Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1949)
■ . •' ^ IT » 1 1 ' > V M* / !|- Four Pound Baby Outr Airplane at Full Thrott 4 : I- :• i; i ' J SHANNON AIRPORT, Ireland, Oct. 18—lA**—The sto^k an American ov^-seas I airlines pilot over the Atlantic Ocean day—and the stork wbn. A baby boy was born to Mrs. Darinks Parker of New Yo?k City " Shan. baby' ' whiw^the constellation- roared at full throttle 400 miles from non, Both the jnothelr and child were reported well. The weight was given as four pounds. When the crowded transport made its regular stop helre the mother and child were taken to a hospital. 1 . I " I . . f ' ’ .; The 20-year-old mother, a GI bride from Baveria, was quoted as saying: “I hadn’t lexpected the baby for another month and a half.” Her husband, still in the U..S. army, stationed at Weisbadert, Germany. Flight Capt. John Hennessy of New Town, Gonn., radiqed the first word of the situation. He told the startled airlines offiQ;j_iiere: “Passenger aboard appears to be In labor. Request have doctor available ^or arrival Shannon. We have doctor aboard to assist if .necessary.,’ I , 1 ' '■ ' An hour and four minutes later Hennessey called in w th the news that the baby wa$ born When i£ became apparent that the stork was winning th!e race, Mrs. Parker was taken into the crew compartment of the plane. A fellow passenger, Dr. jFred Hehschel of Nwe York City, attended her. j . • j There were 36 passengers aboard. . • ^ | raced ye»te -I PURGE THOSE PLUGS Let us check your spark plugs. We’ll clean out carbon deposits see- that the spark- gap is set right . . . replace worn plugs. A purge like this will spark better car per formance! I ■ McGEE SERVICE STATION TFAA(X> SERVICE Aggi^ Owned & "Operated 214 - S. Coillege Just South of ’Y’ into Bryan GE Commends Grad Studies The General Electric Com pany thinks so much of Post Graduation Studies that they have sent a letter to all A&M aduates in their employ ng them to take advantage of j Kiddie Show At Book Fair BY ROGER COSLETT Mothers! fathers! have you wanted to see the Consolidated Scnool’s Book Fair but you didn’t know what to do with the young ster? Your problem is solved. Bring »*»•» to U*. advantage of,*™ t‘h« ‘Silt Raom of the Consolidated Junior LI’L ABNER li' i of PGS said todayy. Their letter, written by W. M.,. d Dennt a GE executive, said “ j ^ Ivies will’be shown from gralatr an tlualW eSe'S ' «■». to W; ■ to 5, and 7 .0 » r u " usua,1 y exct ' lent Saturday afternoon. The Sunday opportunity to obtam (another) afiern J n gchedule wil , ^ 3 to J degree bV a very convenient meth- j ^ 4;30 [ t0 5;30 . “I have' discussed this program hook fair will be held in with M.' M. Boring, director of lh « • High School Gym Saturday Technical Placement and it is his and Sunday to raise funds with j opinion ? that the curriculum and | wBich to purchase badly needed' the opportunity which these post boo^s for the school library, graduation studies offers is un-' Pupils of the elementary school excelled, and I therefore commend have joined in a ‘‘Penny Parade” in it to each of you ... I imagine that order to do their share in the fund | these courses would appeal particul- raising drive. arly td every-one of the younger! The Cokesbury Book Store of 1 A&M graduates in the General j u a n as has made a contribution of j Electrib Company. To those of you | 5100 which will be used to buy the who are now taking the test cour- urgently needed hooks. Whether or ses, it is'suggested that you plan j not the • remaining funds will be i TWO KMMCS IS M«SINV? r —TT-IEV SAV THEY WAS SEEN COIN' IN HCMU?' The Best Things in Life Are Free Mi Cap I•Wfc.u*•*»»««». ^ «* W. i»i. ■—wW b'A THEM E, /« ■*» ! KICK ’fOU?-flr CERTAINLY MOT.'T IP THE WORLD HAD SOME SEtP- COMTKOL, IT vOOLIX’r KEEP YOO NASTY. LITTLE KK3MIE LTL ABNER The Honeymoon Is Over — .1 - ■: ;By A1 Oapp . i to enroll in the A&M Post Grad uations Studies immediately upon completion of your test courses. Others to whom this opportunity has an appeal should not delay in enrolling.” Not oply have many large indus trial organizations, such as General Electric and General Motors, be come especially interested in Post Graduation Studies, Faires said, but several other colleges are mak-x ing inquiries with the idea of mak ing a similar offering to their raised rests with you. To top the Fair off, a Silver Tea will; he given by the Future Homemakers, Sunday afternoon from 3 to (I, in the Consolidate Gym. Everyone is invited to at tend. New OIC of Local Reserve Training First Lieutenant Wesley Spalding^ U. S. Army, with C«*i s,-4.•»* w 1- u 1 o« r «a -an’, NOW, missus PANSV YOKUM YO' GITS WHUT ► AH HAS BIN YEARNIN' r GIVE >0'— -Since our HONEYMOONS POfig Mr JEST WMft HAS YO' BIN VEARNIN'T ’ GIVE ME, Since our honeymoon?. I.ilrff rthOSE V ns^ we YOU it IN you 1 j/ •i k ^wijiCrif PANSV.?”, (-WOiMM HC kicked hc- y + 9-AH‘LL ^ - COLLECTION - (Continued from Page 1) back to the 17th century. All these t^pes lent themselves to artistic adjournment, lesulting in arms of exceptional beauty and finish. | Weapons in Flintlock Section In the flintlock section of the collection can be found the very What *8 Cooking j own graduates. ^ Post, Graduation Studies are pre-} family, recently of Tokyo, Japan, j rire all-metal Scotch pistols as ! sently available only to graduates 1 has reported to College Station "'jell as cased duelling sets by such of AfrM, where he will assist Captain A. fdinous makers at LePage and W: Stockwell in the supervision; M ou fct of France. A Collier re- of training of reserve units in this j vdving flintlock revolver with | a rea. | s^lf-priming flash pan is one of the rarest of American arms, as Auto Production Down only one or two specU existence today. Many j Detroit, —Motor vehicle pro-1 Lieutenant Spalding served as . auction ib the United States this Communications chief-While help- I week will total 134,159 units, au-! ing to organize the 82nd Air-, “'c j tomotiVe ne^i estimated today. I borne Division and the 9i8th Infan- inen . 1 . n 'This compares with last week’s ! try Division. ' I'f*' 111 ** 8 >•' H.ntlock long guns are ' 1 35,724 units. - While in Tokyo for three years, co ]| ection ()f xj ni . The drade paper, said however,, his job was that of mstaliat.on and e(1 State8 f Iartial fii nt lock and that the industry is ‘faced with 1 maintenance of the interoffice | isi()n a ,. ms is ve corap l e te. the almost immediate prospect of communication system of the gen- t , h J1S il., i mass shutdowns because of the era! staff General Headquarters, | , 818 Sprin rfielll f i n tli M k pistol steel strike. I Far .East Command. ' AGGIE SQUARES, Friday, Octo ber 28, 8 p. m., Parish House. BAPTIST STUDENT UNIOtf, October 28 at 7:30 p. m., YMCA Chapel. COLLEGE WOMAN’S SOCIAL CLUB, Friday, October 28, 3 p. m., Sbisa Hall. DALLAS CLUB, Tuesday, Nov ember 1, 7:30 p. | m., YMCA Cab inet room. 1 ^ HORTICULTURE SOCIETY, Saturday, October 29, 5:00 p. fn., Hensel Park. All horticulture stu dents are urged to see the secre- -,!l l 1 I - ! t Battalion CLASSIFIED Ads — Page 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1949 is the John Cookson pistol of which ! tary in the Horticulture Office 14- Major td tVa//, Harvard, '40 ■flyiMfiteeatireM&Jirforce! r t ■ Born in Newark, N. J., he moved to Boston at an early age, graduated from the public Latin high school in 1936, en tered Harvard the same year, where he majored in economics and government. Assigned to anti-sub patrol duty, he flew B-25’s and B-17’s before going overseas in 1944, where! he flew 30 missions as a B-24 pilot. Shot down over Germany, he was a prisoner of war for 3 months, I- rv ; ' I Jj Mi i I ; ^ ' "A.ctive on the campus” — he played football, earned his letter on the boxing team. He worked part-time in a variety of Jobs frorni j bouncer to baby sitter, received his AB degree in 1940. Back in the States with his English wife, he earned his Regular commission. Then he returned to Harvard under the Air Force college training program, receiving his-LLB degree in 1949. If you are single, and £6Vt, with at lot consider a flying Force. T ettoeen the aget of to t two yeare of college, •eer ae an officer in the V. S. Air Force. You may be able to meet the high physical and moral yequiremente and be selected for training as an Aviation Cadet. If you do not complete Aviation Cadet training, you may return to civilian life or have opportunity to train at Officer Candidate School for an important officer assignment in. non-flying fields. He enrolled in Harvard Law School, left at the beginning of the war to become an Aviation Cadet. In December, 1942, he won his pilot’s wings, received a Reserve commission as Second Lieutenant, Harper’s Ferry pistols of 1806, 1)7, 08, and many by North, Elgin and other makers famous in United States firearms history. In the Colt section, dear to the heart of Texas gun collectors, can he seen the very rare Walker pis tol, many Pattersotis and an en graved specimen, of every Percussion model from the Pat terson to thtv 1862 models. There are rare stocked percussion Colt revolvers, Thuer Conversions, cased presentation pieces, and the rar est of Colt, cartridge arms. Many bodels of the Colt Revolving Rifle are included.. The Colt section of the Metz ger collection is said to be the best Colt collection in existence with the exception of that owned !>y the Colt Firearms Company. While most of the firearms in the collection provide an integral part •of early American history, the Colts in particular were an impor tant factoV in the successful U. S. expansion to the West. “It is very appropriate-that the finest collection of military fire arms in Texas should be bequeathed to this college of such outstanding military traditions and whose for mer students have given so much military service to their country.” stated Col Boatner. He added, “I certainly hope that this gift will result in other gifts of this ture.” “We are particularly happy to regarding this. ENGINEERS - October 28, 1949, 5:30 Bryan Country Club. Barbe cue and refreshments will be served. Members and prospective members leave tjieir names with W. T. Truettner before Friday noon if they plan to attend. “ STUDENT E N G 1 N E E R ’ S COUNCIL, November 7 at 7:15 p. in. Petroleum Library. TSPE, BRAZOS CHAPTER, Friday, October ;28, 7:30 p. m., Chamber of Commerce rooms, Va- risco Building, Brvai). j VET MED WIVES ’53, Tues day, Ndvgmber 1, 7:30 p. m., Colt YMCA. Voting on club constitu tion. Swift Packing Co. Announces Contest Announcement pf the Swift and Co. College Essfay Contest for 1949 was made | here this Week. The contest is open to all agri cultural students enrolled in state agricultural colleges. The winner of; thu contest will be awarded an expense paid trip to Chicago to ajttend the Inter national Livestock Exposition, and, while there, will! participate in a market study program outlined by Swift and Co. The contest closes November, 5. - RODEO - (Continued from Page 1) Complete rigging, dogging, arid bucking chutes have been' con structed on each end of the All Pavilion, with all work done by na- j student members of the Saddle arid I Sirlion Club. Most of the prizes have been receive the fine Metzger Gun Col- ^ wna ^ e< ! College Station and lection”, said A&M President F. j merchants, hut the list is C. Bolton. “In addition to its al- ; to ° l,,n K fo '' publication. All prizes will he on display at the Exchange stwrp prior to the rodeo. i most 'universal interest to people of the Southwest and to other col lectors, the firearms will he of great benefit in the teaching of of the state to enjoy with us this military science and history. The, outstanding collection, assembled presence of the collection on our so carefully and completely by the campus is in keeping with the j late Carl Metzger, and now so ghn- military history and background of | erously given to the College by his the College. We invite the people | daughters in his memory.” The Correct Time ... ifj you’re slowing up or racing ahead — your watch needs adjustment. Bring it hero today! SOL KLEIN WATCH REPAIRING & ENGRAVING 213 Varisco Bldg. Ph. 2-1976 Now, he is confident about his future and security. As a pilot and legal officer of Bolling Air Force Base, D. C., Major Ed Wall is a typical U. S. Air Force flying executive . . . with a challenging career. Air Force officer procurement teams are visiting many colleges and universities to explain these career opportunities. Watch j/or their arrival—or get full details at your nearest Air Force Base, local recruiting station, or by -writing to the Chief of Staff, U. S. Air Force, Attention: Aviation Cadet Branch, Washington 25, D. C. r ’ i t i I U. S. AIK FORCE ONLY THE BEST CAN BE AVIATION CADETS! r . 1 n : 5 • ' • 'r V • . i •i. ; " ' .ii. — MAGNOLIA GAS AM) OILS Certified MOBIL LUBRICATIO; . ■ NE 4-1188 Aggieland Service Station WE CALL FOR AND DELIVEF East Gate I 8KI.L WITH A BATTALION CLA88lS*I|ED AI>. Rate* ... 3c a word;per Inserilon with a 2f>o minimum. Sppce rate* In C'laaalUed Section . . . 60d per coliimn Inch. Send all classified* : with remit tance to the Student Activities Office. AU ads should b. turned In by )():00 am. of th* day before publication. • • FOR RENT • BKDROOM with Avenue, S^uth private bath. 110 Oukwood. p)ione HOUSIS, 21() South Munner)y. Unfur- nishiid, j:ir> 00 per month. > J. K. jus tice. Apf. T(6r>S-A. AIM Annex. Phone 3-205< or 3-602r>, ext. 21. —r—— 1 -t 1 •"■rr; : i TRAILKR ami! Roortji Space K-3,! *300.0(),. ! ' 1 Ij-pelt a Lath*. 12 - ’j;8wlnK: all t<H*, IS—IJarley lJav|dson-Motor Cycle, Model 12& jj 1;-2».000 B T y. Flobr Furnace ' j jj i 319 Foster jA venue, Colltue! Hllp —l—1-4 HE\UT|BTJL |purebij|d collie pupi, excrl- j lent companions (for J children 1 u COMFORTABLE attractively furnhJhed bedroom. adJolniOK hath, (irnduute (un dent or professor preferred. Phone 4-9721. ... FOR SALE ROYAL portable typewriters, from you! exclusive authorized Royal dealer, thal Rives you the factory guarantee. C0m4 In, tfy. and buy. from a typewriter specialist—easy terms. Brypn Business Machine Company, 209 North Main, Bry an. Late model rentals, all makes. : The surest- way to get home on a weekend is through BATTALION classified hd, C: 4-6324. : \ i ride ! Hupp. 331 .station. Texjas Mead Nfcl iABMY j j -jOIieBP' inland Street, INOCtltARS or 0 or 7 jiower ox 2tB, Katy, Texui, MISC’E OUH • BABV SlIOKHj BRO IZED. i.lfelln ; art tee ReaSimahli! prices. Hmi) 'ipi(ymonl. hjalance I C.O.I). ; !vjllli«e. Mrs! Rutjl Idxe. -4 f--r- - T > i KUar- down " , vet i i' . Carlto oirroafE With Y6u 203 R. Phone 2-1662 T 4- -T- Cofiault ■ L n R. Izoo ETRIST r vjiual Problem* Main — Bryan 4 4 Announcing j j j The, NEW: 1949-50 STUDENT FACULTY directory! I 'll ' •: COMPLETE INFORMATION ON STUDENTS INCLUDES . ; . j " ) " ' | I' j i j j ‘ • Campus Addresp • Home Town ># ; • Year in College i . 1 • Major :Subject COMPLETE INFORMATION ON STAFF & FACULTY . f. • Department i • Home Phone • Campus Phone BUYERS GUIDES ON LOCAL BUSIN To get your copy of (the ir: •v irelti simply mall-thei coupon below To STUDEN^j PUBLICATIONS, Texas A&M College, Col T lege Station, Texaa. Ejnclos^ 50 cent* for < each copy ofdei-ed. Orj. . Telsphone 4-5444' and leave jour name and ajldress ^ copy of thq directory Will bit delivered to your office. Simply piiy the delivery boy Per Copy ; 50 cents per copy when hei|brings them. copy.- J j l I i Student Publication^' Texas A&M College College Station Texas 4 - \ Enclosed is $ i r - for /. I ... Name ... Address .—4. ■ 1 ; of The New 1949-50 Student Faculty directory j! 1 j-J'—ir. — 1 H • ,iL,. ' ' -'j 1 j State I ■' M ’■ j "1"' ■ V » V; j; 1 ... C6pies ‘ m ' em m I ’ lU e ' !f ; » ’ U- ♦ ,1 M V, j •