Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1948)
V rr?*-s= ^ !• ' Pago 4 \\ f r • r t / n » 1UU> <« T* nn inch. _ ilttanco to ,1 AU mU, I 10:00 ii.m. of the FOB SALE—8PEC1 month G pnwoncM | iti* lot or rail 4-6f I T!'j; ; ” 1DAY, N 4*-, AKlvirf] beforf jinbUeai V — }NAIr-Clara4l%« 1 you ro to o ratio. FOB SALE—Pair ofl lei r* i praetlcolly new. B>oj - Size 7Vj B. Price 1 !t 0 102 Academic Bull line Park Place. Col lee 1 FOB SALE—1948 Pllrmouth excellent condition, lo^? mill Apt. 36-E. Vet Vlitape. FOB SALE-1 MC Pfeifaonth orljrtnal owner. Tniller / Space Klnneef. 1 Station; NURSERY will le ill pame Satnrdar.l /l now. Mrs. C. H. Colleee Hills. Phoi m 4-84791 Yp6B SALE —Comp ranee. 1 year old ana 3 bedroom he N:, Coulter or call ri- ' Jt* wl til TT f .1 • • ' r G nif'.. PT ate 1“ \y ).l =t= -r— GERATORS ■ ■ Ljl i.x | po: foot- atii>ns tilrior, a5^ ’Juo , WILL KEEP CHILDREN iiji! niy i homo dnrine Faroe. Callmrs. BiSrldialter at 4-8776 for appointment. David f Keith Beer free show at Oatnpas.. \ LOST—One girls bet to 21 in Dallas Saturn return to Room 1 PERSONAL — Syasyll Her An . dmigned orchid froi» the An tloral Coneession vil) do. digger. Get one (or! the v Dance tool Bring norno t h«n dn- -inoro of me show i WANTED—Jlcporleneid bookk<i rr , . established Bryan / rm. PcnjMtiient. ■ lay wsek. (130.00 p r week, Wriitoi f to P. O. Vox-1103, Rfjan, 1|tki|8. | I BRWABD—Lost In . !^^Tthd|it I parking j i lot, spiral notebook jand "MiMt-h Nuthi>- maties for Krmln^ m und Pmiscistji'*! by Askolnikoff. J. C. 1 |:tf’tln, fT ' { 1. FOB SALE-ROYALJPORTAfiliH HYPE. WRITERS. Small <JbWn pay: iMt monthly > payments. '‘Give tba gl \ H Bryan H^lnee. Refill U WILL KEEP CUlLtiREH tJ I thei Eire game. Mrs) Bill Pa •kit' 1 , student twined -1 house No. 2-by t aft Is 6oi : tep from the stadi hi|j FOR RENT—Unfurnished ap S- Hutchins. Phono (|519l4. 1- HELP WANTED—Beauty op.r Pruitt at 4.1169. a LET me keep j-our Rice game. No apj ointmdnt 1?.A, Vet Viiiace. Bobby C free pass to pjmpur. berger frde~ pass to - LOCAL ANI Prompt, i h LONG DISTAN nvrvn _ B isj m rth' Main. Dial 2.1AW Co. No. Meets in OSS LODGE ,j(K) A.F.&A-M. American Legion Hall «Uu- One day initials ii t engraved shaff 4 North Giite OCR A MS! rvico—Names and Id, silver or colors n leather goods, s" BOOK-STORE Phone 4-8814 COMET DELIVERY Box 1105 | j Co) ildred 'during tlte '4»«ar>- h Hurr.u- ^ i Oil) Ft^NTTUMiMAll® NEW We Specialize in Refim«hinr Antiques and V ihetian Blinds P. L. SU IfMERS Furniture Fe)inish? Painting Cpi 3200 Highway 6.H}J : ‘ li 11 SALES 4-4682 Brick-Stratthn Ma " Small gas engine All outomoile wo UNIVERSAL 8ERV 807 W. 20th St Bryan > Phone J Eye« Examine] QUmm F M DR. JOHN 8 -Offl OUdweU’N Ji Bryan - 11 039 -j I Bock of Bane brv7 SERVICE; loife Station : : 2-1211 Pick Uj|J and Delivery Moving and Hauling \ ! ii i BUT v n iei ouver I . 1 North Gate T ; Phone 4-1212 - -T You Needn’t Be An Artist ! , I!' . r •, i to Enter •; IL |.. | Shaffer’s :! STATIONERY S' 1 DESIG Contest HAVE YOU HEARD? | “8 to the Bar”--An album of twin piano boogie wooglc* at SHAFFERS BOOK STORK North Gate i! Phone 4-8814 ? M Sl’L ROSB LODGE NO. 13M A.P t & A.M. jj | Stak'd mot-tins Thursday. November 11 at ThOO. p.m. Kxaminotionc in F-C.! and M.M. detrrooH. J. J. WOOLKET, W. M W. H. BAPGETT. Sen. t ■ ’■il ! / n < ? ■ | Montag's i! (foronct i STATIONERY m « /*: i\;. !'V / j ')■ iX OUBO.R. RADIO TODA itT" SBY CEISTORB wrijicnw:*: College Station M m i ■ 2-1243 Ta5c\ i n 1 • j SEAT COVERS F** tic or — [/ Straw JOHNSON'S BOLSTERING SHOP of “Eagie” Office Phono 2-1639 j CHIROPRACTOR Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C, j, COLONIC 305 B. 28th SL i' ‘ \ I- Ji ' A 7/ 7 '$1 • ii f i i i 7 1 : \M i ‘ i ■■ i I \ ] - / 1 ■r^mtturr^pmrm* ,1; ■. : i < 4 ■Jr X ■ii ft : * ,, ...^frfprT wwSSwiliilS® V/E'LL MAKE T fm F ;{Y. i’NH V- !■ tfr w m m m .7 to all™ \jC ' RIGHTS/? 1 IK i! > r •• ' ' •v- 1 ; M'l TxT 4* r * : n: Y-RVY Ph. 2-6243 GTON-RAND TYPEWRITERS! Plenty of new ptortable tjfpe- ! Plenty typewrit er i tors for studbnte! [ Plenty of late model rental ers of all makes Sales—Service—Repairs , Rentals i— tv.: I : 1 !' r ). I t f W . r\- ■■ ■ • ' y <°. ' , For Tlu. r S i ! I i REGlMf.NTAl- BAM. ! S'l/irays :;t 2^/ »rth Gate me 4-12)2 - Mi; Montsitj'i Coronet pays a compliment to her good ia4dwami yourri ^xmiiiitc M»|!|c i;i}{ paper, lipfit fiuljiliiy. White ainl dHinite coal's, heavy atul Icaihcr* we gin. Keep scVcrirl Ikjxcs in [your “gift-eliest." It s a)-s right,faluays appre- EXCHANOK STORE the FRED R( ran Office ipment Co. BISON IC|I (j Your Authorized Rcmington-Ripid Agent 3222 Highway 0 South Bryan ‘ ji PHONE 4-1241 ■ 1 ' . i 1 m Xllfb. tti M [' -r f4\ ff l 1 * i.' I i ,i . U I I m.' . if. i ■ 5! f-vi 1 J *i 7 ■: •f'i . f ./jf if v q r\ V '• jv- ( •' if •; ’ it - S ' More independent experts 1 ;i : A.! ■ .8 H •A smoke Luck them the next 2 leading brands ■>; ■J : ' : I'N nr FOR SALK 1041 Indian Scout Motorcycle 2707 Hwy. 6 H Ph. 2-8768 ji. I 11 '.f Say Aggies! r, - hrll^f I hi. l MhhJi ets, ■ c 1 ' i • ! ■ ' j j : invites you’, r TO SEE 3 New Shipment of lilr i' • ; (■. ■[ ■ ■ Hi? Motor Co: . / i/i ! . | i fully po MUX. NX. TOBAC< ■4koid )|4 I • f O n d . o . y . J' I ‘ V • : .1 -L N An impartial poll covering all the Southern tobacco markets reveals the smoking preference ?:of the? men who really know tobqcco—auctioneers, buyers and worehousemttn; ** these independent experis smoke Lucky Strike regularly than leading brands combined. ! ! ^ ... . - 1: . ■now ..riy . ... ii l. I j [■ II • • ‘ f- . .r 3 -. .■ 1 ■. - n xi or ,//' & ■ |:{ : j ■ • | 31 Bii • . : t - m hop vqiAcc f ;; i v i •r, * OBtoPANj* I' ■ !’ ' .I .. aw