Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1949)
T - jj. Ration’s Top Collegiate Daily NAS 1949 Survey Volume 49 Gilchrist Welcomes Deans Convention ' ! ' . , BY DAN DAVI» \J' . r ] ' ' .• j- vj: ’ ! Jy ~ 4 \j ]'■ t • i The annual meeting of the Texas Association of Deans and Advisors of Men opened tJais mornings |ih the assembly room of the YMCA and will continue through boon tomorrow Dean Willis Tate, Southern Methodist tJniversity, pre sided at the first general ^ession which was scheduled for 1( mj The invoca,tion .was given by I. Cashiori, jYMCA secretary, jj! -\i\ ! i r. » V 1 1 vkl 'v 1 ■ Foundrymeh’s Picnic Set For Saturday Members, dates, wives, and children are invited to the American Foundrymen’s Soc iety picnic tomorrow after the Baylor game, according to Robert L. , Jones, treasurer of the society. The picnic will be at the home of Professor L. H. Berryman in the southeast corner of Woodland Es tates in College Hills. Officers of the society, elected at a recent meeting, are President U. Stoermer, Vice President G. H. Peterson, Secretary F. L. Max well, and Treasurer R'. L. Jones. , Thete are-only seven student chapters of the AFS in the United States and only one in Texas, that one bi'ing her& at A&M. ! - Present objectives of the A&M chapter are ytb get summer fem- I ployment for members in Texas foundries and to promote scholar ships for students at A&M. Te^as Fpundries in Lufkin is currently promoting jsuch a scholarship. At one of the bi-monthly meet ings a guest speaker from one of the foundries in Texas is pre sent. Dues are $t- yer year, all of which returns to the A&M chap- ter to be used. Student members receive a magazine, “The American Foundryman,” once a month, have "'"'all of the privileges of a fuirmemi- ber, and become full members upon gr^duatijon, Stoermer said. . Students interested in foundry work arid Th'Joining AFS can get additional. , information from any of *the officers or, from Professor Berrymari in Room 202 In the [ „ M. E. building. Baptists, Plan Party Saturday Evening The Baptist Student Union of the College Station Baptist-Church will have a “get acquainted’’ par-1 ty for Baylor and A&M i students at 7:30 p. m. Saturday after tfte game B. W. Davis, reporter, said. The party will be held at the home of Dr. Arthur Smith, head of the Baptist Bible Chair,, at 301 j. Frahces Drive ih Bryan. Students who desire to attend the party but have no transpor tation are requested to be at the Baptist Church at the North Gate r at 7:15 p. m., Davis concluded. and Chancellor jGibb Gilchrist of the A&MI College System delivered the welcoming qddress. Tli<f response ivas made by Jack Holland, dean qjf men, University of Tjexajs, foljdwedj by roll c fdl, appoi|ntn|ient ofis committee^, and Doyle Avant> qadet colonel of the corps, and Charles > Kirkhanf, non- military vice-pnjsident of the sen ior ' claps, spoke’ to the group oh “If I Were ijeim of Men.’ A diPcuSsioh ed by Wijllam L. Jamisoh, dean, laylor University, concluded the general session. Dorojthy Gebauer, dean pf wd- >atl To Take Donations "or Infant Canchr Victim BY BOB: PRICE I . ; , Tragedy has struck at an early age in Waco. Little Eddie Wa.yne biksT is f suffering from abdominal icancep at the age of only 15 months. This dread killer of mankind is rare at this early age. Ijlr. ajnd Mrs. Wayne Franks, the; parents, both students atj Bay lor University, were having a hard time footing the heavy hospital ex penses until someone heard of their plight and told the story to the local paper. After the story appeared in the paper, countless Wacoans Sent in donations to help the family provide the best of card for! the infant cancer victim, i . * ' j ; j sirhilar story appeared in The Batt and the local citizenry was similhrly affected. Bill Moore of Bryan wrote in offering to start a lopall fund for the ailing Waco lad. The ijsaUalion will be glad to help collect donations; for this cause. Those whp Would be interested in contributing tp this effort are urged to bring pr mail their donations to The Battalion, Goodwin H^IJ. All ddnations'will be fprwarded to the parents pf little Eddie Franks. Word received from Waco says that the boy is responding slight- Polywogs and Extra M Beat Fish by 21-19 Mar Upiversitjij of Texas, spoke he 3:30 jajftprnoon session on (If 1 Were t)eian of Men!’. The iiscussiori wjm |ed by W. Itjlitcheil Jones, dpan {pfilmen, West State Te^chdrs jCollege. j iBanquet Tonight Tonight at ,7 o’clock ir Hall Arno If^wotny, Student Life, Uiiivemty of will serve asj t°astma$ter convention bahqfuet. Dr. F. president, A&M, will Sbisa dpan of Tetcas, at the C. Bol- deliver Chal- the address, “present Day leijge of Student Life”. There will tlteiv be an eloptjion of offices and selection of nejct year’s meeting P'ace. % j , « Tomorrow mHjrning T- Rich ardson, dean, T'4 xa s Christian Uni versity, will a(jt as eliair nan at the general session. - ‘fOne Year Later” will be jthe subject j of the talk given by jimmy Alleii, deftn of men, Texas Tech, and ilje dis cussion folloWiijg will be led by Elmer Reick, jasdistant dean bf students, Southern Methodist Uni versity. ; 1 I i i Discussion Groups The delegates will then divide to discussion,groups to consider housing employment and placement, discipline, fraternities, | student gcivernfnjeht, sportsmanship, and health and W^llare. ^D^an Tate w H preside e ver the closing session at 11:30 a. in. when business introduction of n‘\v offi cers, and- adjournment will be cpn- ly{ to X-ray treatment but he still has to spe“nd most of his time uhder ah qxygen tent. Baylpr University students have collected some $200 for thp boys’ expenses and the p The [hospjtal cpsts gp t> the Natipnal Cancer Fund. So if any pf you would like to help this family to save the ipfant son, you can send your contributions to Eddie Frank Fund, in Cave of The Battalion. ind the people of Waco have given almost $300 to the cause. are very high, but all money tliat is left over will ‘Curley’ Broyles Plays at! ABC Ball —± i U . L i “Curly” Brpyl^s and his Orches tra Will play ;for the ABC, Ball 'Flffday, November 4, announced TCd llokey, jdhrice chairpiain,. Broy les, “Mr. Thumpet”, and hi» fifteen I>iecp orchestraj will ke on hand to offer the entertainment! at the djance, the peek-end of. the SMU ^ ame - > I 1 , j 1. ^ i | Broyles' is hop’ appearing in iDal- and is rejported to jbe very popular, Lokgyjsakk Moore to Study and Conduct Research on Weed Problems Raymond M. Moore, of the Division Plant Industry he Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of the Coipmonweath of Australia, will be in: residence at A&M dur- the Fall semester for research and study of weed control Diems on Texas range lands, Dr. V. A. Young, head pf the Department i of Range and ! Fores try, said today., Moore is senior research offi cer of the Division of Plant In dustry of the Commonwealth Coun cil for Scientific and Industrial Research at Canaberra City, Aus tralia, Commonwealth Territory, Australia. Currently in charge of research in weed control and eco logy foi - the entire CommopWealth of Australia he is the author of numerops technical articles deal ing with,' the control of weeds on pasture and range lands of Aus tralia. j Much pf his recent researejh work has been conducted on various chemical herbicides and: pltmt growth-regulating substances and on grazing management practices as related to weed control. Moore obtained his undergrad uate training at the University of Sydney,! receiving a BS in agri culture in 1P37. He was assistant agrostologist for the New South Wales Department of Agricul ture anti the Commonwealth Coun cil and in 11)45 held the position of Research Officer in Agrostology in the Council for Scientific, and In dustrial Research. He resides in the Graduate Schdcmtiuring the fall semester un- de^ a Commonwealth Fund over seas Civil' Service Fellowship. A major, part of his year’s under this fellowship will bfi; spent in Texias because of the important weed and brush control problems to be found throughout the State, Dr. Yopng said. j\ He Will conduct research On the ecological relationships of weeds in various i grassland areas in the (See MOORE, Page 6) ■ r j Raymond M. Moore CONFLICT A front page story in yester day's Battalion gave conflicting dates ifor the ABC Ball and rankle Carle's all-college d|mce on the weekend of Nov. 5. Curly Broyle will play for the BC Bail on Friday, Nov. 4, while Frankie Carle will play fjr an all-college dance the next ight, Saturday, Nov. 5. BY FRED BUXTON i ll Seven thousand rabid fans saw two good freshman teams battle on the turf at Kyle Field last night and the final gun found the Spectators on their feet cheering a terrific game. The TCU Wogs by virtue of three conversions out-played the Fish team, 21-19. Yet in the iclosinj; moments it appeared that the Ags would overtake them. The photo finish had the crowd on 1^) feet, and there was not a calm specta tor in the vicinity at the ettd. TCU Bogs Down j A&M kicked to TCU in the south end of the field to open the game.* TCU tried several runs and a pass, but had to kick. A&M began to move with Menger the man under and Hooper and Haair carrying the ball from the halfback slots. After their bttack stalled and thwy kipked, the Fish held the Wogs. A fourth down kick by TCU was run back to the Wog 48 by DeVeny. Again Hooper and Haas turned ip fine runs and six plays later the Fish had the ball on the Wogs’ nine-yard line. Menger fum bled on the next play and TCU recovered on the ,13. For the remainder of the first quarter, neither team could seem to roll and the game see-sawed back and forth. Near the end of the first quarter TCU'was awarded the ball on the Ag 10 following a pass interference ruling. Six plays lateP Fowler plowed over for thfe firs: for point wap good 7-0. score. Thp tr; and TCU Fish Threatens Following thie kick off the Fist seemed to find a spark and: rollejl down the field. The 1 Cadets hajj first and ten bn the 42, but the Wogs begin to sl|p through an| spill the nail carriers before thej could start. Forced to kick o fourth down, Graves kicked oleejp to the TftU safety plan, Stundinjj: on the goal line I the safety eUcted to play the hall and fumbled; tey Bush, fleet Ag end dived past the startled player and fell on thd ball over the goal ling for a Pish score. < The try for point wap blocked and the: spore, mgrr, nip itm Mill mm a " Mmm |4 if ir ^ v hi w m sair Pr i •». A w* The student, seating arrangement for all home football this fall was decided upon by the Student Semite The area marked "Vet" behind the “Corps S«knl6r" area Is eight rows deep. The area in the end zone marked may he used bV any students who do not wish to stand during the games. These students may also Use any unoccupied seats on the Uest side of .the stands if they w ish to sit during the games. However, $Cats may be claimed only after the game has started. ■xT Gene DeVeny (16), defensive safety from Waco, Is stopped by Wog end Wayne Martin (88) in last night’s 19-21 loss by the Fish. [ Austin Stubbs (88), former Bastrop back, arrived too \ ; . ||] v 1 ;: | '■[.! ‘:] J'! late to take the Cowtojwner, an all-state' per former in ’48 at Shamrock, oiit of, the play. DeVeny was one of the top Cadet performers in the thrilling clash. $100 To Go Up In Smoke At Batt Pipe Smoking Contest BY DAVE COSLETT Put $100 good, American money in your pipe and smoke it. That invitation comes from The Battalion Annual Pipe Smoking Contest where, at 7:15 p. m. next Wednesday, merchandise with a total value exceeding tnat amount will be given away. Prize*, galore have already been lined up for the contest. A few more are expected in over the Baylor Debaters Meet Aggie Teams The A&M Debate Society will meet teams from Baylor in class room debate Friday, October 2L according to Joe Fuller, president of the society, j Debates, which are scheduled to be held in English 401 classes, will be on the subject, “ijtesolved: That The United States Should Na tionalize its Basic Non Agricul tural Industries.” Mothers Entertain! In 6 Y’ Saturday The Waco-McLennan County A & M Mother’s Club will hold open house in the South lounge of the YMCA Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., E. B. Fulbright, pres ident, announced today. All McLennan County Aggies, their dates and friends are invited tp attend the open-housej. Coffee and do-nuts will )pe served.-{ i The entertainment will be the first since the war to be given on the campus prior to th*j Baylor* Aggie game. Mrs. Paul Wilson and Mrs, W, D, Kail will act aa host esse* for the mothara, trq-»rr|-ar>-irs»f.LassM|ria«»ipM> ' . liowliiiK Tournament 1 All slmleiils Intet'esttaj In mkrt* In the Bowling Club's ielimllng school wldp bowl Inc which begins Octt l egist or at the Bow before 7 p. m.,lOcto tournHine.nt ber M, should ln« Alley Desk ber 24. * I week-end. * Only a few of them can be list ed in the small space available for this story. A complete list showing prizes to be awarded in the various events will be carried in Monday’s paper. Among the merchandise now on hand are the six Frank Medico pipes being awarded by the S. M. Frank Company for the best collection of Frank Medico pipes. The Memorial Student Center concessions—the Campus Comer, the Cave, and Cave, Jr.—have do nated the prize for the best gener al pipe collection. This will be a John Middleton Blending Chest contained in a beautiful leatherette case. The chest, which retails at $8.50, includes a booklet bn to bacco blending; such well known blending tobaccos as Perique, Ltatkea, Shredded Plug, Selbgr, Virginia, and Walnut; a mixing mug; and a tobacco pouch. Two smaller John Middleton Variety Kits will also be on the prize list. These include five small cans of fancy tobaccos. The John Middleton Company has donated these last two prizes. This company has also donated a one, pound can of Sugar Barrel tobacco and a one pound cap of Walnbt pipe tobacco. Th$ Brown and Williamson To- bacco^tpompany has donated 12'bne poun(| cans of Sir Walter Raleigh pipe Tobacco to be used both for Saturday Night 0ance in Sbisa t|p first All College Dance this ! year will be held torhor- row night beginning at 9 o'clock in ifaUa Hall. v PfoVIdlng mualo for the ln- ifprra&l aoclftl will ba th« Aggie* land Orcheatra under the dtMwi* lion?of biu Turner. The dance lendi) at 12 fj.. ! ?AII Baylor atudenia are In- riled to attend the dance," Hlpfke" White, •aaiaunt (loan of itudentN for activities, said. Tfckets to the dance will coat onefdollar stag or drag. \[ I#* ■'ll. Ml.ll.ll — '(JO prizes ainl for smoking in the c test. I !From the R. J. Reynolds Ccjni pany has come six 14 ounce enni( George {Washington! pipe tbbu and 12, 8 ounce cans of Prlt)ibe Albert tobacco. Suttli f Tobacco j^ompiany has donated several cases of Mixture 79. Theirqakers of Craftsman thing- ture pipes have donated appn mateiy 5 dollars wbrth of pint sized Stjkers, A Ion f the fancy line are tvb genuine calf-leather tobar pouches given by Rogers Igi portera incorporated. Buescteir’s Industries bf Wash ing, Me., has come through with the rawj materials fjor one of featured events. They gave sjjc dozen cj)rn cob pipes. - n " makers j of Revelation * bibe have 1 allotted 12 half- after 5 mi jutes bf the secqijid quar ter had elapsed Following] the as 7-6. I adet kickc ff TCU tried seve'bl plgys. then jiunted. With steatn still|ujj the Fish start ed again Haas, edi down lihe Hboper, ai erbl yard] fumbled a the Wog unkin made seVj the kicc TCI Fish recovered oi half, and A&M itried several pla no aidt'ano. An exchange Ca led Back Several j play: j moved tjhe ball down to tjlii? 23.1 Three more plays wefe stopped, tjfren MoJunkih, Ott |] a djelayed fijil!ba|k roll i^oved down fiejd. As hi* wab tackle^, the car-j rier laten lrd ta another Fish who weiit ovei jthe goal. The offjrials’ ruled however, that McJurikin had beejn stop|)e|[l. before tile lateral and! TCU took bverjon their own 24. For th« jrernqlnder of the first half the two {f&ms were! unab to make itjstailied gains, <ind tl score at ihe ena of the first hp f remained 7j6 fqi the Wof- 1 Tcli kicked |o open the] secor Sft , . punts toot ;plac > and TCU Igot tl bjeffer of the exchange with a Beauty gbiiig |)ut on the Ag 5. The Fish kickec out to the 39 yard line on ftist do\ m. Five plays later Robert Snow bu led over fof- a score and again tjhe Mick was goj^d. TCU now led 14-6. J Pai-ker C nins Ground A&jM tried hree plays follow ing tliie k ick ar d punted oln fourth down.) Parker ook the kick deep in his ow i end »f the field and be hind e?cce lent l locking raced doWrj the east ddellrfe. Trying, to .move out into the f eld he slipped anq fell on tlejten|yard line. J An ap parent TCU flipping /mfractio was over opkea oy tiye officials < the play. J j , | - -u. . A'CU rpljuseq to be dtjnied th^i score, however and foiir plays later Harding skirted left ehd for 6 ipoirtts.i The score came with 6 i the third! quarter ? try for pAint wa(i i / i ^ick off TCU wat its own!goal bjj'j kicking. JWie hard). minutes agait After [tjie ' Hear backed lengthy jAj&M Mb charging! As punter a: oi t of thpihol short on jthe g Ifne rushed yog TC'E attempted tp gep anq the hqll sailed fog-SI SThe Fish tried three plays, but] made no yardage. ■ '.i Score j down try Grave’ll On a fourt toNsed a jfijit ))|ss who too k the gbalRion fought hj<j wu distance i HiKiper'sj Flbh Iniilejt lit was scored fL to end Hoy Bush llionjthb 27 for the tenia second Ag kporb, was good' and the eight points, 21-13, cJnnkln us tlui'Ags s later with “Mac” pound cartons of their tobaccc the con Bigs fair w ent Lest, j. est contributor to: the II 11 be the Memorial Stid- Cenler confectionaries. Among their donations will bt a j $3.50 Loyal Demuth pipe, a $5 Sterncrest Pipe by Stbrn, ah A&M pipe, a $7.50 Spiral Kool pipe, a Zippo lighter, a ghlcr. holdei by the ! j Two !t,\vo doikhs, Held. Tlii ' ; TCU go ' qnly 76 ■ TCU gun souijided Bransten lighlcr.jand two YeSlo Bole Cigar holders. The Ijjist of entrie^ in 'the con tbst continue to grow ii, both the prof and other divisions!. Entry bis are appearing daily in The Batt alion ahd riiust be turned ih ’ p. m. (jf Tuesday, jOct. 2fi. Readers entering 'Ripe ({olivet! dps Ing will J*' I: p. I s Readers entering pipe flollectl will be Igiven full aid in qispla] their assortment. All collectors be required to have thoir co tions ajt the contjekt site by m. Wednesday. 11 - ' i k. Thin [regulation is made to vide ample time' jio arrange dikpluya. CMWtiotj ovyneis have tleir asNuitinyuts amply Iro* tec-ted. They will be so ari'uiiged that apmUtora i-auljot han«lle thhm Kina arrangement* are Mug compl* od with the Judgea jahlsen for tin ataker «|erby, Titblr will la releasMil Ir! Monday 1 Keadei i are Invlthd to iaeiid (Any qimiiii na itoneerhlug ilia forllh* rlaah to the Pip* Mm of Tha skjirting *rjd fdr the tally. The c6i yefrsian ‘attempt” was just that, arid the! s|orei rp m*'lned 21-19 ■ Thleat Dies ;TCU ljulnbl(|(l the retuln, of, ui« kibk off an<b Murphy rejcovlered for the Fish. Running by Haas anil MjcJunkti apd some j accurate Graves' , a ssltlg moved tlje ball jd } the 18 a id first down. TlU j game sehmed -to be in the bag for j. the Fish,;' | . I I ( : !A&M inadelsix in two iries. But on third d >wh|with only four need ed the F k i dtewfive yards for too much Gm? inf th^sbuddlel A was broken lup, i tlje ball weqtjiover oh dotvns. TCU tried two pl^s and fum|<- )0d” with ari falert Ag recovering the blit the ojfficiajfs miSshtkthe, play and 1 in | possession of the TfU renjiriined ball. ' j 1 A&M tdok Over ori theiit owh followinjMa g^od fourth-down ki|clc lays were good for ut then ' the WoJ * P PT Ffsh kicked j over |.he fourth down w' ui copBa of play remain! an |hi,'ee plays and hding the game w; S, Page 6) The America)] Oers, Frhukl teas the Monday ; This- fatiortal president h Bofciety of Civil the na jms- Tl at Cali! [logy, am that na Thom • ;i»ffaJr« - ICIT I Thomas, will add- jehapter of the ARCE |ng In Sbisit Hall. the flrsfl vlflf of iresident [to the cam* . wm* masf Is deart of student* rnlWi Institute of Techno, •has been a professor at QOl lince 191 Is active In iff" I'aladeiia, the city where |located, • i ■ r . will 7 p. m. mid W [lie iorlmah, prwWont o., the A AM eiapter of the i jAMUK.i has Invited NH Mmlent niemMr* mid; their wives ui atiand, i 'llrkriis f»| the meeting. are slip In KmI'IS of thp Civil glneerl vg Building,