Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1949)
PrlP •f • . - | | •• l ' t I ^ piaH - ALL-ST ? (Continued from< Pag* ;3) Ralph Branca, Preacher Roe and I J Don Newcombe. Rounding out the 1 ataff are Howie Pollet and George Monger of the Cardinal^; Warren Spahn arid Verh Bickford of the Braves and the biggest surprise of the squad—EweU Blackwell of Cincinnau. I ; 'i-W? ; ' ‘J The starting lihups main intact through re nt, three inn ngs barring inquiries. For l^it .American Leaguers, who have won 11 of the 15 All-Star tilts, it will be Rddie Robinson, Washing ton, first base; Cass Michaels, Chicago, second base; George Kell, Detroit, third base; Eddie Joost, Philadelphia, shortstop; Ted Wil liams, Boston, left field; Dom Di- Maggio, Boston, center field; Tom Yeriti and Birdie Tebbets, Boston, catch y !,,■ --TT ' my Henriich, New Yeriti right field, / And i •/ n.f por bin starting pitcher Boud-/ au will! choose from among Lou tfrissie, Philadelphia; Alex Kellner, Philadelphia; Mid Parnell, Boston; Vic Raschie, New York; AUie Rey nolds, Nfw York; Virgil Trucks, ; ' ^V: ■, !j ;' ! i , • ; Telegrams Saturday . Fifty W ri a t. , ’1 Ihl 1 Receive V Fifty-four Te high schools all over 1 day from E. E. McQui Fund, informing them tha Awards of $800 to $1200 lien, di ■ ^ 1 Brissie, Philadelphia; Alex Kellner, dladelphia; Mol Parnell, Boston; c Raschie, New York; AHle Rey- Ids, New York; Virgil Trucks, Detroit and Bob Lemon, Cleveland. . Opening for the National League vMH be Johnny Mlae; New York veteran Of eight previous All-Star games, at first base; Jackie Robin-.. iiion, Brpokiyn, second base; Eddie - Kaeak, 'St. Louis, third base; Pee " Wee Reese, Brooklyn, shortstop; , Ralph Kiper, Pittsburgh, left field; Stan Mu$ial, St. Louis, center field; • Willard Marshall, New York, right field, .fend Andy Seminick, Phila delphia, Catcher.. TiT [i - --Y.,.-; AU Eyes On You! When you’re sure of the kind of spotlessly cleaned and perfe Clothes ' gltd to . f pressed out, you’re people stare. Campus Cleaners "Over the Exchange Store” 1 uates from telegrams Satpr- M Development Won ■■M or anthropists all over the state and V by M outstanding iin*** pnistered by McQuillen, will ke: $4 winnersi] Wdre selected field of 200 applicants on high 'school college edu- erwise might not be k i ^ ] : 1 Dr. John H. I.udington joined the of the IE De partment fofrUwo weeks to teach an advanced IE coufsle. D-Odd Wins Over ! B-Even 174) Hodge of B-Odd pitched a no hit four inning softball game out at College View as his team de feated B-Even 17-0 Thursday af- terjooon. • 1 j Hodge a.l$o took; honors as the leading hitter of thd game, getting hits safely three times in three times at bat, one a round tripper with two on base. !H ; , Wrighf was the losing pitcher, giving up six hits for 17 runs with three errors thrown in by his mates. ■ -iu . ' Score by innings:' 1 , Ji R H E D-Odd | 890 0—17 6 0 B-Even 000 0—0 During the normal school semes ter, over 8,500 people read The Battalion daily. — 1 New York Cafe 118 8. MAIN L BRYAN a competitive exam- r last (; May. All boys ami nations were hand- icked onj a basis [Lof scholarship, iracter jind need. They all came m the tvpjrnnks of their grad- iting clSsBes scholastically and ive demonstrated their ambition, (svergy uhd character while in figh schoMi McQuillen said Further awards will lie an gjwunced jdtring the summer as • total of 70 students will enroll the MhAjAtadii are set up, until , a • total of 70 students will ei imder the Award system at ifn*ginning of the Fall semester. iflTnii group will be the fourth tp receive the Awards, the first group being in 1946. The first y£ar there were only 16 scholar ships given, the next year 32, then 53 last year. ’'Ninety-three award winners are now in school and they have all mode remarkable records hede, McQuillen said. The first group haji an overall, three year grade point average of a little over 2.13, ana .has {produced many student leaders, j"' • j . ' Both the president and vice president pf the freshman class in 1946 were award winners and as they moved up have supplied a I sophomore class vice-presi dent. a managing editor of The Battalion, and two student &en- tt^rs. The' later groups have, continued as outstanding stu dents, McQuillen added. (Jeographieally, the vftnners of the *awards come from all over? the s'afc hritjl only Wer townj 1 ent ? Af- soon be 7 ,, and he at least had clean shirts to wear. Willoughby broke the string on his laundry bundle, spread back the blue paperfand took out his favorite white sjiirt with the three inch collars. Turning it over, he fell back in horror. 1 j - There on the left collar point were the words, Willoughby Mc- Snort, MX1313, Route Jl, T Dime Box, Texas” stamped in . large black, blbck letters. On the oppo site side of the collar an unfinished game of tic-tac-to; scrkfled in the wavering script of a tired laun dry worker, accompanied with an arrow pierced , heart, and the words, "Gertrude loves Eustace.” McHnort’s plercinfg scream was heard all the way down the hall, but the domi i door; and over Into the new area. .;jWhen.. McHnorts.j roommate, “Credit Sheet" CaHHldJf, a business major, returned that! night from a hard afternoon in theipool parlor, ho found Willoughby, dangling from the light fixtuire in the cen ter of the room, .hung by a sheet the laundry had shrunk to one fourth Its normal size, Pinned to his mangled, buttonle.«)3 shirt was this poem. ! ' ! ’ I, Willoughby McSnort, by means of this here pome, Take leave of this earth, it just weren’t my home,|' My exit is made happy, by the ecstatic knowledge, That I found a use for a sheet, after it was cleaned by the college! r Puryear Defeats Hart 9-1 jThursday • T I * I | ' Hart Hall fell victim to the bats of Puryear Hall 9-1 Tuesday af ternoon. In the six linning con test, Puryear collected ten hits, one a round tripper by Howard Peach in the sixth iwiih one mate furnishing more thin two winners each year] j J , Aiding the Development Fund in . thy.-selection work we>te A&M Clubs; high sebpol principals and teachers, and | county agents, in each poy’^ hofne tbwn. ' >. j; r .ft/—T Jj Confucius! mas right. One picture is worth a thousand words. Ajid The Battalion has large, clear pic tures of ull local events. Place, your ads near these eye-magnets. \ ! t f 1 J r f Charter No. L754 {' IT 'x BANK’S OFFICIAL ,,,,, ■ ■ • STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION . iTTim i I iTIT f • Of the 1 ? COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK • ‘ t : \ : • 11- - »t ^College Station, .^exaa . \j \ !'| • i. Yi at the close of-business on the 30th day of June, 1949, pursuant to call made by the Banking Commissioner of Texas in accordance with the Banking Laws of this State. . - •:• i I " J ji j f !’ SOURCES Loans and discounts, including overdrafts. ± T" 414,984.60 -1—f £*. 1 *1 ’ t \\ United States Government Obligations, direct and guaranteed 431,964.78 Obligations of states and political subdivisions :+ 19,137.65 Other bpnds, notes, and debentures ; Corporate stocks, including $1,950.00 stock in Feder Reserve Bank xprL—L. ^ Cash, balances due from other bniaks, including reserve balances, and etfsh items in prjocess of collectiori (in- | ~ eluding exchanges for clearing house) J lU-^—l ' Banking house, or leasehold improvements —4f--r--4 Furniture, fixtures, and equipmertc _4-i Other real estate owned L Other assets' 4——4-— - f-1 Total Resources u_—L f -TX-Xt- j None 1,950.00 358,740.08 34,900.41 16,634.85 None 722.64 i i y . - " - | .j / j . ’ LIABILITIES ANIKAFITAL ACCOUNTS I 1 . J, Common Capital Stock Surplus: Not Certified — Undivided profits •H — r i-4-,—4- 60,000.00 15,000.00 8,932.08 Nohe %j uuiviueu pruiiis —l-——ui — t— j— Capital reserves (and debenture Retirement account)...— (Not to include specifically allocated reserve for ^ expenses; or valuation allowances) U - j | { Demand deposits prindividuals, partnerships, and corporations 663,969.07 Time deposits of inqivduals, pathej-ship, and corporations | 80,000.00 i > Time deposits of inqivduals, patheyship, and Public fuirids^IncLU. S. Govt., sta!te and political subdivisions) —X-4 \ Deposits of banks (excludihg recijprocal balances) ,l. . i Other deposits (certified and cashier’s checks, etc,)....LJ4-- Total all deposits $1,182,890.42 •r%*t, ’ ■ -ii Lax Il_ .aii.. I .. tills payable, rediscounts, or otl ey liabilities V .for borrowed money i > i 1 ..-. ther liabilities rial liabilities and Capital Acc i • ; • . I" .J' ,j : r . '.J, State of Texas, County of of the abbve named bank, do sol< a: nditipn is true to the Subscribed and swon ounts ■t— • — —•- I' s Brazos, I Thomas W At 430,654.06 l^one 8,267.29 Noine . 22,212.61 $1,279,036.01 Lee, being Cashier bregoing statement ■! ■ V Correct—attest iY.. - . ; ; 4 ■- i . . 7 ... (■■; i f| Harold Sullivan; ! S. A; Lipscomb H. E. Burgess, Directors. J / lemnly swear that the foregi o)f my knowledge and belief, ore me this 7th day of Jhly, 1949. V 7,' Lois Bethea, Notary Public, Brazos w •>-s _ vi V, •; i- Cou nty, Texas •I ■ !• : 1 •: Dave Thomas, the catcher for Puryear, was shifted to the mound for this game anti turned in a foiir hitter. Crow was the losing pitcher for Hart. Bill McCann of Puryear came to hat thrfee times and his best hit was a double, scoring two men, as i he led the hitters. GET RACK ON THAT Bcjil-DING, AND be: A STATUE—I'M GOING TO CUD IT AU-.'T VOPESELF.. LI’L ABNER . He’s On the Ball MO£ r -NOU auT-MAH LEFT Foou/y— foot ircHcarr VOU'RE. SUPPOSED TO STAND ON YOUR LtFT Foar/ r Wad* ii, fca A SHOOT VOU.'T'l ON m/Tr H HOU long DOCS AH . HAFTA STAY LVi VOU'ftE *>/ OH^-ME^EW PERMITTED 1 NINE MORE HOURS TO SHIFT 4 O' THIS UNBEARABLE FEET-ONLY J TORTURE, at™ J' MIDNIGHT.^ M m i . L r n ; i, 7 YOU'RE TEMPTED TO . SCRATCH DURING * WORKINO HOURS - U L OADED I'VE GOT THIS TRAINED) Wirj 4 ON YOU. ITS LOADED/feuCKSMOT WITH BUCKSHOT.'T mm mM. Score Puryear Hart . . by innings: H R E <jk)l 413—10 9 1 ft 010- t FOB THOSE WHO i. '/ DEMAND THE BEST • « » i/T l Shoe Repair North Gate V #111 p;; 1 : :i: ii, ; < i ..—4k J ■]! . iforfit...€omforr..a looks.T.and value! Today’s top valap in quality Shorts! Exclusive Reis- construction-feo- turea fgive] you unmatched fit and comfort 1] Mild,; ath etic support helps (fiuht [fatij ' Mastic waist* baud. Fu lesa seat. J— i:-- ft- MATCH NO fttyt^HiaT specially shaped'rt .b)tt6m to follow leg-line of Scandola. | Absorb* |] outer i keeps te Exc "Senfng hange Store in# Tteas Aggies” ■ s r Building Bonds Bid Open in Austin Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist, E. L. Angell, assistant to the chancellor, and W. H. Hdlzman, comptroller, were in Austin yesterday, where seven state-sppported schools op ened bids for the salerof $8,825,000 in building bonds, R. 1 H. Shuffler, director of information and pub lications siaid yesterday. The bond, issue, which was auth orized by a constitutional amend ment last November, included Arl ington State, John Tarleton, and Prairie View A&M. For the three schools' $2,985,000 was authorized. The bonds, which are being' issu ed against income from the five cent building tax, will be, for 30 years, Shuffler said. Funds realized from the bond issue will be used on classroom and laboratory building programs, Shuffler added. V T.C.V.V. Loses. To Dorm 14 Lovers The Dorm 14 LeVers came from behind in the/2iid. inning Wed nesday afternoon to defeat the boys from ^he Trailer Camp 13-7. “Hoot’VOibson was the winning pitcher, giving Up 4 hits for 7 runs. One of the 4 hits off Gib- Aon was a 4 bagger by Henry Beckham in the 4th inning with one man aboard. The Lovers acquired their runs as the results of one hit, 7 walks, and_4 errors. In the 6th inning, Kepirta of t)\e Lovers tapped ohL'tl circuit clout with 2 ducks on the pond to help his team to victory. Tlie losing pitcher was Ge ne Sells. 1 Score by innings: II R E Dorm 14 032 017 0—1 13 2 T.C.V.V 201 400 0—4 7 4 tht V* 1 V /• ; }-i : BattafianY CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1949 — SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. raUes . . . 3c a word per Insertion with a . 25c minimum. Space rates In Classified Section . . f 60c per ohlumVi Inch. S|end all classifieds wlUt 'remit tance to the Student Activities Office. AU ads should be turned In by 10/00 a.m. of the day, before publication. • FOR SALE OR LEASE • Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problem* 203 R. Main — Bryan Phon» 2-1662 STILES FLOWER SHOP 1903 S. College Rd—Ph. 2-6188 PROMPT DELIVERY and WIRE SERVICE \ J. S. Stiles ’48 \ Reed Allbritton ’51 FOK SAIjT Now - vacant — ’2 bedroom Ranch Style ftome j a|nd acreage near A&M. Redecorated, r|iodern convenien ces, Located on Htiliway 0. Pltone 2-SC92 or call at 105 IV'est 32nd Street, Br yaO- ' ft 'j,,' . ■' FOR SALE—Attractive ii bedroom, house, • by ; owner, W. , C. Rasmussen, o, I. Jan. 211 Kyle St., iffo Lqi j'ollege Hills. (FOR SALE — LineoleUjil,i baby training chair, IKS Study Lamp. See Wall B-9-B College View. j FOR SALE—5 room home. Furnished or unfurnished. 232.Foster, College Hills. Call 4-9784. ' , i I '■ lal FOR SALE—Ten acre tracts located on new Highway 6, nine miles south of College. Plenty of trees and good places for lakes. *850.00. Terms. W. C. Hall. ! j FOR SALE—10 acres fronting--500 ft. on new Highway 6, nirie miles, south of College. Plenty of f ees and good fish pond. 950. Termd $95.00 cash and $10.00 per month. FOR SALE—Pinto pop;:' with saddle andj bridle, very gentle! JSOtlO. Year-01 colts sired by Klnf/inudo, Porter Bojf and Golden Plunte -i*f>0—75. > J h FOR SALE—Studio cofilh and fug $25 Off 1938 Std. Chevrolet IIH50.. jl • FOR H1CNT • FOR RKjJT—Pre-Tub, lyn. Hiyan. Imiuue allan. | . 1 ! FOR KENT—Furntehtd T»leplijm# 4-#809. I13J Norih Mumi|r- for further mforln' 4-foom sptrtm(nt ‘ I i FOR RENT-j-New > unfurnished duplei. 3 blocks frond College Post Office. Phone 4-8709. 4* FOR RENT Private batll. 418 College Mai room . furnished apartment lb. BUSINESS, SERVICES HAVE your themes, ifiesls, typ«Jd--by ex- peits. Phone 2-6,7(15. THE, -SCRIBE! SHOP, 1007 K. 23r^. Nj • MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE OWNERS—NEED A. PAINT JOB? CONTACT O. N. THOMAjS. BhX io73 College. ‘ .1 j 1 \ , ;• / ^ fiN»KRDf LEISURE or Trade, Battalion classified sections will bring fast • ■ L - ' i r i; 4 *. Buy' Se0 issified sec er,; better results. ■ ^ " j USED ,CABV " HEADQUARTEI BRYAN MOTOR Your Friendly Ford Dealer ! N. Main St. / - ! 1 uJ T M 7 ■ : : ’M Geo. Wt Buchanan, D.O. (IHROPRACTOR L COLONIC X-RAY 805 E. 28th St. Phono 2-6248 J • ' '• !l : •> 1 > 7^- :! GIFTS for every occasion HENRY A. MILLER North Gate Phone "X- - M V LA Laum %i.m uipped . . r ■' Days 5:30 -.vT? „ Li-ii .. Starching & Drying Facllitiea Available. r “ ! 1T IT I White & Wychoff , -fl-l r* I ' ’ '/'H- " Names • • • vi' Ji j if Monograms. . . f’fj ' ' . ! ' Seqlf...'■ Printed to Ordei er bOXi "Serving Texas ' f J ; •t NOW OPEN TILL 9 P.M. COTTAGE FOOD MARKET H.'i . .. • ^ 'X' f ■ f - Just East of ; , i Collegej few , ! . I ■. • ! "Here’s the cigarette that’s really Milder, much Milder « . . that’s why Chesterfield fe My cigarette/ 1 RIGHT FIEtDER FOR NEW YORK GIANTS t W. M 4 Wu 1 m i 1 A •\: . • !/ yx ,, xx, y.y. ■ : m -x4i - ' ' : S) % JM ’XX'# ii x\. [ji ■ ■ j * ^pj kI : : « i 5. ;v. > , ! i", ■u i f-\ ; 'V • ■• ■ JiL. \ >94* bscrn A Mnu Tosuxa Co. .-ilk',. , . X" 1 - x.x im ■ J ' •> .’••• ■; X m X m ■]■ II '