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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1948)
• ™ ' 1 I' K '>1 I ' r i'. ill !, * /i — jif ,T* r T M ** *• /• ■ i I ' • 1 ' ■ / i'S .71 — 71 i" r’l' / X ' 1 i - j Finh a n, Company 8, commended letter from pPMidimt of t Below in the t Nortretabei* Mr. C. R. WiUtnmn / Company 8 .11 : * A. and M. Annex M, d«r Mr Will.— It tut been brMtht t/mj M- tention that, Kejtimental Ofi uti October 21 at X detected and Ore ndj This act! preve could have been this College. JZ. 1 wish i your perfi this occasion an thanks of this :< action's. ; "V : i /! ' 1.| ( 7 Williams’ actions wereS Col.i Robert L. Me cher, «lant at the Anh6.\, an to Col. H. L. Boatner, dant of the Collegi}. Co then recommended that -letter be sent by Pi paid •flPish Williams was n< ed by OD. duties; to mn after taps. He did this o initiative, and thus prev^i spread) of a flri? ColJ kaidi ; I —^4- X k ed lAbbott To Get I Mid-aomcator < . , _ tomorrow, Dr. J, P. Abbot, deitn of the col Ti—77 /A i in officigitinx! the lptra>Mural program for the Annex are the above freshmen: (left to lUC) Edgrarj McClain, Charlie Myers Travis Byrop, Rodney East, and Floyd Griffin. (Left Ge*i e L)oh«,tRobert Hodges, and Lewis J 1 J •X . ’ * X ' x ' i|? : l| Two Bat unlay momli will bt* reduced ten mint low nil Annex studentn to to the rtutin cantpu* for HUio toolha)) Kttm, Dr. . tiot, dean uf the college n - iwx, announced Monday. !i The last two Haturda; clasaes will bn allowed M minutes slnen they I cut most. In thp past, I said. * -III. Classes normally; men u.m, will meet frbin 8 0 a.m. classes will jumnt until fli.'IOj 10 (Lin. d meet from' Oi-IO until 1 It a.m. classes Ni/in 10; 10 until 11;!10. i 4 li(»n 4b<jt k (s^ir! i . jf I • 7 Third . payment <if due Thursday, Noviimberf Hi ii Fiscal Offifo at tlin An; Trealecli, manager,] has i -The payment, .Which will liar board, bi‘ {the , F. Ced. ;the laundry, will be jijahdSiThiy in stallment will last until kjm'Cdber 15, iwben the fourth paj|meni Will hHoldMemories Class Elections m F WOl Be|Held In December omrst Mjp Trip ;■ j ' ‘ - j I ■ / • j i I i r “i . j;ffl z •' , | 1 ■ . By DE.A.N REED j ' ! ' Ditiftiiifc back to the thoCli them. Annex Suimlny niicht, mettibijra of (If 1952 now have their first corps trip behind )ojiiKh now hiwtoi y, this corps trip has loft a do iilito . Ttof impre«iKi<|n;;on tho mlmlt) of t|ho freahnien, an impr^nhion ncivcr Ur fitle. j 1 The filth cailffht iiicjiijpiritj of the corps trip earl week, land I continued witp It4f.' --4 thU'ougllbu7 (tic Week-end, In Dai- las, the rl|ndline*s, the 'giicty. the pride a»r u "novrrwtn)-die" team all 4<>ijthinhd InUt tk{n ujnfor- gt'ttable almpsphtfre. Arriving by all and aitv n»Hh- ml of trajnHportation I’riday and Friday night, the first problem for the ffTefn freahmen was one know'n tot most Aggies, that of residence] Hotels were packed, with an unlimited numlwr infach room.'The lobby of these hotel* ‘ 1 mnnv Iwiti provided night's sleep, while! the luckier WWf in- vited tu? private homes, club >luces M t and; other pi regUl he due. ., .i i ■Xt 7 I {■t A penalty will |» plac payments this ti|ric, nounced. The TeXtis A& Bulletin states: “Fine payment shall be $1 ex day of delayed paymen' wno are delitKiuerfi forfii will be dropped f Payments will fore and on Novepnher penalty. : v ”Xtt The fact that) a dov| have a gall-bladddr. wh cients regarded; as bitterness and bail to; its selection as a sym ness and peace. t de ye,i < rpH. H bi .obtained. tere mlay urap ijnot jan- gtl of ed to Infek- i 3= V -f r V* ] Looking lot th . -.r &|st ; : II (IhriHlm ~ 7 !l Ca i 11 1 \i HolhOt You PehtO^aliMtl IIAN.MAItt ■' cU NOW 4 L rooms,; < -^RelimLnawakening ftat morning, c uil*ts readiikl them for their fiif'-t oat-of-town corps parade. Ac tihe freshmen matched by the thousands., of air-lookers, they felt i irf|extra) surge Of pride, pride for being a part of .this great bod; r, Wide for this / ggie uniform. . f '; , . |i Their \?ai little time between the parad> and ] the gpirfe a;; the Cotton Bo vl j but there was always time to f h(| that very impol-taht feminine < orjjtribution to the lorps trip, your Tbssie. The girls from TSCW ad led much to the adven ture an|d excitement of the Dallas trip, and lifee the trip, they; will never be forgotten. On to ' h«| Cotton.Bowl! Frph- men poured a thousand strong -into this)hpge stadium to watch ‘ their tealm ; tackle the high-rid ing S.Mjl’i Mustangs. At the half-time- ji ceremonies,) they watched \ the undefeatpi Texas Aggie band and saw (he pres- entation ; of the Aggie sweet- , heart, tbemautifuj {diss Pat Parker. | I When tnejfinal gun *< unded for the close of the game, and while! singing iluf ihspiring I “Twelfth Man," ea. h ifreshman saw before: him uviiioh of pride and glory.; He saw! a itjam, undaunted l>y d»»- fejats, fight ftheliji {way to a moral yiietory o' erf one of the strongest teams hi |he ntttion, lie saw around hi n fttimipnds of uniform-!; ed cadets, «eaehl with thy same 1 thought*.‘Alain that great feeling of prldv iurged It little hlgirnr, /■ Th0 Tv nlfth Man thvtt started, his slow , oujrney homeward, (lootl- bye to uXrvat t'Vent, Ian, Aggie's first rorp i llrlp. Fiaeal |Refund Of 91 .^Jivjen. to Finh ; The A mix Fiscal Office, has posted ;the follrtwlng notice. 1 “All student* who 1 palp tho Hi room feis 'iratioit fee n;ay go by the Fisca Office at the AjuneX and get n $lj refund on key;deposit] You must hjuve your $6 yellow foi» receipt." ) |i ■) Many i|tu»lents have, already rer celveditn i Refund, but B. F« Tren- leck, Fist all Office manager, asks that; all students do so. ; .|; List Articles May e Picked lip At curity Office The thunpus S'ecurity offide in he Annex Administration j Huild- ng 4 Intlging withT'lost anq found terns; so with this isgue the Knuh- nitn Butt will print eatth Wel’k a ist oi these items. Ah |f Monday nomijig, the following list was •eportwl by L. L Sweat, ‘urectnr n t'uinpluH Security at the jApnex. Found: Five mechanical pencils, ight fountain pens, three jKK'ket- cniVeS, one c)ass ring, and eight tifferent sets) of keys. Als<i foun<l »lro 'Oie cigarette lighter, yne sa- ■Ced 1 yross, several garyison caps, w>oks, and a box of stationery. .Owners may receive their prop erty b,y calling at the Campus Se curity office by presenting: proper identification;. |[; In the “losjt” side of the jcOlumn are: Qne Orange High School class ring, {j one Be aumont High School ring [with tlfe initials K.E.G., a Reagifn High; School ring with the s H F.D., and a Ronjson ci- ElectionH for fhe freshman clans officers will be held soon after the Thanksgiving holi days, Luke Harrison, (lean of men at the Aiiwex, has anr nounced. “Last year, thii class officers Were hot electod {lintil the second semester, but Wd fleel that enough interest has Im i'H created to war rant an early eletiilion this year." Harrison said. “Tho class should know who is outHlijmding and who would make good] .class officers after the TliaiiKS(|iving holidays, and before Christmas.’’ Agreeing with Barr|son, Dr. J. / . 7 '; ] ■' {.; ges; Will ■' p / '"WP- .7./ n Mid-Seme '■7 ilf osted 7." j • {[ \ if 1 1 \{ , 1 ■ ,;jj! ' Failing *e onProbation . .. ,,, n .. ... _ .ft. by noon iAnh«, Annex By Noon 1 ■ r—i * — — matlon grade* wi »b5t. has announced. : 7 § i { • ■ i / <:■ Kach instructor Will post his own report*; and students should Ret tho locatloh of reports from the instructor, Abbot Mid. i f 'L' "" Or, Abbot umd .to4»t>; not Unti| ^ nt C( , nfrti u urge all failing students to con tinue their schedule." m Uward dropping withdrawing from notified, j m proba- Dr. Abbot Urged students not to take action course* or school until . „ . (ion list will be posted'it a later date, he said. ! “Since regulations set forth in the Basic Policy of the college will not bo enforced imjmediately, please do not become hasty and think you are lost," I)r. Abbot sold, J “Each student who p<fsts below 10-lli will be called for a personal conference with ;me i as! soon as and attitudes seem to warran it. Dr. Abbot added. So far this yagr fewer tions and withdrawals have made than last year, Dr, said. He pointed out that this was noteworthy since last year’s ratio was very low. ! I / i PW» W in resigna- ,ve been ;, ■. Abbot “Famous Facts Should Clipped 0 The Freshman B attalion starts this week a series taken from the 1947-1948 men entering in the it of Fish Page Cadence.” The “Cadence” for fresh- 1948-1949 year has not been printed. With this in mind, the Freshman Batt will print a portion of the “Famous Facts” weekly, starting with mu 4 ; —+ ' i ' f I -> 7-' '' |P#| - • M >w % f mSf 77*^ • , ^ t v-i ip •:4 I 7 m Mil . 7; i/ jr rxN! ! m - / ’7 / ft - *f ■ •• : ' - , y-Mi : tv y 7L f th«-' college for I wlieVr this to -suitable for It is! neither too to Vhooso go«)d the list of du- •jir* Will Im- the tk* be; held next I’. Abbott, dean 0 the Annex, said, time would he q ( the election', sineje early nor too latF office*," Outstanding on tie* for the of fit Freshman Bull spring. { . ji I Candidates for the {offices will be given a chanct to speak to the yell-practices, jf issue. “Famous Ffcc There are many facts which go to make up the traditions and history of Texas A&M. Some of thie most important of these have been listed below. The {. incoming freshman should make jt a point to Jeurn these as early ns is pos sible. The traditions of the school play aii Important part in tho Aggie’s everyday life and thor ough knowledge of these Famous Facts is an important| stop to ward Ixwoming a ti de Aggie. 1. When was AA.M; opened? AAM was opened on September 17, 187(1 with only six? students appearing. 'Dioncfora, tha opening date was postponed untB October 4, 187(i, at which Uifte 4(1 students enrolled. . X | 2. Who w*s the first presi dent of the college? j, The presidency, first offered to Jefferson Davis, whp refused, was y Thomas GathrighL ». ruder what lict Was A&M entire class as initia garetijo lighter with “Freddie” engraved. -H r the) name : it »s possible. Halpisoh added. Conduct of Fish Excels - Mclcher Lt. Tol. Robert L. Mdcher, com mandant at the Aiimex, commented ' favorably on freshmen behavior i during the first c hrps trip. t>N(nbl(she<l? The college was ret up under the Morrill Act of July 2, lfl«2. 4. When and where did the Twelfth Man originate? ■On January 1, 1922,: in Dallas during u football gang* against Center College a miin in?the stand* went in as a substitute; [hence, the phrase, “Twelfth Man." 5. Who wrote “Tho Twelfth .Man." “The Spirit of Aggie- land." ‘The Aggie Wair Hymn," and “I’d Rather Re! a Texas Ag gie?", ■ : I , “The Twelfth Mai”-^4rs. Ford Munnerlyn, 1941, “Thc ! Spirit of Aggieland" — Marvin H. Mimnui, while a junior at A&M in 1925, wrote the word*; Col, Richard C, Dunn wrote the music, “The Aggie "-J. V. (Pinky) Wilr son, yf 1 1.11 1 ;; V War Hymn’ , while standing _ Rhine in the AEF immediately aft- SEJjfra -44 iT-S standing guard on the f?T7ih or World War I. ‘Td Rather Be a Texas Aggie"—-Jack Littlejohn. 6. How are U»e 52 Ar* - who were killed in World 1 commemorated? There are 52 trees, at the bas of which are stone markers, aroui the main drill field; there are f flags flying over Kyi* Fir each footba granite memorial at the 7. What 1* the phyNlieal plant at AAM1 115,(100,000. 8. When wa* the first foot ball game with T.U. played? / In 1894 at Austin. 9. What U Bilver Tap* and where i* the notice poatear Silver Taps l* the final tribute paid to departed Aggie* by the con'*- The notice Is jmeted at the base of the flagpole Ip front of Uhdemic Building] I I I- t — FRESHMli j^[," I | 'I l.l ')'j\ : ' V'" ■' . I")' — NOVEMBER U, 194K Sports at Litlle Aggieland the Academic Building] 10. Who wa* Reveille when did ahe die? Rmwttd wpi tM and died January 19, (Editor'* Note: W and Aggie mascot ■, m. 7 c suggest that) jie MAJilTJUB, BfDRtfl ta»t week of play itt approachint tne*. Flight 9 ha« now cltocihw pennant, defeatingXom'patiy 7, 7-0, * AIho In Leagwa^'A,” Flight 12 ti a score of 18-0. Flight 11 stomped ted by J. T. of the color |y, 1. Deam«m, 11: 7 {;. i-i P«gft3 1- v-MfctOTM w'Yft tuaeniin 1 1 # 11 ' 'i ! • .- 1 ■ i .4 ■ The la« at the An g-. ukMTPTm sar^inSf'llhia’e! r^sh Keligtous you and “Cadence of the "Famous Facta” will be printed in the November 1H iesoo of the Freshman Batt. ■' ' 7 ; f l- • / • ■ ■ i j ,; ■ ■ . Twenty-three Freshmen Now Working in Annex Mess Hall WWW Monday mornin said “No class an excelled in the E C|ol. Melcher I no group that alias corps trip Armistice Prayers exceeded the freshmen in appear- ' ance and conduct. It personally re- (reived many favorable comments [from former Aggies and many _ 4_ _ _ j— w \ _ (others on our fresnmajn regiment. To Be Held Today'. 1 ” m •■.T-Ii | j ‘ ' [ 1 |v j; . ■ | i' (Silver Taps Held memory of the Aggies! wpo have, 1 t r ' A • At Annex tor Aggie given; their live* in both World Wars] Tho compaijic* and flights will mass at designated spot* between the chapel aim the admiiuHtrution building. [ ; Coitemoiiic* wnd prayers'will Ik- goadiK'tvd by {{Fish Ray LeTour- w - j j Freshmen at th<t Annex witness ed their first SllVtjr Taps ceremo ny Monday night f(ir Hugh R. Woods who waa ^Iled Sunday in an automobile accident near neiiM,; chaplaii of th*t fjesliman; Orange. rrgiin|rnt. A vjreath w ill M placed J The entire legipientl murelied jto at .. T , .... ,... _ hi ; at Um base of the flag-tiohi by Kish , the parade grounds nnur the moss Riciinnl A. Ingles, leUlmental hall at 10:!I0 p.m.i and hug Inf* coiitmAndvr. The flag will I e fl at luw-sfaff for the oriuts tin. MansKtiai roiot j... *itrtrt5 iMltor 1 flown' sounded Hllvdir Twjps fro pi the tap . . , of the mess hnll,|| '; 7hf; ceremopy will he {held ’at ] Annex flags weg# fljawn at half the tklgtihir nilrent formation. I mast Monday. I ;. j S i ' 1 ft. rjianilii i|ift,»■><»■»<■« .mn i >»—^»..osft»n»u —»■ i w»—i t Si,.ih>i(i . Thkhmman HtAvr KdllSr/J. ... i...| . (/ ... ...',..1. ; j(-. ■.; .,1.,-1....., ... [. .4.. i. ...‘| ... 1. .... ..... im jMltaV ji.. X, .4 wstriers, fotiinntlM- ...,ii ; John Tntik'y, fllll Thompiiofl, f <;/ J [ Hkltcft. M. O. Knistheni, tisviil JUiitwre llf«fs. Jerry ttmiseij Chief ThnUl«rnph|r.. ti*if-j|P...'.SK. j... rntuf- K<llr Ns*rs .Kdltor Rei -.•p-fr - —l.iif ■ >..i' ■ ..,. .7..,, thMn Ho«i 0. 7140 FrHtik N. Msnltisft „ . "Hte'' Nswimt ... 4. C. MnrioItU Z*ik> Murtln, Jsrk tJ*/tl»r,i Dsviil {Hips. ..... W.j W. AMrlilsp, 1C. M. Coft, Joe Cmshtmi. A'. Moi-InnS J. | Hunk (Jol« It. A* MoroUml, Hill 'Diiimaiuitl, Jnck (Iklics t.beeetn.e.t.I.ieieyi ‘Ins Frffftht ursdfty -i- ■H 44 Bnj r«Kr. neWspafftr of {the Texio A. * M. Anne* fwohmen. Is publUhed an ln»l<l<i psxr of the HATTAI.ION. and i,] spoiMMjrfd j by Sam >M. ol •Ml Southwell, faculty] advisor. i; , , i ( ■ , [Nfw» Contfflhdttons may In-’ mude at the Freshman PATTAt.ION: office in the Stuacijt Center at] the Anne*. 'j. — It )U^|LR I] liiji ' 1 ClEANING I PRESSING ALTERATIONS — AT EANERS Homer REAL EVSURAN( Adams ITATE WANS 1 Block East of North Gate Ity WELDON ALBRIIKlE , . J Here's your chance, fellows! If your meals at the Annex aren’t just what they should: be, these are tho freshmen tp ijame. This year, there are 23 Aggies working in the mess hall, in) order to help pay their way thpoutjfh college. Bight of the boys are pn scholar ships. Following is a list of the men, their hometowns, {majors, *nd scholarships, if any. Fish Lay, San Antonio, Chemi cal Engineering Major is here on a $300 scholarship. {Fif(h Howtanl, from Pleasanton, is a taathematic* major on a $250 scholarship. Fish Moore, from Monday, H* a medical student. Fijsh JEltnen anothef pre-mwlk'bl atuden from Han Antonio, ! X • From Dullas/comiCM Fish Chan dler, g petijQloum Engineer major on it $250 scholarship.! Also from Dwllft*, Fish McGptjw Is an elec- tricnl engineering sttiddtt. Another $250 scholarship man if Fish Kini-I gel from Taylor, a Ineahattlca) en gineering major. »h (Longmri « wild-life mnmigomeht > student, is from Man Halm, while Fish {Law from Georgetown i* an; agi leuitur- nl engineering student] on n $250 scho)ar»hip.i L L ■ , Fish Scott from Bridge City la another $250 man, a chemical en- sjw,— j*"* 1 "(f 11 '* 11 “ .■{y 1 44+' uineering major. From Buna, Texas, and a mechanical engi neering , student is Fish Chan dler. Fish McReynolds is from Corsicana, another $250 scholar ship student, majoring in petro leum engineering. < Fish Harboth of Seguin i» an animal husbandry major, while Fish Thomas of College Station is a Range management student. From: San Saba comes another mess hall worker, Fish- Hayes, a Petroleum ami mechanical engi neering muoiv 7 ; J , ' l|ji‘! 1^ Marque, Texas is the onl. town contributing two brothers. 11, , q 1 ■■ 1 By :;p , Church activities on;the Annex 1 pus seem to be gaining lately, the boys are now i reasonably ttlwl in their school Work/ ‘.The Newman Club; hf Active, and the Catholic! students 'are invited to attend its meeting*; ; * The Canterbury Buib, too, has much !to offer Episcopal students. The Baptist Studeit Union Council has been elected to carry on Baptmt 1 the Annexe copy of Uv been functioning^ on ^4h^ mam 'ipji. t work here at campus fi 'following ! David Ho the B.S.U. Fish !R{. Johnson is a fi*h and game major, while Fish S. Johnson is a journalism student. Another ' San Antonio lad is Fish Toppcwein, an accounting major. Fish l ‘ 'ish John; Antonio, is a Che ny Alanl*. San emlcal engineer* Antonio, is » ing student, f the five rs also. Fish Hillman, from (Joldthwalt#, dent of -r , nley, devotional vice-president; Drexul v Toeland, social vice-president; Don ald Alison, enlisteinent vicenpresi- dent. . TiM| ^ Tommy Carlyle la: in charge of tspssyz cSiiitjife (uracior, /inq «i<h? i^rnKnion )h |porv«* era! secretary. David lUcc is. in charge of stewardship. : 7 Luke Bafrison. deOh ol men At the Annex, has Agreed, fo art n* Fish Alanis of the five freahman yoH-bad* era also. imtif is a chemical engineering major. Fish Pcsl from Weimar is study ing dairy Husbandry| Fish Peter son from Lexington Is an. anil husbandry student. Fish Pet >m He mecha M'* After • chapel W«lnM«y ] nights the regular Worship p^lod, more men to* ling In the ; meets ' “**fhts needs Union Chu; i ■ lit* * *r5- 'SStyffriTy'* The tenjait at! the Arjnet as Flag Foot >1 mgs have Harrison, spo tent, expect i teams ||||r Annex In Her Th. fr-.h, Anhex offSea! tdl* serge 1 n oral di ys la fen kisin / per irroit (r fliiig football kv USguo “A” laati game. : MiRht 10 by my 3,' 26*0 fa 'jA/k gntne last jji./ 'l '■ J Flight 11 all fast ' Jimmy touch- Ihg-mate, , <>ut the S3 paUy 5 de- Oiie twfcnty- he Veterans 2 with :n acore of makes a three- # cham- playtoff mpnnies x ' t favor- I 'X 4 1 ■I; 7 -7 ! With the 7 In Leag fcated Co^pgn: yard penetra io: routed Compijn 6-0. This re n y tie fo piUnship ii bej thie eeid 2. nr ■! S in P thi dA'ioflfL w(th Rodney . at aettirg the pate' Com paniy 8 has defeatec h)th ! the Veterans Company 2 in regular leagp; play. They v ent thrown Into th piiyoffi by aj onie p0(ht defeat at ' ‘ > only eaj tournament ■ill btejn as soon isifirtished.praw- dje, ahd Luke off ihc iourna- inc ;tourney with 4 ua: ' : • Is here on $800 scholarship. F Mollurd frojn Houston is a pet , leum and tpechanical engineering ntudent. u ■ ; i: i • u w*te HEATERS!! irr i -Tin 7 OIL BUTANE / GAS •:! |.. I ; .j •• -711/7, . ..i 1 • !■ : Radiant and Circulating Types CU|y|(A» Furniture Co. 'BgjyLn! ! 7 , »' Teatas . M m If; A 14 r/i THE MAN GETS ' I I ' ' ' I M / " . rog m<xht at |th« imDjrisI the win- last Weak. WuV- in lAvi Campus Ifl' v H K j X: :J| I I I ;‘l III. |,| / " I •• 11