Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
" t 'V • ' i , i Two teams that are taking their knocks this year, but should be on the “handing out" end of the blows next year—A&M and Texas—will meet at College Station on Thanks giving Day. • , ti Both clubs are loaded with soph omores although Texas’ juniors are sufficiently numerous to pro vide plenty of stability, if not fire, t to the Steer eleven. The Cadets, too, have a number of junior per formers who are bulwarks in the Aggie offense and defense. Last fall the Aggies tied the Bo- vines, 14-to-14, in one of the upsets of the year. The Thanksgiving loss of face for Texas did not pre vent it from receiving an Orange Bowl invitation, however. In the Miami tussle, the Steers beat Geor gia, 41-to-28. ji Not since the 1939 season have the Maroons taken the measure of the Longhorns, although in both ’44 and ’45 the Cadets could have stopped the Cows with the aid of a few breaks. Prior to, ’41 the two schools had followed i a “win-at- home” tendency quite closely. j-That year, however; the Cows i defeated the Cadets on Kyle Field for the first time since the new stadium at Aggieland was erected. The records show that the team from the “Forty Acres” still holds the top spot in the won and lost column against the Aggies. These two teams started playing each other in 1894, and from that time to the present, they have met 55 times. Texas has won 35 times, the Aggies 15, and the two have tied five times. In the won and loss column as far as conference championships are concerned, the Aggies still hold tHe upper hand. Although this annual battle won’t have any bear-' ing upon the championship, the - Aggies, have won the most titles, seven and one-half, while the Steers are in third place behind runner-up SMU with six to their - credit. A week from today, at 2 p.m. on Kyle Field, the “hard luck” boys from hilly Austin will be out to try and make amends for their miserable season by taking the Ag gies for a cleaning. Both teams will rest Saturday from their heavy schedules in or der to be fully prepared for this all important game. !■ " Offensive starter at left end for the Steers is Ben Procter, 185- pound, 6’ 3”, who is currently vie- ■ 1 ■ 1 1 1 '• i op Aggies Of The ijlit Glenn Lippman looked good against the Rice Owls Saturday. His 68-yard qulck-klck was the surprise of the game. * A- - ' AillwiL? | •" \ Cedric Copeland had the dls Inc- tlon of playing both offeisive and defensive end against Saturday and his work was of the outstanding factors il the ing with TCU’s Bailey and Baylof’s Ison as the top pass catcher in t tie conference. On th<; other termii lal will probably be Paul Williams, 500 pound, 6’ 2” sophc more stando it. Procter is a letter) nan junior. Opening at the tackles will be two more one-letttrj juniors, Gqne Vykukal on the left and Ken Ja$k- sori on the right. Vykukal weighs 207 pounds, stands 6’ 2” while the heavier Jackson forces the scales up to 222 and hitg 6’ 1” when the tape measure is us id. Besides the spectacular Procter, Bud McFadin, Steer guard, is the top Cow prospect for all-every- thing laurels. MoFadin, starting left guard, weighs 235, and mea sures 6’ 3”. The big bruiser ip a letterman junior. His running mate on offense is 6’ 2”, 212-potmd Errol Fry, a two- etter senior. At center for the Steers is Row dy Dick Rowan, capable 205- pounder. Rowan who stands 6’ 1’f, is a junior but has won two letters. j\ 'ji • Quarterbacking the Bovines is Paul Campbell, a senior who {let tered last fall as ihe regular man- ider. Campbell is noted for his handling finesse and steady ing; he weighs 175, stands an even six feet. Filling the halfback slots are two star performers, right half Randy Clay and left half Byron Townsend. Clay, a veteran 6’ 1”, 1 currejitly g and g. lie nas won two letters and isj a senior. Townsend is the widely-ler- alded sophomore who was all-s ate at Odessa in ’46 md ’47. He as a 6’ 1” 190-poundej and is also fist ed among the top conference : ground gainers. j t , At fullback f6r the Bovines against the Aggie j will probably be ’48 all-conference Ray Borne- man. Bomeman missed a lot of action this year with bad leg in juries, but is back in the saldle again. He should provide the St eers with plenty of up-the-middle and off-the-flank power while team ing with Townsepd and Clay. | A more experienced squad ’ vith better season rncord—that u the Dmparison whicl i will cause sp orts iters to. favor the Steers >ver the Aggies. Bu; fans who have seen the two play in the past j will know that anyth ng—including an A&M win—can happen on Thajnks- giving Day, Big Bob Bates fell in place read ily as the starting: center for the Aggies and his play on defense was invaluable in breaking up a number of Rice’s plays. Guard Carl Molberg, as always, was a mainstay on defense for the Aggies against Rice Satur day. - Sponsors - Lasted below are the sponsors who have donated this week’s Quarterback Club Prizes J. C. Hotard of Hotard’s Cafeteria W. S. D. Clothiers H. J. Peters Music Co. first National Bank, Travis B. Bryan Charlie Ferreri of The Triangle Drive Inn The Parker-Astin Hardware 'Co. C. E. Griesser of Griesser’s Electric Co. Alexander-Beal Insurance Co. Joe Faulk of Lack’s Auto Supply Bryan, Motor Co., Mr. Charlie Cade LAST WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS The following eleven individuals won the prizes in last week’s quarterback contest. Prizes wUl be awarded tonight from the stage of the Assembly Hall at the regular Quarterback Club meeting, 7:80 pjn. Eleven prizes will be awarded each week. Contest entries must be in THE BATTALION office not later than 5:00 p.m. Friday or postmarked not later than that time. WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT AT MEETNG TO RECEIVE PRIZES. If winners listed below' are not present, prizes will be awarded the runner-up prize winners who are present. Eleven prizes wlU be awarded at the club meeting each Wednesday. RALPH J. TERRY EDGAR D. McMURRY Name HJ.T1 R D. B ERNESTLEA WILLIAMS MRS. ROBERT L. JONES,. .. A. E. ROBINSON PEREY C. O’QUINN MABEL LOESCH. .-...1.. JANELLE HAGEMIER MBS. CLYDE F. NAWLIN . JACK WELCH. L. D. F. HRACHOVY Address Box 4815, College Station Box 5407, College Station . Box 1851, College Station '....Box 2209, College Station U ...Milner 29 Box 515, College Station :.:,...Box 1915, College Station Box 2854 + j Box 1156, College Station