Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1949)
‘Commando and the ■j i Cassh Origi, • • v'l ' ivl rporal’ SI- I (■ • i I i' . By BOB P|aCE - Meet the man behind “Comman- ^ do and the Corporal.” , Emmett Trant, A&M’s answer to f A1 Capp, Chester Gould, anc} Ham Fisher all rolled up in one, moyes K into his third installment today; of The Battalion’s own comic strip. A senior architecture major from Bryan, Trant is a staff car toonist for the Batt. He has done cartoon work on all of-the major college student publications. The idea for the weekly strip, “Commando and the Corporal,” came^from the fertile mind of. Bill Billingsley, Battalion co - editor. The main characters of the panel are Commando Cassidy andbCor- poral Angus McSnort. « Cassidy, a vet business niajor from Hduston is the sly, wily type who constantly; preys on the good natured McSnort. ? Angus, art A.H. major from the thriving metropolis of Rocky Forks, Texas, proves the fall _ guy for Capsidy’s many schemes. It seems that McSnort is the easy going son of an extremely belligerant, feuding, fighting, and fussing family from the Forks. Angus has been the black sheep of the clan because of his refusal to take part in the feud against humanity in general. In an attempt to cure him of this dread malady, eld- f er McSnort sends his, son to j A&M. When Cassidy finds Angus he sees a chance to work him as a stooge for his many endeavors, both curricular arid otherwise. Mc Snort, with his easy-going manner and his seeming stupidity, looms as the proverbial bird’s nest on the ground for the ever-scheming Cas- si< i£ This duo appears to be the per fect affinity between the scheming •nki|'the gullible. The first two panels that have some out so far have merely introduced ihe char<i acters to the reacers. The next strip, appearing in toi day's Battalion will start the riot- i i T ■■■■ j 7- fffi n ii '-I. • • cSnOft Antics in Batt Offices l ous escapades of the two incorri| giblesi JJ ’ . ■ . 1 It’s Trent’s aim with the strip to provide a local type of humor in a local setting exclusively for the eht of Battalion readers, by following “Commando and the Corporal” starting with today’s installment. enjoym Judge fox yourself ih Mir iili -'W-f Loveless to Tour Capitol With R 0 A Sidne ey 44 Loveless, Lieutenant Colonel, Reserve Officers Corps of College Station, has been selected for a two jweek tour of duty in Washington. He will be stationed in the of fice ofj Brii. Gen. Wendell West- over, executive for reserve and ROTC affairs in Washington. Loveless attended A&M and Tex as University. He served in Africa and Italy during the was and was discharged ks a Lieutenant Colonel in 1946. Heiis deputy chief of staff of the 460jth Logistical Division, Cqllege Station. i . iil Mi . •' LTL ABNER A Policeman’s Klgmy Is an ’Appy One .this ncKcrtL - ’cost vou nrrv DOLLARS .rr i ROCMFOtK voute jusritMiH Jap Fleet Expansions TOKYO, Oct. 29—(JP)—Occupa tion officials said today plans are being considered to increase Jap an’s- ocean going merchant fleet by 130;000 tons, by overhauling 20 Japanese ships built during the war. 1 * •4- J LET US PROVE . . . our exclusive SANITONE SERVICE is Best! Ph. 2-8665 PERFECTO ’ CLEANERS i t m FXEL. ROTTEN, DON'rvOO?' DOT, WAIT—EVERV CUJOD .HAS A SILVER LINING wmm mm •}•— . v - ii ■i - , 11 - !■. I ill •If si I •Hi TH'COMHlSSIONtR HAS FULLN PKVlDED EACH OFiODUL COPS WITH A KIORV-DRESSED like un.»r-Go AHr*~ 1 EXPRESS ALL YOUl PENT-UP EMOTION' on rr.^ .. 1 r WfU HELLOFISHCAbSlDV-J V0U*» COMETOAtM jf' AFTEE AU/VOUblMPW MUSTCOHEB^MS* rT COCMTONiGUT// V: JUST ANOTHER MILE TO A GAS STATION- i SURE HOVE VOU HAVE SOME MONEV flSWjAtSNOW// , VESS\EMe.CA6SlW.f| I’ SOCOMMANPORCl BECAME AGGl' THE YEAR Tl SHIP GCEW-AND ANGUS GttVl MUCH,MUCH jVltSte. ' j I _ ;|l WSEPTCMieei949 AMGUS.MOW UamPi IH THE f.A. EEGlHEMT, swr CCASSIDV COW! 4COMMANDO A fcUS ? MMOe,UKSMA!“ woeicEVimj VtMU 1USCK _ W*' -APPOLL- (Contlnued from Page 1) Minnesota’s 13-to-7 loss to Pur due dumped the Gophers among the also rans and Pennls 22-to-21 upset by Pitt ,dropped the| previous ly unbeaten Quakers into a twen- tiptjh-place tie with perfect record Fordham. Last .week’s schedule provided little excitement among the big boys but this week it may be dif ferent. Notre Dame may have its hands} full with an improving Michigan State clul? and Baylor faces the same Texas team that al most knocked over S. M. U. Mich igan plays Purdue and Army tests Fojdham’s surprising Rams. The other pairings for top 10 members provide little danger. H WANTED Would like to contact two ca dets wiho carried James A. Catchings to hospital after ac cident on Sunday, May 15, 1949 at 3:45 A.M. Accidejnt took place on Highway 77, four miles north off Waxahachie. Anyone having information concerning these two cadets please call 2-8765 or Building. go -'-'I x Varisco l. • i 1 . ii. f;;, SEWALL COL-O-WALL | FLAT WAIL FINISH Soft, glowing colon on youir wall! to make a per fect, harmonioua back ground for your beautiful furniahings. Your gueata will never believe how easy and economical it ia to achieve these smart dec orating effect* with this superior paint IT’S WASHABLE! Ye*, you can wash it again and again without marring the beautiful, soft finish — Youll get loads of won derful ideas for brighten- ing-up your home. t i ; r Come In Today. ‘ K* ■ ■ See the Rainbow ■ ■ ! Array of Colon. ! ~~ 1 ; ' "’ j ^ '• r ' | ; LondonsPcunt Store — 220 1 College Road ■•M f Oklahoma meets Kansas State, California takes on Washington State, Cornell entertains oft-beat en Syracuse, Rice,plays Arkansas and Southern Methodist takes on Texas, six-time losers, The total vote with points fig ured on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ba sis (first-place votes in parenthe sis): } J. Norte Dame (133) 1569 2. Army (10) 1323 $. Oklahoma (11) ..; 1308 4. California (4) 1070 5. Michigan 625 6. Baylor ... 7. Cornell (1) 484 8. Rice j...... ^47 9. Southern Methodist 269 10. Michigan State (2) 249 The second 10: 11, Ohio Sti'.te, 218; 12, Southern California, liO; 13, Kentucky, 75; 14, Tennessee 57; 14, Iowa, 54; 16, Duke, 48; 17, Louisiana State, 38; 18, Boston University, 36; 19, Virginia, 34; 20 Pennsylvania and Fordham, each 28. Others; receiving more than one vote: Santa Clara, 27; Tulane, 26; Pittsburgh, 23; Texas, 17; Minneso ta, 15; College of Pacific, 13; Pujr- due, 12; North Carolina^ 11; Wyom ing, 9; Missouri, 7 Student Senate Meets Thursday The Stident Senate will hold it’s regularly scheduled meeting Thursday, Nov. 3, at 7:30 p. m. in the Assembly Room of the YMCA, secretary of the senate Lloyd Mahjeot said this morn ing. Mussolini’s Tombstone Is Reported Being Cut MILAN, j Italy. Oct. 29—<A>i — A Milan newspaper claimed today to have located the secret grave of Benito Mussolini in a Rome cem etery. The newspaper, Corriere Lom bardo. also asserted that a tomb stone to mark the grave had been ordered by the Italian government, gnd wap be(ng cut in Rome. Sportsmanship Meet Planned ™.. „_L_LL .... .... Ml. . The Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Committ e e will hold its first meeting of the current school year Fri day at Rice Institute. The announcement of the called meeting was made by Ben Ham mond, chairman of the committee, and a student at Rice. < Keith Allsup, president of the student senate, said the meeting for the past weekend, but a major ity of members of the SWCSC in dicated that Nov. 4 was a more suitable date. solini was executed in 1945. Mus hy partisans and Maryland, each 6; Dartmouth 5; Vanderbilt and Villanova, each 4; U. C. L. A. and Wisconsin, each Wake Forest 3; Alabama, 2. SAVE 10 TO 20% On Your Automobile and Fire Insurance ALEXANDER ■ BEAL AGENCY 203 South Main Phone 2-5547 The Battalion s ’ [ Quarterback Club Gordon McLendon, “The Old Scotchman” of radio and newsreel fame, will be guest speaker at Thursday night’s QUARTERBACK CLUB meeting in the r Assembly Hall. . F Time: 8:00 p.m. Place: Assembly Hall No Admission—Everyone Invited ! L I M If I . I i ■ i .. ..'il l J, Kr. : * . 7 i. -SENIORS- , Continued from Page 1) meeting at 2:30 a.m. yesterday in the office of W. L. Penberthy, dean of students. 1 They asked for Penberthy’s sanc tion of a trip they planned to make to Houston to discuss the mid night yell practice with the city council. The dean said that he would do all in his power to give •• the committee a chance to be heard by proper authorities, and that he would help start the machinery rolling to obtain an audience with the city council. The early hour conference closed when Penberthy asked Byington and any members of the senior committee who desired to come to his office at 8 a. m. yesterday to, talk by phone with Smith. Smith Phoned Byington, together with John Taylor, met in the dean’s office at 8 a. m. Smith was contacted by phone, and Byington informed him of the desire of the senior class to hold a midnight yell prac tice and to meet wih the city coun cil. Smith, after explaining his posi tion to Byington, said he would call back yesterday afternoon with a report of his efforts to arrange u meeting for the seniors with the Houston city council. This cgll came through to Bylng- ton at 4:15 iii m„ und it-was then that 8nilth offered to conic to A&M to talk with the senior group. A&M will be represented at the meeting by Allsup; Glent]i Kothman and “Red” Duke, senior yell lead ers; and Bill Billingsley, coeditor of The Battalion. 11' ■ The representatives from each school are determined by; the con stitution of the sportsmanship com mittee, , and are based on office rather than person. The committee agenda sent out by Hammond lists discussion of the sportsmanship code, sugges tions for improving the! tode, and general consideration pf sports manship among the tchools of the Southwest Conference. ; [ Tastes better is .better for you. 1 n Aggie Radio & Ap Has just received a larg of R.C.A. Victor 45 RECORD. PLAYE $12.95 .Get them while the fiances i shipment ■zr !' y last jr; I ■ - Copper Craft Hobbiests j y. A Complete Line For You Copper 1’ Wide—38c—Ft. 3 ft. roll—-$1,141 Designs—rL&rge Assortment 10 and 15c Instruction Book . . . “CXIPPER TOOUNGV—11.00 Single Tools or Sets > Complete Kits—$2.95 to $3.95 Liver of SulpheN—ll.St) i Dull Blocking 20 All Colors Cryst | Also Copper Rowls-Lplotes I I SHAFFKR’S BOOK STORK North 'Cate t — NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS JACK HOTARD'S By Mac Arthur Courts a Highway $ South — Featuring Fine — •SEAFOODS , • STEAKS • FRIED CHICKEN . i : j IT > i : i ’ l ; And Moderate Prices ! i i ' I jl M ['• - 1 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, 11 p.m. Saturday Available by Reservation after 9 p.m. s -• Bafla CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 — • ;! L WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1 - — - - SELL WIT HA flATTALION CLASsiFIED AD. RatM . . . 3Sc a word pdr Insertion with a 25c minimum. Bpaca ratf* In Claaalfied Section Inch. Send all claMlfieda with remit tance to the Student' Activities Office. All ads should be turned In i by j 10:00 a.m.’ of the day before publication. COc per -qolumn *. FOB SALE T 4* ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, on — r pian—ewy teniis 4- late achlnSH. Typewriter fervlce by typewriter ispe^latlst. i Machine Coiaputf, 209 N. Main, Bryan. Dial 2-132X’ J—Delta Lathe, W — Sw|n*; all tools. 1—Harley Davidson Motor Cycle-Model 125 t—25,000 B.T.U. Floor Rurnawi :j 310 Foster Avenue, College Hill* HOUSE TRAILER and screened: In -porch. Priced for quick sal*. Owner leaving town. Inquire at 1743 W. i’tith gt., or Darling* Trailer Park, Bryan ] on* or both. J. Oonyaw, t*= LOST AND FOUND f i- LOST: Qold watch between academic building TueMuy, ly 3:00 o'clock, For reward, turn to Ervin H.-Lent, phone 2-1903. en library and y, approximate* /ard.l flhder re* STRAYED: My Ag. Eng. aoi;,teitt and notes and Chem. 200* note*! from ’A. R. I.lbrary Thursday morning, Ojct. b7. I hope the guy who got themJteteedt them worse than I. R. O. Prlderaore.'i Dorm 18, Room 112. 1 JJ i - e ..I..., —— LOST: Hamilton wrist watch wlth nylon watch band. Please contafiLl-Room 16, Mltchen. -T j , ^ T||] j” WANTED CONCESSIONS stand operator); must be neat and courteous, willing y’brkfr, able to work 7 nights a week, hav< transpor tation. Salary Will pay more; than rent and auto payments. If you kre taking a heavy course or crowded i foF: tiro*, you need not apply. See J*ck Farr: at ’the Skyway Theatre. • MISCELLANEOUS • p = SEWING AND DRE9.SMAK1N(J; l rea*t>n- able rates. Mrs. - Mary Br^wn, 4407 ' j-"4: College Main. 4- Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST ; j ] With Your Visual Problems P! 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 j L — USED 1948 Nash Ambassador 4-Door Sedan with •ovjer*» drive. Perfect in every Jir4t| spect. j . . ' i - jlf ! '/" ■ 1 - il 1947 Nash '600' 4-D Sedan New motor, n»\v paint. / A real clea!n car. 4-D Sed^n 1946 Nash , 600’ New paint. Clean thlfoukh* i oul ' i:. n 1947 Pontiac 4-D aScdan New paint, perfects j niit- chnnlcul condition. « ; ' I'P -r7 1946 Nash AmbaHsador 4-Door Sedan eqiilppetj with overdrive. • r •.( . I 1941 Dodge 2*D Sedan j | 1940 Dodge 4-D Sedan 1939 Ford 4-D Sedan: 1949 Nash Brougham Perfect. AND MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM ■ -j j Every day is bargain dRy at; MIT LEE & CO. Your Friendly Nash D4a) ! : (Across from MP Depot) PHONE 6-6159 | ' - • ii ’2-1585 I • AGE MATTE lea : College Station Representative —i Loupot’s Trading Post TTiTMTiii ' ' ' ' " 1 ijii ! • A l l 4— t ; !; rT ■b: 1 WILL Uy'» leg* - CEP CHILDREN during 'SAtur. fl.-OO * gem*. A-i-W Col. ne. fl.-OO e gem*. A-l or phone 1 4-1268. NOTICE £ Housewives, ere you Interested n muling $1.50 to 12.00 an hour; doing the mdiit pleeeent work you hevie ever done? 5 Call 2*5025. O USAGES * * Bt<3 11 Made in our distinctive beautiful style . ^ , Supe to please her. lose lush, vibrant | urns . . . Ideal for [] le game. T, f .GGIELAND Flower Shop- Nejct to Campus [Theater :d Gar & Truck eadquarters Tim Cleanest and Beat Se lection of Used Cars Found , • jj ,1 - . 4 i * Anywhere YOU CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE HER] l$48|FOHD 2fdoor sedan ,.r .radio, hoater, white ijHldo-wiill tlrea ...' 11)198 47 -FORD club coupe, |radio, h*nti'r, clean nn( |l ready to Rivu you ijnnrvlcp ' *1)50 1 fik? (MERCURY 4-door sodup, ’ovnrdrlvp, radio, hontav . Iplafltio oovarH Ui... 11198 47 OLDHMOBILK club coifen, IHydramHtlc Hcrlcg 78, fa- ’dlo, heater and very lelean JUHB 1948:;FORD 2-door sedan, clean [and won't be here longiat 'this price *1080 1946 MERCURY 4-door sodljm, : J radio, heater, Rent covfrs * j i and like niew ! fF 19411OLDSMOBILE club cou {radio, new paint $750 Ljj CHEVROLET 4-door I dan, clejan and runs feet, .only needs an j • owner ....,$' R FORD 2-door sedan su , | deluxe, (radio IB-iojCHEVRbLET 2-door se< runs good and is clean .-,i... FORD 2-door sedan Is clean and ready to go IND NEW 1949 FOl IALF-TON PICKUPS J'or immediate Deliv< T*! JARANTEED ' I ■ kSY TERMS I , )W DOWN PAYMENT^ i have a complete stock late model pickups and peks that have been thor- jghly checked and re-con- iioned. ' ! -. “ 'T BRYAN MOTOR IcoMPL; '4 iur Frier fhway 6 )ne 2-IS BRY> 2-1333 •i i • I I '• 1 '1