Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1948)
•tlwl ■■! i / •r R > , I '.V.l-I- FAITH FADES ‘PHANTOM’ N texarkana; UP)-H. B. (D suicide note iden the “phantom ki whcn^ the Unive: freshman was “ill anti deal in the opinion of :r‘ J The view was joint statement a by Sheriffs W. B.iDavia County, Ark., and! Bill P Bowie County, Tekts, The statement if id:. 1. had never been 'if iUfpet finjferprinta^do dpi mat presumably left pf ;the 3. Bullets from twlfnims Toimison had uccoss do those used by the “ph*nt 1 •* ‘ ‘ - > n suspect in one ease to 4. the statement; of a friend has olimlniiUd :ToiT made a- specific c<| COURT AGAIN liPl BUILDING AME^fD AUSTIN, Nov. ill third court of ciwl nosday overruledm hearing appeal. of |theTkui ing legality of the $ lege building amcji The appeal court, on dared the amendment holdings the judgment of district court whtt’e the |snit j^as Ordinarily deni41 of a fl-ehesirinc in the third court pf appeals pjftves the way for an appeal tp ithehsu- preme court. There fa possibility however, for a second n]iotiopj for rehearing to be filed with 'thft! in as t termediate court. ,,The suit challenging ment’s legality was brouj) W. Whiteside of |.ubboc) era. The amendment wa| by a narrow margin in last year. • fl antond- it7l c. ■"mil ted ! ! ‘NO ACTION’ CLAIME ON POLL TAX HILL WICHITA' FALLS, NjjjVl Iff)— Melv'n B. Evans, • president of the Texas Junior CmltttbvR of i* - in- f u Commerce, denied Wedn his organization ftas tak^ tion on a proposal by Sei; erg Kelfay of Edfhburg cial election to decide w poll tax should tje abolii Kelley said ini’ a sta Austin Saturday ithat b cured favorable I action! proposed legislaPve from several organizati ing the state junior ci '■ commerce. :|j| • ; “This organization hasj any action on this issii. stated in a telegram tof dated Press,.. .. |i| COLD DOESN’T DISMAY ENDURANCE PLIERS! LONGVIEW, Jfbv. 11 aloft at 6 p. m, Slhst ni ylthat p anm ac- tor [Rng- pr a. spe- ethef the Hed i . meiit at hadl'se- oni his iu ill on 4,! mclud- mbhr of W Volunn ill, y « :^r < 4 I! . I Si I' 1 I / I ■ 1 . r 'I i., i/ A. -lAl A * / f Itiate ; • Eighty thi be [initial d | into teor Com lahy tonight at 0:30 4A thi> Banquet! Room of Sbisa Hall. Thq ceremonies will be preceded by! la banquqt* ''! '''•■ "" ■j 1 '’- I Active members and honor guests wil attend the meeting with the commIsoiohed officers of; last year ret relenting the inaet ve Ifhe initlnfion Ceremonies will be It -A. t m hot taken 't iBvans e Asso- T 'M m { ®|ii I • i j. ’ j MISS ERNESTLEA DICKER: SON of jasper is one of the nominees for the title of ABC Beauty. THe winner will be cho sen at the ABC Bali Friday night MISS ..DICKERSON will be escorted by [PAUL WIL LIAMS pf the Signal Corps. fT Still m. .last niffpii ei dur ance fliers Pred ylnmon j .andj Bbrt Simons have confpleted iiheir th rd week in the air, pit repbrts «aid. They are well! past th| half-way mark toward thh 72C-h|b|ar world record. - ’ lit ’! | ) f : " Recent cold weather |aMB€tl the ’Dallas bachelors ; to specj|ilatejwhe ther they might; have tt> transfer operations favthir aoutl u portsibly to Houston and Beauifiopt;! But temperatures roue and he frt Ag Conference T( Begin November K h YMCA Chape! rail i The annuli Agricultural Ebcperi went Station Conference will be held from ’November iS-tT, Tbe conference I*’'being sponsored b; the Texas Agrfculturaf ” Station. VK' • M i will be in the Lob the morning of ll:.l i ed to yetain the Gregg port as current JhimdQu The fliers mAde mo flights with a hlane f they plan to take fuel So far the jpintjflights for practice only, and to perfect, synchroniza have not yet refueled i Jil of the vember 1(5. Meetini be held i the YMCL the Experiment Station Conference Room. Tthotec atitending will be housed in Ramps I, J, ahdiK of Walton Hall. A recejptfcm for those attending will be giyen by Chancellor! *r.c . Mrs. Gildniist, Vice4Chancellbr for opth But Agriculturef and Mrs. Williams ) |ey-«ecld-, ; nnd Director and Mrs. Lewis In ptyi Air-1 sbisa Halil Tuesday night, Novem- 1 ber 16! PUBLISHED r- ■ /; 7? i !.i r TBE N U r i ^ / v . [K ■ ^ | : ; i . : OF A GREATER A&M ;e ), TEXAS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, If [ft ni'lfi \Ai ; A Hi 1 imi iny Commander, j, !i consist of reading the Constitution, the history of the organization and taking the oath of joffifaj. | Uniform for the Occasion will be numbOr one with boots for Seniors. Honor guests include George Smithy D. W. Williams, VlcO Chon- ccllo¥ of Agriculture, II. W. Bar- low, C. N. Shopurdson, U Col. Joo E* Davis, Clmneellcir Gibb Gil* christ; President F. C. [Bolton, DeaTiM. T. Harrington, , W. L. Penberthy, E .B, McQtiillcn, Dick Henley, P. L. Downs, F. W. Hcn- sel, Lt. Col. Bill BeckOr, Lt. Col. Owen, E. L. Angel) and R* L. El* Out; of town guejsts arc Colonel Olcar 0. Abbott, C. C,!Krueger, [II Wf Grace,'“Jack Ashton, W. H. Kelley, Mi S. Chuijch and Adolph Beekeh [ f i Rochelle clarified the status of inactive member^, spying that they would not attend drill; or parades but would be present for all meet- ings except the initiation cercmon- To Be Lower in ’49 Timm Says at Meet Total farm income will be from five; to ten percent less in 1949 than |n < 1948, Tyrus R|. Timm, ex tension economist, told the Dis trict; Agents Conference held on the campus last week. Timm, who recently returned f rom the National Agricultural Outlook Conference in Washington D. C., said Texas farmers , prob ably will have jto pay more for the [things they; need, while prices I r their products will decline slightly, Tj . T : j Tlie|.'Extension Economist credi ted the greatest decline in farm income to the decrease in sales of livestock. According tc) Timm, this has been a very unusual year. With , he drouth and increased feed cost That mUC farmers have found it !more profit- Cuggt, intern? mm !*i fm mtifr.'i ml *!tWi mm ■m" |lfl I Pi 1st m / ■’A im nil EVELVN and her magic violin will appear Monday night at Colon Hall witli PHIL SPITALNY and his all girl orchestra. This w|Di be the first Town Hall presentation of the season. | Rhumba King Cugat to Arrive Saturday for Concert, Dance icome has soared. Basing his predictioi sent supply and requirements, he chartered plane Mayk, “The prices of automobiles afternoon, ami wjjl leave by plane farm'! equipment and building ma- following the dair)‘« v Featured in tjeriafa may rise as much as five to Cugat’s troupe will be Jose Luis eight percent during !1949. How- Monero, Nonna, dlid Aladdin, ever), the former may pay a little While Enrico Caruso, the Met- less for radios, some items of ropolitan opera i)tar of 25 years household oquiptmerit i)nd textiles.” ago, was traveling in Europe he -*-—+4^ h—i—4 W heard Cugat play his vionin and brought him to the United Stales fur a series of iCpncerts. The Rajah of Rhumba and his orchestra wdl provide Sambas, con- ■ gas, rhumbas, ntjjl popular songs of the day to the rythm of maracas and cuban-gourd jmaking. Cugat is one ; |of the versatile men in today’s entertainment world. He Is a i tctice bhich » air. been T DEMO PARTYlPURG ENJOINED BY gUDG FORT WORTH, Nov. Asserting that j; the 5 State Convention last was a “mass mpetin'^’ legally organized ses .. Irict Judge Morris idined the Democratic rutiye Committed from ,’j. >>ayty purge. | The 44-page tempo i I 1 JU w-fe- emocratic lepteimber ihd mot a 67tVdis- ieSd^y en- f H Third Installment Of Fees Payable State!, Exe- days is )rtdp!cting' °f f ees - The tfiiril student fee install ment is payable at the Fiscal Of fice in uhej Administration Build ing beforet November 18, W. H. Holzman; comptroller, saiq today. Holzm^n .’reminded students that under the Fiscal Office’s new pol icy, a fijne. of $1 a day/for five for late payment m / . injunc tion also blocks the seating ofi Jack Gather and Mrs.:Jj, W. J|>oug!as of Fort Worth as eXecutivejicomtiiiittee members—leaving! N4vil|e Pdhrose. committee treasurer and; Mrs/Ben nett Hmith in ;office-|and /finds tb»t the refusal!to seat: the!(certi fied Tarrant County delegation wqs in violation of tne ^tattiljes. ‘ "TO h - 1 •' AS ’ j / [j; CAPE HATTHHAS,;Mi C-i Nov. U, unusually late " the i^iorth |Caro- sweep out to iie, of $1 charged i who do not *jpay their five days will be drop- Stude fees witHin; five 1 day# will be drop- ned fronti the college rolls, Holz- man 8ta#e4| i : ' ' \ /A "• I i ■■ L Attend j By HERMAN GOLLOB , | / I ; ij . : ' 1 ^ glded event is drawing near. Xavier ionally famous as the rhumba king, brings d troupe to Aggieland Saturday to play for an all-college dance at Sbisa. company will arrive by air on a. specially etime Saturday# ) ^ iH, —^ Top A&M Meeting In WaJii ih i Williams and Hal# Attend Southwest livestock Cliaic Gilchrist Says Land I bpular W ith Major Pol Dr. D. W, Williams] vice chon* ccllor of A^M, and Fred Hahrof the Animal; Husbandry pe/iart* ment Idft Thursday foir Oklahoma n tM Southwestern Livestocl)i Clinic and Livestock Equipment Exposition which was held November/the fifth and sixth. i \J\ Dr. Wiiliams acted as one of the presiding officers and discussion; leaders.; One of the highlights of the program was /Fred Hale’s speech, “Hog Pastures In The $outhw#sL n i ; / u). jm ; i - Other highlights included speak ers from Congressional Agrinil- ural Committees, Agricultural col- ; eges throughout the United States Veterinarians, prominefnt livestock- men and representatives from Commission Companies, Packing Houses, and agricultural maga zines. j j For the first time since these livestock clinics were started in 1943, a# exhibit of livestock equip ment and materials yras held in ronnection with the clinic. They included exhibits prepaml by Okla homa A&.M College, the!Oklahoma State Department i of [Agriculture, Veterans Agriculture Training Di- ision,, Future Farmers and 4 : H lubs. j ij { ;• An outstanding ex libit pf the latest types of labor saying equip ment and materials useful to the livestock producer were exhibited by equipment manufacturers and dealers from all over the country. . /p/n,'fatiEvm.Ev Washington, nov. n - as Agricultural and Mechanical Gbl terday that the turnover in conirb an expanded farm program in their at JWy t p •1- till,I. ‘am •oops of Tex* * yea- mean m of land I m ’■.a* : ■ ■ ife Mi aM JffT NORM with XA His; ORCHESTI heard Saturday orchestra plays op for a concert and) 1 ZW: j mM concert artist, pi star, comedian, ! last but not least In the conce: entei rtoopist, violin ovie star, radio composer, and —a showman, at Guibn at 8 Coinmiinity Chest Goal Is 89.843 '•jj The College Station Community Chest drive got; under) way here recently. The goql is.$9,843. iJoe Sorrels is ‘ Ichairman of the Chest Committeeli dude G. W. Bfd and members in- k, C. A. Ander- HURRICANE CAPE HA 11 —>ffi— A s: hurricane now lina coast w Cape Hatteras tit; ATT A sr iw II . pjo^bly ras and Citrus Conference ■ IkenneUt 1 |n r Fogett,, udwhianq SS» iroS n «^ .Cl^cago IE Meet ’ at he would attend a mar- JOSE MONERO #1 join XAVIER CUGAT AND HIS ORCHESTRA as vocalist for the rhumba king’s Saturday; night campus performances, /r son, W. N. Colsop, M. L. Cashion, Col. Joe E. Davisi R. L, Elkins, S. L. Loveless, Dr, jO). C. Miller, J. E. Roberts, Raymone Rogers, T. R. Timm, Dr. R. D| Turk and W. T. Wilkins. Saturday evening, Cugat will perve a generous portion of [the Latin- con- for day morning in Rciom 209 of Goixlft’in Hall. The Charge will be 70<* Tor students and $1 for noh-stujjients. Following the concert. Maestro Cugat moves to Sbisa Hall to play for j an ‘ all-col lege dance. Tickets already on sale at Room 209, Goodwin, are priced at (2, stag or drag. Judging from the popularity of tho Cugat organization in such renowned establishments as New York’s Waldorf-Astoria and the Palmer House in Chicago, it [seems safe to say that Aggla terpscich- oreans are in for a treat'Saturday night. A little known fact ■ about the musician fa that he made the first musical film in Hollywood,) titled in Spanish, “Charros,; Gauchos, and Monolas.” The picture was released in the United States for the Spanish theaters and proved a financial success. im i»?=r m ii M m jii i ' ik j|i in iiMiministcrthgisUch program* as Texas ExKiiltnent Station and nsion Sm vice, Gilchrist said: crjBro between $2, 7 $3,990,00(1 annually government un- J t.‘ ‘We now 1,000 and from the Fedleral govaiinr dor varibu# a >p#opriatlpns. 4ltie<‘ ‘The«o pro: nifitis carried out by Uuid grant Jcopei^pl are^so popular ev t^ a wai 1 ! iri FRANCE PROTEST TRANSFER PARIS, Nov. 11 —(ff>— France pretested to the United States and Britain today against plan to turn over Bizonal coal, iron and steel industries to German owner ship/ | . If] ■ l( T, ... DENNY BECKNER will furn ish music for the ABC Ball Fri day night. The dance is for the Air Force Group, the Band, and the Composite Regiment Potts Hinted For Hiway Commission X '. i ■' ! ■ R. J. Potts of Harlingen has been mentioned by the Dallas Morning News as a prospect) for the State Highway Commission, to succeed Fred Knetech. Potts was at one time professor of, highway .engineering at A&M, and was president of the A&M Ex- Students Association. ]< 1 FFA Plan&Dhnci Barbecue Frid; hShfloH The Collegiate FFA< ’ barbegue and danc# be p. m. Friday at Shilot White, reporter, said There will be a prog until 7, and the barbL held from 7 until 8. The ^ . will be held from 8 until’ Dance music will bq by the Aggie Sextet, afi gie Ramblers will play, termfasions to/help cw western theme, WhltOi for tjhe affair will bi iemis, and gingham < less Ihe weather is tbb added. I Shiloh Hall will bodeedrnted wit*! hay, saddles! and Ollier tid ing appirel to help car#, nut the western theme, White skid. ; , “The bafbecue will bej| spkdial- ly prepared meat and not ironst beef with grayy,” White'saidu “It will be served with nil ttho [trim mings." Tickets are on sale at < the. 1 agri cultural education office, ! apd they are being sold bv ngrieulfural .edu- j cation majors, White said. Charge*); will be $1.60 and will coyer all ex penses. land grant with Mth thht we doh’t when thyre|is tmtion, “However, ;peci|to an we d 'earu'wh wlfad ct }\pt* ■Iqe P. m .service feg h oHation# f vice which! 080,000 for tHe to $8,000,000 the go up t< and eqc] XTU* full ami mi jor political parties ever! suffer too much nqe jin adminis* hly don’t I leas next: year hg the past two Iftpublicans con- , e sa ngiroes,' ■ i oyer all ex- i .-I! x- sea. Ii -aid tod: regional keting sity of . Since tihe) inarke Texas arid Florida _jJid.! citriis search erencejOf citrus — hers at the Univer- November 17-18. keting problems of are similar, Fu- Gilman Attends Prassel and Pauls Wivkiers in Smoking Con tes^ A&M TII Gi Tickets jon - ' ' fjf|, | .Tickets for, the game are no\y on safe i lobby of the VMCA, # to W. G. Bre«ite*le. /director of Student A' , Tickets will -be bn i ale 8 a. m. to 5 p. an. dailj Tuesday for $l<20 eat Izeale said. | j! Z ] Each student will b| to purchase one addit ona! tic ket, to be usek for a date or any other person he diesi# bring, Breatemoi #ai«i — jting (M>r{ agency members from the two states Wi 11 Ur •esearch F gett saiidj citrus marketing r *i r * ■ ■ ■ ■ ' at ch 1949-50. Research j covering the dost of handling and marketing of citruA fruit frdm producer toj consumi is now fn f progress, financed the Resejarth and Marketing of 1946, Fi)gett said. r s will map a program of op a regional basis for HAi Chris H. Groneman, acting head of the Industrial Education De partment is attending the annual meeting of the industrial arts conference of Teacher Trainers which began yesterday in Chicago. Representatives from japproxi- ateiy 60 colleges and universit- By LARRY GOODWYN W. B. Steed,) Sophomore Civil e ditional ticket iwill cort $1 Reserved seat# .on Iho side of the gOal lm# wil sold to veterank and tlpir i provided that both, cm [pomit i resented at [the saline tr Markel Broker Speaks To Btisi icssj Society twright, Dallas man- brokerage firm of Mer- % Pierce, Fenner, and <e to Hie Business So ny night on securities ation o| change ment 'and •tanning and selection bonds and the oper- r ew York Stock Ex part in the inveat* ncial picture of the Groneman is sched as chairman of the main session Friday. ; . j ■ LWC Plans Dinner Friday Evening The Lutheran Walther Club of A&M is planning to have a fel lowship dinner on Friday, Novem ber J2, Harry Placjtemeier, presi dent; of the club has announced, i dinner is intended for [all ran students and will !be held ie Bethel Parish Hall in Bryan tY p. m. All students planning to attend are requested to send in their reservation cards today, Plac- kemeier said. j . Dr. Ralph Steen of the History me ai an first place by six r. W. Selby, Vet Vil- Engineering student, blew, puffed and snorted one hour and 12 min utes Wednesday afternoon to drag down endurance honors in the Bat talion’s annual Pipe Smoking Con test in the YMCA chapel. Competing in |he standard bowl class, Steed won minutes over J. jj9 lage senior. Steed received a $6.00 Van Roy Pipe for his efforts while Selby was awarded a ,One pound tin of Holiday)! Tobacco as the ntnnerup prize. 1/ . Steed and Selby, along with B. B. Hancock who finished third in idard sizi* class with a time ‘ ' *ee minutes, all the winner of on the basis ;! • ' I • . 1. K I • : ! ij. ceived a zephyr lighter. ! j - i minutes. j • ' “Roll Your Own” honors went to Porter puffed his Spiral Cool ■' In the W. Paulis who won by a nose Pipe 41 minutes to win the metal over W. B. Smith : Judge Charlie pipe division. Gibhey Kendrick Adriance and Cain Return from Meet ’ ; ’ J ; • S; Dr. G. W. Adriance and R. Cain of the Horticulture Depart ment returned Friday from Dallas, where they served as research con! sultants in the planning of the wood’s largest refrigerated ware house. jiviXi The warehouse, now und#r .oon struction at Dallas, will qbsi $6,- 260,000 and contain 7,500,000 cybic feet of refrigerated space for cool er storage and for freezing.foods Adriance said. Horticulture d#’ ^ berk plan to do e# with activated ci! fects on grapefrul storage at the ance added. ;raent mem- mental work and jits ef- onion cold use, Adri-| , glfrV antic: Congress dony wli tion; womd and ‘rrbute U IpsLS Exp* looks for . eongreag. . [“I nm hpprjf federal &p Work pext y< He said thp rates on $25!6( ff wim m Mtato ex ten-' r, was more ief more money He said: Wears ago passed annual appro- extension ser- ti with $4,- ,increase year and th# third ar. t time the due; Congress 000,000 would ; fa all we gou •tea.) I ' P 81st 3 wilP 000.” s to express hope increased _ costs, full appro- 26.000—»i* or ,000. State |t» also Con xion service nnually., ’ director of L “kewfae new ition, likei from the and tc . , aehool; ' of the f and II englaeeying Also Dr. | tor, J.; ^). Hearne, lot tension per rector: khd , Agricultural The l local Texas luncheonr yds eht included Mc^hestiey; onautics adni rli Munden, A&M’s Ugly Man, de bated 10 minutes before naming his two choices. Pauls received a Yellow Bole pipe while Smith was awarded a Zephyr lighter. When asked where he obtained his experience in the manly) art of manufacturing home made 1 weeds, Pauls replied that “I’ve been do ng it since I was 13.” -Smith said ior Sgan the stan of one hour and: three finished ahead ipf th< the j large bowl ylOas, i i in 1 1 The grand prize of a $10 Cus tom BUilt Pipe to the winner of the large bowl c ass was copped Other winners were;; Jahn, R. R. Morris and jj. by Victor Prasi was one hour ^ Koa Cook, junior RPC Prassel’s time nd two minutes, in “D” Batter tudolph Por ter. Jahn won a $3.50 Kaywoodie Pipe for copping first pjace in the Corn Cob divTsion, Ceril Huey was second, trailing njng time of 46 minutes by minutes. Morris won a Stern Cr#»t Pipe taking the small bowl cor by nine minutes over Vick ormer editor of the 8 now a member of the lidty staff. Morris with a time of 36 minutes was second, the same spot he won last year. Porter, a member of “A” Engineers, received a Stern Crest Pipe for his efforts. ) The contest judges. Charlie Mun den and TiUie, each were, [given a box of candy by the Battalion for their cooperation in staging the contest Holiday pipe tobacco donated ! by Larrus & Brothers company of. Richmond, Va., was used for th» major portion of the pipe content Special blends of pipe tobacco do nated by the Cave and the Corner were used by some entrants. Buescher's industries of Waah- ington, Bo., furnished 150 corn Cob pipes for use in the corn cob divis ion of the contest. Each- entrant was given his pipe in addition to the special) pipe and [’tobacco for the winner and th# ruhner-up. Other prizes for all divisions of the contest were donated by The Cave and The Corner. KingR Cotton Conference ;LM 1/ hi r* will b(> more s for qur immentod. rient Station 1 budget of id Cbmefll rthd 1 of Which $426,- fedlynl jeovorn- salcs pro- ,lon» ik tationn oilier thfl or sUch ser- artd testing of . I liters?' Dean f tie graduate i T.!Hsrring(on keiences school; low of the Poi! Itteri direc- d Mauriue 1 Ex4 s, ,di- tacre 1 of tha|! nt Station. I* estfli of the at a capitol there pres* Teague (D- ' E; aer-t wtolf; Maj. Gen Oafatjant comman Allege; C)ol. Guy commandant at .at!the War col llo n#r Thoma reads adml I % Jim Teague (I rethry, Earl ■] ent|cel, civil ae I. as / ninit ir:. i! i Hi! jirehic iate extension tronomical return today *• Feigjenspar Louisiana) club, is conference*^ Other! offic control^. Hodges, C .A. King, entomologist from Baton where he is atter dealing with cott. according to E. C» Martin, ex ten-1 slon assistant st The latest information regarding, I? The cotton insect control 'Was brought Krefleri up at this meeting, a# well as the results of the findings of the cot ton insect work just completed in Texas during the past Ifason, Mar- I - : / igens ording to for t RECORD US CORN CROP I ; WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 —hft— The Agriculture Department, in ii* aemi-final estimated this crop at 8,6 fmko, f He the;CMt in Room I eor*. 1 !> L. . | ■ ■ ' fi ■ ‘/A \ 1,1 ioty moots on w each month Physics Build- I- I meeting will :H p. < .A Ur: