Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1948)
% Pi !fr'; r il-4 >\ The (jilneral, a ferai Az!e, Texas. I|e is noW^Ma ioned at Coronado, What% Cooking WALKER, ifSMC, is presented Lav from A&|M I5y President F. C. o| T7, is a native AGGIE CIIRfSlTAN IeLL 7:15 p. riL, WedneWaj|, 1 inet Room of YMCA. ^Longhorn SHI inet picture. AMARILLO ilCLUB, 7(n0 Thursday, ; Ro|hi| i 123, [At Building../ 1|1 : • x ra., ci demic Al V ’1. % 15 |p. 31 Aca demic Building^ • Club piitturi 1 will be taken. " lill | ! [4 • J BASTROP - t,EK CGtlNTIKS CLUB, 7:30 p. in.i Room |208 Ac»- ] demic Building/ 'j i BAYTGWN GLUB, 7:ita!t). m., Wednesday, Room 10(1, IjAciulemiiic Building. Plans for ClhiMhtmaa danCtt. I ’ BEAUMONT iCLUB, HI p.pi., U>- nigHt, 1 Room l(|l, |Academjc| luiljl- ' BEfi, COUNtY 7 30 m„ Thursday, Rpimi 105,; \cji lem Building. Luijghorn pidA rei .lll(VAN.rOl.!H40K (’lUtH, Arp BUYAN-rOLU-KlI-; (’I'JltH, j), in., Thursday, Room 105i| demic Bulldln J ' * - lenlic Hulldingjii! U i! 1L , , , iiAss county a&m: ", (iuB, . 7:3<j p. in., Wcdhejsduy, Ronp 12(1, ; Acadejulc Bu.ll»liiitf, coi.idN county a&'ii rum, after yell liraetlibi, ThursiEny Roo|m 224) Academic Building, j] i * ' j, (lORPUK CHIIfSTl ClJttlH,SnUrr yelli prnct ce, TKuifsday, llmjin 23!7 i- Academic Building. : :] ]• [ 1: , IIALLAS CLiUB MEETINCii7:80 IS' — 1 —"—*■—^ Shop Lee tut b p. ip., Wedr esday, YMCA Chapel. Plans for Stai,party. } 3)EL RI( CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, Y|ilCA. Picture to be taken." | ■ ^ 1' ' Mj FANNIN COUNTY CLUB, after yell practice, Thursday, Room 327, Academic BuililingL FT. WOR Pit CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Wednesday iif thfl. Science Hall Lecture Roojn.f K ’ / FIVE OCLUB, 7:30 k m. Thursday, h mw of Mrs. Beth Hall- mark, 400 I. BakWa Bryan.j FOODS GRQURjY:30 p. m., Fri- tUy, 2104 I^e» llredt. !/ fHEART O’ THE HILLS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room 303, Academic Biiltling. [HEART OF;TEXAS CLUB, af- ■tdr yell pneace, 3'hursday, ME n'f 1 f. ■( - i ■ /' i if Battalion LASSIFiED ADS TKURSDAY. NO H| J.JON CUt wort) p«r Imiim, Hpnee i . . , sod iwr rr . , ..mi fell clwidiltlwU will Unei* to th* ] Htudtnt Aetivltlni All idu nhootd lw turneil in' by! 10 of tli»y before; publicttlon. 1 • '<4 bilCHT CLAHsfes In boOkkeepinXihort* Vd tyijltm utitrt Nov»mlH*f lit nt !*>Bttli)wln IlnsIni'HH ColIfKii. Kn- be t*bt*n Octobfr 116th. .1 / * i w 'li I •! i? ;■ k iVEMBEH — >R S, , ir . nonthly psynienUi. ‘'(Jive the ttlft “etime.” ilrVan BuhIiwmi Maonln SALK—RpYAL PORTABLE. TfYPK- IITKRS. Small down payment, >*mall of a CCb. !0# Nqrth; Main. Dial 2-1328.!! 1 fy*». 'extt». j Cliar to Campus, Dttvis Sexton fiiee ltn P u »» . . : I- FOR SALE-lWl Jiuick aedanetl motor, new front end. new Inter! paint, dew-bj-akes, and new ri JIUHS coils and shocks. (|ood tires and a railiq. See new new r. coils 6-E Law, or FpR SALK - wjood ; 4 ft leiwtha-ji SiO.OO L 2 ft. lenifth*- $12.00. Dry at jothai* leniftihs if desireil. insured state-wfde livestock ang other truckinK. ' R< E. Goodrich, 306: g. Preston Ave., Bryan. Phone 2-6106) A —-d * REWAta) — One pair of plistid frame plaxses lost iii vicinity of the S. Pi Sta tion. Notify J. R. C!on!n*er, Apt, R.2-D, College .View, | or Box 1-802. FOR SALE—New one bedroom Inihe on lot 6a'xi92'; thr^e very larger rooms, bath and closet living room fin,sl)isl in Mexican sugar pine. Plenty of; cabinet space ip kitchen. R^ C. Purkhj l.i Apt ; A-9-Y, 'CoHege View. LpST IN 7 CLASSES-One blue np.ll grey plau( ^port coat. Blue front, gr, y | plaid Inick. Reward if turned in to Kebnjomics >t. Will' ' Campus. .4 llept. Willie Eugene Hollar frielshow t ^ ! 1 r GETTING A HOME PERMANEN See us for the latest styl in haircijits—our sp WILSON BEAUTY North Gate College Station Phone 4-4314 — +*- loonti. HJSK V after yell practice, Thurs day, Room 215, Academic Build- iiig. 1 - HI LI (EL ULtIB, 7:15 pi. m„ Wed nesday,! Cabhut Room, YMCA. 7 KAURMAN COUNTY CLUB, TfilO p, m., Tluirstlay, Room 303, Acitileniic B lildJiigi LAREDO qLUI), 7:30 p v m., m 120, Academic STUDENT ASSO- T'liiiisday, Lot Btiiljlihg, LUTHEIUh (TA’ITON, L.'li p. m., Wednesday, hermi Student Con- i'OiUNTY CLUB, 7:80 Jl tioungo of tyr, iii' LAMAR p! .m.,, ThuHndiy/J&iom 205, Aca demic Build , ny. I. Sanitom Servki ie better kind of Dry CUa •‘We specialiRe ini weaving garm: ii uptyolsl I Ji! lolstery materials” 'f We Pick-ua & Deliver Perfcttt) Cleaners || 12005 iSouth College Road • : j J '■ T ns i .ii. Tt ii | - . | M i | | ' Congralmlatio is \ l r A — Ph < 1 If i r Ire^nt; bol CORE'S Next k ! i I* — r :c h- S|. . M— t i" ¥\ku 1BES r i JJL .'‘jiqrapenes, | 2-8665 T71 ! ..I NFECTIONERY •. . I IB• : Up Campus Th >.\nre 4- 4—4 ■I M T ll :, m m i i — if is h . :i 1 WISH Its 1.1 ESI DEN ROSC I ] i ; T* Nckth f « Ii to STUfD LIK, Proprietb Gate . m \ Til ! I j t ff LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Prompt, and trustworthy aervice! J. B. BEARD 2-2835 Office Phone 4-4069 Residence T [NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, 7)30 p.i m„ Thumlay, Roo«i 1228, Academic Bonding. [NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS jtfbUB, after yell practice, THurs- /l«y, Rdom 301, Goodwin H*il.| PET, ENGINEERING JIVE’S .CLUB* 7:30 p. m., Thurwlay, Stnith Liunge, YMCA. 'SAN; ANTONIO CLUB, lifter yell priicticei Thursday, Room i208, ie “ FOR HA j cork, j! i PERSON AL jClurttlMilldi: Thunk jinur fa ther fdr his klBJ Vr'iifiU, IMiaiw miswar imif awwitliiii, "Wit)I >lmi go W[ lh« -Thiiiiksglvitig gamo dv'lth mr?" Hofatlu, 'i 11 * I 11 * 1 ’ 11 ■— \ LIX ABNER ■i — ■JJl SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. ft A.M. HtatH mwilng na ateond Thuriday of wi«h Wonlh at 7i0(l p.m. Irl-Amcriflnn Le gion Projec Houm*. J. 3. WO iT.KBI't W. M W. H. feADGETtr, Sec. - Ni m .. UL ROSS UODGB ' r V ;. |; •: p 1300 A.F.&A.M. ij y M 1 / 'i] it ' • fk Meets in American Legion Hall 'mAmV r — CHIROPRACTOR Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 805 E. 28th St Ph. 2-6243 f A J SEAT COVERS Plastic or Straw JOHNSON’S UPHOLSTERING SHOP Back of “Eagle^ Office Bryan i . ; Plibne 2-1639 M ' . \ m W ■ A l/'iji 1 ,i i Hi [/ the NIcM-i / LOST- I^ttthqr Jacket, Wiklr mday. ; Re ward if returned. Ted Davis, 4 Milner. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS) While You Wait Cowboy boots made to order . JONES BOOT SHOP Southside WE SELL! Model Airplane Supplies Architectural Balsd Wood ■ 1 1 B SHAFFER’S BOOK North Gate Phone 4-88U STORE 4—fl h—r— ! BUY YOUR G. E. RADIO TODAY Portables—Table Models—Consoles $19.95 and up ' I :■ McCULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE STORE Bryan W.S.D. CLOTHIERS College Station! i jr vii iiiuin Academic Building. STUDENT AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL, 7:80 p. m., Wedn Reading Room of YMCA. i SUL ROSS STUDY GRQUP, ALL MASONS, 5:15 Wcdrte.“!day, of Chemistry Building,j for i :3b p. FVont ptetun icture. 4S-PECOS CLUB, \ nli., Thursday, YMCA Qhapel. Longhorn picture. UPSHUR COUNTY CLUB. |7:3() pi m., Room 302, Academic; IBuild- 'bjf*;' ! I! i 1 . " 4 ■ ^WEATHERFORD A&M CLUB, after yell practice, Thursday n^ght Rbom 104, Academic Building.! WILLIAMSON COUNTY CllUB 7r30 p. m., Thursday, Room j2()3, Academic Building. ; ;479 COMPOSITE GROUPi I^OA 7:30 p. m., Thursday. Efiginfeijs in Rbom, 11, CE Building. Infafitry A)rt second flpor, PMA Buildjng| - j v REMINGTON-RAND TYPEWRITERS! Plenty of new portable type writers for studcnftfll Plenty of late model rental typ<>writ- L . ! ors of all mjtkcsf Sales-^Service-ljRpPa)™ Rentals ! . Jj 1 Bryan Office iilt Co. Equipmei FRED ROB 1 I.- r . ; ' • YoUr Autho Remington-Rand Ag4nt | T !| I: 3222 Highway 6 Sobth PHONE 4- ! ¥ ■ i 241 Bryan JF- - ; . . ! , ;■ * Shaffer’s Viclrola 7711-New- cst K(i\ Victor jtable set brings new hriljiunce to radio and records... glo rious "Golden Throat” tone! Larger i^peakcr, 3-point tone control. New record 'changer has im proved! tone ar 7L plays up to 12 records yjutohiat- icnlly. "Silent Sapphire” permanent ^iicki|p. Wal nut nr inahog- i any finjilth. AC. ; "Yknral."-? k ook Store w .‘(U ' e r f! i * 1 — i ; [ j- ' —T [ T.. j ; ■ n I : i;■ 1 ' t!' * N(|rth Gate N Hj'i ' U H-i — cw* WASHING MACHINES WEDELL’8 SERVICE SHOP 20K1 Covitt ‘ PlL 2-8200 -V , t. ■ !; ; ■ -fK /.' 7 OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW We Specialize in Refjnishing Antiques and Venetian Blinds • F. L. SUMMERS Furniture' Refinishfng Painting Contractor 3200 Highway 6, S. Ph. 4-4682 FF In Our Record Corner “CLASSICS IN MODERN” The most popular of the classics played in modern • tempi) by the Symphony Orch. of Friink De Vdl, SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate, ^jhtjne 4-8814 DONE HIT Lgioe-pot.^J i JUST ARRIV N«1V Selection,.of ;J : R E C (f RC | j 35A each or three SHAFFER’S BOOK!; North Gawp | ■ Phone 4-881 ' 1 ?hi ■■'a m i? u .iVictor Table Model |C<i •j RADIO-PHONOGl Equippetl with “Silent peedlelajhd Victor “Gdldt SHAFFERS BOOK; North Gate 'J SOMETH! UNDER THE, « sun/ , snap aikd' mail! Photo-Pac ill complete, ready to use. 8 exposures. Enlarged prims returned to you postpaid. « THE EXCHANGE STORE "I [• j Consult Dr. Carlton Ej Lee 01 > T0METKIST For Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — Bryan , Phone 2-1662 i I f} Ay y .1 , , || ‘ I *,i . |i Beautif TAIL ;: i'i. Beautiful Gate Selection Of . ;• : iff DONT D SUITS ' ■ !• r.A' ■I 1* Ready-made Stiffs OVERLOOK OUR ELECTIONS ii.A • ' !■ A •H m A '!lr. i /' \ 4 u :.r i il A- Eyes Examined and (Hasses Fitted By DR. JOHN S. CALDWELL -Office— J Caldwell’s Jewelry Stare Bryan, Texas; ((••plait* ARCADIA Malchnd S.l j 35000 Engagement Ring 230,00 Also $450 and 600J Prlcai include federal fax. v r- aistuiNi itoiimt^ | Keepsake DIAMOND RINGS We feature these famous ' \y \ (f\ j 'j] 1 Keepsake Rings in our f . store. Come in artd see the many styles avai]ab!e| in a wide range of pjrices. . , if. ■ I." I'll ■il. SANKEY P, I EW ELE l'.S Bryan , Jf Authoriz'd ICw P saIe''JfWi« RK Texas /f -4 a ** i ■ :A‘ Capp i. fi I A •j , Lit »!| 'j.' IAN Adyp ied Dons ice. ng .stu ppiy des|t nBATTAt.- • : I dent at Al- GIBSONfl Between Bryan and College, Ho«s| OPEN 7:«0^A. M. TO 9:00 P. My BRYAN’S LARGEST NEIGIIfH PHONE 4 J SPECIALS FOR FRIDA Del Monte Cream Style -i L .—ju-.. Del Monte Early Garden Peas Del Monte Tomato Sauce V. ^-4»4"‘ *"***•"*'•‘♦i 1 ''*t 'I"'|"'jt Golden. Con I rs a| i ■; • OcllfloriN Balcetl A pples—No.. 2 (hu> l' • ; j T ' •* !•] ' r : Cristall Itaked Apph's .... li....'i.i.ili «.-«■ • .--il J 1 No. I Tall Can ■ }'l ■ ■ I n- t II i+J Del Monte Tomato Juie< ^ T ** , | I* - '—' Del Monte WlioM lJp|)e<*led Api A . > • 't 1 r 'j Ii /. f • ' II s m 2:{t IGA BelTs Ripe Olives . . j 2$e Ol i 15c 12 o/.. Bottle 1 Chureh Crape Jtile< No. 2 Can—Kroni Hawaii ; 0 IGA Pineapple Jitiee4 i k;a brands are yofr guar AlAVAYS PRICED AT AlAV I i-iii No. 300 Can Thrift la mules •—*-h- BAKERS PREMIC1VI—Extra Molst- Cocoaiuit . | i . . . . OCEAN SPRAY—It t)7- Can, Cranberry Sauce . . .. . ... ...— j , , I- 1 . . ■ i*" 1 4 i i - PETER PAN—12 o*. Jar ■ I; Peanut Butter . . I. ..! " -Ut CIGARETTES 1 11 ^ 1 ■ Alka Seltzer . . 30c siz,/ 24cTo(ithi n 16c V *1 Tr 2 lllil' t4r jit in or k;a •• F'. | — .14. Spr; . 2 , 4'Jar 3(lc With vfiiii,,. mJ y ' li 15c J9c 30c P^ft^fill-Can j,4i Nilflar ■in 1 ■ n ■I. ti) -i ■» :;| •a } , <•', V; . ij il 'tlti / mu « II -V.4 SWtlT? w SWlPTj m . swiitL-i Cor r •1 Ni 1b. U : 'VCnn aSatLsu 4 4- .:, (^al —A-4. Can Cef : •' ' t .—4— 1C Wir (Ml ■ « - 4- •'1:! cart Calif 4—.$l~l i t'»»v'l‘ ~ kn- :jl4 ml in Seed J d:i; - "f 'iii CRANBERRIES i ORANGES —'IyMh Ht ^ I : AAfS turkeys ROUND STEAK - Babv Bee LOIN OR RIB is ni ROLL SAUSAGE U Swift Broo MRS. CARROLL’S ■ 1 , ■ 1 4; j H; WILSON’S • • . KORN :rs_ IC B t I V. V > l ti: m / •1/ kms Me fans .‘ISe. tans all l.V ' .\, ! ".'i| Ink ./ 10c tans 25c . |ji| 1 ibtcani53t I'M mi 81.10 . . 23c .. 81.85 —p/jr 1 —- fori 35c ’ll 7c T . 32eJ $1.71 IbHi |j: "I uiehcs 15c / 15c Ui|i m I 'I H II }|- liiii 4 W-441 |ft| IfT i> ■ / if r Mi Id i-: ' 13: ; lI 1 Ji i 1 <4 J • I- long to R ORDER. ii.. 3(1 lb. 59c 1 ■ t: * > > ■ I »• 1 *• r :