Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1949)
So Called Works of Art Off jmmmm I Probably one of sights to visitors the most offe this campus few supposedly “sexy" outfit signs hung iMki up on dormitory walls each week d football seap™ K F . is hopelessly lost With the addition th We’re wily human, us are really fuhn .1 '4 i- ' r . pwte a few of 4 MX ” unup-fco ,, , • canvaseslaren’t^e brand that For years and yeftrs, these signs were you’d like to point; to and say to your just another part of* the Aggie spirit — mother qr girl ‘‘that’s oupr outfit sign." just another way o’ showing the team Next week tfiat corps outfits were behind them. But When the time came that a canvas was fjind the most artistic; humorous, and or- thrown over the dorpi side that offended iginal sign of thO week. (Awards will be iext ftreek the Outfit 3ign Contest veni to the outfit winning each weeks’ #, JJ i: i | Most likely the outfit that continues Pffending visitors and turning out pro tects about as subtle as a golf ball, will eliminated. . L _ campus lisitors, tha(t was the time the football sign lost much of its good tra dition and gained adverse reputation^ Many outfits with a normal desire to impart a little “sex" into their signs have completely outdone themselves. ftesUlt: some vivaciously curved blonde or bru nette attired in just short of nothing sid- ' ling up to an Aggie senior, boots and all. plan and draw up our sighs! to take more A nintergral part of this type sign is a sup- time in consideration of what mothers, posedly coy, but in reality, blunt remark sisters, and girl friends would think of our that is guaranteed tp leave nothing to the Aggie pieces,of krtl ‘ “ ** '* them some day. ,1 ' ;]'1 ili !i !. IPi i From here on out, let’s try when we imagination. Any wfanton subtlety of the ■ - ■ •' k ; Spirit On the Banks of the Wichita.U j 3 ; 4: - r . There is a college in Wichita Falls with . an understanding spirit, one which will be envied by both large and small institu- Liohs of higher learning in Texas. - y ! After a raid onj the Hardin College campus by fifteen paint-smearing students of North Texas State College, the Hardin student council made a noble move. In a well-worded telegram to officials of NTSC, the president and ten members of the council Requested that leniency be « After all, they may r ^r nen f )y -- ill vi ■ j The president of NTSC, however, has rejected the plea from the Hardin College roup for leniency. No charges will be led from Hardin officials if they (the aiders) reimburse thie school for the dam- I 'This situation brings to mind, of urse, the past epjsodes, not long re eved, of the larger schjools of the South- est, not excluding A&m; A&M both re ceived and did its sh^re of the re-decora- granted the student raiders. That was an _ act Which only]a very broad-minded group ting of campus colors. That, however, is gonld perform. Their campus pas just, now property of history alone, for it has 1 been the victim of sophomoric horseplay, been virtually forgotten, i to the extent of $500 damages, f • Lj i , . . i 0 , . A&M has made great strides during In every group there are, and always a, „ r f , , 0 ii . v, 1 .. Me past few years alone tqwards becom- v ; will be, some who cannot quite discover the line between real school spirit and mis demeanor. NTSC, of Denton, is One of the finest of the small state colleges, but the bad publicity received from the actions qf thdse few students will require time to remove from their record. NTSC student government president Oliver Monk has deplored the campus in cident publicly, and we feel sure he is speaking for the North Texas students mg renowned as the school of good sports manship, and last year, as a climax, re ived the Southwest Conference’s trophy that effect. T'i'j .{ We are! glad to se? that sportsmanship such as that ahojwn ty the Hardin College student bodV the large schools of Texaij and the sur rounding states- well.! 1 11 ■ { _ For Petticoats in the Jury Bbx . ■■ * -.ii .. v ■ ' . This, “man’s world” is fast slipping away from the American scene. Even in Texas where man’s pioneer customs still prevail, women are making inroads in the customs of the past that havp delegated certain responsibilities ; to the menfolk. Serving on juries has always be^n a man’s job in Texas.; Next month voters ' will have the choice of giving women the privilege of jury’ duty. -iThis election, we feci, is long overdue. , Women can be capable jurors. Thirty- Uivo states in this country permit! women to serve on juries. Lawyers often Credit women with better judgement than men, / especially when a woman is involved in the. not only small ones men fi*om jury serv- barring a Ne- Restriction of wo ice is as discriminatory’ as gro from the jury’ box. Some Women, it is admitted, can be easily swayed by the eloquence of attor neys, or the handsome appearance of wit nesses. But woman s judgement is usally as sound and coldly logical as man’s. This proposed amendment would add another patch to thol alreacy over-patched Texas constitution. However, only by pas sage of the amendm?nt Cari jury duty and privilege be extended to brjir Texas wbmen •—a, compliment anc they deserve. nj I'il-h' y ;|i - H ■]'4- responsibility that r \ The Bdttalio \ "Soldier, Si ataman, knightly Gentkviari Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder df Aggie Tradition* ; .]i The Battalion, official mswapupor of the As ( ity of College Station, Texu^, is published fi turul and Mechanical Colt as a week und eireulaled e Tho Associated Pr J .U-. u W I—i- bss is entitled cxclusivelj’ e to the use foe vcpublication of therwise credited in the paper and local news of s^wntabi Credited to it or not O-..—... —- .—. ..v- 'I herein. Rights of ^publication of all other majtter herein are alsq reairvied » • SoIltM as occoud-closs nialUir at Post Offku Colli-gt; Station, Texas, umjcr it)-.- Act of Con^rus cl Maixh S'.' ISift. ■ — • - — r—---? —■ - 1 Nous oontribuLions may be n: | -t ioodwh» Hull. Classified ads may be placed by 1 suffice, Boom 209; Goodwin Hull, ' BILL BlLLlNGSUETyrcrH^MijNKOE. Sclpli. Lewis Burton, • kl' .- (• ' i 1 Otto KOtntt 7 Ldltora taye coalett'.;. ..A it V. MUltor i.'h(MsV Cnbajiist, -!lit| Tull.- .bWtj C >-od]jU>^ »lermaii Oollob. . AmutcmetiUI Bdltar KeMeth MaraV, Ttuut. Jack UatfMtt . l CU LooitUld Martin tlowurj . . . < L . . . . . . . . Wioliitgrajflicr .^rau Hulnioi, mil Uitrt, Il|ird> Roaa Jw rjfuvmo .I . . VlJutu gjigrakur o BrttUnn . Advertisaig * auni W. VreUrluK. ,...! Aavirtlati<K laumajents OUvar 4 .Clrcuauiuh SUa ted Press i. (4-6444) or at ekphone| (-jpGSiN Bopreti^iUtl n| l Jerric flouts A tlie editorial! 324); or it the F. ■ i-M Texas and the !onday througli tmer The Bat- .30 per school cws dispatches origin publish by National virtitn* ; ienico lijc., at New York Cip , Chicago, Angela, and Ban Franc Boom 201, out Activities Co-Editors Chariej KJihinunu Sdltwlal U*orK» Charlton, Ocuni Xeat. ' Claj toa SeljjU. 1, 4;,.,. — W. V. ChtVUl*. Kogerilwlitt. L i;.h. Xeutot.. John Taih#. tiill Tlioiapnoii. John VS Uilmorc , , . Keatim Wr Wiiiduu AulriUgc. Uij roui-t Athburn. Jr.. Liuil llunie, JrJ. John liktid c. Curtin tdUanh,, J. C. Fails, itiadid- I ultcbluK^i, Uub taut, lk-ts Laud- mo. put Lindheiid, liiWCe CSet* to»J, Jack Ualt j t jOuadjliecd. L. u. SrkCnpt.J.T.T.iii News Wrjlutn; Lit Mien 1 (druid Onii"> Iplyt llomnuj, 1'rnak lUaiUao, | Frank BiuutMti . ..... ByurU Writer* icas-bklahon id tpie apoi Houbinds'Of visiting* Sooner ro^tsrs* ^ ******* as a rpsult of t^e splendid play of itheir great team. Yet the red or white-fchi: ted young gentlemen wei c gentlemen Btlll—a test greater than lit their players Had gone do Ait in defeat. Opr own Dallas police ami the state highway patrolmen rate a pat on the bitch, tojo. They deserve it for the way they combined good humor with firmness to help! visitor* keep pcstgame enthusiasm with in bound^; the goal posts still stand in the Cotton Bowl and the wet turf Was ;sa,ved for another day. Dallas and all of North Texas are pleased to learn that we wfll most Ilkejly enjoy this game here for another five years. A contract to that end is now being drawn up. j We believe It will be for the good of both the University of Oklahoma and our own state university. They cart be assured of a rec-ord turnout of fans, rain or shine- as Saturday s crowd proved. This city is proud tp be host to the loyal sons and daughters of botn rivals; we look forward to welcoming them again next year, come State Fair time. —^Dallas Morning News I ■ . I |' ^ Letters To The Editor f: AH c. gollob (Warners) Wrri&K. James Cpgncy and Virginia Mayo (Campus!) The prodigal son hath rptumeth. Stubby James Cagney, who de serted the Warner lots several years ago and, with brother Wil liam, formed his own. screen com pany, j WMb' returned home after meeting only mild success (Johnny- Come-Lately, Blobd On The Sun inflamed neither the box-office n6r the critics). "White Heat.” the Campus’ current attraction, reunites, Cag ney not only with the Warners hut with the gangster-type role which brought him instant suc cess nineteen years ago in “Pub lic Enemy,’’ and which sustained his popularity in such films as “The Roaring Twenties” and “Angels With Dirty Faces.” Sure, Cagney has played other * f 1 always favor *ruy, ■I as a gertnt, general. ;"!_Xe«, a tough, swaggering, oeni-s Uttl^ banty rooster, hurl- 1 spittle, derisive laughter, and • ractcr aspersions into the ■ c *“*-*4**3jH hateful faces of cops, and push ing the babes around, caveman style. v i, .j • i. The complex role of Codv Jsr- rett, <rith ^fCrs opathic killer fraught d ionic Oedipus-complex, " my his niost sub-tsn ial screen undertaking to date. Through Cagney’s’Sensitive and impeccable .nterpretation unoer the staunen guidance of directoy Raoul Walsh (Al| letura to U>. editor'whicii ar*r ?lgo-d by a ktudrat or employe of tho collf-eoj snd Which! do not eonioin cS>s<-«pe|or llbolou-! material wlU be published, per sons wtshijng to have their names withheld trom publi'-atlbn may request such action and thSse Carnes will not, without, the consent of the w riter, be divulged to any persons other tjianithe edltpni.) ' [ ] ' | ; -ij; I * ‘ ’ i I - ■ 1 I!’,' - I 1 ! j i 1 - - West Side Seats give the .students and outsiders at r-j.. Jc n , ii- ! ! ! least an equal opportunity for good Editor, The Batallum: , {,^8? I- Now that its; not as long as it ; Name withheld by request, has becti till One of our VERY | FEW home games. I’d like to know ! why students aren’t allowed, tp! sit ini the West Stand*. Now I, umiersta^ui that those scats sell hetter, but haven’t wc (the stud ents) j bought tickets | too? Do<?s, the Athletic office thihk that thely don’t peejd to consider jus? Now sime of us veterans and e$- i pecialljy Veterans with; a wife arid kids arc not particularly happy to stand i all during a game, yet l understand that if We are unwill ing to sit with or behind the corps, (which means standing, wc, must; sit down toward the end zone and even in the end zone. This wouldn’t be so bad if we could lake time about with the cotps, but I un derstand that according tp tra dition, the corps can’t be separated from the bant); The mriin questions I'd like ans wered a rfc: Why can’t, the veterans with wives and children and the single veterans or other students who are not So eager be given seats in the West stand equal to thojsc given the eager students.; in th<f East stands? If the above seems unreasonable, why can't the veterans with wives, dates, etc. alternate with the corps and sit with the hand at every' (‘til er game* They're students too,' you know. Is the athletic office put to!.' make iall the money it can, or to; Official Notice T'.joW .lj Wt;o want tli-Jri rin; (Cr rhii.itcnas murt g«|i *.hc|r or*J»r In to tp-; r.-eiiir(ir’.i Offlc<» ; b-fonj November {10" Anj1 « lm lai-k.i not piore ,t!inn <'i;m hbuij? nf l aying romplere*! [the num-i her of ! holirs require*] ihrouttli Ihe Junjor: yeiir of! hii< currteu|uiri and »po h|aj earned' an lajd.ij, j number! of grade pqtnu m»j t>urr.ha*e »he \. pnd M. rlrg. ! All ijlnii# inujt be paid for in full «l|en T>t»elng[ the order, • . ■ 1 j . ■ i Th- r'.njc ulndoiv i.< oper, only from s| •v.m. ipibo noon, dally excppl-on 5?tin-i days. . j - ! ’ ■ ; [ . ( j, ; j i It. L. Meuton. . . | Uejitiira.-.l •! STUOENjr AOniCl LTUH-U. COUNCljl.j! There wTl he din Imponant *neeitln*[ofi lh« Ptijidebt AKrieiilttirai Council In Room ' 203. Agro-nituraI Building at 7 p.m. Wfd- r.esd»> j Ottober 12, 1910. Lleopon of jof-; fleer*. | f’bas. N. Sliepartljton I’euo of Agrlotilture I : j ’ 1! I ! i Men phfiimbg td fukc tpe Uradunte Ijlx^ onimatfon yelieduled at TesaK AAM ;onf O-’.ober 2b and 2? are urged to compieto their rlrgliitratlon*'«Hh Pr. W. A. Vaijfet of the j Popartroent olj ildueatloh und Pity^ rhologji iniruedlHtfly. A|>plh!aUoufl roust be rsctflved b| the rfinceton office of Uki Kdiicutlon:il TeatirtK Service noj later Ulan Octubel JJ. IVulter K. Van ej ! j . f •M All etuden(3 roujurinft In i liorticult|ir<- nr,- ri-quifi-d to r-dfletor -*Ith tho ,ucrotury of th*- Hortleulturt- (Vpartuxiiit in Roeio fOTi. Axrteultjirj- iluildinv ti<4 latur than 6 i<. lit., Oetlukjer 14. IJuy Wi Adriunec thud, ifurticullun.: Oigurtniiciit Eils. Note: Your questions are ing taken to the athletic office ami their answers will be publish ed as soon as we receive thiem. -For further information on foot ball seating, we refer you to today’s front-page story on the student senate.) 41; ; • p. ■' :| - Awffie Articles In Magazines Students in journalism are learning ihat. writing is one field where the undergraduate can compete with the profes sional on equal terms, Otis Miller of the Journalism Depart ment, said today. j Three students have recently sold articles to The Cattleman and to Farm and Ranch. Two of these ar ticles were published in the Octo ber numbers of these two maga zines, and one story will appear in a forthcoming number of Farm and Ranch. In the October number of The Cattleman, [Calvin Reese, a studenjt iii Journalism Uf>, has an article , entitled “Vitamin A Deficiencies in Fanr| Ahitnals.” Robert -L. Itaney, a student in Journalism 115 under Professor D. D. Burrhard, has just sold a :<tory, “Sh«fep Raising in tho Gulf ; Coast Area,’’ which will appear iii an early issue of Farm and Ranch. In the current October issue of Farm and iRJanch Roger Letz, . for mer editoif of the student maga zine, The Agriculturist, has an ar- Nutrition] Conference to Be I Held on Campus Oct. 20-21 M • i . • - I •! [!;!■•' The Texas Nutrition Conference will be held on the cam pus Oct. 20 and 21, according to J. R. Couch committee chairman and professor of poultry husbandry, biochemistry!, and nutrition.; ]".' ■• t If - 1 . , : j ! ! i ;| All sessions will be held iri the auditiorium of the YMCA. The Texas Nutrition Conference 1 *—; : j r~ is held each y«ir for the benefit | a a r< 1 nr th, to,., Mannurturer, j | umblers Gather Tonight, Plan Trip uui oi siatc. speaxers win in W. W. Chavens,! associate jir sob of poultry husbandry, Ur sity pf Wisconsin; L Vi Ci ; Methods Successful Hog Raisiijig." Letz is noV an ag ricultural writer oh the Fqrt Worth Star-Telegram and associate editor of that newspaper’s monthly agri cultural magazine. While he was at A&M he took everjr journalism course offered. He plans! to take his M. A. degree in journalism next year at the Uni versity of Missouri. Association. The [object of the con ference is to bring feed manufac turers up to data on the latest de velopment and formulation of tho various types of feed. GfuUof state, speakers will include irofes- !niver- ty of Wi&dnsifl; U V. Curtin, technical division, Buckeye- Cotton Oil Company, Cincinnati, Ohio; L. A. Maynard, director Of school nu trition, Cornell University; and E. I. Robertson, director of nutrition* John W. Eshelman and Sons, Lan caster, I’a. W. E. Sewell, technical division, Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, Cin cinnati,! Ohio, anti W. C. Sherman; manager, Biological Research Lab oratory, Ralston Purina Company, .St, Loujs, Mo. will also bo there. Members of the A&.M College, System! and staff who will ^also appear on thej program are Gibb Gilchrist, Chancellor, C. N. Shep- ardsonj Dean of the School of Ag riculture; J. R. tjouch, professor of jwultrr husbandry; Carl L.‘ M:“Ly* l rtiah, 1 ''head of the Department of BfoeViemistry and Nutrition; J. C. Millet - , head of; the' IVpartment of Animal Husbandry; and I. W. Rupel, head of the Department of Dairy i Husbandly; R. M. Sher wood. i professor; of poultry’ hus- bandij^W. B. Anthony, instnictor of Dairy Husbandry; I,. R. Rich ardson, professor of biochemistry and nutrition; add J. K. Riggs, ns-, sociatd professqjr of animal hus- bundry. i ■ =' • I Other members of the program include Wiley Akins, president to Mid-West Feed Manufacturers As sociation, Fort Worth; II. J. Kon- m* nutrition director of Uncle Johnny Mills, Hduston; and J. Rus sell Reed Jr., superintendent of! Substation 21, Gonzales. aiTjS- l and credible a istark reminder and the part environment ng crime. r proUrtype*, Cody is a ihor- ugh hoodlum, but at the aadie he’s Utofotig ; evil dre mil . tfir, the latter being dominant because improper childhood qwqcUtio ^ince eai ly childhood,. Cody has worshipped his mother (wdlU'pIayed by Margaret Wycherly); «|li un ions • jarpy with Cody’s same rd f^r the law. When) a [boy, baa' ‘ Mm Vhenja U,. faketj headaches In order to drat* her attention away from tjhe other children. Thereafter, the _.. T chile ren. Thereafter, the headaches became real, and wien- ;ever frustraGoik reara its moc cing head in hi*!fare, they recur ivith painfully pert^asing intensity Now the leader, along with lear [old mom, ol h small gang of toujghs, and married. 4» a sexy, two-tin ing, rob- A&M’s Tumbling Club will bt organized for the ydar at. a meet ing beginning at. 5 Thursday pight in the little gym, J. R. Hill: of the Physical Education Department has announced; -j . : | j * ■ .! , ■ j ; i , - Among the items scheduled for the business session are tat elect tion of officers and the discussion of three proposed trips by the tumbling team to Dallas, Austin; and Houston for meets, Mill said. ; ■ 1 ■ ■ ! I ? Hill urged all Aggies intefestec in tumbling activities to attchd thi: first meeting so that they can tak part in the qnire program plan net for the organization. moacy-lovipg blonde (tOmptiigly played-by Yirginia Mayo, for wh this; role tailor-made), Cotiy is pudrht after by the California •rajnch of the FBI for train berj- and murder. , V)fiV® r 1 lUe Cody eaglly avoids the chargi s, however,, by fleeing *iwth anu pleading guilty to a less serious offense ' committed there eftflier. Sente nced to a short ierm, he:hopes tji be released even earl ier threugl the efforts of his ipoth- *Fj ; j ' I. Butt his pest laid schemes go or- astray when mother d> (Steve Brod of' the gan!g KRl sendsjan undereover man (Ed mond O’Byien) to prisoji i(ndc! thb'!gUise'*Pf a convict to Mm. I I | ! ;■ ./ jj ; | j What ensues may be disroVCrod at (he Campus today and tomor row, U should suffice now to say tJinti“White Heat” is an altogeth er intelligentl) ' i constructed Screenplai, handled flawlbsal] by • ^a»t, director, photographer, etc. and packed with conflict-, 'We might add that three ,o( fflmido.m’s;; best comedians Bugs [Bunny, Tqm and Jerry, appear iii ‘.not one lijut four cartoons, giving :thc Campus its best balanced qnterr tainment pill sq far this year. ( 1 I / atitally astray when mother is liljed and ; wifd stolen by Big Ed - (Steve Brojdie). a factious member oC the gang. And to, top that the 1 n undercover man [(T ic 'fly yv •c<infessi<|n to the dual Cklifpmia rimes, v 1 ./,]i [! ' ■' H m PALACE Bryan 2‘$$79 SKTUMy Niu- ■4 THIKS. ctauir. Lucky LWen* cover Man