camps. Col. Abbott went on to say that all j individual reservists will be notified of the date that their ORC unit is scheduled for sum mer field training not later than January 10, and where practicable, Q,RC units will be notified prior to, or at the lapt scheduled drill assehibly held in December this yea£. !>. There are certain ORC units that cannot justifiably be sent to gum mier; camp, such as small and highly specialized detachments which do not need s unit training; units that cannot conduct training profitably with less than 15 pre sent} for training; units to which there are no enlisted men assigned; affiliated units and others. All ORC units not qualified to participate in summer camp trairi- mg will be allowed to train locally for; shatter periods during die summer over weekends. Ah per usual custom, officers that are unussigned to a unit may be jittached to a unit schedule^ |p r ner camp. Earlier Semester Registration Plan Headed for Student Life BY; CLAYTON NBLPlf ” Active steps to lengthen next year’s Christmas holi^Iysi were taken by the Student Senate last night when they voted a proposal for beginning school a week earlier next year In order that the holidays may begin on December 16. The pro posal was Voted by the Senate for consideration by the. Aca- Scientist Talks To Range (lass A talk by Raymond M. Moore, agriculture research scientist from Australia and the election of officers for 1950 highlighted the meeting of the Range and Forestry Glib Tuesday night held in.ithje Ag. En gineering Building. Moore is senior research head for the Division of Plant Industry of the Commonwealth Council for Scieiitific and Industrial Research at Congerra City, Australia. At the present, Moord is in resi dence in the Graduate school here at A&M doing Work in range and forestry'- I ■ , j r His talk consisted: of a brief sketch of the country of Australia and discussion of various fields of agricultural work being promoted there. He: aecompani.ed his talk with color; slides. Leo Peveler was chosen presi dent of the club in the election of officers earlier in tjhe meeting. Peveler hails from Carlsbad, New Mexico. Other officers! elected were Curtis Edwards from Hptiston, vice4pres,; John Derry from Corpus "Christ!, sec-treas,; Tpmmy Green from Eldorado, reporter; Junior Cook from Texon, nocjal chairman; tnd I JmiM Kelly from Ranger, Parliamentarian. The new officers will be In stalled in January, 1950,; i«— Oldsmobile Reduces Prices, m 3 r r ! _iii■ . Adds Extras as Optionals Lansing, Mich., Dec. 16— Price cuts of $55 to $65 on its series 88 care are announced by Oldsmobile as it begins its 1950 model year. . a No changes are made in the prices of Oldsmobile’s smaller 70 models' or the larger 98 series cars. However, the company said yes- Toy Boxes Placed By Bryan Jaycees Boxes have been placed around College Station for toys for un der-privileged children, according to Truman R. Jones, Junior Cham ber of Commerce director of the drive for the College Station area. The boxes are near the South- side Food Market, College Food Store at the East Gate and at Charlie’s Food Market at the North Gate. Bryan has bad a box in the center of town fpr a week or so, Jones said. Housewives in this area are asked to contribute any toys they have, broken or unbroken, new or used. Broken toys will be repaired by the Bryan Fire Department and used toys will be renovated. The toys are being stored in the Chev rolet warehouse on Highway 6 South, which has been donated to the drive by Corbusier Chevrolet Company of Bryan. This drive is an annual affair of the Jaycees, one of the many they conduct throughout the year to help those who can’t help them selves. By HERMAN C. GOtLOB Will Shakespeare can still roll ’em in the aisles. As d id patrons pf London's Globe some three hundred years ago, last night Guion Hall audience resounded with robust ; peals of laughter to the Bard's “faming of the Shrew,” a riotous indj lusty farce which was enthusiastically interpreted by an accomp ished uninhibited National Glqsaic atre cast. Genuine Inner 8p rlt if The same group of yoln stormers who brought "F|oineo Juliet” to the same stage last Feb ruary with less gratifyiiig results, the National Classics in U»e span of only ten months, have gained a theatrical sUture which well be speaks bf the repertori idea of id and barn- o and stage, and pooh-poohs the idea ; ey. | , she proves herself more obedient that, repertory versatility is a su-; Petruccio’s methods of reducing | than the wives ojf his friends. his spirited spouse to an obedient j n customary Shakespearean and loving Wife are of the boldest construction, nuining parallel to and most violent .nature; he is the main story and harmoniously fighting fire with fire. interwoven with {t, is a minor plot To begin with, he is late at his concerning the efforts of Horten- perficial quantity. For there was genuine inner spirit in last evening’s character composition, a spirit that brought added vigor to the timeless mirth 1 efforts of of Shakespeare's story of the hll- wedding; he is dressed: in outlqmd- sio and Xudentib to win the ish garments, cuffs the parsori,! hand of Katherine’s sister arlous struggle for supremacy be tween man and wife. Even in comedy the illustrious tyilliam has struck the universal and provide authors centuries after his death with) the basic ingredients for ro mantic buffoonery, and burlesque. Petruccio vs. Katherine I .I . 1 Set ip Padua, the involved story concerns itself with the efforts of glib Petrucip, rough and j ready fiery virago of a wife, Katherine, whom he has married for her mon- garmertts, cuffs the parson, hand of Katherine’s sister, Bianca, makes a ricit in church, and carries The two are harmoniously inter- Katherine dff to his country place i woven, without letting her attend the wed ding feast. After they reach his home, he refuses to let her eat, saying the meat is not fit for her, forbii her to sleep because the bed is propeply arranged, and finds fault with the clbthes that she has had made. Petrucciq’s success In molding a docile mate out of a stubborn | played by any pi wench is proven at the end when | and experience t Hll bum Is Outstanding James Hilburn, who last year as Mercutio der from the captured the Thespic leading role of Petruccio. Hilburn is an actor of considerable verve and commendable diction, with as deft a comic touch as may be dia stole the proverbial JLhun- the principals, once more the Thespic crown in the i may t of his years It is a plea sure to watch Hilburn, so mobile is his face, so easy and assured his movements. As Katherine, Kettl Melonns, aided by heavy applications of eye- black, acquitted herself with cor responding vehemence. Radiant and fetching was Corinne Conley as Bianca, afld Bonar Stuart, whose resemblance to Ray Bolger is uncanny, handled three roles with admirable fluence. Not to be overlooked is Nortnan Ettlinger, who, as the Idiotic Gremio, provoked a goodly >4iare of the laughter. i j Although the intervals between scenes were overlong, Clare Tree Major’s direction kept the play moving at a merry and sprightly pace, and seta by Marion Depew enhanced its mood and authenti city. I terduy that, with the exception of the standard six cylinder model, any of its 1950 model cars may be obtained without certain extra equipment. ' jj j This means that! hydramatic transmission, electricj clocks, rear fender panels, turn. signals and similar extras are jtp be .wholly optional, q i During the 1949 : model year hydramatic drive Wat included in the list price of the series 88 and 98 models. The lesser items of equipment also had been included in the list price .of the deluxe models. By omiting these various items, the car buyer;dan reduce the delivered price of ja new model Oldsmobile from $70 up to $235. Announcement of the new pro gram was made by S. E. Skinner, Oldsmobile’s general manager, at a preview for industry writers of the entire 1950 line; of Oldsmobile can. j] •' • ijl'il'ii F H ! jllr REA Institutes Set For December 19-21 An institute fpr REA co-op man agers of Texas, will be held at A&M December 19-2jL The indus trial Extension Service will con duct the institute, and 22 managers have signed up for the Institute. The development of a continuing management institute;, personnel and training problems, organiza tion of effective management, job evaluation, merit rating for in dividuals, are <amohg the subjects to be diBcujssed. f ’ E. L. Williams, head of the IES, says that its overall training pro gram for REA cooperatives irt* dums Une crew training conduct ed by five itinerate instructors and a program of foreman training, conducted by a specialist in that (ha English De- was elfcted emminent der of Ivaphoe Command- ights Templar* when the mnual election! succeeds Sam MMW. dr offieera holdovers airi-general; Tra treasurer; 1 H. C. (•order; G. W. Sc! ior warden; Gene er; Philip Arho bearer; and Ida F command- Edge, Williams, capt- ’i B. Bryan, The re- be used • putar k tinie to ♦demic Council at its meeting Wednesday. f Proposed by Allen Eubank, Dorm 4 senator, the motion provided registration for the 19B0-6I school year to begin on September 9 in stead of September 16 as it is pre sently scheduled. Would Begin December id I | * • * k, ** [kr ^ Christmas holidays under the proposal would begin bn December 16 and continue through January 2, 1951. Present plans are for Christmas, holidays to begin after classes Wednesday, December j 20 and continue through , Januarjy 2. Under the Senate’s prOpbsed plan, three of the five extra days would be used to provide more holidays before Christmas. Thf maining two days would (luring the Spring semester, was discussed as the best ti use the remaining two days no formal decision was made. Arguments Given Only five votes were cast ag the motiqn, but considerabl gument was given in opposition to beginning school a week earlier next year. One senator pointed out the academic council would oppose the Senate motion because lion schedules for many of profs would be disrupted if sbhool began a week earlieri He said mariy profs were given their vaca tion time between the end of Sum mer school and the beginning of the Fall semester. Two Hart Hall Senators plained that footba would be cut short because ember 1 was the earliest date practice sessions could begin Goes To Student Life . The nropbskl will jbw pres mted to tHo Student Life C^mmlttm at their Monday meeting, Keith sup, Senate president, said he believed the motion would a better chance for passim Academic Council if jmsseo All- that have the first by the Student Life Cimmlttlee, TISA’s meeting In Austin \eekend was reported on l|y Davis, sophomore class vice r .__ ident. He said .'that « number of panel discussions were to be held by the group during the remainder of the school year. The Senate vote on topics for the panels future meeting. Allsup said! Baylor will jday host to the TISA annual convention which will be held April 21 and 22, Davis said. • \ ■ 1 T Banquet Held By Premed-Predente The A&M Premedical-Precental Society presented their annual ban quet last Thursday eytmijfg at 7 id Sbisa Hall. , First event of the Evening was a filet mignon dinner with trimmings. Immediately - after the meal “Corky” Naslv president o:' the club, introduced DrJ George E. Potter, head- of the Premedical- Pfedental Advisory Committee, who presided over the banquet., Dr. Potter introduced the re presentatives bf each of the East Texas Medical Schools and the members' ,of the I A&M Advisory Committee. Dean Harrington then gave a short talk on the future of medicine. j jji Principle speaker of the after noon was Dr: Tidwell, (professor of biochemistry at Southwestern Med ical College of the University of Texas, who spoke On the mpor- tance of chemistry in Fish & Game Club Sets Yuletide Party The Fish and Game Clulr will hava its Christmas party to night at 7:30 in the American Legion Hall i,. her will brim Bryan. Each mem- a present. The dub will furniah refreshments and pre sents for the chlld^on. AfUlr pre sentation of gifta, a dance ivill be held and Christmas carols sung. At its mon hly meeting her 6 the clu > decided to use live specimen* in Its | Mother’k Day exhibit ainco in pkst years only preserved sp^cime^e have been used. A coopcrat ve fU|» will be with each member donating ledge of liunt ng grounds, tl cover the ent to use. After the meetlm nuts were seized, made, know- at will t« for m|eml»«rs