Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1949)
” 'I i ' I" I * 1 S.i ^ ■ ■ SWC Reprimands Porkers, Barnhill cials” Sacrel BY HABOLp V. RATLIFF Dallas, Dec 11—(A*)—Dteclarinf that “the coaches must assume re sponsibility for preventing; dirty play.” the Southwest Conference faculty committee Saturday level ed censure at coaches and players of the University of Arkansas for what occurred in the Arkansas- T$xas Christian football game last fall. i Upholding the protest of Coach Leo (Dutch) Meyer of Texas Christian, who charged Arkansas used illegal tactics and that his players were “butchered” in the 27,-7 defeat, the governing body of - the conference said it was “con vinced that the charges are just and warranted” and that the con tention of Coach John Barnhill of Arkansas that provocation'was * involved "does not justify the ac tion of the players.” The faculty committee said* “it is hoped .that the'censure will go far to curb the evil not only as it concerns the University of Ar kansas but also where the evil may tend to occur in the future." Then it issued this warning: "If not, more drastic action will have to be taken.” \ s : UU _ "Gag Rule” The conference fathers also in- , ( Htituted a "gag rule" against the coaches to prevent public state ments concerning the officiating and took steps tjo remove objections raised by the football Officials * Association that a "blackball" was voted last spring by the coaches. 1115 conches, in a secret meeting, decided that no officials falling of unanimous vote from them could work conference football games. This brought Strong criticism from *. tlic officials who pointed out that 1 a number of well known, men in : the profession were excluded from * officiating in conference games although they may have received | only one negative vote. The faculty committee decided that in the future one vote by the coaches Would not exclude an of- , licial from working a conference game provided that vote was not . from the coach whose team was playing in the game. , Supervisor of Officials It also was voted to create the position of "supervisor of offi- ■ ft ! conference executive nes Hi. Stewart to ob- the job. Spi arose that ___ Southwestern upervisor of officials , in if it Coast Conference, would be sodght to fill the posi tion here. The supervisor of offi cials will serve as an assistant to Stewart in addition to naming offi dials. .-yi . L •• Stewart had no comment regard ing Curtis. “L haven't had time to think about it yet,” he said. The coaches and athletic directors of the conference, in a meeting Friday, voted to meet with a com mittee from the Officials Associa tion to discuss recommendations from that group. Battalion SPORTS MON., DEC. 12, 1949 Page S The Battalion Sports Editors all persons who are Inter- In writing about sports them at the Batt office on the second floor of Goodwin Had I any afternoon from three until six. Writers are needed to cov er basketball, track, swimming, baseball, and numerous other sports activities. ! Tottering Cadet Cagers Control Backboards JL 1 ill is j;\, m ■jv I Bi ife 1 John DeWitt (left), outstanding junior forward, and (above), fine sophomore center prospect, will be among standing players who will represent A&M tonight wb Cadets face ACC In DeWare Kleldhouse. .... •MWvMMaSw Resignations Given As Dispute Flares BUY IN HOUSTON ... AND S&¥E up to 50% * On your Military Clothing MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY ALL MERCHANDISE GUARANTEED *4.98 *3.59 *18.95 *11.95 *5.95 *9.95 to*I3.45 *19.95 OFFICERS (Trench) RAINCOATS 14.95 ARMY OXFORDS—(Lace or Efuckle) $ 695 $ 7.95 Cramerton Cloth Hi-back MILITARY PANTS i... POPLIN SHIRTS > With Shoulder Straps Pink or Green ’ PANTS—100% Wooh Pink or Green ^" PANTS—40'/, Wool—60% Rayon. Pink or Green SHIRTS—40% Wool—60% Rayon... B-15 JACKETS ...Si., A-2 HORSEHIDE JACKETS . Sizes 6 to 12—Widths B to E COMBAT BOOTS ... *8.95 t o *12.95 4 PAIR LOO PARATROOPERS BOOTS .. KHAKI COTTON SOX Short or Long KHAKI PART WOOL CUSHION SOLE SOX—Longs 4 PAIR —ROTC Insignia at Low Prices— *2.20 f //feerr-s Jnc-r, uo Fannin, nfaa prairie 420 Fannin (Near Joske) P. 7591 Houston, WHAT HAPPENED ? YOU BRO Then Here Is What You Want to CREDIT CREDIT — AT — • -j. •I I , VARNER & SON Jl Buy ’Now & Pay AFTER Christmas . Now you can have a grand holiday. EASY TERMS Texas | Waco, Tex., Dec. 12 OPl-r-Ralph V| f olfe resigned Saturday as Baylor University athletic director—only a day after Bob Woodruff resigned at head football coach. It climaxed three days of tur- njoil at .tbie;Baptist school during which the Athletic Committee held a| meeting to,define “more clearly the duties" of Woodruff and Wolf ajid ended Up by continuing Wolf as athletic director but with the de signation of stadium director when hp accepted that job. Woodruff Resigns Friday Night Woodruff resigned Friday night a is the result of friction with Wolf er ccfndiict. of the Athletic De** rtment. He said the situation Was intolerable. He intfmated h2" of Ar ansas where Athletic Director |nd Coach John Barnhill has an- ounced he will make some chang- in the athletic department. I Woodruff said he jwas going to Dallas Saturday to | attend the Southwest? Conference meeting and U conferehce there with Barnhill was anticipated. Woodruff, how ever, nevCr arrived. Wolf served more than a quar ter cehtuiiy connection with Baylor by anhourtcing he was quitting ef fective next June 1 “to clear the itmosphefc for Dr. White and the boaid of; trustees to reorganize the athletic department." Dr. W. R. White is president of the Southwest Conference school. He has out of town today—it was not learnbd where— and tins un available ;for comment. 1. F . I j-’ . t Most i Magnanimous Thing However, Wolf told reportefs that Dr. White hud told him his resignation was *‘a most magnan imous thing" to do. In apparent reference to report ed fricitibn between himself and Woodruff, Wolf said: "It i)i regrettable that imagined difficulties have been intimated at such a pritical time for Baylor University and Waco, when the stadiuip drive should have the con certed j backing of Baylor ex-stu dents (arid friends. Controversies do not make for team play and suc cess." (Wolf referred to a new stadium to seat 110,000 that it being built by the University). "I am; sure all Baylor’s friends will continue to support the new stadium ! drive to its successful conchiifioin, and assist - those re sponsible for its completion," Wolf: said. Dr. White, who is expected back in Waco Monday, has not called, anothejr meeting of the trustees. Basketball Rule Alterations Aid Offense, Require Orange Rims | Fish Open Tonig In Lon Mqrris Til m .mr lw ' • Am ‘ M M i basketball squad this afternoon fc Coach Leslie Peden’i from DeWare Field house <*v*. p. »*». V4*» »w» -...... aonville where they will tangle with Lon Morris Junior Col- eg Peden, who is coaching the freshman team this year for ]U" '"' I .'[i fihat time, reporta that Lon Morris will field a fast, aggressive quintet that has already proved to be a strong team. Lon Morris has played the Tyler Jui lege Apaches, last year's tional junior college ch twice this year, winning on* J Succeeding Taylor Wilkins, as the freshman cage mentor, Fed fen will floor some of:the best talent that has been assembled at A&M as first year men. PrObaMe Startfers Narted South Hafdi Highlights TCU’s Brats—Brannon's - Brats being the term coined by tl« Frog- gie supporters to glfeambe . the sophomore-paced cage team from Cowtown— continued undefeated through the second wuald] of the Southwest; Conference’s still young hardwood ’season, j; ^ Baylor, which did hot open pi until last; Monday, Was the only Inpt was r iiv top Other unbeaten quintet among the SWC teams. A&M wps yet to wife, ve that has flight com- BnsketbaH's rule mnkers insti tuted several changes at a meet ing in Seattle last spring. From now on each foul com mitted in the final 120 seconds will be charged to the offending player as a technical foul. The ball will be dead after the free Students Meet A mass meeting of Baylor stu dents was held Saturday in the auditorium. About 1,200 students th»ow attempt and the offended heard a 15-minute address by Ben j team then will take it out of Ferrell, senior law student from ; bounds at center court. •jfykjr t,, i. . 1 1 j . t. This was the main rule change Ferrell, president of the stu-1 ado P L ted ^ 18 of the 19 votiri * dent council, said: / | "The time is at hand for the students to sit tighp. not to get stirred up. ! It is in the hands of i the proper authorities with welfare of Baylor at heart.” members of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada. Previously the team fouled had the i ^ 0 P t ' 0n ot taking the ball out e j of bounds or shooting the free throw. Charity Tosses Remain i Adrian Burk, Baylor’s all-South- west Conference quarterback, told the meeting. ^ 1 . j Two chairity tosses still will be '“On behalf of myself and the 1 given if a player is fouleo in the OOtball team, I’m sorry this ever act of shooting, but not for ih- appened. Mainly I’m sorry to see tentional fouling—as at present— a guy like Woodruff. leave - unless unnecessary roughness is lor and I hate to see Baylor’s name involved. dragged through the mud.” 1 To provide compensation for He told the students to “wait j the team trailing, the committee- and see, let it ride and as in other men voted to rewrite the rule cases, right will win.” i governing withholding of the ball from play to make it u little cu»- ier to tie up the ball. Neither playois nor spectators will be notified when the techni cal four rule becomes effective. The official will be expected to watch the timer for a signal as to whether the two-minute period is underway when a foul is cotn- mitted. • ! * Orange Rims Required Four more rule changes AVere adopted. These include: No substitute will be allowed to' replace a jumper after a held ball has been called. The jumper may be replaced after the jump. Color of rim and ring braces of basket i will be painted bright orange and the rectangular target and the three inch border of the target whall be white. Effective in 1950-51, a mould ed ball without laces or seams will replace the mqdel being used Blow. The rule Yiill not become effeptive until 1950 to allow colleges to use up lace balls. . ' 'ji 1 Class backboards are made man datory for collegiate games. but was the only faced exclusively petition. The Homed Frogs added victorias tiumber three and four to their fetring as they downed Howard Payne, 61-31, in a Monday night game in Fort Worth and thumped Abilene Christian, 65-57, on tHe Abilene school’s court Baylor Start* Fast Baylor’s defending tri-champ ions took: North Teijas into camp l»y a 60-37 score Monday night at Waco. Thursday night, again on the Baptists’ homo court , the Bruins b«|it Texas Tech, 58-37. Stephen F. Austin's Lumber jacks were the thlnf Boar victims ns they fell, 45-57, to the »ll-vle-, trfrlous Bfeylorltcs In Longview Sat- toMay. } L [ League favorite Arkansas sub- sulnbed to LSU, apparently a SHC power despite its lack of presok- son publicity (is such, by a 46-92 score in a game Friday at Baton Rouge.\Saturday the Porkers up set the \ highly touted Tulape "Yankees\ In a 48941 thriller in New OrleaW CCNY,| regarded as the best of the metropolitan New York fivfes, drubbed SMU, 157-53, in a Madison Square Garden tilt Thursday. Nia- gra’s still undefeated quintet took the Methodist's measure again when the Ponies lofet, 47-55, in a game in Buffalo. .Tj I The starting lineup for the Fish will be composed of Lero^ Miksch at the pivot position, James Branom and Don Heft at the guard slots, and Jimmy Velvin and Don Gar rett as the starting forwards. Waelder’s contribution to basket ball at A&M is LeRoy Miksch, who was a standout in the North- South All-Star game last August. Miksch is 6’ 6” in heighth and should develop into an aggreslve. rebound-maker while collecting rtiofe than his share of point*. A pair of fast, shifty fbrwards is found in Jimmy Yelvin of Long view and Don Garrett of Fort Worth; each is 6’i”. - I r l: ■: j Guards Show Promise Panhandle piaymaker Jim Bran- pm of Amarillo and Palafelos pro- pect Don Heft compose « kturdy defensive unit. A eager who will see lots of ac tion in the Lon Morris tilt is Rich ard Buss, 8T” all-stator from French High School in Beaumont, Coach Pedcn’s list ofj able re serves also Includes Max Montegut, a member of last year's Texas City Class A state'championship team. Aggie* will riot have an oppor tunity to see the freshman players pferfqrm in DeWare Ficldhouse un til after the holidays when the Fish play their second game of the: •, season with Wharton Junior Col-: lege on January 4. The Fish will play a second home game the next' night against the Allen Academy Rarhblers. "V ■ if ■■ The 1949 American Lfeaguc flag won by the New York Yankees was the 16th capturfed by the team. r •'"i—•- 4. ■ Kf GIVE DAD ARROWS FOR XMAS (AND YOU'LL BE SURE TO PLEASE HIM!) Hear CREDIT r ; NORTH GATE OUR ONLY STORE ..... . PHONE V STORE i ■ ‘if ¥ Reposses Your Carcass. 4-4884 r 1 l/WV Suggestion I—A box of fine, long wearing Arrow shirt* in Dad's favorite collar style. A white, a solid color and a stripe! $3.65 up. C g j). Suggestion 2—Be choosy and pick out a few good looking Arrow ties—a rep stripe, a foulard, a polka dot, and a bold panel. $1 • $3.50. - 1 <y" Suggestion 3—A box of Arrow's man-sized hand kerchiefs, colored borders, whites, or with Dad's initials. 35c up ■ST I Before the vacation rush begins, see your Arrow dealer for some grand Christmas gift suggestions for Dad, rich Uncle George, or the kid brother. Youll be sure to please them with “Arrow" gifts— gffh any man appreciates. / ■ 1 '*(11 Suggestion 4—For outdoor Dads, a couple of nigged and handsome Arrow sports shirts will hit the spot. $3.95-$10.; a ARROW SHIRTS ,, .C, U (OS-lfr. ■»( TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS . ; l : .. vaJa.. J, ■ M: : I CASH DISCOUNT ON ALL WATCHES PURCHASED From Now Till Christmas Your monogram\engraved FREE on the watch of your choice no matter when you buy it! \ SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION SOLiKIEIN WATCH REPAIR Varjsco Bldg. 11 . I'fl "ARROW” CHRISTHAS GIRT SUGGESTIOhS m- D A D, ,] BROTHER & UNCLE 1 1 v Thtre is toimething special about a Christmas gift with rl , r j. ,1, % U- >1 the Arrow labtl —It's a ^ / / trustworthy sign of com- ^ I ’ V T • ' ' I 4 1 fort, long wear and satlsfoclibn. !. ; Tj ■. ■; ..+ • i let us show you some fine Arrow shirts and sports shirts, i ■ J : , colorful Arrow lies, or 1 5 * *, 11 ■ men enjoy' receiving and wearing. Drop in soon for the ibetf selections. ITv •' Hp a box of Arrow handkerchiefs - gifts r i.i. ciotKlSRS cottto® * mu* ^0* ARROW SHIRT! , % F’H f’ ■ 1 ' • Li; ; ; • l i ; '( . • • • ■‘n ; rif' 1 ■ iri