Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1948)
-T-. ^ - J J " : ' 4 — Ita Bm tar :f‘-' I, r y ^: W: "? i t-Jr^ -tri : >ife , -v- •. ■' l 1 /V W' ' i :-\V *’ V »’ I! -Ik 44 * lit. X. '. • 1" . r r h .timM i <1 H,X a% r. i a i y . m -13 rii 'll : M u;l ■A i mi ite* 1 Takes Did View Of Night Games TUESDAY, SE " v i I I - Shokvn ab ■ I.- Dck Gardfmul, idk Emmc Jim Smith' Joe|lilavid86n,‘F are tl»e |12 q'Uai Eminert, Augie Saw, »« frebt iloelliavidKon.tErHl Ikedthauer, lti| -i it- i[ | -j; -i Tif» T< lS i >. i. rtbaU .Marl , InMniuraLs f Intrumural actioli rot off to' a goqffl "etart Monday - afternoon jos. Gobi B^Kc-)thall ki paM-stSi P uad. Bottom Row In the usuat order: j 'oalette, »nd Jbe Ecrieth. Top RoW: ; r IHn(?, and Doq Pfefferkorn. I■ L l 1, i'lFt lojnts fternoon as, Ccfl'pl , rames were i^laydd in De) I’ieid House, and 3 the littU BrifcgiR! was Jhlgh man,'aeCbhMing »(j!' Air Forte Winners]over ■ •$or five. Rifhykkjipa looked jos^iec- Fiirid, “E” Infantjry, and the Day Ijllly gdod ii ball handling.':!, | ' I St|de^tsi , ^ A close and Urd fought game thi^ first day of competi^n between “B" Infantry anc(l1G’ , teifiiii was learned by three! f J 1 P i 1 ! : JI !l DALLAS. Sept. 28 —OT) If play ing u games on the Southwest Confearenee football schedule at-", night this year is to get larger | | crowds, your correspondent^ takes a dirt view of the situation^ I We went a trifle sour Satur day night when only 11,000 turn ed out for the Tulsa-Raylor game in Waco. If ia day game wouldn’t draw that many, they ought) to start giving away dishes. If it’s to beat the heat, inhere bight ha some Justification, except that thone’s »o need for at, Why play foofbnll in Soptemlajehi! any} wayt Why hot bujld larger ^tgdia so that j(ll jjhose who want t> sec the lmpt>rtii|'| games cat) go' tici- ketst Start| the seaBon altout Oct). ) it’B ciool enough and when been something and 1 when (it’s the ganle* put enough soithat' eve seek Can get i>ol enough and Iwhen something Seats in the stadium rybody who Wait in- 'I , - i I’ll; sints fqam tennis got undehvay also h^ 8 ! my with “D >?1 Vet, %” AthlLtil and can t blgm^ baseball for »gact- iting “cf Air ForCe- dinners lover “C” * h u e ; ds W 1 '^ r 8Q I i'are Sym the, knd team tennis jjstarted;^ pn courts. | ■; J j] “E” Field defeated '“C M Ijfcfan- try 25 to 11 in tlie jOpefwjit. L P- r—i Couch ojf (the artiuerymeijwa ^ the ■ ' \high -sejorer, making l|; of) the -r total points. C. Bf> Peolerr al io of; Gorman, o; “E” Fifeld was le’ 1 ’ ^ - !tul - :L "'I .I 1 l:. ■uuitiuuiii ii nrunnu w.m. i N -..|,-| - - r r-,- -—..schHulejd I petifig tyttH the grid game|jBasg- j (.ettys, Tech thckle. Bahlel seems to be enfaying it; if! points. Ed;Ital|agia of “C” Troop matches jagainst "A” QMC an(| “A,” ball ahyayk has been a! — ^— t—— —r- 1H'| S ^ girt of “ES’ Fljight was top with the lflf*n- feii Cavalry lei theTaddl^^BiJl Nell ied Ihe \ fe|.. |‘A M Field and “A” individual [ scaring witji. five ed| tol show up % .thei£ points. Ed BaUgia of “C” troop match was the caVali y high point nian ( WS. Withthre4) X, '!. T. r.'ii'J The last;tilt on. the counts,; he- ciLi.B OLYMWC twffen “A”-Infantry and “E jAir Rift’llAli “PAGAN ing the; crow ds in September that they have to hold thefr game at high| in order to beat the heat and get enough fans put to pay fori the; tape and liniment. tennis was married by three foij- hfin. i fei|ures.ji“E ' Vet and ^ Field - - y- ,, - nr - r . try men th^jvicjtors. 13 to 1(). for to J)ejl _ fllejibt wtith a double for- ‘ °veipapgngj aeas'jds that if iM the Coach Harry Stiteler* tout yesterday. He Mi workoui out Saturday time y 11 ■■■■ RD B WMUteUp He said that he had not t, but he wits in good sp ART HOWARD I “ pleaset with tl . there was no Air o expected alter Saturday’s game. i ; ‘Ifle Aggie coaching stalf beta*) T”?!' SSESSS®- SanU Clara game Saturday. As sistant coach Bob Cary, who help- ir+ ¥«’ Feels Too Big, and Dirty £ vitsity : terdaf. Bat k '■'/.showing |p( wer Bart jhaiam wi Send rAns ai amsi 4 mu also in fulii 'I , “Pe^Wae'' bmi inaid hen quit k opefling ilHS}£3i8r«-M Wail also lgr« lait Batdrda, u»h iayior prol a 'rimmage d fuiluack fir< i in wiikt tram tdom several students Have befn mark- ■ L f , ing up thei floor Whjle playing has- \ J,,. gT^jid kecbml without wearing g y m [ blocking; y 4 Tayio^hki aud gym floor WaS.| injurijfcs ;]in ijiracti -— th* tlbors fan andl rt 1 orteu i u I-in- I - ‘ ■ inSW'T II Ml- TP--y BWarf fi shovn * i f Taylor! ind audered Last spring thij gym floor Wait injurUt* jin practlicc e| thoroughly cleaned —- the tlttorf'faiL and; n porteui tor H wore aaod,»id, painted andj-.varmshi: 0 my ia«i v uek. wai A request wjwi made at that/to h lajVe dri rinaily nigi Bcnq>i if Football ; is to blame | for the jd hasyAall k*agjue$| corKi- a short gpin Saturday before being; bifought dewm by Marshalll fail- professional b lulejd ! pel ing With t Ag|*ie RALPH DANIEL is show if running around left end for )ort train Saturday before heimr bifought dcwti hv Marshall! iko> for his outfit with 10 ppinjts Gorman, iot! “A” Comp; hind ifim vyith! sijx of huji 1eaiT)s’| points F Sit-? h X i The Force, wash won by the birdnien * with a 2$ |{o sepre. Jach Spur- 1 llRuSTQL, Eng. —- (ip/— . _ scorer Qllympic ritual, says thje Rev. G. /chooly in Texas playing the s.| Art Wl L. VVj’nnP, viejar of Hilly NatiVi- r/^iijst Wjeek in September,: The Sfemlf. 1 ./ a,> h “ S ra " t» increase the Ume .ill T 3/ ' come when some promoter will Football started encoraching t think about putting on a game in several; years ago. Titneji! was the daytime and it Will he such a wlj^n the grid sport stlarted in novelty all the fans will go out when Ogtot oboir. Now, you’ll fijndj high .'to see it. Port Arth , fj ij. v>yiiiit% viqar ui nuiy iNjauNt--r/ Company sdofed tylrl hurcu, Khowlle, is a Jot of “pa- CuHegpif are about a week later. nonsense.’\ If this night sports j situation a discus weight 2,000 igrUms. ur Rated |$ Ball | 1ALLAS, Sept. 28 —Port Ar- A jaidlin weighs 800 grams and ! Amarillo, arid Brackenridge V j ■- il I I >*-»; J s \ v } : j I \i \ ^ - t’j 11. 4 L.-k I smoked CHESTERFIELDS off stage while making my new picture, THE LOVES OF CARMEN, j There’s no finer smoke. I know. Ns M cigarette " : Tl of fSan Antonio schoolboy] footbal riters them order. a seco terji They were AnOthdr ktrimdiuge b bkpectijt to b* hild by Tito vartity i-oiluy YesUirday’i -was lignt, 4n| th , ’ ft< playdrs pr icticing on timihg am uiocKing. Tickb still l.nipihg on an ai&U Whitll Jurci Satlur time f°r iituoentti i,o refrain f Wearipg fmprbpejr shoes ' on fh^ floor.I ! 1 Ij Y'.k/.; XL] , Coach Marty KkrfW Mid Unit Aggies cooperated well then, and that he is making the same re quest nciw. Mike Garcia, speak ing on behalf of the basketball team, said that the cage squad • would appreciate ihe cooperation of ail siudenta. T L i'X ' Mike explained that the Cduh has several seta of lines-^basket- go lh a ffw ua ball, volleyball, badminton, and tennis—and is clattered up; enough already, park marks made by aljioea out give the; entire court a dirty ararice and obscure fhe / cb i added. to be in g )Od physical .1 1 ■ g ■ /.! 1 »e Rideout Has at every op cxpecta Chapin to no in s few ways. Quarter! ack Blur, is still Cwi llen ahd blue aid tl at it is ap- ; tion than it was court | week. Otherwise the The Dajlas Nofh poll ranked ontinuc to pace in Texas, participating in poll ranked xd week in this n Three teams fill from the top Jrqwnwood, Cof- \N j.5l; h.l 8- jo.’: | Lubbock The second Chgistii; 12, Ora pus Chi isti and A rlihgton Heightb.' The top ten ar d the number of polnti Ireceived: jl.j Port Arthur (266) 2. Amarillo Brackcnricfgq of Sgo Antb- nio (170),:]« ! f Odessa (1B2). Wichita mils (122). Baytown ijilT). Waco (10®; j • Sweetwatdr j g83). Highland jPar* (61). m- tien: IL Corpus ! ej 13, Arlington Quart,: Team Texpa A&M Texas smp; Baylor rback Cliib En Miner "= »■' Team -h t ' • . :.l : f -1 .-i ■ - tr ' I * L iSTAIRRING IN j THE LOVES OF CARMEN : I ' i 1 In A COLUMprA TECHNICOLOR PICTURE A BECKWORTH CORPORATION PRODUCTION ph (Fort Worth); 14, Pam-1 M.lby ^IpVuston); 16, San _ . tie for Sflfi between Ty- Icij arid Steph^jd*" AU entries must be in the Battalion O: flee before Friday afternoon. Winners will rfeceive two t ckets to tbd Only one entry will be allowed per person. * OOiutull Orl Carltoi Phi Xr* l 1 In ]!• M 0' f ; y , j ] \ r '\ U' •f'V" 3 4 s HI m . .rr-i, fli*r a* v-- ■■ W* I r f ! m Score CIRRI HRS GW COATS & SCARFS Trade your old coat for a i l ! new one! For Your Sporting Goods Nert's JONES SPOE1 ING GOODS 803 S. .Main Bryan Ph. 2-2832 Bryan, Texas r Across from Post Office’/ j Phone 2-1694 nil-.' flef.iM Y BOUND styling.,)'. mt iti ABC GIRL of 1 ^ - ['ii' | 11 ■■ University of Colorado say field because no other Il , i l. “/ moke Chixlerfield brand can after at MILD a tmoke ar at goo tatting a tmoke\. ^. they PAfJ$FY." [n-'/'t f more college students smoke chesterfields than any ithei Cigarette...uuimnuionm 1 ■ l; . : : 11 -§ ri! tWlMS In;* 111 ^ ! if!.%.-f«•. i fk, : ;l !.te » I / Coprti*l* 19 J-ui I jl 1 ii ■A •>1 p*' ■ I' A i 44 .—r" ri a' ». | Iljl |Jh* ' iljf* t+M ||i|i|ip(>iNl. Hors miles ol wnar. A Mu pft'rt f Slid Uium cmulmd All lw llw yihitonUn 8intl<>'Moe \nlm\*c of 4 l»lr tor idling and a kemt tyeftoe fiitMt Isjitlipr*. Iltiskjr fUr brown veal ur bro Comray & Co. flir-OT t f! ; 103 N.’iplain "Your Clotbin ■! Btygu ■■•'n ill i ki LpriStiRN: r !f rfF'Irt W , ■ I