Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1948)
Nporti from'jarou-- try, the War Hj^hin U (ju da. Accotfl pit to r«port|_from^ around thi coun- ular among sofio of tha brartjrcn. A latter waa! received from a War Hyrtn fan In Mi Charles F, Albrecht ! • considers the Wa^ Hyrtin tjulto , piece of music. ]He first hfcard it “ the session from ih- Detroit. The! disk jOckaiy calls his program “THe Fiver Cli^b” and he brightens up the ainvnys with the War Hymn*jevery morning.: Albrecht says^ “I liked it (and others sayjthey do t< I wanted a recording of 'it -SENATE- (Centlnund from Page Jim Atjtum 48. Ddrmitory 8 J.^Maisd Jr. 10!' Charles Runner collection of bapd music. f ! W’l'pt, to CKLW abou( it and; they' told I me that (heir copy was a jComtinwr-1 , Runner) up cial recording made for t$em i;at 33 rpm and 4hat I should contact a rP^Ordine coffnnanv and eef a 111 With ro was J. B. R schelle ■ | - ' ' 11 n Elbert jR. Runne w^th 62 -Ddrinltory 9 a rp-’Ordine coDnnany and : get^ a regular size disk;. I found that RCA • Victor no longcit- had an album : bf college/isongs atid that they didn't have a recordiii# of the Aggie War Hymtpt . I ITl i fi' “So I now u^ite yop as a lapt resort hoping lydu( can till ttoc where I can get a recording of your college scihg for niy i. record collection . . . . The one they plb .WtS- Bntpdre T” Dormitory 10 Bubba Bcrifhgeour 86. f Runneijnp |was Pete Stcgnl 82. i, i " ' ' 'i! Dcrmltory 11 T. A ... Enriton Jr; 69. Runnen up was George It wards wi ;h ! jl votes. He rmitorv 12 . ; The one they ptby as the theme ppng sounds’ grand t at .'tm as they break into it at the; end, of the program. 1 think .ft niust i be 4 played by the Aggie Bandr •' Albrecht unknowingly' blilndercd into blasphemy!' when He went on to say, “I thinK the reiioref woujd have a good enough sale’to ^arrant the produiction of it with Another Texas song o4 there!ver4 side, possibly ‘The f)yes of:cTc|/a9’ ibr some other wel$ kpown Texas sofig similar-to the Aggie War Hymn.” “Please look jlntb thii.imaUer for me and maybejin thle ||}bAf| future we can repay the; favor by., a tojur of your state ajjid; if possible move y there, as we aril? getting C>l|er arid dowiteyl I 6, CE Runrrei Jr. with' Chnrlei Rawnei diams 60 Billy H Runvta: with Dormitory 12 James iD. Whatley 97. m RUnnje^ up was Thomas Jl Mul- . !.'4f'j 1 Dormitory 14 i Ihri stie Jr. 92. e r layers r }To d i’Mt Meet t Assembly Hall up was William Hhilley, 1 i 63. Dormitory 15 Cdbaniss 64. up was Arnold L. Wilr Dormitory 16 >i Martin 45. The Aggie Playdrs will] ; hold their first meeting!,of the fall se mester this evbninff at 7:46 in the Assembly Hall r J. W. Laufenberg, president, ami^ftneed today. , iij : Garvis W. Little, director of The Aggie Players; invites all Agigies, their wiVes, and townspeople from Bryan and College Station to be pfsefit. M , IT, There are nci dues required to be- come a member and the club of fers many social activities tb the AlChE 4fter yell day, Petroleum Election of officers and ^AGGlijl PLAYERS, i:30 p.m. Tuesday; Assembly Hall. Officers trill iSerelected, AGRICULTURE COUNCIL, 7:38 P, m., Wedne«d»v R^ndino' Ro5m, YMCAi. I AMERICAN FOENDRYMAN’S SOCIETTY, After yell , practice, Tuesday, ME Lecture Room. PURE SO( SALE—Buick convertible. ’47 model, months old. excellent condition. Sec ardy, Dorm It. Room! 122. Alexander Ppu-aakenait tree show at Campus. was Webstci ARCHITECTURE Tuesday, 7:30 p, m., Assembly — ' :tU CI ETY, ssembly g of the Dprhiitory 17 Bob Hfeynarid 112. Runn# up ; was Luther Teipy with 32.] I j v itchell Hail to the value of drama, Little stated; Laufenberg Istated that new of ficers would be elected at the meeting and that a discussion for the initial production will be held. 1 1 !,■ B. C. ECHOLS Realtor tfll' ; flrl B. A. ' ITyaltt 83. Runner up Was v . > .. With 23; j . Resulti of; the Student Lifi? Com- Plans for a cliib party in the: near future kill be imade. Oates for try outs In the first production of this ^.\ V.j Slagle semester will ' 1 11 Over n ? r y an 11 mittee I acei and the Student; Sen- "* T ?e| ” ‘ " ate-at-Li .rge| Race as well ns all Day Stu lent Races will be] carried in tomo rov'S; Battalion. j| i, > Deadljue pr day student voting to lay. is 6 ,p,nii K Student Chapte 4': Of SAE Reorganize U be announced later. Newman Officers Meet, (Wednesday The executi Newman Clut ve con)niittee Of the will meet Wednes- Put Ramsey, nqimced Mont day Evening Ut 7:16 m the YMCA, club presjdent, ap- ,«y- The meeting will Include all of ficers and committee! chairmen and chukfnen will:report on their com- inKtiH-’s activities, Kauisify shid. Plans for the annual j initiation on AND GAME CLUB, 7:30 tonight, in the back of the Agri- cuiltural Engineering i Building, election of officers and pictures of field trip. ECONOMICS CLUB, after yell practice, Tuesday, Room; 306 Aca demic Building. Election of offi cers; [j GALVESTON A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. ip;, Thursday, Room 1129,1 Aca demic Building. 1 GALVESTON CLUB; meeting Thursday, Sept. 30, 129 [Academic Building. i .ITAC CLUB, 7:30 p.mi, Wednes day, Rooin #■ Academic! Building. Organization and cdectioh of offi- cera. ' i . j ; ’ :\T ■ '' SADDLE AND SIRLOfN CLUB, 7:30 p. pi. Tuesday, Awl Lecture RoOnij STU DENT AGRICULTURE COUNCIL 7:30 p. m„: Reading (MoiUJ YMCA. iR SALE—Apartment slxe cook stove. L ‘ dent owned house 6. f-OR SALE—Used apartment stove—$15. See at 605 Mitchell. Brian. . CHIROPRACTOR ). W. Buchanan, D. C. Geo. COLONIC X-RAY 306 E. 28 St j Ph. 2-6243 ~ SALE skip TESF Closing out in the following colors of enamel paints: Silver gray, primrose green, light buff, sky blu£7‘ L ‘ TJ 1 ' peach tint. Idea) for. refinish ing your apartment or for any US typ le of interior decorating. $2.00 gal. 60c qt. ‘ BLUGESS-PIIOH LUMBER CO. '3 blocks south of Kyle Field on old Hwy. 6. Ph. 4-4236. SOCIOLOGY CLUB kill meet Expert shoe repairs while you tonight at 7:!10 inj^qin jjo3, Agri-j wait. Cowboy boots made to order.. t cultuii- Hudding for the purpose of electing officers.] A movie will be ] JONES BOOT SHOP Southside 1 The jituihnt chapter ofitHe So ciety d I'Autombtive jEnfiheers, , which rtinslkt of aeronHutiCid aiwl to be held Sunday kill be discus- nhnwu. mccHituiml |*ngineering unjlL*i?grnd- s|d, Ramsey Added, j SPANISH CLUB, After yell nates, j|i be ng teorganizerl rfOr the i ! practice Tuesday njght, Room 123,, 1 ' ■ ' ' 11 new senoAtfer, according ip !W. I. ] A />) • i *4 - w%| i Aeadldmic BdildiiuL U ■-!■■■ » U \p LOllllCll Plans U^TOLOpY mra, im p. m„ buy YOUR O.E. RADIO TODAY , Jlirt - t te the i 1OI10 Tucsuny, Room N. Ag jlLiiMmg. Portablw-Table Mmlels-ConBoles bencfitafwhiich they can denjlk fioni f f ; m f|?/ | | j "■ •"j" - 'i-" d -d mSL: „ T—Two b*drocm bouw Phone 4.76;«, H " T dltion. ; Oook BOJk" Stews’ and Wild Game" lexican Kitchen Cook Bpi •C «^K STOK “Seif. ‘^The GUa: (Uitoed REMINGTON-RAND TYPEWRITERS! PERSONAL—Jack A. Dad wo^t let. rt.- bavf your IrtU rs. Cell me. 1 (oveithtt Kkyna^iau-. |n‘t It Me* <|utlhrr,.. evpn tFFEHS REFRIGERATl ■'I Plenty of new portable ] type writers for students! Plenty of Ute model rental typewriters of all mm fi i; j I ] j ! . Sales i-l Service — Repairs Rentals Bryan Office Equip- 1 ilSf WEDELL’S 2016 Cavitt SERVICE Meel 'fedjiesdiy ijfeomwiiists Eiect “Not on, y db they heat i>utM:qndin(g nym of jthiHj pection tiii tlu ip-Tiebfe. ; i , Tile Student Airri<jultijre Council sbeak/ 1 ,ut pasociatiop an< [ discus-, ; WiU meet Wednesday evening, Sep- it s wtn t a. _ . ... sion wi(h ojther students kiitSh like : tember 29. dtj 7:30 in the reading moi 4jificei-s Tonight interest i help them more than they room of the! YMCA, Charles N. • Thd Economies Club Will elect $19.06 and up McCIJLIjOCH-DANt APPLIANCE STORE JSBY (! IDTHIT.RS '• Station :y realize. Appli ktion blanks for may be bbtlaiined from hi i mechan cal engineering ddnaiit- I mept. ''ruettner said. Thiu blanks Shepardson, Dean df Agriculture, 1 officers for the new Dniester in Announced. ] ■ ;| i . ; Room| 305 of the Academic Build- iftei! yell ] h ITT Members who are to represent! ing 'tonight after yell! practice, OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW the various departments in a^H- Hiuliiiy Edgar, interinji i president, M’e Specialize ip Refinishing culture are requested to be. ores-j an pounced yesterday. . i. IjUtlHIvI aU/U. 1 IK? UUimvN LUHUlv clIU IffHULSLtJU LU Uc : UlCS* j «lin»'fy HlLctl YjL'SSUcX Ut»j • i will be Available ljh|s week, and Ant. Officers for the Year Will be j Edgar extended an invitation to ' -.! the first SaE meeting qf the year, elected and committee^ will be ap- all economic students tojajttend. i • m ' 1 ” ’ ’ ’ 1 ’ ‘ ’ ’ 1 Codes and cobkies|Wiuib|e served. will be nbxt week, Truettinfer (idded. 1 pointed, ShepArdson said. T I i' i ■ k ■'!' ^V. 4. 4 1 jj L AWO HIS IM$\C MAKERS PLUS .j- _ Q acts U Commentator Ugly Man Contest Nominating Ballot y d L the tjitlei Sirned nominate . r LL ....—t—-r— n — as “Ugliest Man” oil the A&M Campus. : .i .7 ml | : . I 1 A<k rejss —f-F -x— Baptist Wives To Have Evening Tea ! The Winsomie Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church is holding a tea hbnoirinjt the wives of BAptist students’ wives in the homd of Mrs. R. L. Brown, jat 7:30 p. m. Seotember 30. Mbs. Brown has invited jail the Baptist students’ wives; to (attend. She lives at 4 I 20 Collei ge Main St. Antiques and Venetian Blinds F. L. SUMMERS Furniture Refinishing Paintjng Contractor 3200 Highway 6. S. Ph. 4-4682 GETTING A HOME PERMANENT? See us for the latest styles in haircuts— our specialty. WILSON BEAUTY SHOP North Gate College Station Phone 4-4314 ment Company i| 'll EU r 1 i FRED ROBISON ! |J if m * : di i|;Vour Authorized Remington*- :'S j B»iid Agent ' | s { 3222 Highway 6, South IN A HURRY? i Jl 1 ' \ '■ Come in .. • give us your order Jnei person may vote as many times as he w ints in nating primjaiy. All nominations must be! in the tator Office, Second Floor, Goodwin; Hull 21* 30. ACTS ‘V J h l‘ 41 CftNljOIAN CAPIRS (Roclittitel of Conorfo) O'VAU jHN PERSHIHO (U-Y(?or old Jive Virtuoial UllHftM FOUR ( Scnsatic nol Throw anil Lift ; Act) ANITA MARTfLl (Beautiful Comedy Juqqler) WARIOjl MORGAN aud VINNO OeCAMPO (F«oti*red vocotivfs of "Mij-.ic Makers"! P ■ h . ' ll it;'*.' IT/ OCT. 9-24 ABTHJC T iUIICM>.UO p/t SUITS fO« Stale Fair o! Texas Auditorium FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST College Shoe Hetair . i' North Gate r HOLIDAY T Homer 1 i^dams . i REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS i 1.1 ii r 1 Block East of North Gate For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES -Tones Sporting Goods 803 S. Main Brvan Ph. 2-2832 ; SEAT COVERS Plastic or Straw ■ J ' 'h Johnson’s Upholstery Shop Back of “Eagle’’ Office Bl'yjan I \ H.; Ph. 2-1639 and your lunch will be servied to you piping hot, delivloouiily •v ^ repan d In k jury. Colley Grill NORTH gate r OTICE! Special Bus to Norman vs. Aggie Game | h Leave 4:00 A.M., Saturday — Return Sunday Reservations must be made by Wednesday 6:00 P.M. — 35 passenger capacity ■lH ! 1 BOUND TRIP—$8.80 1 See Billy V. McDaniel Dorm No. 1, Boom 112 or Cali 4-7114 CM P XlOPAHCt For ! rJi u -r— -I BE w, peciali i n ■ i. ■ i Desk . Boxeb . GAS STOVES , 4 DLEUI(f RUC) I TNI! YOt TH M Her i • ! rf -Hr t-'i f GOOD USED ! 1 See--^ i |i ; ■ m HLWHIIIlUe )S rniti Uolieg pec. Mi IT . | ire Ck) Avc, i l.| ■ if ill ? BRYAN, TEXAS j if, -fr- : rf jj Sji /■ , V I 1 i' 1 i ! HONE ,2-7# [r, ; n w t ..■>*. ■- FOR TIRI ■KUKOWOI hen "Sr^a 'Nio Wobbues' i go iajrt ThejrVc cau ing out of alioement or uni ir coft is uncrifn rite wear, b! of controh They’re a hnswer/let fcj^uscor^' 1 now with our scientific bear Ytir Ripiir TtailrYi ^'The Accident , Didn't Happm 1 4- m [Ut dot FotftrjiiiTa; L«w*r Pklor . . . 1,|l .70 • *MP.DS0. : SI.3»! MIE GAtt AjiMISS o*. Foir qiouaA N«ES f BfFU il order to ; 1' ’i i • MIcMf ! ‘ Tleke* iitdudG ' t*r NO I X 6 H immliiiiHHitn iiiip^