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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1949)
L.4 mm T i i) •/. .it * . t IBiryan’s Gain i L' ; ' - |-y-—- | — — Battalion Editorials WBDNRSDAY. JUNK 20. 1040 .. i' Lohs (Not Yardage). •v v't v ■ X • ; I..'| * • Tim mihii with tl^ ( , l«(ttt• imd tfa) Irlah you. want l<» lumr, hut 111 toll you aomo*, lit won’t be ttrOUffli tin ext year, Day before yesterday W. H, “Bill” Car-. ivlhletle oeftees thlntr you can iirlnt,” ■ 5 ' ; • r , : ': I I : /■/ There are reason* other tHaiti hi* ?<*• operative Hplrlt that make u« regret to ... * ,► < i *ee Carmichael leave. He ha* been a L5 hi! f °™ c , ln . ‘ho .dhlcUc rtconstruc ichael, i( A&M athletic dlrecthr and guld- it 1 % resslon was, “I may not */ T I ; I ' \\ Lilliputans Prote tiorf program here, i He has worked tire lessly to get better athletes, better games, and more support for the A&M athletic program, j ' In his I his forthcoming i resignation to accept the position of ^supbrintandent with the Jryan public schools. ' ’ - . Carmichael is to; be <congratulated on is new position. At Bryan native, he is ssuming an excellent position in his home ^ In his new position we wish Carmi^* )Wn, and doing the-[type work he enjoys, chael the best of luck. ' fore coming to 1 A^M ns: athletic direc- We think the Bryan, public schools tor, he was principal of the Stephen F. have made a wise choice in their new sup- Austin high school in Biyan. ^ ; erintendent. I I During his stay here, Carmichael has But when Carmichael comes back into ined scores of frieiiids among students, Kyle Field next year and sees Lippman, former students, and frimds of the Col- Smith and Company flaunting their heels lege. He has been la particular friend of in the. opposition’s faces, we want him to the press because he was always ready feel that he is mbre than just a visiting for an interview and would always make high school official, some definite-statement. His favorite ex- A lot of that yardage! will be gained tell you what through the courtesy of Bill Carmichael. it the Giant’s Size .. 1 After chest beatings ind soap box or- partially instead ' of verbally protesting tory, the governors^ gof down to work Washington’s spreading power and doing Colorado Springs last wteck and drew v nothing to check it. p some generalizations abejut the present The strong and centralized government ipd in government that merit considera- that has built up in Washington is out- ion. i j , , . growth of many victories over state gov* They concluded lh it the people of the ernmertts; most of which came through de- niUd States are den ituu i^g new govern* fault. Too often the states have shirked ental sendees in the form* of highways, their responsibilities and tlie peopled not tier schools, unerr pldjrment security, caring from whence the benefits come, d aid to the sick miuI dilsabled, Upon have permitted Washington to dispense his first generalised f onci islbn the gov- them. . s rnmeol also iWls tlmt the people of Likj* any smart army stuff, thj» men America are not bid interested in how Ip Washlngbdi have consolidated their they get these service* or Who dispenses gains and firmly entrenched themselves them,- . 1 : -i j in ureas where state hynijiathie* were once The governor^ bellove that the people the strongest, in the farming regions, |had Just ns Sfniiv retieive be)lit*fitH on a In- l^eopie are natufally going to respect leal or state level us ttj niitioflal leVel. And those who appear to be friends in ne4d, though they didn't say as much, we might and correspondingly, they lose faith in conclude that the governors started fig- those who have done little or nothing to ring how they could get jen the benefit „ aid them when assistance was sorely bandwagon and become dispensers of so^y needed. | | • ■ cial services and claim the glory that the^ ^ The siren songs from Washington are too melodious arid heart rending for the people to turn their ears from the orches tra on Capital Hill and listen to the discor-j •) ■» v m: 'w 'A* mmoth Marrow W(M NKW YOHK * m ThOd. ••ai iiig thtTMom* old ililinn*? h life* flnvor tki'lll? Thou why, not try anme | I) marrow from a woolly ma a^nt for 10.000 yoata In n* norUo'riV Iceboat You'll ncvoi fetdt. v/ • M l Chailea R. Ktilahi ha» Himimi bered the nenimdon for Sift .VTirn, Be ia tin artint famoua, for M« |)ioneerln«: painiitiga of juehlHt iiiil I* ' ' "’ ri "V ' '' ' -t - i -y ii. i Ahout a quHrtM 1 of a Urn Amorican Muai ural Ihaiory gol aomr MOW III' k: lui < ii ^ , _ , JM floah from it wiiolly nmiaoOith In ll|i- Alaakon IcrfMlutl'i yi'ttiK hefore," ha m'HUM • Wr were curloua aa in, what 1 jld taale like, so we ttled shim' Um marryw, It taste* tutard) li|l* II the world's a aravtll4| , d>' U Ujlji 74-year-old artlat, wh*) par- like rancid arva#e. H I Nobody ttsklnd for a secot] itig, •ess f er ifeder Aid to Education, Race Iss 1. 1. I II .. J i Washington, June 28- T -(^ >) -^Ueep-seated different %r federal aid to education erupted in Congress tod? lowing a bitterly worded exchange yesterday between Barden (D-NC) and Lesiiiski (E-Mich.). Lesinski, chairman of the House Labor Committee! ng the education bill, accused-——!——-—7-^—7—W _ lica- had better go! $ee for First Miss Ball finds [•ntangled with a dianiac rtist, Boris Karloff, and dd in iij house --, r - — a gkhg of ind last but nop least, h«*rself in lopj with lunders, w hich i really her In a dangeroai posi- h fine y hu- rillm and lot is idiffi$r$4t from e run-obth«-nj pRltur than ‘fab enter- trolling Barden of writing an “anti N0| and anti-Catholic’’ substitute of trying to "kiH; aid for educa tion once and for all.” Barden countered in a prepared statement with a charge that t<es* inski had made "a raise state ment"' unsupported by fact. “I dd not know where MrJ fies-J ihski got his inspiration for mak ing such statements, unless it jvyaij P Poultry Breede To Attend Schoo ; Texas turkey and chicken, br ersj will attend a two day Breeder Mool here June SO and Jiily! 1. Registration will betfip at' H |a.|m Thursday in Room 3frl, Agric 1 Building, Dr. J. H. Quisen becau|se some similar statemcjitS have been accredited to some high heid- of the Poultm.'HW'tin church,” he assiert- Department, announced todpy. officials of his pd angrily. ^ hid 1 Barden's reference to chundi}ofJ I bJfirst"day, VitiTsep'arftte^in^lt- ‘ brewd- general session- will be i; T8 T|ft|ANH|vW ANHWklt 1 AjNKWKIi T4) Til i Rilitor, lhe I all*11 I have Just hie! H n ‘ rtnidltig ,i'hu(| to thcj KuiU t tMihcentlnif pie V'hl^ktjis” steinN ttfllOUSi Wl'pi v (if coeds all sltt>d up TpCWj Thun fori <)|' Said sCh 10I ailul j ah (rhough not jthe wriwr u. .. . tikde), llwill t^ke jitUH’joti 4ii*‘ (Federal government is hogging. • • .Jr. [ j j- This is a late date for governors to ome to the realization th at trend is to- Iward more social welfare, lit is especially dant ^batterings! of befuddled state gov- le istajtes’most-valid ernments. Eithejr the states must reepn- irgument for strong state 1 government is cile themselves to positions of only I inci- lits proximity to the people whom the gov- dental importance to the pieople oT the |ernment would serve. Years ago active state governments must, design and build state governments toward more capable satisfaction of the Ve Mr. L.8iaks!i> m a (few cllues. j Fir«|, I thljnk Ch jlrtformlility, but I land acutely sensitive (would have sensed the I J pie and sought to sat: sfy Really, Now. Th Even in austerity the British (so I husband’s 'futile attle I‘‘wifoy’s” career: William Brindle wlai I conduct^ her street I home to do the cooking Saturday he was >11 ;ku*e he stopped - irjtfi i aiul bduirjs “ff Hn - K-k (p*rtl ) Wei a ! Itboughlj I khpw him); took jt it(cle entirely too[ s^ri^usljj a jpbirSonallyil . b ‘ jaiided a npie to effect that it t* 38 humor|us. i As far as the 81 a m. shtu owk notice top itch liscriiifeinallipn by tjpe qpedp ires of its peo- peoples’ needs than the Federal govern- them, at least ment. 1 > l ! 1 ’ s Is My Career ... kptwee je S. Pf with : ii Pound (’buck eoneei’ncjd, I| 4or’t: ‘imatidn by shavers t nd pon-: Uy, Pfljei) nine nt< "I. the i rsonal ,000 jgirlsj, l! enjoy whiskers for a cnang 1 dislikfs the. ; creds 'as as he Is iys : ¥fl shotilpblt catfp, w br we discrijmina The disbribiinatii, nnyw vyriteij 1 of the artigll me of he assembled on his wife’s tramline. them, at least) are h*Vinf: trouble with Sunday he burned up the skirt to her Thisl Tittlle “AP” nciw.s conductor’s uniform and hid the jacket, sfcpry from Blackpool, England tells of a The wife, Violet, went to work in a green IMk |to frustrate 4 mo ck. Brindle cooked his own dinner —aim! wito to quit • burned the pees, ] 11 nd come on • ,/ >. r. . m “I’ll get Violet back home if its the la^t rtlirofiknim be- thin ^ 1 ^ BrinUl1 ' K^wled. mg the huh* “The trams are myH’Hreek” snapped to . a crowd Violet, “1 ahull go on, whatovor happen*,’ - mt by 'telling Id* itroul Ill's v c A ; : U'n ^hi Mfittallon, nfflel d | City : of rollege Button, Fe, Friday afternoon, except d 11 mihllihed trl-Wepkl; Adveftislng rates f - tallon la published trt year, The Associated I’resa i| a Htcd to It or not otihieni Iw lerem. Rights of rbpub let - 1 tend ^Mond-cUu Collet* Station, jT Act of CongreM of March : I. News contributions sr in Hall. Classified ice, Room 209, Goodv BILLINGSLEY r IVIN BROWN, CU. e Battalion WAt, StmasnuiH, Knightly Genii man" Sjilivna Ron*, Founder of Aggie Trwdiiions Bry an Field Plan Bidi Now Accepter fieials was directed , at an at uc^ inds for turkey ahd chicken brafd of his hill lust vvfcek by Frahenf J. r 3 t h P aoC ond day. 1 Cardinal Spellman, of New Ybrkj |! stuff members from the Poultry' who termed it un-Catholic ^uul j ln( i Ganeticsi'Denartment - and from un-American. Ml . the School of Veterinary Mclijcmo Avill serve as speakers anil d sciis- kion leaders, Quisenberry i}« d, ! Approximately 80 breeders ulre px| eet*d to attend. Diarrhea Feuds Id UljllH', 'hut 1 Min tFhu*H . WNnte lii I Mill me lijnl enh'iihis iIIhiIh iifi Hip mil 1 ii* AbnUem u i|iiiilii» In* unly iijoirnlng MtAhe mmi uj Uuio jl-ill)! Vhilir Ik' tnki|s mhm ,\ tlitis on II iij fl Kl Jfllsir, I trivn t;i< wof«l I bat h" Wijilft grt «n nliurnwl ti'Me. I'll show nil <12 liaiih, mid If he ll llli WF! iiw^k’dHW vdlk’p he's ^uniln* I'll eviui shuriWn In aiswer to! the ‘‘su that the Agirt'ttes lire lodging fur "huebtlinds, I suy, "Nume it) normul ft mb e college studeilts who abin’i! And what better n dace is thereH look than at A&M ? How ever,yj doft think the majority of the AtgetteH are over ainjious to find h bujshanjd—it’s too n leh fun juet to WoULj v -• 1 (ai d the rest of the n^gettes, I’m sure) pbriously hope tint there is: not much,,resentment “In inst eoedsi We’re J just average girls The bill, a substitute for a $enl ate-passed measure, was upprfive* 10 to 8 by Barden’s Labor *i|bt committee. But Fesinskl told repnrteiH tei'day the suhatitiute "ja deBd After the House returns fiftorl Its July -1 holiday, i^aiuski the Either Committee will he rk“ 1 v i.f S Morhidite Reiioif . ll> eoiisidttr m new bill fashhiwa • ' , 11 ! j nlong the 11 mi* of the mtBWni I kor|RUtM fMwl fur IKK Iwill lllissed hy the HeiiMle, ! bm ed Juii* Dfi, IN It, hit* hp*n i'tts nte Hennle Kieasure would njuk^ ijeHlsed by Urn ftraHo* nu niy iMr' i M f ninis hMiis ilis i»i(i'h us any one man has buna Us m jeh u i|ilAWi/l'r' ^ idsh from m woolly iimipmmn iirUHisiorlr i t) In llie AlN-knn Ire ii*'tliiip( he Jus I he ) yeuia hefore," he recalled eullj^ hua^ painting uten und shliifnU, and firat in do it releitlifl- M, 1 c ,01 Him k*4l. . \ l' f * I oht for duOstion” (ikfinir for xMEErnmn* 'znmm.« wm iav- thi W Two pipimai ptt ui ‘Air' Ft*ld. sealed bid b IMP. -FieW'I to tek care hupdijed a** jitbur ^te*^na^ e: 1 y Train ioy( plaheS hdvt; pir'\ qforc 9 fl.rti., J | j| I ! 1 i|leprCHtintat|i i at Rryan ^ryUji^aputApd tuw oltckla jrlnlrt, one itmlnirin," 2 mkna'M nnlmpM, I paratyphoid,' 2 Iplnte-j Mjvuiluhle $ltSO,t)Od,(KX) (M) 0 kdu 1 iMdniiii U*|t Th*- flgurea 1*1. I|i giants to uaulit the states,ilM'h Imi y ihe tlryun College areiti stnte would he allowed ftihjls at the vole of per pupil, phial udp iIIUoumI old up to $2li • for Die! »o!> rutted "backward" states. Barden's substitute also pniivjlt es *h _ . sharply different provisions? 1) h’ol-ii • ,i vldes ithat the money may be spent' Stations diseases 11 only itor ‘current expenditurekf I re 15 diarrhea, t gonorrhea. speciliically prohibiting expdndli- ‘ ai |‘ a ’ Bn, l 1^ septic sore the tuVes for t anRportation and fujatt 1 1 and lyelfarL' activities. And it kays the aid must go only to pnqlib schools. tain t ll)s ftS-jijrar study hws eonvlneed hlip atode ri tmm •foesn't huye too mmfh to hr** about. •, "And ti. r,.. miixmms 1 uverlag. 0<1 IB' feet t Inches tall, but soma # wefe (1 fw t 8 or 4 Inches. ^ M " (You cod Id bring n enju-magnon mu# .to. NCw York City today «nd >T k after you ittd shown him a Tew woiidcrs, Ic'd be aide to get along all .right." M 'Mjilght in convinced that man- * kind’s bifrj ist doffat is his. failure ’ ■* to develop ispiritually. ] ’ ^Wlth il our advantages, ’we havjen’t Advanced spiritually, au we fcan! and should and must" he id.. “Ldjiji’t think that splritual- ,we are better than Cro-MaKnon. '‘jConfucloJus, Chriat, MohaniWd sc and other Mc-ssiiahs have us a thousand times what to db. We know what> to dd—but we don’t do it." Lounge in Hart T»sed-Zinn he lounge in Hart Hall tyajs plo.sedl in ord^r to prevent further damage .and Ipss of furniture, aa i d* 1 Bennie A. Zirpi, laaai.stant dean of men,' ht jankwer to an unsigned let ter sent to the Battalion pf- fiefe. Slinn explained that the lounges, were bdilt ior the Iwnefit. of the . !f ( gulnc itudents who hud Dm placu < tmtei tain guesta or relax,... /,) radio vrivs atolcn last Aveek •jit this waa not the primary yima- Itn for the lock on the door, us ntfvprul tlnu's before Ihcre has teen Uimigh daiiiige done to warrant;. l|s ('Inslng, I/tnn said. H was pi (iited out that ihucbj if Dm ei|iii|nient In Dm Iminires :a!m4 ipald fm by the xtudeiitii out nf fmiils frun Dm IJocu Coin inach- IP'S in Dm ilnrinllories. and that In' slmlmtte espeeteil Diem In Im t il geoji sliapi when thWj'tdulW'il, Ydttti expreMud reurel at imvlng (1 inkt* acHni of fills lype, g*'H i* oliylmis ihid-n few .have rausml 1 ,. 1I1 IhciinvcnUncc to a ajeal nmny, and ive like you—shaved or un shaved. Perhaps there ate a few ho a| predate a little csor and 0 oCctiioinal whiff of pe’l ume in hose lull; ClkssesX (here’s hoping Jiy prdfb dojiT read this . Inifi- dentafly,! jvk’re here\for an e »\ saw Thi|s was one of the chief tilr Of Cjardin »1 Spellman, who! it as a blip on federal assi^tppee to parochial and other sectjarlan and private schools. J T j eth- f| cation, tjifio! I in case they do). Oh,md last blit not least, we! terribly Sojrry (that we do rtot meas Mr. Laakso’s i^ualificB lions cnal with *oon as hie a Gable, i ntfi- da- tealuty. I will n^ke h ,his Chuck pen on. As remodels hirnk tlf ’ 1 become a Grabt Lee Jack Tessin ’51 Aggette ? Math PTof Invited To! j.j Yerkes Observatory J. T. K*nt, professor of math ematics, his been invited to spend six Weeks] this summer at t h e Yerkes Observatory in Wiliams Bay, Wisconsin. Kent hak organized and hieaded several observing groups in ansas, Loijisiana, Mississippi), Mtj?gourL P 1 airs, und broken lamps flnrtHy Mims* 1 made it lictlessury tn dose th« ItiTJ! Ipiyige, said plnn. j ' »L.'m1.C I iiwnil<iS>tlii' IIW > ,*M PALACE Bryan Z'SS79 7- M i ;■ TODAY thfipriilf SATURDAY I 4 ir T\ Ark- and V0 fro 1 b'lifid 11 all bid i 11 may of thl). b*d*. be reft » O'(to rm'uied, i|ei Air ^ or ’1/ L C^am/ju TODAY thru FRIDAY / T cl <s|tt mte ‘ loijistt AgricuKura! ami Mechunlcftl College of Texas and the ubltshed five tImps a week and oireulated eveijy Monday through didays ami examination periods. During the nday, Wednesday und Friday.. Subscription ra; he(|l on request. 1 mer The Hat- 4.80 per school un Mi it Mft|ph|l , HmIIi|1Ii I, Ii. f, h W ory, /n itlt ed exclusively to the use for .repuBlioatton of ill news dispute' n credited in the pnpep and local news! of spontanebus origin publi*h< tioiji of all other matter herein are als4>!w«mdl • ] 11 j 1 br NaUonsl be nrlle'Kirkhanj (£. .a... K. Ccjyllle, David KaiatoJ l-wtt DUrton. Kayze Fwtdeyj Lon - Bobl* My»rk Brur- NewLon, WllUSta* .........,5, .. made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial off lee, Room at the Student Acti Membef of The Associated Press Itap reap titl'd nstlnnslly rertliln* Service Inc., at New York < itr, Chicago, Loa Angeles, and Baa Francteco. labors f Due ofi the • esa h j t* to coh plele, Walaon ilii0b MN i mW bnnw ph B*n*jt0t| th' vemment jpi ns and ds may be placed By telephone (4-5324) or '"fececutive SELPH.. ;.. .Wire Editor ..Seatun Writers , HenrY Lacour. Smith. Robert .Staff Reporters -Movie Reviewer ■. j I t)o—hie il Travis I Brock. Bill Potf*. BUI Halle, BUI Thornton F. L. Helvey. Brad Holmes) Hardy Ross. Joe Trevino..... Kenneth Maraki — Staff Car Ben Brittain, Autrey Fredricks...Advertising Represen ■i i'' ' i.b v K Alt I',;;- ' I .1 . /; to 111* Woluill ttlll 1 'qtijlnimnt, (hr mot l ihUti KlmoH. Ijwr hi. 1N V(^ PI ^Jt nd an "flKJ hne W sofe Dill llOft ki iiia V' 1 * /]( Notice in l ha .Hi ll foir WAllllI WANbl M JOAN BHIHfn MICHAH RIDGRAVi I'aKKLrr'ra'-.'nTii.iii nu Hitf! j/ j!» SATURDAY HNIOOLOH rjUtTlklN - NI5WII T ^l I0RT Agi t ' i : < i);. tewMMlI'lliXatMlYfWM MMill Hgsa awtawisi anw awiww awi.tas ai s i * il ■ f j» AND-*- . • f ■. i!" '/v m ii :40 - 5:30 J 8:S J iVUE SATURDAY Samuel Goldwyn's MST Years of Our Livesl ftleoMd tmitKO Mio S/cfvrei iV- r: i M \ I j ! . .1 : 1 SATURDAY l»RK\|t Sunday & IHomhij I ho SINSAIIONAI I'm line You vt Um'ii Hr.ntioi; Alioul 1 V ' 1 T n Jomcs Whitmori • BonyKillay ROBERT ROSSEN ^(pox •tew if xnirti n, uwit^ ii ■■ J :V .fee*** tit fit*** #* IdHfr -I,H »y-»i 1 K (XJMINO — Nejtt Wt'ekI ■ '5 ‘ V ■A im»»***' 1 QUEEN -l: 1 ■JMMlMMJIr A ■ /fr ,/J ^ -™ togiiTS /j ; i 'J Now *•> I A ^ WIV^’ Y, — Ann Sot hem ■ "1 Wr, '