Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1948)
if 1 I 4' Bolt* : vv T Pres P r Dr. P. C. B0U011 wil Iwl formally an tnp flfU Idont of A&M Novombo motile* will bo he <1 on at 2 p. m. ^ ] Chancellor Gib) <HI inatnll Dr. Bolton nahn'tl Oharlea K. hVIleyi f Htllto Collette, will delh ilreHa. The Iowa pre* ir trmduato of A AM; dmiM ClaaaeN at die anm .men) will he dUmlHNvjl day ami rlnNNtti on i lent ir tieimH umt 1* ti k imp. 4 (Ireeh- foMhej mm vinnitm wn 1 llO m#ill rampMN will Imp i(|lamla|tpd at in The gonofttl pvOtrian reirlatmlon of «lolo|tn YMCA at 0t8U a. m. A the ertilet coipa will lUt'ifi on the main i! Luncheon for official do faculty will be hold i Shimi Hall. Th^roblnff will be a onth 18. Kyle mital- Plol, begin. The derway at augurated A Nov. 18 / OoGmBefle, THREE HCV/GALS J FO'TK SADIE HAV" ONTM'i —rrw * 111 be hed at Boltoa’* lirlat wil ildvi t.Dri Kent Ipwni for gueata, “The ataff pay tribute U f and frienda. the collog*! will jaldeni P. C. Bo|- n at hla iniutiural on November ‘ a* the f fteenth president df AAM Cc iltjgf} of Texas/’ M. Ti Harrington, acting, dean of the oolltm Maid it e iKtaCemcnt Ifaueii T ”A|I memlnrn of the antdomifl tend staff will ported to atL^_ r cal h ; for Wa it the roVcw of h 'hj at II fjeldi gat 'Hiatal mi on’ itf eeaaional. fhdao in aeaaing doctors degrees ah wear a hood In addition to appropriate cap and gown, Tho ceren onlea at Kyle Ptold II begin \f-lth the proceaslonal. vu io invm'atipn, music, Singing Ca- lets, wi'lcotae of guests, 7 Mdraia auslc, instn Jatlon, inaugural fad- Irens, benediction and recessional tflll follow id that order. j l i' H. L. I (cation is chairman of: the (uaugurnl jcojnbiitteo.' !'•};■ to tbo wheat sed by F. C. of the Agro- dlrcctor t ..f meeti Society. I mat ’* Cooking I A&M OAB DIN CLUB, .1 p. nj. Friday. YMCh pinitel, I AMAIHLLO AAM CLUB, after ttactice, Thursday, Boom 12$. I.nes is the the Tex-O-Kan flour pony at Amarillo. He received hla BS degree froth Colorado State and hia MS from Kansas $tnte. Before m or Dines was : Iture stuff at Oklali ring the war ho w* t with the A1 hid Military jernmont. lines discussed w tlorf in the Southwest, the opportunities for lltjho wheat inddstry. >n the a gri ll Mima AAM. vas an ugro- [teat produc* and some of agronomists 1 <» clock; at IliO Academic proceg^nal will in the gymnasium uni Hie Acadi * r r [*—11 I ■ » I ■ JIWI I M ■ li- CE’s Hear talk On Corps of Eng n^ere The A&M chaptii*!* of jean Society of Civil ^met this week with Ct nuld L. Robinson, dis ncor in the GalVeston guest speaker. Robinsot the job opportunities f< I J' gineers in the Corps of ; r Robinson discussed thb ing done by the Engines ing COrpf in Texas and the role which the Corps played in World ‘ the j\meri 2noinj|cj!f mel Berj ifict engi* area/ a# dis iussc'! 1 chil; enf Eng: nders; wo *k be- 1 Vat Parnell Is Ji For LSU (’ontest •r E. D. Parnell of .the Fblultiy Del- partment was poultry iftid tjurkey judge at the Louisiana -vtatc T’ni- Julfilee held d iudged LoUisb Ontest. “I oi ; the y nnjl it iltity; ex- pon itce. .^ersity’s Livestock November 4-7. Parnell also selected i classes of poultry for t ana Collegiate judging < The Jubilee wap hel camnus of the Uttivers featured livestock and j: hiblts, u horse show, ju tests and a nutrition cc ■■>■■■■ ■ n..Lam s ..i Program Sale Needed for T kM, game. Saturday. Anyi pnwrai ng com- fer( t ^ Salesmen are neddwl t gmms at the A&M.-HI .. . V. Anyojfl ted In selling pr<>gniiTi Jlmnv'e Nelson or itf)lanfl[ Plftg alt the Student Activities [Offire lb •0<»odwln Hall Frl< R. r. ECH H K \ I, T () Over Canady's'PhL., >nS|m4M PHONE rF x Eyes Examinecl Classes Flttedi DR. JOHN 8. CA ( •—Offico-t- ji OaMwell’s Jewelry Sltore Bryan. Texas men Hp I sc) I ^ro* fo >tball In' (!rt*s- ('<» ntact Nil mtnctlce. Tbursduy. Room 12$. Academic Building. Complete Christmas pdrtf ptbnsl BRYAN COLLEGE A&M CLUB iftcr yell practice, Thursday, Boom 228, Academic Building. BRAZOS (ioUNTY RESERVE OFFICERS VflSOCIATION, 7:30 tij m., Thursday, Petroleum G<j- cHogy Lecture Room. I ■ iCORYELX COUNTY CLUB, VaSO p. m., Thursday, Room 30t, Academic Building. , r EASTLANft)TAND STEPHENS CountiesJcilup, 7::io mi, Thursday, Fijuoni 323, Academic Building. Plans; for Thanksgiving ^EAST TEXAS CLUB, after yell ractive, Thursjday, Academic luilding. Lojiglnorn pictures and bins for Thhufcsgiving dance. EL PASO! CLUB, after yell ractiCe Thursday, Room 326, A<j- Idemic Building. ^ p/nw Thfarsdjiy, Room 12$, irademic'Buflmng. ' FLYING TjEtAS AGGIES^ 7:16 p. m. FridavJ Y^fCA lounge. GALVESTON A&M CLUB, 7:30 t>. m. Thursday, Room 129, Aca demic Buildiffigk Christmas dance tickets w li llebsiuse .d HEART 0? THE HILLS CLUB ••fter yell practice, Thursday, room *93 AcademK. I I i . I KREAM AND KOW KLV’B, ^ t>. m.. Thursday .Creamery; Lec- fpre Robrn. I LATIN AMERICAN CLUB. 7:30 n. rff.’ Friday J Rfiom 104. Academic Budding. Lbtu'horn pictures.! ‘ j LANDSCAjPK ARTS CLtJB. 7:3p P- mil Monday, Assembly Room, second floor of YMCA. j LWC fellowship BANQUET T p. m. Friday. Bethel Lutjheran -Apririah Hall Ritvnn 1 PRE-LAW SOCIETY. 7:16! p. tp. Mjonduy, Rokim [23, Building K I he HattuUun CLASSIFIED AD CUaT. NOVEMBER 1 m wm ' ■>: A ■ FURRlN GALS IS , BOUND T'BE PURmCA THAN DOG BOTCH GOlV ON ACCOUNT THEY DON'T COME ANY w$ T mi Vou truly « ««mi mm&m •W' < —• mvrTHBArro THLiADUL^m ■*» my/, a 4* THaU V <" f M! WE _ WAIT THAT SL( CANNONI E» r WE OUft M •• Cap? ( 8KU. WITH A nAtTAWOH CLASS!* Wil MKD AD, jgstw . , , SC a won! per! Insertiim with a 2Dc minimum. Space rate* In Section . .: . «W per column Inrf remittance Office. All( ndil should he turned in by j, 10:00 a,rn. pf tho day before publication. , 'Send all classified* with remittance j tjo the Student i Aetititlec KKKP C1ULDRKS , Mr*. BUI Porker, iite No. 2 by tenni* from the stadium. for the Rice student owned Court, Just • NIGHT CLASSES In I took keeping, short- hand! ami :tyi*lne start November l*t at McKcnr-ie-Btldwin Business College. En rollments jviU be taken October 15th. put 2-»6ta. . : ,/ ; ] ' C FOR SALE F-Completely automatic' as- ranee, >1 jl«!bk old. Also 4 irns henters and S iiedtotlro house, 1 year olfij ; 200 N.' C)oultf»|'6j) QaU) Baser. 4-6-S04. j WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home during Kanje. C«31 Mrs. Burk halter at 4-8776 for j appointment. David Keith Deer free show at Campus. LOkT -dne sriris heitte topcoat at Flight 21 in Dallak! Sktimlay niKht. If found, return to Rpom 827, Dorm 6. Reward. MY [NURSERY will be opfn for the foot ball frame Saturday. Mi ke reservations r. Mrs. C. 11. Bates. 220 Milner. Ie*r Hills. Phone 44t7B. I ■■* s. i ■ ■ i SALE—Pair officers practlcslly new. - M -^=~i L. ■a mm Hi f . Ily new. Boot Slie 7Hi B. Price *26.00 Academic Uulldinir. PERSONAL r Hortfose: prices and hiph Quality , I Student Floral Concessidn, I can afford landmtde boot*, trees and hooka. Sec them Room With the low from the Antic SUL ROSS LQl No. 1300 A.F.&A.M. ' I r ' 7 Tj I i j Meets in American Legion Hall { ) two corsaaes, How abc don't yop Want Syasyilek. ! WANTED—F-Spericnced bookkeeper by old established ; tib'an firm, Permanenti SVs day week. 330.00 per week. Write fully : to P. O. Bd^ 1193. Bryan, Texas. [ 4-H—-—‘ j— ' REWARD—Lost In day student parkin* lot, spiral notebook and "Hiaher Mathe matics for lEUKiheers and PhysciaU*' by SokolniknfR J. C. Martin. Box 257*. PERSONAL-} Horatio: pother says It; will : be all riylljt for me to go to the came [ If yott wil) take her' along. Clarapelle. ut one for the to show your HERP WANTF-D-Beauty! operator. CaU Pruitt at 4-1169. 1 LFT ME KEEP your hhildren during the Rice game. No appointment neces sary. 17-A, Vet Villiige. R. W. Nichols free pass to Campus. BABY SITTERS—Two experienced kinder garten and nursery tent:her* wi|l keep children Saturday durirur game or Sat urday night. 333 Meadow land. (Between College View and Highway 6.) FOR SALK—ROYAL PORTABLE TYPE- WRlTFlRS. Small down payment, small monthly payments. “Giv ? the gift of •! lifetime.” Bryan Busineia Machine Co. 20*i North Main. DU) 2-1328, Bryan, Tewu. I- '' I ■: ’ IT WE SELL Model Airplane SRi j: Mp 1 . . Architectural Balsa W’ood SHAFFER'S BOOK | STORE North Gate _ [ Phone 4-3814 | —i i. — R B K R I G E R A t O K S t |f:n0 p|. m •* i RIO ORANnfe VALLEY OLUR, Thifrulny, ViMCA. Real Rivul^ Non NEW YOI K (—WP*— Jim HeniY Arid Chuck ttjij| , npr who are busi- ipartiiic >k | In Konjora, | OnL, jlqringl the Hiimjninr and hnvd botjn. liVnls for t!u*] goal tending jdb n |th tiho New| York Rahgcin* tlf tlijo Nationa Hockey I/'ielie m winter, have hifpn separated Hen- r v has heoit raided to tlw* CHicapjo Rlack Hawks arid will tend the nets for them, 'rtiei two partners are facing each other from opposite ifnds of the jink this sjehsonJ FOR SALK-Woodi 4 ft. lengths—*10.00.; 2 ft. lengths- *11.00. Dry or other lengths if desired. Truck for hire. H. E.!.' Goodrich. 305 8. Preston Ave., Bryan, Phpne 2-8U9. At 20, Bob iyj Laynie of the Chi cago Bears is terback ever tlhe National he youngest Ruar- rect a team ih j;| Fdotball League. For Thp REGIMENTAL BALL i s^qaieland 3Ur SL Pf 1EMTNGTON-RAND TYPEWRITERS! ’lenty of new portable type vriters (or students! Plenty >f late rncxlel rentail ty|K*writ North Gate Phone 4-1212 WANTED -Audience to -fc SMU a nr. i ! get heat ! by Aggies in thrilling ga AdmLsIisin; f r«c at Quarterback ' Thnraiiky'Inight at *7:3|) in ^Asadtr Hall, A’i mi} ' \AMO/v c ers of all makes Sales—Service—Repairs Rentals Bryan Office Equipment Co. FRED ROBISON Your Authorized Remington-Rand Agent ■ j D | WED ELL’S SERVICE SHOP 201A Cavitl Ph 2-H2«0 FOR KENT—UnfurnUhed apartment. 80* S. Hutchim*. Plxme 2-f.ll'S. ITT . r v I 1\ I V _ local and long distancf MOVING Prompt, and trustworthy service* J. B. BEARD } 2-2885 Office Phone 4-4069 Residence 1 ' } I : sales servici Brick-Stratton Motors Small gas engine repair All ai^oinobile work UNIVERSAL SERVICE 207 W. 26th St. Bryan . Phone 2-1639 * X - T- GETTING A HOME PERMANENT? See ua for the latest styles! in haircuts—our specialty WILSON BEAUTY SHOP North' Gate ! College Station Phone 4-431,4 OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW We Specialize in Refinfshing Antiques and VenctliH) Blind.- F.- L SUMMEEsl i Furniture Refinf.«ihinj| , Painting Contractor ; , 3200 Highway 6. S Ph 4-4*tyv * EXPERT SHOE HEP- While You W ) boots madel ^ v m i Sowthalde ] > . j S^—y—twy——*f . mmm' SPECIAL HOIS :Iiir S2SWRSS gmpus CAPees. u ■ v «UY YOUR G. E. RADIO »'ortafele»-*-Tablt Models^ McCULLOCB-DaNBRI APPLIANCE S " i ]' it W.H.O. (JLOTHIER8 College SutuW ) ji :22 Highway 6 South .: A ' . ' i I . ■ \ I • | • PHONE 4-1241 Bryan 2-1243 tajO HEAT COVERS , Maaitlc or Straw ■ n i j / JOHNSON’S t I«I0L3TERING SHOP Hack of "Eugl'c" Office Bryaii Phone 2kl6S9 Signal Gorpn Wins Kegiineutal Company A? Signal Corps, won ut place hbnora in a regimental rade held Octobor 28, Joe E. Regimental Parade - K Signal Corps, won non in a regimental parade held October 26, Joe E. Davis, AitoUtant Commandant* an nounced. Second place went trt A nounedd. Second place went ti Company Army S«tar$tjri Agency Third place position whs won y A Chemical Corps whi uartermaster and A Transpofta on tied for fourth place. Scoring a total of 88.6 points, A Signal: Corps will receivj 8 points toward the Best Drilled Qut- 1t award which is presented, at he end of each school year, Davis The other units will four, and one points 1 >A Ootapahy .Ordnanca ! pUfcod 'sixth, but rcceived no points. CHIROPRACTOR Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 305 E. 28th St Ph. 2-6248 hastens K™ ’’"“f'K towmo •"HroL tea FOR 21911 Ini Mot. 2707 Hwy. 6 J L 1 • r f H*a** Okaartlfnl.i t r.(... ojw JOHNSON’S M.4 [jjvUNE AGfCI Box 284 • , ; Ctofllegd Station 8 A ■*"• " Dr i . ■■ ; O: For Your t W8 8 MiM ■ Rhone to—4* A A.M. ngj 'Tbartid*^, ht 7:00 a jF.o. LIOCT. W Doirrr, b4« tr l>.m. •mi 'll r D TIME 1 hp'4.*0 ex;;: i2.h PpP d AGtCY TT Jm imdsT si-*. 2iiiia? Heal . D ■■■■■■ JOAN, I ADORf ’ v my throat i -This u ""■r THANKS JOHNNY, FOR THE HEU> 0UTMY1 BECAUSE Of MY ^ RUNOUTONME. mv«rop»w«iyy! JbW\/ NO DANCING fW ME WITH A BARXINo bEAL UW YOU! n tyffielan otver ■jj /Ui , North Gate Phona 4-1212 lo r /■ X THERE ilMKESMY A6 STRAW! ES MY ■MElf 'AND OH ufal SOUrjitS klKE JWOYi- WANt RIO C|Fj 0MS FTTE jjlRRlTATlOM/ CHANGE TO PHILIP MORI 4 /JOAN. fM SO GLAD VO J CAME t DANCING WITH ME I COULD SING ANEMTMAUMNM' ^ HAPPY WERE It L. AND I’M SO YOU SMART 11 . t J r 7 .-! '4: i >'! ICACWMWI ■ / HEft£,TRYlEM! youUBe Blad tomorrow, YOU SMOKED PHIU? MORRIS TODAY rr-*-- v 7 heV« iNpMilOIHAT OUR iH TO iTO THOSE WON OER-FUL i>HiUP MORRIS. YOU BO DREAM BOAT. j' .j af/Jokioq aside,,ga, You'D be wafted right inta the dreamy realm of maxim siRoking delight when you call FOR PHILIP Morr Because philip morris is definitely less irritating than i ‘ier leading brand. That's why eminent nose ajnd : specialists actually suggest* PHILIP MORRIS in in due to smoking! You’ll be glad tortio v Y**' YMtNlAl > Mdaint t» tvdding MUATt - T« IhmH.iJ lUATI - fk (hak*.- ..... ^ aaoPHANiiiY- th. if tra«i*par*nt <kk«n v n.rucHOM , b •Ml :SbfR£SH STATEMENT ■ •' ,/V !T| ;■ T *iv* w* Say* * * •«yiein irrit ion due you smoked philip MORRIS today ; \/:\ U ; ;. c*|w» orrt w, PHIUP 'P !:■ \ .: • U : ■ •/ « /' ijv.:i X ; ft; v p- di ' j T - - . 'vf . N- i ■ [\l :' ■ • r ’ ! /V . X tl A- ii i. • K * i-\ m ■ ''ll i '-I-: i Pt - Xii ’I u : HI M L v 4 ohoon i \ 1 1 i li 'Hi'