Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1949)
• • - V'V . *• v rv r« ,- i • y s t ifJti ••. .... ————— .. ’ yij ' i -> 1 •. 'i- i' i (J 1' v :. v ,. r. ^ m ‘mm By BILL IPOTTS and CHUCK CABANISS coupla’ more weekends like the last one (three pre- __ dictions right out of five forecasts) and we’ll be forced to * call <pn some of the Quarterback Club winners to make our selections for us. ; r t y i | I , This might not be a bad idea anyway since two of this week’s prize winners, Mrs. Dorothy Keeling and Robert L. Jones, took their second consecutive awards. Remarkably consistent when compared with “Roundin’ It Up” forecast averages, eh ? We aren’t exactly bustin’ any buttons off our shirts from expanding our chests (or reasonable facsimales thereof) ov er our average on predictions—but we’re probably as well off as most sports forecasters, at that., * . Here’s how we stand with 30 games already played and .only 19 remaining for the seven conference teams: * ' correct missed average Sept. 17 (No predictions on three games) : : 1 Oct. 1. Oct. 8 Oct. 15 4 6 4 4 3 Oct. 2^ 3 • Total : 20 1 1 2 857';- 666'; 800'; 750', 600% I Ugh! a glance at our falling weekly average is almost enough to cause us to remove ourselves from this predicting business—particularly after seeing that this week we have to choose between Texas and SMU in one tilt and TCU and. Baylor in still another. j Baylor 21, TCL! 20 m -1^1- * f Hi l*§: m >>ft mm :?%• mm - & I V'-' , I»|; ; , U V- m w* m . m ! ■ ’ ! V ; i- % • ( ' ; Nl' : . i \ i . | ruggle With Favo i • r\-i j ■' / Dick Callendar Nominated For Top Line Honor Dick Callendar, 170-pound Ag- BY HAROLD GANN I*'- gie linebacker, was nominated for national lineman of the week for A&M’s grid aggregation will try again to dump a Southwest Con ference opponent tomorrow after noon in Fayetteville. And sports observers feel that this twenty- third cadets meeting with the Ra zor backs will be the last chance for, the Aggies to win a game in the rapidly fading ’40 season. For those fans who cannot make the gpme, Ves Box will air the • i ' ’ i highlight of a big weekend of cefe-1 group of sea hration for Razorbabk rooters who ; Pprkers have play-by-play through the facili BPgPlll. \ ' Ifll lettermeni—30 Fprkers have lettered previous in will file in from all over the state, j varsity ball rind CO are seniors. Coach John Barnhill has yet to ' The Scarlet at^i White will *n- lose a game to the Aggies while ted tHe ganje withj a definrte weight he hae been tutoring the Ozark advantage oyer ithe Aggies, out . j 4 0 »» .-L4 ^ 1 th^m jin the | Ijhe 15 squad. A&M lost in ’46, 7-0, and Weighing again last year, 2(i-6. The Hogs pounds per man. and the Ags are tied in series play, T\do years a jo, ten up with two of their contents ruined Arkansas? having ended in ties. Barnhill has switched from the single wing to the T formation and jBobby Logue, high hanking scpr- er, who will be the quarterback, has been one of the keys to "the Razorback’s success this year. The c.if Sy s ■■ ■ . '■ ‘t . >■ gave up trying tp figure out the winner, flipped" the five cent piece, and so -Texas will win by one. . Rice 33, Tech 6 . The Birds might get a tartar in this one if they dlrop too far from their second half play against SMU and ! Texasi Tech can be mighty rough at times; ask Bay lor. However, we have to! stick with superior ability and the home team, so Rice is easily our choice. Arkansas 13, A&M 6 As w T e’ve said before, until the Aggies can maintain an offensive attack until the last .inch is made and the double stripe is crossed we’ll have to take the Cadet op ponents. Even though Logue is no Berry, much less a Baugh, he should be able to complete passes behind the Maroon halves almost at will. Ak usual, so no one Will r^ght time. Since wej can’t tell get-the idea we would mind rriiss- just who will miss thej game be-I ing this prediction; we’ll close‘with, cause of injuries and jillness, we I “We want an upset.” <TZ Our nod goes to the battery of Burk-Ison and Williams tojlefeat the Battery of Berry-jBailey and. Boal in what should be one of the most thrilling aerial displays the Southwest lias ever seeji. Playing in Waco before a rabip, jaiirtisan crowd, the Bears should take the game on their steadiness.. Texas 14, SMU 13 j ' 1 .. —. J Ik • It looks pretty bad whfcn so- called sports prognosticators have jto rely on flipping a fraction of the standard U.- S. monetary unit (a nickel in this case) to determine a winner. But we did jfist that for this one. We feel that Texas’ greater bal ance and overall ability,, particular ly in the line, is just apout equal ed by SMU’s more dangjerous pass ing and running attaclCand ability to reach an emotional peak at the . . ' - BRUISIN’ BOB SMITH Battalion PORT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1949 Page 5 ties of WTAW in College Station^ game time will .be 2 p.m. his fine play against Baylor last By 4:30 p. m. today, a DC3, car-j weekend. Winner of the aWard was t ying the Aggie traveling squad*; John “Bull” Schweder, guard from will land in Fort Smith, Arkansas, the University of Pennsylvania. some 40 miles from the point of Callendar had seen very little, conflict in Fayetteville, service this fall prior to Saturday i Stay at Fort Smith \ after lettering as a defensive end A . .J ' I , , i and halfback in '48. However, \ h( ‘ A KS les wll l engage, in light ! against the Bears the College Sta limbering-up exercises in Fort I tion defensive ace turned in one i They win j spend the night i of the outstanding game? of the l herc before making the trip tq | Jay, T h ayetteville by bus. L Schweder was the first guard to This is the first time the Ca* , win the honor this year. The 208- dets have taken | t0 the airlanes pound husky led the’Red and Blue s,nce thelr lon 8 ho P, to Pbilidel- forwards as they outplayed their! P k ’ a ^ or a P am< l with Villanova Navy counterparts as Penn took y ear * HoweVer: the | a 28-7 victory on Franklin Field. P^bAbly will make all of (heir ex- 1 Williams Again Named ceptMmally distant games by air |* Froggie Williams of Rice just |’ n t ^ ie f utur e. missed being named the top line- The coaching staff agrees that > , man for the second consecutive : air travt ‘ 1 is very convenient and J \yeek. The all conference end from t iave ll*ng fatigue; is avoided. Ath-! Waco gave the Feathered Flock k “ tic Director Bones Irvin states, | a 17-to-15 win over Texas with “ It,s L the best - There’s no other a perfectly executed field goal j n rne thod to match jit.” the last 10 seconds of the contest Campbell Mainstay in Memorial Satdium. I \ j ! Last week Williams won the line- i 4 A8 the rec ‘ ord P oint - s ( ! ut ’i the man honors for his play against Arkansas ground attack (its pre- Southern Methodist. The Owl st ar dom,nant offensive wea P°n) will L was ranked high this week because : d ^P eT1(l JarRoly upon the efforts uhittakfr he not only kicked the winning of clashing fullback Leon Camp- CO-t/APT. «HIUIAKfcK points, but on two other occasions j bell, who is rupner-up to Bob 1 ' ,akes ,a st trip into Ozark 1 bumped a Texas runner out of Smith for yard* gained rushing in bounds on the Rice two for no I the SWC. From Bob Cheyne, Ar- gain and intercepted a fourth down ! kansas publicity director, came the J last A&M nearly homecoming as the Maroons canle from -behirjd a 14-0 margin i o l^d 21-14 into; the last mingles of Ithe game. Only dpsp?rate play enabled the favor ed hpme team t4 tie the score. King Reports Arkies will miss the services ’ of Awording to J>ub Ring, sporty Clyde Scott, all conference back' pf publicity director,| A&M has worked • r out Strenuously this wel^ and iwHl again try to shiiw some evidence of their pre- >var [form. King hint ed that Coach jStiteler and his crew were hinging their hopes Upon: springing^ k sharp passing 1 atta<|k against:., the Porkers. King’s sta'tomrint is based on / the fact that' A&M has almost exw dusivcly bfeen pifcsing the ball ih jiraHice. Tht Cldets hgye .spent yerj) little time <m defensive work pnd apparently fill be trying to fluts^ofe fftvoredl Arkansjas. f The Quest on irises—will A&M be forced deeper into jthe col<|, darkness of the |Southweest Con ference cellar? The Hogs are in fine: condition; with the "exception of Campbell Thjfy have fattened themselves vith f treats from the gridiron das lies with North Texas, » TCU, and \jnmltfhilt. The Razorbaekis first learned llcoyrect eat|ing ^procedures” with | the T as ji loiji againit North Texjts (33-IP). Then they herded j down TCU Into Krkansas and lit- j eialiy- “ate (up” the Frogs (27-7), 441 stronghold s of the RazorhoeJks. Still' •L- season, but they are plenty rough, especially in i ti^eir own hack yard, w'ith such men'.as Frank Fijschol, a*n oiitsanding soph omore end;' John Lijnney,, a stand out at (tackle, and Bill Stanqil, pass when the Steers were again , report that Campbell’s ‘ injured on the Owl two. j right knee had stjll not responded Other nominations from the; to treatment sufficiently to iq- Sputhwest Conference for the honor j dicate that he capld play in Sat- were Morris Bailey, TCU end; urday's tilt. Carl Wallace, SMU end; and Chuck The Porkers, pbth their spirjt j 215-pound tackle with plenty pf Hog Hand Times! Tien two!wed r pf hardship set jili for the j Hqg: ; they were se verely clawed iy a rampaging Baylor Beajr ( lerh&ps because Muscles Caijnphel wasn’t, available btcriuse of jin in, ury). Gin the fol lowing weejk thf Steers stormed into Arkansas aril goredfthri Hogs Stone, Baylor guard. Buxton Sez Class Of 'S3 Basketeers , Letter To The Sports Editors Begin Work Congratulates F. Simmen (Sports Editors’ Note: A.copy E Flight Drops C Field Artillery In Mural Competition Highlight improved after one of their best i experience. The success of the Ah- ^ a, '(bpr intp vie ory-poverty. defensive games in several years kansas running attack "’ill largely Just as things Were beginning to against Vanderbilt, went through f a depend on whether pr not Camp- lqo|c drastic foi the Hogs, the light workout Monday on muddy ! bell w 'll make the, lineup and, If Vapderbilt (Breafwagon w as en* grounds. Tuesday and Wednesday | he does, watch for p ^ip-roaring cOum they turned on the pow r er against battle between Mr. Campbell ■ and a’host of Aggie plays. Mr. Smith for football ioting supi Big Crowd Expeeted retnacy. A homecoming crowd of over Contrasts In Experience i So, It will be the felatively in-| '"•‘Of the feature on Bob Smith, Aggie fullback, which was writ- f ten for the Tuesday Bktt by one of our staff membeifs, Frank _ .Simnien, was sent to Harold V. Ratliff, AP sports writer for the Southwest. Mr. Ratliff sent” a ! story on Smith out over the AP l. hook-up Thursday morning ami wo received >.e followting letter from him the same day.) Aggie- basketeers, vintage 1953. scoring for the Birdmen were Bob 12-12 tie for the first deadlocked began working on the Deware Field Dohonjcy and Jack Shugart who j game of the year. Johansen for T appreciated getting that very House coqit Monday. ’were tied for high point honors, j the Vet eleven was the outstanding fine story by Frank Simmen on j A squad of thirty freshmen re- A (toast downed C Cavalry in a 1 player and scored both of the Vet Bob Smith and made gdod use of ported-for the first practice under hard-fjought game with Bill Couch td’s. it. It was,good enough to use as Coach Malty Karow. Though there scoring 17'of the winners’ points On the horseshoe courts, D AF it came except it Was too long and I is not la great number of all-city Hin thej 22-ltj contest. The remaining wks downed by A TC, 2-1, while I rewrote it because I didn’t Want .and all-distrigt names on the list match Was a forfeit to A Infantry D Flight took the decision over K to run the same story ajs had al- of player^, it appears, even at this by C 'Vets. , Flight. ready appeared in the Battalion. early glimpse, that there will be On the tennis coujjs, a near- C Flight defeated B Field, %nd A plenty of good basketball from perfect Army Security team led by Chcm Warfare won over B TC. these lads. ^ Hub Horton and Bo Hoskins made A Singnal lost to B Engineers E Flight I showed a two-pronged E, Field won, 6-0, over D Infan-1 ? 0 ’ 00 ^ is expected to jam the stad- attack as it downed C Field , 16-10, try in a hard fought, low scoring' lum Saturda y; tbie game being the experienced Aggie team against a" in the top attraction on the has- match. ketball coi|rts. Spearheading the C Infantry and B Vets fought a to Ibe in excellent shape countered. The logs came, they saw and made a 1 early rqeal of the i. ty met favored Cojnmbdi res. Now, as pre viously stated, tl e Porkers cellent shape. Ai Aggie said, “It’s time for slaugh- s appear nd as the tef! The Aggies'are mighty Hun- ry!” 5 “Tell Frank he mustn't take these “newspaper feuds’* so seri ously. I enjoyed the argument and feel that it probably did some good. When he's been ip this game as The team has spent this portion a cleajn sweep oyer a good E In- after a delayed playoff. Tonight . , the subject “One Hope” of the training, “un-learning” the fantryj team. The ASA team ap- wueu ues uccii in tuisj game ao jjih a b i t s, good and bad, that? peared to be the strongest as well •[long as I have he will Welcome a , t h e individual players became used as the best backed team to date. i j!high’wlool h coaches ^aroumf’’the * fh^r'"', IPl ^ h? KRtt hllr mak- st “ ,e: and the A&M'and Ghay. A Vcddcf “au-L » ,a ' ings a sSTrls wmar In <•<? * '-"»d before any : t ca,n front C- Fliyht. 2-1. (fact, the Battalion is a well-writ-! actua j5aj ta, ‘ ,L ini,laUd - Al Rollins and Buddy Porter i ten, well-edited college publication j| Few Standouts Yet | led A Engineers to a 2-1 win over I and I enjoy reading it. | ' .. /• .i_ • ‘1 A Composite while the Company “I am strongly for jhe Aggies ij a 1<>su t fbe t>pe practice;|i mac j e a c ] ean sweep over A Cav- | and feel that' Harry $titeler and l| the ,s no ' v undergoing, it is j a i ry . . I his men are going to give Aggie-h 1 '’ 0 early to pick any outstanding , , 1 land some great teams. I admire Players. However, the squad has hoitbali lilts Close the spirit of A. and M. andj like its|j|been broken down into several j jfmj Kelly passed to Bob Dob- people. A fighting man i?n’t go-J t ( i ams . an ‘l some of the names have'| bj ns f^ r the lone score to give A ing to be on the bottom jail " *' 1 1 time. | . • “Kindest regards, (signed) Ratliff. SCHEDULES Monday BASKETBALL. Military theMffun to stand out. I Flight? a win over A Ordnance in A first team, if there is one. a top tag football tussle. Harold V. jmight be made up of Miksch at I !,center with Boss, Beyle, Branum, I B Flight took the decision over I) Vets on a ii ’ w i ff College Men! Here's Your Chance To Get All The Facts About A Career As A il.*S. Aik FORCE OFFICER* from Phillips to Murray for the PAT. -——H J ! Tciim vs Team Courts Time C AF B COMP 1 4:30 K AF D VET 2 ft C INF D FA 3 ft G AF A COMP 4 ft F AF B CA 1 5:15 E FA B TC 2 >» A AF B FA 3 E VET A CWS 4 TENNIS, Military •,, Team vs Team Courts Time A CA B TC 1,2,3 5:10 A INF B ENG 4,5,6 ” i B INF C VET 7,8,9 tt B QMC A TC 10,11,12 ft A QMC SR CO 13,14,15 ft E INF B ATH 16,17,18 ft <*!M‘ ^ • '_..v : V; If You Con Qualify for ^Aviation Cadet Training. Trine Starnes •v You'll Be on Your . Way Toward a Future < Aviation Executiv This is your last opportunity to heat Trine Starnes in this series''of messages Ion the , “Severn Unities”. j Those preceeding “One Hope’ have been: . > “One God” “One Lord” - “One Spirit” “One Faith” \ - “Ont Baptism” * “One Body’ SERVICES TOMTE 7:15 P.M. and Staggs his running mates. The FOOTBALL, Military squad will h^gin shaping up in 1 Team vs Team Courts Tim the nekt few Weeks, and it will he-j ^ AF A CAV 1 5:1 come more apparent who will be | D AF C CAV 2 playing what and how often. Coach 1 A ENG B \ ET 3 Dog DaWson will have active* charge ^ AF A SIG' 4 ’, ! of the Fish, after the finishes. m i * with his “B” football duties. leav-L liUKSEbnOES, Military i ing (bach Karow more time for Team vs Team Courts Tinm* varsity work. B CAV C VET 1,2,3 5:10 #• S. MR FORCE It Bt HERE TO 6 VE TOt f” 1 edueatiorial and physira a l0 ‘» r Mviiptor trainfe* Irl INTERyiEWINO TEAM rou OETAIU I requirements iadet. Ata, MkTCJnaiT'L 88 an Aviati <»> for a »on^ ? jg^^ffirtanities A. & M. Church of Christ OCT. 31 — N 0V. 4 ■I YMCA LO JNGE 8:30 — 5:30 > \ [RCI if (<li . Only The Best Coh^ile. I 'r,:| iatioi 'adits It Is Not Wise to x\dvertise And Quit Tomorrow In all Advertising You are not Talking To a Mass Meeting .... You’re Talk- I IV i ' ing to a Parade! i • The Battalion The Newspaper for All College Station i s -- T io. 0 Attend' The ’■ K — ; ; Ii ! 1 : I / AGGIE .11 1 , Regular Rodeo Acts - Specialty Acts -A RmleoiClown ! Friday Night — Oct. 28 I. i . 8:00 P. jw. Saturday Afternoon— Oct. 29 . . 2:30 P. M. Saturday Night — Oct. 29 . . 7:30 P. M. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ARENA : 200 Reserved Seats — $1.80 General Admission — Adults . . . ! . 'M; Children . . ■r •; $1.20 . .60 See Window Display of Prizes At The Exchange Store ' ; t i .t. Courtesy Ad 1 | ■ ; 1 j ‘ . . ; j! j. I ; .| The Exchange: Sto on - rr» a J • V !|. ■ Main Campus “Serving Texas Aggies” I I. ! ' j L */ 1 . J j J ^ H A. & ’! I iMii P ! . 1 m