Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1949)
i (Continued fi:om Page 1) of students whoielecttd and packed -the best they cdiild find of the val ley fruit, Krezdorn said. .f . - ' The vegetables have a rather . tv original display. They are 1 arranged ,.to compare the- best of the vege tables with those with defects. In this division are some of the choice cabbages, potatoes, yams, and onions. . Six Pecan Types. A large part of the show area is devoted to pecans. They are ar ranged to show the' effects of cross | breeding with the six most popu lar kinds of pecans. 1 m will be samples of pecan producta. This display includes sUch pro ducts as pralines, pecan date loaf, salted pecans, and choco' ered pecans. Vacuum pack* will also be shown. Thes^ pecans that have been vacuum packed will last from six months to a year, the student in charge of the exhibit said. . ;| H^ One of the last exhibits is that of propogation. Here are displayed the various -methods of grafting. Along with these illustrations are some samples of grafting during the growing period. | ! Work done on the use mones on stem cuttings is a part of the propagation exhibit This is stressed by the comparison of buds with harmone treat me it With that I ’ Along with the pecan varieties of those not treated. 1 f r L' il f r ^ I ^ P • • • of har- At Last HERE IS SANTA’S ANSWER to that Christmas Problem! Aggie Jewelr) at — ^2 Price Vi i ' Formerly Now BELTlBUCKLES .1 43.00 $1.50 NECKLACES 6.60 ISO P I N ■& ....: I.... 3.00 -f | Ci BRACELETS 4.8a 2.40 1 6.00 ; loo KEYCHAINS j„L: 2.90 1.45 BARGAINS GALORE . . . STOP IN AND SEE THE t , MANY VALUES WE OFFER YOU Tf ■ A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas Budget your payments with our easy payment plan Varner’s Jewelry Store North Gate h f " Local ACC Hosts To Houston Croup Tfie A&M Chapter of the Ameri can General Contractors Associa tion hud as their guests the officers of the Houston Chapter of the as sociation at the campus group's meeting Monday night. President C. A. Schnider of the Houston chapter gave a short ad- drei s,: after which a panel discus sion Was held on what the profes sional world expects of construc tion graduates. P artel speakers from the Hous ton group were Schnider, treasur er F red Fisher, vice president How ard Tellipsen; and secretary Lloyd Duddeleston. client speaker for the night was R. B. Butler, contractor from Bry- SHAFFER’S Book Store MAKES YOUR □ □ □ □ □ Use our check list to pick your gifts: HOBBYCRAFT Strombecker - Solids Plastic Kits - 50c to $1.50 Ideal Boats - 39c to $1.00 Control & Free Flight Kits Motors - All kinds DROP IN TODAY t i Shaffer's Book Store North Gate -i! I 1 t i ■ iv ■/ I * Mr. Weiss What's Cooking l |l ASHVE, 6 p. m., Tuesday, Fin Feather Club. Guest speaker and Singing Cadets. A&M COLLEGIATE FF A CHAPTER, Monday, 7:30 p. m., Ag. Engineering Lecture room. AGRONOMY SOCIETY, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Lecture Room, Ani mal Industries. AUSTIN CLUB, Tuesday night, December 13, 7:30 p.m. Room 108, Academic Building. Plans for Christmas party to be discussed. BUSINESS SOCIETY, 7:30 p. €hi m., Tuesday, YMCA Chapel. Dis cussion of Aggieland ’50 picture. ENTOMOLOGY SOCIETY, 7:30 Tuesday, Room 10, Science P. m., Hall. GALVESTON COUNTY A&M CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Tuesday, Room 120, Academic Building. Christ mas dance plans to be discussed. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION WIVES CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tues- day, South Solarium YMCA. MEATS JUDGING TEAM PROSPECTS, 5 p. m., Tuesday, Room 208, Animal Industries Building. Juniors not due to be graduated before spring 1951 de sired. RANGE & FORESTRY CLUB, Tuesday, December 13, 7:30 p. m., Ag. Engineering Bldg. Officers to be elected and constitution revised. SADDLE & SIRLOIN CLUB, Tuesday, December 13, 7:30 p. m.,, A&I Lecture room, membership limitations. FFA Will Choose Officers Tonight The A&M Collegiate Chapter of the Future Farmers of America will elect officers for the Spring semester tonight at 7:15 in the Agriculture Engineering lecture room. f-ir ME OOES OTUMiMT DOWN .r 1-Ain; EF HE OCXS ON* MCM rTM' •urc his muu. wux gjt »TDV* W-AN- EF HE GOES ( A MALT INCH TTM'IWSMT BOTH HIS LAMS AN* HIS SACK WILL SNAP LIKE BUT-EF TUT IMPOSSIBLE .-£F THINGS GO ^ACCORDIN' PLAN-HE'LL Your name engraved free in Gold - Silver - Copper - Brown Black - Green . . . ON CHRISTMAS CARDS 50 first 25 1 each over 24 —2 Day Service— SHAFFER'S BOOK STORE Insurance Movies Set Tonight Sidney L. Loveless, life insur- of life insurance from the ins ance instructor in the Department of Business and Accounting, will show several life insurance films in the YMCA chapel on December 15 at 3:30 p. m. Loveless is bring ing these films for instructional purposes for all students study ing insurance at the college. ' The best known of these films is “For Some Must Watch." The film tells the story of a doctor and his wife and shows how she managed through his long illness. There is also the widow who solves the problem of earning a living for a young family and the farm family which overcomes the dis aster of crop ruin. Through it all there is the life insurance agent who helps these people and others to solve their financial problems. Another film, “The Search for Security,” traces the development iurli of ship captains against dea during voyage or capture by pi rates. Another sequence explain the operation of modern life 1 surance showing what happena policy holders’ premium payments. Dramatisations show the use of life insurance in reaching various individual and family goals. I « j | • i ' ■ • ■ 1 ' “American Portrait," featuring screen star Alan Ladd, tells of the improvements in the way of life which have come into being during the last century. Inventive ness and ingenuity create these improvements— salesmanship has been responsible for bringing them into widespread use. Although these films are being brought mainly for student use, any interested person is invited to attend the showing, Loveless said. ^ Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 " ji i Suggests You Purchase Your Christmas Gifts Now HERE ARE THE BEST IN VALUES ★ MEN’S SUITS-Entire Stock 20% Discount ★ NYLON JACKETS Two Slash e e e • e e ★ CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS j Soft Silky Material _ Beautiful Colors ■In Zipper Front Model.. Pockets, Weather Proof ★ NYLON KNIT SHORTS White Only ....... $2-50 ★ NYLON KNIT UNDERSHIRTS - White Only.IP . 38^0 ★ CORDUROY SPORT COATS 7132« & $3-95 All Wool - All Colois - ★ TIES - Large Selection - AU Silk ... 31.00 to $3.00 Many Hand Painted PAJAMAS - BOXER SHORTS - WESTERN SHIRTS WESTERN SUIlfS - PENDLETON SHIRTS .v . rr HICK0K - NEWEST - PROFILE - INITIAL BELT BUCKLES SWANK _ CUFF LINKS _ HE CLASPS - KEY CHAINS COME IN AND SEE THE NEWEST STYLES IN MENS SLACKS V Leon B. Weiss i t , > Next to Campus Theater College Station % J NR Insure Tomorrow Today EUGENE RUSH, General Agent American National Insurance Co. \\ ; ■ ' ’u i Above Aggieland Pharmacy North Gate || i HE HAS BEEN HERE! (WHO? | WHY, SANTA CLAUS! 1 And He Left Things You Will Love: Perfect For That Special Person :i • • • • • • Lovely Watches Dainty Pins, Sightly Compacts Gorgeous Diamonds Matched Jewelry . . . * —All of These and More at Our Fine Store— • • • R. L MoCARTY - JEWELER s?! North Gate College Battalion >> | CLASSIFIED ADS t>age4 .. . AlimD , th • JOe minimum, llptei raw* in r^^frcMamr SsSs? net to Ui# Stod.nt AotWftlM Otttes. ■ ■ - - m 1 lit by lo o*) Wlcutlon MONDAY, DECEMBER 12,1949 f 8KLL WITH A BATTALION CIUMI Inch, tknew to Uto! Stod AD ad* should bs t* a m. of ths day bsfon AD. ItatM .. 3Sc a nsscaesaMMaM i - y , i - per insertion a FOR SALE • .E TmrWRITKRS PORTABLE all makes EXPERT KKWIIAV Damaged by nil Work guarantisd 8. College Rosjd, l and models, Royals, Smith Coronas, Underwoods, and Remingtons. Convenient Urms. Gift wrnppedi' Lata modal rent machines. Typewriters and adding machines. Bryan Business Ma chine Company, ft North Mala, Dial ■J-IU8. Bryan. mas_ holidays, via light plane; ph me *10.00 off on RIDER TO NEW YORK 4-1324. SPECIAL STUDENT RATES 1 year Llfe-*4.75 . 1 year Time—*4.75 j j ! 1 year Fortune-*7.50 l year Readers Digest—*2.75 I year Coronet—*2.60 : JOHNSON'S MAGAZINE AGENCY ' Box 284 — College Station, Tegda !| L . TWO BEDROOM brick veneer—attic ven tilation, hardwood floors; Immediate pos session. 'Priced to sell) Cal) 2.6196 after 6:00 p m. MEN'S 26-lnch ; bicycle complete with atabd and wire basket. See at'205 Fidelity ~ J, /' . i — 1| .! j Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY 1 ; i r Texas A&M College J ■ ‘ ' 1 .I'j'ir 5 | 1 J I i . • | j j ' i y , 50c per copy ! i- ii'.r - . il ; Mi 'I*' Phone'4-5444 j • : -li |T 1 'hi f STUDENT PUB! I Texas A & IV - ' ' i W Mail 50c to ROUND TRIP RIDE for couple child to Borger.i Texas, or vicinity.’,' pay gas, oil and share driving, d 2812, College Station. Resident C«! College View., ; J- -—■ *' ■ ' HAVE RIDE /for three to Loa Angel after last /clam Christmas. Will ' back In (line for plaaaaa jlanuary Contact Boi* c, Annex. College 8f ‘ Texas, or nho|le 3.6*89. RIDE to WASHINGTON State. Help J and share expenses. Leave reasor time before \bollday. | Contact Joe sey, Box 2498. • LOST LOST: Wed., /Dec. 7) 1 field jacket ]ln the lounge at Dorm 10, Kinder return to-foont 40(t, Ag. Building. LOST: Dark brown goatskin Jacket belt. Shaeffert lifetime pencil IpRIi "MDD” In pocket, at Bryan Aggie M. D. Drury, 127 Dorm 14, Reward LOST: One brown bill and Puryear. If fo — Adair, ZE Puryear^ fold, between und, return to -Reward. t Ben' SUCATIONS _ M College College Station, Texas ; o»mD<>[a*oo ■i *i —Ob Sale Bt Annex— SNACK BAR & ! < Walter Ha| utive Profess elation chamj Call 4-5324. .!—■ fen won foui ional Golfer lionships in —— • consec- ’s Asso- 1924-27. i,,'ll , ■ .1 : , ) ..*;hr. : Used Car And Truck w" | Headquarters ' ' ■ : ! PLEASE do not confuse our can* with,the run df the mill used care offei today. These care are conditioned and renoval from bumper to bum| and are ready to go wlih you* — PRICES REDUCED'^ BUY NOW! ' -i!i! • | f 194r FORD CUSTOM Radio, Heater, Overdrive, He new. .....31805 White wall tires; 1 Black 1949 FORD CUSTOM Sedan. Heater, St at Cdv- ers, White Wall tli es, only 12,000 mi^s ...... 1948 FORD Super door. Radio, He£t Wall Tires, PIrs ers, clean ' j . ■ - 1948 PONTIA' 4-door ' drivH White Wall Tires, Clean 1947 CHFVROI with Radic and ready 1947 MERCUR^ Station Wi on. Radio, | Heate^, Ov* * drive , | 1946 FORD 2 - door clean, with Radio, Heater 1042 FORp 2-door Sedt n | 1941 FORD 2-door Sedan | 1041 FOB 1940 FOi 2-door fled^n | i Club Couje | i 3 SAVE 3 BUY NOW 38A WHY GO ELSKWHEI ..,..311 elux 12- , White o edv- “r -liner matl. MljlO :<>upe clean H A i *, ■. ■ • / / m WHEN YOU CAM WITH CONnO HERE AND SAVE! DIFFERENCE B •* i . BRYAN M< COMPi “Your Friendly 415 N. Mala — Hlfhway « at 24th7 .y •• ; . M ,* A