Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1949)
■<r Ti I ' 71 ' ■' m ■\ ■ !/• I 5* -J-;. ■ - mm *. S3H h- r ; r f I The work of erecting six 1 steel ioles for the Kj'l(f Field lighting »yi tern was eon ipleted »*arly j j this" week- One pole Is plaeed in 1 no with the flfty-yanl line and th< ^ther two nine plaeed in tsse lino with the end wine .apparatus Was plaeed t . wert iflMW I" ■ undurles. All eleetreal op the poles before t ley i. BrooWyri, N/ Y.. July It would be anything tju jirise to sec the Philadclrbia sports Jine 7 to July 1 he won five April v.Titers givo\another “courageous "straight. He’s lost some tough; dc-“ * I wjay be pressing too mulch out Jithlete’ 1 ' award to Lou BHssig: Tho cisiotts, too, notably at 2-1 gtune thcjre handsome southpaw ojf j. Connie to; th Yankees in 15 innings dc.! “Biit Athletics is 'piijdjjing his spite Allowing only six hits. Conme'Macjk is'to be commended about said [ for his handling of Brissie. The The after ; robust^ooking pitcher weiuld work has out on one goodjljjg. “My leg bothers me aj ;a|in ’’ on again but l wouldn't Ijet ..them. Not until- the season id' oyey; any- / W wayf' f . !' j . Brissie-js the most ijejnrarkable jwas ‘shapered during tfid war tp Brissie-js the most ichrarkablcj a \ pitchet—in—major leagU [; j history, without iesemtions. 11 s| left leg li r !*uch an extent that h<| itill wears ^1 V catcher’s ,;.shin guard under his . .stocking to protect what little jie JiasJlfift of it. j The ^20-pound six-fpoj-five lefty Was loft ta y. After A MV - from Ware-Shoals,tB7 ]G , Tor dead In Northern ft c ho was found hplf dead a ) ,10 g Vumpilttl, doctors iv — amputating the kg, bit Biissic fought against them. • He' under- ns To Finis I .OP)—I ni ie "^co tuple th gara^s fop a nine- four - a sur-Tw<m and. fotir-lost j-eeord. From 7-3! fi|ve-hi^ter is p# Leg ine- foir rits in June aftei\ tos sing a rom 7-3 five-hitter at thenr in mid* five Anril ■ : ’ ^ h ■A,* : ■ ii ! : N jp- ; . jl s’, Work on the Kyjie lighting system moved this week as the Famsw and Chambers Constructi Co. of Houston finished erec ing the' six 100-fobt steel poles, s r The six poles, each 115 feet hi including the base, arej lined opposite two end yard marker; line. Poles For Kyle ystem Are In T ^ % m opposite sides of the fi^ld on, thti! two end zon^ lines at the fifty || '* | I The poles.i each weighing ap n ' * md? including ratus, am te bases. 6i th< Austin contract thb work is ! progressing satisfac prpkimately 6800 pot the (lights and other ap] sitting on 15; foot e toriiy arid it is expected that the ■■i completed wel er (on it for its b; fo m separately. ik of lights, and Consolidated High School Grid Yw ! • wrraii YW • i ', p ~Y as ■ice Will Begin August 15 ractice sessions daily will be held by the jd High School footbal| squad beginning August 15, coach O. V. Chafin has announced. The i first session will be at 7:30 a. hi. and the second at 3:30 p. m. ..'I IT Coach Chafin will be assisted'* by Jim Bfevan, football coach at the local Two grid practice A&M Consolidated High School nior high school, for the first f^w days of practice. I j Candidates for posts on the 1949 | edition ofj the Tigers will work final work will bd'completed wel out on slwrts the first few days, ahead of the Sept. 1 rompletior Returning lettermpn are Bobby date. I 1 J • Williams,' back; Royce Rogers, Each pole has 21 lights on it center; Jack Magee, back; Gayle plus two lights on the rear side tc Klipple, back; Dick Dowell, end; light the ramp entrances and park- Lloyd Uay; tackle, and Bill Coon- ing areas. ! j | f j | l 1 er, center. Returning squudsmen Underground ducts, arc now bo- lure Ronaltj Jones, end; John Hil- ing put in place which wail carry debrand,,' Cmi; George Johnston, the 2300 volts necessary for tht ; back; Boh Barlow, tackle; Ken bank lights on each pole. rieth Worsham, back; Donald Roy According to Grimes, ciach pole der, back; Buck Ross, back; Ken will have an individual transform* noth Schlatticus, back; Frank Va- ‘ftrik — r the timd being at least, the . ;nts on each pohi, will be cut oh j At a later date den, tackle, and I back. Janies Dudley; Coach 'hafin haS scheduled _ tied Grimes adddd, a [central cointhdi |Practice sessions with several unit will be installed somewhere [ schools in this area to be played in the stadium which will make it before thoj seasoji begins. Chkfin possible for tlie lights on all six poles to be cut on from the same place. Grimes stated that when the system is completjed, the playing field Will have nearly a quartet million watts of light on it. Eacl: light globe used will have a poth er of 1500 watts and the amount of light that they will put out if to be increased by stepping up the voltage from 110 to 120. Grimes added that each polo j held atop its base, by four 2!fe ine bolts imbedded ten and, a half feet ip the concrete bajse. Officials of the college have staj ted that when tho system is comy Sent. 23—Navasota there pleU'd, A&M have one of thd Se J t> a0-$omemljc here best lighted football fields in the 0ct 7_Kiescl there C ° ry ' u r J OcL 14—Chilton there* At present, four games ard 0 t 2 1—Lott here* r scheduled to be played under. tM Oct] 28-ferenham'herc* \ a ™ Tlic season open^ N -l-Calvert there^ 'with Vdlanova is the only varsity game while the Fish team will havp night games with] Allen Acad emy, Baylor, and TCU. j Night contests here are expected to increase the attendance sub- .stanUally. ; r ^NT?1w -.h— the Purple Heart veter: his three-inning stint-ir. Mhe All- every other <jay|if he had his Way. ed se Star game. “It contimullk^ swells Connie; nmH pitching help right Mpck up pnd I should have'if; nperated now yet ’ he still plans to give _ i . . * ’ *-* ’ *' *’ Brissie that extra day of rest, pitching him every fifth day eVen thou Lou is always ready to save I right) now,” says Brissie. fm going through wilth the rest <?f the season before thlinking hospitals.” 25-year-old Army yctcran qn an inspiration to \|vouml rfviceneu, not to mention Mr. and the Athletic? ootball ji-!’ The pttchqr, whose father told him to “play for Mr. Mack and nobody else’!, has been briUi&ht in his two relief efforts this spring, hack |on tjic 1948 A&M twirlinlg^ throe hitless innings! to team! save two gamps for a faltering w^ldfi tcammtete. | ’ | I '..jj Two! of BrisSic\s best route-go ing Jobs of the season were turned in agaljnkt the Champion Cleveland Kdiv|in ijlalph Daniel, qji fpotb -and hjs bride are oil their vho vyag found hflf dead a il brought j Indifni. He li beat them, !8-2,. w^ith ,to « hoHpilttl,Wloctor.s jiiistetl on i; ! ■ -rW-rri—Lr ig trip fin Biloxi, Mississippi, irig t Mr marriage in Jeffer- liurs< ay evening at the First it Chinch. dfiel, tip son of Mr. anjd Mi J |S. Da iitd of Jeffersoi \ > Vkllit 1 in, the .Sully I>i g if 1 TJkt Mciiven he won l li. f01 M - T _ , wont 23'operations and (Walked on iMjitiy.lioii for two years. iTTrerrho oame back to his flrat. qv'fi, baac-rj ball, ami won 23 garni sHor Si[7 | 'in 1917,^ and lo»tC 10 (or the’AV, and itlliii Hcknon<t' "m ini thC dukpite piiitis and a will i teg which liear* his W( ii r ht when;, -he rioiricir down off the- nuuind,' hir As having un oven botti liyear. BrisHic's record for j hi- find, half, ♦of thi« veason ahowa lO ijiarls and; “Ti Si w t: Take the TEWIIPER M out of ^TEMPERATURE Enjoy Comfort Add Bea Vom l\ % . • d- '' li:' i with 33B EMERSON- Lid Osci 1 ELECTRIC dilating Stand Fans I • ' • ‘ - r I - 1 1 Thr«» litM, btautiM b*w pni>h»>, |uil th* lemi you n*«d for compl*t* iumn»r ijotnfarf and con- w*Nan».t Whi»a«r-qvt#t? opdoi-on, fingnaip oicllolkm control, odjutlablt height, oro pat a fov _ -*“-I tmportant qucliry ftatwot '00 will Bk*. tT' g*l more lor your mot**) tyoo bvy on En*aon.tloctrii 'C s«» tht list * FanValu«s ' In 'll Town. ' C E. GR1ESSER T -Hwricto. iSlGIDAlRC ImALEB A SERVICir iThurmlay'a RiMiilt**, 'thin Leagu qak 0 V' B 01 Nd!i Mr*. Daijiii 1 St, a she dbg it 4 tar Dallas jartcr- ifbajl ted !‘ram A&M in Juno trii •hqlor |>f Science (lei cum engineering, !C year foptbidl Ictterjnati ^it bride is tho former penevjn Kbss,j daughter of Mr, aipl, 1 GfleU ReM of Jefferson. Mri/ 1 ta a gnujuiite of j Texas .•ge for: Women, whert came to A&M Consolidated from Hearne whera he was assistant football * cpach. He coached;' at Georgetown in 1947. Sevan, the junior high school coach, is a 1949 graduate <lf Texas A&M. He an nounced tljiat his team’s practice would starit soon after school bc- gins'. ' j x j j Last yeah, the Tigers, coached by Boots Siminbns, won the district giid crown after edging Calvert, 7 to 6. , j : - .'Xl ! j" ' . |.| The 194^ schedule is: Sept. Ifi—yTadisonvillo here Nf A ?$rT' u ! New' York .4 New'j York Cleveland vil Boston Phi Deti Chi' iton • ladelphia ;i( .. roit . ....<4,.-.- cigo . Iphia 4 .. 52,.^3 Waahbigton f « Louis St. NaHenal. League Team— li W VL Pet. St Louia .57 36 j .813 Brooklyn . .|..... 65 Boston . 50 New! York .1...... 46 Philadelphia!!.... 47 Pittsburgh .r.... 44 Cincinnati .!.... 37 Chicago . ..; 36 Pd- .637 .593 -564 ]7>i ^>47 8 .531 9li .418 20 li .389 22li ,333 28 ' * f • Teaxjs League Team— W Forti Worth \.... 64 Tulsa . .;.....lL... 61 DaUas i.... 58 Shreveport .! .... 57 Oklaj City 1 56 San Antonioi .... 46 Beaumont J .... 44 Houston , ........ 39 .598 lli .526 8 .505 10 .500 10 li .478 12H .402 19,H .379 22 ' Pot. .598 .570 3 .537 6li .533 7 ' .519 1 8li .454 15li 415 l^ls .371 2# i t Nov. 11—Centerville here*! * .Denotes] district games. The date of the Centerville clash which is slated for College Station November 1; may be chang ed to September 9. ‘ ; / (^allege Statfan Swimming Team Goes To AA U Meet bie i T ■—pp Aim rilran Iftftfuc Chicago t,- Boston fi DctroltHlJ, Washington 7|. j CTi'Veland 2, New York 3. - f i StJ iat Philadelphia, rairi. NutifiuM Maglie ! . ; ; ) Ncjw York 8, Pittsburgh 6 j Btpoklyn 7, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 2. SI. Louis 10. Bcjstori M, dincinnati 2. ] ] ,» tpapie j ; j H( uston i, Fort Worth 4. Beaumont 5|Tulsa 7. . i .f" Shreveport 0, Oklahoma City: 5. brew ~ n Ahitoifio 0, Dallas 4. . ‘ ' —4- dt •j (kill rjpcoivt v iii MojeowRadio Plugs Russian Becjr :Tk: (Moicovi xladio went! in for Tevu Se J12N. Bryan Bryan Ph. 2-1323 ?;'■ Since ri Jersey St. College Pli. 4,-9876 -t— - a Buchclpr qf Hcieiuie lidvertisdng d<t*ign, ilomuiemals today. Thirty swimmers from College Swimming Team, will to rea, all members of the Rosmberg Saturdiay for th6 17th annual Gulf AAU (Jharapionsljp Swimming Meet. Serving n» one of the officials of the meet will be Aggie swimming coach Art Adamson, who is Gulf Coast committee with B. A phii ph- i i . , ' '\i' Top aqua talent from 29 Tcxat Oountie* will compete for the tro- phirH. Thd meet will be divided hotter and. atrank' | Competition ia open to all regia c f . a1 L A , n, , CI ' ca '/ X Cr - tered amatenr athletes of tho Tex An official of the Soviet brewery as Glllf Coa ' st Deadline ent ipdpi|ltry told the Moscow radio j reppi ter all Russian beer ijs made j froliji I barley but American beer js jd “from maise, sorghum and potatoes.” IXlTftlP! U i: Sherw in-Williams 1 ' . ■ : : ■ ' - I j j I'fl. • ENAMELOU) • FLO-LAC 0 KEM-GLO ! ' ■ .x - - • AND ALL THE ’ i in ICE TAG ON A oomful INESS! otiIer [famous; , H1NAVILLIAMS '' PRODUCTS 'li i! 8 • '< Ti ;u ; L' i hone 2-1541 hardware Company 1,(1 r II - :U !■ . !• X d 4 T! b f <k [ * XT’” li T ; into throe divisions, respectively^ htoW 4»*ter sanl .n effect, bcdauije | for ni;il c and female entrioaJ 2 entry' 6 p.m. August 5, for girls and wo-i men and 6 p.m. August 6 for boyaj and men. Balfour bronze trophies will bej presented tjo ,tw r o junior division! teams, two i in thef boys and girls division, and two in the men’s and; Women’s division, arid a cham pionship trophy-'will be given to the team scoring the most points in all divisions. Included in the top prospective: entries representing Coliege are| Billy Karow, Gayle Klipplo, P a u t Fleming. Libby Blank, Ann Hick-j erson. Patsy Bonnen, Aim O Ban- non. Van Adamsoru Betty OPpe-! land,* Gene Summers, Danny Green. Helen Boatner, Bernard Syfari, Bobby Karow, Frances Si-j mek, George Dieok, Bill Mayc John Gay',!! John Parnell, Davi Dachshuml Eats Rock LOS ANGELES. —GP»—Buddies Brown, a six-months-old Dachs hund puppy, likes solid food. Veterinarians had to excavate his stomach yesterday to removp 49 pieces of rock, weighing a total of two 'pounds. The dog had swallowed the stones ai a neat house his master is building. He Will recover. L E ;J!: FOR SALEf .[ 'Texas aggie RADIOS • Maroon & White Color \ • “Texas Aggies’' On Speaker • Fine Stewart- Warner Radio —nun g29.95— N O W 114.95 ! H 217 S. I- Bryari •\ \ co-chairman j)f the Vardeman, Billy Hale, Scott Pot ter, Ann Jean Godbey, Dick Woick, Orln Helvey, George Boy- ett, Bob Burlow. Dorothy Spriggs, Frances Oipeland, Martha Erglc, Barbara Eirdwell, Dave Bonnen, Tom BarloA', Pete Hickman, Stu art Helvey, Richard Multer, Tom Terrell, Criig Terrell. Don Drap er, Robert Smith. Ben Trotter, Jerry’ Oder, Joe Stain, Lee Price, Albert Stcuens, Kay Parnell, Ann Copeland, Nancy Halo, Eleanorr Price, Barbara Miller, Betsy Bur- chard, Marilyn Floeck, Mary Jo Parson, Pam Wilson, Jean Pen- berthy, Dorothy Grenlack. Beth Penbcrthy. Carolyn Landiss, Rose mary Lcrtert, Martha !' Shawn, Marion Gaddis, Bobby WUklns, Johnny Lyon, Wariier Dalberg, Albert C’elarid, and Anha' Beaty. YANKS REACH 1,000,000 NI! W YORK — Up — !fhc New York Yankees passed the million mark in attendance this season with their 34th and 35th games on July 4 when the total .soared to 1,005,343. In 1948 they pass' the million mark ip Game No. j3 Ji I- ' JIT T ; ' PIT f FRIDAY, Never Your Jill ■< t * f v OH J 'u Page 3 urn ■■ ilHRL.Jft# round of golf, .advises Ji and Baltusrol pro since H “The best esam of the 1930 rell. "On the ftnit hole after a good tee shot I r4n Into dlfjficul ty. Bad Hole Bui, of Golf■furre sve * l$t one bad hole Fiinfelf, 1928 Open “As I was hitting mV shot *ih fellow edged out gallery on the left and I I saw out of the corner left eye and hit !tn|y shot heel Of the club, ft I took three mard reached the greqn three putted for ap eight; • "Tliat one hok lesson—never let s >concl 0' the' hit'hfmlj of my; with the t me and shOta'before I s vc; Then I this happened in^tlte first rount cham j litaught ^ne jn 1 OB#’ bad ruin your rouni Even with such a, poor Farrell managed to shoot that day. He was fifth'uur rounds and finM ed eighth tournament of Mil starters, years before Farrall won th< at Olympia start a 74 three in a Two Open beating Bobby by one (T stroke; ‘fin 1941, whe the Open at Worth, I also call* Farrell!. STlifth hole, a from left to right "In a threesome jwith Shute and Jimnlyi Deimaret to cut a corner *lte! ball droppt T _ rivCr. I played rrpm thd hai 3 ;if hS Agi leg won 'ort . »* the par n|nntng Denny tried tree! ijito a k and river. X played rrpm thel baiik and hit another tree, the ball dripping on the fairway. I was plhyin where .normally, two. Then I pushed alshcjl into the river ,a second time and finally got on the grceii ini siR. two- putted for an eight.” Yes, 5 even thje pros hav<| their troubles. Eddie Arcaro (and both have piloted Su ners at Belmon| fPark fh four ylng JiV) ■wf Sandc a|n w bi ll mcs. ffegj JOrtNNY EA1 IF !:T^ ^ Sunset of Dallas In ;r|! 1 ■; niJl+'j! ' ! ‘gion Tourney llpALiLAS, July. 28—1/P).—Su ligh School of Dallas won * * right to enter the American ‘ aseball tournani' Aug. 2-5 by beating Waxaliddi- n baseball tournanVent at Bryf ig. 2-5 by bcatingT' *1, 9 to 2 here Wpdnttsday ntglU. Previously, Suhs Waxahachle, 2 to 1, t defot tod M tho o take two-6ut-of-thrce scries in straight. I n Bobby Gann chalked iip fourth Legion win. He held VI ahachie to two hite and atfUck opt nine. Ill JL ‘-■i’v *» I Final Legioii Game In Galveston Today The third and final game of the AVea three play-offs will be played today between the Bryan and Gal veston American Legion teams. Today's winners will earn the right to enter the stele American Legion baseball tournament in Brian next week. I f Galveston defeated Bryan yes terday 7-1 in- Galveston. In the first game of the play-offs played in Bryan Tuesday, Bryan defeated the Galveston team 17-5. Casey Stengel, presept New York Yankee r lipanagjer, was the Giants in 11923 and his two heme runs won 4hc only game the Giants captured in Die World i Series against the Yanks. . \ ‘ 1 J U—J M — I T i r — m.. I. ’ r Tmwmi' • FOR A HOME-LIKE coi GE INN BEYAN ■ ! Careful Planffi \ ■ Is ESSENTIAL If RmE|ITIA|i Satisfactory f . • ! M - I- It’s easy to lift the receiver and taik folks you do business with and jjeopli it costs a lot of money to prdvidcl! s; - . -l-l f ' i .. V f*- F .(l.j ! Service. reifiil piarfning is ture requirements can Car I mands and ,fut of equipment, materials and labor satisfactory service increes low telephone rates the qhly way Byt careful planning and coope will enable The Southwestern > plcte the big const rue tioijt a v way to provide mbr(| telephones 1: • ; S : • ' ' ’■ " . J ^T' ' ■ I '■ i Local Zei :';T jl 'h'X' •■'! • id friends,| neigh disUnt places tisfactory telep|ionc inglyj d " ■pt PP i" i'"! 'J' ■ • ■ telephon ntep Telephone initi Jliati at Current dq- Rising costs the job qf providing tt fficelt with present U K! * ■ Service ! |U; ! 'I :n ■) n cribcrs subs npany to com- I Service -r1 i il Costs Cite S( Hit Invest ct ti btutss ZdephoHe Co. i: ;i- i i, ,)!H : .