Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1949)
\t An, enroute the open, and I lost a sample contyininf surgical instruments. Would you please run this ip i your paper for a few days. The case is brown cowhide, about 20 jXSOxS inches. It has fly leaves inside with instruments in loopp. A small black case, containing eye instruments, was in a pocket of the case. ^ I will appreciate your advertis ing this in ybur paper. And, if / there is any charge, please submit the bill to the address on the in closed card. The instruments are marked With the same name as the business card. ' ;1 71 Sincerely, ; John Wm. Burden Houston, 17, Hexas Eds. Note — The s Battalion makes no charge to help people who help Aggies. Will anyone who has information' on reader Burden’s instrument case please give him a hand? 3 i IH 1 SMITH NOT CLEAR ’ Editor, The Battaliop: I have just finished reading your article about not having a midnight yell practice in Houston. It has left me confused, and I am writing this in hope of obtaining more knowledge about it. . i While I am sure Mr. George Smith has the best interests of A&M at heart, I do not unde ■•ft stand this part of his letter, •is believed that such a meeting Would only serve to arouse possible acts of violence by persorfSt not con nected with either institution (Rice or A&M).” If neither persons from Rice nor A&M are going to commit acts of violence, why are we held re sponsible for such acts? Does the mere fact that the Aggies are in town mean we are responsible for any acts of violence that may be committed. I don’t understand this. Again Mr,* Smith indicated, “ . i. that Houston officials wi refuse to grant any permi the corps to conduct i > mid: yell practice anywhere in the <ji Again I do not undersiand from the fact that our qoftstitutiion says tho freedom of assembly ah not be abridged, I do not un‘ stand why it would b« all r_ to have yell practice irt the day. The only reason I can see is, for some odd reason, there will be no acts of violence in the daytinie so naturally we won’t be rt 8 I )on 9rt>le for them. I n Your article said the letter was read to a “representative group.” I looked up a member of this group and he said they Were asked to vote' on whether or not they wanted to accept Mr. 3mith’s lat ter. Your article failed to | men tion this. ! l I 1 ! If Houston is not going to give us permission to have a midnight yell practice, where is there any- question as to whether Dr not we want to have one? If there is a question, why can’t the student body vote on it? They are the most representative group I know J ■ 11 ( Bill Stephenson ’48 (Editor’s Note—The main Argu ment voiced by Smith op midnight yell practice is not that we or Rice be the victims oF violence. Both schools have reasonable con trol of the students in any'situa tion which might develop. However, it is very difficult to control the actions of non-students who might “jump” students after a yell prac tice. -I (The question put before , the group which met in Dean Penber- thy's office, as ,we remember it, was this: “Do you believe the stu dents would prefer a Saturday morning yell practice to no yell practice at all?" That is the ques tion we voted on anyway. (In view of the copstern*tion which the meeting caused we agreed that it would have been a good idea to put before the student body the question, “Do yoi^ want no yell practice before the Rice game'' PAST REMEMBERED I i ’ . ■ litor, ; The Battalion; I have always enjoyed midnight II practice preceding a confer ee game, but one being held in quston the night before the game iculd be forbidden. In 1939 or 1940 a similar yell ractice was held at the Rice Hotel, y sortie sheer, fate out of nowhere fracas developed resulting in sev- 1 Aggies being injured. The ouston police department had to p in and use tear gas both on >ystanders and Aggies alike. So any unannounced “clustering 'bunches" would surely have the ^ime outcome at that hour. Houston like any other over- i frown i “country toAm” has its un desirables which have to be dealt rtth accordingly. Lets ikeep on »p” that Aggie spontaneous en- husiasm till we get out to Rice Stadium Saturday afternoon. J. L. Robinette 12-415 (Upper sack) (Editor’s Note-—What about the man in the lower sack?) CURIOSITIES The Editorial Board The Batt (Official Newspaper of College Station, Texas) Dear Eds: : We have a question. We would like to know where reader Onstott '49 is having his party in Houston. G; B. Whisenhunt ’49 W. W. Bishop ’50 Jimmy Walker ’48 Ed Haaker ’48 R. W. Coon ’49 'Dick Magee ’49 R. <3. Drouet ’48 G. B. Holman ’51 Gene West ’49 W. A. Breeden ’51 Camcif, / I ! $ 14 •V, tVCNIMOl •TOL* iV MTHin DOROTHY «JIWIL* BY CARTIIR •x. M m sm ■ m '4 v M II ;|fi r K, J i fv mi wm m ;; ms •'"V -M a f • : ■: dgffe M i ip. ■ my ,i|3 • ? m •' ■ ■i f -m, ■- i 1 ■ v/vf.-W'-. 'M. I Ifeil ; i . .: v*\ -• f SMOKERS WHO KNOW. f : .rrs r 61 i v i Ytt, Camels are SO MILD that in a coast to-coast teat j of hundreds of men And women who smoked Camel*— and only Camels—for 30 consecutive days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported ^ NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! .S N , :,'uv j‘{" \ • i:-, : 4COUNOL MEET- (Continued from Page 1) city council and Mayor Oscar Hol combe. Penborthy Willing to Help j Penberthy said he would be glad to do that, and asked that one or all of; the group come to his office this morning to talk by phone with Smltlt i > “I reserve the right,’’ Penberthy said, "to express my personal opinion concerning midnight yell practice if the Houston officials wantj to hear It.” He said that he would also con tact President Bolton so that he could assure himself that his ob jections to midnight yell practice were! in line with college policy. Penberthy continued by saying 1 he hoped that “we can get rid of the attitude that if a yell practice is not authorized that we’ll have one anyway.” “To me,” he concluded, “to go down! there and hold an unauthor ized yell practice is much the same as going into somebody’s home as a guest and doing the very things the host has asked not be done." Byington said that he and the comrtiittee wanted to go to Hous ton to talk with the city council to find out if there was any way possible whereby a midnight yell practice could be arranged. Professors Added To Geology Staff Two new members recently add ed to the Geology Department staff are John N. Dahm and Bernard D. McGrath. McGrath is teaching mineralogy and paleontology. He attended Un ion College in Schenectady, N. Y., and the University of Wyoming. He is! a veteran of two years serv ice in the infantry and signal corps. Dahm received his bachelor’s de gree from the University of Wis consin and has done work toward a Master’s Degree at the University of Oklahoma. He is a member of the American Association of Pet roleum Geologists, American In stitute of Mechanical Engineers, and Sigma Gamma Epsilon. J 1 Rice Peerson ’47 Lch Polk ’50 Rill McDonaugh *48 J. T. Taylor ’47 L. I). Murphy ’52 R. p. Reed ’49 Don (’a la me ’50 N. C. Heffon ’49 G. H. Scherwlt ’49 Don Sawyer *48 Richard C. Prater ’47 Monty Swatzcil ’48 Fred Ahrendt ’50 P.S. We ALL have shotguns!! (Editor’s Note — A bunch of the boys were whooping it up...) Wildlife Dept Asks For Game Species Local hunters are asked to turn in game specimen parts and other hunting information ,to the Texas Cooperative Wildlife, Unit located on the campus, said Dr. George A. Petrides, unit leader. Dr. Petrides asks hunters to turn in to his office one wing from each quail and dove killed and the outer six or eight inches of the first feather on the right wing of wild turkey. He said that he is also interested in obtaining the left front leg of female squirrels and the right front leg of male squirrels. Each specimen should be labeled to show the date and county where it was killed, the number killed, and how many times each species was hunted, Dr. Petridge said. ' > According to Dr. Petrides, from these parts the age and sex of spfeciments can be determined. This information is used to de termine the relative value of young birds to the hunter, the months of important nesting, and the extent of carry over of adults from last year. Stettinius, Former Govt. Official, Dies Greenwich, Conn., Nov. 1 IA*)— Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., wartime head of lend-lease and U. S. Sec retary of State when the United Nations came into being, died to day at the age of 49. The white-haired, handsome Stet- tlnus, who at 37 became board chairman of the II. S. Steel Cor poration, was his country’s first U. N. delegate. He was named director of the University of Vir ginia after leaving the U. N. post in 1940. Death came at 7:30 a. m. (EST) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Trippe here. Mrs. Trippe is Stettinius’ sister. i' j What's Cooking I CAMPUS STUDY CLUB, Tues day, 3 p. m, YMCA. COLLIN COUNTY A&M CLUB, after yell practice, Tuesday, YMCA. DALLAS CLUB, Tuesday, Nov* ember 1, 7:30 p. m., YMCA Cab inet room. DISCUSSION AND DEBATE SOCIETY, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Assembly Room, YMCA. panel dis cussion on “Should The U; S. Share Atom Secrets With Britain and Canada.” EL PASO CLUB, after yell prac tice, Tuesday, Room 328, Good win Hall. [ HEART O’ TEXAS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 305, Aca demic Building. HORTICULFTURE CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Agriculture Build- ins- i I HOUSTON CLUB, ^Wednesday, 7:15 p.m., 301 Goodwin Hall Dia- cuss Dance plans. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION- CLUB, after yell practice, Tues day, Room 108, Mechanical En gineering Shops. LARNDSCAPE ART CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., YMCA Chapel. MARSHALL CLUB, after y6ll practice, Thursday First Floor, Academic Building. MARKETING AND FINANCE CLUB, after yell practice, Tues day, Mr. Simpson of Soil Con- Service to speak, r , PRE-MED PRE-DENTAL SOC IETY, after yell practice, Tuesday, Room 32, Science Hall. A film will be shown. PRE-LAW SOCIETY, after yell practice, Tuesday, Assembly Room, YMCA. ROBERTSON COUNTY CLUB, 7:15 p. nu, Wednesday, Goodwin Hull, Taylor Wilkins will be speak er. VET MED WIVES ’53, Tues- day, November 1, 7:3B p. m„ YMCA. Voting on club constitu tion. WILLIAMSON COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Room k04, Academic Building. STUDENT ENGINEER’S COUNCIL, November 7 at 7:16 p. m. Petroleum Library/ Batta CL ASS IF Page 4 lion I ED ADS “*1* ;4 ■ ktr .. ' . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, 1, 1949 SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED: AD. R*Ua . . . 34 a word! per Insertion ; with a 2&c minimum, space rate* In yciaaalfled Section , . 40c per column Inch. Send all - classifieds with remit tance to]* I*** Student. Activities Office. All ada should be turned In by 10:00 ^ajm^of^e^ay^efore^ubllcatlon. • FOR SALE • ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, on our lay-away plan—easy: terms — Late ^ model rent machines. Typewriter eerv-. Ice on all makes, by typewriter special-' 1st. Bryan Business Machine Company, 209 North Main, Bryan. Dial 2-1328. 1—Delta Lathe, 12” Swine; all tool*. 1—Harlsy Davidson Motor Cycle, Model 126 1—25,000 B T.U. Floor Furhace 31^ Foster Avenue, College Hills: BEAUTIFUL purebred collie pups, excel-! lent companions for children. J. H.; Happ, 331 Meadowland Street, College Station, Texas. ' !' SPECIAL RATES t I year Life—*4.75 1 year Time—*4,75 ■ 1 year Fortune—*7.50 1 year Readers Digest—*2.75 1 year Coronet—*2.50 JOHNSON’S MAGAZINE AGENCY Box 2*4 \ ' College Station, Texas - ELECTIONS - (Continued from Page 1) halls from Alvin. ' . j; Re-elected to the office of ser geant-at-arms is Arlen E. Reese, a CE major of Houstdn, who hol'd the sumo post In the class last year. Guy C. Jackson was chosen to fill the combined post of reporter- historian. Jackson Is n Liberal Arts major of Anahuaq who served ns one of tho Freshmen yell lend ers lust year. Station KBRZ Off Air for 30 Days Bryan Radio Station KBRZ went off the air at the end of Saturday’s broadcasting for a 30-day period of refinancing and rebroadcasting. Authority for the temporary closure was granted by the Federal! Communication Commission. FOUND DOO; with collar and chain night. Ownsij may have by or this ad. Call 8 and 9- 2-2959, sxt 10, OOLU WATCH between library and Aca demic! Building Tuesday:! approximately 3:00 o’clock. For reward finder retur* to Ervin H. Letiz, phone 2-1903. Silver! BONBON Lighter, Engraved wtth Paul. x4t found please Yetum to Milner £ ! I MISCELLANEOUS WILL XEEP CHILDREN during Salur-' dsys game. M.00 a game. A-l-W, College View, of phone 4-1268. iusewi ECIAL ■r.'gs SPEC NOTICE HOUSEWIVES, are you Interested In mak ing *1 50 to *2.00 an hour, doing the most pleasant Work you hlavo ever Ophe? call 2-5025. * ; , . .1 ORDER NOW ..» STILES Flowers r F • Free Delivery Ph. 3-0188 or il032 I 1903 S. College 1 i I* j? i: I*..: j;;: !i‘ t' John St-fles ,’48, l ■ ! v. , GENUINE Mink Coats WANTED : i: ; i • i|' j. , : j J • Would like to contact two ca dets: who (tarried James A. Caterings tq! hospital after ac- dldertt on Suiujay, May IB, 1949. at 3:45 A.M. Accident took place on Highway 77, four mllai north of Woxahachte. Anyone Having information concerning these two cadets please call 2-8765 or go by 50 Varlsco Bulling,' 1 ; ; j i ■ — $3.98 If! “Genuine” Mink Coats were advertised at $3.98 each ... a few people would buy** however, in a few days they would; realize their mistakes. Genuine Mink Coats sell for more than that. And So It Is With ' \ . t Advertising ... •RECORDS • RADIOS School & Office Supplies ALL YOUR NEEDS , rN y\ * • • HASWELL’S Used Car & Truck Headquarters •.! ii 1! 'i|| !;!! ’ USED CARS -I “All works of taste muat bear a price in proportion to the nklll, taste, time, expense and risk attending their invention and man ufacture. Those things called dear are, when justly estimated, the cheapest.” “A competition for cheapness and not excellence in workmanship is the most frequent and certain cause of the rapid decay and j • ■ : i entire destruction of arts and manufacture.” j - Joslah Wedgwood “Dearness and Cheapness” ■ , *> h Not how cheap — But how good A: i Hu. 1 The Battalion f t : j Twice the Circulation of Any Newspaper in Brazos County 4 . ■ - (.1 , v i. '■•1 i4si I J:, ‘ k i; hi;, i ii h 1948 Nash Ambassador f { 4-Door Sedan with over drive. Perfect in every re-* spect. ; Ti : L- J : 1947 Nash ‘600’ ,4-D Sedan New motor, new paint. A: real clean car.! ■ L'J 1946 Nash ‘600’ 4-D Sedan New paint. Clean through-! ’ out ; • [ : , 1 ‘ 194^ Pontiac 4-D Sedan New paint. Perfect me chanical condition. | • ' I■ . i 1940 Nash Ambassador (4-Door HodJMi ^quipped wltlj ovtrwivc. j v ' ; j 1 1941 Dodge 2-D Sedan J ‘ | 1940 Dodge 4-D Sedan • I U ■' 1939 Ford 4-D Sedan 1/ : ■ j [■; ■■ 1949 Nash Brougham j Ptnfoet r ' AND MANY MORE CHOOSE FROM I ; 'j • ‘ f- \lt S 'i. ■ j '. j j Every dajfr la bargain day at* i i ' ‘ 'h:' '• . I The Cleanest and Best Se lection of Used Cars Found Anywhere ! YOU CAN BUY WITH confidence HERE 1948 FORD 2-door sedin j !; ><radio, heater, white ; j afde-wall tires $1895 1947! FORD club coupe', . H radio, Heater, clean and •i : j ready to give you; service; ..$1150 1947. MERCURY 4-doorj sedan, T '.heater .4. $1*08 - lb coup., .i 78, r,- T. 414M 1946 FORD 2-door sedan, cler- and wqn’t^be here long | this price L $10( 1944 MERCURY 4-door sedan, radio, h®ater, seat covsff and like new .( 1941 OLD8MOBILH clu! m I overdrive, radio, : ! i ! plastic Icovers .... 1947 OLDSNtOBILE club ci ' Hydraipatic Series 78, j dlo, heiter and veijy clean .L. ....p. $1‘ 1941 CHBVkOLtrr 4-door dan, clean and runs only needs an 3 OWMft I » ; AP 11)41 Foitl) If-dour si'dmi super ; r dcluxi'i radio „„j.„„l9iN|8 J94h CHEVROLET 9-dodr Mrtn runs good and Is Clean 1940 FORD 2-door sedan Is clean and rsady; 1010 ; BRAND NKW 1940 IWRD ! HALF-TON PIUKUI'H For Immediate Delivery : • LOW Du^fN PAYMENTS j .r I We have 1 comp of li if late rtv trucks that oughly cljieci ditioned. ,i liH'; ye been thor- d re-con- H ' MIT LEE & CO Your Friendly Nash Dealer (Across from MP De^ot) PHONE 6-6159 11 /i: U Hi : ; 4.j vB: m . 8. - 415 N. Main ne 2-1507 — Phone 2-1333 BRYAN, TEXAS Jr i , I-.. ^ A 1