Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
K X,V r, \_ "A- 1 f I Husjky Junior Was All-Stater ■—?— : —" ■ ■ t* ——-- 1 : l Spencer Ranks as Sta In Maroon Offensive ; By DEAN REED ' ' - One : of the stalwarts of this year’s Aggie line is tackle Mickey Spencer; + Mickey, who hails from Pasa dena, has been the starting left tackle on offense this season. The husky 21-year-old junior insists he ha^ trouble keeping his weight down to a trim 205 pounds, but seems to do it by working out con sistently throughout the year. The position of tackle was new in college play to Mickey, but not so in high school. During his first two years in A&M he' played guard. _ While in Pasadena ; High School, however, he played both tackle and guard, shifting from one to the ^ other depending on which team possessed the ball. . f j Named All-State Starting football at an early age, Mickey became captain of the Pasa dena Junior High team and went on to become the only sophomore starting on the high school varsity, ' He advanced through his next two years in high school to become co- f captain of the team and an all* state selection for the 1946 season. One of the highlights of his high ^ school career was his final season. That year Pasadena had justJ>een elevated to Class AA football and was placed in what is known ds one of the roughest districts in v , -Texas. The district, then 14-AA, hud such strong teams as Port Arthur, Baytown, Galveston, Orange, Beaumont, and 'j South Park ns contenders. ; Although ft was their initial year, the Pasadena tcam-r-lod by Mickey—tore its way through-all opponents to capture the clistrict erown and advance to the bi-dis trict game. There, however, it lost to Lamar of Houston, reputed to be one of the state’s strongest teams that year. ' A&M’s star full- bark, Bob Smith, was the power runner on the victorious Lamar (eleven. ‘ A ' Tale I nfolded Another highlight of that final R'- on him, Mickey received another El honor, thin time a local one. The citizens of his hometown metropo lis, led by the mayor and other of ficials, proclaimed a n official “Mickey Spencer” day. The band played,i the stands were crowded, and Mickey, as usual, was blushing. To this day, there hangs in the halls of Pasa dena High a “Mickey Spencer Plaque,” presented each year to the outstanding male graduate. The gctual plaque remains on exhibi tion at the school, however. '■ An,honor student in high school, 1 Here. South with such as Kyle Rote of Glass of Rice apj tip. f ! Another Must Champion, was me . played for the famed names U and vemon ing in the line- mg, little John therei, Cham pion and Spetnce^ had met before, s of the line, in the tetween Pasadena — — —— — —» bn opposing sides of the line, in the bi-distrlct fray l and L^mar. ; Oil Bo»l Play r From El Paso, he journeyed to Wichita Falls to participate in the Oil Bowl game b tween the Texas- Oklahoma all-stai s. Here again he played with and against many of today’s Southwes; Conference play ers. Several of to lay’s Aggies, in cluding Charlie Loyalty, Carl Mol- berg, and Dorbar dt Barton, played in either or both; »f the latter frays. Majoring in m< chanical engineer ing, Mickey has managed to main tain a good grde point average and expects to giaduate in June ’51. He didn’t play quite enough last season to letter, but was valuable as a squadman. This year, how ever, Mickey is a dead cinch to get that jheket f nd join the T As sociation. ii Rough Men Collins, he! said, next week, M ^ommentinij of the opposing Asked Vvhich linemen gave hijn the most trouble thip year, Micke r qamed two, West of Oklahoma an ) Collins of L.S.U. •MICKEY SPENCER Mickey was president-of his jun4 iqr and senior classes and president qf the Student Council. . Vj r All-Star Games Three post-season games kept Mickey busy before he came through the East Gate in the fall <|f ’47. First was the annual Tex- as-Louisiana Gulf Coast all-star was the worst nn the TU game lekey says that we haire a very goo i chance of beating high school year was an event i game' in December of ’46. That which Mickey has tried to keep se cret during his college years. It was discovered, though, and is told withx simulated pride by his room mate, Tuck Chapin. The tale goes thus: Just after Aas the gameiin which, only a year before, talented Bobby Lantrip— now of Rice—had displayed his ^vares. I Next on the agenda was the jtati's North-South all-star affair anted load colu As for 1950- year,’’ Mickey ccrely hopes it it will be his ia maroon and w the the Longhorns. Ho doesn’t hesitate to add, hqwev however, that the Steers are one of the best teams in the conference, dessite their overbal- nn. “It should be THE •xclaimed. He sin- vill, we know, since (t year to wear the itc of Aggieland. test Back Just as a prrtfhg question, we rendered this qjjery: “Who, in your best back in the We thought he opinion, is the conference?” his all-state honors were bestowed hat the annual coaching school in pr — 3 MINUTE ■. : t ■ l : • I — TRIAL GRIESSER ELECT SOUTH GATE T : Find out for yourself what it’s I like to get a closer, cleaner shove Jn LESS TIME then it takes with soap-&-blade NEW No nicks or cuts— muss or fuss. * \ The Shavemaster demon strator will be in our store at 205 Jersey St, South Side, College, Sat urday, November 19. •f. :v ; 7 :: ■ :ifo matter what kind of beard you have come in atw/| try the niarvelous new Sunbeam Shavemaster. In 3 or 4 minutes you will find out for yourself what a fast, dean shave it delivers—no nicks or cuts, muss orhus. W* invite you; j. * [a 1 ', - ^ tl E. Grosser Electric Co. ~ . H. v-i' '•r J Vf f .! .yj . back in the So quickly. Now, be talking aboi the back migh; The nekt fel us that there ib eratfon oil oui soak his head! might name Walker, Rote, Burk, or some other opponent, but he cqught us off guard with his reply. “We are playing WITH the best ithwest,” he replied just who could he it?—Do you reckon be his former op- icnent from Ij-amar, Bob Smith? t was. ow who trys to tell no spirit of c 'tttrrtfcSrt jus* Classified Ads BELT. WITH A R lTTALION CLASSIFIED At). Rates . . . 3c a word per Insertion with a 25c miplmum. Space rates m Classified Section ... 60c per column inch. Semi all classifieds with remit tance to the S tudent Activities Office. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 a.m. of the da] before publication. • FOR SALE • Portable [typewriters. Royals, Smith-Coronas. Remingtons, and under woods. A typewriter specialist can serve you better. Service and integrity on all i nodel rent machines. Use ;lan or easy terms. Bryan he Company. 209 N. Main makes. Late our !ay-4way Business; Marhi Bryan, Texas t—Delta linlhe, t—Harley Davids 1—25.000 B-T-U. 31.9 Fait .2” Swing; all tools, m Motor Cycle, Model 123 Floor Furnace ■» :er Avenue, College Hills IN COI.I.fcBK hreerewa;', ga^i garden, i May furnishejl. Id Montclair. 3 P.OOM.i batli blinds, tandscijped yard 3 ROOM, jbatli, for working c If ARK — 5 room house, age, fenced back yard, be had furnished or un- al for small family. 408 with shower,: Venetian So. Falrview. notch, fenced yard. Ideal mple. West Park Place. jonfs-hFahi) :n realty company AStodiaie 10* w. 27th t, t many on ( • MI* responsible age,<ih(Id froii in vicinity of Ei Connie*, Wllfcoi BOOKK 3PER now d|r)' don't dpply. ;i4 n K yob Bryan.] .frs. Margaret Paine Street. LaSalle Bldg. ONE 2-19-2 ' FpOT electric refrigerator. Also lawnmower. 1014 CUBIC ilxcellertt ron|lltlon. ’Phone (-1105. ONE NEW compete set "Book of Know ledge” jarnl "Lands and Peoples”, plus research sen ; re. Bargain. Terms. 402. Williamson ,Di Ive. 8CELLANEOUS • EXPERT! RKW1 AV1NG done at my home. Damage) by ‘ Workj ! guara 2007 !S( Colleie ■—B burns, tears, moth holes, ; teed. Agnes Tydlacka, Road, Phone 2-7120. • ’ VANTED • PERSON to care for schodl 2-5 p.m. Prefer sooeoiw ast Gate. Call Mrs. Me n's Beatjty Shop', 4-4314. and typist, mornings only, mble entry bookkeeping or Reply your experience anti will be here. Box 642, Call TWO flTtiDENI'S ,0 wash windows. *40*9: to ar tinge appointment. AAM~3tUl>KN 1’S needed for part ttin# ; work; must I ave Friday afternoons oft. ce work, must be neat la! fit. 3:30 to 6:34 Saturday, or Good appearance tnd able to meet puWlc. B. W,i Right »wcr. 206 N. Main. Bryan. weekdays: 8:00 to 12:00 phone 2-1970. ' ILLJ. AND FOUND FOUNfi; A wrist watcli Thursday night. dentlfy to P.oom 124-16. LOST: >ark t lue worsted gabardine pant* Satufi ay not n between Walton Rail and - Gate. O A. Kclger. Box 212, Stall >n. Texas. , may : 3= LltlHiB NO. ISM A.F.ftAJf. i: k 11 e d meeting Thursday, : lov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. Work la E.A. degree. Harry Boyer, W'.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. tiottolio* SPORT! Itrtt, Ntrf. rt. it»» r e jS T" mm AP Poll Top 10 Rushing Lead; Passerslisted New York, Nov. 17—URi-Two Southwest Conference elevens held spots in the top ten teams Sn the Associated Press’ weekly Toll of national football squads. Rice, vic tor over A&M by a 13-to-O score, was ranked sixth. ! ; SMU’s defending conference champions fought their way back into the top-rated teams and claim ed tenth place. SMU smothered the Arkansas Razorbacks, 34-to-6, l^st Saturday. Notre Dame. Oklahoma, Califor nia and Army continue to be the only “regulars” in college foot ball’s first ten. The seventh weekly Associated Press poll shows that this fear some foursome is at the top again —the only teams that havB ranked every week of the season. For the first time in weeks, though, there’s a chance even in their order with Oklahoma and California moving ahead of Army, which lost the grip it has held on, second place since Oct. 10. The Black Knights Of the Hud son lost favor in their narrow es cape at Philadelphia last Saturday when they squeezed past Penn, 14 to 13. They fell to fourth. Notre Dame’s Irish, who haven’t been threatened in first place since the second week, solidified their po sition by subduing North Carolina with h strong last-half suprt, 42 tO 8. 1 ] ■ .[ ! J; Frank Leahy’s marvels received 140 first-place ballots from the 162 sports writers and broadcasters who participated. They rolled up 1,592 points. Bowl-bpund Oklahoma, 27-to-7 winner over Missouri, gained fif teen first-place votes to finish sec ond with 1,298 points. Third-place California got five of the other No. 1 designations with Army and Virginia receiving one each. Michigan, the 1948 national champion, clung to fifth place, be ing followed in order, by Rice, Ohio State, Minnesota, Virginia and Southern Methodist. Ohio State and Southern Meth odist are newcomers tb the first ten this week, replacing Cornell, which had its perfect record spoiled by Dartmouth, 16 to 7, and Michi gan State, which bowed to Oregon State, 20 to 25. The total vote with points fig ured on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ba sis (first-place votes ih parenthe sis) : ! 1. Notre Dame (140t) 1,592 2. Oklahoma (16) 1,298 3. California (5) 1,252 4. Army (1) „..!l,130 5. Michigan !.J 768 6. Rice 566 q. Ohio State 466 8. Minnesota j ! 428 9. Virginia J 276 10. Southern Methodist 276 The Second Ten.—11. Kentucky, 150; 12. Stanford, 105; 13. Louisi ana State, 87; 14. Dartmouth, 75; 15. Baylor, 64; 16. Maryland, 52; 17. Cornell 49; 18. Michigan State, 46; 19. and 20. Tulanc and Santa Clara, each 44. Others Receiving Votes.—Col lege of Pacific. 38; North Carolina, 31; Pennsylvania, 24; Wisconsin, 23; Villanova, 8; UCLA and Texas, each 7; Princeton and Duke, each 4; Alabama and Tennessee, each 3; Texas Christian and Boston U. each 2; Wake Forest, Missouri, Illinois and Xavier, each 1. 1 N / ; ' | li - , ■ Stiteler Talk Feature At Final Quarterbac i ■ ^ ! . .. ■ ’ . . M.. . ^ . YT - , , -f ’Head Football Coach Han y teauns meat here Thanksgl Stiteler ocl ,in» ! eung .< HS'terback the As The features address the final The&Battalion’a Quar to tonight at 7:80 in iy Hall, ideating tonight, which Stiteler’s talk, is the'la# and the prospects eleven in 1950. Bruisin’ Bob Smith held firmly to his number one spot among the Southwest Conference ball carriers, but two Rice backs continue to present a threat to his rushing leadership. Bruisin’ Bog currently has gained 671 yards on 133 carries with Wyatt runner-up with 536 on 100 tries and Lantrip third with a record of 517 yards on 108 at tempts. Two Passers Ranked Don Nichols holds ninth place among league tossers with 268 yards to his credit He has com pleted 24 of 49 throws, so he prac tically boasts of an even .500# completion average. Right behind the senior quarter back is tetammarte Dick Gardemal. The soph; hurler was forced from Saturday’s tilt when jarred up by the Ricemen, but still shows 262 yards gained via the air lanes. The Port Arthur mart-under his connected on 25 of 50 areials for a .500% fecord on completions. Paul Campbell of Texas tops the loop in yardage with 1233 on 81 completions in 165 tosses. The Steer pitcher has only a single game left, however, And his two closest competitors, each of whom has two more games, could easily surpass him in the next two weeks. TCU’s Berry is second with 1133 yard* on 83 connection* in 174 tries and Baylor’s Burk is third with 1078 on 90 completions from 153 tosses. \ I^gry Improves Mark Punting specialist Yale Lary averaged! 41.6 on half a dozen boots against Rice to improve his average for the season. The Fort Worth punter has averaged 37.9 yards per kick for 69 tries. Lary’s average places him fifth! in the loop, ahead of the punters from four of the other SWC j schools. His number jof kicks far j exceeds the number tried by any of the other conference kickers. ] Leading the punters is Mustang Kyle Rote with 43.4-yard average on 15 punts. His teammate, Doak Walker, is runner-up with a 41.3 average on 19 boots. 5 | Smith Fifth .Scorer The Aggies’ Smith also is rank ed high among the league scorers, his 42 points hold fifth place be hind Randall Clay, Texas, with 64; Doak Walker with 62; Froggie Williams, Rice, with 56; and Kyle Rote with 44. A&M co-captain Wray Whit- ’ taker is ranked sixth in the con- ' ference on the basis of yardage | gained on pass receptions. Whit J taker has picked up 239 yards 6n i 24 catches. First place is held by . Procter of Texas (642 on 39 re ceptions ), second spot goes to i Bailey of TCU (444 on 31 comple-; tions), and the third slot shows Ison of Baylor (372 on 34 catches). | No Cadet punt returner has hand led as many as eight chances, so none are ranked in the top ten men in this department. Dillon of Tcxai is first with an average | of 19.5 |i[ards on 10 returns, Proc ter of Rice has averaged 17.9 yards in 11 chances for second, and Berry of TCU is ranked third with a 16.8 average for 16 returns. of the current football season. Ad mission ia free to all persons in the Bryan-College Station area. Stiteler’s talk tonight will be on the Aggies’ chances against the Texas Longhorns when the two Ag Walter Polo Team Meets TtJ ¥ ’ ~ •-! j A&M’s aquatic Jockeys, known in some circles as the water polo team, are in Austin this evening for a contest with the Univer sity Aquatic Club. The Uni versity team is composed of both undergraduate and grad uate students at Texas. Game time is 7 p. m. at the UT natatorium with Fleming, Karow, Adamson, McKinzie, Comstock, Ellis, and Sargent slated to open for the Cadets. J “Highlights” Shown J’ • '• j ! ,• • d Another special feature on to night’s program will be the ing of a technicolor movie, lights of the 1948 Southwest Cort- ference Football Race.” This fil is narrated by “The Old Scotcl man, ,K Gordon McLendon. Prizes will also be awarded tb- pight to the winner* of last week!* Quarterback Club football scone guessing contest. - 1 ! An average of well over 300 per sons have entered the Club gues^- i ing contest each week this fall to ! iry and pick the winners of each game in which Southwest Con- I ference football teams participated. Prize Sponsors J To the 11 persons each we^k who came the closest to guessiqg the game winners and scores, the following sponsors have each givin ft free prize: II • Mr. J. C. HotanK of Hotard’a, Cafeteria; H. J. Peters Music Co.; Charlie Ferreri of The Trian if sion rtj.: t if j! i othiers; First National Bairir,* rftvis B. Bryan. The Parker- As- tijn f Hardware Co. Bryan Motor Co., Mrs. Charlie Cpde; Alexander- Beal Insurance Af Battalion. J The winners of (ast week'* con st will bie the- last one* selected -fftR |in the contest. ong the pri* given . lies' to be _ •to the 11 winners itonight arc two tickets tp the Aggie-Longhorn e heVe Thanksgiving Day. Must Be JPresent ► [ winner* listed ; below are inot' present at topight’s meeting, Jheir priies will be given % ] [ to the second best week’s contest. . Tl guessers in last 7 ’he winners ar Ralph J. Terry, box 4815, (fcollege Station; Kdgar D. McMurray, Box i407, College; Erpestlea Williams, Station; Mrs. 5407, Box 1851, Collet Robert L. Jones,I lego Staton; A. ner 29; Percy C. College Station;! Box i RoWr Drive Inn; Mr. C. E. Grcisser Greisser’s Electric Co.; Joe Faulk of Lacks Auto Supply; W. (3. D. -1# \ '].r •i: Col- Mile x 616, sch, Station; Janelle 4; Mrs. Clyde F. College Station; Toddt and' ii i| x 4684. I I: I If /1 ■. ii/ i’ii . 1 r | fljHjj H - , ; J MH HM Mb . mam M ™ 'nfP HAHGOVl when you smoke Philip Mo IV {■ ■!., lh»M> [M ! v>’ '! r M i„,. a f« ‘«> t0 * R . S | PHILIP „ definitely ijss wwtati^ I ' h n — i than the brand you'* now smoi ikingl Tn : S-treUh IhniDolur! 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