Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
V • f ' ;■ •o. : . -ARTISTS- (Continued from Page 1) V* ' # * x * • .• J 11 i. is open to any student who wishes develop his artistic ability and receive instructions in art. 0. Wayne Starke, director of l the Student Center, has announced + “t the club will have a room in new Student Memorial Center; is ie the first organization spon sored by the Student Memorial Conter. -- T l ; dub The club will bold ah organisa tional meeting within the next week to select officers for ■'V • : Iready s. The e club Will 1 sir own su 1 Terry has giving instruction^! to She teaches anypnie ihtei Tuesdays M e is the buying «, such as pen- rested on y lifter- .Jr' r Attend the... AMERICAN LEGION i-i i r of ' cilsjand paper. je date of {hi first of the club will: he announced in the Battalion. Thiij is a veW im portant meeting aind all students wishing to become members should attend to have a Hand in the vot- 1 sponsor sever*) aijt/ cont year. I I —tr- ■ : V died proact ct T • hi. j r- from Page 3) 1,552 for Army, and Oklahoma than 1,000 but none to: vote with points fig- first-place nam tor SMU w .x f l\ FREE FAIR ■/| ; 1 ' 19 to 23 J 'V 1 : : ■ \ ! I Used Has FOBB ’ '■r j .i - USED GARS TRU OUR SELECTI kftLA' MODEL OS 1948 FORD 2 DOOR S: , Radio, Heate^ low mil-] 1947 FORD Radio!, like 1947 MERCUR I Plastic Seat Cov- S ON The total tired on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ba sis (first place votes in parenthe sis): fl. Notre Dame (146) „.„1,745 2. Army (10) 1,562 3. Minnesota (8) L... 1,370 4. Oklahoma (6) 1 1,171 5. California! 1 875 6. North Carolina (6) 866 .7. Kentucky (3) 798 8. Cornell L 845 9. Rice : .....u..;.._.. ] 166 0. Texas 136 ||■ The second ten: 11, Baylor, 120; 2, Michigan, 119; 13, Northwest ern, 99; 14, Pennsylvania, 71; 16, ichigan State, 67; 16, Pittsburgh, !5; 17, Southern Methodist, 42; 18, Missouri, 37; 19, Southern Cali- bmia, 36; 20, Tulaine, 36, | Others receiving one or more votes: Ohio State 22; Wisconsin 16; Oklahoma A&M, 12; Boston U. and Virginia 10 each; UCLA and Oregon 8 each; Santa Clara and Georgia 6 each; Georgia Tech and Wyoming, 5 each; Vanderbilt and Villanova, 4 .each; Princeton, TCU and LSU 3 each; Arkansas, George town, Duke and Stanford, 2 each; :iPen State, Iowa State and Miss issippi, 1 each. by th* i : CKLIST (Continued from Page, 3) that Stonestreet, trip were not ip- r ' . LTL ABNER I Do Y<W Work-a John? Co-: Daily Hale, jjent ip a the m Burk, halfback Again Listed of The Baylor Burk and Jim S s A h S ty Attaway, er, end J. £>. VES, MR. STALIN- TEN KfQMlES- DR HISSED AS MR idley Pari ckle Wesl Ison, and tackle Wesley Roberts top griddefS in the 28-7 Bear over Tech. Burk and Ison among thp players mentioned m often so far in the balloting. Bob' Seaman, sports editor jof The Daily Texan, reported the names of four Steers and two Porkers from the Little Rock con test which Texas won 27-14.' Longhorns listed were halfback Randall Clay, quarterback Paul Campbell, center Dick Rowan, and guard Bud McFadin. The Razorbacks named by Sea man were fullback Muscles Camp bell and end Frank Fischel. Camp bell is another top listee. ather — 'I . ft . *1896.00 CLUB COUPE new $1150.00 RY 4 |- DOOR Radiof Hester, Overdrive, ' ‘I J, ..$1296.9 What *8 Cooking AGGIE SQUARES, Friday at 8 ;p. m., Episcopal Parish House. DAVIS CHAPTER of HOUSTON Michaels - Stern Clothing 1946 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAfN Clean! 10 ..$1096.00 1941 CHEVROLET 2 - DOOR \ A Real 1/ 1941 FORD 1940 FORD 1940 CHE 1939 CHE 1938 CHEV! 1937 DODO f r ' ; ! '■ ,• \! Dobbs Hats and ■ f .1' V i ' . Bostonian Shoes • 1 —I '.- . t ’ Conway & Co. “Your Clothing Store" 105 N. Main — Bryan : U95 1 BRAND Ton For j f Drive A Ford And Feel The Difference BRYA CO Your 415 N. Mail PhOrte 2-13 BRYA] Guaranteed Payments MOTOR ANY i Ford Depler j- -rPholir a 2-1507 ' TEXAS Finest guaranteed vrork done Prompt service. Free Bring in your watch. DuraPower Mainspring* for ELGIN OWNERS Available far replacement in Mod Efguui 2 The - T 1949 m R* L. McCarty JEW EL E R S (Across froip the Bus Station) T F i of tl ie •.1 . \ \mm mew — Featuring — DISPLAY BOOTHS 1 DEMON! TIONS l. V FARM DEMONSTRATIONS — and the —; r. MIDWAY ATTRACTION BILL HAM HI J ES SHOTS (From the Ft. Worth Stock Show) m ■ t t • r • VI,.. Madisonvi le Highway ^ J th™ 22 )CT. i* - AMERICAN LESION on GROUNDS the - • \ ' }■ ■: A&M CLUB, Thursday at 7:30 p. m., Academic Building. EL CAMPO CLUB, 7 pi m. Thursday October 20, 207 Academ ic Building, election of officers. FALLS COUNTY CLUB, Thurs day at 7:30 p. m., Room 228 Aca demic Building. FORT WORTH A&M CLUB, Thursday, 7:15, Science Hall Room ;32. j FOODS GROUPS, Friday, 1:15 p. m.; hom^ of Mrs. Cecil Wamble, North Oal^wdod. GALVESTON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice, Room 106 Academic Building. Plans for ! the Christmas Dance will be discussed. HJSK CLUB, Thursday, October, 2(), 7:30 p. pi-t Room 3?5, Academic Building. j [ : •! f j : HOUSTON A&M CLUB, Davis Ojhapter, 7!:30 p. m., Thursday, Ajcademic Building. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Thursday, 7 p. m., St. St. Mary’s Chapel basement. LAREDO CLUB, Friday, October 21, f:15 p r m., Room 125, Aca demic Building. Choose band for Christmas dance. LUFKIN A&M CLUB, Thurs day, ; 7 p. m. Room 224 Academic Building. Christmas and Thanks giving party plans to be made. PANHANDLE CLUB, Monday at 7:00 p. m., Lounge in Dormitory No. 1, Discuss Tessie-Aggie Par ty. I PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Thurs day, 7 p. m., Assembly Room of YMCA. Very short meeting to dis cuss Aggieland Orchestra for Christmas. Also Thanksgiving par- SENIOR PETROLEUM WIVES CLUB, Thursday, October 20, 7:30 p. m., YMCA cabinet rpom. i! I- EH: you SAY you've ALREADY UUD UP A DOZEN 'BENNVSf MR. ALLEN?OCTM « IN • THE NEXT LOT? \rrJs A1 Capp : ! — MM Ed Clark, ’43 ■ft AGGIES . . . for the !| Tii 1 "■. i ’.j■ ■ " I \ Quickest Service and •— K the Best Food Gome to Clark's Jj DRIVE INN Open ’til 1: ' i. i DO a, m. Saturdays , ■ ' 1 : ■ ' ; I : | ' jj Battalion j CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1949 BBLL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. RatM , So a word per insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate* In Classified Section ... 60c per column Inch. Send all classifieds with remit tance to the Student Activities Office. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 a m. of the day before publication. • FOR RENT • BEDROOM with private bath. 110 Lee Ave. South j Oakwood, prone 4.8659. • FOR SALE • i New RADIOS GUARANTEED REPAIRS 4 Used — HALICRAFTERS IN STOCK at the i STUDENT CO OP STORE Phone 4e4lU Tl i J FREE PICK-UP * DELIVERY North jUnt r-r •V'li ' 1 ■ ROYAL portable typewriters, from youi exclusive authorized Royal dealer, that gives you the factory guarantee, Corns In. try, and buy, from a typewriter specialist—easy terms. Bryan Business Machine Company, 209 North Main, Bry an. Late model rentals, ill makes. MAYTAG washing machine. Excellent Con dition. Two tubs on rollers. 3 hand table radio. C-20-$. CV. •ia eour-doOr Packard, only 39.757 miles. Excellent appearance, motor In top condition, very good tires, new spare. Financial obligations forcing sale. Bur- dine 4- Mitchell Hall. 78. . • WANTED • A GERMAN MAUSER sporting rifle, hair trigger, phone P. G. Haines, 4-1105. • MISCELLANEOUS • PERSONAL: Introducing Mr. Harley and his fopr-way hair shaping method. For i a lovelier hair-do, call Mr. Harley to day. Pruitt's Beauty and Fabric Shop. Call 4-1169. wmm ; -NICOTINE- (Continued from Page 1) to m&intaln fire In their cigar longer than can their opponents. One section of the cigar duel will b^ exclusive to profs. The other ^vill be open to any and all contender*.! Entry blanks for the contest are now running daily in The Battal ion. The entry dead-line has been extended to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oc tober 25. No entries will be ac cepted! after that time. SUL RC LODGE NO. 1361 A.F.&A.M. Called : Meeting Thursday, October 20, at 6:30 p. m. Work In M. M. degree. Harry Boyer. W.M. ill. M. McGinnis, Sec. JX.OO will take care of your child during the Aj 4 M. — Baylor football game^ See Mrs. P. A. | Holloway, Apt. 3A. Vet V|ll«9«. ■ | [ j a WILL I(EEP CHILDREN during Aggie game. 3006 First Street. Bryan. First rlght-tjand turn off Harris, across froth Country Club. ntijy Club. LOST Thursday FOUND LOST. Tjhursday Octi 13, In or near Chem istry Bldg., one Deitzen Vector type slide jrule. Black case with carrying ring. jReward. Cohlacjt W. F. Wallace, Box lj7K, or at Campus Theater. FOUND see YleneSt, Hart A-16. DESIRE Senior pants found In Ft. Worth; STUDENT SALESMAN with car and past experience In selling. SEE C. <>. HART ' IGGIELAND APPLIANCES College station It UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINES 15% Discount on Portables c. M. WRIGHT ' j W.S.D. Clothiers PHONE 2-1475 ! Br)rs*| Texaa : - : 3l§!; w QCIQBtR Select your favorite : - • ^wnhufA The Exchange Store exquisite collection' of |! ; i “Setting Texas Ounpas -TWO STO •17 1 A.4M. Annex 1 ! V i.i . / Patches >.• 1 ' Pipe Smoking Con U——^ ■ 1 •- ■ En^ty NAME..„.;|..., ADDRESS •\f 1} S.L (Students fill Ip Collet i . I intend to (1) Eh I (2) Enter a collfedtibn (I) Enter t,he pipe eoti To; be eligible for the *9.„ reader^ must fill in thiR blank | PIPE SMOKl 1 The Batted! 1 Goodwin Hall f V imoking < of pipes Cojntestarits may enter ^it u ’ 1 \ ' 11 il - ■ V J r ■ ! ' • 1 • RADIOS l )RDS chool & Office Sophies YOUR NEEDS IIASWELL’S Alterations ! Tailor Made Uniforms . . . Jl 1 ■ Forest Green Shirts Forest Green P ants Pink Pants . • • • • Pink Shirts ! ■ !• 1 h -I SMITH CLEANERS North Gate \ Phone 4-4444 WE GIVE 8&H GREEN STAMPS ' • ; - ;; \\, ■^"■' " 'j' , “T J t : : : LL ill i, • U- -4-1 Sundaes . • . |[ jl M j the way you .,1,. ike ’em ■i - J 1 Made with 1 1 Rettigs Ice Cream Also Try Our Home Baked Sandwiches M \ ! I ■ '. - \I M \ » t ’ I- . II i V!: i u 307 N. Main i i ll Ph. '■ i ■ ' kl . . I . ' ! 4+ 2-1678 h —J' i I i Blank 1 ttalion P I. \ er or botli DeLUXE CAFE , ■ . j ' SEftVES THE BEST IN FOOD I , Jj j | ]he Bryan Howe . of the -i | ] ' Texas Aggies | KetU.. Zest To tl ■•■''i ' Clark, ’48 — I" !■' -I' - 1 J I I • V m N4.) i test! ( ) T ( } se Sihoking Contept, mail fit to IT of th| two divisions. • Of our c I servi is' :• ’ i.' 1 lax in one knowi: | you’ll geti the kind ie you want. iDial 2-14l|K) MM TAXI . il 11' t I I I -! I 11 ' • 1 'fi i I,'! /A for it either trade-marks mean the same BRYAN COCA-COIA BOTTUNOj COMPLY . I;-:'. " iL&: ■m - J T ‘‘•.•I M A il elM^TteCoco-CdtetM^wy ( '' 1 I u- jfi